What is the photovoltaic effect?
The process by which photons from sunlight create an electric current in solar panels.
What is a key efficiency aspect of hydropower?
High efficiencies in the production of electricity.
Operation of PV Systems

What is the photovoltaic effect?

The process by which photons from sunlight create an electric current in solar panels.

Benefits and Drawbacks of Hydropower

What is a key efficiency aspect of hydropower?

High efficiencies in the production of electricity.

Hydropower System Components

What does a generator do in a hydropower system?

Converts mechanical energy from the turbine into electrical energy.

Components of PV Systems

What does a Photovoltaic (PV) system consist of?

One or more solar panels connected with a power inverter and other electrical and mechanical components.

Hydropower Generation

Which country primarily uses hydroelectricity as its main type of electricity?

The Philippines.

Operation of PV Systems

What is the primary function of a Photovoltaic (PV) system?

To generate electricity from the sun.

Operation of PV Systems

What are the two types of connections for PV systems?

Off-grid and grid-connected.

Hydropower Generation

What significant development occurred at the end of the 19th century in hydropower?

Electrical dynamos were attached to water wheels to generate electricity.

Classification of Hydropower

What is the classification of hydropower for systems greater than 100 MW?


Operation of PV Systems

Why must solar electricity be converted to AC?

Because the electrical utility grid requires alternating current (AC).

Wind Power

What is wind power?

The generation of electricity from wind.

Components of PV Systems

What does a charge controller do?

It controls and optimizes the charging behavior of solar panels.

Photovoltaic (PV) Systems

How can the size of PV systems vary?

From small rooftop or portable systems to massive utility-scale generation plants.

Hydropower Generation

What is a hydroelectric facility?

A facility where hydroelectricity is generated, typically including a hydroelectric dam.

Classification of Hydropower

What is the capacity range for medium hydropower systems?

15 to 100 MW.

Hydropower Generation

How did ancient Greeks utilize water for energy?

They used water wheels to grind wheat.

Hydropower System Components

What is the role of a hydro turbine in a hydropower system?

To collect the mechanical energy produced by the water flow.

Operation of PV Systems

What is a solar array?

A collection of solar panels connected together to produce a larger amount of energy.

Wind Power

How is wind power generated?

By harnessing the primary energy flow of the atmosphere created by the uneven heating of the Earth's surface by the Sun.

Components of PV Systems

What is the purpose of a battery in a solar PV system?

It stores the electrical energy from the charge controller.

Renewable Energy Sources

What is a renewable energy source?

Any naturally occurring, theoretically inexhaustible source of energy, such as biomass, solar, wind, tidal, wave, and hydroelectric power.

Operation of PV Systems

What type of current do solar panels produce?

Direct current (DC).

Benefits and Drawbacks of Hydropower

What is one benefit of hydropower?

Lesser polluting.

Hydropower Generation

What is the potential energy of water in a reservoir compared to river water?

The water in the reservoir has more potential energy.

Classification of Hydropower

What defines a micro hydropower system?

A capacity of 5 to 100 kW.

Hydropower Generation

What percentage of the world's electricity comes from hydropower facilities?


Factors Affecting Wind Power Generation

What are the factors affecting wind power operation?

Wind speed, air density, and blade radius.

Components of PV Systems

What does an inverter do?

It converts direct current (DC) to alternating current (AC).

Operation of PV Systems

What is required to convert DC electricity to AC electricity?

An inverter.

Benefits and Drawbacks of Hydropower

What is a drawback of hydropower?

Minor losses associated with friction due to resistance.

Components of PV Systems

What is the function of a solar panel?

It converts sunlight into electrical energy.

Operation of PV Systems

What can be done with the AC electricity produced by the inverter?

It can power electronics locally or be sent to the electrical grid for use elsewhere.

Hydropower System Components

What role does a dam play in hydropower generation?

It holds back a large quantity of water, creating a reservoir for electricity generation.

Classification of Hydropower

What defines a small hydropower system?

A capacity of 1 to 15 MW.

Benefits and Drawbacks of Hydropower

Why is hydropower inexpensive to operate?

Because it is cheaper once dams and reservoirs are built.

Hydropower Generation

How is potential energy converted into electricity in hydropower systems?

It is transferred to the rotational motion of turbines, which move a generator.

Classification of Hydropower

What is the capacity range for pico hydropower systems?

200W to 5 kW.

Components of PV Systems

What is the role of circuit breakers in electrical systems?

They protect systems from overcurrent or surges and can trigger automatically or be operated manually.

Hydropower Generation

What is hydropower?

The process of utilizing the mechanical potential energy of flowing water to generate electricity.

Wind Power

What converts wind power into electrical energy?

Wind turbines.

Classification of Hydropower

What is the capacity range for mini hydropower systems?

100 kW to 1 MW.

Hydropower Generation

What happens when a gate is opened at the top of a dam?

Water flows through channels called penstocks down to the turbines.

Components of PV Systems

What is racking in the context of solar PV systems?

It refers to the mounting apparatus that fixes the solar array to the ground or rooftop.

Components of PV Systems

What is the function of a solar combiner?

It combines two or more electrical cables into one larger one and typically includes fuses for protection.

Components of PV Systems

What does an electric meter measure in a solar PV system?

It measures the amount of energy passing through it, including both incoming energy from the utility and outgoing energy from the solar PV system.

Components of PV Systems

What are disconnects used for in a solar PV system?

They allow for manual disconnection of an electrical wire for safety during installation or replacement.

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