Hepatocellular carcinoma.
Progressive neurological loss due to herniated disc.
Metaphysis of long bones.
Emergency splenectomy.
Macules, plaques or vesicles on extremities; target lesions; myalgias; pruritus; malaise.
a) Two corpora cavernosa and one corpus spongiosum.
Delayed maturation.
Knee collateral ligament tear.
Sharply demarcated erythematous plaques with silvery scales; lesions affect the extensor surfaces; positive Auspitz sign; pitted nails; absence of pruritus.
Pain over the articular line, eccentrical epiphyseal radiological image with metaphyseal extension, pain near the joint, pain along the diaphysis, and localization in the epiphysis forming the knee joint.
Cardiac tamponade.
Internal fixation with plate and screws.
Atlantoaxial subluxation.
It always requires surgical treatment.
Active persistent synovitis.
It is usually discovered by chance.
Hypotension and hypertension.
Antibodies are usually IgG.
Yes, it can exclude the disease.
Arthritis mutilans.
Serotonergic syndrome.
The patient has a liver metastasis.
Superficial spreading.
A nail condition observed only in cases with very long-term iron deficiency.
Realignment osteotomy.
The conversion of succinyl CoA to cobalamin.
The schizotypal personality disorder is characterized by grandiosity, fantasies of success, manipulation of others.
By CT.
Gastrointestinal tumors.
Pneumothorax in tension, Cardiac tamponade, Massive hemothorax, Multiple rib fractures, The costal flap.
It may be associated with contusion of the underlying lung parenchyma.
Kussmaul sign and paradoxical pulse.
e) It is a pathology defined by the presence of a prolonged erection.
1/4 of the hepatic blood flow is through the hepatic artery.
Anterior tibias.
Up to 6 months.
It regulates iron absorption in the stomach.
Head of the humerus, head of the femur, head of peroneum, talus, and calcaneum.
Hemorrhagic/hypovolemic, cardiogenic, neurogenic, obstructive.
Folic acid is not present in nature in the form of polyglutamate, but appears as monoglutamate.
Rupture and hemorrhage.
Membranous urethra.
a) Encephalitis, b) Pneumonitis, c) Hepatitis, d) Transmission from infected mother to newborn can cause disseminated disease with severe neurologic involvement, e) Frequent recurrences.
a) Well-defined lesions of thickened epithelium, b) Shiny papules with central umbilication, c) May appear flat or raised, d) Painful, small vesicles, e) Occasional tenderness to palpation.
Inferior mesenteric vein with splenic vein and superior mesenteric vein with splenic vein.
Loss of at least 1500 ml of blood in the pleural space.
Sperm analysis.
Over 100 beats per minute.
Lesions can be caused by non-inflammatory microvasculopathy, thrombosis, vasculitis.
Pruritus; erythematous plaques with yellow, greasy scales.
Decrease or lack of urination sensation, without detrusor hyperreflexia.
Hypesthesia of the medial part of the arm and 5th finger, weak finger extension, weak triceps extension, weak wrist flexion, and decreased tricipital reflex.
200 mg three times a day.
10 joints and at least one small joint, low level positive RF and ACPA, symptoms lasting more than six weeks.
Serum ferritin is low.
An increased plasma volume.
Defect in globin production (sideroblastic anemia).
Yes, occasionally.
Subchondral osseous cysts, subchondral bone sclerosis, microfractures, osteophytes, and decreased articular space.
Intrinsic factor deficiency.
Prone position with the foot at the side of the examination table.
Absence of nerve invasion.
Onset in the first month after the event and remits in one month.
15 and 19 years.
a) tubular acidosis, b) hyperparathyroidism, c) dehydration.
HLA-B27 testing is sufficient for the diagnosis.
Age of onset <45 years.
The pathogenesis is multifactorial and involves genetic and environmental factors.
Involuntary loss of urine.
Persistently high levels of rheumatoid factors.
a) Sigmoid diverticulitis, b) Cancers, c) Crohn's disease, d) Penetrating abdominal trauma, e) Benign prostatic hypertrophy.
Abdominal ultrasound.
Polyglutamates in reduced dihydrofolate or tetrahydrofolate forms.
Yes, there is adjuvant pharmacological treatment.
First-line treatment includes cognitive-behavioral therapy, and SSRIs or SNRIs may be useful.
Dysphagia, paresthesia, hearing impairments, tremor, dysphonia/dysarthria, and seeing impairments.
Disorder with functional neurological symptoms.
In the dorsal face of the penis.
a) Leukoplakia, b) Bowen's disease, c) Queyraterythroplasia.
It is characterized by uncontrolled episodes of compulsive eating with inadequate compensatory behaviors.
Infections, collagen vascular diseases, inflammatory bowel disease, drugs, and positive family history.
Positive HLA-B27 test.
Class II.
There is no methylation of deoxyuridine monophosphate to deoxythimidine monophosphate.
Limited type of synovitis.
In RNA synthesis defects and myelodysplasia due to dyserythropoiesis.
The liver has a double vascularization through the hepatic artery and portal vein.
Paradoxical movement of the chest wall with the respiratory rhythm.
L2, L3, L4.
Plastic, lead bar-like rigidity.
Bacterial contamination.
Posterior, middle, and anterior urethra.
It is characterized by ideas of grandeur and elevated self-esteem.
Steroid or viscosupplementation agents intraarticular injections.
A central corrin ring and a nucleotide set at right angles.
It reduces the need for transfusion and physical discomfort due to massive splenomegaly.
a) Myelodysplasia, b) Hypospadias, c) HIV.
a) During pregnancy, b) In the first 4 weeks after birth.
Episodes of compulsive eating and subsequent compensation occur at least once a week for more than 3 months.
1000 μg over the course of 4-5 months.
Fracture of the 5th metacarpal bone.
Paraplegia, Tetraplegia, Brown-Sequard syndrome, Anterior medullary syndrome, Central medullary syndrome.
1500-2000 ml.
It is polyarticular.
Anemias that may occur due to acquired membrane defects.
Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs).
Neuroleptic malignant syndrome.
A solid mass in the right hepatic lobe.
Hypocapture of the radioisotope in ectopic positions.
Autologous patellar tendon graft.
Cognitive-behavioral therapy, alone or in combination with a SSRI or SNRI.
Increase in size.
a) Erythema, swelling, and warmth in the involved area, b) Myalgias, c) Ulcers and bullae, d) Fever, chills, e) Extensive necrosis of the soft tissue.
a) Finasteride, b) Dutasteride.
Illnesses during pregnancy, maternal malnutrition, or family history.
It occurs in 10% of patients.
Polyneuropathy that progressively involves peripheral nerves and spinal cord columns.
Achilian tendon rupture.
Bone system, peritoneum, lung, cerebral, and bladder.
In the first 32 months after the event and remits during the next 6 months.
Antero-posterior compression.
Asymmetric joint damage to small joints, positivity for both rheumatoid factors and ACPA, male sex.
Requires emergency thoracic drainage.
E. coli.
The junction between proximal ureter and renal pelvis.
20-25 mL / sec.
In open, unstable fractures; infected fractures; stable pelvic ring fractures; severely comminuted or unstable fractures when internal fixation is not possible; and fractures with bone loss requiring preservation.
b) It represents the presence of a scar of the tunica albuginea of the corpora cavernosa.
Hypersegmented polymorphonuclear neutrophils.
Cyanotic skin.
Emollients; topical corticosteroids; phototherapy; methotrexate, cyclosporine in severe cases.
Progressive symmetrical peripheral polyarthritis.
Liver transplantation and liver resection.
a) Yellow crusted lesions, b) Erythematous vesicles or blisters, c) Facial pruritus, d) Papules, pustules or erythematous nodules, e) Scars.
Measurement of methylmalonic acid.
Arousal state, self-blame, social withdrawal, and amnesia.
Haemolytic anaemia, fever, purpura, liver damage, neurological manifestations.
Spongious urethra.
It occurs in children, affects only one side of the cortex, and is an incomplete fracture.
Adolescence, good economic status, and female gender.
Shows dorsal flexion of the ankle.
About 4 months.
A couple of months after the event and must last for a minimum of one month.
About two-thirds is not in circulation as hemoglobin.
In pregnant women, blood loss from the gastrointestinal tract, insufficient iron intake for growth, postmenopause, and chronic diseases.
Painful, fragile blisters on the skin and mucosa.
a) telescope, b) forceps of foreign bodies, c) an intermediate piece, d) a sheath containing inlet and outlet channels for irrigation.
a) It is the fifth most common cancer in the American population, b) the prevalence among smokers is 5 times higher, c) transitional cell carcinoma represents 85-90% of all bladder tumors.
Decreased WBC, decreased hemoglobin, decreased hematocrit, increased alanine aminotransferase (ALT), decreased aspartate aminotransferase (AST).
Anterior drawer test.
They have the highest specificity and sensitivity.
Tissue necrosis because of poor vascular supply or severe infection.
Varus displacement.
Antinicotinic and antimuscarinic agents.
Open fractures of extremities.
1 cm.
It is helpful in the evaluation of spleen tumors.
Infections of the wounds and osteomyelitis.
They have a better outcome than closed fractures in general.
It is an autosomal dominant condition.
Asymmetrical paraesthesiae in the fingers and toes.
a) Obsessive-compulsive, b) Schizoid, c) Avoidant, d) Schizotypal, e) Dependent.
No, it may not be glandular.
Constipation, urinary retention, and hypertension.
Yes, it can be used.
Pericardiotomy for the treatment of cardiac tamponade.
There is a decrease in lifespan.
Positive Nikolsky sign.
Corticosteroids, low-dose chloroquine or hydroxychloroquine, azathioprine, and cyclophosphamide.
Erosions are common.
No, it is not always associated with pneumothorax.
Moisturizing creams; topical corticosteroids; oral corticosteroids in severe cases; antihistamines.
Displacement of the distal part towards the median line of the body.
It fails to identify possible accessory spleens.
Folate deficiency.
Pearly papule with fine vascular markings.
Lung, bone, and brain.
CT scan with contrast performed intravenously and orally.
Adalimumab represents an extracellular fragment of the human p75 TNF receptor linked to the Fc portion of IgG1.
A severe psychosis.
Osteoporosis, submaximal stress on the same bone, malignant and benign bone tumors, and bone metastasis.
Inpatient treatment is often necessary to help with weight gain.
Negative symptoms, anhedonia, delusions, insomnia, disorganized thought or speech.
Liver transplantation.
Malignant disease with increased cell turnover.
Erosion of teeth enamel.
In the terminal ileum cells.
Flexion, antero-posterior loading, extension, rotation, axial load.
In the duodenum.
Inefficient heme synthesis.
They are not caused by infectious agents, inflammatory processes or neoplasm.
Most patients are asymptomatic.
Healing prognosis, type, localization, displacement, and angulation.
It is an inflammatory pathology of the sacroiliac joints detectable by MRI.
When 2 or more adjacent ribs are fractured in several places.
Valgus displacement.
a) Abscess, b) Compartment syndrome, c) Sepsis, d) Permanent scars, e) Necrotizing fasciitis.
Autologous semitendinosus and gracilis muscle graft.
a) Topical retinoids, b) Antibiotics (oral or topical), c) Cryotherapy or topical salicylic acid, d) Topical benzoyl peroxide, e) Oral isotretinoin in severe cases.
In the stomach.
Bulbar urethra.
When platelet count is < 50,000 and there is hemorrhage.
Transitional cell epithelium.
They are at risk of developing OPSI (overwhelming post-splenectomy infection).
Surgical deroofing, although difficult to perform.
Dopamine and serotonin receptors.
A period of more than 6 months of lack of disease progression.
Histrionic, Borderline, Narcissistic, and Antisocial.
No, it is irreversible.
Low-intensity heart sounds, jugular turgor, hypotension.
Two, but it is not normally completely saturated.
Yes, occasionally.
All the above statements (swan neck, ulnar deviation, buttonhole, mallet finger).
Radical or partial nephrectomy.
Intrusive thoughts of the traumatic event and avoidance of related situations.
They are predominantly IgG, and the Coombs test is positive for IgG, IgM, and complement.
Uncontrolled episodes of compulsive eating without inadequate compensatory behaviors.
Uncontrolled diabetes.
Presence of two or more characteristic symptoms for less than a month in an interval of 3 months and alteration of social functioning for at least 3 months.
Electrolytic imbalances.
Chlorpromazine and thioridazine do not belong to this class.
Patients with small lesions and no extrahepatic secondary lesions.
a) They stimulate the GABA inhibition of neuronal transmission, d) Diazepam is useful in long-term therapy, e) They may have adverse effects such as sedation and confusion.
They are reactions to certain events or stressful situations.
X-linked or autosomal recessive.
Spiral fracture, oblique fracture, butterfly fragment fracture, fracture with more than two fragments, and segmentary fracture.
a) Anhedonia, b) Fatigue, c) Psychomotor retardation or agitation.
The integrity of the gastrocnemius-solear muscles complex.
Within 48 hours.
No, it is not.
Myelodysplastic syndromes.
Multiple cysts are not similar to simple cysts.
No, it cannot occur.
No, it may not be coronal.
Patients with poor social support have a poorer outcome.
Less than 5 cm.
Traumatic rupture of the pubic symphysis.
Accumulation of iron in the mitochondria of megakaryoblasts due to abnormal heme synthesis.
b) They inhibit the postsynaptic reuptake of serotonin, c) They are the second-line treatment for depression and anxiety, e) They inhibit the presynaptic reuptake of serotonin and norepinephrine.
They have a worse outcome.
Up to three tumors ≤ 3 cm.
It is low, except in hereditary hemochromatosis where it is increased.
It is not a water-soluble complex formed by iron with a protein.
Both are low.
Hepatoma, hemangioendothelioma epithelioid, liver metastases, and angiosarcoma.
Iron absorbed in the intestine.
Normal or low due to the inflammatory process.
Execute commands = 6 points, Withdrawal in pain = 4 points, Decerebration stiffness (abnormal extension) = 1 point.
The level of hepcidin decreases and circulating iron is depleted.