What was the outcome of the case Laibuta Memorandum and Articles of Association 229 Ltd v Llanelly Steel Co. regarding the alteration of articles?
The alteration was held void because it was oppressive in nature and effectively allowed for the expulsion of a minority member without just cause.
What does section 23(1) of the 2015 Act prohibit regarding alterations of articles?
It prohibits alterations that unfairly increase the liability of a member to contribute to share capital or otherwise pay money to the company without their written consent.
Oppression of Minority Shareholders

What was the outcome of the case Laibuta Memorandum and Articles of Association 229 Ltd v Llanelly Steel Co. regarding the alteration of articles?

The alteration was held void because it was oppressive in nature and effectively allowed for the expulsion of a minority member without just cause.

Oppression of Minority Shareholders

What does section 23(1) of the 2015 Act prohibit regarding alterations of articles?

It prohibits alterations that unfairly increase the liability of a member to contribute to share capital or otherwise pay money to the company without their written consent.

Special Resolutions and Voting Procedures

What is the significance of a special resolution in altering articles?

A special resolution may be impeached if it has a prejudicial effect that discriminates between majority and minority shareholders.

Rights of Shareholders

What is the effect of an amendment that imposes additional liability on existing members?

An existing member who agrees to the alteration is only bound by the separate contract made with the company, not by the amendment itself.

Bona Fide Alterations for Company Benefit

What principle constrains alterations of a company's articles to be considered bona fide?

Alterations must be made for the benefit of both the corporation and the relative rights of different classes of shareholders.

Legal Framework of Company Law

What did Lord Porter state regarding a company's ability to alter its articles?

He stated that a company cannot be precluded from altering its articles, but acting on the new provisions may still breach existing contracts.

Bona Fide Alterations for Company Benefit

In Sidebottom v Kershaw, what was held to be bona fide for the benefit of the company?

An alteration requiring any shareholder who competed with the company's business to transfer shares at fair value to nominees of the directors was held to be bona fide for the benefit of the company.

Oppression of Minority Shareholders

What is the subjective view of the majority members regarding alterations?

The court cannot overrule a decision if the majority members' subjective bona fide view is that the alteration benefits the company.

Rights of Shareholders

How does the Statement of Objects affect the rights of shareholders?

Shareholders' rights are influenced by the activities and limitations set forth in the Statement of Objects.

Bona Fide Alterations for Company Benefit

Can a company alter its articles even if it results in a breach of contract?

Yes, a company can alter its articles, but such action may still expose it to liability for damages if it violates prior contractual obligations.

Consent Requirements for Liability Changes

What is the significance of the statutory right of a company to alter its articles?

The statutory right cannot be taken away by an injunction intended to restrain breach of contract, as damages can be awarded in appropriate cases.

Rights of Shareholders

What is a key consideration when determining the propriety of an alteration?

A delicate balance must be struck between the benefits of the company as a whole and the rights of individual shareholders.

Consent Requirements for Liability Changes

Can a company lawfully alter its articles without written consent from members?

No, a company cannot lawfully alter its articles contrary to section 23 by varying the terms upon which its members may hold their shares without their written consent.

Consequences of Non-Compliance with the Act

What constitutes an offense under subsection (3) regarding the Memorandum and Articles of Association?

Failure to lodge the amended articles, for which the company and its officers can be fined up to two hundred thousand shillings.

Oppression of Minority Shareholders

What was the test established in Shuttleworth v Cox Brothers regarding alterations?

The test is whether the alteration was, in the opinion of the shareholders, for the benefit of the company, provided it is not oppressive to the minority.

Judicial Oversight in Article Alterations

What can a court order provide for in cases involving reduction of capital?

It may provide for the purchase by the company of shares from any members and for the corresponding reduction of its capital.

Consequences of Non-Compliance with the Act

What must a company do after amending its articles?

A company must file a copy of the amended articles with the Registrar within fourteen days after the resolution containing the amendment is passed.

Bona Fide Alterations for Company Benefit

What does the alteration of articles require to ensure it does not prejudice members?

The alteration must leave the business substantially as it was before, with only changes that enable it to be carried on more economically or efficiently.

Bona Fide Alterations for Company Benefit

What must an alteration of articles not amount to in order to be valid?

An alteration must not amount to fraud or oppression of the minority, or be unduly prejudicial to such minority, unless made bona fide for the benefit of the company as a whole.

Oppression of Minority Shareholders

What is the presumption regarding provisions in the articles that weight voting rights disproportionately?

Such provisions are presumed to be made bona fide and for the benefit of the company.

Bona Fide Alterations for Company Benefit

What is the fundamental principle regarding the alteration of articles?

The alteration of articles must be made bona fide and in the interest of the company as a whole.

Alteration of Articles of Association

When does the alteration of articles take effect?

Only after due registration with the Registrar.

Judicial Oversight in Article Alterations

Can the Court confirm an alteration of articles on application of dissenting members?

Yes, the Court may confirm the alteration either wholly or in part, considering compliance and the interests of members and creditors.

Legal Framework of Company Law

What does the term 'Statement of Objects' refer to in company law?

It refers to the declaration of the purposes for which a company is formed, outlining the scope of its activities.

Judicial Oversight in Article Alterations

What happens if proceedings are instituted to challenge an alteration of articles?

The dismissal of such proceedings operates as an order confirming the alteration. If the alteration is declared invalid, the declaratory order has the effect as if it were an order cancelling the alteration.

Bona Fide Alterations for Company Benefit

What is the effect of an alteration of articles once made?

The alteration takes effect as though the altered articles were in operation at the time the company was registered, but it does not undo or invalidate prior acts properly done pursuant to the original articles.

Consequences of Non-Compliance with the Act

What happens if articles are altered contrary to the Act?

Such alterations are liable to challenge in court by members aggrieved by the alteration.

Oppression of Minority Shareholders

What is the common thread in judicial decisions regarding the alteration of articles to prevent oppression of minority shareholders?

The common thread is that the law aims to prevent oppression or fraud on the minority by imposing conditions on the company's right to alter its articles.

Bona Fide Alterations for Company Benefit

How is 'bona fide' interpreted in the context of altering articles?

It is interpreted based on what motivates the alteration, considering the general interest or benefit of the shareholders and the company.

Legal Framework of Company Law

What is the significance of the powers outlined in a company's Statement of Objects?

The powers are not unlimited; they are confined to the activities specified in the Statement of Objects.

Special Resolutions and Voting Procedures

Can a private company pass a special resolution without a meeting?

Yes, a private company can pass a special resolution as a written resolution without the need to convene a meeting, provided it is passed by members representing not less than seventy-five percent of the total voting rights.

Special Resolutions and Voting Procedures

What happens if a public company attempts to pass a written resolution to alter its articles?

A written resolution of a public company to alter its articles would be ineffectual and would not bind any member or class of members, regardless of whether it is passed unanimously.

Special Resolutions and Voting Procedures

Can a company's articles prevent alterations?

No, a company's articles cannot effectively provide that they may not be altered. The only way to hamper this power is by providing for votes to be specially weighted.

Consequences of Non-Compliance with the Act

What did the court decide in Russell v Northern Bank Development Corporation Ltd regarding contracts to not alter articles?

The court decided that a contract made by a company not to exercise its statutory power to alter its articles is unenforceable.

Legal Framework of Company Law

What does section 23(1) restrict regarding alterations to articles?

It renders invalid any alteration that increases the liability of members to contribute to the company's share capital without their written consent.

Judicial Oversight in Article Alterations

What is the effect of an alteration made by order with the sanction of the Court?

It is of the same effect as one duly made by special resolution.

Consequences of Non-Compliance with the Act

What conditions must be met for alterations to be valid and binding on company members?

Alterations must not breach any statute, increase a member's liability without consent, or defeat minority rights.

Consequences of Non-Compliance with the Act

What can the Registrar do if an alteration is made in breach of the conditions set forth?

The Registrar may reject and refuse to register such alteration.

Special Resolutions and Voting Procedures

What is the general principle regarding voting rights in special resolutions?

A provision that makes a special resolution incapable of being passed by a particular shareholder or group is not construed as restricting the company's statutory power to alter articles.

Oppression of Minority Shareholders

In the case of Brown v British Abrasive Wheel Co. Ltd, what was the court's stance on altering articles to benefit majority shareholders?

The court restrained the company from altering its articles to empower the majority shareholders to expropriate the minority's shares, viewing it as oppression.

Judicial Oversight in Article Alterations

How did Evershed MR describe the potential for impeachment of special resolutions?

A special resolution would be liable to be impeached if the effect of it were detrimental to the rights of individual members.

Judicial Oversight in Article Alterations

What does Scrutton L state about the court's role in managing a company's affairs?

Scrutton L states that it is not the court's business to manage the affairs of the company; that responsibility lies with the shareholders and directors.

Judicial Oversight in Article Alterations

What is the discretion of the court regarding winding up a company under the Act?

The court has the discretion to wind up a company based on equitable grounds, and whether or not to do so depends on the specific facts of each case.

Special Resolutions and Voting Procedures

What is required for a special resolution to be valid?

A special resolution must be passed by a majority of not less than seventy-five percent of the members eligible to vote, and the meeting must be duly convened with prior written notice.

Bona Fide Alterations for Company Benefit

What must be ensured when altering a company's articles according to the Companies Act?

Alterations must be made bona fide and for the benefit of the company and its shareholders.

Consequences of Non-Compliance with the Act

In the case of Southern Foundries (1926) Ltd v Shirlaw, what was the consequence of the alteration of the articles regarding the managing director?

Shirlaw was removed from office under the new articles, and he was awarded damages for breach of his contract of service.

Alteration of Articles of Association

What restrictions exist on the power to alter articles?

The statutory power to alter articles is far-reaching and must be exercised prudently for the benefit of the company, considering that alterations may affect the rights of members.

Consent Requirements for Liability Changes

What is required for a member to be bound by an amendment to the articles?

A member must agree in writing, either before or after the amendment is made, to be bound by it.

Bona Fide Alterations for Company Benefit

What is the general rule regarding the alteration of a company's articles?

Members must not exercise their statutory right to alter the articles otherwise than bona fide for the benefit of the company as a whole.

Bona Fide Alterations for Company Benefit

What happens if an alteration is intended to expel certain shareholders?

Such an alteration would not be considered bona fide for the benefit of the company.

Rights of Shareholders

Can members of a company enforce a contract not to alter the company's articles?

Yes, members can make an enforceable contract not to alter some or all of the company's articles, but such an agreement does not invalidate alterations made in breach of contract.

Judicial Oversight in Article Alterations

Under what conditions can a court sanction an alteration that introduces substantially new business?

The court may sanction such an alteration if it is applied for by a member or class of members and if it can be advantageously or conveniently carried out with the existing business.

Oppression of Minority Shareholders

What should the interpretation of detrimental alterations be confined to?

It should be confined to cases of malicious alteration of articles that are calculated to prejudice, discriminate, or otherwise oppress the minority of shareholders.

Alteration of Articles of Association

What happens if an alteration gives a person a right to participate in profits otherwise than as a member?

Such a provision is void.

Consent Requirements for Liability Changes

What must be ensured when altering articles?

Alterations must be made in good faith and in the interest of the general body of members, and mistakes in the articles may only be rectified by altering the articles through a special resolution.

Oppression of Minority Shareholders

What can support an application for the winding-up of a company?

Alteration of articles that amounts to oppression of a member or members by the majority can support such an application.

Judicial Oversight in Article Alterations

Can a company exempt any article from liability to alteration?

No, a company cannot exempt any article from liability to alteration as held in Walker v London Tramways.

Rights of Shareholders

Who must be given sufficient notice of alterations according to section 24(1)?

Holders of debentures, other affected persons or classes, and creditors of the company.

Oppression of Minority Shareholders

What did Lord Sterndale state about alterations that are detrimental to individual members?

An alteration cannot be for the benefit of the company as a whole if it is a detriment to one of the members.

Consequences of Non-Compliance with the Act

What is the additional fine for continued failure to lodge amended articles under subsection (4)?

An additional fine of twenty thousand shillings for each day the default persists.

Bona Fide Alterations for Company Benefit

According to Bankes LJ in Shuttleworth v Cox Brothers, what determines if an alteration is beneficial to the company?

The test is whether the alteration was, in the opinion of the shareholders, for the benefit of the company.

Judicial Oversight in Article Alterations

What may the Court allow in cases of amalgamation?

The Court may allow time for arrangements to be made for the purchase of the interests of dissentient members.

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