Which approach is emphasized in the DPC Manual for health? A) Disease-Centered, Family-Focused, Community-Oriented B) Patient-Centered, Family-Focused, Community-Oriented C) Doctor-Centered, Family-Focused, Community-Oriented D) Patient-Centered, Family-Focused, Hospital-Oriented E) Disease-Centered, Family-Focused, Hospital-Oriented
B) Patient-Centered, Family-Focused, Community-Oriented Explanation: The DPC Manual emphasizes a Patient-Centered, Family-Focused, Community-Oriented approach to health, which integrates the needs and perspectives of patients, their families, and the community in healthcare delivery.
Which approach does the S.C.R.E.E.M. Family Resource Survey align with? A) Biomedical Model B) Biopsychosocial Approach C) Economic Model D) Technological Approach E) Environmental Model
B) Biopsychosocial Approach Explanation: The S.C.R.E.E.M. Family Resource Survey aligns with the Biopsychosocial Approach, which considers multiple dimensions of health including social, cultural, and psychological factors.
Patient-Centered, Family-Focused, Community-Oriented (PFC) Approach

Which approach is emphasized in the DPC Manual for health?
A) Disease-Centered, Family-Focused, Community-Oriented
B) Patient-Centered, Family-Focused, Community-Oriented
C) Doctor-Centered, Family-Focused, Community-Oriented
D) Patient-Centered, Family-Focused, Hospital-Oriented
E) Disease-Centered, Family-Focused, Hospital-Oriented

B) Patient-Centered, Family-Focused, Community-Oriented
Explanation: The DPC Manual emphasizes a Patient-Centered, Family-Focused, Community-Oriented approach to health, which integrates the needs and perspectives of patients, their families, and the community in healthcare delivery.

Biopsychosocial Model of Health

Which approach does the S.C.R.E.E.M. Family Resource Survey align with?
A) Biomedical Model
B) Biopsychosocial Approach
C) Economic Model
D) Technological Approach
E) Environmental Model

B) Biopsychosocial Approach
Explanation: The S.C.R.E.E.M. Family Resource Survey aligns with the Biopsychosocial Approach, which considers multiple dimensions of health including social, cultural, and psychological factors.

Biomedical Model of Health

What is the primary focus of the biomedical model of health?
A) Understanding the human body through social and cultural factors
B) Analyzing the human body using physics and chemistry
C) Considering psychological resources in disease response
D) Taking a holistic approach to patient care
E) Focusing on community and family dynamics

B) Analyzing the human body using physics and chemistry
Explanation: The biomedical model seeks to understand the human body by analyzing its component parts through the methods and languages of physics and chemistry.

Biological Factors Influencing Health

Which demographic characteristic is associated with reduced mortality from nearly all diseases?
A) Male sex
B) Single marital status
C) Lower socioeconomic status
D) Female sex
E) Fewer social ties

D) Female sex
Explanation: Female sex is associated with reduced mortality from nearly all diseases, as mentioned in the demographic profile.

Family Assessment Tools and Techniques

Which of the following is NOT a component of the SCREEM family resource survey?
A) Social resources
B) Cultural beliefs
C) Physical fitness
D) Economic status
E) Medical access

C) Physical fitness
Explanation: The SCREEM family resource survey assesses Social, Cultural, Religious, Economic, Educational, and Medical resources, but does not include Physical fitness as a component.

Patient-Centered, Family-Focused, Community-Oriented (PFC) Approach

What is the primary focus of the Patient-Centered, Family-Focused, Community-Oriented (PFC) approach?
A) Individual patient care
B) Family dynamics only
C) Community health only
D) Integrating patient care with family and community health
E) Hospital-based care

D) Integrating patient care with family and community health
Explanation: The PFC approach emphasizes integrating patient care with family and community health, ensuring a holistic approach to health and well-being.

Biological Factors Influencing Health

Which of the following diseases is included in the newborn screening program in the Philippines?
A) Hypertension
B) Diabetes
C) Congenital hypothyroidism (CH)
D) Coronary Artery Disease
E) Osteoporosis

C) Congenital hypothyroidism (CH)
Explanation: The newborn screening program in the Philippines includes diseases such as Congenital hypothyroidism (CH), Congenital adrenal hyperplasia (CAH), Galactosemia (GAL), Phenylketonuria (PKU), and Homocystinuria (HCY).

Illness Trajectory and Its Impact on Families

What is the nature of the onset of illness in chronic, debilitating conditions?
A) Rapid and clear
B) Gradual
C) Sudden
D) Immediate
E) Abrupt

B) Gradual
Explanation: The onset of illness in chronic, debilitating conditions is gradual, leading to a state of uncertainty and anxiety over the meaning of symptoms.

Hospice and Palliative Care

What is Orthothanasia?
A) A method to prolong life indefinitely
B) A humane way of allowing patients to die with dignity
C) A technique for curing terminal illnesses
D) A process for diagnosing new diseases
E) A method for performing surgeries

B) A humane way of allowing patients to die with dignity
Explanation: Orthothanasia involves providing psychosocial support and helping patients achieve comfort until their last breath, allowing them to die with dignity.

Family Life Cycle and Its Stages

What will be the family structure of a partnership adopting a 7-year-old orphan named Fighter once the adoption is legalized in Thailand?
A) Nuclear family
B) Blended family
C) Single-parent family
D) Communal family
E) Extended family

A) Nuclear family
Explanation: A nuclear family consists of parents and their dependent children, occupying a separate dwelling not shared with members of the family of origin. Once the adoption is legalized, the partnership and Fighter will form a nuclear family.

Family Life Cycle and Its Stages

Which stage of the family life cycle involves a person leaving their family of origin to live independently?
A) Newly Married Couple
B) Family with Young Children
C) Unattached Young Adult
D) Launching Family
E) Family in Later Years

C) Unattached Young Adult
Explanation: The Unattached Young Adult stage marks the beginning of the family life cycle, where an individual leaves their family of origin to live independently.

Family Assessment Tools and Techniques

What is a potential problem in the 'Religious' aspect of the S.C.R.E.E.M. assessment?
A) Lack of religious affiliation
B) Very rigid dogmas/religious rituals
C) Over-commitment to religious activities
D) Isolation from religious groups
E) Lack of spiritual experiences

B) Very rigid dogmas/religious rituals
Explanation: A potential problem in the 'Religious' aspect of the S.C.R.E.E.M. assessment is the observation of very rigid dogmas or religious rituals, which can negatively impact family dynamics.

Family Assessment Tools and Techniques

What is a family genogram?
A) A legal document outlining family responsibilities
B) A graphic representation of the genetic pedigree and key psychosocial data
C) A financial plan for family expenses
D) A list of family members' medical histories
E) A social media profile for the family

B) A graphic representation of the genetic pedigree and key psychosocial data
Explanation: A family genogram, also known as a family tree, is a graphic representation of both the genetic pedigree of the family and key psychosocial and interactional data using standardized symbols.

Family Life Cycle and Its Stages

What is the key emotional process for families in later years?
A) Accepting financial and emotional responsibility for oneself
B) Commitment to the new system
C) Accepting new members into the system
D) Increasing flexibility of boundaries
E) Accepting the shifting of generational goals

E) Accepting the shifting of generational goals
Explanation: In the later years, families must accept the shifting of generational goals, which includes turning over authority and decision-making to their adult children due to increasing frailty.

Family Assessment Tools and Techniques

What does the 'S' in the S.C.R.E.E.M. family resource assessment stand for?
A) Social
B) Spiritual
C) Safety
D) Support
E) Stability

A) Social
Explanation: The 'S' in the S.C.R.E.E.M. family resource assessment stands for 'Social,' which evaluates the social interactions and communication within the family and with extra-familial social groups.

Family Life Cycle and Its Stages

What marks the beginning of the Launching Family stage?
A) The birth of the first child
B) The marriage of the first child
C) The first child leaving home
D) The retirement of one or both parents
E) The death of a grandparent

C) The first child leaving home
Explanation: The Launching Family stage begins when the first child leaves home and continues until the last child leaves home, marking a significant transition in the family life cycle.

Biopsychosocial Model of Health

What does the biopsychosocial model emphasize in patient care?
A) Only biological factors
B) Only psychological factors
C) Only social factors
D) A holistic approach considering biological, psychological, and social factors
E) A focus on medical technology

D) A holistic approach considering biological, psychological, and social factors
Explanation: The biopsychosocial model emphasizes a holistic approach to patient care, considering biological, psychological, and social factors to manage patients and their medical conditions.

Family Assessment Tools and Techniques

In which manual is the Family A.P.G.A.R. tool discussed?
A) Clinical Medicine Manual
B) Disease Prevention and Control Manual
C) Family Health Manual
D) Community Medicine Manual
E) Public Health Manual

B) Disease Prevention and Control Manual
Explanation: The Family A.P.G.A.R. tool is discussed in the Disease Prevention and Control Manual, which focuses on strategies for preventing and controlling diseases within a family and community context.

Patient-Centered, Family-Focused, Community-Oriented (PFC) Approach

What is included in the plan of management for community-oriented health care in the PFC Approach?

D) Networking and linkages
Explanation: Networking and linkages are part of the plan of management for community-oriented health care in the PFC Approach, facilitating connections between various health services and community resources.

Hospice and Palliative Care

What is the goal of Hospice and Palliative Medicine?
A) To cure terminal illnesses
B) To provide support and care for terminally-ill patients and their families
C) To perform surgeries
D) To conduct medical research
E) To diagnose new diseases

B) To provide support and care for terminally-ill patients and their families
Explanation: Hospice and Palliative Medicine focuses on providing support and care for terminally-ill patients and their families, aiming for them to live as fully and comfortably as possible.

Family Assessment Tools and Techniques

Which of the following is NOT a component of the Family APGAR?
A) Adaptation
B) Partnership
C) Growth
D) Affection
E) Wealth

E) Wealth
Explanation: The Family APGAR assesses adaptation, partnership, growth, affection, and resolve, but does not include wealth as a component.

Family Assessment Tools and Techniques

Which of the following data may NOT be documented objectively using family genogram and family map assessment tools?
A) Family structure
B) Family medical history
C) Family dynamics and relationships
D) Genetic pedigree
E) Interactional data

B) Family medical history
Explanation: Family medical history is typically used in family A.P.G.A.R. and is not documented objectively using family genogram and family map assessment tools, which focus on family structure, dynamics, and interactional data.

Patient-Centered, Family-Focused, Community-Oriented (PFC) Approach

What is the primary focus of the Patient-Centered, Family-Focused, Community-Oriented (PFC) Approach?
A) Individual treatment
B) Family dynamics
C) Community health
D) Economic factors
E) Technological advancements

C) Community health
Explanation: The PFC Approach emphasizes a holistic view of health that includes patient-centered care, family involvement, and community health, aiming to integrate these elements for better health outcomes.

Family Assessment Tools and Techniques

Which of the following is a positive indicator in the 'Educational' aspect of the S.C.R.E.E.M. assessment?
A) Inadequate education
B) Over-commitment to educational activities
C) Adequate education to solve or comprehend problems
D) Isolation from educational opportunities
E) Lack of educational resources

C) Adequate education to solve or comprehend problems
Explanation: A positive indicator in the 'Educational' aspect of the S.C.R.E.E.M. assessment is that family members have adequate education to solve or comprehend most problems that arise within their lifestyle.

Family Assessment Tools and Techniques

Which family structure is characterized by the presence of stepparents and stepchildren?
A) Nuclear Family
B) Extended Family
C) Blended Family
D) Single-Parent Family
E) Communal Family

C) Blended Family
Explanation: A blended family is characterized by the presence of stepparents and stepchildren, often resulting from divorce, annulment with remarriage, or separation.

Family Assessment Tools and Techniques

Which family structure is formed for specific ideological or societal purposes?
A) Nuclear Family
B) Extended Family
C) Blended Family
D) Single-Parent Family
E) Communal Family

E) Communal Family
Explanation: A communal or corporate family is formed for specific ideological or societal purposes, such as the Amish community in Lancaster County, Pennsylvania.

Illness Trajectory and Its Impact on Families

What is the primary role of the primary care physician in understanding the family illness trajectory?
A) To diagnose the illness
B) To predict, anticipate, and deal with the family’s response to the illness
C) To provide financial support
D) To offer legal advice
E) To prescribe medication

B) To predict, anticipate, and deal with the family’s response to the illness
Explanation: The primary care physician's role in understanding the family illness trajectory is to predict, anticipate, and deal with the family’s response to the illness, and to formulate individualized therapeutic plans.

Illness Trajectory and Its Impact on Families

What happens during the recovery phase of the family illness trajectory?
A) The patient is diagnosed
B) The patient undergoes treatment
C) The patient either recovers or has a bad outcome
D) The family denies the illness
E) The family seeks a second opinion

C) The patient either recovers or has a bad outcome
Explanation: During the recovery phase, the patient either recovers and adjusts to the outcome or has a bad outcome, such as disability or being bedridden, and the family must support the patient in that outcome.

Social Factors and Family Dynamics

Which law can provide social support to the patient in the case scenario?

A) Senior Citizens Act of 2010 (RA 9994)
Explanation: The Senior Citizens Act of 2010 (RA 9994) can provide social support to the patient by offering benefits and services aimed at improving the quality of life for senior citizens.

Family Assessment Tools and Techniques

What does the acronym A.P.G.A.R. stand for in the context of the Filipino Family A.P.G.A.R. assessment?
A) Adaptation, Partnership, Growth, Affection, Resolve
B) Adaptation, Partnership, Growth, Affection, Respect
C) Adaptation, Partnership, Growth, Affection, Responsibility
D) Adaptation, Partnership, Growth, Affection, Resilience
E) Adaptation, Partnership, Growth, Affection, Recognition

A) Adaptation, Partnership, Growth, Affection, Resolve
Explanation: The acronym A.P.G.A.R. in the context of the Filipino Family A.P.G.A.R. assessment stands for Adaptation, Partnership, Growth, Affection, and Resolve, which are key components used to evaluate family functionality and support.

Family Assessment Tools and Techniques

Which of the following is NOT a component of the S.C.R.E.E.M. Family Resource Survey?
A) Cultural
B) Economic
C) Medical
D) Recreational
E) Educational

D) Recreational
Explanation: The S.C.R.E.E.M. Family Resource Survey includes Spiritual, Cultural, Resources, Economic, Educational, and Medical components, but not Recreational.

Family Assessment Tools and Techniques

What does the Family Lifeline summarize?
A) The family's financial status
B) The family's significant experiences in a chronologically sequenced manner
C) The family's medical history
D) The family's educational achievements
E) The family's religious beliefs

B) The family's significant experiences in a chronologically sequenced manner
Explanation: The Family Lifeline summarizes the individual or the family's significant experiences in a chronologically sequenced manner, including how they have coped with stressful life events.

Family Life Cycle and Its Stages

What is a key principle for families with adolescents?
A) Accepting financial and emotional responsibility for oneself
B) Commitment to the new system
C) Accepting new members into the system
D) Increasing flexibility of boundaries
E) Accepting the shifting of generational goals

D) Increasing flexibility of boundaries
Explanation: For families with adolescents, the key principle is increasing flexibility of boundaries to accommodate the children's need for independence and the grandparents' frailties.

Social Factors and Family Dynamics

What is a common health outcome for widowed individuals?
A) Lower age-specific death rates compared to married individuals
B) Four times higher age-specific death rates compared to married individuals
C) No significant difference in death rates compared to married individuals
D) Increased rates of infectious diseases
E) Higher rates of cardiovascular diseases

B) Four times higher age-specific death rates compared to married individuals
Explanation: Widowed individuals have four times higher age-specific death rates compared to married individuals, indicating the significant impact of marital status on health outcomes.

Biological Factors Influencing Health

Which lifestyle characteristic is NOT mentioned as predisposing to various diseases?
A) Alcoholism
B) Substance use and abuse
C) Smoking
D) Regular exercise
E) Diet (overnutrition and undernutrition)

D) Regular exercise
Explanation: Lack of exercise, rather than regular exercise, is mentioned as a lifestyle characteristic that predisposes individuals to various diseases.

Family Assessment Tools and Techniques

What is a potential family-focused intervention for the patient's wife in the case scenario?

D) Capability Building of Caregivers
Explanation: Capability Building of Caregivers is a family-focused intervention that can help the patient's wife manage the increased caregiving responsibilities and reduce caregiver strain.

Biopsychosocial Model of Health

Which model is introduced in the DPC Manual for clinical family and community medicine?
A) Biomedical Model
B) Biopsychosocial Model
C) Economic Model
D) Environmental Model
E) Technological Model

B) Biopsychosocial Model
Explanation: The DPC Manual introduces the Biopsychosocial Model for clinical family and community medicine, which considers biological, psychological, and social factors in understanding and treating health issues.

Family Assessment Tools and Techniques

Which family structure consists of parents and their dependent children living in a separate dwelling?
A) Extended Family
B) Blended Family
C) Nuclear Family
D) Single-Parent Family
E) Communal Family

C) Nuclear Family
Explanation: A nuclear family consists of parents and their dependent children living in a separate dwelling, not shared with members of the family of origin or orientation of either spouse.

Biopsychosocial Model of Health

Which of the following is a component of the biopsychosocial model's macro scale analysis?
A) Organ systems
B) Tissues
C) Cells
D) Biosphere
E) Molecules

D) Biosphere
Explanation: The biopsychosocial model analyzes patients not just in terms of their component parts but through a macro scale that includes the biosphere, society, culture, community, family, and individual persons.

Biological Factors Influencing Health

What is nulliparity associated with?
A) Increased risk of prostate cancer
B) Increased risk of breast cancer
C) Adverse maternal outcomes
D) Reduced risk of cardiovascular disease
E) Increased risk of osteoporosis

B) Increased risk of breast cancer
Explanation: Nulliparity, or having never given birth, is associated with an increased risk of breast cancer.

Illness Trajectory and Its Impact on Families

What is a common emotional response for families dealing with a terminal illness?
A) Indifference
B) Joy
C) Shock and overwhelming anxiety
D) Excitement
E) Relief

C) Shock and overwhelming anxiety
Explanation: The initial response to a terminal illness is often shock and overwhelming anxiety, as it is a highly emotional and devastating experience for the family.

Illness Trajectory and Its Impact on Families

What is the role of medical professionals in dealing with families of deceased patients?
A) To ignore their emotions
B) To be more empathetic and anticipate their emotions
C) To provide financial advice
D) To organize social events
E) To prescribe medication

B) To be more empathetic and anticipate their emotions
Explanation: Medical professionals should be empathetic and anticipate the emotions of family members of deceased patients to provide better support.

Family Assessment Tools and Techniques

What does the 'S' in the S.C.R.E.E.M. Family Resource Survey stand for?
A) Social
B) Spiritual
C) Structural
D) Support
E) Safety

B) Spiritual
Explanation: In the S.C.R.E.E.M. Family Resource Survey, 'S' stands for Spiritual, which is one of the key resources assessed in understanding family dynamics and resources.

Family Assessment Tools and Techniques

What does the acronym SCREEM stand for in the context of family resources?
A) Social, Cultural, Religious, Economic, Educational, Medical
B) Social, Cultural, Religious, Environmental, Educational, Medical
C) Social, Cultural, Religious, Economic, Educational, Mental
D) Social, Cultural, Recreational, Economic, Educational, Medical
E) Social, Cultural, Religious, Economic, Educational, Management

A) Social, Cultural, Religious, Economic, Educational, Medical
Explanation: SCREEM stands for Social, Cultural, Religious, Economic, Educational, and Medical, representing the various resources a family can utilize to cope with crises or long-term care needs.

Family Assessment Tools and Techniques

What is a potential issue in the 'Medical' aspect of the S.C.R.E.E.M. assessment?
A) Overuse of health care facilities
B) Lack of health care facilities
C) Failure to utilize available health care resources
D) Over-commitment to medical appointments
E) Isolation from medical professionals

C) Failure to utilize available health care resources
Explanation: A potential issue in the 'Medical' aspect of the S.C.R.E.E.M. assessment is the failure of family members to utilize available health care facilities and resources.

Social Factors and Family Dynamics

What does the World Health Organization (WHO) recognize the family as?
A) A secondary social agent in health promotion
B) The primary social agent in the promotion of health and well-being
C) An insignificant factor in disease prevention
D) A minor influence on health-related behaviors
E) A temporary social structure

B) The primary social agent in the promotion of health and well-being
Explanation: The WHO recognizes the family as the primary social agent in the promotion of health and well-being, as well as disease prevention, highlighting the significant role families play in influencing health outcomes.

Family Life Cycle and Its Stages

What is an example of a First Order Change in the family life cycle?
A) Role reversal between parent and child
B) Change of residence
C) Launching of adult children
D) Coping with death of a spouse
E) Accepting new members into the system

B) Change of residence
Explanation: First Order Changes involve changes in ability and adaptation without altering the main structure or identity of the family, such as changing residence.

Illness Trajectory and Its Impact on Families

Which of the following is NOT a major loss associated with major illnesses?
A) Body parts
B) Ability to carry out normal activities
C) Sense of self-esteem
D) Financial stability
E) Dreams and plans for the future

D) Financial stability
Explanation: Major illnesses involve losses such as body parts, the ability to carry out normal activities, sense of self-esteem, dreams and plans for the future, and a sense of invulnerability, but financial stability is not specifically mentioned.

Family Assessment Tools and Techniques

What is a family genogram used for in clinical family and community medicine?
A) To diagnose diseases
B) To map out family relationships and health history
C) To prescribe medication
D) To measure blood pressure
E) To conduct physical examinations

B) To map out family relationships and health history
Explanation: A family genogram is a tool used in clinical family and community medicine to visually map out family relationships and health history, which helps in understanding the genetic and social factors influencing a patient's health.

Biopsychosocial Model of Health

Who is credited with developing the biopsychosocial model?
A) Sigmund Freud
B) George Engel
C) Carl Jung
D) Ivan Pavlov
E) Abraham Maslow

B) George Engel
Explanation: Dr. George Engel is credited with developing the biopsychosocial model, which considers biological, psychological, and social factors in understanding health and illness.

Illness Trajectory and Its Impact on Families

What is a common emotional response during the impact phase/reaction to diagnosis?
A) Acceptance
B) Denial
C) Full recovery
D) Physical adjustment
E) Economic planning

B) Denial
Explanation: During the impact phase/reaction to diagnosis, common emotional responses include denial, disbelief, and anxiety.

Illness Trajectory and Its Impact on Families

What is the preliminary stage of the illness trajectory?
A) Diagnosis
B) Malaise
C) Recovery
D) Treatment
E) Acceptance

B) Malaise
Explanation: Malaise is the preliminary stage of the illness trajectory, experienced prior to contact with medical care providers.

Family Assessment Tools and Techniques

What does the Family Map tool primarily reflect?
A) Family's financial status
B) Family's vacation plans
C) Family relationships and interaction patterns
D) Family's favorite foods
E) Family's educational background

C) Family relationships and interaction patterns
Explanation: The Family Map tool is designed to reflect family relationships and interaction patterns, providing a schematic description of family dynamics.

Family Assessment Tools and Techniques

What is the purpose of the SCREEM-RES survey?
A) To diagnose medical conditions
B) To assess the family's capacity to participate in health care provision or cope with crises
C) To measure physical fitness levels
D) To evaluate mental health status
E) To determine educational attainment

B) To assess the family's capacity to participate in health care provision or cope with crises
Explanation: The SCREEM-RES survey is used to assess the family's capacity to participate in health care provision or cope with crises, based on their available resources.

Family Assessment Tools and Techniques

Which of the following is a positive indicator in the 'Cultural' aspect of the S.C.R.E.E.M. assessment?
A) Cultural inferiority
B) Cultural pride or satisfaction
C) Isolation from cultural groups
D) Over-commitment to cultural activities
E) Lack of cultural identity

B) Cultural pride or satisfaction
Explanation: A positive indicator in the 'Cultural' aspect of the S.C.R.E.E.M. assessment is the identification of cultural pride or satisfaction, especially in distinct ethnic groups.

Biomedical Model of Health

According to the World Health Organization, how is health defined?
A) Absence of disease
B) Complete physical, mental, and social well-being
C) Highest possible level of physical fitness
D) Ability to perform daily activities
E) State of mental well-being

B) Complete physical, mental, and social well-being
Explanation: The World Health Organization defines health as the highest possible level or state of complete physical, mental, and social well-being, not merely the absence of disease.

Family Assessment Tools and Techniques

What does the acronym A.P.G.A.R. stand for in the context of family assessment?
A) Adaptation, Partnership, Growth, Affection, Resolve
B) Adaptation, Participation, Growth, Affection, Resolve
C) Adaptation, Partnership, Growth, Affection, Resolution
D) Adaptation, Partnership, Growth, Affection, Resilience
E) Adaptation, Partnership, Growth, Affection, Responsibility

A) Adaptation, Partnership, Growth, Affection, Resolve
Explanation: The acronym A.P.G.A.R. in family assessment stands for Adaptation, Partnership, Growth, Affection, and Resolve, which are key components used to evaluate family functionality and dynamics.

Family Life Cycle and Its Stages

What is an example of a Second Order Change in the family life cycle?
A) Change of employment
B) Establishing a place to call their own
C) Role reversal between parent and child
D) Working out money matters
E) Making room for spouse with family and friends

C) Role reversal between parent and child
Explanation: Second Order Changes involve transformations in status and meaning, such as a child taking care of their caregiver, which changes the roles and identity of family members.

Illness Trajectory and Its Impact on Families

What is the final phase in the reaction to diagnosis stage?
A) Denial
B) Emotional upheaval
C) Acceptance
D) Confusion
E) Anxiety

C) Acceptance
Explanation: The final phase in the reaction to diagnosis stage is acceptance, where the family begins to accommodate and accept the diagnosis.

Hospice and Palliative Care

What is the difference between hospice and nursing homes?
A) Hospice is for children, nursing homes are for adults
B) Hospice is for end-of-life care, nursing homes can be for geriatric or elderly patients who need more help
C) Hospice is for physical therapy, nursing homes are for mental health
D) Hospice is for short-term care, nursing homes are for long-term care
E) Hospice is for surgery, nursing homes are for rehabilitation

B) Hospice is for end-of-life care, nursing homes can be for geriatric or elderly patients who need more help
Explanation: Hospice focuses on end-of-life care, while nursing homes can cater to geriatric or elderly patients who need more assistance.

Family Life Cycle and Its Stages

In which stage of the family life cycle is 'increasing flexibility to include grandparents’ frailties' the main emotional process of transition?
A) Family in later years
B) Launching family
C) Family with adolescents
D) Newly married couple
E) Family with young children

C) Family with adolescents
Explanation: 'Increasing flexibility to include grandparents’ frailties' is a key principle of the family with adolescents stage, where families must adapt to the changing needs of both the younger and older generations.

Family Life Cycle and Its Stages

What is a key element in the family life cycle that helps families manage transitions?
A) Communication
B) Adaptation
C) Financial stability
D) Education
E) Medical care

B) Adaptation
Explanation: Adaptation is a key element in the family life cycle, enabling families to manage transitions and fulfill the necessary adjustments as they move from one stage to another.

Family Assessment Tools and Techniques

What does the 'Economic' aspect of the S.C.R.E.E.M. assessment evaluate?
A) Financial stability and planning
B) Social interactions
C) Cultural pride
D) Educational attainment
E) Health care utilization

A) Financial stability and planning
Explanation: The 'Economic' aspect of the S.C.R.E.E.M. assessment evaluates the family's financial stability and their ability to meet economic demands of normative life events.

Family Life Cycle and Its Stages

What is the key emotional process for young adults in the family life cycle?
A) Accepting financial and emotional responsibility for oneself
B) Commitment to the new system
C) Accepting new members into the system
D) Increasing flexibility of boundaries
E) Accepting the shifting of generational goals

A) Accepting financial and emotional responsibility for oneself
Explanation: Young adults must accept financial and emotional responsibility for themselves as they transition from their family of origin and begin to formulate personal goals.

Family Life Cycle and Its Stages

What is the key emotional process for a family with young children?
A) Accepting parent-offspring separation
B) Commitment to the new system
C) Accepting new members into the system
D) Increasing flexibility of boundaries
E) Accepting the shifting of generational goals

C) Accepting new members into the system
Explanation: The key emotional process for a family with young children is accepting new members into the system, which includes adapting to new roles and responsibilities as parents.

Illness Trajectory and Its Impact on Families

What is the first stage in the family illness trajectory?
A) Major therapeutic efforts
B) Recovery phase
C) Onset of illness to diagnosis
D) Impact phase
E) Chronic phase

C) Onset of illness to diagnosis
Explanation: The first stage in the family illness trajectory is the onset of illness to diagnosis, where the patient starts to feel symptoms but has not yet consulted a doctor.

Illness Trajectory and Its Impact on Families

What is the primary focus during the major therapeutic efforts stage?
A) Diagnosis
B) Treatment
C) Emotional support
D) Financial planning
E) Lifestyle changes

B) Treatment
Explanation: During the major therapeutic efforts stage, the primary focus is on the treatment of the illness, which may include surgery, chemotherapy, or other medications.

Psychological Factors and Filipino Healing Modalities

What is the primary goal of primary care counseling derived from Carl Roger’s person-centered psychotherapy?
A) To diagnose diseases
B) To prescribe medication
C) To address psychological concerns and misperceptions
D) To perform surgical procedures
E) To conduct laboratory tests

C) To address psychological concerns and misperceptions
Explanation: Primary care counseling aims to address psychological concerns that result from misperceptions of reality, which hinder appropriate behavior.

Patient-Centered, Family-Focused, Community-Oriented (PFC) Approach

Which of the following is a key component of the PFC Approach to family-focused health care?

C) Family Assessment Tools
Explanation: Family Assessment Tools are specifically mentioned as part of the analysis category in the PFC Approach to family-focused health care, which helps in understanding family dynamics and planning appropriate interventions.

Patient-Centered, Family-Focused, Community-Oriented (PFC) Approach

What approach does the DPC Manual emphasize for health?
A) Biomedical Model
B) Patient-Centered, Family-Focused, Community-Oriented (PFC) Approach
C) Technological Approach
D) Individualistic Approach
E) Pharmacological Approach

B) Patient-Centered, Family-Focused, Community-Oriented (PFC) Approach
Explanation: The DPC Manual emphasizes a Patient-Centered, Family-Focused, Community-Oriented (PFC) Approach to health, which integrates the biopsychosocial model to address the comprehensive needs of patients.

Family Life Cycle and Its Stages

Which of the following is NOT one of the six stages of the family life cycle?
A) Unattached Young Adult
B) Newly Married Couple
C) Family with Young Children
D) Family with Adolescents
E) Family with Elderly Parents

E) Family with Elderly Parents
Explanation: The six stages of the family life cycle are Unattached Young Adult, Newly Married Couple, Family with Young Children, Family with Adolescents, Launching Family, and Family in Later Years. 'Family with Elderly Parents' is not one of the stages.

Social Factors and Family Dynamics

What is a common outcome for children of single parents?
A) Higher academic achievement
B) Developmental delay and adjustment disorders
C) Increased physical health
D) Enhanced social skills
E) Greater financial stability

B) Developmental delay and adjustment disorders
Explanation: Children of single parents are more likely to experience developmental delays, such as autism spectrum disorder and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, as well as depression and adjustment disorders.

Biomedical Model of Health

Which of the following is NOT a component of the biomedical model's understanding of the human body?
A) Organ systems
B) Tissues
C) Cells
D) Social environment
E) Molecules

D) Social environment
Explanation: The biomedical model focuses on understanding the human body by analyzing its component parts such as organ systems, tissues, cells, organelles, molecules, atoms, and subatomic particles, without considering the social environment.

Psychological Factors and Filipino Healing Modalities

What is the importance of catharsis in primary care counseling?
A) It helps patients release their fears
B) It diagnoses physical illnesses
C) It prescribes medication
D) It performs surgical procedures
E) It conducts laboratory tests

A) It helps patients release their fears
Explanation: Catharsis helps patients release their fears, making them more likely to believe when they are educated and allowing for the identification of their emotionally critical misperceptions (ECMs).

Hospice and Palliative Care

What is the purpose of Advanced Directives?
A) To decide on vacation plans
B) To determine financial investments
C) To specify medical wishes such as whether to be intubated or have CPR
D) To plan family gatherings
E) To choose educational courses

C) To specify medical wishes such as whether to be intubated or have CPR
Explanation: Advanced Directives are used to outline a patient's medical wishes, including decisions about intubation, CPR, and resuscitation.

Family Assessment Tools and Techniques

What is a key disadvantage of the Family APGAR?
A) It takes a long time to complete
B) It requires extensive medical knowledge
C) It needs little time to complete
D) It is difficult to interpret
E) It is not reliable

C) It needs little time to complete
Explanation: One disadvantage of the Family APGAR is that it needs little time to complete, which may not provide a comprehensive assessment of family function.

Biopsychosocial Model of Health

What is the primary focus of the Biopsychosocial Approach in clinical family and community medicine?
A) Biological factors only
B) Psychological factors only
C) Social factors only
D) Integration of biological, psychological, and social factors
E) Technological factors only

D) Integration of biological, psychological, and social factors
Explanation: The Biopsychosocial Approach in clinical family and community medicine focuses on the integration of biological, psychological, and social factors to provide a comprehensive understanding and treatment of health and illness.

Patient-Centered, Family-Focused, Community-Oriented (PFC) Approach

What is the main goal of the Disease Prevention and Control (DPC) Manual?
A) To provide economic support
B) To introduce technological advancements
C) To guide patient-centered, family-focused, community-oriented health approaches
D) To promote recreational activities
E) To focus solely on individual treatment

C) To guide patient-centered, family-focused, community-oriented health approaches
Explanation: The DPC Manual aims to guide healthcare providers in implementing patient-centered, family-focused, and community-oriented health approaches, integrating the biopsychosocial model.

Biopsychosocial Model of Health

Which of the following is NOT a time for psychosocial intervention according to the biopsychosocial model?
A) Natural transition in the family life cycle
B) Patient compliance or lifestyle issues
C) Dramatic change in patient symptoms
D) Routine health check-ups
E) Significant medical diagnosis precipitating psychosocial crisis

D) Routine health check-ups
Explanation: Psychosocial interventions are particularly important during natural transitions in the family life cycle, patient compliance or lifestyle issues, dramatic changes in patient symptoms, and significant medical diagnoses precipitating psychosocial crises.

Family Assessment Tools and Techniques

Which family structure includes three generations living in one household?
A) Nuclear Family
B) Extended Family
C) Blended Family
D) Single-Parent Family
E) Communal Family

B) Extended Family
Explanation: An extended family includes three generations—grandparents, parents, and children—living together in one household, often characterized by family-centered living arrangements.

Biopsychosocial Model of Health

What is a key characteristic of the biopsychosocial model?
A) It replaces the traditional biomedical model
B) It focuses solely on genetic characteristics
C) It considers the whole person approach
D) It ignores psychological factors
E) It emphasizes only physical health

C) It considers the whole person approach
Explanation: The biopsychosocial model does not attempt to replace the traditional biomedical model but goes further by taking a whole person approach to manage patients and their various medical conditions.

Family Life Cycle and Its Stages

What is a critical task during the Honeymoon Stage of marriage?
A) Adjusting to midlife changes
B) Making room for spouse with family and friends
C) Coping with death of the spouse
D) Accepting new members into the system
E) Increasing flexibility of boundaries

B) Making room for spouse with family and friends
Explanation: During the Honeymoon Stage, a critical task is making room for the spouse within the family and friends, which helps in differentiating from the family of origin.

Biopsychosocial Model of Health

Which approach does the Family A.P.G.A.R. tool align with?
A) Biomedical Model of Health
B) Biopsychosocial Model of Health
C) Biological Factors Influencing Health
D) Psychological Factors and Filipino Healing Modalities
E) Social Factors and Family Dynamics

B) Biopsychosocial Model of Health
Explanation: The Family A.P.G.A.R. tool aligns with the Biopsychosocial Model of Health, which considers biological, psychological, and social factors in understanding health and illness.

Biological Factors Influencing Health

Which disease is associated with menopause?
A) Prostate cancer
B) Breast cancer
C) Cardiovascular disease
D) Streptococcal throat infection
E) Leukemia

C) Cardiovascular disease
Explanation: Cardiovascular disease and osteoporosis are diseases that come with menopause.

Psychological Factors and Filipino Healing Modalities

Which Filipino healing modality involves therapeutic massage?
A) Babaylan
B) Orasyon
C) Manghihilot
D) Manggagaway
E) Suob

C) Manghihilot
Explanation: Manghihilot involves therapeutic massage (masahe), among other practices.

Family Assessment Tools and Techniques

What is the primary purpose of a genogram in a medical context?
A) To record family vacations
B) To document family medical history and relationships
C) To track financial transactions
D) To list family members' favorite foods
E) To create a family photo album

B) To document family medical history and relationships
Explanation: A genogram is used to document family medical history, relationships, and hereditary diseases, providing a comprehensive view of the family's health dynamics.

Family Assessment Tools and Techniques

What is the significance of knowing hereditary diseases in a family genogram?
A) To plan family vacations
B) To screen children for potential health issues
C) To track financial transactions
D) To list family members' favorite foods
E) To create a family photo album

B) To screen children for potential health issues
Explanation: Knowing hereditary diseases in a family genogram helps in screening children for potential health issues such as hypertension and metabolic diseases.

Biological Factors Influencing Health

What health conditions are older individuals more likely to develop?
A) Streptococcal throat infection
B) Hypertension, Diabetes, Coronary Artery Disease
C) Certain types of leukemia
D) Many infectious diseases
E) None of the above

B) Hypertension, Diabetes, Coronary Artery Disease
Explanation: Older age is associated with a higher likelihood of developing conditions such as Hypertension, Diabetes, Coronary Artery Disease, Chronic Kidney Disease, and most cancers.

Illness Trajectory and Its Impact on Families

Which of the following is a critical issue in choosing a therapeutic plan?
A) Patient's financial status
B) Psychological and preparedness state of the patient and family
C) Patient's age
D) Patient's occupation
E) Patient's education level

B) Psychological and preparedness state of the patient and family
Explanation: Critical issues in choosing a therapeutic plan include the psychological and preparedness state of the patient and family, among other factors.

Illness Trajectory and Its Impact on Families

What is Prolonged Grief Disorder?
A) A condition where family members quickly move on from a loved one's death
B) A condition where family members have difficulty accepting the death of a loved one
C) A condition where family members feel joy after a loved one's death
D) A condition where family members forget about the deceased
E) A condition where family members celebrate the death

B) A condition where family members have difficulty accepting the death of a loved one
Explanation: Prolonged Grief Disorder is characterized by family members having difficulty accepting the death of a loved one or moving on from it.

Family Assessment Tools and Techniques

Which of the following is NOT an advantage of using a genogram?
A) Records names and roles of each family member
B) Separates extended family into several households
C) Documents medical problems of each member
D) Provides a rapid assessment of family function
E) Documents significant dates in family history

D) Provides a rapid assessment of family function
Explanation: While a genogram is excellent for documenting family structure and medical history, it has limited value in assessing family function.

Biopsychosocial Model of Health

What is the main goal of the Biopsychosocial Approach in clinical family and community medicine?
A) To focus solely on biological factors
B) To address only psychological issues
C) To integrate biological, psychological, and social factors
D) To prioritize social factors over others
E) To eliminate the need for community involvement

C) To integrate biological, psychological, and social factors
Explanation: The main goal of the Biopsychosocial Approach in clinical family and community medicine is to integrate biological, psychological, and social factors to provide comprehensive care.

Psychological Factors and Filipino Healing Modalities

What is a significant psychosocial issue faced by the patient in the case scenario?

C) Anger and frustrations
Explanation: The patient experiences anger and frustrations due to difficulty with ambulation and inability to express needs, emotions, and thoughts, highlighting the psychosocial impact of the illness.

Illness Trajectory and Its Impact on Families

What is a potential crisis for families dealing with an acute illness?
A) Routine of the family is suspended
B) Family members feel indifferent
C) Family members experience joy
D) Family members become wealthy
E) Family members go on vacation

A) Routine of the family is suspended
Explanation: An acute illness can cause a potential crisis when the routine of the family is suspended, especially if the affected person was the breadwinner.

Family Assessment Tools and Techniques

Which component of the genogram represents the family tree?
A) Functional Chart
B) Family Illness/History
C) Family Tree
D) Family APGAR
E) Family Map

C) Family Tree
Explanation: The family tree component of the genogram consists of three or more generations, identified by Roman numerals, and includes details such as names, ages, and relationships.

Illness Trajectory and Its Impact on Families

What is the initial response of a family to a terminal illness?
A) Indifference
B) Shock and overwhelming anxiety
C) Excitement
D) Relief
E) Joy

B) Shock and overwhelming anxiety
Explanation: The initial response to a terminal illness is often shock and overwhelming anxiety, as it is a highly emotional and devastating experience for the family.

Illness Trajectory and Its Impact on Families

What is a sign of pathology in the adjustment to permanency of an outcome?
A) Quick acceptance of the outcome
B) Continued unwillingness to incorporate the reality of permanency
C) Immediate return to normal life
D) Increased social activities
E) Enhanced physical health

B) Continued unwillingness to incorporate the reality of permanency
Explanation: Continued unwillingness to accept the reality of a permanent outcome may indicate a pathological condition.

Family Assessment Tools and Techniques

What is the role of the index patient in a genogram?
A) The youngest family member
B) The family member with the most wealth
C) The family member of greater medical significance due to an illness
D) The oldest family member
E) The family member who created the genogram

C) The family member of greater medical significance due to an illness
Explanation: The index patient is identified with an arrow and is the family member of greater medical significance because of an illness.

Family Assessment Tools and Techniques

What does the Family APGAR assess?
A) Family's financial status
B) Family's vacation plans
C) Family function
D) Family's favorite foods
E) Family's educational background

C) Family function
Explanation: The Family APGAR assesses family function, including adaptation, partnership, growth, affection, and resolve.

Family Assessment Tools and Techniques

What does the 'Resolve' component of the Family APGAR refer to?
A) Family's financial status
B) Family's vacation plans
C) Commitment of family members to support each other
D) Family's favorite foods
E) Family's educational background

C) Commitment of family members to support each other
Explanation: The 'Resolve' component of the Family APGAR refers to the commitment of family members to devote time to support each other’s physical and emotional growth.

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