Overview of E-Commerce
What is law?
That which must be obeyed and followed by citizens, subject to sanctions or legal consequences.
Overview of E-Commerce
What aspect of e-commerce focuses on safeguarding personal information?
Data protection and privacy.
Major World Legal Systems
What is a key characteristic of Common Law?
It is rights-based and concerned for individuals.
Cybersecurity Initiatives in Malaysia
What is the role of MyCERT in relation to law enforcement agencies?
MyCERT advises and provides assistance but does not undertake any policing role.
Digital Forensics and Incident Response
What is CyberCSI?
Cyber Crime Scene Investigation, a digital forensic lab of CyberSecurity Malaysia.
Overview of E-Commerce
What is a key issue in e-commerce related to legal responsibilities?
Liability and contractual information.
Challenges in Cyber Law Enforcement
What is a significant resource issue faced by cyber law enforcers?
Insufficient equipment to detect cybercriminals.
Cybersecurity Initiatives in Malaysia
What is Cyber999?
A Computer Emergency Response service offered by CyberSecurity Malaysia.
Overview of E-Commerce
How is a website metaphorically described in relation to cyberspace?
It might be said to 'exist in cyberspace.'
Overview of E-Commerce
What does E-business encompass?
The entire buying, selling goods and services, servicing customers, collaborating with business partners, and conducting e-transactions within an organization.
Challenges in Cyber Law Enforcement
What is a major challenge for cyber law enforcers in identifying cybercriminals?
The investigations are equipment- and labor-intensive.
Features and Benefits of E-Commerce
How does e-commerce benefit consumers in terms of product variety?
Consumers can access a large variety of products from many countries.
Types of E-Commerce Models
What is Business-to-Government (B2G) e-commerce?
A form of B2B where government is considered as a business.
Major World Legal Systems
What is a key characteristic of Civil Law?
It is duty-based and concerned for the will of the legislature.
Introduction to Cyber Law
What types of technology does cyber law include?
The Internet and digital processing devices.
Major World Legal Systems
How does a judge operate in a Civil Law system?
The judge applies elaborate written codes to factual situations with little judicial discretion.
Overview of E-Commerce
In which publication was the term 'cyberspace' first introduced?
In the novelette 'Burning Chrome' in Omni magazine.
Challenges in Cyber Law Enforcement
What technologies do cybercriminals use to evade detection?
Encryption, route relay, and other processes.
Cybersecurity Initiatives in Malaysia
Who are the various parties MyCERT coordinates with?
Internet Service Providers, law enforcement agencies, and international incident response teams.
Types of E-Commerce Models
What is a key characteristic of C2B e-commerce?
Consumers sell goods and services to organizations.
Cybersecurity Initiatives in Malaysia
What was established during the 6th National Information Technology Council (NITC) Meeting in January 1998?
The national network security and accreditation agency.
Types of E-Commerce Models
What does B2B EC stand for?
Business-to-Business E-Commerce.
Cybersecurity Initiatives in Malaysia
What role did NISER take on in March 2007?
NISER's role was elevated to become CyberSecurity Malaysia.
Overview of E-Commerce
What is e-commerce?
E-commerce refers to the buying and selling of goods and services over the internet.
Features and Benefits of E-Commerce
What is one major benefit of e-commerce for organizations?
It expands the marketplace with minimum capital outlay.
Overview of E-Commerce
Where are events taking place on the Internet considered to occur?
In cyberspace, not in the physical locations of participants or servers.
Cybersecurity Initiatives in Malaysia
What type of assistance does MyCERT provide?
Coordinate expert advice whilst rendering remedial assistance.
Features and Benefits of E-Commerce
How does e-commerce affect customer reach for organizations?
More customers can be reached.
Major World Legal Systems
What is a key concern of Socialist Law?
Acts as they affect the state.
Major World Legal Systems
What is the significance of major world legal systems in e-commerce?
Major world legal systems provide frameworks that influence how e-commerce is conducted globally.
Digital Forensics and Incident Response
What is the systematic foundation of digital forensics methodology?
It involves digital evidence collection, preservation, analysis, and presentation.
Cybersecurity Initiatives in Malaysia
What is the role of MyCERT in Malaysia?
Acts as an independent focal point for Malaysian hosts to facilitate cooperation among local and international experts, incident response teams, vendors, clients, and law enforcement agencies.
Challenges in Cyber Law Enforcement
Why do cyber law enforcers need to act quickly?
To prevent evidence from fading away.
Cybersecurity Initiatives in Malaysia
How does MyCERT function as an intermediary?
By coordinating responses between various parties, including Internet Service Providers and law enforcement agencies.
Major World Legal Systems
Which countries primarily follow Socialist Law?
Russia and the People's Republic of China.
Types of E-Commerce Models
What is an example of C2C e-commerce?
Consumers reselling books on Lelong Malaysia.
Challenges in Cyber Law Enforcement
What is a major challenge for cyber law enforcers regarding personnel?
Insufficient trained personnel.
Overview of E-Commerce
What constitutes a body of law?
A body of rules of action or conduct prescribed by a controlling authority and having binding legal force.
Overview of E-Commerce
What are the consequences of not following the law?
Sanctions or legal consequences.
Overview of E-Commerce
What does the term 'cyberspace' refer to?
Objects and identities that exist largely within the computing network.
Challenges in Cyber Law Enforcement
Why must cyber law enforcers continuously adapt?
Because technology always evolves.
Overview of E-Commerce
What is E-Commerce (EC)?
The process of buying, selling, or exchanging products, services, and information via computer networks, mostly the Internet.
Types of E-Commerce Models
Who are the participants in B2B e-commerce?
All participants are businesses or organizations.
Major World Legal Systems
How do courts operate under Common Law?
They follow the reasoning of other courts (precedent) and interpret the law.
Features and Benefits of E-Commerce
What is a key benefit of e-commerce for consumers regarding shopping?
Consumers can shop from anywhere at any time.
Types of E-Commerce Models
Can you name examples of B2B e-commerce platforms?
Dell online, Lapasar.com, and Averest.com.my.
Major World Legal Systems
Which countries primarily use Common Law?
US, UK, Canada, Australia, Hong Kong, Malaysia, and former British colonies.
Types of E-Commerce Models
What are the main types of E-Commerce models?
C2B (Consumer to Business), B2B (Business to Business), B2C (Business to Consumer), and C2C (Consumer to Consumer).
Overview of E-Commerce
What implication does cyberspace have on national laws?
The laws of any particular nation state would not apply.
Challenges in Cyber Law Enforcement
What practical differences complicate cyber law enforcement between nations?
Differences in enforcement and coordination efforts.
Overview of E-Commerce
What is essential for ensuring safe online transactions?
Managing fraud and securing electronic transactions.
Cybersecurity Initiatives in Malaysia
What organization was created as a result of the establishment of the national network security agency?
The National ICT Security and Emergency Response Centre (NISER).
Cybersecurity Initiatives in Malaysia
What is one of the services offered by MyCERT?
Assist Internet Users Malaysians in detecting, interpreting, and responding to computer security incidents.
Cybersecurity Initiatives in Malaysia
Under which division does the TCIB operate?
The Commercial Crime Investigation Division.
Cybersecurity Initiatives in Malaysia
What type of service is Cyber Forensics?
A service offered by CyberSecurity Malaysia to investigate cyber incidents.
Overview of E-Commerce
What does the term 'cyberspace' refer to?
A common idea that can mean several different types of virtual reality.
Cybersecurity Initiatives in Malaysia
What does Security Assurance involve?
Ensuring the security of systems and data through various measures.
Digital Forensics and Incident Response
Who does CyberCSI offer digital forensics services to?
Law enforcement agencies, government agencies, organizations, and the general public.
Overview of E-Commerce
Who coined the term 'cyberspace'?
William Gibson, a Canadian science fiction writer.
Cybersecurity Initiatives in Malaysia
Which industries has MyCERT served?
Banking, finance, multinational companies, government, and education.
Types of E-Commerce Models
Name some examples of B2C E-Commerce platforms.
Lazada, Shopee, Amazon, Yahoo, and AirAsia.
Features and Benefits of E-Commerce
What inventory-related advantage does e-commerce provide?
It allows low inventories.
Introduction to Cyber Law
How do cyber laws impact cyberspace?
Cyber laws establish rules for behavior in cyberspace, ensuring security and legal compliance.
Features and Benefits of E-Commerce
What is meant by 'universal standards' in EC technology?
One set of Internet standards shared by all nations.
Challenges in Cyber Law Enforcement
What makes cybercriminals almost undetectable by law enforcers?
Their use of advanced technology and processes.
Types of E-Commerce Models
Name two examples of C2C EC platforms.
eBay.com and LelongMalaysia.com.
Cybersecurity Initiatives in Malaysia
Who can cooperate with MyCERT during a computer security incident?
Local and international experts, incident response teams, vendors, clients, and law enforcement agencies.
Features and Benefits of E-Commerce
How can e-commerce improve public services?
E-commerce can improve public services and quality of life.
Features and Benefits of E-Commerce
What communication cost benefit does e-commerce provide?
It lowers communication costs.
Cybersecurity Initiatives in Malaysia
How does CyberSecurity Malaysia aim to promote cyber security?
By nurturing a culture of cyber security among users and critical sectors.
Features and Benefits of E-Commerce
What multimedia capabilities does EC technology offer?
It allows for rich content and interaction.
Types of E-Commerce Models
Which other platforms are examples of C2B e-commerce?
Upwork.com, Etsy.com, Shutterstock.
Digital Forensics and Incident Response
What is one of the primary services offered in digital forensics?
Preservation and authentication of electronic evidence.
Overview of E-Commerce
What function of law helps to maintain existing social structures?
Maintaining the status quo.
Overview of E-Commerce
How does law contribute to societal progress?
By facilitating orderly change.
Types of E-Commerce Models
What does B2C EC stand for?
Business-to-Consumer E-Commerce.
Cybersecurity Initiatives in Malaysia
How does MyCERT help Internet Users Malaysians during a security breach?
By alerting them in the event of a security breach.
Cybersecurity Initiatives in Malaysia
What kind of assistance does the TCIB provide to overseas enforcement agencies?
Assistance in investigating online gambling, hacking, and illegal distribution of pirated software.
Cybersecurity Initiatives in Malaysia
What is the purpose of Security Management and Best Practices?
To implement effective security measures and protocols.
Features and Benefits of E-Commerce
How does EC technology facilitate communication between merchants and users?
Through interactivity, allowing two-way communication.
Challenges in Cyber Law Enforcement
What is a major challenge for cyber law enforcers when dealing with cybercriminals in different countries?
Prosecuting and imposing sentences on cybercriminals who commit crimes against information systems in Malaysia from another country.
Features and Benefits of E-Commerce
How does e-commerce enhance product offerings?
It enables customized products and services.
Features and Benefits of E-Commerce
How does e-commerce enhance information access for consumers?
Consumers can search quickly for detailed information.
Overview of E-Commerce
What was promised regarding the delivery time of the item?
The item was promised to arrive within 1 month.
Types of E-Commerce Models
How do consumers aggregate in e-commerce?
Consumers aggregate to bulk purchase from Amazon.
Types of E-Commerce Models
What is a key characteristic of traditional transactions?
Operate in a physical store.
Features and Benefits of E-Commerce
How does e-commerce contribute to customer service?
It leads to better customer service.
Major World Legal Systems
How are judges viewed in Islamic Law?
They are answerable to God.
Significance of Cyber Law
What is the biggest challenge faced by Cyber Law?
Integrating with the legacy system of laws applicable to the physical world.
Types of E-Commerce Models
What is Mobile-Commerce (M-Commerce)?
Transactions conducted in a wireless environment using smartphones.
Cybersecurity Initiatives in Malaysia
What does CyberSecurity Malaysia seek to strengthen in Malaysia?
Self-reliance in terms of technology and human resources.
Types of E-Commerce Models
What are some examples of M-Commerce transactions?
E-banking and stock market transactions via smartphone.
Malaysian Cyber Laws and Statutes
What does the Computer Crimes Act 1997 address?
It addresses offenses related to computer systems and data.
Cybersecurity Initiatives in Malaysia
Who manages and coordinates the incident response services in Malaysia?
Malaysian Computer Emergency Response Team (MyCERT).
Malaysian Cyber Laws and Statutes
What does the E-Commerce Act 2006 facilitate?
It facilitates and regulates electronic commerce activities.
Cybersecurity Initiatives in Malaysia
What type of training do officers in the TCIB receive?
Special training in cybercriminal investigation methods.
Introduction to Cyber Law
What are cyber laws?
Cyber laws are regulations that govern the use of the internet and digital technologies.
Introduction to Cyber Law
What does cyber law encompass?
A wide variety of legal issues related to the use of communications technology.
Types of E-Commerce Models
What is the primary focus of B2C E-Commerce?
Online businesses selling to individual shoppers.
Features and Benefits of E-Commerce
What impact does e-commerce have on information costs?
It decreases the cost of creating, storing, retrieving, and distributing information.
Cybersecurity Initiatives in Malaysia
What role does Training and Outreach play in CyberSecurity Malaysia?
To educate and raise awareness about cybersecurity issues.
Types of E-Commerce Models
What does C2C EC stand for?
Consumers selling to other consumers.
Cybersecurity Initiatives in Malaysia
How does MyCERT help minimize damage from cyber attacks?
By rapidly analyzing solutions to prevent further unauthorized activity and mitigate damage.
Challenges in Cyber Law Enforcement
Why is the harmonisation of a cyber law framework important?
Because the Internet is borderless and does not respect the laws of sovereign nations.
Types of E-Commerce Models
What types of services do B2C E-Commerce include?
Portals, online retailers, content providers, transaction brokers, market creators, service providers, and community providers.
Features and Benefits of E-Commerce
How does EC technology contribute to cost reduction?
By reducing information costs and raising quality.
Cybersecurity Initiatives in Malaysia
What is CyberSecurity Malaysia?
The national reference and specialist centre for cyber security under the Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation (MOSTI).
Major World Legal Systems
In which countries is Islamic Law (Sharia Law) primarily practiced?
Iran, Iraq, Saudi Arabia, and Pakistan.
Cybersecurity Initiatives in Malaysia
What is the primary aim of CyberSecurity Malaysia?
To reduce the vulnerability of ICT systems and networks.
Major World Legal Systems
What is a characteristic of 'modern' Middle Eastern countries regarding law?
They mix Islamic and Civil law, e.g., Egypt.
Major World Legal Systems
What legal systems are combined in Pakistan?
Common law and Islamic law.
Overview of E-Commerce
What function of law aims to ensure fairness in society?
Promoting social justice.
Malaysian Cyber Laws and Statutes
What is the purpose of the Personal Data Protection Act 2010?
To protect personal data and privacy of individuals.
Types of E-Commerce Models
What is a financial advantage of electronic transactions?
Less investment and small fixed cost.
Challenges in Cyber Law Enforcement
How do cybercriminals operate differently from traditional criminals?
They operate in a virtual world and do not leave physical clues or paper trails.
Features and Benefits of E-Commerce
What financial advantage does e-commerce typically offer consumers?
Consumers usually pay less.
Features and Benefits of E-Commerce
What does the term 'ubiquity' refer to in the context of EC technology?
The availability of technology everywhere and at any time.
Features and Benefits of E-Commerce
What customization option do consumers have in e-commerce?
Consumers can get customized products and services.
Cybersecurity Initiatives in Malaysia
What may prompt MyCERT to publish new advisories?
New trends of security incidents.
Major World Legal Systems
What does 'Islam' mean?
Submission to Allah’s will.
Overview of E-Commerce
How is 'cyberspace' primarily used today?
In a primarily metaphoric sense, mostly associated with the Internet.
Types of E-Commerce Models
How do peer computers interact in P2P technology?
They share and process files between each other.
Types of E-Commerce Models
What is meant by 'demand aggregate' in C2B?
Consumers group together to request services through public sites.
Significance of Cyber Law
What factors can lead to conflicts when viewing the rights of Netizens?
Factors such as Sex, Age, etc.
Digital Forensics and Incident Response
What type of analysis is performed on computer hard drives in digital forensics?
Analysis of computer hard drives and other electronic media.
Cybersecurity Initiatives in Malaysia
What is one of the core competencies of CyberSecurity Malaysia?
Computer Emergency and Incident response.
Malaysian Cyber Laws and Statutes
What is the significance of the Digital Signature (Amendment) Act 2001?
It amends provisions related to digital signatures for better clarity and enforcement.
Types of E-Commerce Models
What is an example of B2C e-commerce?
Consumers buying thousands of books from Amazon.
Malaysian Cyber Laws and Statutes
What role do Malaysian cyber laws play in e-commerce?
Malaysian cyber laws regulate online transactions and protect consumers in Malaysia.
Digital Forensics and Incident Response
What are the core services of CyberSecurity Malaysia?
Digital forensics services through CyberCSI.
Introduction to Cyber Law
What are some key areas covered by cyber law?
Intellectual property, privacy, and jurisdiction.
Overview of E-Commerce
How did the buyer pay for the item on e-Bay?
Using a Maybank credit card via PayPal.
Major World Legal Systems
Which regions primarily follow Civil Law?
Europe, Japan, and Germany.
Introduction to Cyber Law
What forms the basis of cyber law?
State and federal constitutional, statutory, and case law.
Introduction to Cyber Law
How does cyber law relate to traditional laws?
It builds on traditional laws that apply to brick-and-mortar companies.
Types of E-Commerce Models
How do consumers participate in C2B e-commerce?
By requesting specific services from businesses.
Introduction to Cyber Law
What is a significant aspect of cyber law regarding freedom?
It addresses issues of privacy and freedom of expression.
Cybersecurity Initiatives in Malaysia
What is a key function of MyCERT in response to security incidents?
Conducting vital technical and remedial action at affected sites.
Features and Benefits of E-Commerce
How does EC technology enhance the quality of information?
By increasing information density and quality.
Overview of E-Commerce
How does law influence societal values?
By shaping moral standards.
Types of E-Commerce Models
What payment methods can be used in M-Commerce?
TnG, Grab, FPX, Duitnow, etc.
Overview of E-Commerce
How does law assist in resolving disputes?
Providing a basis for compromise.
Significance of Cyber Law
What is a significant characteristic of Cyber Space?
It has no geographical boundaries.
Overview of E-Commerce
What issue did the buyer encounter after receiving the item?
The item was not as described on e-Bay.
Significance of Cyber Law
What conflict is highlighted in the context of Cyber Law?
The conflict between Trademark Laws and the system of Domain Names.
Types of E-Commerce Models
What types of digital products can be exchanged using P2P technology?
Music, videos, software, games, and other digital products.
Malaysian Cyber Laws and Statutes
What is the purpose of the Trade Marks Act 1976?
To regulate the registration and protection of trademarks in Malaysia.
Introduction to Cyber Law
Is cyber law relevant in resolving the issue with the e-Bay purchase?
Yes, it may be relevant depending on the circumstances.
Malaysian Cyber Laws and Statutes
What does the Patents Act 1983 cover?
It governs the protection of inventions and patents in Malaysia.
Malaysian Cyber Laws and Statutes
What is the significance of the Digital Signature Act 1997?
It provides legal recognition for digital signatures in electronic transactions.
Digital Forensics and Incident Response
What can be recovered in digital forensics?
Deleted files, partitions, and formatted drives.
Cybersecurity Initiatives in Malaysia
What type of issues does MyCERT help Malaysian Internet users with?
Computer abuses and information security breaches.
Digital Forensics and Incident Response
What role can digital forensics experts play in legal proceedings?
Expert witness testimony.
Challenges in Cyber Law Enforcement
What complicates the prosecution of cybercriminals operating internationally?
The lack of a unified legal framework across different countries.
Features and Benefits of E-Commerce
What societal benefit does e-commerce provide in terms of traffic?
E-commerce leads to less traffic and pollution.
Types of E-Commerce Models
What is the relationship in B2B e-commerce?
Business originating from one business and selling to another.
Overview of E-Commerce
What options does the buyer have to resolve the issue?
Ask e-Bay, the bank, or PayPal for assistance.
Types of E-Commerce Models
What is a limitation of traditional transactions?
Time and place limitation.
Cybersecurity Initiatives in Malaysia
What is MyCERT?
Malaysian Computer Emergency Response Team.
Cybersecurity Initiatives in Malaysia
What role does CyberSecurity Malaysia serve in the national context?
It acts as a one-stop coordination centre for all national cyber security initiatives.
Malaysian Cyber Laws and Statutes
What is the focus of the Copyright Act 1987?
To protect the rights of creators of original works.
Malaysian Cyber Laws and Statutes
What does the Communications and Multimedia Act 1998 regulate?
It regulates the communications and multimedia industry in Malaysia.
Cybersecurity Initiatives in Malaysia
What is the primary role of MyCERT?
To serve Internet users in Malaysia in dealing with computer security incidents.
Malaysian Cyber Laws and Statutes
What does the Trade Marks Act 2019 update?
It updates the provisions related to trademark registration and protection.
Overview of E-Commerce
What is a key function of law regarding personal liberties?
Maximizing individual freedom.