What is Confirmation Bias?
Favoring information that confirms existing beliefs.
What is the Fundamental Attribution Error?
Overemphasizing personal characteristics and underemphasizing situational factors in others' behavior.
Cognitive Biases in Social Perception

What is Confirmation Bias?

Favoring information that confirms existing beliefs.

Cognitive Biases in Social Perception

What is the Fundamental Attribution Error?

Overemphasizing personal characteristics and underemphasizing situational factors in others' behavior.

Nonverbal Communication

How does Posture affect Nonverbal Communication?

Body orientation and positioning can indicate openness or defensiveness.

Cognitive Biases in Social Perception

What are Cognitive Biases?

Systematic patterns of deviation from norm or rationality in judgment.

Definition of Social Perception

What is Social Perception?

The process through which individuals form impressions and make judgments about others based on social stimuli.

Cognitive Biases in Social Perception

What is Stereotyping?

Generalizing characteristics to individuals based on group membership.

Cognitive Biases in Social Perception

What is Attribution Bias?

Errors in understanding the causes of behavior.

Nonverbal Communication

What does Eye Contact signify in social interactions?

Can signify confidence, interest, or aggression.

Cognitive Biases in Social Perception

What is Self-Serving Bias?

Attributing successes to internal factors and failures to external factors.

Nonverbal Communication

What are Facial Expressions?

Convey emotions and reactions.

Nonverbal Communication

What is Nonverbal Communication?

Transmission of messages or signals without the use of words.

Nonverbal Communication

What role do Gestures play in Nonverbal Communication?

Movements that express ideas or feelings.

Group Dynamics

What is Group Dynamics?

The study of how people interact in groups and the effects of group membership on behavior.

In-group vs. Out-group Bias

What is In-group vs. Out-group bias?

Favoritism towards one's own group and prejudice against others.

Nonverbal Communication

Why are Nonverbal cues important?

They often carry more weight than verbal communication in social interactions.

Group Dynamics

What is Conformity?

Adjusting behaviors or beliefs to align with group norms.

Social Facilitation and Performance

What is Social Facilitation?

The tendency for people to perform differently when in the presence of others compared to when alone.

Importance of Understanding Social Perception

Why is understanding social perception essential?

It plays a crucial role in how individuals interpret and respond to social stimuli.

Practical Applications of Social Perception

How does social perception aid in conflict resolution?

By addressing biases and improving negotiation strategies.

Practical Applications of Social Perception

What impact does social perception have on workplace dynamics?

It fosters teamwork and collaboration.

Practical Applications of Social Perception

How can understanding social perception enhance interpersonal relationships?

By improving communication and reducing misunderstandings.

Groupthink and Decision Making

What is Groupthink?

A phenomenon where the desire for harmony in a decision-making group leads to irrational or dysfunctional outcomes.

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