Which chapter addresses Retirement Services?
Chapter 5.
What is the significance of the document change history?
It tracks versions, dates, authors, and comments for updates.
Types of Insurance

Which chapter addresses Retirement Services?

Chapter 5.

Overview of Insurance

What is the significance of the document change history?

It tracks versions, dates, authors, and comments for updates.

Overview of Insurance

What rights are reserved by Tata Consultancy Services in the document?

All rights are reserved, indicating ownership and protection of content.

Overview of Insurance

What is the purpose of the document prepared by Tata Consultancy Services (TCS)?

To describe and provide training to students in the field of Insurance for Business Process Services.

Insurance Life Cycle

What is the first step in the Insurance Life Cycle?

Sourcing application/proposal forms through various distribution channels.

Overview of Insurance

What unique model does TCS use for delivering its services?

Global Network Delivery Model TM.

Fundamentals of Insurance Contracts

What are the basic principles that define insurable risks?

The loss must occur by chance, be definite, significant, predictable, and not catastrophic to the insurer.

Overview of Insurance

What does TCS stand for?

Tata Consultancy Services.

Fundamentals of Insurance Contracts

What defines an asset?

Any item of significant economic value that can be converted into cash or generate income for the owner.

Overview of Insurance

What is TCS recognized for in software development?

Benchmark of excellence.

Fundamentals of Insurance Contracts

What is policy renewal in insurance?

The renewal of the insurance contract upon payment of the due premium.

Risk Management Techniques

What does risk retention involve?

Accepting some losses as a viable strategy for small risks where insurance costs exceed total losses.

Overview of Insurance

What does TCS stand for?

Tata Consultancy Services.

Overview of Insurance

What is the focus of Chapter 1 in the module?

Insurance – Generic Overview.

Fundamentals of Insurance Contracts

What does TCS state about the legal responsibility for the document's contents?

TCS does not accept any legal responsibility for the contents or consequences arising from its use.

Types of Insurance

What type of insurance is discussed in Chapter 3?

Property & Casualty Insurance.

Fundamentals of Insurance Contracts

What is the significance of the loss rate in insurance?

The loss rate must be predictable based on past experience.

Overview of Insurance

What is the significance of the copyright notice?

It indicates that the material is protected and cannot be reproduced without permission.

Overview of Insurance

What is the main focus of Unit 1 in the document?

Insurance – Generic Overview.

Fundamentals of Insurance Contracts

Why can assets be insured?

Because they can be destroyed or become non-functional, leading to financial loss.

Risk Management Techniques

What is risk prevention or avoidance?

A risk management technique that prevents loss by avoiding activities that pose risks.

Business Units in an Insurance Company

What does the Actuary team do?

Evaluates likelihood of events and risks, quantifies outcomes, and determines terms of insurance policies.

Fundamentals of Insurance Contracts

What happens when the proposer wants to increase the sum insured from Rs. 100,000 to Rs. 200,000?

A contract has not been formed as the proposer has not unconditionally accepted the offer.

Overview of Insurance

Who holds the copyright for the document?

Tata Consultancy Services Limited.

Business Units in an Insurance Company

What does the Claims Management team handle?

Claim notification, evaluation, processing, determining beneficiary, and facilitating claim payment.

Overview of Insurance

What are the two main risks that life insurance deals with?

Dying too early and living for too long.

Insurance Life Cycle

Who evaluates the risks involved with each insurance proposal?

The Underwriting team.

History of Insurance

What organization was formed as a result of the GIBNA?

The General Insurance Corporation of India (GIC).

Types of Insurance

What type of risk is characterized by no possibility of profit?

Pure Risk.

Insurance Life Cycle

Who handles the claims procedure in the Insurance Life Cycle?

The Claims team.

Overview of Insurance

What is prohibited regarding the content provided by TCS?

Copying, modifying, reproducing, republishing, uploading, transmitting, posting, or distributing without prior written permission.

Fundamentals of Insurance Contracts

What can happen if the insured breaches the duty of disclosure?

The insurer may avoid the contract entirely, and no claim will be payable.

Fundamentals of Insurance Contracts

What are the essential elements of a valid insurance contract?

Offer and acceptance, consideration, capacity to contract, consensus ad idem, legality of object, and capability of performance.

Types of Insurance

What is a Pension and Savings Plan categorized under?

Life Insurance.

Types of Insurance

What type of insurance covers risks associated with travel?

Travel Insurance.

Types of Insurance

What is an example of a speculative risk?

Investment in the stock market.

Overview of Insurance

What does TCS BPS stand for?

Tata Consultancy Services Business Process Services.

Overview of Insurance

What is the confidentiality status of the document?

The contents are confidential and provided under a confidentiality obligation.

Business Units in an Insurance Company

What is the role of the Product Development team in an insurance company?

Develops plans with new features, calculates costs, and determines premiums.

History of Insurance

What significant act was passed in 1972 regarding general insurance in India?

The General Insurance Business (Nationalization) Act 1972 (GIBNA).

Fundamentals of Insurance Contracts

What is uncertainty in the context of insurance?

Insurance is available for outcomes that are uncertain; for example, while death is certain, the timing of death is uncertain.

Insurance Life Cycle

What is meant by policy servicing in the Insurance Life Cycle?

Regular or ongoing customer services provided by the Insurer to the policyholder.

Fundamentals of Insurance Contracts

How does insurance work?

It works on the concept of Risk Pooling, where losses incurred by a few are shared by many in the same group with similar risk exposure.

Types of Insurance

Name two types of Life Insurance plans.

Term Insurance Plan and Whole Life Insurance Plan.

Types of Insurance

What is a common type of Non-Life Insurance?

Motor Insurance.

Types of Insurance

What are particular risks?

Risks that have personal or local effects, impacting specific individuals or localities.

Key Insurance Terminologies

What happens if a policyholder defaults on premium payment?

The policy is treated as 'lapsed' and all benefits will stop.

Reinsurance Concepts

What is facultative reinsurance?

A form of reinsurance where each risk is offered to the reinsurer as a single transaction or on an individual risk basis.

Types of Insurance

What tax benefits are associated with life insurance?

Tax benefits are available on premiums paid and on maturity and death benefits.

History of Insurance

What significant act was introduced in 1912 in India?

The Indian Life Assurance Companies Act 1912.

Reinsurance Concepts

What is the reinsurance concept?

The practice of insurers transferring portions of risk to other insurers.

Risk Management Techniques

What are fundamental risks?

Risks that are so vast in scale that they are not insurable due to their catastrophic potential, such as earthquakes or war.

Key Insurance Terminologies

What does TCS request regarding violations of the Tata Code of Conduct?

To promptly report any violations to the Local Ethics Counselor, Principal Ethics Counselor, or the CEO of TCS.

Business Units in an Insurance Company

What is the primary function of the Investment team?

Invests the excess of premiums to facilitate profit booking.

Business Units in an Insurance Company

What are the responsibilities of the Legal team?

Provides inputs in product development, creates contracts with agents and customers, and handles litigations.

Risk Management Techniques

What is risk control?

A technique that involves implementing safety measures to minimize the severity of losses.

Reinsurance Concepts

What do reinsurance companies receive in return for accepting risks?

A definite percentage of the risks in return for a payment or consideration.

Overview of Insurance

On which stock exchanges is TCS listed?

National Stock Exchange and Bombay Stock Exchange in India.

Business Units in an Insurance Company

What is the primary function of the Sales team?

Recruits distributors and reaches out to customers with suitable plans.

History of Insurance

What did the R.N. Malhotra Committee recommend in 1994?

Private and foreign investments in the insurance industry.

Reinsurance Concepts

What does the reinsurer do?

Accepts the risk in exchange for a share of the insurance premium and promises to reimburse the ceding company for underwritten risks.

Insurable Interest and Utmost Good Faith

When must insurable interest exist for life insurance?

Insurable interest must exist at the time of purchasing the policy.

Fundamentals of Insurance Contracts

What is the principle of utmost good faith?

It is the duty to disclose all material facts related to the proposed risk correctly and voluntarily.

Fundamentals of Insurance Contracts

What does capability of performance mean in an insurance contract?

The contract must be capable of being performed by both parties, such as being able to pay the required premium.

Risk Management Techniques

What factors can affect the risk level of an individual?

Age, health, lifestyle, occupation, etc.

Key Insurance Terminologies

What is a claim in insurance?

A demand for fulfillment of the promise made by the insurer at the time of entering into the contract.

Key Insurance Terminologies

What are important terminologies in an insurance contract?

Key terms that are essential for understanding insurance agreements.

Fundamentals of Insurance Contracts

What happens to premiums if a policy is declared null and void within two years?

The insurance company may keep all the premiums paid.

Overview of Insurance

What is the focus of the academic interface program mentioned?

Insurance for Business Process Services.

Overview of Insurance

What does the term 'confidential' imply in the context of TCS documents?

The information is restricted and not for public distribution.

Risk Management Techniques

What types of risks are insurable?

Financial, Pure, and Particular Risks.

Overview of Insurance

What is the definition of risk in insurance?

Risk is the possibility of damage or loss, and it describes the potential for an unfavorable event occurring.

Types of Insurance

Which chapter covers Life Insurance and Annuity?

Chapter 2.

Reinsurance Concepts

What happens when an insurance company reaches its risk threshold?

It transfers some of its risks to reinsurance companies.

Overview of Insurance

Which group is TCS a part of?

Tata Group, India's largest industrial conglomerate.

Business Units in an Insurance Company

What are the main responsibilities of the Marketing team?

Brand promotions, brand building, and identifying distribution channels.

History of Insurance

What was the purpose of the R. N. Malhotra Committee set up in 1993?

To study and recommend reforms for the insurance industry.

Types of Insurance

What are financial risks?

Risks that can be measured in monetary terms, such as loss of life or property.

History of Insurance

What statutory body was established in 1999 for insurance regulation?

Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority (IRDA).

Business Units in an Insurance Company

What is the role of the Underwriting team?

Assesses risk associated with proposals and decides on acceptance or rejection.

Key Insurance Terminologies

What are peril and hazard in relation to risk?

Peril refers to the actual cause of loss, while hazard refers to conditions that increase the likelihood of a peril occurring.

Types of Insurance

How does life insurance protect families?

By providing compensation for the loss of income from the deceased provider.

Risk Management Techniques

What is indemnity in insurance?

Financial compensation after a loss that restores the insured to the same financial position as before the loss.

Fundamentals of Insurance Contracts

What is an example of offer and acceptance in an insurance contract?

The insurance company offers coverage with a sum insured, and the proposer accepts without altering the terms.

Types of Insurance

What do non-life insurance companies cover?

Risks other than those related to human lives, except personal accident and health insurance.

Insurable Interest and Utmost Good Faith

Why is insurable interest important in insurance contracts?

It must be present for the contract to be legally valid.

Types of Insurance

What is the primary function of non-life insurance companies?

To provide coverage against risks and compensate the owner for damages.

History of Insurance

What is the history of insurance?

The evolution and development of insurance practices over time.

Risk Management Techniques

Give examples of perils.

Natural disasters like earthquakes, storms, floods, or accidents.

History of Insurance

What was formed in 1957 in India related to insurance?

The General Insurance Council.

Overview of Insurance

What type of materials are referenced in the document?

Internal training materials and external resources like Investopedia and IRMI.

Business Units in an Insurance Company

What is the role of the Policy Servicing team?

Facilitates endorsement, policy reinstatement, policy surrender/termination, and handles customer queries and complaints.

Overview of Insurance

What type of organization is Tata Consultancy Services (TCS)?

An IT services, consulting, and business solutions organization.

Reinsurance Concepts

What is the role of reinsurance companies?

They accept risk from insurance companies beyond their threshold to help manage risk.

Overview of Insurance

What does insurance aim to do regarding risks?

Insurance cannot prevent incidents but can reduce their financial impact if they occur.

Insurance Life Cycle

What occurs upon acceptance of risk by the Underwriters?

The policy is issued and risk coverage starts.

Types of Insurance

What is the primary purpose of insurance products?

To suit the varied needs of individuals and cater to changing priorities.

Types of Insurance

What are the main categories of insurance?

Life Insurance and Non-Life Insurance.

Overview of Insurance

What services does TCS offer?

Consulting-led, integrated portfolio of IT and IT-enabled infrastructure, engineering, and assurance services.

Fundamentals of Insurance Contracts

What is the duty of disclosure in life insurance?

It arises at the time of applying for coverage until the risk is accepted by the insurance company.

Types of Insurance

What distinguishes speculative risks from pure risks?

Speculative risks involve the possibility of profit or loss, while pure risks only involve loss or breaking even.

Key Insurance Terminologies

What is a premium in insurance?

The consideration paid by the policyholder to the insurance company for coverage as per the insurance contract.

Fundamentals of Insurance Contracts

What is the Indisputability Clause (Section 45) in insurance?

It allows the insurer to declare a policy null and void within the first two years if material facts are misrepresented.

Types of Insurance

What is provided under life insurance plans if the insured dies within the policy term?

The nominee/beneficiary is paid the sum insured.

Fundamentals of Insurance Contracts

What happens if a proposer fails to disclose a material fact?

It constitutes a breach of the duty of utmost good faith.

Insurable Interest and Utmost Good Faith

What is insurable interest?

It is when an individual gains from the existence of another individual or property and suffers financial loss from their death, disability, or damage.

Insurable Interest and Utmost Good Faith

In what circumstances is insurable interest deemed to exist?

A person has unlimited insurable interest in their own life.

Types of Insurance

What are the types of insurance?

Various forms of insurance coverage available.

Risk Management Techniques

What are the two types of hazards?

Physical Hazards and Moral Hazards.

Risk Management Techniques

What can insurance companies do if an individual is categorized as high risk?

They can accept or reject the proposal, or charge higher premiums with lower sums insured.

Overview of Insurance

What is prohibited according to the document's copyright notice?

Unauthorized access, copying, replication, or usage for purposes other than intended.

Insurance Life Cycle

What happens after the proposal forms are submitted to the new business team?

They are scrutinized and checked for discrepancies.

Fundamentals of Insurance Contracts

What is insurance?

A risk transfer technique where the insured transfers risk to the insurance company in exchange for a premium.

Fundamentals of Insurance Contracts

What is the role of premiums in insurance?

Insurance companies collect premiums to create a common fund for compensating those who experience loss.

Types of Insurance

What is the main topic of Chapter 4?

Healthcare Insurance.

Risk Management Techniques

What determines the level of risk?

The likelihood of an event happening and the extent of the event if it occurs.

Fundamentals of Insurance Contracts

What is the purpose of insurance?

To provide protection against financial loss, not to create opportunities for financial gain.

Insurable Interest and Utmost Good Faith

What is the insurable interest of a creditor?

A creditor has insurable interest in the life of the debtor to the extent of the money lent.

Risk Management Techniques

What is the concept of risk in insurance?

The potential for loss or damage.

Risk Management Techniques

What is the Law of Large Numbers in insurance?

It is used to determine the cost of total annual claims based on the probability of claims from past records.

Reinsurance Concepts

Is there direct contact between the policyholder and the reinsurer?

No, there is no direct contact.

Types of Insurance

What do life insurance companies cover?

Risks related to human lives.

Fundamentals of Insurance Contracts

What is the legality of object or purpose in an insurance contract?

The objective must be to create a legal relationship; insurance cannot be purchased for illegal purposes.

Types of Insurance

What is an example of a pure risk?


Key Insurance Terminologies

What does the policy term refer to?

The defined period for which the insurance coverage is valid.

Fundamentals of Insurance Contracts

What are the principles and practices of an insurance contract?

Guidelines that govern the formation and execution of insurance agreements.

Key Insurance Terminologies

What is meant by 'lapse' in an insurance policy?

When the policyholder fails to pay the premium by the due date, leading to the discontinuation of benefits.

Risk Management Techniques

What are moral hazards?

Hazards arising from the state of mind or intentions of the insured that enhance the probability of loss.

Insurable Interest and Utmost Good Faith

What is insurable interest in the context of spouses?

A husband has insurable interest in his wife's life and vice versa, as both benefit from each other's well-being.

Fundamentals of Insurance Contracts

What is required for a contract to be formed in the insurance scenario?

The insurance company must accept the proposer's counter-offer.

Reinsurance Concepts

What is the role of the ceding company in reinsurance?

The insurance company that diversifies its risk by transferring portions to the reinsurer.

Fundamentals of Insurance Contracts

What is the role of the premium in insurance?

The premium collected is deposited in a common fund to pay out claims and cover administrative expenses.

Overview of Insurance

What types of risks do insurance companies typically cover?

Insurance companies provide coverage for only certain types of risks; claims from unspecified risks will not be covered.

Reinsurance Concepts

What is treaty reinsurance?

A form of reinsurance where the ceding company makes an agreement to cede certain classes of business to the reinsurer.

Types of Insurance

What investment options do some insurance products offer?

They provide returns on the money invested along with insurance coverage.

Risk Management Techniques

How does the principle of indemnity work in general insurance?

The insured is compensated only to the extent of the actual monetary loss, regardless of the number of policies.

Fundamentals of Insurance Contracts

How does life insurance differ from general insurance regarding indemnity?

Life insurance contracts are contracts of value, and multiple policies pay the full sum insured in case of death.

Fundamentals of Insurance Contracts

What are material facts in insurance?

Material facts are those that would influence a prudent insurer's judgment regarding risk acceptance and pricing.

Fundamentals of Insurance Contracts

What is an example of innocent misrepresentation?

Inaccurate statements made by the proposer that they believe to be true.

Types of Insurance Companies

What are the types of insurance companies?

Different categories of companies that provide insurance services.

Risk Management Techniques

What is a hazard in the context of insurance?

A condition that increases the chance of a peril occurring or intensifies its effects.

Types of Insurance

What is life insurance designed to do?

Fill the financial gap created by the early death of an income provider.

Insurable Interest and Utmost Good Faith

Who can parents take insurance for?

Parents can take insurance for their dependent children.

Fundamentals of Insurance Contracts

What is consideration in an insurance contract?

Consideration is something of value exchanged, such as the premium.

Fundamentals of Insurance Contracts

Can insurance prevent insured events from happening?

No, insurance cannot prevent events; it only provides compensation for losses that occur.

Fundamentals of Insurance Contracts

What are the criteria for capacity to contract?

The person must be a major (age 18 or above), of sound mind, and not disqualified by law.

Benefits of Insurance

What are the benefits of insurance?

Protection of financial security, investment options, and tax benefits.

Fundamentals of Insurance Contracts

What is consensus ad idem?

Both parties must understand and agree upon the same thing in the same sense.

Risk Management Techniques

What is risk management?

The process of identifying, assessing, and controlling risks.

Key Insurance Terminologies

What is the sum insured?

The maximum amount of money that an insurer will pay as a claim according to the insurance contract.

Reinsurance Concepts

Is the reinsurer obliged to accept every submission in facultative reinsurance?

No, the reinsurer is not obliged to accept every or any submission.

Types of Insurance

What types of risks do non-life insurance companies cover for assets?

Risks like fire, earthquake, flood, riot, or theft.

Risk Management Techniques

What is severity in the context of insurance?

The amount of claims insurance companies would experience if insured events occur.

History of Insurance

Where can the origin of insurance be traced back to?

Lloyd’s Coffee House in London, where traders shared losses of goods.

Business Units in an Insurance Company

What are the business units in an insurance company?

Different departments or divisions that operate within an insurance firm.

Risk Management Techniques

What are physical hazards?

Hazards arising from an individual’s occupation, health, lifestyle, etc.

Fundamentals of Insurance Contracts

What characteristics must a potential loss have to be insurable?

The loss must occur by chance and be definable in monetary terms.

Reinsurance Concepts

What is reinsurance?

Insurance for insurers, where insurance companies transfer portions of their risk portfolios to a reinsurer.

Risk Management Techniques

What is risk transfer?

A technique where the risk on an asset is transferred to an insurance company for compensation in case of loss.

Types of Insurance

What is covered in Chapter 6?


Insurance Life Cycle

What is the final step mentioned in the Insurance Life Cycle?

Policy Renewal.

Insurable Interest and Utmost Good Faith

What is keyman insurance?

A company has insurable interest in the lives of certain individuals whose expertise is crucial for its operations.

Types of Insurance

List three types of Non-Life Insurance.

Property Insurance, Liability Insurance, and Health Insurance.

Fundamentals of Insurance Contracts

Why are insignificant losses not practically insured?

Because they do not meet the criteria for significant loss in terms of monetary value.

Fundamentals of Insurance Contracts

What are the fundamentals of insurance?

Basic principles that govern insurance operations.

Fundamentals of Insurance Contracts

What are the characteristics of a valid contract?

Elements that make a contract legally enforceable.

Fundamentals of Insurance Contracts

What is an example of fraudulent misrepresentation in life insurance?

A proposer declares a false age and submits forged documents to obtain better insurance terms.

Risk Management Techniques

What is a peril in insurance terms?

A specific event or reason that might cause a loss.

Risk Management Techniques

How do actuaries assess the probability of events?

They calculate the probability based on past data and represent it as mortality tables.

Business Units in an Insurance Company

What does the New Business team handle?

Collects and scrutinizes new proposal forms and provides customer service.

Fundamentals of Insurance Contracts

What are the basic concepts of insurance?

Fundamental ideas that underpin insurance practices.

Business Units in an Insurance Company

What does the Agency Management team do?

Recruits and trains new agents, and calculates and processes commissions.

Fundamentals of Insurance Contracts

What initiates a contract in insurance?

A contract starts when one party makes an offer that the other party accepts unconditionally.

Types of Insurance

What do pension plans offer to the insured post-retirement?

Periodic monthly payments called annuities.

Fundamentals of Insurance Contracts

What should a proposer do if unsure about a fact's materiality?

The proposer should disclose it, regardless of whether there is a specific question about it.

Risk Management Techniques

What does the mortality rate indicate?

The chance of dying at a specified age within a sample population.

Key Insurance Terminologies

What are 'Days of Grace' in insurance?

Additional days provided by insurance companies for the policyholder to pay the due premium after the due date.

History of Insurance

When was the first life insurance company established in India?

In 1818, called The Oriental Life Insurance Company, set up in Kolkata.

Insurance Life Cycle

What is an overview of the insurance life cycle?

The stages that an insurance policy goes through from inception to termination.

Risk Management Techniques

If the mortality rate for a male of age 35 is 0.006, what does it imply?

In a sample of 1000 people of age 35, 6 are likely to die each year.

History of Insurance

What happened in India in 1956 regarding insurance?

The Life Insurance Corporation Act was passed, nationalizing 245 insurers.

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