What price is used to calculate the price elasticity of demand?
How does an increase in the price of a luxury good affect consumer sensitivity?
Consumers become more sensitive to the price (elastic).
Point Price Elasticity of Demand Calculation

What price is used to calculate the price elasticity of demand?


Types of Demand: Elastic, Inelastic, Unit Elastic

How does an increase in the price of a luxury good affect consumer sensitivity?

Consumers become more sensitive to the price (elastic).

Types of Demand: Elastic, Inelastic, Unit Elastic

What happens when the price of a necessity product increases?

Consumers are insensitive to the price (inelastic).

Unit Elastic

Where is the unit elastic point located on the demand curve?

At the middle of the demand curve (point B).

Types of Demand: Elastic, Inelastic, Unit Elastic

What is the absolute value of Price Elasticity of Demand for inelastic demand?

Less than 1.

Types of Demand: Elastic, Inelastic, Unit Elastic

What is the absolute value of Price Elasticity of Demand for elastic demand?

Greater than 1.

Tax Incidence / Tax Burden

What happens when a tax is levied on consumers?

The burden may shift to producers depending on the elasticity of supply and demand.


What should you NOT do when calculating the new equilibrium price after a tax is introduced?

Do not simply add the tax amount to the original equilibrium price.

Factors Affecting Elasticity of Demand

What should you do if the question does not specify which curve to shift?

Most professors expect you to shift the supply curve.

Factors Affecting Elasticity of Demand

What is the difference between short run and long run in economic terms?

In the short run, consumers have limited options to adjust to price changes, while in the long run, they can change their behavior or make significant adjustments.

Different Elasticities Along the Demand Curve

What is the duration of the video tutorial for this lesson?


Types of Demand: Elastic, Inelastic, Unit Elastic

What happens to demand for a narrowly defined product when its price increases?

Demand becomes elastic because consumers can switch to other products.

Types of Demand: Elastic, Inelastic, Unit Elastic

What are the two types of products mentioned?

Luxury product and necessity product.

Different Elasticities Along the Demand Curve

Where can the video tutorial for this lesson be found?

On wizeprep.com.

Point Price Elasticity of Demand Calculation

How do you calculate the price elasticity of demand at a specific price?

By using the demand equation to find Q and then applying the elasticity formula.

Different Elasticities Along the Demand Curve

What is the duration of the video tutorial for this lesson?


Point Price Elasticity of Demand Calculation

What is the price range for calculating the elasticity of demand?

$40 to $50.

Different Elasticities Along the Demand Curve

At what price is demand unit elastic according to the demand equation?

To find the price, set the price elasticity of demand equal to 1.

Perfectly Elastic and Inelastic Demand

Give an example of perfectly inelastic supply.

Seats in a movie theater.

Types of Demand: Elastic, Inelastic, Unit Elastic

What does it mean when demand is described as elastic?

It is sensitive because it represents a bigger portion of your income.

Factors Affecting Elasticity of Demand

How should 'ceteris paribus' affect your answer in a question?

It should have no effect on your answer.

Income Elasticity of Demand

What is the income elasticity of inferior goods?

The income elasticity of inferior goods is negative.

Different Elasticities Along the Demand Curve

What is prohibited without prior written permission from Wizedemy Inc.?

Reproducing or transmitting any part of the publication.

Different Elasticities Along the Demand Curve

What is the copyright status of the publication?

© Wizedemy Inc. All Rights Reserved.

Arc Price Elasticity of Demand

What is the average percentage change in quantity between points A and B?

The specific value is not provided in the text.

Perfectly Elastic and Inelastic Demand

What is perfectly elastic supply?

When the price changes, the quantity supplied changes by an infinite amount.

Different Elasticities Along the Demand Curve

Where can the solution be found?

Available online.

Point Price Elasticity of Demand Calculation

How do you calculate the elasticity of demand between two prices?

Using the formula for point price elasticity of demand.

Income Elasticity of Demand

What happens to the consumption of inferior goods as income increases?

As your income increases, you will buy fewer inferior goods.

Arc Price Elasticity of Demand

How do you calculate Average Percentage Change?

Average Percentage Change = ((Average New - Old) / Old) * 100

Different Elasticities Along the Demand Curve

What is prohibited without prior written permission from Wizedemy Inc.?

Reproducing, transmitting, or storing the publication in any form.

Different Elasticities Along the Demand Curve

Where can the video tutorial for this lesson be found?

On wizeprep.com.

Price Elasticity of Supply

What happens to supply in the long run according to the lesson?

Supply is elastic because landlords have time to sell off their apartments.

Price Elasticity of Demand

What is the demand equation given in the lesson?

P = 70 – 2Q.

Price Elasticity of Demand

What is the demand equation given in the lesson?

P = 70 - 2Q.

Types of Demand: Elastic, Inelastic, Unit Elastic

How does the demand for luxury goods compare to the demand for necessity goods?

The demand for a luxury good will be flatter than the demand for a necessity good.

Different Elasticities Along the Demand Curve

If the quantity changes from 40 to 50 units, what is the percentage change?

Percentage Change = ((50 - 40) / 40) * 100 = 25%

Different Elasticities Along the Demand Curve

What is the duration of the video tutorial for the lesson?

01:43 minutes.

Perfectly Elastic and Inelastic Demand

If consumers are willing to buy 20 units of a good at any price, what does this imply about their demand?

It implies that demand is perfectly inelastic at that price.

Factors Affecting Elasticity of Demand

In the context of tax burden, who bears a bigger portion if consumers are willing to buy 20 units at any price?

Consumers bear more but not all of the tax burden.

Different Elasticities Along the Demand Curve

What is prohibited without prior written permission from Wizedemy Inc.?

Reproducing or transmitting any part of the publication.

Unit Elastic Supply

What is the elasticity of supply when the supply curve starts at the origin?

1 (unit elastic).

Price Elasticity of Supply

What happens to the supply curve when tax is paid by the seller?

Every point on the supply curve shifts up (left) by the amount of the tax.

Types of Demand: Elastic, Inelastic, Unit Elastic

What characterizes the demand portion from point B to C?

It is the inelastic portion of demand.

Price Elasticity of Demand

What is the rent ceiling imposed by the government in the example?

$900 per unit.

Perfectly Elastic and Inelastic Demand

What does perfectly inelastic demand mean?

When price rises, quantity demanded does not change at all.

Different Elasticities Along the Demand Curve

What does a steeper demand curve indicate?

It typically represents a good with fewer substitutes.

Price Elasticity of Demand

What happens when a minimum wage is set above the equilibrium wage?

It can lead to unemployment as the quantity of labor supplied exceeds the quantity demanded.

Price Elasticity of Supply

What determines the price charged by sellers when a quota is in place?

The price consumers are willing to pay, which is determined by where the output hits the demand curve.

Price Elasticity of Demand

What is the effect of a binding price ceiling on the rental market?

It creates a shortage of rental units.

Factors Affecting Elasticity of Demand

Give an example of a product with many substitutes.

Coke, Pepsi, Sprite, Mountain Dew.

Price Elasticity of Supply

What is the minimum wage set by the government in the example?

$15 per hour.

Types of Demand: Elastic, Inelastic, Unit Elastic

What defines unit elastic supply?

Elasticity is equal to 1.

Different Elasticities Along the Demand Curve

Give an example of inelastic demand.

If the price of shoes increases from $1 to $2, consumers are likely to continue buying them.

Different Elasticities Along the Demand Curve

What portion of the demand curve is always elastic?

The top half (between points A and B).

Different Elasticities Along the Demand Curve

Give an example of increasing production at higher quantities.

Doubling production from 1000 shoes to 2000 shoes is difficult and may require additional resources.

Cross Price Elasticity of Demand

What happens to the demand for gas if the price of cars increases?

The demand for gas will decrease.

Different Elasticities Along the Demand Curve

What is the copyright status of the publication?

© Wizedemy Inc. All Rights Reserved.

Types of Demand: Elastic, Inelastic, Unit Elastic

What is an example of a narrowly defined product?


Types of Demand: Elastic, Inelastic, Unit Elastic

What happens to demand for a broadly defined product when its price increases?

Demand becomes inelastic because there are no substitutes for essential items.

Perfectly Elastic and Inelastic Demand

What happens to pencil production if the price increases?

The company can increase production very easily.

Different Elasticities Along the Demand Curve

What is the website mentioned for the video tutorial?


Arc Price Elasticity of Demand

What is Arc Price Elasticity of Demand used for?

To calculate the average elasticity between two prices.

Different Elasticities Along the Demand Curve

Where can the video tutorial for this lesson be found?

On wizeprep.com.

Different Elasticities Along the Demand Curve

How is the present value of an annuity-due calculated?

PV = C × [(1 - (1 + r)^-n) / r] × (1 + r), where C is the cash flow, r is the discount rate, and n is the number of periods.

Factors Affecting Elasticity of Demand

What happens to the demand curve when tax is paid by consumers?

Every point on the demand curve shifts down (left) by the amount of the tax.

Cross Price Elasticity of Demand

What is the relationship between lemonade and cola in the context of cross price elasticity?

Lemonade and cola are likely substitutes, meaning a change in the price of cola will affect the demand for lemonade.

Point Price Elasticity of Demand Calculation

What is the formula to find the point elasticity of supply?

Point elasticity of supply = (% change in quantity supplied) / (% change in price).

Income Elasticity of Demand

If Yasmine's income rises by 20% and her coffee consumption increases from 75 to 85, what is the % change in quantity demanded?

The % change in quantity demanded is 13.33%.

Price Elasticity of Supply

What would a $3 per unit tax on consumers be equivalent to?

A $3 per unit tax levied on producers of the good.

Point Price Elasticity of Demand Calculation

What is the formula for Price Elasticity of Supply?

Price Elasticity of Supply = %Δ P / %Δ Qs.

Cross Price Elasticity of Demand

What is the arc cross-price elasticity of demand calculated in this scenario?

-1.5, -0.8, 0.8, or 1.5.

Perfectly Elastic and Inelastic Demand

What is the elasticity value for perfectly inelastic demand?


Types of Demand: Elastic, Inelastic, Unit Elastic

What does inelastic demand mean?

It means consumers are insensitive to price changes.

Price Elasticity of Demand

When will a binding minimum wage increase the total dollar earnings of workers?

If demand is inelastic.

Government Interventions in Markets

How does a price ceiling affect the market graphically?

It appears as a maximum price below the equilibrium, contrary to what one might expect.

Factors Affecting Elasticity of Demand

How do Fruit Loops compare to food in terms of price elasticity of demand?

Fruit Loops have a lower price elasticity of demand because they are specifically defined.

Income Elasticity of Demand

What are the two types of normal goods?

Normal and Necessity Goods, and Normal and Luxury Goods.

Perfectly Elastic and Inelastic Demand

What was the original equilibrium price before the tax?

The original equilibrium price was not specified in the text.

Types of Demand: Elastic, Inelastic, Unit Elastic

What is the absolute value of Price Elasticity of Demand (Ed) for products with inelastic demand?

Less than 1.

Factors Affecting Elasticity of Demand

What does 'ceteris paribus' mean?

Everything else held constant.

Unit Elastic

Why is point B considered the unit elastic point of demand?

Because it is exactly between the elastic and inelastic portions.

Types of Demand: Elastic, Inelastic, Unit Elastic

What type of demand curve is associated with luxury goods?

Flatter demand curve.

Types of Demand: Elastic, Inelastic, Unit Elastic

What is the absolute value of Price Elasticity of Demand for unit elastic demand?

Equal to 1.

Different Elasticities Along the Demand Curve

What is the website associated with the video tutorial?


Different Elasticities Along the Demand Curve

What is capital gain yield?

Capital gain yield is the price appreciation of an investment expressed as a percentage of its initial purchase price.

Income Elasticity of Demand

What is the formula for calculating arc income elasticity of demand?

Arc Income Elasticity = (% Change in Quantity Demanded) / (% Change in Income)

Types of Demand: Elastic, Inelastic, Unit Elastic

What options do consumers have in the long run if gas prices keep rising?

They can switch to a hybrid car, bicycle, or use more public transportation, indicating elastic demand.

Price Elasticity of Supply

What is the perspective from which elasticity of supply is analyzed?

From the firm's perspective rather than the consumer.

Price Elasticity of Supply

How is the new equilibrium quantity determined after tax is imposed?

It is the quantity at the new equilibrium with the tax.

Price Elasticity of Supply

What is a price floor?

A lower limit on the price that producers can legally charge consumers.

Factors Affecting Elasticity of Demand

What happens to your sensitivity to price when it represents a large percentage of your income?

You become more sensitive to price changes, indicating elastic demand.

Point Price Elasticity of Demand Calculation

Is the demand elastic or inelastic at the price of $20?

To be determined based on the calculated elasticity value.

Price Elasticity of Demand

What is the minimum wage mentioned in the example?

$13 an hour.

Perfectly Elastic and Inelastic Demand

What does it mean when consumers pay all of the tax?

It indicates that the demand is perfectly elastic.

Perfectly Elastic and Inelastic Demand

What does perfectly elastic demand mean?

When price rises, quantity demanded falls by an infinite amount.

Arc Price Elasticity of Demand

What is the final quantity demanded of textbooks?

90 units.

Income Elasticity of Demand

What characterizes Normal and Luxury Goods?

Income elasticity is positive and greater than 1.

Different Elasticities Along the Demand Curve

Give an example of increasing production at lower quantities.

Doubling production from 1 shoe to 2 shoes is easy using the same resources.

Cross Price Elasticity of Demand

What is the cross price elasticity of demand for complements?

It is negative (<0).

Income Elasticity of Demand

What is the income elasticity of demand for gourmet meals compared to junk-food restaurant meals?

Higher than.

Tax Incidence / Tax Burden

When will the burden of a tax on trucks be greater on producers?

When supply is inelastic and demand is elastic.

Factors Affecting Elasticity of Demand

What is the main topic of the practice question?

Tax Incidence / Tax Burden.

Factors Affecting Elasticity of Demand

What is the effect of a tax on the demand curve?

It can shift down the demand curve by the amount of the tax.

Different Elasticities Along the Demand Curve

What does the income yield of an investment represent?

The income yield is the annual income generated by an investment expressed as a percentage of its current market value.

Factors Affecting Elasticity of Demand

What is one factor that affects price elasticity of supply?

Access and availability of substitutes for its resources.

Price Elasticity of Supply

What is a production quota?

A government-imposed limit on the quantity of a good that a firm can sell.

Income Elasticity of Demand

What is Yasmine's arc income elasticity of demand for coffee?

Arc Income Elasticity = 13.33% / 20% = 0.6665.

Factors Affecting Elasticity of Demand

Why does food have a lower price elasticity of demand?

Because it is more broadly defined.

Price Elasticity of Supply

Where should quotas be set in relation to equilibrium quantity?

Quotas should always be set below the equilibrium quantity.

Price Elasticity of Demand

What does it mean for a price ceiling to be binding?

It is set below the equilibrium price, causing a shortage.

Types of Demand: Elastic, Inelastic, Unit Elastic

What happens to quantity demanded when the price rises in inelastic demand?

The quantity demanded will fall by only a little bit.

Different Elasticities Along the Demand Curve

What is the elasticity of supply on the left side of the supply curve?

More elastic, as it is easier to increase production at lower quantities.

Different Elasticities Along the Demand Curve and Total Revenue

What happens to Total Revenue when price increases in an elastic demand scenario?

Total Revenue will decrease.

Price Elasticity of Demand

What does the demand schedule represent in the labor market?

The number of people firms are willing to hire at each wage rate.

Cross Price Elasticity of Demand

What does cross price elasticity of demand indicate?

It tells us if two products are complements, substitutes, or unrelated.

Price Elasticity of Demand

What is an example of black market activity mentioned?

Scalpers selling tickets outside a stadium.

Different Elasticities Along the Demand Curve

What does it mean if demand is elastic?

Consumers are sensitive to price changes.

Types of Demand: Elastic, Inelastic, Unit Elastic

What is the absolute value of Price Elasticity of Demand (Ed) for products with unit elastic demand?

Equal to 1.

Price Elasticity of Supply

What does a housing shortage indicate in the long run?

The housing shortage increases in the long run.

Different Elasticities Along the Demand Curve

What is prohibited without prior written permission from Wizedemy Inc.?

Reproducing or transmitting any part of the publication.

Perfectly Elastic and Inelastic Demand

What is perfectly inelastic supply?

When the price changes, the quantity supplied does not change at all.

Different Elasticities Along the Demand Curve

What is the copyright notice for the video tutorial?

© Wizedemy Inc. All Rights Reserved.

Tax Incidence / Tax Burden

What is tax incidence?

The distribution of the tax burden between buyers and sellers.


What is a per unit tax?

A fixed amount of tax paid by either the buyer or seller on every good sold.

Income Elasticity of Demand

What type of relationship exists between income and the purchase of inferior goods?

A negative relationship.

Price Elasticity of Supply

What is the new price of ink cartridges in the example?


Arc Price Elasticity of Demand

How do you calculate the arc cross price elasticity of demand?

By using the formula: (ΔQd of lemonade / Qd of lemonade average) / (ΔP of cola / P of cola average).

Different Elasticities Along the Demand Curve

What is prohibited without prior written permission from Wizedemy Inc.?

Reproducing or transmitting any part of the publication.

Factors Affecting Elasticity of Demand

How do substitutes for resources affect supply elasticity?

The more substitutes a firm has, the more elastic the supply becomes.

Types of Demand: Elastic, Inelastic, Unit Elastic

What is an example of inelastic demand?

Paying higher gas prices in the short run.

Types of Demand: Elastic, Inelastic, Unit Elastic

What happens to the housing shortage in the long run with binding rent control?

The housing shortage gets bigger.

Income Elasticity of Demand

What does income elasticity of demand indicate?

Whether a good is normal or inferior.

Government Interventions in Markets

What must a price ceiling be to be effective?

It must be below the equilibrium price.

Income Elasticity of Demand

What is the formula for calculating income elasticity of demand?

Income Elasticity of Demand = %Δ Q / %Δ I.

Tax Incidence / Tax Burden with Perfectly Elastic and Inelastic Curves

What does the new equilibrium price represent after a tax is imposed?

It is the price paid by consumers.

Different Elasticities Along the Demand Curve

Is it possible to compare the slopes of different demand curves?

Yes, it is possible to compare them based on the nature of the goods.

Price Elasticity of Supply

If bananas are selling for $3 per kilogram, what would a price floor be set at to benefit farmers?

$4 per kilogram.

Different Elasticities Along the Demand Curve and Total Revenue

What happens to Total Revenue when price decreases in an elastic demand scenario?

Total Revenue will increase.

Arc Price Elasticity of Demand

How do you calculate the arc price elasticity of demand using the midpoint method?

Use the formula: (Change in Quantity / Average Quantity) / (Change in Price / Average Price).

Arc Price Elasticity of Demand

Is the demand for textbooks elastic or inelastic in this range?

To determine, calculate the arc price elasticity; if > 1, it's elastic; if < 1, it's inelastic.

Cross Price Elasticity of Demand

Give an example of substitute products.

Coke and Pepsi.

Price Elasticity of Supply

What is the significance of landlords having time in the long run?

They can adjust supply by selling off their apartments.

Different Elasticities Along the Demand Curve

What is the demand equation provided in the example?

P = 70 – 2Q.

Price Elasticity of Supply

What does the video tutorial demonstrate regarding taxes?

It shows that producers pay all of the tax.

Different Elasticities Along the Demand Curve

How can total revenue be maximized using the demand equation?

Total revenue is maximized when the price elasticity of demand is unit elastic.

Arc Price Elasticity of Demand

What is being calculated between points A and B in the diagram?

The arc price elasticity of demand.

Types of Demand: Elastic, Inelastic, Unit Elastic

What is an example of a broadly defined product?

Food in general.

Different Elasticities Along the Demand Curve

What is the website where the video tutorial can be found?


Perfectly Elastic and Inelastic Demand

Give an example of perfectly elastic supply.


Different Elasticities Along the Demand Curve

What is the copyright status of the publication from Wizedemy Inc.?

No part may be reproduced or transmitted without prior written permission.

Different Elasticities Along the Demand Curve

What is the duration of the video tutorial for the lesson?


Different Elasticities Along the Demand Curve

What is the formula to calculate percentage change?

Percentage Change = ((New - Old) / Old) * 100

Different Elasticities Along the Demand Curve

What is the duration of the video tutorial for this lesson?


Factors Affecting Elasticity of Demand

What are the possible answers for the elasticity of demand for Toyota?

A) less B) greater C) equal or less D) less or greater

Point Price Elasticity of Demand Calculation

What is being measured between points A and B in the diagram?

The average percentage change in price.

Different Elasticities Along the Demand Curve

What is the duration of the video tutorial?


Arc Price Elasticity of Demand

What is the formula for Arc Price Elasticity of Demand?

Arc Price Elasticity of Demand = (Average %Δ P) / (Average %Δ Q) * (Δ P / Δ Q) * (Q average / P average)

Different Elasticities Along the Demand Curve

What is the formula for the present value of an ordinary perpetuity?

PV = C / r, where C is the cash flow per period and r is the discount rate.


What is a common exam question regarding per unit tax?

Determining the new equilibrium after tax is introduced.

Types of Demand: Elastic, Inelastic, Unit Elastic

What type of demand curve is associated with necessity goods?

Steeper demand curve.

Price Elasticity of Supply

What is the initial price of ink cartridges in the example?


Different Elasticities Along the Demand Curve

What is the formula for the present value of a growing perpetuity?

PV = C / (r - g), where C is the cash flow, r is the discount rate, and g is the growth rate.

Different Elasticities Along the Demand Curve

What is prohibited without prior written permission from Wizedemy Inc.?

Reproducing or transmitting any part of the publication.

Cross Price Elasticity of Demand

What is the arc cross price elasticity of demand?

It measures the responsiveness of the quantity demanded of one good to a change in the price of another good.

Different Elasticities Along the Demand Curve

Who holds the copyright for the publication?

Wizedemy Inc.

Price Elasticity of Supply

How many cartridges are supplied at the initial price of $32?

10 cartridges.

Point Price Elasticity of Demand Calculation

What is the initial price of textbooks in the example?


Factors Affecting Elasticity of Demand

What is the expected outcome when shifting the demand or supply curve due to a tax?

You will get the same answers for the new price and quantity.

Factors Affecting Elasticity of Demand

What are the possible answers regarding who bears the tax burden?

A) consumers bear more but not all of the tax burden, B) producers bear more but not all of the tax burden, C) consumers bear all of the tax burden, D) producers bear all of the tax burden.

Point Price Elasticity of Demand Calculation

What is the new price of textbooks after the increase?


Types of Demand: Elastic, Inelastic, Unit Elastic

What happens in the short run if the price of gas rises tomorrow?

People who drive to work will have to pay the higher price, which is considered inelastic behavior.

Types of Demand: Elastic, Inelastic, Unit Elastic

What happens to total revenue when the price decreases from point B to C?

Total revenue will decrease.

Price Elasticity of Demand

What is a price ceiling?

A government-imposed limit on how high a price can be charged for a product.

Factors Affecting Elasticity of Demand

What is the price elasticity of demand for Toyota compared to the elasticity of cars in general?

The price elasticity of demand for Toyota is ____________ than the elasticity of cars in general.

Different Elasticities Along the Demand Curve

What is the duration of the video tutorial for the lesson?

02:42 minutes.

Different Elasticities Along the Demand Curve

Where can the video tutorial for this lesson be found?

On wizeprep.com.

Different Elasticities Along the Demand Curve

What are some examples of goods mentioned?

Lettuce, wheat, gas at the gas station.

Tax Incidence / Tax Burden

What is the effect of elastic supply and inelastic demand on tax burden?

Producers bear a greater burden of the tax.

Factors Affecting Elasticity of Demand

What does the new equilibrium price represent after tax is imposed?

The amount received by sellers (producers).

Factors Affecting Elasticity of Demand

How is the new equilibrium quantity determined after tax is paid?

It is the quantity at which the new demand curve intersects the supply curve.

Factors Affecting Elasticity of Demand

How do you find the price consumers pay after tax?

Plug the new quantity into the original demand curve.

Point Price Elasticity of Demand Calculation

How many units were demanded before the price increase?

100 units.

Point Price Elasticity of Demand Calculation

How many units were demanded after the price increase?

90 units.

Types of Demand: Elastic, Inelastic, Unit Elastic

At which point is total revenue at its maximum?

At point B (unit elastic).

Government Interventions in Markets

Why are price ceilings set below the equilibrium price?

To protect consumers.

Arc Price Elasticity of Demand

What is the initial price of textbooks in the example?


Price Elasticity of Supply

What is a common example of a price floor?

The minimum wage law.

Factors Affecting Elasticity of Demand

Why does food have a higher price elasticity of demand?

Because it is considered a necessity.

Different Elasticities Along the Demand Curve and Total Revenue

What happens to Total Revenue when price decreases in an inelastic demand scenario?

Total Revenue will decrease.

Types of Demand: Elastic, Inelastic, Unit Elastic

What is an example of elastic demand related to price changes?

If the price of a car doubles, it represents a large percentage of income, making you more sensitive to the price.

Price Elasticity of Demand

How does supply elasticity affect the impact of a binding minimum wage?

If supply is inelastic, the quantity supplied does not change much, potentially increasing total earnings.

Income Elasticity of Demand

What characterizes Normal and Necessity Goods?

Income elasticity is positive and less than 1.

Perfectly Elastic and Inelastic Demand

How does the perfectly inelastic demand curve appear?

It looks like the letter 'I' for Inelastic.

Income Elasticity of Demand

What happens to spending on necessity goods if income doubles?

Spending increases, but not double.

Cross Price Elasticity of Demand

What happens to the demand for Coke if the price of Pepsi increases?

The demand for Coke will increase.

Different Elasticities Along the Demand Curve

What is the website where the video tutorial can be found?


Price Elasticity of Supply

What happens to the quantity supplied of ink cartridges when the price increases from $32 to $36?

The quantity supplied increases from 10 to 13 cartridges.

Different Elasticities Along the Demand Curve

What is the copyright status of the publication?

© Wizedemy Inc. All Rights Reserved.

Factors Affecting Elasticity of Demand

What is an alternative way to show the effect of a tax?

Shift up the supply curve by the amount of the tax.

Types of Demand: Elastic, Inelastic, Unit Elastic

What happens to total revenue when the price decreases from point A to B?

Total revenue will increase.

Price Elasticity of Supply

How many cartridges are supplied at the new price of $36?

13 cartridges.

Cross Price Elasticity of Demand

What happens to the quantity of plums purchased when the price of peaches rises?

The quantity of plums purchased increases from 4950 to 5050 kilos per week.

Factors Affecting Elasticity of Demand

What is the amount of tax?

The difference between the consumer price and producer price at the new equilibrium quantity.

Tax Incidence / Tax Burden with Perfectly Elastic and Inelastic Curves

What happens to consumers' tax burden if demand is perfectly inelastic?

Consumers will pay the entire tax.

Unit Elastic Supply

What is the change in price and quantity supplied from point B to C?

The price increases from $2 to $3 (50% increase) and the quantity supplied increases from 4 units to 6 units (50% increase).

Income Elasticity of Demand

Based on the arc income elasticity of 0.6665, what type of good is coffee?

Coffee is a normal good.

Price Elasticity of Supply

How do you find the price producers receive after tax?

Plug the new quantity into the original supply curve.

Different Elasticities Along the Demand Curve and Total Revenue

What happens to Total Revenue when price increases in an inelastic demand scenario?

Total Revenue will increase.

Perfectly Elastic and Inelastic Demand

Give an example of perfectly inelastic demand.

Medicine a patient needs to live, such as insulin for a diabetic.

Price Elasticity of Supply

What price do sellers charge if consumers are willing to pay $12?

$12, as that is where the output hits the demand curve.

Price Elasticity of Demand

What price ceiling was imposed by the government in the example?


Types of Demand: Elastic, Inelastic, Unit Elastic

What does elastic demand mean?

It means consumers are sensitive to price changes.

Point Price Elasticity of Demand Calculation

What is the formula for Point Price Elasticity of Demand?

Point Price Elasticity of Demand = (ΔQ / Q) / (ΔP / P) = %ΔQ / %ΔP

Different Elasticities Along the Demand Curve

Why is it harder to increase production at higher quantities?

Firms may need more machines and workers, which can take time.

Inefficiencies of Price Floors

What happens to the quantity of workers actually hired when a price floor is set?

It decreases.

Types of Demand: Elastic, Inelastic, Unit Elastic

If the price of oranges increases by 5% and the quantity demanded falls by 5%, what is the nature of the demand?

Unit elastic demand.

Different Elasticities Along the Demand Curve

What is the duration of the video tutorial for this lesson?

12 minutes and 16 seconds.

Price Elasticity of Supply

What does an upward sloping supply line indicate?

It indicates that as price increases, the quantity supplied also increases.

Different Elasticities Along the Demand Curve

What is the copyright status of the publication?

© Wizedemy Inc. All Rights Reserved.

Cross Price Elasticity of Demand

What is the initial price of peaches per kilo before the increase?


Government Interventions in Markets

What is a common example of a price ceiling?

Rent control, where the government prevents landlords from charging above a certain price for rent.

Point Price Elasticity of Demand Calculation

What is the point price elasticity of demand at a price of $20?

To be calculated using the formula: (ΔQ/ΔP) * (P/Q).

Different Elasticities Along the Demand Curve and Total Revenue

What is the formula for calculating Total Revenue?

Expenditure (Total Revenue) = P × Q.

Price Elasticity of Supply

What is the nature of elasticity of supply?

Elasticity of supply is always positive.

Perfectly Elastic and Inelastic Demand

What is the new equilibrium quantity after a tax is imposed?


Types of Demand: Elastic, Inelastic, Unit Elastic

What defines inelastic supply?

Elasticity is between 0 and 1.

Arc Price Elasticity of Demand

What is the initial quantity demanded of textbooks?

100 units.

Price Elasticity of Demand

What is the relationship between quantity demanded and quantity supplied at a price ceiling?

Quantity demanded exceeds quantity supplied, leading to a shortage.

Perfectly Elastic and Inelastic Demand

What is the elasticity value for perfectly elastic demand?

Negative infinity.

Different Elasticities Along the Demand Curve

How does the time frame affect the slope of demand curves?

The steeper one may apply for the short run, while the flatter one applies for the long run.

Cross Price Elasticity of Demand

What is the formula for cross price elasticity of demand?

Cross Price Elasticity of Demand = %Δ P_y / %Δ Q_x.

Income Elasticity of Demand

What happens to spending on luxury goods if income doubles?

Spending increases by more than double.

Cross Price Elasticity of Demand

Give an example of complementary products.

Cars and gas.

Types of Demand: Elastic, Inelastic, Unit Elastic

What characterizes the demand portion from point A to B?

It is the elastic portion of demand.

Price Elasticity of Supply

What is the effect of a $3 per unit tax on consumers of a good?

It has the same effect as a $3 per unit tax levied on producers of the good.

Factors Affecting Elasticity of Demand

Why would Fruit Loops have a lower price elasticity of demand compared to food?

Because Fruit Loops are food, but not all food is Fruit Loops.

Factors Affecting Elasticity of Demand

What does a small percentage of your income indicate about price sensitivity?

You are likely to be inelastic and continue purchasing the item.

Price Elasticity of Demand

What is a price ceiling?

A government-imposed limit on how high a price can be charged for a product.

Factors Affecting Elasticity of Demand

Do Fruit Loops have the same price elasticity of demand as food?

No, because Fruit Loops are specifically defined.

Price Elasticity of Demand

What happens when a price ceiling is set below the equilibrium rent?

It creates a shortage in the market.

Different Elasticities Along the Demand Curve

What could explain the difference in slopes between two demand curves?

The flatter one is for a good with no close substitutes.

Income Elasticity of Demand

What is the income elasticity of normal goods?

Positive relationship; as income increases, consumption of normal goods increases.

Price Elasticity of Demand

What does the supply schedule represent in the labor market?

The number of people willing to work at each wage rate.

Different Elasticities Along the Demand Curve

What type of good is likely to have a steeper demand curve?

A luxury good.

Price Elasticity of Supply

What does a binding price floor mean?

It must be set above the equilibrium price to be effective.

Different Elasticities Along the Demand Curve and Total Revenue

What happens to Total Revenue when price increases in a unit elastic demand scenario?

Total Revenue will remain unchanged.

Inefficiencies of Price Floors

What is a consequence of implementing a price floor?

Surplus of workers.

Types of Demand: Elastic, Inelastic, Unit Elastic

If the price of Pepsi increases by 5% and the quantity demanded falls by 50%, what is the nature of the demand?

Elastic demand.

Unit Elastic Supply

What happens to the price and quantity supplied from point A to B in the example?

The price doubles from $1 to $2 and the quantity supplied doubles from 2 units to 4 units.

Price Elasticity of Supply

What does the new equilibrium price represent when tax is paid by the seller?

The amount paid by consumers.

Factors Affecting Elasticity of Demand

What happens to supply elasticity in the short run for a farmer growing apples?

The supply is inelastic because production cannot be significantly increased in a short time.

Tax Incidence / Tax Burden with Perfectly Elastic and Inelastic Curves

What happens to producers' tax burden if demand is perfectly elastic?

Producers (sellers) will pay the entire tax.

Factors Affecting Elasticity of Demand

What happens to supply elasticity in the long run for a farmer growing apples?

The supply becomes elastic because the farmer can increase production by planting more trees.

Price Elasticity of Supply

How does a $3 per unit tax affect the price of the good?

It raises the good’s price by $3 per unit.

Price Elasticity of Supply

What is the amount of tax?

The difference between the consumer price and producer price at the new equilibrium quantity.

Price Elasticity of Supply

Why is a price floor set above equilibrium?

To protect the producers.

Types of Demand: Elastic, Inelastic, Unit Elastic

What defines elastic supply?

Elasticity is greater than 1.

Different Elasticities Along the Demand Curve

What does it mean if demand is inelastic?

Consumers are insensitive to price changes.

Price Elasticity of Demand

What is the effect of a binding minimum wage when supply is elastic?

Total earnings may not increase significantly as the quantity supplied can adjust easily.

Price Elasticity of Supply

What does the demand represent in the labor market?

The company that wants to hire workers.

Types of Demand: Elastic, Inelastic, Unit Elastic

If the price of medicine increases by 50% and the quantity demanded falls by 10%, what is the nature of the demand?

Inelastic demand.

Types of Demand: Elastic, Inelastic, Unit Elastic

What is the effect of a binding rent control (price ceiling) on landlords in the short run?

Landlords will collect less rent and will not be happy.

Unit Elastic Supply

What is the Price Elasticity of Supply from point A to B?

1, calculated as 100% increase in price and 100% increase in quantity supplied.

Price Elasticity of Supply

What is an example of a production quota?

A quota on the number of fishing licenses allowed to protect fish populations.

Price Elasticity of Supply

What is NOT an effect of a $3 per unit tax on consumers?

A $3 per unit subsidy paid to producers of the good.

Price Elasticity of Demand

What is a binding minimum wage?

A legally established minimum wage that is above the equilibrium wage.

Tax Incidence / Tax Burden with Perfectly Elastic and Inelastic Curves

What occurs to the supply curve when a tax is imposed?

The supply shifts left (upward) from S to S1.

Types of Demand: Elastic, Inelastic, Unit Elastic

What is an example of inelastic demand related to price changes?

If the price of newspapers doubles from $0.50 to $1, it still represents a small percentage of income.

Price Elasticity of Supply

What is the difference between a price floor and a price ceiling in relation to a tax?

A price floor raises the price, while a price ceiling limits the price.

Types of Demand: Elastic, Inelastic, Unit Elastic

Give an example of inelastic demand.


Factors Affecting Elasticity of Demand

Give an example of a product with few substitutes.

Certain types of medicine.

Different Elasticities Along the Demand Curve

What happens to supply elasticity on the right side of the supply curve?

It becomes less elastic, as increasing production at higher quantities is more difficult.

Perfectly Elastic and Inelastic Demand

What is the significance of the new equilibrium price after a tax?

The new equilibrium price is still the price paid by consumers.

Cross Price Elasticity of Demand

What is the cross price elasticity of demand for substitutes?

It is positive (>0).

Government Interventions in Markets

What is a price ceiling?

A maximum price that producers can legally charge consumers, set by the government.

Factors Affecting Elasticity of Demand

How is the supply of housing characterized in the short run under rent control?

The supply is inelastic because landlords don't have time to sell off their apartments.

Factors Affecting Elasticity of Demand

What is one of the main factors that affect the elasticity of demand?

The number of substitutes available.

Types of Demand: Elastic, Inelastic, Unit Elastic

What is an example of elastic demand?

Switching to alternative transportation methods in the long run as gas prices rise.

Factors Affecting Elasticity of Demand

How does having many substitutes affect price sensitivity?

Consumers become more sensitive to price changes (elastic demand).

Unit Elastic Supply

What is the Price Elasticity of Supply from point B to C?

1, calculated as 50% increase in price and 50% increase in quantity supplied.

Factors Affecting Elasticity of Demand

What happens to demand elasticity when there are few substitutes?

Consumers become less sensitive to price changes (inelastic demand).

Price Elasticity of Demand

What was the equilibrium rent in the example provided?


Different Elasticities Along the Demand Curve

What portion of the demand curve is always inelastic?

The bottom half (between points B and C).

Different Elasticities Along the Demand Curve

Why is supply more elastic at lower quantities?

Because it is easier for firms to increase production with minimal resources.

Price Elasticity of Supply

What does the supply represent in the labor market?

The workers willing to work at that job.

Types of Demand: Elastic, Inelastic, Unit Elastic

What happens to quantity demanded when the price rises in elastic demand?

The quantity demanded will fall by a lot.

Different Elasticities Along the Demand Curve and Total Revenue

What happens to Total Revenue when price decreases in a unit elastic demand scenario?

Total Revenue will remain unchanged.

Inefficiencies of Price Floors

What illegal activity can arise due to price floors?

Black market activity where employers pay workers under the table.

Cross Price Elasticity of Demand

What is the new price of peaches per kilo after the increase?


Price Elasticity of Demand

What is a price floor?

A minimum price set by the government, such as a minimum wage.

Perfectly Elastic and Inelastic Demand

What happens to the supply curve when a tax is imposed?

The supply shifts left (upward) from S to S1.

Types of Demand: Elastic, Inelastic, Unit Elastic

What is the implication of a price ceiling on the rental market?

It leads to a shortage of available housing units.

Arc Price Elasticity of Demand

What is the final price of textbooks in the example?


Price Elasticity of Supply

What is the equilibrium wage mentioned in the text?

$10 per hour.

Price Elasticity of Demand

What happens to total earnings when demand is elastic and a binding minimum wage is applied?

Total earnings may decrease because the quantity demanded will fall significantly.

Perfectly Elastic and Inelastic Demand

How do you find the price producers receive after a tax?

By taking the new quantity and plugging it into the original supply curve.

Price Elasticity of Demand

What is one consequence of price ceilings?

They can lead to black market activity.

Types of Demand: Elastic, Inelastic, Unit Elastic

Give an example of elastic demand.


Types of Demand: Elastic, Inelastic, Unit Elastic

What is the absolute value of Price Elasticity of Demand (Ed) for products with elastic demand?

Greater than 1.

Cross Price Elasticity of Demand

Give an example of unrelated products.

Cars and oranges.

Different Elasticities Along the Demand Curve

Give an example of elastic demand.

If the price of shoes increases from $200 to $400, consumers are likely to reduce their purchases significantly.

Cross Price Elasticity of Demand

What is the cross price elasticity of demand for unrelated products?

It is equal to zero.

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