Where can the lateral group of axillary lymph nodes be palpated?
Surgical neck of humerus.
How can untreated infections spread from the midpalmar space?
They may spread proximally through the carpal tunnel into the forearm, anterior to the pronator quadratus and its fascia.
Palpation locations of axillary lymph nodes

Where can the lateral group of axillary lymph nodes be palpated?

Surgical neck of humerus.

Spreading of hand infections

How can untreated infections spread from the midpalmar space?

They may spread proximally through the carpal tunnel into the forearm, anterior to the pronator quadratus and its fascia.

Spread of breast cancer

How does breast cancer spread through the lymphatic system?

By metastasizing from axillary lymph nodes through the subclavian vein into systemic circulation.

Spreading of hand infections

What is the significance of the carpal tunnel in the spread of hand infections?

It serves as a pathway for infections to spread proximally into the forearm.

Factors causing lymph node enlargement

What factors can cause enlargement of axillary lymph nodes?

Injury, infection, and cancers.

Palpation locations of axillary lymph nodes

Where can the posterior group of axillary lymph nodes be palpated?

Surface of subscapularis.

Anatomy and significance of axillary lymph nodes

What do the subscapular nodes drain?

The scapular region and back.

Spreading of hand infections

Why do swellings from hand infections appear more on the dorsum of the hand?

Because the palmar fascia is thick and strong, while the fascia on the dorsum is relatively thin.

Anatomy and significance of axillary lymph nodes

What is the drainage area of the humeral nodes?

The upper limb.

Anatomy and significance of axillary lymph nodes

What do the pectoral nodes drain?

The pectoral region and chest wall.

Palpation locations of axillary lymph nodes

Where can the anterior group of axillary lymph nodes be palpated?

Undersurface of pectoralis major.

Lymphatic drainage of the breast

What percentage of breast lymph drains into the axillary lymph nodes?


Spreading of hand infections

In which fascial compartments can pus accumulate during hand infections?

In the thenar and midpalmar spaces.

Anatomy and significance of axillary lymph nodes

Where do the axillary lymph nodes drain into?

The central nodes and then into the apical nodes, eventually draining into the subclavian vein.

Lymphatic drainage of the breast

What other nodes can breast lymph drain into besides axillary nodes?

Parasternal nodes and other minor lymph nodes.

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