What does the Leadership Scale for Sports (LSS) measure?
It measures different types of leadership behavior in sports, developed by Chelladurai & Saleh in 1980.
What are some indicators of social cohesion that sociograms can measure?
Degree of interpersonal feelings similarity, social isolation of members, and extent of group attraction.
Multidimensional Model of Leadership

What does the Leadership Scale for Sports (LSS) measure?

It measures different types of leadership behavior in sports, developed by Chelladurai & Saleh in 1980.

Sociograms and Measuring Cohesion

What are some indicators of social cohesion that sociograms can measure?

Degree of interpersonal feelings similarity, social isolation of members, and extent of group attraction.

Cohesion and Performance Relationship

How does performance success affect cohesion?

Performance success can lead to increased cohesion, which in turn can enhance performance.

Sociograms and Measuring Cohesion

What can sociograms reveal about group dynamics?

Presence or absence of cliques, members’ perception of group closeness, and friendship choices.

Cohesion and Performance Relationship

What type of tasks generally show positive relations between cohesion and performance?

Interactive tasks.

Building Team Cohesion Strategies

How can group members contribute to team cohesion?

Give teammates positive reinforcement.

Cohesion and Performance Relationship

What were the findings regarding social measures of cohesion?

No positive relationships were found between social measures (like friendship) and performance.

Cohesion and Performance Relationship

What is the direction of causality in the cohesion-performance relationship?

It is unclear whether cohesion leads to performance success or vice versa.

Multidimensional Model of Leadership

What is the Multidimensional Model of Leadership?

A framework developed by Chelladurai in 2007 that examines different aspects of leadership in sports.

Conceptual Model of Cohesion in Sports

Who developed the conceptual model of cohesion in sport teams?


Approaches to Leadership Studies

What is the Situational Approach in leadership?

It posits that effective leadership is more dependent on the characteristics of the situation than on the traits and behaviors of the leaders.

Cohesion and Performance Relationship

What is the relationship between cohesion and performance for coactive tasks?

No relation or negative relations.

Cohesion and Performance Relationship

What types of cohesion were assessed in relation to performance?

Task cohesion and social cohesion.

Methods for Choosing Leaders

What is the difference between prescribed and emergent leaders?

Prescribed leaders are appointed by someone in authority, while emergent leaders arise from the group and take charge.

Leadership Traits and Behaviors

What are the five types of leadership behavior identified in the LSS?

Training and instruction, Democratic, Autocratic, Social support, Rewarding.

Cohesion and Performance Relationship

What is the relationship between cohesion and performance?

The relationship is not obvious and has shown contradictory results in research.

Approaches to Leadership Studies

What does the Interactional Approach emphasize?

It emphasizes the interaction between the situation and a leader’s behaviors, suggesting that leadership styles can be changed.

Sociograms and Measuring Cohesion

What is one of the key outcomes of using sociograms in a sports team?

Identifying cliques within the team.

Cohesion and Performance Relationship

What appears to have a stronger effect: performance on cohesion or cohesion on performance?

Performance on cohesion.

Definition of Leadership

What is the definition of leadership according to Northhouse (2001)?

A process whereby an individual influences a group of individuals to achieve a common goal.

Approaches to Leadership Studies

What are the two types of leaders mentioned in the Interactional Approach?

Relationship-oriented leaders, who focus on social interactions, and task-oriented leaders, who focus on getting the task done.

Cohesion and Performance Relationship

Which type of cohesion is positively related to performance?

Task cohesion.

Approaches to Leadership Studies

What is the Trait Approach in leadership studies?

It suggests that there are no specific traits that make all leaders successful.

Sociograms and Measuring Cohesion

What questions can be used to identify popular and least popular players in a group?

Questions about who are the most and least popular players.

Cohesion and Performance Relationship

What are examples of low task demand sports?

Archery, Bowling, Golf, Riflery, Skiing, Wrestling.

Building Team Cohesion Strategies

What is one effective communication strategy for coaches to build team cohesion?

Explain individual roles in team success.

Cohesion and Performance Relationship

What were the findings regarding task measures of cohesion?

Positive relationships between task cohesion and performance were found.

Cohesion and Performance Relationship

What is one explanation for the confusing cohesion-performance results?

The diversity of task demands that sport teams face.

Approaches to Leadership Studies

What are the four approaches to leadership studies mentioned?

Trait approach, Behavioral approach, Situational approach, Interactional approach.

Sociograms and Measuring Cohesion

What type of questions are asked to generate information for a sociogram?

Questions about preferences for social interactions, such as who to invite to a party or practice with.

Leadership Traits and Behaviors

What are the two primary functions of leaders?

1. Ensure the demands of the organization are satisfied and meet its goals and objectives. 2. Ensure the needs of the group members are satisfied.

Approaches to Leadership Studies

What is the key takeaway regarding leadership styles?

There is no one best type of leader; effectiveness depends on fitting the situation and the qualities of the group members.

Building Team Cohesion Strategies

What should coaches avoid to maintain team cohesion?

Formation of social cliques.

Building Team Cohesion Strategies

What is a key responsibility of group members to maintain cohesion?

Communicate honestly and openly with the coach.

Approaches to Leadership Studies

What does the Behavioral Approach focus on?

Learning the behaviors of other effective leaders and identifying a universal set of behaviors that characterize successful leaders.

Cohesion and Performance Relationship

What are examples of interacting teams in sports?

Basketball, Field hockey, Ice hockey, Soccer, Volleyball.

Building Team Cohesion Strategies

What can group members do to enhance team cohesion?

Get to know teammates.

Sociograms and Measuring Cohesion

What is the purpose of a sociogram in group cohesion?

To measure social cohesion and disclose affiliation and attraction among group members.

Cohesion and Performance Relationship

Describe the circular relationship between cohesion and performance.

Performance success leads to increased cohesion, which in turn leads to increased performance.

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Study Smarter, Not Harder