What is aneuploidy?
Aneuploidy is a change in the number of individual chromosomes.
What is the chromosome composition of the hybrid formed by the fusion of gametes from species I and II?
Aneuploidy Definition and Types

What is aneuploidy?

Aneuploidy is a change in the number of individual chromosomes.

Mechanisms of Aneuploidy Formation

What is the chromosome composition of the hybrid formed by the fusion of gametes from species I and II?


Aneuploidy in Humans

What percentage of spontaneously aborted human fetuses have chromosome mutations?

At least 50%.

Polyploidy and Its Types

What is the chromosome number of an autotriploid of species I?

3n = 21

Effects of Aneuploidy on Phenotype

Why do triploids usually not produce viable offspring?

Because the unbalanced gene dosage in the zygote is often lethal.

Polyploidy and Its Types

What is polyploidy?

Polyploidy is an increase in the number of chromosome sets.

Polyploidy and Its Types

What is the chromosome number of species I?

2n = 14

Mechanisms of Aneuploidy Formation

Why is tension during metaphase I necessary?

Tension is necessary for the two homologs to separate properly in anaphase I.

Mechanisms of Aneuploidy Formation

What is the most common cause of aneuploidy in humans?

Missegregation of chromosomes in meiosis I during oogenesis.

Uniparental Disomy and Genetic Mosaicism

What is uniparental disomy?

A condition where both chromosomes of a homologous pair are inherited from the same parent.

Uniparental Disomy and Genetic Mosaicism

What are gynandromorphs?

Gynandromorphs are sexual mosaics where some cells express female traits (XX) and others express male traits (XO).

Mechanisms of Aneuploidy Formation

What can occasionally interfere with normal chromosome alignment during meiosis?

The presence of a third chromosome.

Autosomal Aneuploidies and Down Syndrome

What is the most common cause of familial Down syndrome?

Exchange between chromosomes 21 and 14.

Aneuploidy in Humans

How does the rate of chromosome abnormality in humans compare to that in mice?

It is higher in humans, with aneuploidy found in no more than 2% of fertilized eggs in mice.

Aneuploidy Definition and Types

What is aneuploidy?

Aneuploidy is the loss or gain of one or more individual chromosomes.

Types of Aneuploid Conditions

What usually results from having three copies of chromosome 8?

It usually results in spontaneous abortion.

Nondisjunction in Meiosis and Mitosis

What is nondisjunction?

Nondisjunction is the failure of homologous chromosomes or sister chromatids to separate during meiosis or mitosis.

Mechanisms of Aneuploidy Formation

How can homologous chromosomes pair or fail to pair in an autotriploid during meiosis?

Homologous chromosomes can pair or fail to pair in three ways.

Polyploidy and Its Types

What happens during autopolyploidy through mitosis?

A diploid (2n) early embryonic cell undergoes replication and separation of sister chromatids without cell division, producing an autotetraploid (4n) cell.

Aneuploidy in Humans

What is the significance of the genetic variant at the PLK4 gene in human populations?

The genetic variant occurs at high frequencies in many human populations and may have been favored by natural selection, although the reason for this is unclear.

Sex-Chromosome Aneuploidies

Why is Y-chromosome aneuploidy relatively common?

Because there is so little information in the Y chromosome.

Types of Aneuploid Conditions

What is the globe mutation in Jimson weed?

A mutation that produces a globe-shaped seedcase and is dominant but primarily inherited from the female parent.

Polyploidy and Its Types

What is the chromosomal composition of gametes resulting from meiosis in an autotriploid?

The gametes will have two copies of some chromosomes and one copy of others.

Autosomal Aneuploidies and Down Syndrome

What percentage of people with Down syndrome are not trisomic for a complete chromosome 21?

About 4%.

Polyploidy and Its Types

How many chromosomes does a triploid individual (3n) of species I have?

21 (3 × 7)

Uniparental Disomy and Genetic Mosaicism

What is Prader-Willi syndrome and how can uniparental disomy cause it?

Prader-Willi syndrome is a condition that arises when a paternal copy of a gene on chromosome 15 is missing. Uniparental disomy can cause it when both copies of chromosome 15 are inherited from the mother and no copy is inherited from the father.

Polyploidy and Its Types

How many chromosomes can an allotriploid have if it has 1n from species I and 2n from species II?

27 ((1 × 7) + (2 × 10))

Mechanisms of Aneuploidy Formation

Why is the hybrid considered diploid despite having chromosomes from two different species?

Because it has the same number of chromosomes (six) as both diploid species.

Uniparental Disomy and Genetic Mosaicism

What happens when an X chromosome is lost soon after fertilization in an XX embryo?

The embryo becomes an XX/XO mosaic, developing a mixture of male and female traits.

Polyploidy and Its Types

Why are triploid bananas and watermelons seedless?

Because they are sterile due to unbalanced gametes.

Polyploidy and Its Types

What is the chromosome number of an autotetraploid of species II?

4n = 40

Mechanisms of Aneuploidy Formation

How can aneuploidy arise?

Aneuploidy can arise from the loss of a chromosome subsequent to translocation or from nondisjunction in meiosis or mitosis.

Mechanisms of Aneuploidy Formation

What role does the PLK4 gene play in aneuploidy?

A genetic variant at the PLK4 gene increases the frequency of aneuploidy by disrupting centriole regulation, leading to failure of chromosome separation in mitosis.

Autosomal Aneuploidies and Down Syndrome

How many chromosomes do translocation carriers possess?

45 chromosomes.

Mechanisms of Aneuploidy Formation

What does the illustration in Figure 8.27 show about a triploid cell during meiosis?

It shows a triploid cell (3n) with three almost similar sized X-shaped chromosomes that are green, blue, and red, and three different ways these chromosomes can segregate.

Mechanisms of Aneuploidy Formation

In the illustration of meiosis in an autotriploid, what does part a show?

Part a shows the pairing of two of three homologous chromosomes in meiosis 1, where the cell has red and blue pairing together while the green is aligned at a distance.

Uniparental Disomy and Genetic Mosaicism

How does uniparental disomy violate the rule regarding recessive disorders?

It allows children affected with a recessive disorder to appear in families where only one parent is a carrier.

Aneuploidy in Humans

What plant is mentioned in the context of mutant seedcases resulting from different trisomies?

Jimson weed (Datura stramonium).

Polyploidy and Its Types

What is the haploid number of chromosomes (n) for species I?


Polyploidy and Its Types

What is polyploidy?

The presence of more than two sets of chromosomes.

Aneuploidy in Humans

What chromosomes does a parent without translocation have in the P generation?

Normal chromosomes 21 and 14.

Polyploidy and Its Types

In which group of organisms is polyploidy most common?


Polyploidy and Its Types

What percentage of flowering-plant species are polyploids?

Approximately 40%.

Uniparental Disomy and Genetic Mosaicism

How common is genetic mosaicism in Turner syndrome?

About 50% of those diagnosed with Turner syndrome are actually mosaics, possessing some 45,X cells and some normal 46,XX cells.

Types of Aneuploid Conditions

What is the outcome if a gamete with two functional copies of chromosome 21 fuses with a normal gamete carrying a single copy of chromosome 21?

The resulting zygote will have familial Down syndrome.

Types of Aneuploid Conditions

What happens if a gamete lacking chromosome 21 fuses with a normal gamete?

The resulting zygote will have monosomy 21 and will be spontaneously aborted.

Types of Aneuploid Conditions

What zygotes are formed from Pair c gametes in the F1 generation?

A zygote with trisomy 14 (aborted) and a zygote with monosomy 14 (aborted).

Polyploidy and Its Types

Are there any naturally occurring, viable polyploids in birds or mammals?


Types of Aneuploid Conditions

What is the result of fertilization between a normal gamete and a gamete with no chromatids?

A monosomic (2n-1) zygote with only one blue chromatid.

Autosomal Aneuploidies and Down Syndrome

Which autosomal aneuploidy in humans results in live births most frequently?

Trisomy 21 (Down syndrome).

Mechanisms of Aneuploidy Formation

Why is the hybrid functionally haploid and sterile?

Because the hybrid chromosomes are not homologous and will not usually pair and segregate properly in meiosis.

Polyploidy and Its Types

What is the chromosome number of species II?

2n = 20

Autosomal Aneuploidies and Down Syndrome

What results in familial Down syndrome?

The translocation of part of chromosome 21 to another chromosome.

Polyploidy and Its Types

How can an autotriploid (3n) arise?

An autotriploid can arise when nondisjunction in meiosis produces a diploid gamete that fuses with a normal haploid gamete, or from a cross between an autotetraploid and a diploid.

Aneuploidy Definition and Types

What is tetrasomy?

The gain of two homologous chromosomes, represented as 2n + 2.

Aneuploidy in Humans

How does the incidence of primary Down syndrome change with maternal age?

The incidence increases with maternal age.

Nondisjunction in Meiosis and Mitosis

What are the consequences of nondisjunction?

Nondisjunction leads to some gametes or cells containing an extra chromosome and others missing a chromosome.

Autosomal Aneuploidies and Down Syndrome

Why are the phenotypes of translocation carriers normal despite having only 45 chromosomes?

Because they have two copies of the long arms of chromosomes 14 and 21, and the short arms of these chromosomes, which are lost, carry no essential genetic information.

Aneuploidy in Humans

Who began breeding Jimson weed (Datura stramonium) in 1913?

A. Francis Blakeslee.

Mechanisms of Aneuploidy Formation

What happens after the first division of meiosis in female mammals?

A secondary oocyte is produced and meiosis is suspended again.

Polyploidy and Its Types

What determines which gamete gets the extra chromosome in an autotriploid?

Chance determines which gamete gets the extra chromosome, differing for each homologous trio of chromosomes.

Autosomal Aneuploidies and Down Syndrome

What causes Down syndrome?

Trisomy of chromosome 21.

Polyploidy and Its Types

What is an amphidiploid?

An amphidiploid is an allopolyploid consisting of two combined diploid genomes, functionally diploid with each chromosome having one homologous partner.

Mechanisms of Aneuploidy Formation

What is the result of the first meiotic cell division in the scenario where a cell has red and green chromosomes?

The cell produces 2 diploid (2n) gametes with 1 red and 1 green chromatid each.

Polyploidy and Its Types

What are some examples of polyploids?

Triploids (3n), tetraploids (4n), pentaploids (5n), hexaploids (6n), and organisms with even higher numbers of chromosome sets.

Aneuploidy in Humans

What chromosomes does a translocation carrier parent have in the P generation?

One chromatid 21, one chromatid 14, and a hybrid chromatid 14-21.

Aneuploidy in Humans

What is the phenotype of a parent who is a carrier for a 14-21 translocation?

Normal phenotype.

Polyploidy and Its Types

What percentage of grasses are polyploids?

70% to 80%.

Uniparental Disomy and Genetic Mosaicism

What is the typical karyotype composition in Turner syndrome mosaics?

Turner syndrome mosaics typically have some 45,X cells and some normal 46,XX cells.

Types of Aneuploid Conditions

How many chromosomes will be found in a trisomic member of a diploid organism with 2n = 36 chromosomes?

37 chromosomes.

Polyploidy and Its Types

What is the difference between even-numbered autopolyploids and triploids in terms of chromosome pairing?

In even-numbered autopolyploids, homologous chromosomes can theoretically form pairs and divide equally, but this rarely happens.

Polyploidy and Its Types

How is an autotetraploid (4n) produced?

An autotetraploid is produced by nondisjunction of all chromosomes in mitosis in an early 2n embryo, doubling the chromosome number.

Autosomal Aneuploidies and Down Syndrome

What is a translocation carrier?

A person who has a translocation of chromosome 21 to another chromosome, such as 14, and is phenotypically normal but at increased risk for producing children with Down syndrome.

Mechanisms of Aneuploidy Formation

What happens when all three chromosomes move to the same gamete?

It results in improper segregation and can lead to aneuploidy.

Sex-Chromosome Aneuploidies

What phenotype does the left side of the gynandromorph fruit fly exhibit?

Normal female phenotype with red eyes and wild-type wings.

Uniparental Disomy and Genetic Mosaicism

What surprising discovery has been made using molecular techniques regarding chromosome inheritance?

Sometimes both chromosomes are inherited from the same parent, a condition termed uniparental disomy.

Uniparental Disomy and Genetic Mosaicism

How do many cases of uniparental disomy probably originate?

As trisomies, where a trisomic embryo can survive if one of the three chromosomes is lost early in development.

Uniparental Disomy and Genetic Mosaicism

What happens if the two remaining chromosomes after a trisomy are both from the same parent?

Uniparental disomy results.

Polyploidy and Its Types

What challenge occurs during meiosis in an autotriploid?

Three homologs are present, and one may fail to align with the other two, leading to random segregation of chromosomes.

Uniparental Disomy and Genetic Mosaicism

How can uniparental disomy arise?

When a trisomic embryo loses one of the triplicate chromosomes early in development.

Mechanisms of Aneuploidy Formation

What did John Belling demonstrate about the 12 mutants isolated by Blakeslee?

He demonstrated that the 12 mutants were trisomics.

Polyploidy and Its Types

How does an amphidiploid undergo meiosis?

An amphidiploid undergoes normal meiosis to produce balanced gametes with six chromosomes each.

Mechanisms of Aneuploidy Formation

What is the result of the first meiotic cell division in the scenario where a cell has only the blue chromosome?

The cell produces 2 haploid (1n) gametes with 1 blue chromatid each.

Mechanisms of Aneuploidy Formation

What is the outcome when all three homologous chromosomes pair and segregate randomly during meiosis 1?

One cell has only the red chromosome and another cell has blue and green chromosomes.

Mechanisms of Aneuploidy Formation

What happens during Anaphase 2 when a cell has only the red chromosome?

The cell produces 2 haploid (1n) gametes with 1 red chromatid each.

Mechanisms of Aneuploidy Formation

What are the possible chromosome combinations produced during gametogenesis in a translocation carrier?

Pair a: 14-21 chromatid and two chromatids 21 and 14; Pair b: 14-21 chromatid and 21 chromatid, and 14 chromatid; Pair c: 14-21 chromatid and 21 chromatid, and 21 chromatid.

Aneuploidy in Humans

What zygotes are formed from Pair a gametes in the F1 generation?

A translocation carrier and a normal zygote.

Types of Aneuploid Conditions

What zygotes are formed from Pair b gametes in the F1 generation?

A zygote with Down syndrome and a zygote with monosomy 21 (aborted).

Mechanisms of Aneuploidy Formation

What chromosomes do haploid gametes from species II contain?


Nondisjunction in Meiosis and Mitosis

What must chromosomes do during meiosis to ensure proper segregation?

Chromosomes must segregate to one gamete and one chromosome to the other.

Autosomal Aneuploidies and Down Syndrome

What is the chromosomal basis of most cases of Down syndrome?

Trisomy of chromosome 21.

Aneuploidy in Humans

What may account for the high levels of aneuploidy seen in human conceptions originating in oogenesis?

The inefficiency of crossover maturation in females may account for the high levels of aneuploidy.

Uniparental Disomy and Genetic Mosaicism

How has the determination of the parental origins of chromosomes become possible?

Through the development of molecular techniques that facilitate the identification of specific DNA sequences.

Uniparental Disomy and Genetic Mosaicism

Why are X-linked recessive genes expressed in XX/XO mosaics?

Because any X-linked recessive genes present in the cells with a single X chromosome (XO) will be expressed.

Sex-Chromosome Aneuploidies

What mechanism ensures that males and females receive the same functional dosage for X-linked genes in mammals?

X-chromosome inactivation ensures that males and females receive the same functional dosage for X-linked genes.

Sex-Chromosome Aneuploidies

Why might aneuploidy of the sex chromosomes be less detrimental in mammals?

Because additional X chromosomes are inactivated, reducing the impact of aneuploidy.

Aneuploidy Definition and Types

What is the chromosomal representation of a double tetrasomic individual?

2n + 2 + 2.

Mechanisms of Aneuploidy Formation

When does the second meiotic division take place in female mammals?

Immediately before the nuclei of egg and sperm unite to form a zygote.

Uniparental Disomy and Genetic Mosaicism

What is genetic mosaicism?

Different cells within the same individual organism have different chromosome constitutions.

Uniparental Disomy and Genetic Mosaicism

How can uniparental disomy lead to cystic fibrosis?

If a child inherits two defective cystic fibrosis alleles from a heterozygous parent and no normal allele from the other parent, it can lead to cystic fibrosis.

Autosomal Aneuploidies and Down Syndrome

Why is it called familial Down syndrome?

Because it has a tendency to run in families.

Uniparental Disomy and Genetic Mosaicism

What percentage of Prader-Willi syndrome cases arise from uniparental disomy?

20% to 30% of Prader-Willi syndrome cases arise from uniparental disomy.

Uniparental Disomy and Genetic Mosaicism

What is genetic mosaicism?

Genetic mosaicism is a condition where regions of tissue have different chromosome constitutions due to nondisjunction in a mitotic division.

Mechanisms of Aneuploidy Formation

What happens when a translocation chromosome separates from chromosome 14 and passes into the same cell with the normal chromosome 21?

This segregation produces abnormal gametes; half will have two functional copies of chromosome 21 (one normal and one attached to chromosome 14) and the other half will lack chromosome 21.

Aneuploidy in Humans

What percentage of human conceptions are spontaneously aborted due to chromosome abnormalities?

More than 30%.

Polyploidy and Its Types

What is autopolyploidy?

Autopolyploidy is caused by accidents of mitosis or meiosis that produce extra sets of chromosomes, all derived from a single species.

Mechanisms of Aneuploidy Formation

How can aneuploidy arise?

Aneuploidy can arise through the loss of a chromosome during mitosis or meiosis, loss of a small chromosome generated by a Robertsonian translocation, or through nondisjunction.

Aneuploidy in Humans

How is sex determined in fruit flies?

Sex is determined independently in each cell during development; XX cells express female traits, and XO cells express male traits.

Autosomal Aneuploidies and Down Syndrome

Do translocation carriers have Down syndrome?

No, translocation carriers do not have Down syndrome.

Effects of Aneuploidy on Phenotype

What is the effect of aneuploidy on gene dosage?

Aneuploidy disrupts gene dosage and often has severe phenotypic effects.

Effects of Aneuploidy on Phenotype

What is the consequence of aneuploidy in human development?

Aneuploidy usually produces serious developmental problems that result in spontaneous abortion, with only about 2% of fetuses with a chromosome mutation surviving to birth.

Aneuploidy in Humans

What is the incidence of Down syndrome for mothers aged 20 years?

1 child in 2000 births.

Sex-Chromosome Aneuploidies

Why does the right side of the gynandromorph fruit fly have a male phenotype?

Because the cells are XO, missing the wild-type X chromosome, allowing the white and miniature alleles to be expressed.

Aneuploidy in Humans

What is the incidence of Down syndrome for mothers aged 40 years?

1 child in 100 births.

Sex-Chromosome Aneuploidies

Which type of aneuploidies are most common in living humans?

Aneuploidies involving the sex chromosomes.

Types of Aneuploid Conditions

How many different seed case mutants are mentioned in Jimson weed?

12 different seed case mutants.

Sex-Chromosome Aneuploidies

What are two syndromes that result from aneuploidy of the sex chromosomes?

Turner syndrome and Klinefelter syndrome.

Autosomal Aneuploidies and Down Syndrome

Why are autosomal aneuploidies resulting in live births less common than sex-chromosome aneuploidies?

Because there is no mechanism of dosage compensation for autosomes.

Polyploidy and Its Types

How can allopolyploidy arise?

Allopolyploidy can arise when nondisjunction during meiosis leads to a 2n gamete, which fuses with a 1n or 2n gamete from a different species to produce a polyploid individual.

Polyploidy and Its Types

Who created polyploids experimentally in the 1920s?

Georgii Karpechenko.

Polyploidy and Its Types

What was Georgii Karpechenko's goal in crossing cabbages and radishes?

Karpechenko wanted to produce a plant with cabbage leaves and radish roots so that no part of the plant would go to waste.

Mechanisms of Aneuploidy Formation

What happens during Anaphase 2 when a cell has blue and green chromosomes?

The cell produces 2 diploid (2n) gametes with 1 blue and 1 green chromatid each.

Polyploidy and Its Types

Name some agriculturally important polyploid plants.

Wheat, oats, cotton, potatoes, and sugarcane.

Polyploidy and Its Types

Is polyploidy common in animals?

No, it is less common in animals.

Mechanisms of Aneuploidy Formation

What is the outcome of Anaphase 2 when a cell has no chromosomes?

The cell produces 2 gametes with no chromosomes.

Polyploidy and Its Types

What is an allopolyploid?

An allopolyploid arises from hybridization between two species followed by chromosome doubling.

Mechanisms of Aneuploidy Formation

What happens to embryos with other chromosomal combinations resulting from a translocation carrier mating with a person without translocation?

They result in spontaneously aborted embryos.

Types of Aneuploid Conditions

What is the life expectancy of babies born with Edwards syndrome?

Few live for more than a year after birth.

Types of Aneuploid Conditions

What is the frequency of Trisomy 13 (Patau syndrome) in live births?

About 1 in 15,000 live births.

Types of Aneuploid Conditions

What is the life expectancy of children with Trisomy 13?

About half die within the first month of life, and 95% die by the age of three.

Uniparental Disomy and Genetic Mosaicism

What is a common feature of individuals born with Trisomy 8?

Most are mosaics, having some cells with three copies of chromosome 8 and other cells with the usual two copies.

Mechanisms of Aneuploidy Formation

What happens when an unbalanced gamete fuses with a normal gamete?

The resulting zygote has different numbers of chromosomes, creating unbalanced gene dosage, which is often lethal.

Autosomal Aneuploidies and Down Syndrome

Can familial Down syndrome be caused by translocations between chromosome 21 and chromosomes other than 14?

Yes, it can also be caused by translocations between chromosome 21 and other chromosomes, such as 15.

Sex-Chromosome Aneuploidies

What does XO mean in the context of chromosome composition?

XO means that the cell has a single X chromosome and no Y chromosome.

Polyploidy and Its Types

How does allopolyploidy arise?

From hybridization between two species, resulting in a polyploid carrying chromosome sets from two or more species.

Polyploidy and Its Types

What is the chromosome number of an allotriploid formed from species I and species II?

n (species I) + 2n (species II) = 7 + 20 = 27 or 2n (species I) + n (species II) = 14 + 10 = 24

Polyploidy and Its Types

How can autopolyploidy arise?

Through nondisjunction in mitosis or meiosis.

Nondisjunction in Meiosis and Mitosis

What is the most common cause of Down syndrome and other types of aneuploidy in humans?

Maternal nondisjunction.

Mechanisms of Aneuploidy Formation

At what stage are female mammals' primary oocytes suspended at birth?

In the diplotene substage of prophase I of meiosis.

Mechanisms of Aneuploidy Formation

When does meiosis resume in female mammals?

Just before ovulation.

Uniparental Disomy and Genetic Mosaicism

What is uniparental disomy?

An individual organism has two copies of a chromosome from one parent and no copy from the other.

Aneuploidy in Humans

What is the incidence of Down syndrome for mothers aged 50 years?

1 child in 12 births.

Sex-Chromosome Aneuploidies

Why is aneuploidy of human sex chromosomes better tolerated than aneuploidy of autosomes?

Because there is a mechanism of dosage compensation for sex chromosomes.

Aneuploidy in Humans

How many pairs of chromosomes does Datura stramonium have?

12 pairs of chromosomes (2n = 24).

Mechanisms of Aneuploidy Formation

Why did the trisomic mutants in Jimson weed exhibit unusual inheritance patterns?

Because many of the extra chromosomes in the trisomics were lost in meiosis, leading to fewer than 50% of the gametes carrying the extra chromosome.

Effects of Aneuploidy on Phenotype

Why was the proportion of trisomics in the progeny low?

Because the pollen containing an extra chromosome was less successful in fertilization, and trisomic zygotes were less viable.

Mechanisms of Aneuploidy Formation

Does aneuploidy affect the nucleotide sequences of genes?

No, it affects the number of gene copies but not their nucleotide sequences.

Autosomal Aneuploidies and Down Syndrome

Who first described the features of Down syndrome and in what year?

John Langdon Down in 1866.

Mechanisms of Aneuploidy Formation

How can aneuploids be produced?

Through nondisjunction in meiosis I, meiosis II, or mitosis.

Mechanisms of Aneuploidy Formation

What is the result when none of the chromosomes pair during meiosis 1?

All three chromosomes move to the same side in the cell during Anaphase 1.

Mechanisms of Aneuploidy Formation

What is the outcome of Anaphase 2 when a cell has all three chromosomes?

The cell produces 2 (3n) gametes with 1 blue, 1 red, and 1 green chromatid each.

Nondisjunction in Meiosis and Mitosis

What are the outcomes of meiosis II after nondisjunction in meiosis I?

Two gametes with 2 chromatids each and two gametes with no chromatids.

Autosomal Aneuploidies and Down Syndrome

How does the incidence of Down syndrome change with maternal age?

The incidence increases among children born to older mothers.

Polyploidy and Its Types

What is allopolyploidy?

A type of polyploidy in which chromosome sets are from two or more species.

Nondisjunction in Meiosis and Mitosis

What usually causes primary Down syndrome?

Spontaneous nondisjunction during egg formation.

Sex-Chromosome Aneuploidies

Why are sex-chromosome aneuploidies more common than autosomal aneuploidies in humans?

X-chromosome inactivation prevents problems of gene dosage for X-linked genes.

Nondisjunction in Meiosis and Mitosis

What is the result of fertilization between a normal gamete and gametes that have one chromatid each?

It produces 2 normal diploid (2n) zygotes with one red and one blue chromatid each.

Types of Aneuploid Conditions

What is nullisomy?

The loss of both members of a homologous pair of chromosomes, represented as 2n - 2.

Polyploidy: Autopolyploidy and Allopolyploidy

What is the chromosome composition of species II?

Explanation: Species II has a diploid chromosome composition of GGHHII, which totals six chromosomes.

Mechanisms of Aneuploidy Formation

How does crossover formation in females compare to that in males?

Crossover formation in females is often inefficient compared to that in males, leading to fewer mature crossovers and more crossovers likely to lead to missegregation of chromosomes during meiosis.

Mechanisms of Aneuploidy Formation

What happens if a chromosome's centromere is deleted?

The chromosome may be lost because the spindle microtubules cannot attach, preventing it from moving to the spindle pole and being incorporated into a nucleus after cell division.

Polyploidy and Its Types

What role does colchicine play in polyploidy?

Colchicine disrupts spindle formation and is often used to induce polyploidy in agriculturally and ornamentally important plants.

Aneuploidy Definition and Types

How many chromosomes does a human tetrasomic zygote have?

48 chromosomes.

Aneuploidy in Humans

At what maternal age does the incidence of Down syndrome start to significantly increase?

Around age 35.

Sex-Chromosome Aneuploidies

Why does the left side of the gynandromorph fruit fly have a normal female phenotype?

Because the cells are XX and the recessive alleles on one X chromosome are masked by the presence of wild-type alleles on the other.

Polyploidy and Its Types

Why are autopolyploids usually sterile?

Because all chromosome sets are homologous and attempt to align in prophase I of meiosis, leading to irregular segregation.

Sex-Chromosome Aneuploidies

What is the most common form of aneuploidy seen in living organisms like mice and humans?

Aneuploidy of the sex chromosomes.

Aneuploidy Definition and Types

How many different mutants did Blakeslee isolate in Jimson weed?

12 different mutants.

Uniparental Disomy and Genetic Mosaicism

What is uniparental disomy?

Uniparental disomy occurs when both copies of a chromosome are inherited from one parent and no copy is inherited from the other parent.

Types of Aneuploid Conditions

List some of the seed case mutants in Jimson weed.

Rolled, Glossy, Buckling, Elongate, Echinus, Cocklebur, Microcarpic, Reduced, Spinach, Poinsettia, Globe, and Ilex.

Autosomal Aneuploidies and Down Syndrome

What usually happens to embryos with autosomal aneuploidies?

Most are spontaneously aborted.

Autosomal Aneuploidies and Down Syndrome

Which chromosome's aneuploidy occasionally results in live births due to its small size and relatively few genes?

Chromosome 21.

Effects of Aneuploidy on Phenotype

What is the effect of aneuploidy on gene dosage?

Aneuploidy alters the dosage for some, but not all, genes.

Polyploidy and Its Types

What was the chromosome number of the hybrid produced by crossing cabbages and radishes?

The hybrid had 2n = 18 chromosomes.

Mechanisms of Aneuploidy Formation

What happens to gametes resulting from meioses with nondisjunction when they combine with a normal gamete?

They produce aneuploid zygotes.

Nondisjunction in Meiosis and Mitosis

What occurs during nondisjunction in meiosis I?

A nucleus with 2 X-shaped chromosomes fails to separate, resulting in one nucleus with 2 chromosomes and one with none.

Polyploidy and Its Types

What was the chromosome number of the viable and fertile plants produced by Karpechenko's hybrid?

The viable and fertile plants were allotetraploids with 2n chromosomes.

Autosomal Aneuploidies and Down Syndrome

What increased risk do translocation carriers face?

They are at increased risk for producing children with familial Down syndrome.

Aneuploidy in Humans

What does the occurrence of Down syndrome in children of translocation carriers suggest about embryos with Down syndrome?

Some of the embryos with Down syndrome are spontaneously aborted.

Aneuploidy and Cancer

What chromosome abnormalities are often found in tumor cells?

Many tumor cells have extra chromosomes or missing chromosomes, or both.

Mechanisms of Aneuploidy Formation

Why can't the sterile hybrid produce viable gametes through meiosis?

The sterile hybrid cannot produce viable gametes through meiosis because it has non-homologous chromosomes that do not pair and segregate properly.

Nondisjunction in Meiosis and Mitosis

Why are crossovers important for proper segregation of homologous chromosomes in meiosis I?

Crossovers connect the two chromosomes, creating tension when the homologs are pulled in opposite directions, ensuring proper segregation.

Aneuploidy in Humans

What is the relationship between maternal age and the frequency of aneuploidy?

The frequency of aneuploidy increases with maternal age.

Polyploidy and Its Types

What is the result of nondisjunction in meiosis producing a diploid gamete?

The result is the formation of an autotriploid (3n) zygote when the diploid gamete fuses with a normal haploid gamete.

Aneuploidy Definition and Types

What does it mean for an individual to be double trisomic?

The individual has an extra copy of each of two different (nonhomologous) chromosomes, represented as 2n + 1 + 1.

Aneuploidy Definition and Types

What is the chromosomal representation of a double monosomic individual?

2n - 1 - 1.

Effects of Aneuploidy on Phenotype

What unusual observation did Blakeslee make when crossing Jimson-weed mutants?

He observed unusual ratios of progeny, such as only 25% of progeny having the globe phenotype when globe mutants self-fertilized.

Uniparental Disomy and Genetic Mosaicism

How can cystic fibrosis occur due to uniparental disomy?

A person with cystic fibrosis may inherit two copies of chromosome 7 carrying the cystic fibrosis mutation from one parent.

Aneuploidy in Humans

What does the graph indicate about the likelihood of older mothers giving birth to a child with Down syndrome compared to younger mothers?

Older mothers are more likely to give birth to a child with Down syndrome than younger mothers.

Nondisjunction in Meiosis and Mitosis

What happens to homologous chromosomes during Anaphase 1 in meiosis?

Two homologous chromosomes pair, whereas the other segregates randomly.

Autosomal Aneuploidies and Down Syndrome

What is familial Down syndrome?

A condition where individuals have 46 chromosomes but an extra copy of part of chromosome 21 is attached to another chromosome through a translocation.

Polyploidy and Its Types

How many chromosomes does an autotetraploid (4n) of species II have?

40 (4 × 10)

Autosomal Aneuploidies and Down Syndrome

How do the phenotypic characteristics of familial Down syndrome compare to primary Down syndrome?

They are the same.

Autosomal Aneuploidies and Down Syndrome

What causes familial Down syndrome?

It arises in offspring whose parents are carriers of chromosomes that have undergone a Robertsonian translocation.

Autosomal Aneuploidies and Down Syndrome

Which chromosomes are most commonly involved in the Robertsonian translocation that leads to familial Down syndrome?

Chromosome 21 and chromosome 14.

Autosomal Aneuploidies and Down Syndrome

What happens during the Robertsonian translocation between chromosomes 21 and 14?

The long arm of chromosome 21 and the short arm of chromosome 14 exchange places.

Mechanisms of Aneuploidy Formation

What happens to the gametes produced when the translocation chromosome segregates from chromosomes 14 and 21?

Half of the gametes will have the translocation chromosome and no other copies of chromosomes 21 and 14, and the other half will be normal.

Mechanisms of Aneuploidy Formation

What is the outcome when a gamete with the translocation chromosome fuses with a normal gamete?

It gives rise to a translocation carrier.

Mechanisms of Aneuploidy Formation

How many types of gametes produced by a translocation carrier will result in the birth of a baby?

Three of the six types of gametes.

Polyploidy and Its Types

What is autopolyploidy?

A type of polyploidy in which all chromosome sets are from a single species.

Mechanisms of Aneuploidy Formation

What is the chromosome composition of the hybrid in the F1 generation?

The hybrid has one chromatid each of A, B, C, G, H, and I, with a total of 2n=6.

Nondisjunction in Meiosis and Mitosis

In which phase of meiosis do most maternal nondisjunction events causing Down syndrome arise?

Meiosis I.

Nondisjunction in Meiosis and Mitosis

What is the result of fertilization between a normal gamete and a gamete with no chromatids?

It produces a monosomic (2n - 1) zygote with only 1 blue chromatid.

Autosomal Aneuploidies and Down Syndrome

Are relatives of a couple with a child with primary Down syndrome more likely to have a child with Down syndrome?

No, the couple’s relatives are not more likely to have a child with primary Down syndrome.

Polyploidy and Its Types

What is the chromosome number of an allotetraploid formed from species I and species II?

2n (species I) + 2n (species II) = 14 + 20 = 34

Sex-Chromosome Aneuploidies

What phenotype does the right side of the gynandromorph fruit fly exhibit?

Male phenotype with white eyes and miniature wings.

Polyploidy and Its Types

What is the result of nondisjunction in meiosis I in terms of gamete formation?

It produces a 2n gamete that fuses with a 1n gamete to produce an autotriploid (3n) zygote.

Aneuploidy in Humans

What is the incidence of Down syndrome for mothers aged 30 years?

1 child in 900 births.

Effects of Aneuploidy on Phenotype

Who discovered the first recognized aneuploid, a fruit fly with a single X chromosome and no Y chromosome?

Calvin Bridges in 1913.

Aneuploidy Definition and Types

What is the wild type case seed labeled as in Jimson weed?


Polyploidy and Its Types

What is the haploid number of chromosomes (n) for species II?


Effects of Aneuploidy on Phenotype

What is the primary cause of the drastic alteration in phenotype due to aneuploidy?

Abnormal gene dosage.

Effects of Aneuploidy on Phenotype

Why is aneuploidy often lethal in most animals and many plants?

Because it alters the number of gene copies, leading to abnormal gene dosage.

Uniparental Disomy and Genetic Mosaicism

What is the phenotype of a translocation carrier?

Completely normal.

Uniparental Disomy and Genetic Mosaicism

Why do translocation carriers have an increased chance of producing children with Down syndrome?

Because the translocation chromosome can segregate in a way that leads to an unbalanced set of chromosomes in the offspring.

Autosomal Aneuploidies and Down Syndrome

What are some characteristic features of individuals with Down syndrome as described by John Langdon Down?

A broad, flat face, a small nose, and oval-shaped eyes.

Polyploidy and Its Types

What was the outcome of the initial hybrid produced by Karpechenko?

The initial hybrid was sterile.

Polyploidy and Its Types

What did Karpechenko notice after several crosses of his hybrid plants?

He noticed that one of his hybrid plants produced a few seeds, which grew into viable and fertile plants.

Autosomal Aneuploidies and Down Syndrome

What is the incidence of Down syndrome in human births?

About 1 in 700 human births.

Mechanisms of Aneuploidy Formation

What are the theoretical proportions of offspring types from a translocation carrier?

One-third should be translocation carriers, one-third should have familial Down syndrome, and one-third should have a normal set of chromosomes.

Nondisjunction in Meiosis and Mitosis

What occurs during nondisjunction in meiosis II?

Normal separation of chromosomes in meiosis I, followed by nondisjunction in meiosis II.

Types of Aneuploid Conditions

What is the frequency of Trisomy 18 (Edwards syndrome) in live births?

Approximately 1 in 8000 live births.

Polyploidy and Its Types

What is the chromosome composition of the allotetraploid produced by non-disjunction?

The allotetraploid has a pair of each of chromosomes A, B, C, G, H, and I, with a total of 4n=12.

Autosomal Aneuploidies and Down Syndrome

Is there a significant hereditary tendency for primary Down syndrome?

No, the failure of the chromosomes to divide has little hereditary tendency.

Mechanisms of Aneuploidy Formation

What rare event can lead to the formation of an allotetraploid from a sterile hybrid?

On rare occasions, nondisjunction takes place in a mitotic division, leading to a doubling of chromosome number and the formation of an allotetraploid.

Types of Aneuploid Conditions

What is monosomy?

The loss of a single chromosome, represented as 2n - 1.

Polyploidy and Its Types

How many chromosomes can an allotriploid have if it has 2n from species I and 1n from species II?

24 ((2 × 7) + (1 × 10))

Polyploidy and Its Types

How many chromosomes can an allotetraploid have if it has 3n from species I and 1n from species II?

31 ((3 × 7) + (1 × 10))

Mechanisms of Aneuploidy Formation

How does the translocation chromosome segregate during anaphase I of meiosis?

It may separate from the normal chromosomes 14 and 21.

Autosomal Aneuploidies and Down Syndrome

What is Down syndrome also known as?

Trisomy 21.

Autosomal Aneuploidies and Down Syndrome

What is the most common autosomal aneuploidy in humans?

Down syndrome (trisomy 21).

Mechanisms of Aneuploidy Formation

What is the outcome when a normal gamete fuses with another normal gamete?

It results in offspring with a normal set of chromosomes.

Aneuploidy in Humans

What is the likelihood of offspring having Down syndrome if a person without a translocation mates with a translocation carrier?

One-third of their offspring will have Down syndrome.

Mechanisms of Aneuploidy Formation

Why may primary oocytes remain suspended in diplotene for many years?

Primary oocytes may remain suspended in diplotene for many years before ovulation takes place and meiosis recommences.

Mechanisms of Aneuploidy Formation

Why is there no similar age effect seen in males regarding aneuploidy?

Because sperm are produced continuously after puberty, with no long suspension of the meiotic divisions.

Autosomal Aneuploidies and Down Syndrome

Do most children with Down syndrome have affected parents?

No, most children with Down syndrome are born to unaffected parents.

Mechanisms of Aneuploidy Formation

How can the sterile hybrid perpetuate itself?

The sterile hybrid may be able to perpetuate itself through mitosis (asexual reproduction).

Types of Aneuploid Conditions

What are some characteristics of Trisomy 8?

Intellectual disability, contracted fingers and toes, low-set malformed ears, and a prominent forehead.

Types of Aneuploid Conditions

How many chromosomes does a human trisomic zygote have?

47 chromosomes.

Polyploidy and Its Types

How many chromosomes can an allotetraploid have if it has 2n from species I and 2n from species II?

34 ((2 × 7) + (2 × 10))

Polyploidy and Its Types

How many chromosomes can an allotetraploid have if it has 1n from species I and 3n from species II?

37 ((1 × 7) + (3 × 10))

Mechanisms of Aneuploidy Formation

What is the result of the third type of segregation where the translocation chromosome and the normal copy of chromosome 14 segregate together?

This pattern produces abnormal gametes: half result in monosomy 14 and the other half in trisomy 14, all of which are spontaneously aborted.

Aneuploidy in Humans

What is the likelihood of offspring having a normal phenotype if a person without a translocation mates with a translocation carrier?

Two-thirds of their offspring will have a normal phenotype.

Aneuploidy in Humans

What condition do children born to translocation carriers often have?

Down syndrome.

Autosomal Aneuploidies and Down Syndrome

What is the term for having three full copies of chromosome 21?

Primary Down syndrome.

Mechanisms of Aneuploidy Formation

What is the result of non-disjunction at an early mitotic cell division in the hybrid?

Non-disjunction leads to a doubling of all chromosomes, producing an allotetraploid (4n=12).

Aneuploidy and Cancer

What is the relationship between specific chromosome mutations and certain types of tumors?

Some types of tumors are consistently associated with specific chromosome mutations, including aneuploidy and chromosome rearrangements.

Types of Aneuploid Conditions

What are some characteristics of Patau syndrome (Trisomy 13)?

Severe intellectual disability, a small head, a sloping forehead, small eyes, a cleft lip and palate, extra fingers and toes, and numerous other problems.

Types of Aneuploid Conditions

What is the frequency of Trisomy 8 in live births?

Ranging from about 1 in 25,000 to 1 in 50,000 live births.

Types of Aneuploid Conditions

What is trisomy?

The gain of a single chromosome, represented as 2n + 1.

Autosomal Aneuploidies and Down Syndrome

What is the result of the Robertsonian translocation between chromosomes 21 and 14?

One chromosome includes the long arms of chromosomes 14 and 21, and another very small chromosome consists of the short arms of chromosomes 21 and 14.

Autosomal Aneuploidies and Down Syndrome

What generally happens to the small chromosome formed by the Robertsonian translocation?

It is generally lost after several cell divisions.

Mechanisms of Aneuploidy Formation

What is the overall effect of random segregation of homologous chromosomes in meiosis?

It creates unbalanced gametes with various numbers of chromosomes.

Mechanisms of Aneuploidy Formation

What happens during hybridization between two diploid species?

Hybridization between two diploid species (2n=6) produces a hybrid with six non-homologous chromosomes that do not pair and segregate properly in meiosis, resulting in unbalanced, non-viable gametes.

Mechanisms of Aneuploidy Formation

What can lead to more aneuploidy in children born to older mothers?

The breakdown of cohesin components of the spindle and other structures required for proper chromosome segregation during the long arrest of meiosis.

Types of Aneuploid Conditions

What are some characteristics of Edwards syndrome (Trisomy 18)?

Severe intellectual disability, low-set ears, a short neck, deformed feet, clenched fingers, heart problems, and other disabilities.

Nondisjunction in Meiosis and Mitosis

What is the chromosomal composition of a normal gamete in the given scenario?

A normal gamete has one blue chromatid.

Mechanisms of Aneuploidy Formation

How does chromosome pairing and segregation occur in the allotetraploid?

Chromosome pairing and segregation are normal, producing balanced gametes.

Autosomal Aneuploidies and Down Syndrome

What causes Down syndrome?

Down syndrome results from three functional copies of chromosome 21, either through trisomy (primary Down syndrome) or a Robertsonian translocation (familial Down syndrome).

Types of Aneuploid Conditions

How many chromosomes does a human monosomic zygote have?

45 chromosomes.

Polyploidy and Its Types

In which animals is polyploidy found?

Some invertebrates, fishes, salamanders, frogs, and lizards.

Types of Aneuploid Conditions

What is the result of fertilization between a normal gamete and a gamete with 2 chromatids?

A trisomic (2n+1) zygote with 2 red and one blue chromatid.

Autosomal Aneuploidies and Down Syndrome

What percentage of Down syndrome cases involve three full copies of chromosome 21?

Approximately 92%.

Mechanisms of Aneuploidy Formation

What are the two possible outcomes for the hybrid in the F1 generation?

The two possible outcomes are gametogenesis producing non-viable gametes or non-disjunction at an early mitotic cell division producing an allotetraploid.

Nondisjunction in Meiosis and Mitosis

What is the result of fertilization between a normal gamete and a gamete with two chromatids?

It produces a trisomic (2n + 1) zygote with 2 red and 1 blue chromatids.

Autosomal Aneuploidies and Down Syndrome

Do couples who have conceived one child with primary Down syndrome have a significantly higher risk of conceiving another child with Down syndrome?

No, they have only a slightly higher risk compared to other couples of similar age.

Nondisjunction in Meiosis and Mitosis

What is the result of cell proliferation after non-disjunction in mitosis?

A somatic clone of monosomic cells (2n - 1) and a somatic clone of trisomic cells (2n + 1) are produced.

Nondisjunction in Meiosis and Mitosis

What percentage of nondisjunction events causing Down syndrome are maternal in origin?

About 75%.

Nondisjunction in Meiosis and Mitosis

What happens during non-disjunction in mitosis as described in the scenario?

A nucleus with 1 red chromatid and a nucleus with one red and 2 blue chromatids are produced.

Types of Aneuploid Conditions

How many chromosomes does a human nullisomic zygote have?

44 chromosomes.

Autosomal Aneuploidies: Down Syndrome and Others

What percentage of individuals with Down syndrome have three full copies of chromosome 21?
A) 50%
B) 75%
C) 92%
D) 99%
E) 100%

C) 92%
Explanation: Approximately 92% of individuals with Down syndrome have three full copies of chromosome 21, a condition known as primary Down syndrome.

Aneuploidy in Humans: Incidence and Causes

What is the consequence of the genetic variant at the PLK4 gene?
A) Increased frequency of aneuploidy
B) Enhanced DNA repair
C) Reduced cell division rates
D) Increased protein synthesis
E) Decreased genetic diversity

A) Increased frequency of aneuploidy
Explanation: The genetic variant at the PLK4 gene increases the frequency of aneuploidy in humans by disrupting centriole function, leading to improper chromosome separation.

Types of Aneuploidy: Nullisomy, Monosomy, Trisomy, Tetrasomy

A diploid organism has 2n = 36 chromosomes. How many chromosomes will be found in a trisomic member of this species?
A) 34
B) 35
C) 36
D) 37
E) 38

D) 37
Explanation: A trisomic organism has one extra chromosome compared to the normal diploid number. For a diploid organism with 2n = 36, a trisomic individual will have 36 + 1 = 37 chromosomes.

Polyploidy: Autopolyploidy and Allopolyploidy

What is the chromosome number of an autotetraploid of species II, which has 2n = 20?
A) 20
B) 30
C) 40
D) 50
E) 60

C) 40
Explanation: An autotetraploid has four sets of chromosomes. For species II with 2n = 20, the chromosome number would be 4n, which is 4 * 10 = 40.

Polyploidy: Autopolyploidy and Allopolyploidy

Why are the gametes produced by the initial hybrid non-viable?
A) They lack chromosomes
B) They have an excess of chromosomes
C) The chromosomes do not pair and segregate properly
D) They are too small
E) They are too large

C) The chromosomes do not pair and segregate properly
Explanation: The hybrid has six non-homologous chromosomes that do not pair and segregate properly during meiosis, leading to the production of unbalanced, non-viable gametes.

Aneuploidy in Humans: Incidence and Causes

What percentage of fetuses with a chromosome mutation survive to birth?
A) 10%
B) 50%
C) 2%
D) 25%
E) 75%

C) 2%
Explanation: Only about 2% of all fetuses with a chromosome mutation survive to birth, as aneuploidy usually produces serious developmental problems that result in spontaneous abortion.

Polyploidy: Autopolyploidy and Allopolyploidy

What is the result of non-disjunction at an early mitotic cell division in the hybrid?
A) Production of non-viable gametes
B) Formation of a diploid organism
C) Doubling of all chromosomes, producing an allotetraploid
D) Reduction in chromosome number
E) Formation of a new species

C) Doubling of all chromosomes, producing an allotetraploid
Explanation: Non-disjunction at an early mitotic cell division leads to a doubling of all chromosomes, resulting in an allotetraploid (4n = 12).

Uniparental Disomy and Genetic Mosaicism

What is uniparental disomy?
A) Inheriting one chromosome from each parent
B) Inheriting both chromosomes of a homologous pair from the same parent
C) Inheriting three chromosomes from one parent
D) Inheriting no chromosomes from either parent
E) Inheriting chromosomes from non-parental sources

B) Inheriting both chromosomes of a homologous pair from the same parent
Explanation: Uniparental disomy occurs when both chromosomes of a homologous pair are inherited from the same parent, rather than one from each parent.

Aneuploidy in Humans: Incidence and Causes

What proportion of live births from a mating between a person without a translocation and a translocation carrier will have Down syndrome?
A) One-half
B) One-third
C) One-fourth
D) Two-thirds
E) None

B) One-third
Explanation: If a person without a translocation mates with a translocation carrier, one-third of their offspring will have Down syndrome.

Uniparental Disomy and Genetic Mosaicism

What molecular techniques have facilitated the identification of the parental origins of chromosomes?
A) PCR and gel electrophoresis
B) DNA sequencing and molecular markers
C) Western blotting and ELISA
D) Southern blotting and Northern blotting
E) CRISPR and gene editing

B) DNA sequencing and molecular markers
Explanation: The development of molecular techniques such as DNA sequencing and molecular markers has made it possible to determine the parental origins of chromosomes.

Aneuploidy in Humans: Incidence and Causes

Which type of aneuploidy is more commonly seen in living humans?
A) Autosomal aneuploidy
B) Sex chromosome aneuploidy
C) Mitochondrial aneuploidy
D) Chloroplast aneuploidy
E) Ribosomal aneuploidy

B) Sex chromosome aneuploidy
Explanation: The most common aneuploidies seen in living humans involve the sex chromosomes, as these are better tolerated than autosomal aneuploidies.

Sex-Chromosome Aneuploidies: Turner and Klinefelter Syndromes

Which syndromes result from aneuploidy of the sex chromosomes?
A) Down syndrome and Patau syndrome
B) Turner syndrome and Klinefelter syndrome
C) Edwards syndrome and Turner syndrome
D) Klinefelter syndrome and Down syndrome
E) Patau syndrome and Edwards syndrome

B) Turner syndrome and Klinefelter syndrome
Explanation: Turner syndrome and Klinefelter syndrome are both results of aneuploidy of the sex chromosomes.

Impact of Maternal Age on Aneuploidy

At what maternal age does the incidence of Down syndrome start to significantly increase?
A) 20 years
B) 25 years
C) 30 years
D) 35 years
E) 50 years

D) 35 years
Explanation: The curve in the graph starts to slope up at around age 35, indicating a significant increase in the incidence of Down syndrome.

Types of Aneuploidy: Nullisomy, Monosomy, Trisomy, Tetrasomy

What is the chromosomal representation of tetrasomy?
A) 2n + 1
B) 2n + 2
C) 2n - 1
D) 2n + 1 + 1
E) 2n - 1 - 1

B) 2n + 2
Explanation: Tetrasomy is the gain of two homologous chromosomes, represented as 2n + 2. This means there are four homologous copies of a particular chromosome.

Impact of Maternal Age on Aneuploidy

What does the caption in the graph indicate about the relationship between maternal age and the likelihood of giving birth to a child with Down syndrome?
A) Younger mothers are more likely to give birth to a child with Down syndrome
B) Maternal age has no effect on the likelihood of giving birth to a child with Down syndrome
C) Older mothers are more likely to give birth to a child with Down syndrome
D) The likelihood is the same for all maternal ages
E) The likelihood decreases with maternal age

C) Older mothers are more likely to give birth to a child with Down syndrome
Explanation: The caption in the graph states that older mothers are more likely to give birth to a child with Down syndrome than younger mothers.

Autosomal Aneuploidies: Down Syndrome and Others

What is the frequency of Edwards syndrome (Trisomy 18) in live births?
A) 1 in 1000
B) 1 in 5000
C) 1 in 8000
D) 1 in 15000
E) 1 in 25000

C) 1 in 8000
Explanation: Edwards syndrome, also known as Trisomy 18, arises with a frequency of approximately 1 in 8000 live births.

Polyploidy: Autopolyploidy and Allopolyploidy

What is the chromosome number of an autotriploid of species I, which has 2n = 14?
A) 14
B) 21
C) 28
D) 35
E) 42

B) 21
Explanation: An autotriploid has three sets of chromosomes. For species I with 2n = 14, the chromosome number would be 3n, which is 3 * 7 = 21.

Polyploidy: Autopolyploidy and Allopolyploidy

What is the chromosome number of an allotetraploid formed from species I (2n = 14) and species II (2n = 20)?
A) 28
B) 34
C) 40
D) 44
E) 48

B) 34
Explanation: An allotetraploid has four sets of chromosomes, combining sets from two different species. For species I (n = 7) and species II (n = 10), the chromosome number would be 2n from each species, which is 2 * 7 + 2 * 10 = 34.

Mechanisms Leading to Aneuploidy

What is the function of the PLK4 gene in humans?
A) Regulating centriole function
B) Initiating DNA replication
C) Repairing DNA damage
D) Facilitating protein synthesis
E) Controlling cell membrane integrity

A) Regulating centriole function
Explanation: The PLK4 gene plays a role in regulating the centriole, and its disruption can lead to failure of chromosomes to separate properly in mitosis.

Uniparental Disomy and Genetic Mosaicism

How can uniparental disomy originate?
A) Through normal meiosis
B) As a result of a trisomy where one chromosome is lost early in development
C) Through mitotic division
D) By inheriting chromosomes from non-parental sources
E) Through random mutations

B) As a result of a trisomy where one chromosome is lost early in development
Explanation: Uniparental disomy can originate from a trisomy where one of the three chromosomes is lost early in development, and the remaining two chromosomes are from the same parent.

Aneuploidy in Humans: Incidence and Causes

What happens to zygotes with monosomy 21 or trisomy 14?
A) They result in live births with Down syndrome
B) They result in live births with normal phenotype
C) They are spontaneously aborted
D) They result in live births with Turner syndrome
E) They result in live births with Klinefelter syndrome

C) They are spontaneously aborted
Explanation: Zygotes with monosomy 21 or trisomy 14 are spontaneously aborted, as indicated in the diagram.

Aneuploidy in Humans: Incidence and Causes

Why are autosomal aneuploidies resulting in live births less common than sex-chromosome aneuploidies?
A) Because autosomes are smaller
B) Due to the lack of dosage compensation mechanisms for autosomes
C) Because autosomes carry fewer genes
D) Due to the presence of extra sex chromosomes
E) Because autosomes are not essential for survival

B) Due to the lack of dosage compensation mechanisms for autosomes
Explanation: Autosomal aneuploidies resulting in live births are less common because there is no mechanism of dosage compensation for autosomes.

Impact of Maternal Age on Aneuploidy

What is the approximate incidence of Down syndrome for mothers aged 40?
A) 1 child in 2000
B) 1 child in 900
C) 1 child in 100
D) 1 child in 50
E) 1 child in 12

C) 1 child in 100
Explanation: For mothers aged 40, the incidence of Down syndrome is approximately 1 child in 100 births.

Mechanisms Leading to Aneuploidy

What can occasionally interfere with normal chromosome alignment in meiosis?
A) Presence of a fourth chromosome
B) Presence of a third chromosome
C) Absence of a chromosome
D) Presence of a second chromosome
E) Absence of a third chromosome

B) Presence of a third chromosome
Explanation: The presence of a third chromosome can interfere with normal alignment during meiosis, leading to all three chromosomes moving to the same gamete.

Polyploidy: Autopolyploidy and Allopolyploidy

What is the initial chromosome number (2n) for both species involved in the hybridization process?
A) 4
B) 6
C) 8
D) 10
E) 12

B) 6
Explanation: Both species involved in the hybridization process have a diploid chromosome number of 2n = 6, as indicated in the description.

Polyploidy: Autopolyploidy and Allopolyploidy

What is the chromosome composition of the allotetraploid produced after non-disjunction?

Explanation: The allotetraploid has a pair of each chromosome from both species, resulting in the composition AABBCCGGHHII.

Aneuploidy in Humans: Incidence and Causes

How does the rate of aneuploidy in humans compare to that in mice?
A) Higher in mice
B) Higher in humans
C) The same in both
D) Higher in other organisms
E) Lower in humans

B) Higher in humans
Explanation: The rate of chromosome abnormality in humans is higher than in other organisms that have been studied. In mice, aneuploidy is found in no more than 2% of fertilized eggs, whereas it is significantly higher in humans.

Aneuploidy in Humans: Incidence and Causes

What is the incidence of Down syndrome in the United States?
A) 1 in 1000 births
B) 1 in 500 births
C) 1 in 700 births
D) 1 in 2000 births
E) 1 in 300 births

C) 1 in 700 births
Explanation: The incidence of Down syndrome in the United States is about 1 in 700 human births, which is similar to the incidence worldwide.

Mechanisms Leading to Aneuploidy

What is the primary cause of primary Down syndrome?
A) Inherited genetic mutation
B) Environmental factors
C) Spontaneous nondisjunction during egg formation
D) Viral infection
E) Chromosomal translocation

C) Spontaneous nondisjunction during egg formation
Explanation: Primary Down syndrome usually arises from spontaneous nondisjunction during egg formation, with about 75% of these events being maternal in origin.

Autosomal Aneuploidies: Down Syndrome and Others

What percentage of people with Down syndrome have an extra copy of part of chromosome 21 attached to another chromosome?
A) 1%
B) 2%
C) 4%
D) 10%
E) 20%

C) 4%
Explanation: About 4% of people with Down syndrome are not trisomic for a complete chromosome 21 but have an extra copy of part of chromosome 21 attached to another chromosome through a translocation.

Uniparental Disomy and Genetic Mosaicism

In fruit flies, what determines the development of male and female traits in XX/XO mosaics?
A) The presence of a Y chromosome
B) The presence of two X chromosomes
C) The presence of a single X chromosome
D) Both B and C
E) The presence of autosomes

D) Both B and C
Explanation: In XX/XO mosaics, the presence of two X chromosomes (XX) produces female traits, while the presence of a single X chromosome (XO) produces male traits.

Mechanisms Leading to Aneuploidy

How can aneuploids be produced?
A) Through normal meiosis
B) Through nondisjunction in meiosis I, meiosis II, or mitosis
C) Through binary fission
D) Through mitosis only
E) Through meiosis I only

B) Through nondisjunction in meiosis I, meiosis II, or mitosis
Explanation: Aneuploidy can result from nondisjunction events during meiosis I, meiosis II, or mitosis, where chromosomes fail to separate properly, leading to gametes with abnormal chromosome numbers.

Aneuploidy in Humans: Incidence and Causes

What percentage of all human conceptions are spontaneously aborted, often due to chromosome abnormalities?
A) 10%
B) 20%
C) 30%
D) 40%
E) 50%

C) 30%
Explanation: Studies suggest that more than 30% of all human conceptions are spontaneously aborted, usually so early in development that the woman is not even aware of her pregnancy. Chromosome abnormalities are a significant cause of these spontaneous abortions.

Aneuploidy in Humans: Incidence and Causes

What percentage of spontaneously aborted human fetuses possess chromosome mutations?
A) 10%
B) 25%
C) 50%
D) 75%
E) 90%

C) 50%
Explanation: Chromosome mutations are present in at least 50% of spontaneously aborted human fetuses, with aneuploidy accounting for most of these mutations.

Autosomal Aneuploidies: Down Syndrome and Others

What is Down syndrome also known as?
A) Monosomy 21
B) Trisomy 21
C) Tetrasomy 21
D) Nullisomy 21
E) Disomy 21

B) Trisomy 21
Explanation: Down syndrome is also known as trisomy 21, which refers to the presence of three copies of chromosome 21.

Mechanisms Leading to Aneuploidy

Why is aneuploidy of the human sex chromosomes better tolerated than aneuploidy of autosomes?
A) Because sex chromosomes are smaller
B) Due to the presence of dosage compensation mechanisms
C) Because sex chromosomes carry more genes
D) Due to the presence of extra copies of autosomes
E) Because sex chromosomes are not essential for survival

B) Due to the presence of dosage compensation mechanisms
Explanation: Aneuploidy of the human sex chromosomes is better tolerated than autosomal aneuploidy because there are mechanisms of dosage compensation for sex chromosomes.

Impact of Maternal Age on Aneuploidy

How does the incidence of primary Down syndrome change with maternal age?
A) It decreases with maternal age
B) It remains constant regardless of maternal age
C) It increases with maternal age
D) It fluctuates randomly with maternal age
E) It is highest at maternal age 20

C) It increases with maternal age
Explanation: The incidence of primary Down syndrome and other aneuploidies increases with maternal age, as indicated by the steep rise in the curve from age 40 to 50.

Uniparental Disomy and Genetic Mosaicism

What happens when an X chromosome is lost soon after fertilization in an XX embryo?
A) The embryo becomes non-viable
B) The embryo develops into a normal female
C) The embryo develops into a normal male
D) The embryo becomes an XX/XO mosaic
E) The embryo develops into a hermaphrodite

D) The embryo becomes an XX/XO mosaic
Explanation: When an X chromosome is lost soon after fertilization in an XX embryo, the result is an XX/XO mosaic, where some cells have two X chromosomes (XX) and others have only one X chromosome (XO).

Autosomal Aneuploidies: Down Syndrome and Others

What is the most common cause of familial Down syndrome?
A) Exchange between chromosomes 21 and 15
B) Exchange between chromosomes 21 and 14
C) Exchange between chromosomes 14 and 15
D) Exchange between chromosomes 21 and 22
E) Exchange between chromosomes 14 and 22

B) Exchange between chromosomes 21 and 14
Explanation: The most common cause of familial Down syndrome is the exchange between chromosomes 21 and 14, which leads to a translocation that can result in the condition.

Impact of Maternal Age on Aneuploidy

What is the relationship between maternal age and the frequency of aneuploidy?
A) The frequency of aneuploidy decreases with maternal age
B) The frequency of aneuploidy remains constant with maternal age
C) The frequency of aneuploidy increases with maternal age
D) Maternal age has no effect on aneuploidy
E) The frequency of aneuploidy fluctuates randomly with maternal age

C) The frequency of aneuploidy increases with maternal age
Explanation: The frequency of aneuploidy, including conditions like Down syndrome, increases with maternal age, although the exact reasons for this correlation are not fully understood.

Mechanisms Leading to Aneuploidy

At what stage are female mammals' primary oocytes suspended at birth?
A) Metaphase I
B) Anaphase I
C) Diplotene substage of prophase I
D) Telophase I
E) Metaphase II

C) Diplotene substage of prophase I
Explanation: Female mammals are born with primary oocytes suspended in the diplotene substage of prophase I of meiosis, which is a critical stage in the development of oocytes.

Polyploidy: Autopolyploidy and Allopolyploidy

What is the chromosome number of an allotriploid formed from species I (2n = 14) and species II (2n = 20)?
A) 24
B) 27
C) 30
D) 34
E) 36

B) 27
Explanation: An allotriploid has three sets of chromosomes, combining sets from two different species. For species I (n = 7) and species II (n = 10), the chromosome number would be 2n from one species and 1n from the other, which is 2 * 7 + 10 = 27.

Uniparental Disomy and Genetic Mosaicism

Why does uniparental disomy violate the rule that children affected with a recessive disorder appear only in families where both parents are carriers?
A) Because it involves dominant disorders
B) Because it involves inheriting chromosomes from non-parental sources
C) Because the affected child inherits two copies of a chromosome from one parent
D) Because it involves environmental factors
E) Because it involves mutations in non-coding regions

C) Because the affected child inherits two copies of a chromosome from one parent
Explanation: Uniparental disomy violates this rule because the affected child inherits two copies of a chromosome from one parent, which can result in a recessive disorder even if only one parent is a carrier.

Aneuploidy in Humans: Incidence and Causes

What is the outcome for a zygote formed from a gamete with a 14-21 chromatid and a 21 chromatid?
A) Normal phenotype
B) Down syndrome
C) Monosomy 21
D) Trisomy 14
E) Monosomy 14

B) Down syndrome
Explanation: A zygote formed from a gamete with a 14-21 chromatid and a 21 chromatid results in Down syndrome.

Autosomal Aneuploidies: Down Syndrome and Others

Which chromosome is associated with Down syndrome?
A) Chromosome 13
B) Chromosome 18
C) Chromosome 21
D) Chromosome 22
E) Chromosome 15

C) Chromosome 21
Explanation: Down syndrome is associated with aneuploidy of chromosome 21, which is one of the small autosomes that can occasionally complete development despite the presence of extra copies.

Types of Aneuploidy: Nullisomy, Monosomy, Trisomy, Tetrasomy

What is the chromosomal condition of a human tetrasomic zygote?
A) 46 chromosomes
B) 47 chromosomes
C) 48 chromosomes
D) 49 chromosomes
E) 50 chromosomes

C) 48 chromosomes
Explanation: A human tetrasomic zygote has 48 chromosomes, which includes the gain of two homologous chromosomes.

Impact of Maternal Age on Aneuploidy

Why might primary oocytes remain suspended in diplotene for many years?
A) Due to continuous sperm production
B) Because of the breakdown of cohesin
C) Because meiosis recommences only at ovulation
D) Due to chromosome rearrangements
E) Because of X-chromosome inactivation

C) Because meiosis recommences only at ovulation
Explanation: Primary oocytes may remain suspended in diplotene for many years because meiosis recommences only at ovulation, leading to a long arrest in the meiotic process.

Autosomal Aneuploidies: Down Syndrome and Others

Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of Edwards syndrome?
A) Severe intellectual disability
B) Low-set ears
C) Extra fingers and toes
D) Heart problems
E) Clenched fingers

C) Extra fingers and toes
Explanation: Extra fingers and toes are a characteristic of Patau syndrome (Trisomy 13), not Edwards syndrome (Trisomy 18).

Mechanisms Leading to Aneuploidy

What is the result of nondisjunction during meiosis II?
A) All gametes are normal
B) All gametes are aneuploid
C) Some gametes are normal, and some are aneuploid
D) All gametes are diploid
E) All gametes are haploid

C) Some gametes are normal, and some are aneuploid
Explanation: Nondisjunction during meiosis II results in some gametes being normal and some being aneuploid, as the chromatids fail to separate properly.

Mechanisms Leading to Aneuploidy

What happens when an unbalanced gamete fuses with a normal gamete?
A) The resulting zygote has balanced gene dosage
B) The resulting zygote has different numbers of chromosomes
C) The resulting zygote is always viable
D) The resulting zygote has no chromosomes
E) The resulting zygote has an even number of chromosomes

B) The resulting zygote has different numbers of chromosomes
Explanation: When an unbalanced gamete fuses with a normal gamete, the resulting zygote has different numbers of the four types of chromosomes, leading to unbalanced gene dosage, which is often lethal.

Mechanisms Leading to Aneuploidy

What is the role of tension during metaphase I in meiosis?
A) To initiate DNA replication
B) To ensure proper separation of homologs in anaphase I
C) To increase the number of crossovers
D) To prevent chromosome condensation
E) To facilitate cell division

B) To ensure proper separation of homologs in anaphase I
Explanation: The tension during metaphase I is necessary for the two homologs to separate properly in anaphase I, ensuring accurate chromosome segregation.

Aneuploidy in Humans: Incidence and Causes

What is the phenotype of a parent who is a carrier for a 14-21 translocation?
A) Down syndrome
B) Normal phenotype
C) Monosomy 21
D) Trisomy 14
E) Monosomy 14

B) Normal phenotype
Explanation: A parent who is a carrier for a 14-21 translocation has a normal phenotype, despite carrying a hybrid chromatid 14-21.

Uniparental Disomy and Genetic Mosaicism

Which disease is mentioned as an example of uniparental disomy causing a recessive disorder?
A) Huntington's disease
B) Cystic fibrosis
C) Sickle cell anemia
D) Hemophilia
E) Down syndrome

B) Cystic fibrosis
Explanation: Cystic fibrosis is mentioned as an example where uniparental disomy can cause the disease, even if only one parent is heterozygous for the mutation.

Aneuploidy in Humans: Incidence and Causes

What proportion of offspring from a mating between a person without a translocation and a translocation carrier will have a normal phenotype?
A) One-half
B) One-third
C) One-fourth
D) Two-thirds
E) None

D) Two-thirds
Explanation: Two-thirds of the offspring will have a normal phenotype, even if they are translocation carriers.

Autosomal Aneuploidies: Down Syndrome and Others

Which chromosomes are most commonly involved in the Robertsonian translocation that leads to familial Down syndrome?
A) Chromosomes 13 and 21
B) Chromosomes 14 and 21
C) Chromosomes 15 and 21
D) Chromosomes 18 and 21
E) Chromosomes 20 and 21

B) Chromosomes 14 and 21
Explanation: The Robertsonian translocation that leads to familial Down syndrome most commonly occurs between chromosome 21 and chromosome 14.

Mechanisms Leading to Aneuploidy

What is illustrated in Figure 8.27b?
A) Normal chromosome segregation
B) Chromosomes segregating to one gamete
C) Chromosomes failing to segregate
D) Chromosomes segregating to different gametes
E) Chromosomes aligning perfectly

B) Chromosomes segregating to one gamete
Explanation: Figure 8.27b illustrates the scenario where chromosomes must segregate to one gamete and one chromosome to the other, highlighting a specific pattern of segregation.

Autosomal Aneuploidies: Down Syndrome and Others

What is the karyotype of a translocation carrier?
A) 46 chromosomes with an extra chromosome 21
B) 45 chromosomes with two copies of the long arms of chromosomes 14 and 21
C) 47 chromosomes with an extra chromosome 14
D) 46 chromosomes with an extra chromosome 15
E) 45 chromosomes with two copies of the short arms of chromosomes 14 and 21

B) 45 chromosomes with two copies of the long arms of chromosomes 14 and 21
Explanation: A translocation carrier has 45 chromosomes but possesses two copies of the long arms of chromosomes 14 and 21, which results in a normal phenotype despite the loss of the short arms.

Autosomal Aneuploidies: Down Syndrome and Others

Why do translocation carriers not have Down syndrome?
A) They have an extra chromosome 21
B) They have an extra chromosome 14
C) They have two copies of the long arms of chromosomes 14 and 21
D) They have two copies of the short arms of chromosomes 14 and 21
E) They have an extra chromosome 15

C) They have two copies of the long arms of chromosomes 14 and 21
Explanation: Translocation carriers do not have Down syndrome because they have two copies of the long arms of chromosomes 14 and 21, which contain the essential genetic information, despite having only 45 chromosomes.

Aneuploidy in Humans: Incidence and Causes

What is a common characteristic of many tumor cells?
A) Continuous sperm production
B) Suspension in diplotene
C) Extra or missing chromosomes
D) X-chromosome inactivation
E) Reduced gene dosage problems

C) Extra or missing chromosomes
Explanation: Many tumor cells have extra chromosomes or missing chromosomes, or both, and some types of tumors are consistently associated with specific chromosome mutations, including aneuploidy and chromosome rearrangements.

Definition of Aneuploidy and Polyploidy

What is polyploidy?
A) The presence of a single set of chromosomes
B) The presence of two sets of chromosomes
C) The presence of more than two sets of chromosomes
D) The presence of half a set of chromosomes
E) The presence of no chromosomes

C) The presence of more than two sets of chromosomes
Explanation: Polyploidy refers to the condition where an organism possesses more than two sets of chromosomes, which is common in plants and some animals.

Polyploidy: Autopolyploidy and Allopolyploidy

What happens to the hybrid produced from the fusion of gametes from species 1 and species 2?
A) It produces viable gametes
B) It has six non-homologous chromosomes that do not pair properly
C) It undergoes immediate chromosome doubling
D) It becomes a new species
E) It remains diploid and fertile

B) It has six non-homologous chromosomes that do not pair properly
Explanation: The hybrid has six non-homologous chromosomes (A, B, C, G, H, I) that do not pair and segregate properly during meiosis, resulting in unbalanced, non-viable gametes.

Impact of Maternal Age on Aneuploidy

Why is crossover maturation in females often inefficient compared to males?
A) Due to higher rates of DNA replication errors
B) Because of fewer mature crossovers and higher likelihood of missegregation
C) Due to increased cell division rates
D) Because of more efficient DNA repair mechanisms
E) Due to higher levels of genetic diversity

B) Because of fewer mature crossovers and higher likelihood of missegregation
Explanation: Research shows that crossover maturation in females is often inefficient, leading to fewer mature crossovers and a higher likelihood of chromosome missegregation during meiosis.

Mechanisms Leading to Aneuploidy

Most aneuploids in humans are due to missegregation of chromosomes during which process?
A) Mitosis
B) Meiosis I
C) Meiosis II
D) Fertilization
E) DNA replication

B) Meiosis I
Explanation: Most aneuploids in humans are due to missegregation of chromosomes in meiosis I during oogenesis, the formation of eggs in females.

Polyploidy: Autopolyploidy and Allopolyploidy

What chromosomes do the haploid gametes of species II contain?

Explanation: The haploid gametes of species II contain the chromosomes GHI, which are half of the diploid set GGHHII.

Polyploidy: Autopolyploidy and Allopolyploidy

Why is the hybrid considered functionally haploid and sterile?
A) It has fewer chromosomes than its parent species
B) Its chromosomes are not homologous and do not pair properly in meiosis
C) It has more chromosomes than its parent species
D) It has identical chromosomes to its parent species
E) It has a higher mutation rate

B) Its chromosomes are not homologous and do not pair properly in meiosis
Explanation: The hybrid is considered functionally haploid and sterile because its chromosomes are not homologous and do not pair and segregate properly during meiosis.

Autosomal Aneuploidies: Down Syndrome and Others

What is the term for Down syndrome caused by a translocation of chromosome 21?
A) Primary Down syndrome
B) Mosaic Down syndrome
C) Familial Down syndrome
D) Sporadic Down syndrome
E) Secondary Down syndrome

C) Familial Down syndrome
Explanation: Familial Down syndrome is caused by a translocation of chromosome 21 and tends to run in families.

Types of Aneuploidy: Nullisomy, Monosomy, Trisomy, Tetrasomy

What usually results from having three copies of chromosome 8 in the body?
A) Down syndrome
B) Turner syndrome
C) Spontaneous abortion
D) Klinefelter syndrome
E) Edwards syndrome

C) Spontaneous abortion
Explanation: Having three copies of chromosome 8, a condition known as trisomy 8, typically results in spontaneous abortion, indicating the severe impact of this type of aneuploidy on development.

Types of Aneuploidy: Nullisomy, Monosomy, Trisomy, Tetrasomy

What does the term 'double trisomic' refer to?
A) An individual with two fewer nonhomologous chromosomes
B) An individual with an extra copy of each of two different nonhomologous chromosomes
C) An individual with four homologous copies of a particular chromosome
D) An individual with three copies of a single chromosome
E) An individual with two extra pairs of homologous chromosomes

B) An individual with an extra copy of each of two different nonhomologous chromosomes
Explanation: A double trisomic individual has an extra copy of each of two different (nonhomologous) chromosomes, represented as 2n + 1 + 1.

Autosomal Aneuploidies: Down Syndrome and Others

What is the frequency of Patau syndrome (Trisomy 13) in live births?
A) 1 in 1000
B) 1 in 5000
C) 1 in 8000
D) 1 in 15000
E) 1 in 25000

D) 1 in 15000
Explanation: Patau syndrome, also known as Trisomy 13, has a frequency of about 1 in 15000 live births.

Uniparental Disomy and Genetic Mosaicism

What is uniparental disomy?
A) An individual has two copies of a chromosome from one parent and no copy from the other
B) An individual has three copies of a chromosome
C) An individual has one copy of a chromosome
D) An individual has two copies of a chromosome from each parent
E) An individual has an extra autosome

A) An individual has two copies of a chromosome from one parent and no copy from the other
Explanation: In uniparental disomy, an individual organism has two copies of a chromosome from one parent and no copy from the other, which can arise when a trisomic embryo loses one of the triplicate chromosomes early in development.

Sex-Chromosome Aneuploidies: Turner and Klinefelter Syndromes

What phenotype does the right side of a gynandromorph fruit fly exhibit?
A) Female with red eyes and wild-type wings
B) Male with red eyes and wild-type wings
C) Female with white eyes and miniature wings
D) Male with white eyes and miniature wings
E) Female with red eyes and miniature wings

D) Male with white eyes and miniature wings
Explanation: The right side of the gynandromorph fruit fly has a male phenotype (XO) with white eyes and miniature wings because the cells are missing the wild-type X chromosome, allowing the recessive alleles to be expressed.

Polyploidy: Autopolyploidy and Allopolyploidy

Which of the following plants is NOT mentioned as an example of a polyploid?
A) Wheat
B) Oats
C) Cotton
D) Potatoes
E) Rice

E) Rice
Explanation: The text mentions wheat, oats, cotton, potatoes, and sugarcane as examples of polyploid plants, but does not mention rice.

Polyploidy: Autopolyploidy and Allopolyploidy

What is the chromosome composition of the hybrid formed by the fusion of gametes from species I and II?

Explanation: The hybrid formed by the fusion of gametes from species I and II has a chromosome composition of ABCGHI, combining chromosomes from both species.

Polyploidy: Autopolyploidy and Allopolyploidy

What is the total number of chromosomes in the hybrid formed by species I and II?
A) 4
B) 5
C) 6
D) 7
E) 8

C) 6
Explanation: The hybrid formed by the fusion of gametes from species I and II has a total of six chromosomes, the same number as both diploid parent species.

Impact of Maternal Age on Aneuploidy

What is the approximate incidence of Down syndrome for mothers aged 50?
A) 1 child in 2000
B) 1 child in 900
C) 1 child in 100
D) 1 child in 50
E) 1 child in 12

E) 1 child in 12
Explanation: For mothers aged 50, the incidence of Down syndrome is approximately 1 child in 12 births.

Autosomal Aneuploidies: Down Syndrome and Others

What happens to the small chromosome formed during the Robertsonian translocation in familial Down syndrome?
A) It remains functional
B) It duplicates itself
C) It is generally lost after several cell divisions
D) It becomes a dominant chromosome
E) It fuses with another chromosome

C) It is generally lost after several cell divisions
Explanation: The small chromosome formed during the Robertsonian translocation, which consists of the short arms of chromosomes 21 and 14, is generally lost after several cell divisions.

Uniparental Disomy and Genetic Mosaicism

How are X-linked recessive genes expressed in XX/XO mosaics?
A) They are always masked
B) They are expressed only in XX cells
C) They are expressed only in XO cells
D) They are expressed in both XX and XO cells
E) They are never expressed

C) They are expressed only in XO cells
Explanation: In XX/XO mosaics, X-linked recessive genes are expressed in cells with a single X chromosome (XO) because there is no second X chromosome to mask the recessive gene.

Types of Aneuploidy: Nullisomy, Monosomy, Trisomy, Tetrasomy

What type of zygotes are produced when a normal gamete fertilizes with a gamete that has undergone nondisjunction in meiosis I?
A) Diploid zygotes
B) Haploid zygotes
C) Trisomic and monosomic zygotes
D) Polyploid zygotes
E) Nullisomic zygotes

C) Trisomic and monosomic zygotes
Explanation: When a normal gamete fertilizes with a gamete that has undergone nondisjunction in meiosis I, it produces trisomic (2n+1) and monosomic (2n-1) zygotes.

Sex-Chromosome Aneuploidies: Turner and Klinefelter Syndromes

What causes the right side of a gynandromorph fruit fly to exhibit a male phenotype?
A) Presence of two X chromosomes
B) Presence of a Y chromosome
C) Absence of the wild-type X chromosome (XO)
D) Presence of an extra X chromosome
E) Presence of an extra autosome

C) Absence of the wild-type X chromosome (XO)
Explanation: The right side of the gynandromorph fruit fly exhibits a male phenotype with white eyes and miniature wings because the cells are missing the wild-type X chromosome (are XO), allowing the recessive alleles to be expressed.

Polyploidy: Autopolyploidy and Allopolyploidy

How can autopolyploidy arise through mitosis?
A) Through the fusion of two diploid cells
B) Through nondisjunction during mitosis
C) Through the fusion of two haploid cells
D) Through the loss of chromosomes during mitosis
E) Through the fusion of a diploid and a haploid cell

B) Through nondisjunction during mitosis
Explanation: Autopolyploidy can arise through nondisjunction in mitosis, where a diploid cell fails to divide after chromosome replication, resulting in an autotetraploid (4n) cell.

Polyploidy: Autopolyploidy and Allopolyploidy

What typically results from the alignment of homologous chromosomes in autopolyploids during prophase I of meiosis?
A) Fertility
B) Sterility
C) Increased genetic diversity
D) Decreased genetic diversity
E) Normal gamete formation

B) Sterility
Explanation: Because all chromosome sets in autopolyploids are homologous and attempt to align in prophase I of meiosis, this usually results in sterility due to improper segregation of chromosomes.

Aneuploidy in Humans: Incidence and Causes

Who began breeding Jimson weed (Datura stramonium) and observed unusual progeny ratios in mutants?
A) Gregor Mendel
B) Charles Darwin
C) A. Francis Blakeslee
D) John Belling
E) Barbara McClintock

C) A. Francis Blakeslee
Explanation: A. Francis Blakeslee began breeding Jimson weed in 1913 and observed unusual progeny ratios in crosses with several mutants.

Polyploidy: Autopolyploidy and Allopolyploidy

How can triploids also arise besides nondisjunction in meiosis?
A) From a cross between an autotetraploid and a diploid
B) From a cross between two haploids
C) From a cross between two diploids
D) From a cross between two triploids
E) From a cross between a haploid and a triploid

A) From a cross between an autotetraploid and a diploid
Explanation: Triploids may arise from a cross between an autotetraploid that produces 2n gametes and a diploid that produces 1n gametes.

Polyploidy: Autopolyploidy and Allopolyploidy

How can allopolyploidy arise?
A) Through mitosis
B) By fusion of two 1n gametes
C) By nondisjunction during meiosis leading to a 2n gamete
D) By fusion of two diploid organisms
E) By asexual reproduction

C) By nondisjunction during meiosis leading to a 2n gamete
Explanation: Allopolyploidy may arise when nondisjunction during meiosis leads to a 2n gamete, which then fuses with a 1n or 2n gamete from a different species to produce a polyploid individual.

Types of Aneuploidy: Nullisomy, Monosomy, Trisomy, Tetrasomy

How many different seed case mutants are described in Jimson weed?
A) 8
B) 10
C) 12
D) 14
E) 16

C) 12
Explanation: There are 12 different seed case mutants described in Jimson weed, each resulting from trisomy of a different chromosome.

Mechanisms Leading to Aneuploidy

What is the outcome when a normal gamete fertilizes with gametes that have one chromatid each?
A) Trisomic zygote
B) Monosomic zygote
C) Nullisomic zygote
D) Tetrasomic zygote
E) Normal diploid zygote

E) Normal diploid zygote
Explanation: The fertilization of a normal gamete with gametes that have one chromatid each produces 2 normal diploid (2n) zygotes with one red and one blue chromatid each.

Autosomal Aneuploidies: Down Syndrome and Others

What is the primary cause of Down syndrome?
A) Monosomy of chromosome 21
B) Trisomy of chromosome 21
C) Deletion of chromosome 21
D) Duplication of chromosome 21
E) Inversion of chromosome 21

B) Trisomy of chromosome 21
Explanation: Down syndrome is primarily caused by trisomy of chromosome 21, meaning there are three copies of chromosome 21 instead of the usual two.

Polyploidy: Autopolyploidy and Allopolyploidy

What happens to chromosomes during meiosis in an autotriploid?
A) They always segregate normally
B) They pair and segregate in three ways
C) They never pair
D) They always move to the same gamete
E) They pair and segregate in two ways

B) They pair and segregate in three ways
Explanation: In meiosis in an autotriploid, homologous chromosomes can pair or fail to pair in three distinct ways, illustrating the complexity of chromosome segregation in such cells.

Autosomal Aneuploidies: Down Syndrome and Others

What happens in familial Down syndrome due to translocation?
A) The long arm of chromosome 21 is attached to chromosome 14
B) The short arm of chromosome 21 is attached to chromosome 14
C) The long arm of chromosome 21 is attached to chromosome 15
D) The short arm of chromosome 21 is attached to chromosome 15
E) The long arm of chromosome 14 is attached to chromosome 21

A) The long arm of chromosome 21 is attached to chromosome 14
Explanation: In familial Down syndrome caused by translocation, the long arm of chromosome 21 is attached to chromosome 14, leading to the condition.

Types of Aneuploidy: Nullisomy, Monosomy, Trisomy, Tetrasomy

What is the chromosomal representation of a double monosomic individual?
A) 2n + 1
B) 2n + 2
C) 2n - 1
D) 2n - 1 - 1
E) 2n + 2 + 2

D) 2n - 1 - 1
Explanation: A double monosomic individual has two fewer nonhomologous chromosomes than normal, represented as 2n - 1 - 1.

Impact of Maternal Age on Aneuploidy

Why is there no similar age effect seen in males regarding aneuploidy?
A) Because of X-chromosome inactivation
B) Due to continuous sperm production after puberty
C) Because of the long arrest of meiosis
D) Due to chromosome rearrangements
E) Because of gene dosage problems

B) Due to continuous sperm production after puberty
Explanation: In males, sperm are produced continuously after puberty, with no long suspension of the meiotic divisions, which prevents the age-related increase in aneuploidy seen in females.

Uniparental Disomy and Genetic Mosaicism

What percentage of Prader-Willi syndrome cases arise from uniparental disomy?
A) 5% to 10%
B) 10% to 15%
C) 20% to 30%
D) 40% to 50%
E) 60% to 70%

C) 20% to 30%
Explanation: 20% to 30% of Prader-Willi syndrome cases arise when both copies of chromosome 15 are inherited from the mother, with no paternal copy, leading to the condition.

Polyploidy: Autopolyploidy and Allopolyploidy

Which of the following is NOT a type of polyploid?
A) Triploid
B) Tetraploid
C) Diploid
D) Pentaploid
E) Hexaploid

C) Diploid
Explanation: Diploid refers to organisms with two sets of chromosomes, whereas polyploids have more than two sets, such as triploids (3n), tetraploids (4n), pentaploids (5n), and hexaploids (6n).

Polyploidy: Autopolyploidy and Allopolyploidy

In an autotriploid, what happens to the unaligned chromosome during meiosis?
A) It is lost
B) It duplicates
C) It segregates randomly
D) It fuses with another chromosome
E) It remains in the nucleus

C) It segregates randomly
Explanation: In an autotriploid, one of the three homologs may fail to align with the other two, and this unaligned chromosome will segregate randomly, leading to gametes with varying chromosome numbers.

Mechanisms Leading to Aneuploidy

What was unusual about the inheritance of the globe mutation in Jimson weed?
A) It was inherited equally from both parents
B) It was inherited primarily from the male parent
C) It was inherited primarily from the female parent
D) It was not inherited at all
E) It was inherited only through self-fertilization

C) It was inherited primarily from the female parent
Explanation: The globe mutation, which produces a globe-shaped seedcase, was dominant but was inherited primarily from the female parent.

Types of Aneuploidy: Nullisomy, Monosomy, Trisomy, Tetrasomy

What did John Belling demonstrate about the 12 mutants isolated by Blakeslee?
A) They were all dominant mutations
B) They were all recessive mutations
C) They were all trisomics
D) They were all nullisomics
E) They were all tetrasomics

C) They were all trisomics
Explanation: John Belling demonstrated that the 12 mutants isolated by Blakeslee were in fact trisomics.

Polyploidy: Autopolyploidy and Allopolyploidy

What was the chromosome number of the hybrid produced by Karpechenko?
A) 2n = 36
B) 2n = 18
C) 2n = 24
D) 2n = 12
E) 2n = 30

B) 2n = 18
Explanation: The hybrid produced by Karpechenko had a chromosome number of 2n = 18, which is the same as the chromosome number of both cabbages and radishes.

Sex-Chromosome Aneuploidies: Turner and Klinefelter Syndromes

Why is Y-chromosome aneuploidy relatively common?
A) Because the Y chromosome is large
B) Because the Y chromosome carries little genetic information
C) Because the Y chromosome is easily duplicated
D) Because the Y chromosome is always active
E) Because the Y chromosome is resistant to mutations

B) Because the Y chromosome carries little genetic information
Explanation: Y-chromosome aneuploidy is relatively common because the Y chromosome contains very little genetic information, making its aneuploidy less impactful.

Types of Aneuploidy: Nullisomy, Monosomy, Trisomy, Tetrasomy

What is the chromosomal representation of nullisomy?
A) 2n - 1
B) 2n + 1
C) 2n - 2
D) 2n + 2
E) 2n

C) 2n - 2
Explanation: Nullisomy is the loss of both members of a homologous pair of chromosomes, represented as 2n - 2. In humans, this results in a zygote with 44 chromosomes.

Aneuploidy in Humans: Incidence and Causes

What is the likelihood of a couple who has conceived one child with primary Down syndrome to conceive another child with the same condition?
A) Significantly higher than average
B) Slightly higher than average
C) The same as average
D) Significantly lower than average
E) Impossible

B) Slightly higher than average
Explanation: A couple who has conceived one child with primary Down syndrome has only a slightly higher risk of conceiving a second child with Down syndrome compared to other couples of similar age who have not had any children with Down syndrome.

Uniparental Disomy and Genetic Mosaicism

What are sexual mosaics in fruit flies called?
A) Hermaphrodites
B) Gynandromorphs
C) Intersex
D) Androgynous
E) Bisexual

B) Gynandromorphs
Explanation: Sexual mosaics in fruit flies, where some cells express female traits and others express male traits due to differences in X chromosome composition, are called gynandromorphs.

Mechanisms Leading to Aneuploidy

What does Figure 8.27c show?
A) Normal chromosome alignment
B) All three chromosomes moving to the same gamete
C) Chromosomes failing to pair
D) Chromosomes segregating normally
E) Chromosomes aligning perfectly

B) All three chromosomes moving to the same gamete
Explanation: Figure 8.27c shows the scenario where the presence of a third chromosome interferes with normal alignment, causing all three chromosomes to move to the same gamete.

Polyploidy: Autopolyploidy and Allopolyploidy

In meiosis 1 of an autotriploid, how do the chromosomes pair in part a?
A) All three chromosomes pair together
B) Two of the three homologous chromosomes pair
C) None of the chromosomes pair
D) One chromosome pairs with itself
E) All chromosomes align at a distance

B) Two of the three homologous chromosomes pair
Explanation: In part a of meiosis 1 in an autotriploid, two of the three homologous chromosomes pair together while the third aligns at a distance, illustrating one of the ways chromosomes can segregate.

Autosomal Aneuploidies: Down Syndrome and Others

What is the risk for translocation carriers regarding their offspring?
A) No increased risk
B) Increased risk for producing children with Turner syndrome
C) Increased risk for producing children with Klinefelter syndrome
D) Increased risk for producing children with Down syndrome
E) Increased risk for producing children with Patau syndrome

D) Increased risk for producing children with Down syndrome
Explanation: Translocation carriers are at an increased risk for producing children with Down syndrome due to the potential for unbalanced translocations during gamete formation.

Polyploidy: Autopolyploidy and Allopolyploidy

Why do triploids usually not produce viable offspring?
A) They have balanced gene dosage
B) They have an even number of chromosomes
C) They produce unbalanced gametes
D) They have no chromosomes
E) They have too many chromosomes

C) They produce unbalanced gametes
Explanation: Triploids do not usually produce viable offspring because they produce unbalanced gametes, leading to unbalanced gene dosage in the zygote, which is often lethal.

Polyploidy: Autopolyploidy and Allopolyploidy

Which of the following statements about polyploidy in plants is true?
A) Polyploidy is rare in plants
B) Polyploidy is a major mechanism for plant evolution
C) Polyploidy is only found in grasses
D) Polyploidy is not found in agriculturally important plants
E) Polyploidy is common in birds and mammals

B) Polyploidy is a major mechanism for plant evolution
Explanation: Polyploidy is common in plants and plays a significant role in the evolution of new plant species. It is found in many flowering plants and grasses, including agriculturally important plants.

Polyploidy: Autopolyploidy and Allopolyploidy

What is the chromosome composition of a zygote formed by the fusion of a diploid gamete and a haploid gamete?
A) Diploid (2n)
B) Triploid (3n)
C) Tetraploid (4n)
D) Haploid (1n)
E) Monoploid (n)

B) Triploid (3n)
Explanation: The fusion of a diploid (2n) gamete with a haploid (1n) gamete results in a triploid (3n) zygote, which has three sets of chromosomes.

Types of Aneuploidy: Nullisomy, Monosomy, Trisomy, Tetrasomy

How many different mutants did Blakeslee isolate that exhibited peculiar patterns of inheritance?
A) 5
B) 8
C) 10
D) 12
E) 15

D) 12
Explanation: Blakeslee isolated 12 different mutants that exhibited peculiar patterns of inheritance.

Mechanisms Leading to Aneuploidy

Why were the proportions of trisomics in the progeny low?
A) Extra chromosomes were lost in meiosis
B) Trisomic zygotes were more viable
C) Pollen with extra chromosomes was more successful
D) All gametes carried the extra chromosome
E) Trisomics were dominant

A) Extra chromosomes were lost in meiosis
Explanation: Many of the extra chromosomes in the trisomics were lost in meiosis, leading to fewer than 50% of the gametes carrying the extra chromosome, and thus the proportion of trisomics in the progeny was low.

Sex-Chromosome Aneuploidies: Turner and Klinefelter Syndromes

Why is aneuploidy of the sex chromosomes less detrimental in mammals?
A) Because sex chromosomes do not carry important genes
B) Because additional X chromosomes are inactivated
C) Because Y chromosomes are always active
D) Because sex chromosomes are not involved in development
E) Because sex chromosomes are duplicated

B) Because additional X chromosomes are inactivated
Explanation: In mammals, additional X chromosomes are inactivated, reducing the detrimental effects of sex chromosome aneuploidy.

Types of Aneuploidy: Nullisomy, Monosomy, Trisomy, Tetrasomy

How many chromosomes does a human monosomic zygote have?
A) 44
B) 45
C) 46
D) 47
E) 48

B) 45
Explanation: A human monosomic zygote has 45 chromosomes, which is represented as 2n - 1, indicating the loss of a single chromosome.

Mechanisms Leading to Aneuploidy

What type of gametes are produced by the cell with all three chromosomes in the third scenario?
A) Two haploid (1n) gametes with 1 red and 1 green chromatid each
B) Two diploid (2n) gametes with 1 red and 1 green chromatid each
C) Two haploid (1n) gametes with 1 blue chromatid each
D) Two diploid (2n) gametes with 1 blue chromatid each
E) Two triploid (3n) gametes with 1 red, 1 green, and 1 blue chromatid each

E) Two triploid (3n) gametes with 1 red, 1 green, and 1 blue chromatid each
Explanation: The cell with all three chromosomes produces two triploid (3n) gametes, each containing one red, one green, and one blue chromatid.

Mechanisms Leading to Aneuploidy

When does the first meiotic division complete in female mammals?
A) At birth
B) During puberty
C) Just before ovulation
D) After fertilization
E) During menopause

C) Just before ovulation
Explanation: In female mammals, the first meiotic division is completed just before ovulation, producing a secondary oocyte, which is a key step in the reproductive process.

Autosomal Aneuploidies: Down Syndrome and Others

Which of the following is a characteristic of Patau syndrome?
A) Low-set ears
B) Clenched fingers
C) Small head and sloping forehead
D) Contracted fingers and toes
E) Prominent forehead

C) Small head and sloping forehead
Explanation: Patau syndrome (Trisomy 13) is characterized by a small head, sloping forehead, and other features such as severe intellectual disability and extra fingers and toes.

Autosomal Aneuploidies: Down Syndrome and Others

Which of the following is a characteristic of Trisomy 8?
A) Low-set ears
B) Small head
C) Extra fingers and toes
D) Clenched fingers
E) Prominent forehead

E) Prominent forehead
Explanation: Trisomy 8 is characterized by features such as intellectual disability, contracted fingers and toes, low-set malformed ears, and a prominent forehead.

Polyploidy: Autopolyploidy and Allopolyploidy

How has the sterility that accompanies autopolyploidy been exploited in agriculture?
A) By creating fertile crops
B) By producing seedless fruits like bananas and watermelons
C) By increasing crop yield
D) By reducing the number of chromosomes in crops
E) By making crops more resistant to diseases

B) By producing seedless fruits like bananas and watermelons
Explanation: The sterility that usually accompanies autopolyploidy has been exploited in agriculture to produce seedless fruits, such as triploid bananas and seedless triploid watermelons.

Mechanisms Leading to Aneuploidy

What is the result of the other half of the gametes produced by the first type of segregation?
A) They are all abnormal
B) They are all translocation carriers
C) They are normal with a single copy of chromosomes 21 and 14
D) They have extra copies of chromosomes 21 and 14
E) They lack chromosomes 21 and 14

C) They are normal with a single copy of chromosomes 21 and 14
Explanation: The other half of the gametes produced by the first type of segregation will be normal, each containing a single copy of chromosomes 21 and 14, resulting in offspring with a normal set of chromosomes.

Polyploidy: Autopolyploidy and Allopolyploidy

What chemical is often used to induce polyploidy in plants?
A) Ethylene
B) Colchicine
C) Auxin
D) Gibberellin
E) Cytokinin

B) Colchicine
Explanation: Colchicine is a chemical that disrupts spindle formation and is often used to induce polyploidy in agriculturally and ornamentally important plants.

Polyploidy: Autopolyploidy and Allopolyploidy

What could be the chromosome number of an allotetraploid with 2n from species I (n=7) and 2n from species II (n=10)?
A) 31
B) 34
C) 37
D) 40
E) 27

B) 34
Explanation: An allotetraploid with 2n from species I and 2n from species II would have (2 × 7) + (2 × 10) = 34 chromosomes.

Effects of Aneuploidy on Phenotype

What is the primary reason aneuploidy alters the phenotype drastically?
A) Changes in nucleotide sequences
B) Abnormal gene dosage
C) Increased mutation rates
D) Enhanced gene expression
E) Chromosome deletions

B) Abnormal gene dosage
Explanation: Aneuploidy affects the number of gene copies but not their nucleotide sequences, leading to abnormal gene dosage, which disrupts normal development and function.

Autosomal Aneuploidies: Down Syndrome and Others

What happens if a gamete with two functional copies of chromosome 21 fuses with a normal gamete carrying a single copy of chromosome 21?
A) The resulting zygote will have monosomy 21
B) The resulting zygote will have trisomy 14
C) The resulting zygote will have familial Down syndrome
D) The resulting zygote will be normal
E) The resulting zygote will have monosomy 14

C) The resulting zygote will have familial Down syndrome
Explanation: If a gamete with two functional copies of chromosome 21 (one normal and one attached to chromosome 14) fuses with a normal gamete carrying a single copy of chromosome 21, the resulting zygote will have familial Down syndrome.

Types of Aneuploidy: Nullisomy, Monosomy, Trisomy, Tetrasomy

What is the chromosomal representation of trisomy?
A) 2n - 1
B) 2n + 1
C) 2n - 2
D) 2n + 2
E) 2n

B) 2n + 1
Explanation: Trisomy is the gain of a single chromosome, represented as 2n + 1. In humans, this results in a zygote with 47 chromosomes.

Mechanisms Leading to Aneuploidy

What happens during nondisjunction in meiosis I?
A) Chromosomes separate normally
B) Chromatids fail to separate
C) Homologous chromosomes fail to separate
D) Chromosomes double
E) Chromosomes disappear

C) Homologous chromosomes fail to separate
Explanation: During nondisjunction in meiosis I, homologous chromosomes fail to separate, resulting in gametes with an abnormal number of chromosomes.

Sex-Chromosome Aneuploidies: Turner and Klinefelter Syndromes

What phenotype does the left side of a gynandromorph fruit fly exhibit?
A) Male with white eyes and miniature wings
B) Female with white eyes and miniature wings
C) Male with red eyes and wild-type wings
D) Female with red eyes and wild-type wings
E) Male with red eyes and miniature wings

D) Female with red eyes and wild-type wings
Explanation: The left side of the gynandromorph fruit fly has a normal female phenotype (XX) with red eyes and wild-type wings because the recessive alleles on one X chromosome are masked by the presence of wild-type alleles on the other.

Mechanisms Leading to Aneuploidy

When does the second meiotic division occur in female mammals?
A) At birth
B) During puberty
C) Just before ovulation
D) Immediately before the nuclei of egg and sperm unite
E) During menopause

D) Immediately before the nuclei of egg and sperm unite
Explanation: The second meiotic division in female mammals takes place immediately before the nuclei of the egg and sperm unite to form a zygote, completing the process of meiosis.

Autosomal Aneuploidies: Down Syndrome and Others

What is the frequency range of Trisomy 8 in live births?
A) 1 in 1000 to 1 in 2000
B) 1 in 5000 to 1 in 10000
C) 1 in 8000 to 1 in 15000
D) 1 in 15000 to 1 in 25000
E) 1 in 25000 to 1 in 50000

E) 1 in 25000 to 1 in 50000
Explanation: Trisomy 8 arises with a frequency ranging from about 1 in 25000 to 1 in 50000 live births.

Polyploidy: Autopolyploidy and Allopolyploidy

What is the result of nondisjunction in meiosis I in terms of gamete formation?
A) Haploid gametes
B) Diploid gametes
C) Triploid gametes
D) Tetraploid gametes
E) Monoploid gametes

B) Diploid gametes
Explanation: Nondisjunction in meiosis I produces diploid (2n) gametes, which can then fuse with haploid (1n) gametes to produce an autotriploid (3n) zygote.

Uniparental Disomy and Genetic Mosaicism

How does the 45,X/46,XX mosaic usually arise?
A) Through nondisjunction in meiosis
B) Through nondisjunction in mitosis
C) Through a chromosome deletion
D) Through uniparental disomy
E) Through a point mutation

B) Through nondisjunction in mitosis
Explanation: The 45,X/46,XX mosaic usually arises through nondisjunction in a mitotic division, leading to patches of cells with different chromosome constitutions.

Polyploidy: Autopolyploidy and Allopolyploidy

How is an autotetraploid (4n) produced?
A) By the fusion of two haploid gametes
B) By nondisjunction of all chromosomes in mitosis in an early 2n embryo
C) By the fusion of two diploid gametes
D) By the loss of chromosomes during meiosis
E) By the fusion of a diploid and a haploid gamete

B) By nondisjunction of all chromosomes in mitosis in an early 2n embryo
Explanation: An autotetraploid (4n) is produced when nondisjunction of all chromosomes occurs in mitosis in an early 2n embryo, doubling the chromosome number.

Polyploidy: Autopolyploidy and Allopolyploidy

What is the chromosome number of an autotetraploid individual from species II, where the haploid number (n) is 10?
A) 20
B) 30
C) 40
D) 50
E) 10

C) 40
Explanation: An autotetraploid is 4n. For species II, where n = 10, the chromosome number is 4 × 10 = 40.

Polyploidy: Autopolyploidy and Allopolyploidy

What could be the chromosome number of an allotetraploid with 3n from species I (n=7) and 1n from species II (n=10)?
A) 31
B) 34
C) 37
D) 40
E) 27

A) 31
Explanation: An allotetraploid with 3n from species I and 1n from species II would have (3 × 7) + (1 × 10) = 31 chromosomes.

Types of Aneuploidy: Nullisomy, Monosomy, Trisomy, Tetrasomy

Which of the following is NOT a name of a seed case mutant in Jimson weed?
A) Rolled
B) Glossy
C) Buckling
D) Spiky
E) Elongate

D) Spiky
Explanation: The names of the seed case mutants include Rolled, Glossy, Buckling, Elongate, Echinus, Cocklebur, Microcarpic, Reduced, Spinach, Poinsettia, Globe, and Ilex. 'Spiky' is not one of them.

Mechanisms Leading to Aneuploidy

What is the result of the first meiotic cell division in the first scenario?
A) One cell with all three chromosomes and one cell with no chromosomes
B) Two cells with one chromosome each
C) One cell with red and green chromosomes and another cell with the blue chromosome
D) Two cells with two chromosomes each
E) One cell with only the red chromosome and another with blue and green chromosomes

C) One cell with red and green chromosomes and another cell with the blue chromosome
Explanation: After the first meiotic cell division in the first scenario, one cell contains the red and green chromosomes, while the other cell contains the blue chromosome.

Mechanisms Leading to Aneuploidy

What is the overall result of the random segregation of chromosomes in these scenarios?
A) Balanced gametes with equal numbers of chromosomes
B) Unbalanced gametes with various numbers of chromosomes
C) No gametes are produced
D) Only diploid gametes are produced
E) Only haploid gametes are produced

B) Unbalanced gametes with various numbers of chromosomes
Explanation: The random segregation of chromosomes in these scenarios leads to the production of unbalanced gametes, which have varying numbers of chromosomes.

Uniparental Disomy and Genetic Mosaicism

In fruit flies, how is sex determined during development?
A) By the presence of a Y chromosome
B) By the number of autosomes
C) Independently in each cell
D) By the overall genetic makeup of the embryo
E) By environmental factors

C) Independently in each cell
Explanation: In fruit flies, sex is determined independently in each cell during development, meaning that cells with two X chromosomes (XX) will develop female traits, while cells with a single X chromosome (XO) will develop male traits.

Uniparental Disomy and Genetic Mosaicism

What is uniparental disomy?
A) Inheriting two copies of a chromosome from one parent and none from the other
B) Inheriting one copy of a chromosome from each parent
C) Inheriting three copies of a chromosome
D) Inheriting a normal and a defective allele from each parent
E) Inheriting no copies of a chromosome

A) Inheriting two copies of a chromosome from one parent and none from the other
Explanation: Uniparental disomy occurs when both copies of a chromosome are inherited from one parent, with no copy from the other parent. This can lead to genetic disorders if the inherited chromosomes carry defective alleles.

Sex-Chromosome Aneuploidies: Turner and Klinefelter Syndromes

Why are sex-chromosome aneuploidies more common than autosomal aneuploidies in humans?
A) Because of continuous sperm production
B) Due to the long arrest of meiosis
C) Because of X-chromosome inactivation
D) Due to chromosome rearrangements
E) Because of gene dosage problems

C) Because of X-chromosome inactivation
Explanation: Sex-chromosome aneuploidies are more common than autosomal aneuploidies in humans because X-chromosome inactivation prevents problems of gene dosage for X-linked genes.

Aneuploidy in Humans: Incidence and Causes

What is the increased risk for translocation carriers in terms of their offspring?
A) Producing children with Turner syndrome
B) Producing children with Klinefelter syndrome
C) Producing children with Down syndrome
D) Producing children with Edwards syndrome
E) Producing children with Patau syndrome

C) Producing children with Down syndrome
Explanation: Translocation carriers have an increased risk of producing children with Down syndrome due to the potential segregation of the translocation chromosome during gamete formation.

Mechanisms Leading to Aneuploidy

What is the outcome when a gamete with the translocation chromosome fuses with a normal gamete?
A) It results in a normal offspring
B) It results in a translocation carrier
C) It results in Turner syndrome
D) It results in Klinefelter syndrome
E) It results in Patau syndrome

B) It results in a translocation carrier
Explanation: When a gamete with the translocation chromosome fuses with a normal gamete, it gives rise to a translocation carrier, who has a balanced set of chromosomes but carries the translocation.

Types of Aneuploidy: Nullisomy, Monosomy, Trisomy, Tetrasomy

What percentage of progeny had the globe phenotype when globe mutants self-fertilized?
A) 75%
B) 50%
C) 25%
D) 100%
E) 0%

C) 25%
Explanation: When globe mutants self-fertilized, only 25% of the progeny had the globe phenotype, which was unusual for a dominant trait.

Definition of Aneuploidy and Polyploidy

How many pairs of chromosomes does Datura stramonium have?
A) 10
B) 12
C) 14
D) 16
E) 18

B) 12
Explanation: Datura stramonium has 12 pairs of chromosomes (2n = 24).

Types of Aneuploidy: Nullisomy, Monosomy, Trisomy, Tetrasomy

What is the wild type seed case labeled as in Jimson weed (Datura stramonium)?
A) 3n
B) 2n
C) 4n
D) 1n
E) 5n

B) 2n
Explanation: The wild type seed case in Jimson weed is labeled as 2n, indicating the normal diploid number of chromosomes.

Mechanisms Leading to Aneuploidy

What is the chromosomal composition of a trisomic zygote produced from the fertilization of a normal gamete with a gamete containing two chromatids?
A) 2 red and 1 blue chromatids
B) 1 red and 1 blue chromatid
C) 2 blue and 1 red chromatid
D) 1 blue chromatid
E) 2 red chromatids

A) 2 red and 1 blue chromatids
Explanation: The trisomic zygote (2n + 1) is produced with 2 red and 1 blue chromatids when a normal gamete fertilizes with a gamete containing two chromatids.

Autosomal Aneuploidies: Down Syndrome and Others

What is the outcome if a gamete lacking chromosome 21 fuses with a normal gamete?
A) The resulting zygote will have trisomy 21
B) The resulting zygote will have monosomy 21 and will be spontaneously aborted
C) The resulting zygote will have familial Down syndrome
D) The resulting zygote will have trisomy 14
E) The resulting zygote will be normal

B) The resulting zygote will have monosomy 21 and will be spontaneously aborted
Explanation: If a gamete lacking chromosome 21 fuses with a normal gamete, the resulting zygote will have monosomy 21, which is not viable and will be spontaneously aborted.

Autosomal Aneuploidies: Down Syndrome and Others

What proportion of the offspring of a translocation carrier are expected to have familial Down syndrome?
A) One-fourth
B) One-third
C) One-half
D) Two-thirds
E) All

B) One-third
Explanation: Theoretically, one-third of the offspring of a translocation carrier should have familial Down syndrome, one-third should be translocation carriers like their parent, and one-third should have a normal set of chromosomes.

Effects of Aneuploidy on Phenotype

Who discovered the first recognized aneuploid, a fruit fly with a single X chromosome and no Y chromosome?
A) Gregor Mendel
B) Thomas Hunt Morgan
C) Calvin Bridges
D) James Watson
E) Francis Crick

C) Calvin Bridges
Explanation: Calvin Bridges discovered the first recognized aneuploid, a fruit fly with a single X chromosome and no Y chromosome, in 1913.

Types of Aneuploidy: Nullisomy, Monosomy, Trisomy, Tetrasomy

What is a trisomic zygote?
A) A zygote with one extra chromosome
B) A zygote with one missing chromosome
C) A zygote with two extra chromosomes
D) A zygote with no chromosomes
E) A zygote with normal chromosome number

A) A zygote with one extra chromosome
Explanation: A trisomic zygote has one extra chromosome (2n+1), resulting from the fertilization of a normal gamete with a gamete that has an additional chromosome due to nondisjunction.

Uniparental Disomy and Genetic Mosaicism

What is genetic mosaicism?
A) A condition where all cells have the same chromosome abnormality
B) A condition where some cells have a chromosome abnormality and others have a normal karyotype
C) A condition where all cells have a normal karyotype
D) A condition where cells have three copies of a chromosome
E) A condition where cells have no chromosomes

B) A condition where some cells have a chromosome abnormality and others have a normal karyotype
Explanation: Genetic mosaicism occurs when nondisjunction in a mitotic division generates patches of cells with different chromosome constitutions, leading to regions of tissue with varying karyotypes.

Uniparental Disomy and Genetic Mosaicism

What percentage of individuals diagnosed with Turner syndrome are actually mosaics?
A) About 10%
B) About 20%
C) About 30%
D) About 40%
E) About 50%

E) About 50%
Explanation: About 50% of individuals diagnosed with Turner syndrome are actually mosaics, possessing some 45,X cells and some normal 46,XX cells, indicating the presence of genetic mosaicism.

Polyploidy: Autopolyploidy and Allopolyploidy

What is autopolyploidy?
A) The presence of extra sets of chromosomes from different species
B) The presence of extra sets of chromosomes from a single species
C) The loss of chromosomes during cell division
D) The fusion of two different species' gametes
E) The reduction of chromosome number in a species

B) The presence of extra sets of chromosomes from a single species
Explanation: Autopolyploidy is caused by accidents of mitosis or meiosis that produce extra sets of chromosomes, all derived from a single species.

Polyploidy: Autopolyploidy and Allopolyploidy

What is one way an autotriploid (3n) can arise?
A) By the fusion of two haploid gametes
B) By nondisjunction in meiosis producing a diploid gamete that fuses with a normal haploid gamete
C) By the fusion of two diploid gametes
D) By the loss of chromosomes during mitosis
E) By the fusion of two triploid gametes

B) By nondisjunction in meiosis producing a diploid gamete that fuses with a normal haploid gamete
Explanation: An autotriploid (3n) may arise when nondisjunction in meiosis produces a diploid gamete that then fuses with a normal haploid gamete to produce a triploid zygote.

Polyploidy: Autopolyploidy and Allopolyploidy

What could be the chromosome number of an allotriploid with 1n from species I (n=7) and 2n from species II (n=10)?
A) 17
B) 24
C) 27
D) 30
E) 34

C) 27
Explanation: An allotriploid with 1n from species I and 2n from species II would have (1 × 7) + (2 × 10) = 27 chromosomes.

Polyploidy: Autopolyploidy and Allopolyploidy

What could be the chromosome number of an allotetraploid with 1n from species I (n=7) and 3n from species II (n=10)?
A) 31
B) 34
C) 37
D) 40
E) 27

C) 37
Explanation: An allotetraploid with 1n from species I and 3n from species II would have (1 × 7) + (3 × 10) = 37 chromosomes.

Effects of Aneuploidy on Phenotype

Why is aneuploidy often lethal in most animals and many plants?
A) It causes chromosome deletions
B) It leads to abnormal gene dosage
C) It results in increased mutation rates
D) It enhances gene expression
E) It changes nucleotide sequences

B) It leads to abnormal gene dosage
Explanation: Aneuploidy is often lethal because it alters the dosage for some, but not all, genes, disrupting normal cellular function and development.

Mechanisms Leading to Aneuploidy

What happens during Anaphase 1 in the first scenario described?
A) All chromosomes pair and segregate together
B) Two homologous chromosomes pair, while the other segregates randomly
C) No chromosomes pair and all move to the same side
D) All chromosomes segregate randomly
E) Only one chromosome pairs and segregates

B) Two homologous chromosomes pair, while the other segregates randomly
Explanation: In the first scenario, two homologous chromosomes (green and red) pair together, while the blue chromosome remains at the other end of the cell, segregating randomly.

Mechanisms Leading to Aneuploidy

How many types of gametes produced by a translocation carrier will result in the birth of a baby?
A) One
B) Two
C) Three
D) Four
E) Six

C) Three
Explanation: Only three of the six types of gametes that can be produced by a translocation carrier will result in the birth of a baby. These include normal gametes, gametes that are translocation carriers, and gametes that result in familial Down syndrome.

Uniparental Disomy and Genetic Mosaicism

What is genetic mosaicism?
A) An individual has identical chromosome constitutions in all cells
B) Different cells within the same individual have different chromosome constitutions
C) An individual has an extra chromosome in all cells
D) An individual has a missing chromosome in all cells
E) An individual has two copies of a chromosome from one parent

B) Different cells within the same individual have different chromosome constitutions
Explanation: In genetic mosaicism, different cells within the same individual organism have different chromosome constitutions, leading to variations in genetic expression within the same organism.

Polyploidy: Autopolyploidy and Allopolyploidy

What is a characteristic of even-numbered autopolyploids like autotetraploids?
A) They always produce balanced gametes
B) Homologous chromosomes can theoretically form pairs and divide equally
C) They have an odd number of chromosomes
D) They are always fertile
E) They do not produce any gametes

B) Homologous chromosomes can theoretically form pairs and divide equally
Explanation: In even-numbered autopolyploids, such as autotetraploids, the homologous chromosomes can theoretically form pairs and divide equally, although equal division rarely takes place.

Polyploidy: Autopolyploidy and Allopolyploidy

How does allopolyploidy arise?
A) From the fusion of two normal gametes
B) From hybridization between two species
C) From the division of a single species
D) From the loss of chromosomes
E) From the duplication of a single chromosome

B) From hybridization between two species
Explanation: Allopolyploidy arises from hybridization between two species, resulting in a polyploid that carries chromosome sets derived from two or more species.

Polyploidy: Autopolyploidy and Allopolyploidy

What is the chromosome number of a triploid individual from species I, where the haploid number (n) is 7?
A) 14
B) 21
C) 28
D) 10
E) 7

B) 21
Explanation: A triploid individual is 3n. For species I, where n = 7, the chromosome number is 3 × 7 = 21.

Polyploidy: Autopolyploidy and Allopolyploidy

What could be the chromosome number of an allotriploid with 2n from species I (n=7) and 1n from species II (n=10)?
A) 17
B) 24
C) 27
D) 30
E) 34

B) 24
Explanation: An allotriploid with 2n from species I and 1n from species II would have (2 × 7) + (1 × 10) = 24 chromosomes.

Sex-Chromosome Aneuploidies: Turner and Klinefelter Syndromes

What mechanism ensures that males and females receive the same functional dosage for X-linked genes in mammals?
A) Gene duplication
B) X-chromosome inactivation
C) Y-chromosome activation
D) Autosomal compensation
E) Gene silencing

B) X-chromosome inactivation
Explanation: In mammals, X-chromosome inactivation ensures that males (with one X chromosome) and females (with two X chromosomes) receive the same functional dosage for X-linked genes.

Mechanisms Leading to Aneuploidy

What type of zygote is produced when a normal gamete fertilizes with a gamete that has no chromatids?
A) Trisomic zygote
B) Monosomic zygote
C) Nullisomic zygote
D) Tetrasomic zygote
E) Diploid zygote

B) Monosomic zygote
Explanation: A monosomic zygote (2n - 1) with only 1 blue chromatid is produced when a normal gamete fertilizes with a gamete that has no chromatids.

Mechanisms Leading to Aneuploidy

What is the result of the first meiotic cell division in the second scenario?
A) One cell with all three chromosomes and one cell with no chromosomes
B) Two cells with one chromosome each
C) One cell with red and green chromosomes and another cell with the blue chromosome
D) One cell with only the red chromosome and another with blue and green chromosomes
E) Two cells with two chromosomes each

D) One cell with only the red chromosome and another with blue and green chromosomes
Explanation: After the first meiotic cell division in the second scenario, one cell contains only the red chromosome, while the other cell contains the blue and green chromosomes.

Autosomal Aneuploidies: Down Syndrome and Others

What causes Down syndrome?
A) Continuous sperm production
B) Suspension in diplotene
C) Three functional copies of chromosome 21
D) X-chromosome inactivation
E) Reduced gene dosage problems

C) Three functional copies of chromosome 21
Explanation: Down syndrome results from three functional copies of chromosome 21, either through trisomy (primary Down syndrome) or a Robertsonian translocation (familial Down syndrome).

Mechanisms Leading to Aneuploidy

How does the translocation chromosome segregate during anaphase I of meiosis in translocation carriers?
A) It always segregates with chromosome 21
B) It always segregates with chromosome 14
C) It may separate from the normal chromosomes 14 and 21
D) It never segregates from the normal chromosomes
E) It segregates randomly without any pattern

C) It may separate from the normal chromosomes 14 and 21
Explanation: During anaphase I of meiosis, the translocation chromosome in translocation carriers may separate from the normal chromosomes 14 and 21, leading to different possible outcomes in the gametes.

Polyploidy: Autopolyploidy and Allopolyploidy

What is the difference between autopolyploidy and allopolyploidy?
A) Autopolyploidy involves chromosome sets from multiple species
B) Allopolyploidy involves chromosome sets from a single species
C) Autopolyploidy involves chromosome sets from a single species
D) Allopolyploidy does not involve chromosomes
E) Autopolyploidy is not found in plants

C) Autopolyploidy involves chromosome sets from a single species
Explanation: Autopolyploidy occurs when all chromosome sets are from a single species, whereas allopolyploidy involves chromosome sets from two or more species.

Polyploidy: Autopolyploidy and Allopolyploidy

What is an amphidiploid?
A) A diploid organism with no homologous chromosomes
B) An allopolyploid with two combined diploid genomes
C) A haploid organism with doubled chromosomes
D) A polyploid organism with no homologous partners
E) A triploid organism with three sets of chromosomes

B) An allopolyploid with two combined diploid genomes
Explanation: An amphidiploid is an allopolyploid consisting of two combined diploid genomes, where every chromosome has one homologous partner, allowing for proper segregation during meiosis.

Polyploidy: Autopolyploidy and Allopolyploidy

What was Georgii Karpechenko's goal in his experiments with cabbages and radishes?
A) To produce a plant with cabbage roots and radish leaves
B) To create a sterile hybrid plant
C) To produce a plant with cabbage leaves and radish roots
D) To increase the chromosome number of radishes
E) To decrease the chromosome number of cabbages

C) To produce a plant with cabbage leaves and radish roots
Explanation: Karpechenko aimed to produce a plant that had cabbage leaves and radish roots so that no part of the plant would go to waste.

Sex-Chromosome Aneuploidies: Turner and Klinefelter Syndromes

What is the most common form of aneuploidy seen in living organisms like mice and humans?
A) Autosomal aneuploidy
B) Y-chromosome aneuploidy
C) X-chromosome aneuploidy
D) Trisomy 21
E) Monosomy

C) X-chromosome aneuploidy
Explanation: Aneuploidy of the sex chromosomes, particularly the X chromosome, is the most common form of aneuploidy seen in living organisms such as mice and humans.

Mechanisms Leading to Aneuploidy

What occurs during non-disjunction in mitosis as described in the text?
A) A nucleus with 2 red chromatids and a nucleus with 2 blue chromatids are produced
B) A nucleus with 1 red chromatid and a nucleus with one red and 2 blue chromatids are produced
C) A nucleus with 1 blue chromatid and a nucleus with 2 red chromatids are produced
D) A nucleus with 2 blue chromatids and a nucleus with 1 red chromatid are produced
E) A nucleus with 1 red chromatid and a nucleus with 1 blue chromatid are produced

B) A nucleus with 1 red chromatid and a nucleus with one red and 2 blue chromatids are produced
Explanation: Non-disjunction in mitosis results in a nucleus with 1 red chromatid and a nucleus with one red and 2 blue chromatids, leading to somatic clones of monosomic and trisomic cells.

Mechanisms Leading to Aneuploidy

What is the result of the third type of segregation where the translocation chromosome and the normal copy of chromosome 14 segregate together?
A) All gametes are normal
B) Half of the gametes result in monosomy 21
C) Half of the gametes result in trisomy 21
D) Half of the gametes result in monosomy 14 and the other half in trisomy 14
E) All gametes result in familial Down syndrome

D) Half of the gametes result in monosomy 14 and the other half in trisomy 14
Explanation: In the third type of segregation, the translocation chromosome and the normal copy of chromosome 14 segregate together, resulting in half of the gametes having monosomy 14 and the other half having trisomy 14. All these gametes are abnormal and are spontaneously aborted.

Mechanisms Leading to Aneuploidy

What is the significance of Figure 8.23 in the context of translocation carriers?
A) It shows the process of mitosis
B) It illustrates the segregation of chromosomes during meiosis
C) It depicts the fusion of gametes
D) It explains the formation of Turner syndrome
E) It describes the process of DNA replication

B) It illustrates the segregation of chromosomes during meiosis
Explanation: Figure 8.23 is significant as it illustrates the segregation of chromosomes during meiosis in translocation carriers, highlighting the different ways the translocation chromosome can segregate and the resulting gametes.

Polyploidy: Autopolyploidy and Allopolyploidy

How does an amphidiploid undergo meiosis?
A) It cannot undergo meiosis
B) It produces unbalanced gametes
C) It undergoes normal meiosis to produce balanced gametes
D) It produces gametes with double the chromosome number
E) It undergoes mitosis instead of meiosis

C) It undergoes normal meiosis to produce balanced gametes
Explanation: An amphidiploid can undergo normal meiosis to produce balanced gametes because every chromosome has one homologous partner, which is essential for proper segregation.

Polyploidy: Autopolyploidy and Allopolyploidy

What was the outcome of Karpechenko's hybrid plants after several crosses?
A) They remained sterile
B) They produced unviable seeds
C) They produced viable and fertile allotetraploids
D) They reverted to their original species
E) They produced plants with mixed traits

C) They produced viable and fertile allotetraploids
Explanation: After several crosses, Karpechenko's hybrid plants produced a few seeds that grew into viable and fertile allotetraploid plants.

Mechanisms Leading to Aneuploidy

What can cause aneuploidy?
A) Gene duplication
B) Chromosome translocation
C) Nondisjunction in meiosis or mitosis
D) Gene silencing
E) Chromosome inversion

C) Nondisjunction in meiosis or mitosis
Explanation: Aneuploidy can arise from nondisjunction during meiosis or mitosis, leading to the loss or gain of one or more individual chromosomes.

Mechanisms Leading to Aneuploidy

What occurs during Anaphase 1 in the second scenario?
A) All chromosomes pair and segregate together
B) Two homologous chromosomes pair, while the other segregates randomly
C) No chromosomes pair and all move to the same side
D) All three chromosomes pair and segregate randomly
E) Only one chromosome pairs and segregates

D) All three chromosomes pair and segregate randomly
Explanation: In the second scenario, all three chromosomes (red, blue, and green) pair and segregate randomly during Anaphase 1.

Mechanisms Leading to Aneuploidy

What type of gametes are produced by the cell with the red and green chromosomes in the first scenario?
A) Two haploid (1n) gametes with 1 red and 1 green chromatid each
B) Two diploid (2n) gametes with 1 red and 1 green chromatid each
C) Two haploid (1n) gametes with 1 blue chromatid each
D) Two diploid (2n) gametes with 1 blue chromatid each
E) Two triploid (3n) gametes with 1 red, 1 green, and 1 blue chromatid each

B) Two diploid (2n) gametes with 1 red and 1 green chromatid each
Explanation: The cell with the red and green chromosomes produces two diploid (2n) gametes, each containing one red and one green chromatid.

Mechanisms Leading to Aneuploidy

What happens during Anaphase 1 in the third scenario?
A) All chromosomes pair and segregate together
B) Two homologous chromosomes pair, while the other segregates randomly
C) No chromosomes pair and all move to the same side
D) All three chromosomes pair and segregate randomly
E) Only one chromosome pairs and segregates

C) No chromosomes pair and all move to the same side
Explanation: In the third scenario, none of the chromosomes pair, and all three move to the same side during Anaphase 1.

Impact of Maternal Age on Aneuploidy

What is a potential consequence of the long arrest of meiosis in primary oocytes?
A) Increased sperm production
B) Decreased chromosome mutations
C) Increased aneuploidy in children born to older mothers
D) Continuous meiotic divisions
E) Reduced gene dosage problems

C) Increased aneuploidy in children born to older mothers
Explanation: The long arrest of meiosis in primary oocytes can lead to the breakdown of cohesin and other structures required for proper chromosome segregation, resulting in increased aneuploidy in children born to older mothers.


How can aneuploidy arise?
A) Through duplication of chromosomes
B) Through loss of centromere
C) Through deletion of genes
D) Through translocation of chromosomes
E) Through separation of homologous chromosomes

B) Through loss of centromere
Explanation: Aneuploidy can arise through various mechanisms including loss of a chromosome due to deletion of its centromere, as well as through other processes such as Robertsonian translocation and nondisjunction.


What is polyploidy?
A) Increase in the number of individual chromosomes
B) Decrease in the number of individual chromosomes
C) Increase in the number of chromosome sets
D) Decrease in the number of chromosome sets
E) No change in the number of chromosomes

C) Increase in the number of chromosome sets
Explanation: Polyploidy is characterized by an increase in the number of chromosome sets, which is distinct from aneuploidy where the individual chromosome number is altered.


What is nondisjunction?
A) Separation of homologous chromosomes
B) Failure of chromosomes to attach to the spindle
C) Duplication of chromosomes
D) Loss of centromere
E) Increase in the number of chromosome sets

B) Failure of chromosomes to attach to the spindle
Explanation: Nondisjunction refers to the failure of homologous chromosomes or sister chromatids to separate in meiosis or mitosis, leading to aneuploidy where some gametes or cells contain an extra chromosome and others are missing a chromosome.


What is aneuploidy?
A) Increase in the number of individual chromosomes
B) Decrease in the number of individual chromosomes
C) Increase in the number of chromosome sets
D) Decrease in the number of chromosome sets
E) No change in the number of chromosomes

B) Decrease in the number of individual chromosomes
Explanation: Aneuploidy is defined as a decrease in the number of individual chromosomes, which can occur through various mechanisms such as loss of a chromosome during mitosis or meiosis, or through nondisjunction.

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