What are some common complaints associated with developmental delay in children?
Complaints of deficiency, syndromic features, features of intrauterine infection, and metabolic abnormalities.
What is the process of increasing the size of the body and organs called?
Physical growth
Factors Affecting Growth and Development

What are some common complaints associated with developmental delay in children?

Complaints of deficiency, syndromic features, features of intrauterine infection, and metabolic abnormalities.

Growth and Development in Children

What is the process of increasing the size of the body and organs called?

Physical growth

Growth and Development in Children

Why are normal growth and development important for a baby?

They are very important for the life of the baby and are sensitive to many factors.

Clinical Features of Growth Disorders

What condition should be considered in a child with a large head?


Clinical Features of Growth Disorders

What does IUGR stand for?

Intrauterine Growth Restriction

Clinical Features of Growth Disorders

What are coarse features in the context of pediatric growth disorders?

Coarse features refer to the thickening of facial features, often seen in conditions like hypothyroidism and certain storage diseases.

Growth and Development in Children

What is the process of gaining skills and maturation called?


Assessment of Pediatric Patients

What does CHDR contain?

CHDR contains reference charts for normal growth, normal development, immunization schedule, feeding instructions, and stimulatory activities to improve skills.

Growth and Development in Children

What is the process of gaining skills and maturation called?


Factors Affecting Growth and Development

How does consanguinity affect familial genetic diseases?

Consanguinity plays a role in the occurrence of familial genetic diseases.

Assessment of Pediatric Patients

How can IUGR be diagnosed during pregnancy?

Through ultrasound measurements of the fetus's size and growth rate.

Growth and Development in Children

What is the relationship between upper segment (US) and lower segment (LS) at 10 years of age?

At 10 years of age, the upper segment (US) equals the lower segment (LS).

Normal Growth Indicators and Growth Curves

At what age does ossification of two carpal bones typically occur?

6 months of age

Clinical Features of Growth Disorders

What are some features suggestive of locomotor system issues?

Pain on movement, tenderness, weakness, abnormal gait, arthritis, bony tenderness, neurological features, abnormal appearance, postural abnormalities.

Assessment of Pediatric Patients

What should be examined if cervical lymphadenopathy is observed?

Look for other groups of lymph nodes and evidence of a local cause if it is localized. If generalized, look for evidence of hematological disease, infections, other malignancies, or connective tissue disease.

Clinical Features of Growth Disorders

What are the key signs to look for in a child with acute glomerulonephritis (AGN)?

Oliguria, haematuria, and hypertension.

Nutritional Impact on Growth

What other conditions can cause hypo proteinaemia besides nephrotic syndrome?

Malnutrition and hepato renal failure.

Factors Affecting Growth and Development

What are some factors that have direct effects on growth and development in children?

Heredity genetic factors, chromosomal and genetic defects, sex differences, intrauterine factors such as maternal diseases, infections, toxins (alcohol, tobacco smoke), pregnancy-related issues like gestational diabetes, pregnancy-induced hypertension, and maternal psychological effects.

Assessment of Pediatric Patients

What should be examined in the neurology of lower limbs?

Spinal anomalies and incontinence.

Clinical Features of Growth Disorders

What should you look for when assessing for cyanotic heart disease?

Features of cyanotic heart disease.

Nutritional Impact on Growth

How is growth related to nutrition?

Growth is directly related to nutrition. The human body requires an adequate supply of calories, essential amino acids, fatty acids, zinc, iodine, calcium, phosphorus, and vitamins for proper growth. A deficiency in any of these can affect normal growth and development.

Clinical Features of Growth Disorders

What are some features of hypothyroidism in children?

Coarse facial features, growth retardation, and developmental delays.

Factors Affecting Growth and Development

What role do hormones play in growth and development?

Hormones regulate physical growth, maturity, sexual maturity, and development.

Clinical Features of Growth Disorders

What are some long-term health risks associated with IUGR?

Increased risk of developmental delays, chronic health conditions, and metabolic disorders.

Factors Affecting Growth and Development

Which type of diseases affect physical growth more than development?

Chronic cardiovascular, respiratory, gastrointestinal, genitourinary, and hematological diseases affect physical growth more than development.

Wellness and Health Indicators

What does wellness encompass beyond the absence of disease?

Wellness encompasses physical, mental, social, and emotional integrity and stability.

Clinical Features of Growth Disorders

What should be looked for in addition to neurocutaneous lesions?

Neurological abnormalities and developmental delay.

Assessment of Pediatric Patients

What are some general health indicators to assess in an ill-looking child?

Abnormal vital signs, evidence of sepsis, systemic illness, evidence of metabolic derangement, dehydration, malnutrition, signs related to systems, features of organ failure, and signs of abuse.

Growth and Development in Children

¿Cuáles son las implicaciones de la odontología en el crecimiento y desarrollo infantil?

Las implicaciones de la odontología en el crecimiento y desarrollo infantil incluyen la prevención de caries, la corrección de maloclusiones y la promoción de hábitos de higiene oral adecuados.

Growth and Development in Children

What is the process of increasing the size of the body and organs called?

Physical growth

Clinical Features of Growth Disorders

What is the most common cause of hypothyroidism in children and adolescents?

The most common cause is an autoimmune condition called Hashimoto’s thyroiditis.

Factors Affecting Growth and Development

How do chromosomal and genetic defects influence growth and development in children?

Chromosomal and genetic defects can lead to abnormal growth and development in children.

Factors Affecting Growth and Development

Which hormone is directly related to development?


Factors Affecting Growth and Development

How does sex influence growth and development in children?

There is a lot of difference in growth and development between girls and boys.

Preventive Health Measures and Immunization

How can some diseases that affect growth and development be prevented?

Some diseases can be prevented by vaccination.

Preventive Health Measures and Immunization

Why is health education important in preventive health measures?

It helps in informing parents and caregivers about ways to prevent health issues and promote wellness in children.

Preventive Health Measures and Immunization

Which diseases are children routinely vaccinated against in Sri Lanka's EPI schedule?

Children are routinely vaccinated against tuberculosis (BCG), diphtheria, pertussis, tetanus (DPT), hepatitis B, Hib, polio (OPV, IPV), measles, mumps, and rubella (MMR).

Psychosocial Factors Influencing Child Development

In what ways does socioeconomic status influence child development?

Socioeconomic status can affect child development through access to resources, educational opportunities, healthcare, and overall living conditions, which can impact both physical and cognitive growth.

Psychosocial Factors Influencing Child Development

How might a child's academic performance be affected by abuse or neglect?

Frequent absences, difficulty concentrating, or a sudden drop in grades.

Assessment of Pediatric Patients

How is jaundice diagnosed?

Jaundice is diagnosed through physical examination and blood tests to measure bilirubin levels.

Developmental Milestones in Early Childhood

What are some signs of social and emotional developmental delays?

Signs include difficulty in interacting with others, forming relationships, or managing emotions.

Normal Growth Indicators and Growth Curves

How would you know whether the growth of a child is normal?

A child's growth is considered normal if it follows the patterns on reference growth curves and falls within the expected range for their age and sex.

Assessment of Pediatric Patients

What conditions should be considered when assessing cyanosis in a pediatric patient?

Fallot’s, Transposition of the Great Vessels (TGV), complex congenital heart disease (CHD), Eisenmenger's syndrome, and respiratory disease.

Developmental Milestones in Early Childhood

What is an example of a developmental milestone chart?

A chart that outlines the predicted manner in which children achieve developmental milestones.

Clinical Features of Growth Disorders

What are some features suggestive of haematological diseases?

Bleeding, bruising, rashes, infection and fever (bone marrow dysfunction), jaundice (haemolytic conditions), pallor, rashes, bleeding tendency, lymphadenopathy, bony tenderness, arthritis, hepatosplenomegaly.

Clinical Features of Growth Disorders

What is the most common cause of hyperthyroidism in children and adolescents?

The most common cause of hyperthyroidism in children and adolescents is an autoimmune condition called Grave’s disease.

Clinical Features of Growth Disorders

What are some signs to look for in a child with hydrocephalus?

Shunt, spinal anomalies, neurological abnormalities, developmental delay, evidence of intrauterine infections, features of raised intracranial pressure

Clinical Features of Growth Disorders

What is a common characteristic of preterm infants with IUGR?

They are often smaller and have lower birth weights compared to their gestational age.

Clinical Features of Growth Disorders

What is a common characteristic of short stature with body disproportion?

Short stature with body disproportion often involves abnormal proportions between the trunk and limbs.

Clinical Features of Growth Disorders

What is achondroplasia?

Achondroplasia is a genetic disorder that causes short stature with disproportionate limb length.

Factors Affecting Growth and Development

What is considered the most important factor in a child's growth and development?

Maternal bonding and a stable family.

Clinical Features of Growth Disorders

How does impetigo present in pediatric patients?

Impetigo presents as red sores or blisters that can rupture, ooze, and form a yellow-brown crust, commonly around the nose and mouth.

Psychosocial Factors Influencing Child Development

What behavioral changes might suggest a child is experiencing neglect?

Withdrawal, fearfulness, anxiety, or sudden changes in behavior.

Normal Growth Indicators and Growth Curves

What are normal growth indicators?

Normal growth indicators include consistent increases in height, weight, and head circumference according to standardized growth charts.

Normal Growth Indicators and Growth Curves

How do you interpret a growth curve on a Child Health Development Record (CHDR)?

By comparing the child's measurements to standardized percentiles to determine if the child is growing at a normal rate.

Growth and Development in Children

What are the differences between a child and an adult?

Children differ from adults in terms of physical size, developmental stages, and physiological functions.

Assessment of Pediatric Patients

What are the methods by which growth is measured?

Growth is measured using methods such as height, weight, and head circumference measurements.

Assessment of Pediatric Patients

What are the basics of examining a pediatric patient?

Basic examination includes checking vital signs, growth measurements, and a physical assessment of all body systems.

Developmental Milestones in Early Childhood

What fine motor skill is demonstrated by a baby at birth?

At birth, a baby demonstrates no deliberate fine motor skills; only reflex movements are seen.

Normal Growth Indicators and Growth Curves

What should the pattern of increase in parameters look like in a child's growth chart?

All parameters should be increasing with age in parallel to the reference curves.

Clinical Features of Growth Disorders

What are some clinical features of conditions affecting health in children?

Growth retardation, overgrowth, developmental delay, manifestations of system abnormalities, fever, and symptoms related to specific systems.

Normal Growth Indicators and Growth Curves

What should the pattern of increase in parameters look like in a child's growth measurements?

All parameters should be increasing with age in parallel to the reference curves.

Assessment of Pediatric Patients

What should you look for in a patient with joint disease, rashes, prolonged fever, lymphadenopathy, or signs suggestive of connective tissue or autoimmune disease?

Look for systemic features.

Growth and Development in Children

What can pubertal changes occurring at specific ages be used for?

Such information can be used to compare.

Clinical Features of Growth Disorders

What are the characteristics of exogenous obesity in children?

Overfeeding, tall for age, generalized fat distribution, no dysmorphic features, normal systems, and normal development.

Assessment of Pediatric Patients

What are some features suggestive of respiratory disease in children?

Cough, difficulty in breathing, rhinorrhoea, dyspnoea, laboured breathing, cyanosis, chest recessions, abnormal respiratory rate, abnormal breath sounds, added sounds

Clinical Features of Growth Disorders

What are some features suggestive of endocrine diseases in children?

Growth and developmental delay, abnormal sexual maturity, metabolic derangements, obesity

Nutritional Impact on Growth

What are some signs and symptoms of a poor diet in children?

Being underweight, overweight or obese, constipation or changes in bowel habits, being pale or lethargic, tooth decay, poor physical growth.

Clinical Features of Growth Disorders

What are some signs of hyperthyroidism in children?

Signs of hyperthyroidism can include feeling jumpy, fast heartbeat, enlarged thyroid, sweat and sleep problems, big appetite with weight loss, wide-eyed stare, and other problems like fainting and looser stool.

Clinical Features of Growth Disorders

What are some clinical features to look for in a child with a butterfly rash?

Look for rashes elsewhere, joint swellings, evidence of haemolytic anaemia, cardiac and pulmonary features, hepatosplenomegaly, and renal involvement.

Clinical Features of Growth Disorders

What are some signs associated with GIT disease?

Features of protein-energy malnutrition and vitamin deficiency signs

Factors Affecting Growth and Development

How does environmental pollution impact human growth and development?

Environmental pollution negatively impacts human growth and development. For example, lead exposure from deteriorated lead-based paint in older housing can harm children by affecting the normal development of the brain and other organs and systems.

Factors Affecting Growth and Development

What are some health issues caused by an unhygienic environment?

An unhygienic environment can promote infections such as diarrhoea, TB, and parasitic diseases, which cause growth retardation.

Clinical Features of Growth Disorders

What are two other potential causes of cyanosis besides cyanotic heart disease?

Respiratory failure and methaemoglobinaemia (rare; unlikely).

Clinical Features of Growth Disorders

What are the features of nephrotic syndrome to look for in a pediatric patient?

Generalized gross oedema.

Assessment of Pediatric Patients

Where will the CHDR reference charts be shown?

The CHDR reference charts will be shown in the ward.

Assessment of Pediatric Patients

What are the different types of treatment in pediatric patient management?

Symptomatic, supportive, specific, management of complications, and long-term management.

Nutritional Impact on Growth

What should parents and caregivers know about preparing food for children?

Parents and caregivers must have good knowledge in preparing clean, tasty, balanced, inexpensive, culturally acceptable, and locally available food.

Clinical Features of Growth Disorders

What are some signs of hypothyroidism in children?

Decreased energy, appearing swollen or puffy, weight gain without increased appetite, decreased growth rate, muscle soreness, constipation or harder stool less often, brittle hair, and dry skin.

Psychosocial Factors Influencing Child Development

What are children very sensitive to in terms of psychosocial stability?

Many factors

Nutritional Impact on Growth

How should children be trained regarding food?

Children must be trained to appreciate quality food, reject junk food, and be grateful for what they are getting.

Clinical Features of Growth Disorders

What are common symptoms of GIT disease?

Nausea, vomiting, loss of appetite (LOA), diarrhoea, constipation

Assessment of Pediatric Patients

What are the purposes of investigations in pediatric patient management?

To confirm diagnosis, find aetiology, determine extent, identify complications, monitor disease, and monitor treatment.

Factors Affecting Growth and Development

What are some potential causes of IUGR?

Placental insufficiency, maternal health issues, and genetic factors.

Growth and Development in Children

What is the relationship between upper segment (US) and lower segment (LS) at birth?

At birth, the upper segment (US) is greater than the lower segment (LS).

Clinical Features of Growth Disorders

What role does genetic testing play in diagnosing short stature with body disproportion?

Genetic testing can help identify specific mutations responsible for conditions like achondroplasia.

Clinical Features of Growth Disorders

How can systemic diseases manifest dermatologically in children?

Systemic diseases can manifest dermatologically in children through symptoms like rashes, lesions, and changes in skin color or texture.

Developmental Milestones in Early Childhood

Why are the first 5 years of life critical for a child?

They are critical for the foundation of the skills which are developed in the following periods of the child’s life.

Psychosocial Factors Influencing Child Development

How can psychological problems impact a child's growth and development?

Psychological problems can hinder a child's growth and development by affecting their mental health and overall well-being.

Developmental Milestones in Early Childhood

What could indicate a cognitive developmental delay?

Indicators include difficulty in learning, thinking, problem-solving, or understanding concepts.

Factors Affecting Growth and Development

What factors can affect growth and development in children?

Factors include genetics, nutrition, environment, and health conditions.

Assessment of Pediatric Patients

What is CHDR?

CHDR stands for Child Health Development Record.

Preventive Health Measures and Immunization

What vaccines are given at 4 months according to the national immunization schedule in Sri Lanka?

Pentavalent 2 (DPT, Hep B, Hib), OPV 2, and IPV (fractional) 2nd dose.

Clinical Features of Growth Disorders

What should you look for as evidence of growth failure?

Malnutrition and dehydration, syndromic features, evidence of chronic illnesses, evidence of neglect/abuse.

Factors Affecting Growth and Development

What are some intrauterine factors that affect growth and development?

Intrauterine factors include maternal diseases, infections, toxins (alcohol, tobacco smoke), pregnancy-related issues such as gestational diabetes, pregnancy-induced hypertension, and maternal psychological effects.

Clinical Features of Growth Disorders

How is short stature with body disproportion typically diagnosed?

Diagnosis often involves clinical evaluation, radiographic imaging, and genetic testing.

Factors Affecting Growth and Development

What social factors contribute to a child's growth and development?

Stable income, supportive relatives and friends, good housing, and a safe environment.

Assessment of Pediatric Patients

How is GH deficiency diagnosed?

GH deficiency is diagnosed through a combination of medical history, physical examination, growth charts, and blood tests to measure growth hormone levels.

Preventive Health Measures and Immunization

Which vaccines are administered at 6 months according to the national immunization schedule in Sri Lanka?

Pentavalent 3 (DPT, Hep B, Hib), OPV 3, and IPV (fractional) 3rd dose.

Developmental Milestones in Early Childhood

What fine motor skill can a child perform at 3 years?

At 3 years, a child can draw circles.

Factors Affecting Growth and Development

What are genetic abnormalities?

Genetic abnormalities are changes or mutations in the DNA sequence that can lead to various health conditions or syndromes.

Factors Affecting Growth and Development

Why is a normal nervous system essential for children?

A normal nervous system is essential for growth and more importantly for development.

Factors Affecting Growth and Development

What can abnormalities and diseases affecting the brain, cranial nerves, spine, and peripheral nerves lead to?

They can lead to various abnormalities in development and growth.

Factors Affecting Growth and Development

Why is early diagnosis and treatment of diseases important for growth and development?

Early diagnosis and treatment are important to maintain normal growth and development.

Preventive Health Measures and Immunization

What is the significance of early detection of health issues in children?

Early detection allows for timely intervention, which can prevent complications and promote better health outcomes.

Wellness and Health Indicators

How does monitoring growth development and wellness contribute to a child's health?

It helps in identifying any deviations from normal growth patterns early, allowing for prompt management and support.

Nutritional Impact on Growth

How can nutritional factors impact a child's growth and development?

Nutritional factors can significantly influence a child's growth and development by providing or lacking essential nutrients needed for proper growth.

Psychosocial Factors Influencing Child Development

How can family dynamics affect a child's development?

Family dynamics, such as the quality of parent-child relationships, parenting styles, and the presence of conflict or support within the family, can significantly impact a child's emotional and social development.

Developmental Milestones in Early Childhood

What is developmental delay?

Developmental delay is when a child does not reach their developmental milestones at the expected times.

Clinical Features of Growth Disorders

What is jaundice?

Jaundice is a condition characterized by the yellowing of the skin and eyes due to high levels of bilirubin in the blood.

Clinical Features of Growth Disorders

What are the common treatments for jaundice in infants?

Common treatments for jaundice in infants include phototherapy and, in severe cases, exchange transfusion.

Developmental Milestones in Early Childhood

What fine motor skill is developed by a baby at 12 months?

At 12 months, a baby shows a mature pincer grasp.

Developmental Milestones in Early Childhood

What fine motor skill can a child perform at 3 years?

At 3 years, a child can draw circles.

Developmental Milestones in Early Childhood

What fine motor skill is developed by a baby at 6 months?

At 6 months, a baby reaches out for objects.

Preventive Health Measures and Immunization

At what age is the D.T and OPV 5th dose given according to the national immunization schedule in Sri Lanka?

At 5 years.

Growth and Development in Children

How do body proportions change with age?

Body proportions change in a predicted manner with age.

Clinical Features of Growth Disorders

What are some potential causes of short stature with body disproportion?

Potential causes include genetic disorders such as achondroplasia and other skeletal dysplasias.

Growth and Development in Children

What is the relationship between upper segment (US) and lower segment (LS) after 10 years of age?

After 10 years of age, the lower segment (LS) is greater than the upper segment (US).

Preventive Health Measures and Immunization

What is the purpose of identifying risk factors in pediatric patients?

To prevent potential health issues by addressing them early.

Clinical Features of Growth Disorders

What treatments are available for GH deficiency?

Treatments typically include regular injections of synthetic growth hormone to stimulate growth and development.

Psychosocial Factors Influencing Child Development

What is essential for a child to develop normally from birth?

A child needs to be treated very carefully, with love and respect, and given full emotional support.

Psychosocial Factors Influencing Child Development

What are some psychosocial factors that can influence child development?

Psychosocial factors that can influence child development include family dynamics, socioeconomic status, parental education, and exposure to stress or trauma.

Growth and Development in Children

What is the meaning of growth in a child?

Growth in a child refers to the physical increase in size, including height, weight, and head circumference.

Developmental Milestones in Early Childhood

What fine motor skill is developed by a baby at 6 months?

At 6 months, a baby reaches out for objects.

Clinical Features of Growth Disorders

What are the potential complications of untreated jaundice?

Untreated jaundice can lead to serious complications such as kernicterus, which can cause brain damage.

Developmental Milestones in Early Childhood

How can early intervention help with developmental delays?

Early intervention can provide support and resources to help children catch up in their development.

Developmental Milestones in Early Childhood

What fine motor skill is shown by a baby at 10 months?

At 10 months, a baby shows an immature pincer grasp.

Developmental Milestones in Early Childhood

What fine motor skill can a baby perform at 18 months?

At 18 months, a baby can hold a cup and drink.

Clinical Features of Growth Disorders

How does Hashimoto’s thyroiditis affect the thyroid gland?

It causes the body to produce antibodies that attack and destroy the thyroid gland, leading to reduced production of thyroid hormone.

Factors Affecting Growth and Development

What is an important protective factor against growth and development failure?

Having healthy parents, siblings, and first-degree relatives with no familial diseases.

Clinical Features of Growth Disorders

What is atopic dermatitis and how does it present in children?

Atopic dermatitis is a chronic skin condition characterized by itchy, inflamed skin, often presenting in children as red, swollen, and cracked skin.

Psychosocial Factors Influencing Child Development

What are some signs of emotional abuse in children?

Excessive fearfulness, extreme behavior (such as aggression or passivity), delayed emotional development, and lack of attachment to the parent or caregiver.

Factors Affecting Growth and Development

How do Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) affect a child's growth and development?

ACEs affect growth and development negatively.

Assessment of Pediatric Patients

How can you obtain information about a pediatric patient from the mother or guardian?

By asking detailed questions about the child's health history, development, and any current concerns.

Psychosocial Factors Influencing Child Development

What impact can exposure to stress or trauma have on a child's development?

Exposure to stress or trauma can lead to emotional and behavioral issues, affect brain development, and increase the risk of mental health disorders, thereby hindering overall development.

Developmental Milestones in Early Childhood

How can speech and language developmental delays manifest?

They can manifest as difficulty in speaking, understanding language, or using words to communicate.

Developmental Milestones in Early Childhood

What fine motor skill can a baby perform at 18 months?

At 18 months, a baby can hold a cup and drink.

Factors Affecting Growth and Development

What is a syndrome in the context of genetics?

A syndrome is a group of symptoms that consistently occur together and are often associated with a particular genetic abnormality.

Clinical Features of Growth Disorders

What are some general examination symptoms suggestive of cardiovascular diseases in children?

Oedema, dyspnoea on exertion, cyanosis, pallor, associated congenital anomalies or syndromic features.

Clinical Features of Growth Disorders

What systemic examination findings might indicate cardiovascular diseases in children?

Abnormal pulse, BP, heart sounds, murmurs, basal crepitations, liver enlargement.

Clinical Features of Growth Disorders

What are common symptoms of GH deficiency in children?

Common symptoms include short stature, increased fat around the waist, delayed tooth development, and delayed puberty.

Psychosocial Factors Influencing Child Development

What behavioral indicators might suggest a child is experiencing abuse?

Sudden changes in behavior, withdrawal from friends or usual activities, anxiety, depression, and unexplained injuries.

Preventive Health Measures and Immunization

Where can the immunization schedule be found?

The immunization schedule is given in the CHDR.

Developmental Milestones in Early Childhood

What fine motor skill can a baby perform at 3 months?

At 3 months, a baby can keep/hold an object given to their hand.

Developmental Milestones in Early Childhood

What fine motor skill is demonstrated by a baby at 7 months?

At 7 months, a baby will transfer a toy from hand to hand.

Developmental Milestones in Early Childhood

What fine motor skill is demonstrated by a child at 2 years?

At 2 years, a child can scribble with a pen.

Developmental Milestones in Early Childhood

What fine motor skill can a baby perform at 3 months?

At 3 months, a baby can keep/hold an object given to their hand.

Developmental Milestones in Early Childhood

What fine motor skill is developed by a child at 2 years?

At 2 years, a child can scribble with a pen.

Factors Affecting Growth and Development

How does a stable marital relationship of the parents influence a child's growth and development?

A stable marital relationship of the parents is very important for growth and development.

Factors Affecting Growth and Development

How can musculoskeletal anomalies impact a child's development?

Musculoskeletal anomalies can give rise to various abnormalities in development as well as growth.

Psychosocial Factors Influencing Child Development

What are some physical signs of child neglect?

Poor hygiene, untreated medical issues, consistent hunger, and inappropriate clothing for weather conditions.

Factors Affecting Growth and Development

How does a stimulating positive environment at home affect a child?

It ensures an optimum psychological background for growth and development.

Preventive Health Measures and Immunization

Why is the prevention of diseases important in children?

Prevention of diseases is important to ensure normal growth and development in children.

Psychosocial Factors Influencing Child Development

What social and emotional problems can affect a child's growth and development?

Social and emotional problems such as physical, mental, and sexual abuse, addiction, violence, and Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) can negatively impact a child's growth and development.

Psychosocial Factors Influencing Child Development

Why is parental education important for child development?

Parental education is important because it often correlates with better parenting practices, higher expectations for academic achievement, and greater access to resources that support a child's development.

Developmental Milestones in Early Childhood

What might be a sign of a motor skills developmental delay?

A sign might be a child not being able to sit, stand, or walk at the expected age.

Developmental Milestones in Early Childhood

How do you assess developmental milestones?

By observing the child's abilities and comparing them to standardized developmental checklists.

Normal Growth Indicators and Growth Curves

What are reference growth curves?

Reference growth curves are standardized charts used to compare a child's growth to a population norm.

Assessment of Pediatric Patients

What are the informations you can get from CHDR?

CHDR provides information on a child's growth measurements, developmental milestones, immunizations, and health screenings.

Factors Affecting Growth and Development

How can chronic diseases affect growth and development?

Chronic diseases can cause growth and developmental errors.

Factors Affecting Growth and Development

How does the involvement of grandparents in child-rearing impact growth and development?

The involvement of grandparents in child-rearing can provide additional support and stability, which is beneficial for growth and development.

Assessment of Pediatric Patients

What are some key aspects to assess in a child with a rash?

Determine if the child is ill or well, describe the lesions, assess the extent of distribution, check if the rash is itchy or non-itchy, identify if it has acute or chronic features, and note if it involves the scalp, mucocutaneous membranes, conjunctiva, palms, and soles. Also, look for systemic features such as fever, pallor, jaundice, and joint involvement.

Preventive Health Measures and Immunization

What is the role of management in addressing health problems in children?

Effective management involves treating existing health issues and implementing strategies to prevent future problems.

Clinical Features of Growth Disorders

What are some physical signs that may indicate child abuse?

Unexplained bruises, burns, fractures, or injuries in various stages of healing.

Clinical Features of Growth Disorders

How can poor hygiene be a sign of neglect in children?

Consistently dirty appearance, severe body odor, or untreated medical issues.

Developmental Milestones in Early Childhood

What are some common areas where developmental delays can occur?

Common areas include motor skills, speech and language, cognitive skills, and social and emotional development.

Clinical Features of Growth Disorders

What causes jaundice in newborns?

Jaundice in newborns is often caused by the immaturity of the liver, which is not yet efficient at processing bilirubin.

Growth and Development in Children

What is meant by 'physical growth'?

Physical growth refers to the increase in size and mass of the body and its organs.

Factors Affecting Growth and Development

What are some potential causes of developmental delays?

Potential causes include genetic factors, complications during pregnancy or birth, and environmental factors.

Developmental Milestones in Early Childhood

What fine motor skill can a baby perform at 7 months?

At 7 months, a baby will transfer a toy from hand to hand.

Preventive Health Measures and Immunization

What vaccines are given at 18 months according to the national immunization schedule in Sri Lanka?

DPT and OPV 4th dose.

Preventive Health Measures and Immunization

When is the adult tetanus and diphtheria (aTd) vaccine administered according to the national immunization schedule in Sri Lanka?

At 11 years.

Factors Affecting Growth and Development

What can cause GH deficiency?

GH deficiency can be caused by genetic mutations, damage to the pituitary gland, or unknown factors.

Clinical Features of Growth Disorders

What are the dermatological signs of psoriasis in children?

Psoriasis in children typically presents as red, scaly patches on the skin, often on the scalp, elbows, and knees.

Factors Affecting Growth and Development

What types of acquired diseases can affect a child's growth and development?

Acquired diseases such as infections, autoimmune diseases, connective tissue diseases, and malignancies can affect a child's growth and development.

Developmental Milestones in Early Childhood

What fine motor skill is demonstrated by a baby at birth?

At birth, a baby demonstrates no deliberate fine motor skills; only reflex movements are seen.

Developmental Milestones in Early Childhood

What are normal developmental milestones?

Normal developmental milestones include specific physical, cognitive, and social skills that most children achieve by certain ages.

Preventive Health Measures and Immunization

Which vaccines are administered at 2 months according to the national immunization schedule in Sri Lanka?

Pentavalent 1 (DPT, Hep B, Hib), OPV 1, and IPV (fractional) 1st dose.

Developmental Milestones in Early Childhood

What fine motor skill is developed by a baby at 12 months?

At 12 months, a baby shows a mature pincer grasp.

Preventive Health Measures and Immunization

Which vaccines are administered at 3 years according to the national immunization schedule in Sri Lanka?

Measles & Rubella (MR) or MMR 2nd dose.

Preventive Health Measures and Immunization

At what age is the B.C.G. vaccine given according to the national immunization schedule in Sri Lanka?

At birth, with a second dose after 6 months up to 5 years if no scar is present.

Preventive Health Measures and Immunization

When is the Live JE vaccine first administered according to the national immunization schedule in Sri Lanka?

At 12 months.

Clinical Features of Growth Disorders

What are storage diseases?

Storage diseases are a group of inherited metabolic disorders characterized by the accumulation of specific substances in various tissues due to enzyme deficiencies.

Clinical Features of Growth Disorders

What are some features suggestive of CNS disease in children?

Headache, neurological signs, developmental delay, syndromic features, macrocephaly or microcephaly, sensory and motor deficits, abnormal reflexes, and abnormalities in higher functions.

Clinical Features of Growth Disorders

What is GH deficiency?

GH deficiency is a condition where the pituitary gland does not produce enough growth hormone, leading to stunted growth and other health issues.

Clinical Features of Growth Disorders

What are some common dermatological diseases in children?

Common dermatological diseases in children include eczema, psoriasis, impetigo, and atopic dermatitis.

Psychosocial Factors Influencing Child Development

How can neglect impact a child's development?

Neglect can lead to developmental delays, emotional issues, poor academic performance, and social difficulties.

Factors Affecting Growth and Development

What are some genetic factors that can affect growth and development in children?

Genetic factors include congenital anomalies of systems.

Psychosocial Factors Influencing Child Development

What should you do if you suspect a child is being abused or neglected?

Report your concerns to local child protective services or law enforcement authorities immediately.

Factors Affecting Growth and Development

How can environmental factors influence a child's growth and development?

Environmental factors, including the child's living conditions and exposure to toxins, can significantly influence their growth and development.

Psychosocial Factors Influencing Child Development

What are some indicators of emotional abuse in children?

Excessive fear of parents or caregivers, extreme behavior (such as overly compliant or demanding), or delayed physical or emotional development.

Growth and Development in Children

What is the meaning of development in children?

Development in children refers to the progression of physical, cognitive, and social skills over time.

Developmental Milestones in Early Childhood

What fine motor skill is shown by a baby at 10 months?

At 10 months, a baby shows an immature pincer grasp.

Wellness and Health Indicators

What are the characteristics of a normal healthy child?

A normal healthy child typically shows consistent growth, meets developmental milestones, and has no significant health issues.

Preventive Health Measures and Immunization

At what age is the first dose of the MMR vaccine given according to the national immunization schedule in Sri Lanka?

At 9 months.

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