What organization reported on neonatal mortality changes worldwide in 2015?
World Health Organization (WHO).
How many beds was Fudan Children’s Hospital initially equipped with?
80 beds.
Neonatal Health Issues

What organization reported on neonatal mortality changes worldwide in 2015?

World Health Organization (WHO).

History and Milestones of Pediatric Medicine in China

How many beds was Fudan Children’s Hospital initially equipped with?

80 beds.

Developmental Stages of Children

What is the age range for the preschool stage?

From 3 years to 6 or 7 years of age.

Developmental Stages of Children

What are the development features during the school stage?

Complete development of all organs and systems except for the genital system.

Infant and Toddler Development

What is a greater requirement during the infantile stage?


Challenges in Pediatric Medicine

What are the main problems faced during the infantile stage?

Dyspepsia, malnutrition, infection, and congenital anomalies.

Goals of Pediatric Medicine

How does pediatric medicine differ from adult medicine?

Pediatric medicine focuses on the unique characteristics of each developmental period rather than treating children as a microcosm of adults.

History and Milestones of Pediatric Medicine in China

When was Fudan Children’s Hospital founded?

In 1952.

Embryonic and Fetal Development

What types of factors can affect the embryonic and fetal stage?

Infection, distress, injury by radiation and chemicals, immunologic disorders, and maternal nutritional disturbances.

History and Milestones of Pediatric Medicine in China

What years mark the period of expansion and modernization for Fudan Children's Hospital?

1990 to 2008.

Developmental Stages of Children

What social-emotional developments occur during the preschool stage?

Curiosity, questioning, and mimicking.

Developmental Stages of Children

What new life environment do children enter during the school stage?

Study and education at school.

History and Milestones of Pediatric Medicine in China

What significant milestone in Pediatrics occurred in China in 1937?

Establishment of the Chinese Pediatric Society.

Developmental Stages of Children

What does Developmental Pediatrics study?

It studies the growth and development of children.

Developmental Stages of Children

What is the age range for the toddler stage?

From 1 year to 3 years of age.

Introduction to Pediatrics

What is the field of pediatrics focused on?

The medical care and treatment of infants, children, and adolescents.

Embryonic and Fetal Development

What can result from the vulnerabilities during the embryonic and fetal stage?

Abortion, dead fetus, preterm birth, intrauterine growth restriction (IUGR), and congenital anomalies.

Goals of Pediatric Medicine

What is one of the primary goals of pediatric medicine?

To improve the quality of health care, prevention, and treatment of diseases.

Embryonic and Fetal Development

What is the embryonic stage?

The period within 8 to 12 weeks of gestation where the fertilized ovum differentiates rapidly into an organism with most gross anatomic features of a human.

Introduction to Pediatrics

What is the field of pediatrics focused on?

The medical care and treatment of infants, children, and adolescents.

History and Milestones of Pediatric Medicine in China

What does the development of Pediatric Medicine in China encompass?

The historical evolution and advancements in the medical care of children in China.

Neonatal Health Issues

How many beds are designated for PICU, CICU, NICU, and EICU?

200 beds.

Embryonic and Fetal Development

What happens during the embryonic stage of development?

The fertilized ovum rapidly differentiates into an organism with most human anatomical features.

Developmental Stages of Children

What is the stage after the neonatal stage?

Infantile Stage.

Challenges in Pediatric Medicine

What is a significant challenge in pediatric medicine related to health care?

Disparities of health care.

Branches and Sub-specialties of Pediatrics

What is Neonatology?

A branch of pediatrics that deals with the medical care of newborns, especially the ill or premature.

Developmental Stages of Children

What is the definition of the adolescent stage for girls?

The period from 10 to 17 or 18 years.

Goals of Pediatric Medicine

What is the tone of the statement?

Positive and proactive.

Developmental Stages of Children

What is required for a newborn to survive independently?

Activation of functions that have been dormant, such as enzymatic, haemostatic, and immunologic functions.

History and Milestones of Pediatric Medicine in China

What is a significant aspect of pediatric medicine in China?

The development of Pediatric Medicine.

Embryonic and Fetal Development

What are the main problems during the embryonic and fetal stage?

Vulnerability to factors like infection, distress, radiation, chemicals, immunologic disorders, and maternal nutritional disturbances.

Developmental Stages of Children

What significant change occurs in the genital system during adolescence?

Rapid development with sexual maturation.

Adolescent Health Challenges

What type of behavior is often seen in adolescents?

Rebellious behavior.

Goals of Pediatric Medicine

Why are neonatal, infantile, and under-5 mortality rates important?

They are key indicators for socio-economic status and civilization.

Challenges in Pediatric Medicine

What are some main problems faced during the preschool stage?

Accidents, behavior problems, communicable diseases, and anxieties such as fear of separation.

Challenges in Pediatric Medicine

What are some main problems faced during the school stage?

Behavior problems, caries of the teeth, myopia, and sexual precocity.

Infant and Toddler Development

What are the weaknesses in infants during the infantile stage?

Weak digestion and immunity functions.

Developmental Stages of Children

What is a key characteristic of physical growth during the toddler stage?

Slower rate of physical growth.

Goals of Pediatric Medicine

What key indicators are directly related to the development of pediatric medicine?

Neonatal, infant, and under-five mortality rates.

Developmental Stages of Children

What does pediatric development encompass?

The features of development in children at various ages.

Neonatal Health Issues

What are some main problems faced during the neonatal stage?

Hypothermia, infection, jaundice, inborn metabolic errors, and congenital anomalies.

Introduction to Pediatrics

How does the WHO define health?

A state of complete physical, mental, and social well-being, not merely the absence of disease or infirmity.

Developmental Stages of Children

What are the key physical development features during the preschool stage?

Steady gain in weight and height.

Developmental Stages of Children

What stage follows the preschool stage?

School Stage.

Challenges in Pediatric Medicine

What issues are more common in developed countries regarding pediatric health?

Chronic illness, disability, psychosocial and behavioral problems.

Goals of Pediatric Medicine

What is the main aspiration expressed in the statement?

A wish for a better life.

Developmental Stages of Children

What are the various age stages of child development covered in pediatric medicine?

Fetal, neonatal, infantile, toddler, preschool, school, and adolescent.

History and Milestones of Pediatric Medicine in China

Who was the first president of Fudan Children’s Hospital?

Prof. CHEN Cui-zhen.

Goals of Pediatric Medicine

How does pediatric medicine aim to support children's development?

By optimizing children's physical, cognitive, and socio-emotional development.

Embryonic and Fetal Development

What characterizes the fetal stage?

It occurs after the embryonic stage until birth, distinguished by rapid growth and elaboration of function.

Developmental Stages of Children

What is the first stage of development from conception?

Embryonic and Fetal Stage.

Developmental Stages of Children

What is the final stage of development before adulthood?

Adolescent Stage.

Branches and Sub-specialties of Pediatrics

What does Management of Diseases in Pediatrics involve?

It involves the treatment and care strategies for various pediatric diseases.

Developmental Stages of Children

What type of cognitive development occurs in toddlers?

Rapid cognitive development, including being highly imitative and increasingly responsive to others.

Developmental Stages of Children

What are the key features of development in children?

Physical, cognitive, emotional, and social development at various ages.

Neonatal Health Issues

How many beds are equipped in the current campus of CHFU?

1000 beds.

Branches and Sub-specialties of Pediatrics

How many departments and divisions of subspecialties does CHFU have?

50 departments and divisions.

History and Milestones of Pediatric Medicine in China

What is the current period in the history of Fudan Children's Hospital starting from 2008?

The ongoing development and advancements in pediatric care.

Developmental Stages of Children

What stage comes after the infantile stage?

Toddler’s Stage.

Infant and Toddler Development

What characterizes the development features during the infantile stage?

A rapid process of physical growth and physiological development.

Infant and Toddler Development

What emotional development occurs during the infantile stage?

Establishment of emotional and social bonds with the mother.

Goals of Pediatric Medicine

What role is implied in the statement regarding achieving a better life?

To make it happen.

Goals of Pediatric Medicine

What is the primary object of pediatric service?

A growing and developing organism.

Neonatal Health Issues

What is the focus of the WHO report mentioned?

Changes in neonatal mortality worldwide.

Developmental Stages of Children

What is a key characteristic of the adolescent stage?

Development features including a growth spurt.

History and Milestones of Pediatric Medicine in China

What significant period in the history of Fudan Children's Hospital is marked from 1954 to 2008?

The establishment and development of the hospital.

Goals of Pediatric Medicine

What does pediatric medicine aim to decrease?

Morbidity and mortality rates, including neonatal, infantile, and under-5 mortality.

Developmental Stages of Children

What is the school stage defined as?

The period from 6 or 7 years to adolescence, starting at 10 in girls and 12 in boys.

Challenges in Pediatric Medicine

What type of diseases are prevalent in most countries affecting pediatric health?

Infectious diseases.

Branches and Sub-specialties of Pediatrics

What is the focus of Preventive Pediatrics?

The focus is on preventing diseases and promoting health in children.

Goals of Pediatric Medicine

What is the goal of the Global Initiative regarding under-five mortality?

To reduce under-five mortality by two thirds.

Developmental Stages of Children

What is the definition of the adolescent stage for boys?

The period from 12 to 18 or 20 years.

Developmental Stages of Children

What is the neonatal stage?

The period from birth to 28 days of age.

Neonatal Health Issues

In what year did the WHO report on neonatal mortality changes worldwide?


Adolescent Health Challenges

What are some main problems faced during adolescence?

Psychological, psychiatric, behavioral issues, nutrition, and accidents.

Goals of Pediatric Medicine

What certification does CHFU hold?

Certified as National Children’s Medical Center.

Developmental Stages of Children

What stage follows the embryonic and fetal stage?

Neonatal Stage.

Infant and Toddler Development

What is the definition of the infantile stage?

The period from birth to 12 months of age.

Challenges in Pediatric Medicine

What factors influence child health outcomes?

The interplay between environmental influences and factors intrinsic to the child.

Challenges in Pediatric Medicine

What are some main problems faced by toddlers?

Communicable diseases, accidents, and poisoning.

Embryonic and Fetal Development

How long does the embryonic stage last?

From 8 to 12 weeks of gestation.

Developmental Stages of Children

What is the stage for children aged 3 to 5 years?

Preschool Stage.

Branches and Sub-specialties of Pediatrics

What is Clinical Pediatrics?

A branch of pediatric medicine focused on the diagnosis and treatment of diseases in children.

Challenges in Pediatric Medicine

What types of disorders are considered challenges in pediatric medicine?

Congenital and genetic disorders.

Adolescent Health Challenges

What does Adolescent Medicine focus on?

It focuses on the health care of adolescents and the unique challenges they face.

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