What are the rights of an outgoing partner?
An outgoing partner may carry on a business competing with that of the firm, but cannot use the firm name, represent himself as carrying on the business of the firm, or solicit the customers of the partnership firm.
What does it mean when two persons are only sharing profit?
It means that they are not necessarily partners; for example, joint owners sharing returns from a property do not become partners.
Rights of Outgoing Partners

What are the rights of an outgoing partner?

An outgoing partner may carry on a business competing with that of the firm, but cannot use the firm name, represent himself as carrying on the business of the firm, or solicit the customers of the partnership firm.

Rights of Outgoing Partners

What does it mean when two persons are only sharing profit?

It means that they are not necessarily partners; for example, joint owners sharing returns from a property do not become partners.

Rights and Liabilities of Minors in Partnership

What is the role of a minor in a partnership according to Section 30?

A minor can become a partner for the benefits of the partnership with the consent of all partners, and an agreement must be executed through his guardian.

Election on Majority for Minors

What are the consequences if a minor elects to become a partner?

If a minor elects to become a partner, his rights and liabilities will be similar to those of a full-fledged partner, and he will be personally liable for acts of the firm since his admission.

Sale of Goodwill

What rights does a seller have after selling goodwill?

The seller may enter into competition with the purchaser unless a valid restraint clause in the contract of sale prevents it.

Settlement of Accounts on Dissolution

What is the order of payment in Settlement of Accounts on Dissolution?

Losses are paid first out of undistributed profits, then out of capital, and lastly by partners individually in the profit-sharing ratio, with assets applied to pay outside creditors, repay advances, repay capital, and divide any remaining amount.

Rights and Liabilities of Minors in Partnership

What rights does a minor have in a partnership firm?

A minor has the right to share profits, share property, inspect accounts, and take copies of accounts, but is not personally liable.

Modes of Dissolution of a Firm

What triggers Dissolution on the happenings of certain contingencies?

A firm is dissolved if constituted for a fixed term by the expiry of that term, by the completion of one or more adventures, by the death of a partner, or by the adjudication of a partner as insolvent.

Effect of Dissolution

What is the Continuing liability of partners?

The liability of partners continues until public notice of dissolution is given and remains for all things necessary for winding up the business, allowing partners to complete unfinished transactions.

Registration of the Firm

What details are required for the registration of a firm?

The registration requires a statement containing the name of the firm, place of business, names of other business locations, date when each partner joined, full names and permanent addresses of partners, and the duration of the firm.

Consequences of Non-Registration

What are the consequences of non-registration of a firm?

Consequences include that a partner cannot sue the partnership firm for claims, the firm cannot sue third parties for debts arising from contracts, and no partner can file a suit against other partners. However, third parties can file suits against the firm to enforce their rights.

Suits for Libel or Slander

What does libel or slander against a firm signify?

Libel or slander against a firm means a libel or slander of its partners, and any partner or individual may file the suit.

Effect of Dissolution

What is the Right to Return of Premium?

A new partner who pays a premium to enter an existing firm is entitled to demand a return of a proportion of the premium upon dissolution if the partnership was for a fixed term and dissolved early, except in cases of agreement, misconduct, or death of a partner.

Modes of Dissolution of a Firm

What is Dissolution by notice of partnership at will?

In a partnership at will, any partner may dissolve the firm by giving written notice to all other partners, effective from the date mentioned in the notice or from the date of communication if no date is mentioned.

Effect of Dissolution

What happens in case of Loss due to insolvency of partners?

If a partner is insolvent and cannot contribute to the deficiency, solvent partners will only contribute their share of the deficiency in cash, and available assets will be distributed among them in proportion to their capital.

Consequences of Non-Registration

What types of suits can be filed even if a firm is not registered?

Suits that can be filed include a suit for dissolution of a firm, rendering of accounts of a dissolved firm, realization of property of a dissolved firm, claims of set-off not exceeding one hundred rupees, and realization of property of an insolvent partner.

Sale of Goodwill

What rights does a buyer have in the sale of goodwill?

The buyer has the right to represent himself in continuing the business, use the firm name, and solicit former customers, while restricting the seller from doing so.

Election on Majority for Minors

What happens when a minor attains majority regarding partnership?

Upon attaining majority, the minor may give public notice within six months to elect to become a partner or not; failure to do so results in automatic partnership.

Sale of Goodwill

How is the Sale of Goodwill handled?

When goodwill is sold, its value is divided among the partners in the same manner as they share profits and losses.

Effect of Dissolution

What is the Continuing authority of partners?

The authority of the partners continues even after dissolution as long as necessary to wind up the business, allowing each partner to have an equitable lien over the firm’s assets to pay debts and receive amounts due.

Modes of Dissolution of a Firm

What is Compulsory dissolution?

A firm is dissolved if all the partners or all but one partner are insolvent, or by the happening of any event that makes the business unlawful.

Modes of Dissolution of a Firm

What are the grounds for Dissolution by the court?

The court may direct dissolution if a partner has become of unsound mind, is permanently incapable of performing duties, is guilty of conduct affecting business, commits persistent breaches of agreements, or transfers their interest in the firm.

Suits for Libel or Slander

What is the implication of a firm in a suit for libel or slander?

A firm is merely a collection of partners and cannot bring a suit for libel or slander; such actions must be taken by the partners themselves.

Modes of Dissolution of a Firm

What is Dissolution by agreement?

A firm may be dissolved with the consent of all partners or in accordance with a contract between the parties.

Election on Majority for Minors

What happens if a minor does not elect to become a partner?

If a minor does not elect to become a partner, his rights and liabilities remain those of a minor, and he can sue for his share of the property.

Rights of Outgoing Partners

What options does an outgoing partner have regarding profits after leaving the firm?

The outgoing partner is entitled to either a share of the profits made since he ceased to be a partner or to interest at 6% per annum on the amount of his share in the property of the firm.

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