What is an example of a technical safeguard?
Encryption of electronic health information.
What are the three levels of security in the hospital information system?
Administrative, Physical, and Technical.
Ethics in Health Informatics and Patient Privacy

What is an example of a technical safeguard?

Encryption of electronic health information.

Ethics in Health Informatics and Patient Privacy

What are the three levels of security in the hospital information system?

Administrative, Physical, and Technical.

Ethics in Health Informatics and Patient Privacy

What is one requirement of the HIPAA Security Rule?

Ensure the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of all electronic Protected Health Information (e-PHI).

Mission, Vision, and Core Values of Educational Institutions

What moral direction does a value statement create?

It guides decision-making and creates a yardstick against any action.

Ethics in Health Informatics and Patient Privacy

What is the primary reason for protecting privacy and confidentiality in health information systems?

It is a right of all people that merits respect without needing to be earned, argued, or defended.

Primary Health Care Principles and Objectives

What are the primary health care units?

Rural health units, chest clinics, malaria eradication units, schistosomiasis control, puericulture centers, tuberculosis clinics, private clinics, community hospitals, and health centers operated by various organizations.

Vision and Mission Statements: Definitions and Importance

What is the vision of the Department of Health (DOH) for Filipinos by 2022?

Filipinos are among the healthiest people in Southeast Asia.

Ethics in Health Informatics and Patient Privacy

What should precede the use of informatics tools in patient care?

Adequate training and instruction, including review of applicable product evaluations.

Primary Health Care Principles and Objectives

What does the management of primary health care emphasize?

Equitable distribution of health care.

Ethics in Health Informatics and Patient Privacy

What does HIPAA stand for?

Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996.

Primary Health Care Principles and Objectives

What characterizes secondary health care units?

Smaller, non-departmentalized hospitals offering services for symptomatic stages of disease requiring moderately specialized knowledge.

Philippine Health Care System and Historical Developments

What does NEDA AmBisyon Natin 2040 envision?

A better life for all Filipinos over the next 25 years.

Ethics in Health Informatics and Patient Privacy

Who has obligations to protect privacy and confidentiality in health information systems?

System designers, maintenance personnel, administrators, physicians, nurses, and other users of the information system.

Primary Health Care Principles and Objectives

What is the goal of organizing integrated and seamless care in a health system?

To link prevention, acute care, and chronic care across all components of the health systems.

Ethics in Health Informatics and Patient Privacy

What is a key function of technological security tools in health care information systems?

Availability of accurate and up-to-date information.

Laboratory Information System Workflow and Safeguards

What does the analyzer do with the results?

It produces the results and sends them to the LIS.

Vision and Mission Statements: Definitions and Importance

What is the definition of a vision statement?

A one-sentence statement describing the distinct and motivating long-term desired transformation resulting from an institutional program.

Health Care System Overview and Definitions

What does 'responsiveness' in a health system entail?

Providing satisfactory health services and engaging people as active partners.

Primary Health Care Principles and Objectives

What is the purpose of planning in primary health care?

To set direction and determine what needs to be accomplished.

Laboratory Information System Workflow and Safeguards

Where can physicians view the results?

On the CIS screen.

Types of Educational Institutions: Formal and Informal

What is a key feature of informal educational institutions?

Learning independently outside of the conventional classroom.

Management Principles in Relation to Organizing

What does responsibility refer to in a management setting?

The duty of the employee to perform the assigned tasks and activities.

Ethics in Health Informatics and Patient Privacy

What is ethics also known as?

Moral philosophy.

Ethics in Health Informatics and Patient Privacy

What is the purpose of accountability in health information systems?

To ensure healthcare providers are responsible for their access to and use of information based on a legitimate need and right to know.

Ethics in Health Informatics and Patient Privacy

Who should use most clinical systems?

Professionals qualified to address the question at hand based on their licensure and clinical training.

Primary Health Care Principles and Objectives

What is a key aspect of staffing in primary health care management?

Acquiring and retaining human resources.

Ethics in Health Informatics and Patient Privacy

What is the purpose of access controls in health IT?

To restrict access to authorized computer accounts.

Objectives and SMART Criteria in Education

What does the SMART criteria stand for?

Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic, Time-bound.

Health Care System Overview and Definitions

What is the purpose of health care delivery?

To render health care service to people.

Health Care System Overview and Definitions

What does health financing involve?

Raising and pooling resources to pay for health services.

Philippine Health Care System and Historical Developments

What was the purpose of the Health Sector Reform Agenda in 1996?

To restructure the DOH for improved healthcare delivery, regulation, and financing.

Ethics in Health Informatics and Patient Privacy

What is the importance of data protection in health informatics?

It relates to non-maleficence, ensuring that no harm comes from data misuse.

Health Care System Overview and Definitions

What is essential for well-managed pharmaceutical services?

Education on the proper use of medication.

Vision and Mission Statements: Definitions and Importance

What is the mission of the DOH?

To lead the country in the development of a productive, resilient, equitable, and people-centered health care system.

Laboratory Information System Workflow and Safeguards

Who can view the results before they are released for general viewing?

Only the technologists.

Ethics in Health Informatics and Patient Privacy

How is access controlled in health information systems?

By enabling access for healthcare providers only to information essential for their jobs and limiting temptation to access beyond legitimate needs.

Building Blocks of Health Care Systems

What factors influence the categories of health workers among countries?

Available health manpower resources, local health needs and problems, and political and financial feasibility.

Ethics in Health Informatics and Patient Privacy

What does patient autonomy refer to?

Allowing individuals to make their own decisions in response to societal context.

Laboratory Information System Workflow and Safeguards

How are tests ordered in the laboratory information system?

Physician orders are entered into the CIS and electronically sent to the LIS.

Primary Health Care Principles and Objectives

What does controlling involve in the management of primary health care?

Monitoring staff activities and performance and taking corrective actions.

Health Care System Overview and Definitions

What are the essential inputs for health service delivery?

Policymakers, human resources (medical doctors, hospital personnel), supply of medicines, and medical equipment.

Health Care System Overview and Definitions

How does the public health system primarily finance itself?

Through general taxation.

Management Principles in Relation to Organizing

What is line authority?

Authority where managers issue orders to their subordinates and are responsible for the results.

Primary Health Care Principles and Objectives

What is one objective to sustain primary health care?

Improvement in the level of health care of the community.

Ethics in Health Informatics and Patient Privacy

What does perimeter identification involve?

Knowing and controlling the boundaries of trusted access to the information system, both physically and logically.

Ethics in Health Informatics and Patient Privacy

What are the three main aspects of health informatics?

Healthcare, informatics, and software.

Health Care System Overview and Definitions

What are some values embodied in a responsive health system?

Respectfulness, dignity, confidentiality, autonomy, quality, and timeliness.

Philippine Health Care System and Historical Developments

What is the purpose of the Sustainable Developmental Goals 2030?

To end poverty, fight inequality and injustice, and confront climate change issues.

Primary Health Care Principles and Objectives

What role do intermediate health workers play?

They provide professional health care and support to front-line health workers.

Objectives and SMART Criteria in Education

What is one objective of the CMT program?

To develop the dexterity of the students in the technical procedures of medical technology.

Health Care System Overview and Definitions

How does the health care system define its components?

As a combination of resources, organization, financing, and management that deliver health services.

Management Principles in Relation to Organizing

What does centralization refer to in an organization?

The concentration of planning and decision-making at the top of the organization.

Ethics in Health Informatics and Patient Privacy

What is the first ethical principle regarding computer programs in clinical practice?

A computer program should be used only after appropriate evaluation of its efficacy and documentation of its performance.

Ethics in Health Informatics and Patient Privacy

What type of safeguard includes office alarm systems?

Physical safeguards.

Primary Health Care Principles and Objectives

What defines tertiary health care units?

Medical centers and large hospitals offering highly technological and sophisticated services for serious health threats.

Types of Educational Institutions: Formal and Informal

What are the two types of educational institutions?

Formal and Informal.

Types of Educational Institutions: Formal and Informal

What characterizes a formal educational institution?

A conventional classroom setup administered by a governing body with a structured learning method.

Laboratory Information System Workflow and Safeguards

What is one of the administrative safeguards for the LIS?

Continuous employee training on the use of LIS.

Primary Health Care Principles and Objectives

What is a principle of primary health care regarding technology?

Use of approachable technology that is accessible, affordable, feasible, and culturally appropriate.

Vision and Mission Statements: Definitions and Importance

What is TUA’s vision statement?

A Premiere Christian University in Asia and the Pacific, transforming a community of learners into leaders towards a humane society.

Health Care System Overview and Definitions

What is the Beveridge Model of health care?

A model where public hospitals are funded by taxes and bills are paid by the government (e.g., UK).

Philippine Health Care System and Historical Developments

What did the Fourmula One (F1) for Health initiative in 2005 aim to achieve?

To undertake health system reforms with speed and precision.

Health Care System Overview and Definitions

What is the role of the health workforce?

To achieve the best health outcomes by being responsive, fair, and efficient.

Ethics in Health Informatics and Patient Privacy

What is an example of an administrative safeguard?

Continual risk assessment of the health IT environment.

Philippine Health Care System and Historical Developments

What is the focus of the Philippine Developmental Plan 2017-2022?

To translate the vision of a stable, comfortable, and secure life for Filipinos.

Ethics in Health Informatics and Patient Privacy

What is the purpose of the Health Privacy Code implementing the Joint A.O 2016-0002?

To allow different applications to exchange data without loss of semantics and enable effective communication among health facilities.

Ethics in Health Informatics and Patient Privacy

What are the characteristics of valid informed consent?

Competence, amount and accuracy of information, patient understanding, and voluntariness.

Ethics in Health Informatics and Patient Privacy

Why is employee training important in administrative safeguards?

To appropriately protect electronic health information.

Health Care System Overview and Definitions

What is health service provision?

The most visible product of the healthcare system aimed at improving the wellness of the population.

Health Care System Overview and Definitions

What is the role of stewardship in health systems?

To set direction, context, and policy framework for overall health systems.

Health Care System Overview and Definitions

What is risk pooling in health care?

A form of risk management that spreads financial risks from an individual to all pool members.

Primary Health Care Principles and Objectives

What is included in the essential elements of primary health care?

Maternal and child health care including family planning.

Ethics in Health Informatics and Patient Privacy

What measures should be taken to ensure data security?

All collected data must be protected against loss, unauthorized destruction, and modification.

Primary Health Care Principles and Objectives

What principles does a health system based on primary health care build upon?

Equity, universal access, community participation, and intersectoral approaches.

Health Care System Overview and Definitions

What is the primary role of the Department of Health (DOH) in the Philippines?

To oversee the health care, public health, and medical needs and requirements of the Filipino.

Laboratory Information System Workflow and Safeguards

What can the LIS be programmed to flag?

Certain results, such as critical values.

Mission, Vision, and Core Values of Educational Institutions

What are TUA's core values?

Integrity, Excellence, Teamwork, Innovation, and Social Responsibility.

Laboratory Information System Workflow and Safeguards

What is the first step in the laboratory information flow for a hospital patient?

Registering the patient and creating their records in the LIS.

Health Care System Overview and Definitions

What does the health care system refer to?

An organized plan of health services.

Vision and Mission Statements: Definitions and Importance

What should a vision statement be like?

Clear, memorable, and concise, averaging 14 words in length.

Laboratory Information System Workflow and Safeguards

How is the status of samples updated in the laboratory?

By scanning each sample container's barcode ID into the LIS to change its status from 'collected' to 'received.'

Philippine Health Care System and Historical Developments

What significant health policy was adopted in 1979 in the Philippines?

The Primary Health Care System (LOI 949).

Management Principles in Relation to Organizing

What is functional authority?

Authority given to managers that have power only over a specific set of activities.

Primary Health Care Principles and Objectives

What does the principle of primary health care emphasize?

Health systems based on primary health care should always be emphasized.

Management Principles in Relation to Organizing

What is formalization in management?

Written documentation provided for the direct control of employees.

Ethics in Health Informatics and Patient Privacy

What is the fundamental right related to information privacy?

All persons have the right to control over the collection, storage, access, and disposition of their data.

Ethics in Health Informatics and Patient Privacy

What does health informatics study?

The effective use of biomedical data, information, and knowledge for scientific inquiry, problem-solving, and decision-making.

Philippine Health Care System and Historical Developments

What does the Philippine Health Agenda guarantee?

Population and individual-level interventions for all life stages, access to health interventions, and financial freedom through Universal Health Insurance.

Ethics in Health Informatics and Patient Privacy

What does the Philippines Data Privacy Act of 2012 aim to protect?

Individual personal information in information and communications systems in both government and private sectors.

Primary Health Care Principles and Objectives

What is the definition of primary health care?

Essential health care made universally accessible and acceptable through full participation at a cost the community and country can afford.

Primary Health Care Principles and Objectives

What is the Alma-Alta Declaration focused on?

The attainment of the highest possible level of health as a worldwide social goal.

Primary Health Care Principles and Objectives

What is the function of first-line hospital personnel?

To provide backup health services for cases requiring hospitalization and to establish contact with intermediate health care workers.

Philippine Health Care System and Historical Developments

What did the Generics Act (RA 6675) of 1988 promote?

The writing of prescriptions using the generic name of drugs.

Health Care System Overview and Definitions

What is the core function of health insurance companies?

Risk pooling.

Philippine Health Care System and Historical Developments

What is the goal of the Universal Health Care (UHC) Law (RA 11223) enacted in 2019?

To automatically enroll all Filipino citizens in the National Health Insurance Program.

Philippine Health Care System and Historical Developments

What is the main goal of the Philippine Health Agenda?

To ensure 'All for Health towards Health for All'.

Mission, Vision, and Core Values of Educational Institutions

What is a value statement in an educational institution?

A list of fundamental doctrines that guide and direct the institution and its beliefs.

Vision and Mission Statements: Definitions and Importance

What is the purpose of a mission statement?

To relate to the intention of an institution's existence, answering 'What do you do?' or 'Who do you do this for?'

Ethics in Health Informatics and Patient Privacy

What is the role of information systems in healthcare?

To assist in the dispensation of healthcare and other supplementary services.

Health Care System Overview and Definitions

What is the definition of fairly financed health systems according to WHO?

A system that does not deter individuals from receiving needed care due to payments required at the time of service.

Health Care System Overview and Definitions

What is the primary role of the Health Financing System?

To fund health care services and ensure access when needed.

Laboratory Information System Workflow and Safeguards

What is a physical safeguard mentioned for the laboratory?

Periodic maintenance of laboratory equipment.

Vision and Mission Statements: Definitions and Importance

What does the mission statement define?

The key measure of the institution’s success.

Health Care System Overview and Definitions

What is the National Health Insurance Model?

A model where private hospitals are funded by taxes and bills are paid by the government (e.g., Canada).

Philippine Health Care System and Historical Developments

What does Kalusugang Pangkalahatan (Universal Health Care) provide?

Universal health coverage and access to quality health care for all Filipinos.

Health Care System Overview and Definitions

What is one of the goals of a health care system?

Improving the health of populations by protecting them from existing and emerging health risks.

Laboratory Information System Workflow and Safeguards

What happens to unflagged results?

They are usually reviewed and released at the same time.

Laboratory Information System Workflow and Safeguards

How does the LIS help reduce the workload of technologists?

By automatically reviewing and releasing normal results or results within a certain range.

Management Principles in Relation to Organizing

What is authority in the context of management?

The formal and legitimate right of a manager to issue orders, make decisions, and allocate resources to achieve desired outcomes.

Ethics in Health Informatics and Patient Privacy

How must electronic health records (EHR) respect patient autonomy?

By maintaining respect for patient autonomy while balancing the quality of patient records.

Laboratory Information System Workflow and Safeguards

What happens before the blood sample is collected?

The LIS prints a list of patients whose blood samples need to be drawn along with barcode labels for each test order.

Philippine Health Care System and Historical Developments

What is the Philippine health care system?

A complex set of organizations interacting to provide an array of health services in the Philippines.

Objectives and SMART Criteria in Education

What questions does the developing statement address?

When do we want to reach success? Where do we want to go forward? How do we want to do it?

Management Principles in Relation to Organizing

What is decentralization?

The delegation of planning and decision-making to the lower branches of the organization.

Philippine Health Care System and Historical Developments

What is the Philippine Health Care System?

A complex set of organizations interacting to provide an array of health services in the Philippines.

Ethics in Health Informatics and Patient Privacy

What is the significance of comprehensibility and control in health information systems?

To ensure that record owners, data stewards, and patients understand and have effective control over aspects of information privacy and access.

Ethics in Health Informatics and Patient Privacy

What is the role of security guards in physical safeguards?

To protect locations containing sensitive information.

Philippine Health Care System and Historical Developments

What was established by the National Health Insurance Act (RA 7875) in 1995?

A national health insurance mechanism for financial protection, prioritizing the poor.

Management Principles in Relation to Organizing

What does staffing involve?

Assignment of individuals to responsible positions identified in a management plan.

Health Care System Overview and Definitions

What is the purpose of a Health Information System?

To analyze, disseminate, and use reliable and relevant information on health status, determinants, and system performance.

Ethics in Health Informatics and Patient Privacy

What is the principle of least intrusive alternative?

Any infringement of privacy rights should occur in the least intrusive manner possible.

Philippine Health Care System and Historical Developments

What are the four focus areas of NEDA AmBisyon Natin 2040?

No one is poor, promoting long and healthy life, becoming smarter and more innovative, and building a high-trust society.

Primary Health Care Principles and Objectives

What is the importance of community participation in primary health care?

To ensure an adequate number of trained health care professionals are distributed.

Health Care System Overview and Definitions

What is the responsibility of the Department of Health (DOH) in the Philippines?

To formulate national policies, guidelines, standards, and programs for health care.

Primary Health Care Principles and Objectives

What is one key element for better primary health care?

Universal coverage to reduce exclusion and social disparities in health.

Primary Health Care Principles and Objectives

What is an essential element of primary health care related to education?

Education concerning prevailing health problems and methods of identifying, preventing, and controlling them.

Philippine Health Care System and Historical Developments

What was the impact of the Local Government Code (RA 7160) in 1991?

It transferred the responsibility of providing health services to local government units.

Ethics in Health Informatics and Patient Privacy

How is beneficence related to electronic health records (EHR)?

It relates to the use of stored data in the EHR system.

Ethics in Health Informatics and Patient Privacy

What does the principle of openness entail?

Information must be disclosed in an appropriate and timely manner to the subjects of that data.

Objectives and SMART Criteria in Education

What are educational objectives?

Short statements that learners should achieve within or at the end of a course or lesson.

Health Care System Overview and Definitions

What are the mechanisms for revenue collection in health care?

General taxation, direct household out-of-pocket expenditures, mandatory payroll contributions, risk-rated contributions, donor financing, and personal savings.

Laboratory Information System Workflow and Safeguards

What is a technical safeguard for user access in the LIS?

Automated identity confirmation procedures for users requesting access.

Laboratory Information System Workflow and Safeguards

What happens after long periods of inactivity in the LIS?

There is an automatic log-off.

Primary Health Care Principles and Objectives

What is a principle of primary health care regarding integration?

Primary healthcare is integrated into a larger whole and informs the functioning of the overall system.

Health Care System Overview and Definitions

What does service delivery refer to in health care?

Timely delivery of quality and cost-effective personal and non-personal health services.

Ethics in Health Informatics and Patient Privacy

What is the difference between privacy and confidentiality?

Privacy relates to individuals' aversion to eavesdropping, while confidentiality concerns unintended disclosure of information.

Primary Health Care Principles and Objectives

Who are village or grassroots health workers?

First contacts of the community performing simple curative and preventive health care measures.

Ethics in Health Informatics and Patient Privacy

What does auditing of health IT operations help ensure?

The effectiveness of security measures.

Building Blocks of Health Care Systems

What are the six important building blocks of the health care system according to WHO?

Service Delivery, Human Resource, Medicines and Technology, Financing, Information, Leadership and Governance.

Ethics in Health Informatics and Patient Privacy

What do beneficence and non-maleficence mean in health informatics?

Beneficence means 'do good' and non-maleficence means 'do no harm'.

Philippine Health Care System and Historical Developments

What are the responsibilities of the Department of Health (DOH) in the Philippines?

Formulation of national health policies, issuance of rules and regulations, promulgation of health standards, and development of special health programs.

Management Principles in Relation to Organizing

What is accountability in management?

The means of reporting and justification of task outcomes to higher management by those with authority.

Laboratory Information System Workflow and Safeguards

What occurs when a sample is run in the laboratory?

The sample is loaded onto the analyzer, which reads the barcode and knows which tests to perform based on the test order from the LIS.

Management Principles in Relation to Organizing

What is staff authority?

Authority given to specialists in their areas of expertise, where they advise, recommend, and counsel.

Health Care System Overview and Definitions

What characterizes the Bismarck Model?

Private hospitals where bills are paid by insurers and funded by individuals and employers (e.g., Germany).

Philippine Health Care System and Historical Developments

What does the Universally Accessible Cheaper and Quality Medicines Act (RA 9502) of 2008 promote?

Access to affordable quality drugs and medicines for all.

Ethics in Health Informatics and Patient Privacy

What is accountability in the context of privacy rights?

Any violation of privacy rights must be justified to the affected individuals in a timely manner.

Philippine Health Care System and Historical Developments

Who leads and governs the health care system in the Philippines?

The Department of Health (DOH).

Vision and Mission Statements: Definitions and Importance

What is the time focus of a vision statement?


Health Care System Overview and Definitions

What does the Out-of-Pocket Model entail?

Private hospitals where bills are paid and funded by individuals (e.g., US uninsured population).

Ethics in Health Informatics and Patient Privacy

What rights do subjects of electronic health records have?

They have the right to access and correct their records for accuracy, completeness, and relevance.

Health Care System Overview and Definitions

What is strategic purchasing in health care?

Using collected funds and pooled financial resources to finance health care services for members.

Ethics in Health Informatics and Patient Privacy

How does software ethics impact end-users?

Activities by software developers can significantly affect end-users, necessitating ethical considerations.

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