What is the function of the Primary Motor Cortex?
It is responsible for voluntary movement and is located within the precentral gyrus (Brodmann Area 4).
What is the function of Wernicke's Area?
Language comprehension and music comprehension, located in the posterior part of Brodmann Area 22.
Frontal Lobe Functions

What is the function of the Primary Motor Cortex?

It is responsible for voluntary movement and is located within the precentral gyrus (Brodmann Area 4).

Temporal Lobe Functions

What is the function of Wernicke's Area?

Language comprehension and music comprehension, located in the posterior part of Brodmann Area 22.

Central Sulcus and Gyrus Functions

What is located posterior to the Central Sulcus?

Postcentral gyrus, specialized for Primary Sensory processing (Brodmann Areas 1, 2, 3).

Parietal Lobe Functions

What is the primary function of the Primary Somatosensory Cortex?

Initial processing of tactile and proprioceptive information, located in the postcentral gyrus (Brodmann Areas 1, 2, 3).

Limbic System Structures and Functions

What are the main structures of the Limbic System?

Cingulate gyrus (reward), hippocampus (memory consolidation), amygdala (fear), fornix (memory output), and mammillary bodies (memory, learning).

Brodmann Areas and Their Significance

What defines a Brodmann area?

A region of the cortex defined based on its cytoarchitecture, or organization/structure of cells.

Parietal Lobe Functions

What is the role of the Inferior Parietal Lobule (IPL)?

Involved in language comprehension, reading, and writing.

Occipital Lobe Functions

What is the primary function of the Primary Visual Cortex?

Responsible for processing orientation, spatial frequency, and color, located along the calcarine fissure (Brodmann Area 17).

Brainstem Anatomy and Functions

What is the function of the Cerebellum?

Involved in planning, coordination of motor movement, muscle tone, body posture, and equilibrium.

Frontal Lobe Functions

What are the functions of the Prefrontal Cortex?

Executive function, personality, insight, and foresight.

Central Sulcus and Gyrus Functions

What is located anterior to the Central Sulcus?

Precentral gyrus, specialized for Primary Motor control (Voluntary movement).

Frontal Lobe Functions

Where is Broca's area located and what is its function?

Located in the opercular and triangular parts of the left inferior frontal gyrus (Brodmann Areas 44, 45), it is responsible for speech production.

Brainstem Anatomy and Functions

What are the main functions of the Hypothalamus?

Regulates autonomic and endocrine functions, emotional behavior, body temperature, food and water intake, and sleep behavior.

Brainstem Anatomy and Functions

What are the components of the Brainstem?

It consists of the midbrain, pons, and medulla oblongata.

Thalamus and Sensory Relay

What is the role of the Thalamus?

Acts as a sensory relay for all sensory information (except olfactory) before it reaches the cortex.

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