What does 'social' refer to in the context of social welfare?
It relates to society and collective values, often close to socialist ideals.
What is the meaning of 'welfare'?
A positive state of being cared for, loved, concerned, and supported, along with policies/services that deliver this state.
Definitions of Social Welfare and Social Policy

What does 'social' refer to in the context of social welfare?

It relates to society and collective values, often close to socialist ideals.

Definitions of Social Welfare and Social Policy

What is the meaning of 'welfare'?

A positive state of being cared for, loved, concerned, and supported, along with policies/services that deliver this state.

Social Expenditure: Public vs. Private

What is Social Welfare Policy?

A systematic and collective response to social problems.

Role of Social Work in Social Welfare

What are the three major elements of social services?

Organizational structure, benefits or services, and providers.

Goals of Social Policy

What is the first step in addressing a social issue?

Identifying the social issue.

Social Rights and Social Needs

What are social needs?

Problems that some people cannot solve by themselves.

Role of Social Work in Social Welfare

Who are studied in the context of social policy?

Elected representatives, professional workers, administrators, and interest groups.

Relationship Between Social Policy and Social Services

What triggers the formulation of social policies?

When social conditions are perceived as harmful or a threat to the community or society.

Goals of Social Policy

What follows the identification of a social issue in the policy-making process?

Establishing policy goals.

Characteristics and Importance of Social Policy

What comes after setting policy goals?

Creating legislation or regulation.

Characteristics and Importance of Social Policy

What are the 'Big Fives' in social policy?

The different roles of national governments, the family, civil society, the market, and international organizations in providing services and support.

Social Protection and Its Objectives

What is social protection?

Making provisions for the disadvantaged to protect them, including women, children, the elderly, and people with disabilities.

Relationship Between Social Policy and Social Services

How do social services relate to social policies?

Social services reflect existing social policies.

Role of Social Work in Social Welfare

What do social workers implement within the social welfare system?

Planned social change activities prescribed by social welfare institutions.

Definitions of Social Welfare and Social Policy

How does social welfare function as a societal response?

It addresses social problems and human needs.

Relationship Between Social Policy and Social Services

Why must social services be delivered through an organization or agency?

To manage eligibility, provision, providers, and costs effectively.

Characteristics and Importance of Social Policy

Who is often drawn to the study of social policy?

People concerned about social wrongs who want to put them right.

Definitions of Social Welfare and Social Policy

What is social welfare?

A benefits allocation mechanism functioning outside the economic marketplace.

Social Rights and Social Needs

How can knowledge of social programs benefit individuals?

It allows them to better plan for their future by understanding strengths and weaknesses.

Role of Social Work in Social Welfare

What role do social workers play in relation to clients?

They serve as leaders and sources of information.

Characteristics and Importance of Social Policy

What does social policy and administration encompass?

It involves problems as well as policy; about ends as well as means.

Social Rights and Social Needs

What are charitable concerns based on?


Definitions of Social Welfare and Social Policy

When is social welfare needed?

When other institutions like the market and family fail to meet basic needs.

Social Protection and Its Objectives

Who are considered disadvantaged groups in social protection?

Women, children, old people, people living with disabilities, and historically marginalized groups.

Social Protection and Its Objectives

Who usually provides social protection?

The state.

Social Rights and Social Needs

What aspect of citizens does social policy study?

The social rights of the citizen as a contributor, participant, and user of social services.

Social Protection and Its Objectives

What is the short-term goal of social protection?

To act as a temporary safety net to mitigate shocks and smoothen consumption patterns.

Relationship Between Social Policy and Social Services

Across what life stages does social policy provide support?

From childhood to old age.

Definitions of Social Welfare and Social Policy

What does social policy imply?

It implies assuming a position, but the position does not necessarily require action.

Social Expenditure: Public vs. Private

What is a key consideration for social enterprises?

How to maintain sustainability.

Characteristics and Importance of Social Policy

What is the role of organizational structure in social services?

It determines eligibility, provision methods, providers, and acceptable costs.

Social Expenditure: Public vs. Private

What forms can benefits and services take in social policy?

Social provisions, social services, and/or social action.

Role of Social Work in Social Welfare

What must social workers understand regarding services?

The services offered by their own agencies to which clients might be referred.

Definitions of Social Welfare and Social Policy

What does the term 'Social Welfare' encompass?

Organized societal responses that promote the social well-being of a population.

Characteristics and Importance of Social Policy

What does social policy examine?

How social problems can be dealt with and strategies for implementing responses.

Definitions of Social Welfare and Social Policy

What is social policy?

Social policy refers to the principles that govern action directed towards addressing social problems and changing situations.

Definitions of Social Welfare and Social Policy

What is a social policy?

A set of principles expressed in law and governmental regulation that guides the assignment of specific benefits and opportunities.

Role of Social Work in Social Welfare

What is the primary profession that works within the social welfare system?

Social work.

Social Rights and Social Needs

What is the notion of social rights related to?

Social citizenship.

Social Protection and Its Objectives

What is the primary purpose of social protection?

To provide a safety net and alleviate poverty.

Definitions of Social Welfare and Social Policy

What are some examples of services included in social welfare?

Education, health, rehabilitation, protective services, public assistance, social insurance, and job-training programs.

Social Rights and Social Needs

What are instrumental reasons for welfare provision?

To soothe social resistance or achieve legitimacy and social stability.

Social Rights and Social Needs

What is the ultimate goal of satisfying social needs?

To address problems that arise from those needs.

Models of Social Policy

What is the Developmental Model of Social Policy?

A model that aims to promote social and economic development through welfare policies.

Definitions of Social Welfare and Social Policy

What is the narrow definition of social administration?

The study of the development, structure, and practices of the social services.

Social Expenditure: Public vs. Private

What is Social Expenditure?

A measure of the amount of social policy by summing up the money spent on it in any society.

Social Expenditure: Public vs. Private

What is Public Social Expenditure?

Money and resources spent directly by the government.

Characteristics and Importance of Social Policy

What is the primary aim of social policy?

To be beneficent by directing welfare for its citizens.

Social Rights and Social Needs

What is the basis of social protection?

The 'state-citizen' contract, where both have rights and responsibilities towards each other.

Characteristics and Importance of Social Policy

What role does government play in social policy?

As an allocator of values and rights to social property through social and administrative law.

Relationship Between Social Policy and Social Services

What are Social Welfare Programmes/services?

Products or specific services that stem from social welfare policies.

Models of Social Policy

What characterizes the Institutional Redistributive Model of Social Policy?

It focuses on redistributing resources through institutions to promote social equity.

Social Protection and Its Objectives

What is the goal of transformative social protection?

To promote social equity, inclusion, and rights.

Definitions of Social Welfare and Social Policy

How is social administration broadly defined?

As an attempt to apply the social sciences to the analysis and solution of a changing range of social problems.

Definitions of Social Welfare and Social Policy

What is the primary concern of social policy?

The ways societies meet human needs for security, education, work, health, and well-being.

Characteristics and Importance of Social Policy

What do social policies reflect?

The values, beliefs, and judgments of those who establish them.

Goals of Social Policy

What does social balance aim to achieve?

Eradication of differences and disparities.

Role of Social Work in Social Welfare

What is the most common type of provider in social services?

Paid professionals, like social workers.

Social Rights and Social Needs

What is analyzed in the study of social needs within social policy?

Problems, access to services, utilization, and patterns of outcomes of services, transactions, and transfers.

International Perspectives on Social Work

What is the focus of International Social Work according to James Midgley?

To see social work from a global perspective.

Social Rights and Social Needs

What is the purpose of the Community Investment and Inclusion Fund (CIIF) in Hong Kong?

To promote community investment and shared resources.

Role of Social Work in Social Welfare

What does understanding the social welfare system empower individuals to do?

Question, advocate for change, and make informed decisions about people's lives.

Definitions of Social Welfare and Social Policy

What does social policy analyze?

Distributive and allocative patterns in command over resources through time and the impact of social services.

Goals of Social Policy

What is one of the primary goals of social policy related to fairness?

Social Justice: ensuring all people are treated fairly in opportunities and governance participation.

Role of Social Work in Social Welfare

What is the final step in the policy-making process?

Implementing programs.

Goals of Social Policy

What is the aim of social policy regarding inequalities?

To identify and find ways of reducing inequalities in access to services and support between social groups.

Role of Social Work in Social Welfare

At what levels do social workers work to improve social functioning?

At the individual, community, and societal levels.

Models of Social Policy

What is the Residual Welfare Model of Social Policy?

A model that focuses on providing assistance only when individuals cannot meet their own needs.

Definitions of Social Welfare and Social Policy

Who was Richard Timuss?

A leading social policy academic and analyst.

Social Protection and Its Objectives

What is the purpose of preventive social protection?

To avert deprivation.

Characteristics and Importance of Social Policy

What is the significance of being 'problem-oriented' in social policy?

It emphasizes that policies are focused on addressing specific social issues.

Definitions of Social Welfare and Social Policy

What is the definition of social policy?

Social policies are important as they affect the way that people live.

Characteristics and Importance of Social Policy

Why is social policy considered an exciting field of study?

Because it engages with serious social problems and examines strategies for addressing them.

Role of Social Work in Social Welfare

Why is it important for social workers to understand social programs?

To effectively advocate for clients and facilitate better decision-making.

Role of Social Work in Social Welfare

Who do social workers facilitate changes with?

Individuals, families, groups, organizations, and communities.

Goals of Social Policy

How is social peace promoted according to social policy goals?

By framing policies that promote social peace.

Characteristics and Importance of Social Policy

What does social policy involve regarding resource distribution?

Progressive redistribution of resources from the rich to the poor.

Definitions of Social Welfare and Social Policy

What types of agencies are involved in social welfare activities?

Public and voluntary agencies.

Characteristics and Importance of Social Policy

What does 'action-oriented' mean in the context of social policy?

It denotes that policy involves principles that govern actions aimed at achieving specific ends.

Social Expenditure: Public vs. Private

What is Private Social Expenditure?

Money spent by non-government organizations on benefits and services for citizens.

Characteristics and Importance of Social Policy

What types of objectives does social policy include?

Both economic and non-economic objectives.

Goals of Social Policy

What does social integration refer to in the context of social policy?

Inclusion of vulnerable groups into the social structure.

Social Protection and Its Objectives

What does promotive social protection aim to enhance?

Income and capabilities.

Goals of Social Policy

What do Gender Mainstreaming Policies aim to address?

To integrate gender perspectives into policies and programs.

Social Protection and Its Objectives

What term describes the benefits made available to provide support and welfare to people?

Social Protection.

Role of Social Work in Social Welfare

What does the study of social policy include regarding institutions?

The structure, function, organization, planning, and administrative processes of institutions and agencies, both historical and comparative.

Characteristics and Importance of Social Policy

What are the three main characteristics of social policy?

Beneficent orientation, redistributive nature, and inclusion of economic and non-economic objectives.

Social Expenditure: Public vs. Private

What is the significance of Singapore's CPF in relation to home ownership?

It supports home ownership through financial planning.

Relationship Between Social Policy and Social Services

Who are the providers of social services?

People who are in indirect contact with the client, including volunteers and paid professionals.

Definitions of Social Welfare and Social Policy

What is the primary goal of social welfare?

To provide people with resources to lead satisfying and productive lives.

Social Protection and Its Objectives

What type of social protection provides relief from deprivation?


Relationship Between Social Policy and Social Services

What are social services?

The products of social welfare policies.

Characteristics and Importance of Social Policy

What does social development aim to integrate?

Social and economic policies.

Models of Social Policy

What is one major field of research in social policy?

The analysis and description of policy formulation and its consequences, both intended and unintended.

Social Protection and Its Objectives

What is the long-term goal of social protection?

To enable people to permanently alleviate themselves from poverty.

Definitions of Social Welfare and Social Policy

What are the three main objectives of social welfare activities?

To prevent, alleviate, or contribute to solving selected social problems.

Models of Social Policy

What are the 'Big Five' areas of social policy?

Social security, housing, health, social work, and education.

Definitions of Social Welfare and Social Policy

What is social policy?

A maintenance of the well-being of society and a collective response to social problems.

Models of Social Policy

What does the Industrial Achievement-Performance Model of Social Policy emphasize?

It emphasizes rewards based on individual performance and contributions to society.

Characteristics and Importance of Social Policy

What is an example of a non-economic objective in social policy?

Minimum wage.

Social Expenditure: Public vs. Private

What does the analysis of social costs and diswelfares involve?

The nature, attributes, and distribution of social costs and diswelfares.

Characteristics and Importance of Social Policy

What does 'policy implies change' mean?

It indicates that policies are designed to change situations or address social problems.

Characteristics and Importance of Social Policy

From what field did social policy develop?

From 'social administration', which prepares people for work in social services.

Social Rights and Social Needs

What is social capital?

A set of shared values/resources that allows individuals to work together to achieve a common purpose.

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