What was the 'Polo'?
Compulsory labor imposed on Filipino adult males for public works.
What did Fr. Jose Burgos say about Filipino aspirations?
No Filipino would dare to dream big if their aspirations are crushed by society.
Forced Labor Practices Under Spanish Rule

What was the 'Polo'?

Compulsory labor imposed on Filipino adult males for public works.

Racial Discrimination and Social Hierarchy

What did Fr. Jose Burgos say about Filipino aspirations?

No Filipino would dare to dream big if their aspirations are crushed by society.

Abuses by the Guardia Civil

What does Rizal's advocacy for reform suggest about the training of the Guardia Civil?

It suggests that they were ill-trained.

Abuses by the Guardia Civil

What reform did Rizal advocate for regarding the constabulary?

It should be composed of well-trained and educated men who understand the limitations of power and authority.

Racial Discrimination and Social Hierarchy

What was a significant factor in the miscarriage of justice experienced by Rizal and his family?

Racial discrimination and the privilege of white Spaniards in legal matters.

Abuses by the Guardia Civil

What was the role of the Guardia Civil in the Philippines?

To maintain peace and order, serving as a symbol of Spanish tyranny.

Frailocracy and Religious Influence in Governance

What was 'Frailocracy'?

A government by friars that controlled both religious and political aspects of Philippine life.

Abuses by the Guardia Civil

What negative behaviors did the Guardia Civil eventually exhibit?

They became abusive, maltreated innocent people, looted belongings, and raped women.

Annexation in Southeast Asia

Which countries annexed territories in Southeast Asia during the times of Rizal?

France annexed Vietnam, Cambodia, and Laos, while the Netherlands annexed Indonesia (Netherlands East Indies).

Racial Discrimination and Social Hierarchy

What term did Spaniards use to refer to Filipinos?

Indios (Indians).

Forced Labor Practices Under Spanish Rule

What was the age range for compulsory labor under the 'Polo' system?

Originally 16-60 years old, later changed to 18-60 years old.

Frailocracy and Religious Influence in Governance

What roles did friars play in the governance of the Philippines?

They supervised local elections, inspected schools and taxes, and acted as arbiters of morals.

Land Ownership and Agrarian Issues

What was the economic impact of friar land ownership in the Philippines?

It caused economic stagnation and resentment among Filipino tenants.

Abuses by the Guardia Civil

Who were victims of the Guardia Civil's abuses?

Rizal and his mother.

Abuses by the Guardia Civil

How did Rizal describe the effectiveness of the constabulary?

He said it was only good for disturbing peace and persecuting honest men.

Western Imperialism in Asia and Southeast Asia

What were the outcomes of Western Imperialism in Asia and Southeast Asia?

Annexation of parts of Asia and Southeast Asia, including India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Burma, Sri Lanka, Maldives, Malaysia, and Singapore.

Land Ownership and Agrarian Issues

How did Rizal's advocacy for agrarian reform affect his family?

It raised the rental amount for tenants, including his family, angering the friars.

Abuses by the Guardia Civil

What was the initial role of the Guardia Civil in the communities?

To maintain peace and order by suppressing bandits.

Social Cancers in the Philippines during Rizal's Time

What were the social cancers in the Philippines during Rizal's time?

1. Instability of Colonial Administration, 2. Corrupt Colonial Officials, 3. Philippine Representation in the Spanish Cortes, 4. Human Rights Denied to Filipinos, 5. No Equality Before the Law, 6. Maladministration of Justice.

Impact of Spanish Constitution of 1812 on Filipinos

What was the impact of the Spanish Constitution of 1812 on the Filipinos?

The Spaniards enjoyed freedom of speech, association, and other freedoms, while the Filipinos were denied these rights.

Japan's Growth and Annexation

How did Japan grow strong during the times of Rizal?

Japan allowed the influences of Western imperialist design, grew strong, and defeated weak China through the Sino-Japanese war. Later, Japan annexed Korea.

Leyes de Indias and Implementation in the Philippines

What were the Leyes de Indias (Laws of the Indies) and how were they implemented in the Philippines?

The Leyes de Indias were promulgated to protect the rights of natives from overseas colonies, but they were not practiced in far-flung colonies like the Philippines, where the Filipinos were brutalized and abused.

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