What is the role of an IS Auditor in ensuring control objectives?
Evaluation of controls.
What is a key difference between ITIL and COBIT regarding implementation?
Neither provides an implementation blueprint or recipe book.
IT Governance

What is the role of an IS Auditor in ensuring control objectives?

Evaluation of controls.

IT Governance

What is a key difference between ITIL and COBIT regarding implementation?

Neither provides an implementation blueprint or recipe book.

Data Warehousing

What is the goal of a Data Warehouse (DW)?

To obtain the most granular or atomic data possible.

ISO Standards

What does the ISO/IEC 27000 Series provide?

A set of best practices for implementing and maintaining information security programs, with ISO/IEC 27001 being a well-known standard for Information Security Management Systems.

Data Architecture

What type of database is typically used for a Data Warehouse?

A large relational database.

IT-Related Frameworks

What is the purpose of ITIL?

ITIL provides a detailed framework for achieving successful operational service management of IT, including business value delivery.

Data Governance

What is a key factor to consider when structuring data for an organization?

The types of transactions in which the organization engages.

Data Warehousing

What does ETL stand for in the context of data warehousing?

Extract, Transform, Load.

ISO Standards

What is the purpose of ISO 38500:2008?

To provide guiding principles for effective, efficient, and acceptable use of IT within organizations.

Business Intelligence (BI)

What advantages does BI provide for strategic decision-making?

It offers anytime access to organized data, helping to discover inefficiencies, strengths, weaknesses, and new opportunities.

Information Security Policies

What is the most correct statement regarding information security policies?

Rules and/or statements developed by an organization to protect its Information and related Technology.

Business Intelligence (BI)

What is Business Intelligence (BI)?

A broad field of IT that encompasses the collection and analysis of information to assist decision making and assess organizational performance.

IT Governance

What are high-level statements of management intent and direction called?


Information Security Policies

What should be included as INPUT to the management review?

Process performance and information security policy compliance.

Information Security Policies

What does the statement of management intent in an information security policy report?

The goals and principles of information security in line with the business strategy/objectives.

Business Intelligence (BI)

What type of diagram outlines the major processes of an organization and its external interactions?

Context diagrams.

Data Governance

What is referred to as the data about data?


Data Architecture

What connects the data storage and quality layer with data stores in the data source layer?

Data access layer.

IT-Related Frameworks

What does ITIL provide advice on?

ITSM best practices.

IT Governance

What do ITIL and COBIT provide for enterprises?

Guidance to devise solutions appropriate to their unique situations.

Business Intelligence (BI)

What factors have increased interest in BI?

Increasing size and complexity of organizations, legal requirements, and the pursuit of competitive advantage.

Business Intelligence (BI)

What has the emergence of Business Intelligence (BI) eliminated for companies?

The need to dig through complex webs of linked spreadsheets and analyze data manually.

COBIT and ITIL Frameworks

What do COBIT and ITIL frameworks focus on?

Governance and management of IT services.

IT-Related Frameworks

What factors do organizations consider when adopting ITIL options?

Business needs, local circumstances, and the service provider’s maturity.

IT Governance

What is the responsibility of Senior Management regarding executive management?

Responsible for its discharge through the executive management and the organization and resources under his/her charge.

Business Intelligence (BI)

What are some areas where BI is applied?

Process cost, efficiency and quality, customer satisfaction, customer profitability, achievement of key performance indicators, and risk management.

Business Intelligence (BI)

What does Business Intelligence (BI) refer to?

Technologies and strategies for data analysis.

IT Governance

How often should information security policies be reviewed?

For its continuing suitability & adequacy, and effectiveness.

IT Governance

Which statement regarding Senior Management is correct?

They are most accountable and responsible.

ISO Standards

What is ISO 31000 related to?

Risk Management.

Information Security Policies

What is included in the definition of information security within a policy document?

Overall objectives, scope, and the importance of security as an enabling mechanism for information sharing.

Information Security Policies

How often should management review policies?


Data Architecture

What is a key aspect of Data Warehouse Architecture?

Organizing and storing data for analysis.

Information Security Policies

What should the review of the information security policy include?

Assessing opportunities for improvement and managing information security in response to changes.

ISO Standards

How are ISO 20000 and ITIL related?

ISO 20000 is broadly aligned with and draws strongly on ITIL.

Data Architecture

What do entity relationship diagrams depict?

Data entities and how they relate to each other.

ISO Standards

Which statement about strong standards is most correct?

Help ensure effectiveness and reliability of services and frameworks.

ISO Standards

What is the focus of ISO 38500?

IT governance.

IT Governance

What advantage does COBIT offer over ITIL?

It supports auditing and evaluation of IT activities in a rigorous, objective, and repeatable way.

Business Intelligence (BI)

How does BI help in a retail context?

It enables running analytical reports on customer information to understand loyalty, purchasing habits, and preferences.

Information Security Policies

What role do IT auditors play in relation to policies?

They should understand policies as part of the audit scope and test for compliance.

ISO Standards

What are the main goals of ISO 38500?

Manage IT investments, improve organizational performance, enhance project governance, minimize IT risks, and assure greater project success rates.

ISO Standards

What does ISO 31000 promote?

A safer workplace and enhanced compliance through a universal set of guidelines on risk management.

Data Governance

What is the purpose of establishing standard definitions for data in data governance?

To ensure consistency and clarity in business rules and metrics.

Data Governance

What is the importance of involving knowledgeable business operatives in data analysis?

To understand the business purpose and mitigate risks of suboptimal data configurations.

Business Intelligence (BI)

What factors increased interest in Business Intelligence (BI)?

Increasing size and complexity of organizations, legal requirements, and pursuit of competitive advantage.

IT Governance

What should be included in a set of guidelines?

Clarification of policies and regulations.

IT Governance

How has ITIL been adopted over the last decade?

It has been adopted by many organizations seeking to improve their IT services.

Information Security Policies

What is an example of a policy statement regarding access control?

"Information resources shall be controlled in a manner that effectively prevents unauthorized access."

Data Warehousing

What is the purpose of the Staging Area in a Data Warehouse?

To facilitate easier data processing and transformation using ETL tools.

ISO Standards

What is the focus of ISO 31000:2018?

It provides guidelines and a common approach to risk management for organizations.

IT-Related Frameworks

What does ISO/IEC 20000 specify?

It specifies service management aligned with ITIL’s framework, including requirements for service management improvement and guidance for application.

COBIT and ITIL Frameworks

How do COBIT and ITIL frameworks relate to each other?

They are complementary frameworks; COBIT describes what should be done, while ITIL describes how to do it.

IT Governance

What does the acronym CISA stand for?

Certified Information Systems Auditor.

ISO Standards

Which ISO standard provides guidelines on risk management for organizations?

ISO 31000:201.

Business Intelligence (BI)

What is the broad field of IT that involves the collection and analysis of information for decision-making?

Business Intelligence.

Business Intelligence (BI)

What is Business Intelligence (BI)?

BI is about delivering relevant and reliable information to the right people at the right time to achieve better decisions faster.

Data Architecture

What are the components of complete data architecture?

Enterprise data flow architecture (EDFA), logical data architecture, and a business or per department structure.

IT Governance

What is the Open Information Security Management Maturity Model (O-ISM3)?

A process-based maturity model for Information Security Management that helps assess the operating environment and align security management activities with business objectives.

Data Architecture

What are context diagrams used for in data analysis?

To outline the major processes of the organization and the external parties with which the business interacts.

Information Security Policies

Who should own the information security policy?

An owner who has approved management responsibility for its development, review, and evaluation.

ISO Standards

What is the focus of ISO/IEC 20000?

It is the international standard for IT service management (ITSM) that aligns ITSM processes with business needs and best practices.

COBIT and ITIL Frameworks

What perspective does COBIT take?

An enterprise perspective, addressing IT-related issues beyond just IT professionals.

ISO Standards

What does ISO 20000 set?

Standards that service management processes should aim for.

IT Governance

Why are frequent reviews and updates of procedures essential?

To ensure they remain relevant and align with regular changes in IT focus and environment.

IT Governance

To whom is Senior Management accountable for information security governance?

To the Board of Directors (BOD).

ISO Standards

What is ISO 20000?

An international IT service management standard.

Enterprise Data Flow Architecture (EDFA)

What is the Presentation/Desktop Access Layer in EDFA?

The topmost layer where end users directly deal with information using tools like spreadsheets and reporting applications.

Enterprise Data Flow Architecture (EDFA)

What does the Data Source Layer represent in EDFA?

The lowest layer that includes sources of information such as operational data, external data, and nonoperational data.

Data Warehousing

What is the Core Data Warehouse (DW) in the context of BI?

A central repository for storing and managing data that supports BI activities.

Data Architecture

What is the function of the Data Staging and Quality Layer?

To copy, transform data into DW format, and ensure quality control.

Data Architecture

What does the Data Access Layer do?

Connects the data storage and quality layer with data stores in the data source layer.

Data Architecture

What is included in metadata?

Data about data, such as file name, size, creation date, and permissions.

ISO Standards

What can organizations achieve to demonstrate adherence to ISO 20000?

Independently audited certification.

IT Governance

What happens if documented procedures do not match operational practices?

It becomes difficult to identify controls and ensure their operations.

Information Security Policies

What is the purpose of policies in an organization?

To ensure effectiveness and reliability of products and services.

IT Governance

When should information security policies be reviewed?

When significant changes to the enterprise, operations, or security-related risk occur.

Information Security Policies

What are the compliance requirements mentioned in an information security policy?

Compliance with legislative, regulatory, and contractual requirements.

IT Governance

What should guidelines for executing procedures contain?

Clarification of policies, dependencies, suggestions, examples, narrative clarifications, background information, and tools.

Business Intelligence (BI)

What is the goal of Data Mining?

To extract information from a data set and transform it into an understandable structure for use.

Information Security Policies

What should the output from the management review include?

Decisions related to improvement in alignment of information security with business objectives.

Data Warehousing

What is a recommended practice for building a Data Warehouse?

To build it in stages and establish a business/IT advisory team.

Data Architecture

Why is logical data architecture undertaken in stages?

Different parts of organizations deal with different transaction sets, customers, and products.

Data Governance

What should an organization establish as part of recommended practices in data governance?

A business/IT advisory team that recommends investment priorities.

IT Governance

What are documented, defined steps for achieving policy objectives called?


ISO Standards

What is the purpose of achieving ISO 20000 certification?

To demonstrate that organizations are following best practices.

IT Governance

What should people governed by procedures know?

They should know the procedures thoroughly to ensure effectiveness.

Data Warehousing

What is a Data Warehouse?

A collection of data from various data sources of an organization, such as sales, inventory, and marketing.

Information Security Policies

What is the purpose of the Open Information Security Management Maturity Model (O-ISM3)?

To assess and improve information security management.

Information Security Policies

When should the information security policy be reviewed?

At planned intervals (usually annually) or when significant changes occur.

Data Architecture

What is normalized data?

Clean data with a specific and standard structure.

Data Architecture

What are data marts?

Subsets of information from the core DW, organized to meet specific business needs.

IT Governance

Why are strong standards necessary in current environments?

They are essential for navigating fast-moving environments effectively.

Data Architecture

What does the Application Messaging Layer do?

Transports information between various layers and manages control messages.

IT Governance

What is the role of IS auditors in relation to procedures?

IS auditors review procedures to identify, evaluate, and test controls over IT processes.

IT Governance

Why should Senior Management come from varied operations and staff functions?

To ensure fair representation.

ISO Standards

Which ISO standards are considered benchmarks for information security policy documents?

ISO/IEC 27001 and 27002.

IT Governance

What is COBIT and its purpose?

COBIT is developed by ISACA to support EGIT by ensuring IT is aligned with the business, enables the business, maximizes benefits, uses resources responsibly, and manages IT risk appropriately.

Business Intelligence (BI)

What are some components of Business Intelligence?

Performance management, analytics, predictive modeling, and data mining.

Enterprise Data Flow Architecture (EDFA)

What is the topmost layer of the Enterprise Data Flow Architecture (EDFA) where end-users directly deal with information?

Presentation/Desktop Access Layer.

ISO Standards

What does ISO/IEC 38500:2015 provide?

Guiding principles for governing bodies on the effective, efficient, and acceptable use of IT within an organization.

Data Governance

Why is effective data governance important for BI initiatives?

To maximize the value obtained from BI initiatives and ensure proper investment and prioritization.

Information Security Policies

What is the cost of control in relation to policies?

It should never exceed the benefit.

Data Architecture

What is the role of the Warehouse Management Layer?

To schedule tasks necessary to build and maintain the DW and data mart layers.

IT Governance

Who developed the Control Objectives for Information and Related Technology (COBIT)?


IT Governance

What frameworks help enterprise leaders protect the integrity of information assets?

EGIT frameworks.

Information Security Policies

What is the purpose of an information security policy?

To state management’s commitment and outline the organization’s approach to managing information security.

IT Governance

What should an IT Auditor do if they find policies that hinder the achievement of objectives?

Identify and report these policies for improvement.

Data Architecture

What is the role of data architecture in delivering BI?

Organizations need to design and implement a data architecture to effectively deliver BI.

Information Security Policies

What framework is outlined in an information security policy?

A framework for setting control objectives and controls, including risk assessment and management.

Data Architecture

What is the purpose of a Data Warehouse (DW)?

To capture and organize data of interest for reporting and analysis.

Information Security Policies

What should information security policies balance?

The level of control and productivity/effectiveness.

Information Security Policies

What must happen for an information security policy to be effective?

It must be approved by senior management and communicated to all employees.

Information Security Policies

What does a data classification policy describe?

Classifications, levels of control, and responsibilities of all potential users regarding information.

Information Security Policies

What should IS auditors use policies as?

A benchmark or reference point for evaluating performance/compliance.

Data Architecture

What is the purpose of the Metadata Repository Layer?

To provide comprehensive information about data as it flows between various layers.

Information Security Policies

What is the purpose of an acceptable use policy?

To describe permissions for the usage of IT resources including hardware, software, and networks.

Information Security Policies

How often should an information security policy be reviewed?

Regularly, to ensure its continuing suitability, adequacy, and effectiveness.

Data Governance

What should the final funding decisions for BI initiatives rest with?

A technology steering committee comprised of senior management.

Information Security Policies

What does the IS Auditor need to assess during policy review?

Basis of policy definition, appropriateness, contents, and exceptions to the policies.

Data Architecture

What is the significance of the Internet/Intranet Layer?

Facilitates basic data communication and browser-based user interfaces.

Data Architecture

What is metadata in the context of a Data Warehouse?

Data about data, which helps analyze and identify what data is in the warehouse and where it is stored.

Business Intelligence (BI)

What are the three analytical operations of OLAP?

Consolidation/Roll-up, Drill-down, and Slicing & Dicing.

Information Security Policies

What are some inputs to the management review of the information security policy?

Feedback from interested parties, results of independent reviews, and status of preventive actions.

IT-Related Frameworks

What is the primary focus of ITIL?

IT exists to support the business, with advice primarily relating to internal IT matters.

Information Security Policies

What are the characteristics of documented procedures for achieving policy objectives?

They should be clear, concise, and derived from the parent policy.

Information Security Policies

What is required from employees or third parties regarding the information security policy?

They must sign off to comply with the policy at the time of hiring or contracting and regularly thereafter.

Information Security Policies

What is the significance of lower-level policies?

They apply to individual divisions and departments and must be consistent with corporate policies.

Information Security Policies

What should be documented in relation to business and IT processes?

The processes and the embedded controls.

ISO Standards

What is the definition of a standard?

A mandatory requirement, code of practice, or specification approved by a recognized external standards organization.

IT-Related Frameworks

What do EGIT frameworks help enterprise leaders achieve?

Protect the integrity of their information assets and deliver value to stakeholders.

Information Security Policies

What should be done if policies hinder the achievement of objectives?

They must be identified and reported for improvement.

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