When did the horn player start playing professionally?
In 1989 or 1990.
What is a part-time job?
Employment performed for fewer than forty hours per week.
Daily Routines of Various Professions

When did the horn player start playing professionally?

In 1989 or 1990.

Job Descriptions and Responsibilities

What is a part-time job?

Employment performed for fewer than forty hours per week.

Importance of Communication Skills in the Workplace

What realization did the speaker have in their senior year of college?

They realized they could focus on both American Sign Language and discourse at Georgetown and Gallaudet University in D.C.

Diversity of Interviewees

Where do the academic advisor's students come from?

From all over the United States, including universities like Harvard, Yale, and George Washington University.

Job Descriptions and Responsibilities

Which agencies does the chemist work with for the lead paint program?

The Centers for Disease Control and HUD.

Cultural and Linguistic Variations in English

What does discourse analysis involve according to the professor?

Looking at how people interact in situations, such as telling stories and having conversations.

Challenges in Different Work Environments

What does ALS stand for and what does it involve?

ALS stands for Advanced Life Support, which involves temporary life support, including medication administration for resuscitation.

Transcripts and Vocabulary Learning

What should students do to enhance their transcripts?

Write questions to accompany their transcripts.

Daily Routines of Various Professions

Why does the high school student prefer being an editor over a journalist?

They enjoy fixing things more than creating them.

Job Descriptions and Responsibilities

What is the profession of the first interviewee?


Use of Materials in Education

What does it mean when a page is labeled as 'intentionally left blank'?

It indicates that the page is empty and has been deliberately designed that way, often for formatting purposes.

Job Descriptions and Responsibilities

What department does the interviewee work in at the Library of Congress?

The Congressional Research Service.

Importance of Communication Skills in the Workplace

What sparked the professor's interest in communication?

A fascination with how people communicate and interact.

Job Descriptions and Responsibilities

What types of issues might the individual assist Congress with?

Writing new laws related to water pollution and environmental concerns.

Transcripts and Vocabulary Learning

What should you not note as an error when a student transcribes nonstandard forms accurately?

The nonstandard form itself.

Job Descriptions and Responsibilities

What type of equipment does the office manager primarily deal with?

IT equipment and copiers.

Daily Routines of Various Professions

What is the size of the company where the IT professional works?

It has over 42,000 employees.

Job Descriptions and Responsibilities

What role does the IT professional have in their company?

They do programming in the IT department.

Daily Routines of Various Professions

What type of work does the librarian do?

They prepare written reports for requests.

Challenges in Different Work Environments

What mindset does the speaker reflect on regarding crime and life choices?

The speaker acknowledges a moment of reflection where one can choose between paths, considering the risks and rewards.

Job Descriptions and Responsibilities

What is the primary job of the interviewee in this chapter?

The interviewee works at the U.S. Library of Congress.

Transcripts and Vocabulary Learning

What is a good opportunity to point out the differences in language?

When students transcribe spoken language versus written language.

Job Descriptions and Responsibilities

What contracts does the office manager handle?

Contracts for the university related to equipment and services.

Daily Routines of Various Professions

What does the librarian enjoy about their job?

The lack of a typical day; each day is different.

Teaching Methods and Classroom Activities

What steps should be followed after recording an interview?

Prepare questions, review the transcripts, and share them with the class.

Use of Materials in Education

What is a community college?

A comparatively small institution in the United States that provides two-year degrees and certifications.

Daily Routines of Various Professions

What jobs did the retired policeman hold in addition to being a helicopter pilot?

He was a farmhand, a carpenter’s helper, a bricklayer’s helper, worked in an ice cream shop, cleaned furnaces, and taught flying.

Daily Routines of Various Professions

What recent lecture did the artist give?

A lecture on Iwo Jima and comparisons with Gallipoli.

Job Descriptions and Responsibilities

What program does the chemist run for the EPA?

The lead paint program.

Job Descriptions and Responsibilities

What is the primary responsibility of the office manager?

Buying equipment and services for the university staff and faculty.

Teaching Methods and Classroom Activities

What activity should students do involving an interview with a native or fluent speaker?

Record an interview based on one of the DVD topics.

Daily Routines of Various Professions

What profession did the retired policeman take on after flying for the state police?

He flew a medical helicopter for a hospital in Washington, D.C.

Daily Routines of Various Professions

How long have the horn player and violinist been professional musicians?

The horn player has been a professional musician for about 21 years, while the violinist has been for a good 10 years since '96 or '97.

Cultural and Linguistic Variations in English

What specific aspect of communication did the course cover?

Gender communication.

Interview Format and Natural Speech

What is the primary goal of the English in the Workplace interviews?

To elicit natural speech and allow speakers to express themselves freely.

Daily Routines of Various Professions

What does EMS stand for?

Emergency Medical Service, focusing on providing emergency medical care.

Daily Routines of Various Professions

What is the University Professor's area of expertise?


Daily Routines of Various Professions

What does the travel agent describe as difficult in their daily routine?

Managing the morning chaos of getting their son ready and preparing themselves.

Daily Routines of Various Professions

What contributes to the chaos in the travel agent's mornings?

Getting their son ready for school and themselves ready for the day.

Job Descriptions and Responsibilities

In which city is the U.S. Library of Congress located?

Washington, D.C.

Challenges in Different Work Environments

What does BLS stand for?

BLS stands for Basic Life Support, which includes CPR for people who have suffered breathing or cardiac arrest.

Teaching Methods and Classroom Activities

What is the first activity assigned to students regarding the segment?

Homework questions and exercises that pertain to the students.

Daily Routines of Various Professions

What is the main focus of the EMT's work?

Teaching and training EMTs and working in an emergency room.

Teaching Methods and Classroom Activities

What is done on the fifth day of the lesson plan?

Review the questions and exercises, and have students read their answers aloud.

Daily Routines of Various Professions

What does the office manager do with the incoming mail?

Checks it around ten o'clock and distributes it to various people.

Importance of Communication Skills in the Workplace

What are the long-term effects of lead exposure on children?

It affects them for the rest of their lives.

Daily Routines of Various Professions

What has the office manager found about sending purchase orders?

Faxing them is quicker than mailing them.

Daily Routines of Various Professions

What does the travel agent mention about their family?

They have an eight-year-old son and a wife who leaves early in the morning.

Job Descriptions and Responsibilities

What is adjunct faculty?

People who teach at an educational institution on a part-time basis and are not members of the regular faculty.

Importance of Communication Skills in the Workplace

How does the academic advisor communicate with students?

Primarily through phone calls and some paperwork.

Daily Routines of Various Professions

What aspect of his job did the retired policeman enjoy more?


Daily Routines of Various Professions

How long did the retired policeman work as a helicopter pilot?

For a total of twenty years (nine years with the state police and over eleven years with the hospital).

Transcripts and Vocabulary Learning

What is the primary goal of the transcripts in the interviews?

To reflect natural speech as closely as possible.

Job Descriptions and Responsibilities

What is a CPA?

A Certified Public Accountant is a licensed professional who performs various financial tasks.

Daily Routines of Various Professions

What type of work does the violinist engage in?

The violinist works in various settings, including chamber orchestras, big orchestras, and opera performances.

Transcripts and Vocabulary Learning

What is the purpose of the transcripts in the materials?

To provide examples of actual speech as spoken by a wide range of people in the United States.

Daily Routines of Various Professions

What is the composition of the brass quintet mentioned?

The brass quintet consists of two trumpets, a horn, trombone, and tuba.

Diversity of Interviewees

From which regions will you hear speakers in the materials?

Speakers from states like Maryland, New Jersey, Massachusetts, and many others, as well as from Canada, India, Guyana, England, New Zealand, Cameroon, Egypt, and Spain.

Daily Routines of Various Professions

What type of person does the office manager identify as?

A morning person, preferring morning tasks over afternoon ones.

Diversity of Interviewees

What is the research specialty of the university professor?

Discourse analysis, primarily focused on American Sign Language.

Job Descriptions and Responsibilities

What is the role of the Congressional Research Service?

To provide information and assistance to members of Congress and their committees.

Teaching Methods and Classroom Activities

What course did the professor take in college that influenced their career?

Anthropological linguistics.

Cultural and Linguistic Variations in English

Which professor's work did the university professor find fascinating?

Deborah Tannen from Georgetown University.

Importance of Communication Skills in the Workplace

What does it mean to 'book the dates'?

To schedule a time for something.

Daily Routines of Various Professions

When does the office manager prefer to check their email?

In the morning, as it is the better time for them.

Importance of Communication Skills in the Workplace

What recent issue has arisen regarding lead exposure in children?

Lead in toy jewelry, which can be swallowed by children.

Job Descriptions and Responsibilities

What is the profession of the surgical technologist?

A surgical technologist works in an operating room.

Job Descriptions and Responsibilities

What is a registered nurse?

A licensed medical professional who provides patient care under a physician's direction.

Job Descriptions and Responsibilities

Where does the chemist work?

Environmental Protection Agency.

Importance of Communication Skills in the Workplace

What kind of jobs require interaction with the public?

Jobs that involve customer service or direct communication with clients.

Job Descriptions and Responsibilities

What responsibilities does the chemist have?

Running a number of programs at the Environmental Protection Agency.

Job Descriptions and Responsibilities

Why is the lead paint program important?

To minimize lead poisoning in children in the United States.

Importance of Communication Skills in the Workplace

Why is timing important in the workplace according to the academic advisor?

Because timing is associated with money and underestimating it can upset professors.

Job Descriptions and Responsibilities

What is the specialty area of the individual working with Congress?

Environment, particularly water pollution issues.

Daily Routines of Various Professions

What profession does the high school student express a preference for?

An editor.

Daily Routines of Various Professions

What professions does the nurse hold?

Registered nurse and businessman.

Diversity of Interviewees

What defines a liberal arts college?

An educational institution where undergraduates take a wide range of courses before specializing in one area of study.

Daily Routines of Various Professions

What challenging task did the artist mention they had to do?

Sheep shearing.

Transcripts and Vocabulary Learning

How are interjections and discourse markers treated in the transcripts?

They are transcribed exactly as they are spoken.

Daily Routines of Various Professions

What is the horn player's role at Shepherd University?

He is an adjunct faculty member who teaches private instruction on the French horn.

Transcripts and Vocabulary Learning

What indicates simultaneous speech in the transcripts?

Brackets around the simultaneous speech.

Teaching Methods and Classroom Activities

What is one of the additional activities suggested for students?

Summarizing what is said in a segment both in writing and aloud.

Challenges in Different Work Environments

What is the purpose of the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)?

To protect human health and safeguard the environment.

Teaching Methods and Classroom Activities

What should students do after writing interview questions?

Interview one another on the topic of the segment.

Use of Materials in Education

What should be done before reading the transcript of a segment on the DVD?

Listen to the segment.

Diversity of Interviewees

What influences the high school student's career choice?

The student enjoys editing and is inspired by their mother's career.

Importance of Communication Skills in the Workplace

What services does the librarian provide in a large organization like Congress?

Access to information and advice on various topics relevant to Congress members.

Diversity of Interviewees

What is notable about the student's school newspaper?

It is ranked as the number one newspaper in the country.

Cultural and Linguistic Variations in English

What does the expression 'jeez' signify?

A common discourse marker expressing surprise or amazement.

Transcripts and Vocabulary Learning

What can you do with new vocabulary from this chapter?

Write sentences to understand their usage better.

Job Descriptions and Responsibilities

How long has the academic advisor been in their position?

Almost ten years.

Job Descriptions and Responsibilities

What instrument does the horn player play?

French horn.

Cultural and Linguistic Variations in English

What does 'driving a Cadillac' symbolize in this context?

Being rich, financially well-off, or wealthy.

Importance of Communication Skills in the Workplace

How does the professor describe their relationship with the superintendent of antiquities?

They have developed a close working relationship.

Cultural and Linguistic Variations in English

What does 'wasn't' mean?

It is a contraction of 'was not.'

Daily Routines of Various Professions

What are the initial tasks of a surgical technologist when preparing for surgery?

Setting up the room, opening instruments, and preparing the patient.

Importance of Communication Skills in the Workplace

What is ASL?

A form of manual communication used by deaf and hard of hearing people in the United States, independent from English.

Diversity of Interviewees

What is the context of the discussion in the provided text?

A discussion about the roles of an office manager and a retired policeman.

Job Descriptions and Responsibilities

What is the role of the entrepreneur?

An entrepreneur manages small businesses including mini-storage, a skydiving school, and a tattoo studio.

Job Descriptions and Responsibilities

How long has the accountant been working at the CPA firm?

A little more than ten years.

Daily Routines of Various Professions

What type of farm did the artist work on?

An experimental sheep farm.

Job Descriptions and Responsibilities

What type of company do the second interviewees own?

A transportation company called Grace Transportation and Medical Services (GTMS).

Challenges in Different Work Environments

What aspects of work do the chapters cover?

Looking for work, interviewing for jobs, communicating, and using technology at work.

Job Descriptions and Responsibilities

What type of transportation services does GTMS provide?

Non-emergency transportation from hospital to hospital or from home to hospital.

Diversity of Interviewees

Who are some of the interviewees featured in the segments?

A policeman, nurse, accountants, paramedic, student, teachers, librarian, mechanic, IT professional, travel agent, sign language interpreter, and musicians.

Job Descriptions and Responsibilities

What is the most interesting or the most boring job described in this chapter and why?

Different jobs are highlighted, with opinions varying based on personal interests and experiences.

Teaching Methods and Classroom Activities

What is an important aspect of the interview activity?

Recording the interviews and discussing them as a group.

Importance of Communication Skills in the Workplace

What is the focus of the university professor's Ph.D. dissertation?

The architecture of houses in the ancient city of Pompeii.

Transcripts and Vocabulary Learning

What should students transcribe during the interview activity?

Their interviews, including hesitations and self-corrections.

Job Descriptions and Responsibilities

How should you describe your job?

You can include responsibilities, daily tasks, and what you enjoy about it.

Interview Format and Natural Speech

Why did the interviewees not memorize or rehearse their remarks?

To provide learners with natural models of spoken English.

Importance of Communication Skills in the Workplace

What can Congress members request from the librarian's organization?

Information or advice on crafting legislation and understanding various legislative processes.

Job Descriptions and Responsibilities

How can you describe the job of a friend, coworker, or classmate?

By outlining their roles, responsibilities, and what they enjoy about their work.

Transcripts and Vocabulary Learning

What is a good exercise to expand vocabulary from this chapter?

Identify three new words or phrases and write sentences for each to demonstrate understanding.

Job Descriptions and Responsibilities

What is the role of the EPA?

To protect human health and safeguard the environment.

Importance of Communication Skills in the Workplace

What does 'a good ten years' indicate?

At least ten years or definitely ten years.

Daily Routines of Various Professions

What is a key responsibility of a surgical technologist during surgery?

Handing instruments to the surgeon and anticipating their needs.

Importance of Communication Skills in the Workplace

What outreach program does the speaker run related to lead exposure?

They train and certify workers to safely remove lead paint and identify other sources of lead exposure.

Daily Routines of Various Professions

What types of projects does the artist work on?

Art projects and speaking engagements on various topics.

Daily Routines of Various Professions

What subjects does the university professor specialize in?

Ancient language, Latin literature, ancient history, and Roman archaeology.

Diversity of Interviewees

How many interview segments are included in the English in the Workplace resource?

Ninety-one interview segments.

Job Descriptions and Responsibilities

What is the background of the university professor?

They have a background in ancient language and Roman archaeology.

Daily Routines of Various Professions

What childhood experience did the artist have related to bees?

They spent their childhood surrounded by a swarm of bees due to their father's profession as a beekeeper.

Job Descriptions and Responsibilities

What is the most complicated job described in this chapter and why?

The chapter discusses various jobs, with one characterized as complicated due to its complexity and the skills required.

Daily Routines of Various Professions

What field does the university professor specialize in?

Archaeology and antiquities.

Challenges in Different Work Environments

What does freelance employment involve?

Finding one's own work and going from job to job without a long-term schedule.

Job Descriptions and Responsibilities

What is the job of the sign language interpreter?

They work in private practice, consult with companies, and teach sign language interpreting.

Use of Materials in Education

Who are the materials designed for?

High school classes, university courses, and adult education programs.

Job Descriptions and Responsibilities

Where does the sign language interpreter mainly work?

In the Washington, D.C. area and various companies across the United States.

Use of Materials in Education

How many segments does the DVD and workbook provide?

Ninety-one segments.

Cultural and Linguistic Variations in English

What are 'World Englishes'?

Varieties of English used in other countries that differ systematically from American or British English.

Teaching Methods and Classroom Activities

What activity is suggested for the third day of the lesson plan?

Listening to the segments again, first without and then with the transcript.

Teaching Methods and Classroom Activities

What should be done on the fourth day regarding the DVD segment?

Discuss the transcript and answer related questions.

Job Descriptions and Responsibilities

What type of musician is Lysiane?

A professional violinist and freelance musician.

Job Descriptions and Responsibilities

What type of work did the retired policeman do simultaneously?

He had two jobs at the same time.

Cultural and Linguistic Variations in English

What is the colloquial pronunciation of 'waiting'?


Daily Routines of Various Professions

What is a primary tool used for research in the librarian's daily work?

A computer, along with real materials available at the library.

Use of Materials in Education

How can DVD segments be supplemented in the classroom?

By using want ads, photos of work clothes, or other related materials.

Importance of Communication Skills in the Workplace

What types of interactions are involved in the librarian's job?

Face-to-face interactions, telephone conversations, and writing reports.

Diversity of Interviewees

What type of university is Gallaudet University?

A small liberal arts college serving deaf and hard of hearing students.

Daily Routines of Various Professions

What does the librarian appreciate about their job?

The variety in daily tasks; no two days are similar.

Use of Materials in Education

What type of materials can be used for an entire academic year?

DVD segments and workbooks.

Importance of Communication Skills in the Workplace

Who does the librarian deal with more frequently?

Staff people of Congress, although they also interact with members of Congress.

Importance of Communication Skills in the Workplace

What environmental contaminant associated with fish is mentioned?

PCBs (polychlorinated biphenyls).

Importance of Communication Skills in the Workplace

What is medevac?

The immediate transportation of a critically or seriously ill or injured person to emergency medical care, usually by helicopter.

Importance of Communication Skills in the Workplace

Why does the speaker feel strongly about lead poisoning?

Because it causes lasting damage to children and should be addressed in a developed country.

Importance of Communication Skills in the Workplace

What types of issues do colleagues in the librarian's organization deal with?

Legal issues, social services, foreign affairs, governmental policies, and procedures.

Importance of Communication Skills in the Workplace

What emotional impact did the retired policeman experience from his job?

He felt good and fulfilled when patients remembered him and shared their recovery stories.

Importance of Communication Skills in the Workplace

What does the term 'dealt with' mean?

To have interacted with or talked with another person.

Challenges in Different Work Environments

What is dialysis?

A medical procedure used on persons with kidney failure to cleanse the blood of waste products.

Job Descriptions and Responsibilities

What is the current status of the retired policeman?

He is retired.

Importance of Communication Skills in the Workplace

What does 'flying me in' refer to?

To provide transportation by air.

Importance of Communication Skills in the Workplace

What does the phrase 'There but for the grace of God go I' mean?

It means 'It could have happened to me.'

Cultural and Linguistic Variations in English

What does 'walkin’' refer to?

A colloquial utterance of 'walking.'

Daily Routines of Various Professions

What are the Great Lakes?

A group of five large freshwater lakes in northern Midwestern portions of the United States near the United States–Canadian border.

Teaching Methods and Classroom Activities

What is the first step students should take after listening to a segment?

Read and discuss the transcript carefully.

Cultural and Linguistic Variations in English

What does 'how's' stand for?

It is a contraction of 'how is'.

Teaching Methods and Classroom Activities

How can students reinforce their understanding of the segment?

By listening to the segment several times using the transcript.

Job Descriptions and Responsibilities

What is the role of HUD?

It addresses the country’s housing needs and urban community development, and enforces fair-housing laws.

Importance of Communication Skills in the Workplace

What is the speaker's connection to international work?

They work with the United Nations Environment Program on mercury issues.

Use of Materials in Education

What does IT stand for?

Information Technology.

Diversity of Interviewees

What types of jobs might you list based on your acquaintances?

Various professions such as teachers, nurses, or engineers.

Diversity of Interviewees

How does the librarian describe encounters with members of Congress?

They are rare but can happen, such as receiving a direct phone call from a senator.

Cultural and Linguistic Variations in English

What can be inferred about the use of nonstandard English in the materials?

Both native and nonnative speakers frequently use nonstandard or ungrammatical forms of English.

Importance of Communication Skills in the Workplace

What kind of briefings does the librarian conduct?

One-on-one briefings for people in their offices.

Job Descriptions and Responsibilities

What should a job description include when writing for a desired position?

It should detail responsibilities, qualifications, and personal aspirations.

Challenges in Different Work Environments

What kind of patients did he transport that left a significant impression on him?

Premature babies.

Importance of Communication Skills in the Workplace

How did the retired policeman feel upon reuniting with a parent of a transported infant?

He felt amazed and emotional that the parent remembered him.

Cultural and Linguistic Variations in English

What was the historical significance of the House of the Large Fountain?

It was cleared in the 19th century but never properly published.

Importance of Communication Skills in the Workplace

What does the professor do during their summer visits to Pompeii?

Undertake excavations and explore historical periods preceding the eruption.

Importance of Communication Skills in the Workplace

What does 'top-notch' mean?

Among the best.

Importance of Communication Skills in the Workplace

What motivated the retired policeman to work with helicopters?

He felt like he was really helping people and always wanted to fly.

Job Descriptions and Responsibilities

What are the main responsibilities of a travel agent?

Managing international ticketing, cruises, tours, and vacation management.

Importance of Communication Skills in the Workplace

What is the 'golden hour' concept mentioned in the interview?

The critical first hour after injury in which timely treatment can significantly improve survival.

Job Descriptions and Responsibilities

What does the CPA do during the week?

The CPA works as an accountant.

Job Descriptions and Responsibilities

What is the primary goal of GTMS?

To expand their services from Basic Life Support (BLS) to Advanced Life Support (ALS).

Use of Materials in Education

How does the instructor decide what to cover each week?

By selecting how many segments to cover.

Use of Materials in Education

What does IT stand for?

Information Technology, which involves equipment for transmitting or processing electronic data.

Use of Materials in Education

What additional resources are included in each chapter?

Complete transcripts, definitions of vocabulary words, idioms, and exercises.

Job Descriptions and Responsibilities

What is the main job of the mechanic mentioned?

Putting tires on cars, doing oil changes, and alignments.

Job Descriptions and Responsibilities

What type of work involves the preparation of tax returns, audits, and accounting?

Accounting for individuals and companies.

Daily Routines of Various Professions

What is important about time management according to the academic advisor?

Being punctual to classes is crucial; arriving exactly on time is expected.

Daily Routines of Various Professions

What types of issues do students discuss with the academic advisor?

Problems with classes, professors, or personal issues.

Cultural and Linguistic Variations in English

How does the academic advisor describe the perception of time in their context compared to back home?

Time is very valuable and punctuality is important, unlike back home where timing has less value.

Transcripts and Vocabulary Learning

What does the term 'expantiate' mean?

A nonstandard construction; the standard word is 'expand'.

Importance of Communication Skills in the Workplace

What does 'pretty bad shape' mean?

Very bad or poor condition.

Daily Routines of Various Professions

What is the role of an EMT?

An allied health professional responsible for responding to medical emergencies and providing initial care.

Daily Routines of Various Professions

What does the horn player do apart from teaching?

He performs regularly as a musician.

Transcripts and Vocabulary Learning

What types of constructions are reflected in the transcripts?

Customary and idiomatic constructions found in American English.

Diversity of Interviewees

What career does the high school student consider pursuing?

The student is considering becoming an editor.

Daily Routines of Various Professions

What are some of the music genres played by the horn player’s group?

They play classical music and pops music, as well as educational programming.

Interview Format and Natural Speech

What is a notable characteristic of natural speech as opposed to written language?

People do not always speak in complete sentences; they may hesitate, interrupt themselves, or correct themselves.

Challenges in Different Work Environments

What does the term 'spin-off' refer to in this context?

A spin-off is when a company becomes a subsidiary of another company.

Job Descriptions and Responsibilities

How can you describe the jobs you have had?

By detailing responsibilities, work environments, and skills used.

Challenges in Different Work Environments

What does 'messed-up' mean?

Not right or in disarray; to have made a mistake.

Cultural and Linguistic Variations in English

What catastrophic event preserved Pompeii?

The eruption of A.D. 79.

Cultural and Linguistic Variations in English

What types of structures have been excavated in Pompeii?

Houses, public buildings, streets, shops, temples, and government buildings.

Job Descriptions and Responsibilities

What subject is the sign language teacher currently teaching?

ASL 3 (American Sign Language).

Cultural and Linguistic Variations in English

How does living in a gated community affect people's understanding of broader social issues?

It can lead to a lack of awareness about poverty and other societal challenges.

Daily Routines of Various Professions

What is a gated community?

A group of private residences surrounded by a barrier, with controlled access.

Challenges in Different Work Environments

What are PCBs?

Highly toxic organic chemical compounds originally used for insulating and cooling.

Cultural and Linguistic Variations in English

What is pop music?

A genre of popular music.

Cultural and Linguistic Variations in English

What does 'y’know' refer to?

A colloquial pronunciation of 'you know.'

Importance of Communication Skills in the Workplace

What program does the speaker also run related to mercury?

A program focused on mercury in products and reducing sources of mercury in the United States.

Daily Routines of Various Professions

What types of events does the horn player’s brass quintet perform at?

They perform at weddings, graduation ceremonies, corporate events, and parties.

Cultural and Linguistic Variations in English

What feature will one speaker exemplify in the materials?

Features of African-American Vernacular English (AAVE).

Job Descriptions and Responsibilities

What is the IT professional's workplace?

The IT professional works at a company called Broadridge, formerly Argus Group.

Challenges in Different Work Environments

What kind of patients did the retired policeman mostly see during his flights?

Physically messed-up people, often in critical condition.

Daily Routines of Various Professions

What responsibilities does the horn player have for the brass quintet?

The horn player books performance dates, works with clients, hires musicians, and provides sheet music.

Importance of Communication Skills in the Workplace

What was a rewarding experience mentioned by the retired policeman?

Being thanked by patients he transported months later.

Daily Routines of Various Professions

What does the chemist spend a lot of time doing during the day?

Attending meetings and writing reports.

Job Descriptions and Responsibilities

What role does the office manager hold?

Manager of the Purchasing Department.

Job Descriptions and Responsibilities

Where does the sign language teacher work?

Gallaudet University.

Importance of Communication Skills in the Workplace

What is the ongoing project the professor is working on?

Excavating the House of the Large Fountain.

Job Descriptions and Responsibilities

In which areas do the musicians primarily perform?

In the Maryland-Baltimore-Washington area and Delaware.

Daily Routines of Various Professions

What does 'running smoothly' refer to?

Being in place as planned or taking place without problems.

Daily Routines of Various Professions

What is typically required for job schedules in this chapter?

They may vary from full-time to part-time depending on the job type.

Daily Routines of Various Professions

Where did the university professor first study archaeology?


Job Descriptions and Responsibilities

What is the main difference between BLS and ALS?

BLS can provide oxygen and ensure stability, while ALS can administer drugs and respond to emergency calls.

Daily Routines of Various Professions

What is a common morning task for the speaker?

Faxing documents and handling urgent requests.

Job Descriptions and Responsibilities

What kind of patients do they transport?

Patients needing non-emergency transport, such as those on dialysis or discharged from a hospital.

Teaching Methods and Classroom Activities

What is emphasized on the second day of the lesson plan?

Reading the transcript out loud and ensuring understanding of grammar and vocabulary.

Importance of Communication Skills in the Workplace

What is one common task mentioned that the librarian does over the phone?

Answering questions quickly.

Daily Routines of Various Professions

What unique perspective does the retired policeman provide?

Insights into both the negative and positive aspects of life that most people don't see.

Challenges in Different Work Environments

What challenge does the retired policeman mention when sharing experiences?

People often don't believe the negative events he describes from his police department work.

Job Descriptions and Responsibilities

What was the main job of the retired policeman before retirement?

Maryland state police officer.

Challenges in Different Work Environments

What is the 'golden hour concept' in medical emergencies?

The first sixty minutes after trauma during which medical care is critical.

Challenges in Different Work Environments

What is a trauma unit?

A special emergency department at hospitals that treats critically ill or injured persons.

Importance of Communication Skills in the Workplace

What does 'what have you' mean?

It means 'Whatever.'

Importance of Communication Skills in the Workplace

What percentage of people transported by helicopter survived, according to the retired policeman?

85 percent.

Transcripts and Vocabulary Learning

What type of language do the interviews provide models for?

Natural spoken English in the United States.

Importance of Communication Skills in the Workplace

What do the speakers like about their jobs?

The speakers express various positive aspects, such as challenges, teamwork, and personal growth.

Teaching Methods and Classroom Activities

What should be done on the first day of a sample lesson plan?

Listen to the selected segments two or three times in class.

Importance of Communication Skills in the Workplace

What did the professor initially study at Pompeii?

The houses.

Job Descriptions and Responsibilities

What is the role of the academic advisor mentioned?

They work at the embassy of the United Arab Emirates.

Importance of Communication Skills in the Workplace

What is the purpose of dialing 911?

To receive emergency medical, police, or fire services.

Challenges in Different Work Environments

What does outreach mean?

A proactive action in which one person or organization initiates contact with another to address a particular issue.

Daily Routines of Various Professions

What is part-time employment?

A job that is performed for fewer than forty hours per week.

Importance of Communication Skills in the Workplace

What does the professor aim to accomplish with the excavations?

Document the architectural development and publish a detailed book.

Job Descriptions and Responsibilities

What does a Ph.D. stand for?

Doctor of Philosophy, the highest earned academic degree awarded by a university.

Cultural and Linguistic Variations in English

What does 'got ’em' mean?

A colloquial contraction for 'got them'.

Daily Routines of Various Professions

What is sheep shearing?

Cutting the wool off sheep for use in thread, cloth, and clothing.

Study Smarter, Not Harder
Study Smarter, Not Harder