What is Pair Programming in Extreme Programming (XP)?
A technique where two developers work using only one machine.
How does RAD involve users in the development process?
By involving users in every phase of systems development.
Extreme Programming (XP) Core Values

What is Pair Programming in Extreme Programming (XP)?

A technique where two developers work using only one machine.

Advantages and Disadvantages of RAD

How does RAD involve users in the development process?

By involving users in every phase of systems development.

Rapid Application Development (RAD) Phases

How quickly can RAD produce results?

Within days or weeks.

Spiral Methods and Phases

What is a key characteristic of Spiral Methods?

They involve repeated cycles (spirals) of development.

Spiral Methods and Phases

How do Spiral Methods address risk?

By evaluating risks at each phase of the spiral.

Rapid Application Development (RAD) Phases

What is Rapid Application Development (RAD)?

A team-based technique that speeds up information systems development and produces a functioning information system.

Rapid Application Development (RAD) Phases

What is a key feature of RAD?

User involvement throughout the development process.

Process Oriented Methodologies Overview

What is one of the phases in process-oriented methodologies?

Rapid Application Development (RAD).

Rational Unified Process (RUP) Life Cycle

What is the focus of the Construction Phase in RUP?

Coding and implementation of the project.

Rational Unified Process (RUP) Life Cycle

What happens during the Requirements phase in RUP?

Transforms requirements into a design that can be properly implemented.

Rapid Application Development (RAD) Phases

What are the main phases of RAD?

Requirements planning, user design, construction, and cutover.

Spiral Methods and Phases

What are Spiral Methods primarily used for?

To manage risk and improve project development through iterative cycles.

Scrum Ceremonies and Team Dynamics

What is the purpose of the Daily Scrum?

To ensure the team is on the same page and promote transparency.

Rational Unified Process (RUP) Life Cycle

What is the main activity during the Implementation phase in RUP?

Perform various testing.

Scrum Methodology and Practices

Can the scope of a Sprint be changed once it is defined?

No, the scope is frozen and cannot be changed by anyone.

Rational Unified Process (RUP) Life Cycle

What is the final phase mentioned in the RUP context?


Rational Unified Process (RUP) Life Cycle

What is the focus of the Analysis & Design phase in RUP?

Where most actual coding takes place, implementing and organizing all the code that makes up the whole system.

Rapid Application Development (RAD) Phases

What is Rapid Application Development (RAD)?

A software development methodology that emphasizes quick development and iteration of prototypes over rigorous planning and testing.

Advantages and Disadvantages of RAD

What is a key benefit of Rapid Application Development (RAD)?

It allows systems to be developed more quickly with significant cost savings.

Rational Unified Process (RUP) Life Cycle

What is the purpose of the Inception Phase in RUP?

To determine the basic idea and structure of the project.

Extreme Programming (XP) Core Values

What principles does Extreme Programming (XP) utilize?

Most of the Agile Principles.

Process Oriented Methodologies Overview

What methodology emphasizes teamwork and iterative progress through sprints?


Spiral Methods and Phases

What is the Spiral Process in software development?

A risk-driven process model that combines iterative development with the systematic control of risks.

Scrum Ceremonies and Team Dynamics

Who participates in the Sprint Planning ceremony?

The development team, scrum master, and product owner.

Spiral Methods and Phases

What is the primary focus of the Spiral Process?

To manage risks throughout the software development lifecycle.

Rapid Application Development (RAD) Phases

What should developers continue to incorporate during the Testing phase?

Client feedback as the code is tested and retested.

RUP Disciplines and Activities

What is a key focus of the Rational Unified Process (RUP)?

Early and frequent focus on users.

Extreme Programming (XP) Core Values

What is emphasized regarding the work hours of developers in XP?

The project shouldn’t be a death march that burns out every member of the team.

Spiral Methods and Phases

What is the outcome of each iteration in the Spiral Method?

A refined prototype or product increment.

Scrum Methodology and Practices

How does a Scrum team operate?

The team sets its own goals, organizes itself, and makes decisions.

Extreme Programming (XP) Core Values

What role do stand-up meetings play in XP?

They facilitate communication and quick updates among team members.

Advantages and Disadvantages of RAD

How can effective communication be considered a strength in project management?

It fosters collaboration and reduces misunderstandings.

Scrum Methodology and Practices

How is software developed in Scrum?


RUP Disciplines and Activities

What is the goal of the Implementation discipline in RUP?

To translate design into actual code.

Rational Unified Process (RUP) Life Cycle

What occurs during the Elaboration Phase of RUP?

Analysis of requirements and necessary architecture of the system.

Rapid Application Development (RAD) Phases

What is the role of prototypes in RAD?

Prototypes are used to gather user feedback and refine requirements quickly.

Extreme Programming (XP) Core Values

What is one major cause of project failure in Extreme Programming (XP)?

A lack of open communication among the right players at the right time and at the right level.

Advantages and Disadvantages of RAD

What is a potential disadvantage of RAD?

It may lead to less documentation and can be challenging for large-scale projects.

Scrum Ceremonies and Team Dynamics

What is the purpose of the Sprint Review in Scrum?

To demo what was shipped in the sprint and gather feedback from the team and stakeholders.

Scrum Methodology and Practices

What is the purpose of the Sprint final review meeting?

To review and identify changes needed for the following sprints.

Advantages and Disadvantages of RAD

What is a common strength of a project management methodology?

Improved organization and clarity in project goals.

Extreme Programming (XP) Core Values

What is pair programming?

A technique where two developers work together at one workstation.

Scrum Ceremonies and Team Dynamics

What are the four main Scrum ceremonies?

Sprint Planning, Daily Scrum, Sprint Review, and Sprint Retrospective.

Extreme Programming (XP) Core Values

What choice must developers have the courage to make in XP?

To do things right or to throw away bad code and start over.

Rapid Application Development (RAD) Phases

How do users participate in the Prototype Cycles?

Users can suggest changes or improvements as actual screens or reports are developed.

Scrum Methodology and Practices

What is the role of the Product Owner in Scrum?

To manage the Product Backlog and prioritize tasks.

Rapid Application Development (RAD) Phases

What is the goal of the Prototype Cycles?

To allow users to understand, modify, and approve a working model of the system that meets their needs.

Rational Unified Process (RUP) Life Cycle

What happens during the Construction phase of RUP?

The actual development of the software takes place, including coding and testing.

Rapid Application Development (RAD) Phases

What techniques do RAD groups typically use to translate user needs?

A combination of JAD techniques and CASE tools.

Extreme Programming (XP) Core Values

What does XP emphasize in software production?

Simplicity in everything to produce high-quality software.

Advantages and Disadvantages of RAD

Why might RAD not work well for larger projects?

Due to their complexity and lack of focus on a well-defined end product.

Extreme Programming (XP) Core Values

What is the focus of XP planning?

Making a rough plan quickly and refining it as things become clearer.

Scrum Ceremonies and Team Dynamics

How long does the Daily Scrum typically last?

15 minutes.

Extreme Programming (XP) Core Values

What principles does XP conform to?

The principles of Agile Modeling.

Extreme Programming (XP) Core Values

What are the three main categories of activities in Extreme Programming (XP)?

Project Activities, Release Activities, Iteration Activities.

Scrum Methodology and Practices

What is Scrum based on?

Ideas from Rugby.

Rapid Application Development (RAD) Phases

How is a system developed in RAD?

Through repeated cycles and in smaller portions at a time.

Rational Unified Process (RUP) Life Cycle

What is the focus of the Configuration & Change Management Workflow in RUP?

To handle the setup and management of all software development cycles, including processes, tools, and team members.

Process Oriented Methodologies Overview

What methodology involves risk assessment and iterative development?

Spiral Methods.

Rational Unified Process (RUP) Life Cycle

What is the primary focus of the Rational Unified Process (RUP)?

Object-oriented development using an adaptive approach.

Spiral Methods and Phases

What happens after deploying the system at the user's site?

Perform assessment and user testing to develop objectives for the next iteration.

Rational Unified Process (RUP) Life Cycle

What does the RUP development team produce?

Various artifacts.

RUP Disciplines and Activities

What modeling language does RUP exclusively use?

UML (Unified Modeling Language).

Rational Unified Process (RUP) Life Cycle

What are the main phases of the RUP?

Inception, Elaboration, Construction, and Transition.

Rapid Application Development (RAD) Phases

What is the main focus of the requirements planning phase in RAD?

Discussing and agreeing on business needs, project scope, constraints, and system requirements.

Scrum Methodology and Practices

What is the duration of a typical Sprint in Scrum?

1 to 4 weeks.

Advantages and Disadvantages of RAD

What strength does iterative development provide?

Allows for continuous feedback and improvement.

Scrum Methodology and Practices

What is the purpose of the Sprint Planning Meeting?

To select tasks from the Product Backlog for the upcoming Sprint.

Extreme Programming (XP) Core Values

What is Extreme Programming (XP)?

A very flexible methodology for software development.

Extreme Programming (XP) Core Values

How does XP intensify testing?

By requiring that tests for each use case (story) be written first, before programming the solution.

Scrum Methodology and Practices

What is the duration of a Sprint?

Firm 30-day time box.

Rational Unified Process (RUP) Life Cycle

What is the first phase of the Rational Unified Process (RUP)?


RUP Disciplines and Activities

What does an artifact represent in the RUP?

Any tangible output from the process, such as a design specification.

Spiral Methods and Phases

What does each iteration in a Spiral model typically include?

Planning, risk analysis, engineering, and evaluation.

Extreme Programming (XP) Core Values

What type of activities focus on the overall project in XP?

Project Activities.

Rapid Application Development (RAD) Phases

What is a key characteristic of Rapid Application Development (RAD)?

It uses minimal planning, analysis, and documentation.

Spiral Methods and Phases

How does the Spiral Method approach project development?

By combining iterative development with the systematic risk assessment.

Scrum Methodology and Practices

What does a Scrum involve?

Teamwork and intense effort from the entire team.

Rapid Application Development (RAD) Phases

What advantage does RAD provide to developers?

Allows them to take advantage of what was learned during the development of earlier parts or versions of the system.

RUP Disciplines and Activities

What approach does RUP use to drive its development process?

Use case driven.

Rapid Application Development (RAD) Phases

What is the focus of the Prototype Cycles in RAD?

On program and application development tasks.

Spiral Methods and Phases

What does the Evaluation Phase allow users to do?

Evaluate the output of the project to date before continuing to the next spiral.

Spiral Methods and Phases

What is a key benefit of using the Spiral Method?

It allows for flexibility and adaptability in project development.

Rational Unified Process (RUP) Life Cycle

What is RUP recognized as in the context of software development?

A highly influential innovation in software development methodologies.

Scrum Ceremonies and Team Dynamics

What is the Daily Scrum?

A daily meeting for the team to synchronize activities and plan for the next 24 hours.

Rational Unified Process (RUP) Life Cycle

What is the third phase of the RUP life cycle?


Extreme Programming (XP) Core Values

What is test-driven development?

A practice where tests are written before the code to ensure functionality.

Rational Unified Process (RUP) Life Cycle

What is the purpose of the Business Modeling phase in RUP?

To define all potential requirements of the project throughout the software development life cycle.

Rational Unified Process (RUP) Life Cycle

What happens when the finished product is released to customers?

Post-release support, bug fixes, patches, and so forth are handled.

Extreme Programming (XP) Core Values

What does Extreme Programming (XP) emphasize in its approach?

An effective programming/coding approach.

Spiral Methods and Phases

Who suggested the Spiral model in the 1990s?

Barry Boehm, a noted software engineering professor.

Spiral Methods and Phases

What is the significance of phases in Spiral Methods?

Each phase allows for refinement and reassessment of project goals.

Rational Unified Process (RUP) Life Cycle

Who originally developed the Rational Unified Process (RUP)?

Booch, Rumbaugh, and Jacobson.

Rational Unified Process (RUP) Life Cycle

What activities are included in the Project Management phase of RUP?

Activities dealing with project management, design objectives, risk management, and overcoming delivery constraints.

Rapid Application Development (RAD) Phases

What is the main focus of the Testing phase in RAD?

To test the software product and ensure all parts work together as per client’s expectations.

Spiral Methods and Phases

What are the main phases of the Spiral Method?

Planning, Risk Analysis, Engineering, and Evaluation.

Rapid Application Development (RAD) Phases

What is the purpose of building prototypes in RAD?

To constantly adjust them to user requirements.

Iterative and Incremental Development Approaches

What is a key feature of each iteration in incremental development?

Each iteration has a deliverable and often integrates a new piece into the growing total system.

Process Oriented Methodologies Overview

What is the first step in the methodology?

The business process is studied.

Spiral Methods and Phases

What are the key phases in the Spiral Method?

Planning, risk analysis, engineering, and evaluation.

Iterative and Incremental Development Approaches

How are new pieces tested in incremental development?

New pieces are tested both by themselves and as integrated with the rest of the system.

Rational Unified Process (RUP) Life Cycle

How many phases are there in the Rational Unified Process?

Four phases: Inception, Elaboration, Construction, and Transition.

Rational Unified Process (RUP) Life Cycle

What does RUP emphasize in its development method?

Quality of product and process.

Extreme Programming (XP) Core Values

What philosophical dictum does XP planning reflect?

Change is more important than detailed plans.

Scrum Methodology and Practices

What is a Sprint in Scrum?

A time-controlled mini-project that implements a specific portion of a system.

Extreme Programming (XP) Core Values

What is Pair Programming in XP?

An XP practice where two programmers work together on designing, coding, and testing software.

Rapid Application Development (RAD) Phases

How does RAD differ from traditional development methods?

RAD focuses on rapid prototyping and feedback rather than extensive upfront planning.

Scrum Ceremonies and Team Dynamics

What is the significance of accountability in the Daily Scrum?

It demands team members to report on their progress and challenges.

Advantages and Disadvantages of RAD

What risk is associated with the accelerated time cycle in RAD?

It might allow less time to develop quality, consistency, and design standards.

Rational Unified Process (RUP) Life Cycle

What is the main goal of the Elaboration phase in RUP?

To refine the project's requirements and architecture.

Extreme Programming (XP) Core Values

Why do XP programmers continually refactor their code?

To achieve a simpler design.

Scrum Methodology and Practices

What is the purpose of the Daily Scrum?

A daily meeting for team members to report progress (15 minutes max).

RUP Disciplines and Activities

What should activities in RUP have?

A clear purpose, typically by creating or updating artifacts.

Spiral Methods and Phases

How does the Spiral Process differ from traditional models?

It emphasizes iterative development and risk assessment at each phase.

Scrum Ceremonies and Team Dynamics

What is the significance of the Daily Scrum?

It helps to set up the entire team for the coming sprint, creating a smooth pathway for success.

Extreme Programming (XP) Core Values

What quality do developers need to face tough decisions in XP?


Scrum Ceremonies and Team Dynamics

What does Scrum emphasize in its methodology?

Continuous improvement and adapting to change based on feedback.

Extreme Programming (XP) Core Values

What is required for XP projects regarding user involvement?

Continual involvement of users who can make business decisions about functionality and scope.

Iterative and Incremental Development Approaches

What role do users play in the testing process?

Users get involved in testing the system’s ability to meet their business needs.

Process Oriented Methodologies Overview

What need be assigned to each sub-process?

Time, cost, and resources for completion.

Iterative and Incremental Development Approaches

What is one of the strengths of incremental development?

It speeds up system development and delivers precisely what the customer wants.

RUP Disciplines and Activities

What programming paradigm does RUP directly support?

Object-Oriented Programming.

Advantages and Disadvantages of RAD

What are the main benefits of using RAD?

To reduce cost and development time, and increase the probability of success.

Extreme Programming (XP) Core Values

How many developers are involved in Pair Programming?

Two developers.

Rapid Application Development (RAD) Phases

What type of projects is RAD particularly suited for?

Fast or urgent projects.

Spiral Methods and Phases

What must each iteration of the Spiral model have?

A specific goal that is accepted, rejected, or changed by the user or client.

Extreme Programming (XP) Core Values

What is refactoring in Extreme Programming (XP)?

The technique of improving the code without changing what it does.

Scrum Ceremonies and Team Dynamics

What are the key ceremonies in Scrum methodology?

Daily Scrum, Sprint Planning, Sprint Review, and Sprint Retrospective.

RUP Disciplines and Activities

What is defined as a unit of work for a project member in RUP?

An activity.

Scrum Methodology and Practices

What type of methodology is Scrum?

An agile, iterative development methodology.

Extreme Programming (XP) Core Values

What does collective ownership in XP allow?

Anyone to modify any piece of code.

Rapid Application Development (RAD) Phases

What is the first phase of the RAD model?

Requirements analysis and quick design.

Rational Unified Process (RUP) Life Cycle

What is the focus of the Transition phase in RUP?

To deploy the system to users and ensure it meets their needs.

Rational Unified Process (RUP) Life Cycle

How did the original version of RUP differ from more recent versions?

The original version had an elaborate set of activities and deliverables, while recent versions are streamlined with fewer activities and deliverables.

Spiral Methods and Phases

What is a significant advantage of using the Spiral Method?

It allows for continuous refinement and adaptation of the project.

Rapid Application Development (RAD) Phases

What is the purpose of the testing phase in RAD?

To ensure the prototype meets the requirements before deployment.

Rational Unified Process (RUP) Life Cycle

What is the second phase of the RUP life cycle?


Scrum Methodology and Practices

How are controls imposed in Scrum?

Empirically, by focusing on things that can be accomplished.

Rational Unified Process (RUP) Life Cycle

What is the fourth phase of the RUP life cycle?


Rational Unified Process (RUP) Life Cycle

What development approach is applied in RUP?

Iterative and incremental approach.

Advantages and Disadvantages of RAD

What is a common weakness related to project scope?

The project scope isn’t well understood, leading to many changes and updates.

Extreme Programming (XP) Core Values

What type of projects is Extreme Programming (XP) best suited for?

Projects involving heavy coding or software building.

RUP Disciplines and Activities

What are the building blocks of the Rational Unified Process (RUP) used to describe?

An individual or a group of individuals working as a team to produce artifacts.

Scrum Ceremonies and Team Dynamics

What is the purpose of Sprint Planning in Scrum methodology?

To decide what the team needs to complete in the coming sprint.

Extreme Programming (XP) Core Values

What is the purpose of a system metaphor in Extreme Programming (XP)?

To guide team members toward a vision and help them understand the system.

Extreme Programming (XP) Core Values

What technique does XP emphasize to standardize system development?

Keeping things simple.

Extreme Programming (XP) Core Values

What is the benefit of small and frequent releases in XP?

They provide upgraded solutions to users and keep them involved in the project.

Extreme Programming (XP) Core Values

What is recognized as a best practice in software development according to XP?

Getting frequent, meaningful feedback.

Rapid Application Development (RAD) Phases

What are CASE tools used for?

To help systems analysts develop and maintain information systems.

Rational Unified Process (RUP) Life Cycle

What methodology is RUP loosely based on?

The Unified Process in an agile form.

Extreme Programming (XP) Core Values

How does Extreme Programming ensure high-quality software?

Through practices like continuous integration, test-driven development, and pair programming.

Scrum Ceremonies and Team Dynamics

What is the purpose of the Sprint Retrospective?

To reflect on the past sprint and identify improvements for future sprints.

Extreme Programming (XP) Core Values

What role does customer feedback play in Extreme Programming?

It is crucial for guiding development and ensuring the product meets user needs.

Iterative and Incremental Development Approaches

How does incremental development foster teamwork?

By empowering employees and encouraging collaboration throughout the project.

Rapid Application Development (RAD) Phases

What happens during the 'Demonstrate and Refine' phase?

Developers demonstrate progress and gather feedback from users to improve prototypes.

Rapid Application Development (RAD) Phases

What types of tools are included in CASE tools?

Construction tools, data dictionaries, and documentation tools.

Scrum Methodology and Practices

What is the Sprint Backlog?

A list of tasks the team commits to complete during the Sprint.

Advantages and Disadvantages of RAD

What are some documentation-related weaknesses in projects?

Weak documentation and blurred lines of accountability.

Extreme Programming (XP) Core Values

What roles do the two programmers take in Pair Programming?

One acts as the main driver who codes, while the other serves as an observer.

Advantages and Disadvantages of RAD

What is a disadvantage of the continuous process in RAD?

It may lead to a system that works well in the short term but does not meet long-term corporate objectives.

Rapid Application Development (RAD) Phases

What is the main approach of Rapid Application Development (RAD)?

Iterative and Incremental design approach with prototyping.

Rational Unified Process (RUP) Life Cycle

What is the Transition Phase in RUP?

The phase where the product is delivered and supported post-release.

Scrum Methodology and Practices

What is a Sprint Backlog?

A subset of items from the product backlog that have been selected to be part of a Sprint.

Iterative and Incremental Development Approaches

What is the main approach of incremental development?

To build a series of prototypes and constantly adjust them to user requirements.

Scrum Methodology and Practices

What is the role of the Scrum Master?

In charge of a Scrum project, helps to solve problems and provide ideas.

Extreme Programming (XP) Core Values

What is a key practice of Extreme Programming (XP) regarding releases?

Small and frequent 'releases' in short development cycles.

Rapid Application Development (RAD) Phases

What do expert developers use in RAD for faster development?

Tools known as CASE Tools.

Spiral Methods and Phases

What are the key phases of the Spiral Process?

Planning, risk analysis, engineering, and evaluation.

RUP Disciplines and Activities

What are the key questions addressed by workflows in RUP?

'WHO', 'WHAT', 'HOW', 'WHEN'.

Spiral Methods and Phases

What role does prototyping play in the Spiral Process?

Prototyping is used to explore and mitigate risks before full-scale development.

Spiral Methods and Phases

What is a potential disadvantage of the Spiral Method?

It can be more complex and costly due to its iterative nature.

RUP Disciplines and Activities

What does RUP focus on defining?

An architecture.

RUP Disciplines and Activities

What is the purpose of the Testing discipline in RUP?

To verify that the system meets the requirements and is free of defects.

RUP Disciplines and Activities

What does the Deployment discipline in RUP involve?

Releasing the system to users and ensuring it is operational.

Scrum Methodology and Practices

What is the focus of the Sprint Retrospective?

To reflect on the Sprint and identify improvements.

Advantages and Disadvantages of RAD

What can happen without a detailed set of system requirements?

Certain features requested by users might not align with the company’s larger game plan.

Process Oriented Methodologies Overview

Which methodology is characterized by iterative development and feedback?

Rational Unified Process (RUP).

Rational Unified Process (RUP) Life Cycle

What does the Test phase in RUP involve?

Constitutes the entire delivery and release process to ensure that the system meets customer’s expectations.

Extreme Programming (XP) Core Values

What is the goal of Simple Designs in XP?

To accomplish the desired result with as few classes and methods as possible, avoiding code duplication.

Scrum Methodology and Practices

What defines the scope of a Sprint?

The Sprint backlog.

Rational Unified Process (RUP) Life Cycle

What does the RUP Process Life Cycle model include?

Iterations and phases.

Process Oriented Methodologies Overview

How is a business process achieved in the proposed methodology?

Converted into functions in a system.

Extreme Programming (XP) Core Values

What activities are involved in preparing software for delivery in XP?

Release Activities.

Rational Unified Process (RUP) Life Cycle

What should be minimized in the development process according to RUP?

Overlap or wasted efforts performing similar activities that result in identical or conflicting artifacts.

Scrum Methodology and Practices

What is the typical size of a Scrum team?

Usually 5 to 9 people with mixed skills.

Rational Unified Process (RUP) Life Cycle

What is the core principle of the Rational Unified Process (RUP)?

Plan a little, design a little, and code a little.

Extreme Programming (XP) Core Values

What is a key focus of Extreme Programming?

Frequent releases in short development cycles to improve productivity and introduce checkpoints.

RUP Disciplines and Activities

What is the purpose of the Requirements discipline in RUP?

To gather and define what the system should do.

Rational Unified Process (RUP) Life Cycle

What is the first phase of the RUP life cycle?


Rapid Application Development (RAD) Phases

What type of process does development in RAD represent?

A continuous, interactive process.

Rapid Application Development (RAD) Phases

What is one method used in RAD to gather user feedback?


Rapid Application Development (RAD) Phases

What do users do during the design phase of RAD?

Interact with systems analysts to develop models and prototypes representing system processes, outputs, and inputs.

Extreme Programming (XP) Core Values

How does XP handle changing requirements?

XP accepts changing requirements at any time.

Rational Unified Process (RUP) Life Cycle

How does RUP handle risk management?

By identifying and addressing risks throughout the development process.

Advantages and Disadvantages of RAD

How can a long series of iterations affect a project?

It might add to project cost and development time.

Scrum Methodology and Practices

What is the role of the Product Owner in a Scrum project?

Responsible for business requirements, project backlog, and priorities.

Scrum Methodology and Practices

What is a Product Backlog?

A prioritized list of user requirements used to choose work to be done in a Scrum project.

Spiral Methods and Phases

What is the primary focus of the Spiral Method?

To combine iterative development with the systematic risk assessment.

Process Oriented Methodologies Overview

Which methodology focuses on continuous feedback and customer involvement?

Extreme Programming (XP).

Rapid Application Development (RAD) Phases

What are the four phases of the Rapid Application Development (RAD) model?

Requirements analysis and quick design, prototype cycles, testing, and deployment.

Scrum Ceremonies and Team Dynamics

How long does Sprint Planning typically last?

An hour or two.

RUP Disciplines and Activities

What are RUP Disciplines?

A set of functionally related activities that enable the development process in a UP project.

Extreme Programming (XP) Core Values

What is Extreme Programming (XP)?

A software development methodology that emphasizes customer satisfaction and flexibility.

Extreme Programming (XP) Core Values

What is the purpose of continuous integration in XP?

To integrate small pieces of code that have passed unit tests into the system daily or more often.

Rapid Application Development (RAD) Phases

What follows the requirements analysis in the RAD model?

Prototype cycles.

Rational Unified Process (RUP) Life Cycle

What is the Rational Unified Process (RUP)?

A software development process framework that provides a structured approach to software development.

Scrum Methodology and Practices

Who provides inputs in the Scrum methodology?

Customers, Team, Managers, and Executives.

Rapid Application Development (RAD) Phases

How does the RAD process compare to traditional methods?

The entire process is compressed, allowing for quicker delivery and operation of the new system.

RUP Disciplines and Activities

What modeling language is extensively used in RUP?

UML (Unified Modeling Language).

Rational Unified Process (RUP) Life Cycle

What is the purpose of the Inception phase in RUP?

To define the project scope and feasibility.

Scrum Ceremonies and Team Dynamics

What is the goal of the Sprint Review?

To review the work completed during the sprint and gather feedback.

Iterative and Incremental Development Approaches

What is the benefit of spreading testing and quality control across the project?

It usually provides a better-tested and more robust system.

Rapid Application Development (RAD) Phases

What is the outcome of gathering feedback in the Prototype Cycles?

To create the best possible product.

RUP Disciplines and Activities

What role does Project Management play in RUP?

To plan, monitor, and control the project.

Extreme Programming (XP) Core Values

What tasks does the observer perform in Pair Programming?

Checks the code being written, proofreads, spell checks, and figures out the next steps.

Extreme Programming (XP) Core Values

Can the roles in Pair Programming be switched?

Yes, the roles can be switched at any time.

Spiral Methods and Phases

What is the primary focus of the Spiral Method?

To manage risks through iterative development.

Rational Unified Process (RUP) Life Cycle

During which RUP phase is the system built and tested?


Rational Unified Process (RUP) Life Cycle

What are the four phases of the RUP life cycle?

Inception, Elaboration, Construction, and Transition.

Spiral Methods and Phases

What is the nature of the Spiral model's process?

It is a 'risk-driven' process model.

RUP Disciplines and Activities

What do workflows represent in RUP?

A sequence of activities to produce artifacts.

Scrum Ceremonies and Team Dynamics

What is the focus of the Sprint Planning meeting?

To plan the work to be done in the upcoming sprint.

Extreme Programming (XP) Core Values

What should developers follow according to XP practices?

Standards for coding and documentation.

Scrum Ceremonies and Team Dynamics

What is the focus of the Sprint Planning ceremony?

To plan the work for the upcoming sprint.

RUP Disciplines and Activities

What does the Design discipline in RUP focus on?

Creating the architecture and design of the system.

Rapid Application Development (RAD) Phases

When does the requirements planning phase end in RAD?

When the team agrees on key issues and obtains management authorization to continue.

Rapid Application Development (RAD) Phases

How are users involved in the RAD process?

Users are involved in development.

Rational Unified Process (RUP) Life Cycle

What is the relationship between iterations and phases in RUP?

Each RUP phase is made up of iterations.

Extreme Programming (XP) Core Values

What is a core principle of XP regarding processes?

XP tries to simplify all processes.

Spiral Methods and Phases

What is the primary focus of the Planning Phase in Spiral Methods?

Identify risks and develop acceptable resolutions.

Process Oriented Methodologies Overview

What type of business processes can the proposed methodology be applied to?

Complex and distributed business processes.

Spiral Methods and Phases

What is developed during the Risk Analysis phase?

A prototype that includes all deliverables and performs integration.

Spiral Methods and Phases

What are the key activities in the Evaluation Phase?

Define objectives, constraints, and deliverables; perform various functional testing.

Scrum Ceremonies and Team Dynamics

What is the purpose of the Sprint Retrospective in Scrum?

To review the team's work, identifying what went well and what didn't, to improve the next sprint.

Extreme Programming (XP) Core Values

What activities occur within a single development cycle in XP?

Iteration Activities.

Scrum Methodology and Practices

How long does a Scrum typically last?

Usually only lasts for a short duration.

Rapid Application Development (RAD) Phases

What tasks are included in the Deployment phase?

Data conversion, user acceptance testing, changeover to the new system, and user training.

Scrum Ceremonies and Team Dynamics

What is the Daily Scrum?

A daily meeting for the team to synchronize activities and plan for the next 24 hours.

Extreme Programming (XP) Core Values

How is the development team structured in XP?

The development team is fully integrated.

Process Oriented Methodologies Overview

What types of planning charts can be used to show the methodology?

Gantt Chart, PERT Chart, Task Breakdown Structure, etc.

Rational Unified Process (RUP) Life Cycle

What is the focus of the Elaboration phase in RUP?

To analyze the project's requirements and establish a solid architecture.

Rational Unified Process (RUP) Life Cycle

What is the goal of the Transition phase in RUP?

To deploy the software to users and ensure it meets their needs.

RUP Disciplines and Activities

What does the Environment discipline in RUP refer to?

The tools and processes that support the development activities.

Advantages and Disadvantages of RAD

What does RAD stress in the development process?

The mechanics of the system itself, rather than the company’s strategic business needs.

Spiral Methods and Phases

What type of projects benefit from the Spiral model?

Projects with high risk, unclear requirements, many independent components, or many disagreeing stakeholders.

Advantages and Disadvantages of RAD

What advantage does RAD provide in terms of modifications?

It allows the development team to make necessary modifications quickly as the design evolves.

Spiral Methods and Phases

How does the Spiral Method address risks?

By evaluating risks at each iteration and adjusting plans accordingly.

Rapid Application Development (RAD) Phases

What does the Deployment phase in RAD resemble?

The final tasks in the SDLC implementation phase.

RUP Disciplines and Activities

Name one of the RUP Disciplines.

Business modelling.

Spiral Methods and Phases

How are the next steps determined in the Spiral model?

Based on the 'Risk' pattern.

Advantages and Disadvantages of RAD

What is a common weakness of a rigid project management approach?

Inflexibility to adapt to changing project requirements.

Scrum Methodology and Practices

What is the philosophy behind Scrum?

Complete control a team exerts over its own organization and work processes.

Rapid Application Development (RAD) Phases

What is the final phase of the RAD model?


Extreme Programming (XP) Core Values

What is the importance of user involvement in XP?

Close user involvement ensures that the software meets user needs and expectations.

RUP Disciplines and Activities

How adaptable is RUP to specific projects?

It is adaptable to the needs of a specific project.

RUP Disciplines and Activities

Can RUP be made agile?

Yes, it can be made highly agile, but originally had heavy ceremony.

RUP Disciplines and Activities

How does RUP provide management structure?

By defining phases in the development process.

Advantages and Disadvantages of RAD

What is a potential weakness related to resource allocation in project management?

Over-allocation can lead to burnout and decreased productivity.

Extreme Programming (XP) Core Values

What is pair programming in the context of Extreme Programming?

A practice where two programmers work together at one workstation, enhancing collaboration and code quality.

Advantages and Disadvantages of RAD

What is a weakness of relying heavily on documentation?

It can slow down the development process and hinder flexibility.

Rational Unified Process (RUP) Life Cycle

What is an important characteristic of RUP?

It is iterative and incremental, allowing for continuous feedback and improvement.

Scrum Methodology and Practices

What is the purpose of the Daily Standup Meeting?

To discuss progress and any obstacles faced by the team.

Scrum Methodology and Practices

What happens during the Sprint Review?

The team presents finished work to stakeholders.

Scrum Methodology and Practices

How does the team select tasks for the Sprint?

By starting at the top of the Product Backlog and committing to deliver as much as possible.

Rational Unified Process (RUP) Life Cycle

What approach does RUP take towards system development?

A holistic approach.

Rational Unified Process (RUP) Life Cycle

How does RUP handle tasks in the development process?

Tasks are broken down into smaller components.

RUP Disciplines and Activities

What is the focus of Configuration and Change Management in RUP?

Managing changes to the project and ensuring consistency.

Process Oriented Methodologies Overview

How utilize processes and tasks in the methodology?

They are broken down into the smallest workable components.

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