What is another name for a Semi-Precast Slab?
What test is used to assess watertightness in precast facades?
ASTM E331 - 00.
Types of Precast Elements

What is another name for a Semi-Precast Slab?


Quality Control in Precast Manufacturing

What test is used to assess watertightness in precast facades?

ASTM E331 - 00.

Joints in Precast Concrete Construction

How many facade units are mentioned in relation to joints?

4 facade units.

Factors to Consider in Precast Construction Stages

What is the numerical value associated with the exempted GFA?


Joints in Precast Concrete Construction

What is a wet joint in precast construction?

A monolithic joint where in-situ concrete bonds the precast element with the structure.

Joints in Precast Concrete Construction

What is a wet joint in precast construction?

A connection method where fresh concrete is applied to join precast elements.

Quality Control in Precast Manufacturing

What is flashing in the context of building construction?

A material used to direct water away from critical areas of a structure.

Advantages of Precast Construction

What is one way to reduce weather exposure on construction sites?

By using more machines or robots to substitute workers.

Quality Control in Precast Manufacturing

What tools are commonly used for trowelling?

Trowels, floats, and sometimes power trowels.

Modular Integrated Construction (MiC)

What is Modular Construction?

A construction method that involves prefabricating building sections off-site and assembling them on-site.

Design and Coordination Challenges

What is the significance of clearly identifying the location of a panel?

It ensures proper installation and alignment in construction.

Quality Control in Precast Manufacturing

What is trowelling in construction?

A finishing technique used to smooth and level surfaces.

Joints in Precast Concrete Construction

What was the name of the pioneering project by the HK Housing Department?

Kwai Chung Flatted Factory Redevelopment.

Modular Integrated Construction (MiC)

What is the total area of the 3-bedroom apartment mentioned?

160 square meters.

Factors to Consider in Precast Construction Stages

What is a significant requirement for storing precast units?

Ample storage space.

Joints in Precast Concrete Construction

Why are joints important in facade units?

They ensure structural integrity and proper alignment of the units.

Modular Integrated Construction (MiC)

Where is the Modular Construction project located?

At HKU, Science Park.

Quality Control in Precast Manufacturing

What is the benefit of casting window frames before concreting?

It results in consistent and higher quality with a lower risk of water leakage.

Quality Control in Precast Manufacturing

What is applied to the floor slab in precast toilets to reduce water leakage?

A waterproofing layer.

Quality Control in Precast Manufacturing

What is the purpose of trial production and testing in the factory production stage?

To test aspects such as water tightness before mass production.

Joints in Precast Concrete Construction

What is a filled joint?

A type of dry joint that is filled to create a seal.

Types of Precast Elements

What does a monolithic precast element typically consist of?

Two sides and a top, with a dry joint at the bottom.

Joints in Precast Concrete Construction

What is a gasket joint?

A type of dry joint that uses a gasket to create a seal.

Factors to Consider in Precast Construction Stages

What strategies can be employed to maximize space utilization?

Implementing modular designs and optimizing layouts.

Joints in Precast Concrete Construction

What system did the HK Housing Department implement in their project?

Enhanced Precast and Prefabrication System (EPPS).

Joints in Precast Concrete Construction

What is a key functional requirement of joints in construction?

They must allow for structural, thermal, and moisture movement.

Factors to Consider in Precast Construction Stages

What factors need to be finalized during the factory production stage for precast panels?

Panel size (dimensional, weight factors), joint (type, location), lifting and handling method, mould manufacturing production line.

Factors to Consider in Precast Construction Stages

What is the primary goal of maximizing space utilization?

To make the most efficient use of available space.

Types of Precast Elements

Which building was the first in Hong Kong to use prefabricated toilet cubicles?

HSBC headquarters.

Design and Coordination Challenges

What is an example of symmetrical shapes mentioned?

Flat D vs E.

Factors to Consider in Precast Construction Stages

What should be used for lifting precast elements?

Designated hoisting hooks (lifting inserts).

Joints in Precast Concrete Construction

What is a common failure associated with filled joints?

Poor adhesion due to dirt, grease, or oil not being removed before applying sealant.

Joints in Precast Concrete Construction

What is the primary function of a gasket joint?

To prevent leakage and ensure a tight seal between precast elements.

Transportation and Logistics in Precast Construction

What is the purpose of a lifting frame?

To provide support and stability during the lifting process.

Disadvantages of Precast Construction

What is a disadvantage of traditional timber formwork staircases?

They are time-consuming due to irregular shapes.

Factors to Consider in Precast Construction Stages

What is a characteristic of symmetrical designs in this context?

Symmetrical is NOT considered repetitive.

Transportation and Logistics in Precast Construction

What is the purpose of supporting frames during transportation?

To secure the position of elements and prevent overturning.

Types of Precast Elements

In what applications are lightweight concrete wall panels commonly used?

In residential and commercial buildings for walls and partitions.

Types of Precast Elements

What is precast concrete?

Concrete elements that are cast and cured in a controlled environment before being transported to the construction site.

Transportation and Logistics in Precast Construction

What are the possible modes of transportation mentioned?

By sea, road, or both.

Joints in Precast Concrete Construction

What are vertical joints in facade units?

Connections between the side edges of adjacent facade units.

Environmental Benefits of Precast Concrete

How does a smooth concrete surface contribute to environmental friendliness?

It reduces or eliminates the need for finishes like plastering, allowing for direct painting or tiling.

Factors to Consider in Precast Construction Stages

What is an On-Site Casting Yard?

A designated area where precast concrete elements are manufactured directly at the construction site.

Advantages of Precast Construction

What is one advantage of an indoor working environment in precast construction?

It is shielded from heat and rain, leading to consistent and higher quality.

Joints in Precast Concrete Construction

What is the purpose of using a wet joint?

To ensure a strong bond between precast elements.

Joints in Precast Concrete Construction

What percentage of concrete elements were precast in the Kwai Chung project?

Up to 60%.

Types of Precast Elements

What is prefabrication?

The manufacture of different sections or components that can be assembled later on the site to form part of a building.

Types of Precast Elements

Where have precast beams and columns been used?

In HK Jockey Club HQ, KCR Hunghom extension, KMB Lai Chi Kok depot, PolyU Hunghom Bay campus, etc.

Disadvantages of Precast Construction

Why is it difficult to change the design in precast construction?

Because the design is often frozen once committed.

Transportation and Logistics in Precast Construction

What is a key strategy to maximize space utilization in transportation?

Mounting frames on lorries.

Factors to Consider in Precast Construction Stages

Why is space utilization important in precast construction?

It enhances efficiency and reduces waste.

Disadvantages of Precast Construction

How does in-situ construction compare to precast construction in terms of flexibility?

In-situ construction is more flexible, allowing for last-minute changes.

Joints in Precast Concrete Construction

What are horizontal joints in facade units?

Connections between the top and bottom edges of adjacent facade units.

Joints in Precast Concrete Construction

What is a Monolithic Joint?

A joint where an in-situ wall is bonded with precast facades.

Joints in Precast Concrete Construction

What is Metazeal?

Metazeal is an air seal used as a compressive joint material.

Modular Integrated Construction (MiC)

What is the significance of the number 165 in the context of Modular Construction?

It may refer to a specific project code or identifier related to the HKU, Science Park.

Factors to Consider in Precast Construction Stages

When is the placement by tower crane typically done in construction?

Before the overhead slab is cast.

Factors to Consider in Precast Construction Stages

What is the exempted Gross Floor Area (GFA) mentioned in the sales brochure?

Greater than 1,500 sq ft.

Joints in Precast Concrete Construction

What are dowel bars used for in construction?

They are used to transfer loads between concrete slabs.

Design and Coordination Challenges

What number is associated with the location of the panel?


Modular Integrated Construction (MiC)

How many modules are needed to form a 3-bedroom apartment?

6 modules.

Joints in Precast Concrete Construction

What is the purpose of slots in precast concrete?

Slots allow for the alignment and connection of precast elements.

Advantages of Precast Construction

What is the purpose of air sealing in construction?

To prevent air leaks and improve energy efficiency.

Joints in Precast Concrete Construction

What is a major concern for structural precast elements?

Integrity and continuity of structural elements like rebars.

Types of Precast Elements

What is the primary structural element used in the Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre?

Steel Truss.

Quality Control in Precast Manufacturing

What should be done if water leakage is found during trial production?

Modify the design, such as the joints.

Design and Coordination Challenges

How does standard design affect project coordination?

It simplifies communication among stakeholders and reduces the likelihood of errors.

Quality Control in Precast Manufacturing

When is trowelling typically performed?

After the concrete has been poured and has begun to set.

Types of Precast Elements

In which sector have prefabricated toilet cubicles become more popular?

Public housing.

Advantages of Precast Construction

How does reducing the demand on tower cranes affect construction?

It helps in lifting reinforcement, concrete, and formwork more efficiently.

Joints in Precast Concrete Construction

What type of unit was included in the precast elements of the project?

Volumetric (3D) bathroom-cum-kitchen unit.

Modular Integrated Construction (MiC)

What is prefabrication in construction?

The process of assembling components of a structure in a factory before transporting them to the construction site.

Quality Control in Precast Manufacturing

What conditions are typically controlled in a curing chamber?

Temperature and humidity levels.

Design and Coordination Challenges

What issues can arise from having different companies handle various trades?

Conflicts can occur due to miscommunication and lack of coordination.

Types of Precast Elements

What type of prefabrication is very popular?

Precast concrete.

Advantages of Precast Construction

What are the benefits of modular construction?

Faster construction times, reduced waste, and improved quality control.

Factors to Consider in Precast Construction Stages

What is the cap percentage for GFA exemption?


Factors to Consider in Precast Construction Stages

What are mounting frames used for?

They are used to support and secure precast elements during construction.

Factors to Consider in Precast Construction Stages

What happens in the Site Assembly Stage?

The precast elements are assembled on-site.

Advantages of Precast Construction

What happens to substandard precast products before installation?

They are discarded.

Design and Coordination Challenges

What is the shape of a baffle mentioned in the context?


Types of Precast Elements

What is a key feature of the semi-precast external wall?

One side of the panel is already tiled.

Factors to Consider in Precast Construction Stages

What does the Buildings’ Dept. Practice Note APP - 151 relate to?

It relates to the GFA concession cap of 10%.


What is the primary focus of the video linked?

The content of the video is not provided, so I cannot determine the primary focus.

Advantages of Precast Construction

How can safety be improved on construction sites?

By minimizing work at height and maintaining a tidier site through better housekeeping.

Factors to Consider in Precast Construction Stages

What is the first consideration in the Design & Decision Stage?

Financial feasibility (GFA exemption).

Disadvantages of Precast Construction

What is a major limitation of precast construction regarding layout?

Lack of flexibility to change layout once the design is committed.

Transportation and Logistics in Precast Construction

Where were the prefabricated toilet cubicles for the HSBC headquarters made?


Quality Control in Precast Manufacturing

What type of construction is affected by the defective precast slabs?

Public housing.

Joints in Precast Concrete Construction

How is the air space inside splice sleeves filled?

With cement grout.

Modular Integrated Construction (MiC)

What is the benefit of using modules in apartment construction?

Efficiency and speed in building.

Quality Control in Precast Manufacturing

Where are top reinforcement bars typically placed?

At the upper section of concrete elements.

Advantages of Precast Construction

How does a precast factory help in managing construction elements?

It operates under the same management, allowing for better planning and coordination.

Quality Control in Precast Manufacturing

Why is closer supervision and quality control necessary for precast beams and columns?

Because they affect building stability.

Quality Control in Precast Manufacturing

What does a curing chamber provide in precast construction?

A controlled environment for temperature, humidity, and pressure.

Advantages of Precast Construction

How does the demand for skilled labor impact precast construction?

It requires lower labor costs due to the wage gap between Hong Kong and China.

Environmental Benefits of Precast Concrete

How do lightweight concrete wall panels contribute to energy efficiency?

They provide better insulation compared to traditional concrete.

Modular Integrated Construction (MiC)

What is the updated GFA concession for MiC effective from 1 August 2022?

10% in Joint Practice Note No. 8.

Modular Integrated Construction (MiC)

What is a characteristic of modular construction mentioned?

3D/volumetric precast.

Joints in Precast Concrete Construction

What is an important assembly characteristic of joints?

Joints should be easily assembled.

Modular Integrated Construction (MiC)

What is a key characteristic of modular construction?

It involves creating sections of a building off-site that are then assembled on-site.

Advantages of Precast Construction

How do non-structural prefabricated external walls benefit developers?

They allow developers to build more floor area for sale.

Factors to Consider in Precast Construction Stages

What activities must be completed during the lead time for precast production?

Prepare drawings, sample approval, mould/formwork preparation, and arrange trial production and testing.

Design and Coordination Challenges

What is the primary function of a baffle?

To control air flow.

Joints in Precast Concrete Construction

What is poured on top of the Semi-Precast Slab to form monolithic joints?

Top layer of concrete.

Quality Control in Precast Manufacturing

What is essential for the structural integrity of a precast balcony?

It must bond to the structure with monolithic concrete.

Quality Control in Precast Manufacturing

What type of finishes do Semi-Precast Slabs provide?

Good soffit finishes.

Quality Control in Precast Manufacturing

What additional feature is required for a precast balcony?

Additional top reinforcement.

Disadvantages of Precast Construction

What is a potential issue with Semi-Precast Slabs?

Possibility of cracks.

Joints in Precast Concrete Construction

What can happen if excessive pressure is applied to a gasket joint?

It may damage the joint material.

Design and Coordination Challenges

What is a standard design?

A design that follows established guidelines and specifications for consistency and efficiency.

Design and Coordination Challenges

Why is standard design important in construction?

It ensures safety, reduces costs, and streamlines the construction process.

Quality Control in Precast Manufacturing

What is the purpose of trowelling?

To achieve a smooth and even finish on concrete surfaces.

Advantages of Precast Construction

How does the use of robots or machinery contribute to precast construction?

It ensures consistent workmanship, such as in troweling.

Advantages of Precast Construction

What is a benefit of reducing the number of separate operations in construction?

It minimizes conflicts between different trades and subcontractors.

Joints in Precast Concrete Construction

In what context is a wet joint typically used?

In lost form construction where the formwork is not removed.

Types of Precast Elements

What are lightweight concrete wall panels?

Panels made from lightweight concrete, designed for construction.

Joints in Precast Concrete Construction

What is a drained joint?

A type of multi-stage dry joint designed to allow drainage.

Joints in Precast Concrete Construction

What makes filled joints easy to apply?

The adhesion of sealant to seal off joints.

Joints in Precast Concrete Construction

In which construction method are gasket joints commonly used?

In precast concrete construction.

Joints in Precast Concrete Construction

What durability characteristic is required for joints?

Joints must be durable.

Types of Precast Elements

What is conventional staircase formwork typically made of?


Modular Integrated Construction (MiC)

What is the GFA concession for MiC floor area as per PNAP APP-161?

6% of MiC floor area.

Types of Precast Elements

What is the primary purpose of formwork in construction?

To support and shape concrete until it hardens.

Joints in Precast Concrete Construction

How many sides do monolithic joints have?

Two sides and at the top.

Factors to Consider in Precast Construction Stages

What is the focus of the Movement and Transportation Stage?

Transporting precast elements to the construction site.

Quality Control in Precast Manufacturing

How are precast staircases bonded to the structure?

By dowel bars or monolithic concrete.

Transportation and Logistics in Precast Construction

What are the dimensional limitations for transportation?

Max. 4.6m tall, 2.5m wide, and 24 - 44 tonnes.

Joints in Precast Concrete Construction

What is the purpose of a neoprene baffle in a drained joint?

To divide the joint into two parts.

Types of Precast Elements

What precast concrete element is used for privacy in restrooms?

Toilet cubicles.

Joints in Precast Concrete Construction

Why are drained joints important in precast construction?

They help maintain structural integrity by preventing water-related damage.

Types of Precast Elements

What is a structural precast element that supports loads in buildings?


Joints in Precast Concrete Construction

Where is the filled joint located?

Between the facades of upper and lower floors.

Transportation and Logistics in Precast Construction

What is a key advantage of on-site production?

Lower transportation cost.

Factors to Consider in Precast Construction Stages

What is involved in the site assembly stage regarding facade units?

Full-scale facade units are fitted on site.

Transportation and Logistics in Precast Construction

What is a disadvantage of on-site production?

Higher labor cost.

Factors to Consider in Precast Construction Stages

What can be affected by improper construction sequencing?

Project timelines, costs, and safety.

Transportation and Logistics in Precast Construction

What is a limitation of off-site production?

Weight and dimensional limits imposed by road traffic.

Modular Integrated Construction (MiC)

What is a Double Wall/Slab in Modular Integrated Construction (MiC)?

A structural element that consists of two parallel walls with an insulating layer in between.

Modular Integrated Construction (MiC)

How are rooms typically designed in hotel development?

Identical rooms.

Modular Integrated Construction (MiC)

What is the primary benefit of using Double Wall/Slab in MiC?

Enhanced thermal insulation and structural integrity.

Environmental Benefits of Precast Concrete

Why is the precast balcony considered a green feature?

It is promoted by the government.

Environmental Benefits of Precast Concrete

What is one benefit of using hollow units in construction?

Hollow units save materials.

Quality Control in Precast Manufacturing

How do external finishes like tiles improve safety during construction?

They are fixed at ground level rather than working at height on a scaffold.

Factors to Consider in Precast Construction Stages

What is a key consideration for proper storage in construction?

Avoid excessive stress.

Environmental Benefits of Precast Concrete

How does air sealing contribute to indoor air quality?

By reducing the infiltration of outdoor pollutants.

Modular Integrated Construction (MiC)

What type of construction method is used to create the 3-bedroom apartment?

Modular construction.

Advantages of Precast Construction

Why was precast concrete unpopular in private development before?

Due to less repetition, lower flexibility to change, and longer design time.

Factors to Consider in Precast Construction Stages

How does an On-Site Casting Yard impact project timelines?

It can streamline the construction process by allowing for simultaneous casting and assembly.

Factors to Consider in Precast Construction Stages

How should precast elements be stacked?

According to installation sequence.

Environmental Benefits of Precast Concrete

What event in 2001 contributed to the popularity of prefabricated external walls?

Government encouragement of green buildings.

Quality Control in Precast Manufacturing

Why is it important to set up quality control procedures during the factory production stage?

To ensure product quality and facilitate easy identification of defects later.

Disadvantages of Precast Construction

Why are traditional timber formwork staircases difficult to work with?

They are congested, making it hard to place concrete.

Types of Precast Elements

What is a major precast concrete element used for building exteriors?


Joints in Precast Concrete Construction

How should joints be maintained?

They should be easily maintained.

Types of Precast Elements

What type of precast element is used for external walls?

Semi-Precast External Walls.

Joints in Precast Concrete Construction

What properties should joints maintain in relation to surrounding cladding?

They should maintain thermal and sound insulation properties.

Types of Precast Elements

What is a common characteristic of lightweight concrete?

It contains aggregates that are lighter than traditional concrete aggregates.

Advantages of Precast Construction

What is a key benefit of quality control in precast concrete manufacturing?

Reliable quality control in the factory.

Types of Precast Elements

What is a semi-precast external wall?

A wall panel that has one side already tiled.

Factors to Consider in Precast Construction Stages

What is the purpose of fixing a window frame before concreting?

To ensure proper alignment and support for the window during the concrete setting process.

Transportation and Logistics in Precast Construction

What is a drawback of heavy duty tower cranes?

They are more expensive.

Advantages of Precast Construction

What technology is used to enhance quality control in precast units?

RFID tags embedded in building products.

Advantages of Precast Construction

What financial advantage do developers gain from extra floor area?

Extra revenues cover additional costs and loss of flexibility.

Design and Coordination Challenges

What is a key difference in construction details between in-situ and precast construction?

Construction details are different for in-situ and precast construction.

Types of Precast Elements

What are Daido piles used for?

As foundations in public housing.

Quality Control in Precast Manufacturing

How do hollow cores in precast slabs affect their performance?

They decrease the overall weight while maintaining structural integrity.

Factors to Consider in Precast Construction Stages

What factors should be considered in different stages of precast construction?

Factors include site conditions, transportation logistics, and coordination between design and construction teams.

Factors to Consider in Precast Construction Stages

What is the purpose of the Green Building Certification Label?

To certify buildings that meet sustainable design standards.

Design and Coordination Challenges

Why is understanding design and connections important in precast construction?

It ensures structural integrity and proper load distribution among precast elements.

Disadvantages of Precast Construction

What is a disadvantage of wet trade construction?

It generates a lot of waste and is untidy (unsafe).

Joints in Precast Concrete Construction

How does a dry joint perform?

Its performance is affected by workmanship and the durability of joint materials.

Joints in Precast Concrete Construction

What are the two main types of dry joints?

Single-stage joint and multi-stage joint.

Design and Coordination Challenges

What does symmetrical mean in the context of shapes?

It refers to shapes that are balanced and proportionate on either side of a central line.

Design and Coordination Challenges

What are some benefits of using standard designs?

Improved quality control, faster project completion, and easier maintenance.

Joints in Precast Concrete Construction

What is used to connect rebars in structural precast elements?

Splice sleeves.

Quality Control in Precast Manufacturing

What is a curing chamber?

A controlled environment used to maintain optimal conditions for curing concrete.

Quality Control in Precast Manufacturing

What is the purpose of fixing top reinforcement bars in construction?

To provide tensile strength and support to concrete structures.

Factors to Consider in Precast Construction Stages

What are some trades involved in constructing a toilet?

Plastering, painting, waterproofing, stonework, joiners, suspended ceiling, plumbing/drainage, electricity, and gas.

Factors to Consider in Precast Construction Stages

Why is ample storage space more feasible for public housing?

Because it requires a lot of space for precast units.

Joints in Precast Concrete Construction

What is a monolithic joint?

A joint with a washed surface to expose aggregate.

Factors to Consider in Precast Construction Stages

What needs to be connected for prefabricated toilet cubicles to be ready for use?

Electricity, plumbing, and drainage.

Factors to Consider in Precast Construction Stages

What is the first stage in the factors to be considered in precast construction?

Design and Decision Stage.

Joints in Precast Concrete Construction

What materials are typically used for gaskets in gasket joints?

Rubber, foam, or other flexible materials.

Transportation and Logistics in Precast Construction

What must be clear for delivery during the movement and transportation stage?

Internal access roads.

Joints in Precast Concrete Construction

Why are gasket joints important in precast concrete?

They help maintain structural integrity and prevent water ingress.

Design and Coordination Challenges

Why is it necessary to protect finished products in toilet cubicle construction?

Because the construction involves too many trades and workers, which increases the risk of damage.

Types of Precast Elements

What are the primary materials used in traditional block walls?

Concrete blocks or masonry units.

Transportation and Logistics in Precast Construction

What should be avoided to ensure smooth transportation?

Disruption to traffic, particularly in terms of timing.

Joints in Precast Concrete Construction

What is a drained joint in precast concrete construction?

A joint designed to allow water to escape, preventing water accumulation.

Joints in Precast Concrete Construction

What is a filled joint in construction?

A joint that is filled with a material to prevent water infiltration and enhance structural integrity.

Quality Control in Precast Manufacturing

What materials can be compacted using a vibration table?

Concrete, asphalt, and other granular materials.

Joints in Precast Concrete Construction

What is the primary purpose of a filled joint?

To prevent water infiltration and provide structural support.

Factors to Consider in Precast Construction Stages

Who needs to approve the precast production plans?

The architect, E&M consultant, and Buildings Department.

Joints in Precast Concrete Construction

What materials are commonly used to fill joints?

Sealants, caulks, or other filler materials.

Types of Precast Elements

What is a Precast Partition Wall commonly referred to as?

Dry Wall.

Quality Control in Precast Manufacturing

What manufacturing process is used for precast piles?

Pre-tensioning in factory.

Types of Precast Elements

What are traditional walls made of?

Brick and block walls.

Types of Precast Elements

What is a semi-precast external wall?

A semi-finished concrete panel with its external face already tiled, which may eliminate scaffolding.

Factors to Consider in Precast Construction Stages

What does 'fixed lost form' refer to?

A type of formwork that is permanently left in place after the concrete has cured.

Types of Precast Elements

What is the purpose of a semi-precast external wall?

It is used as external face wall formwork (permanent formwork).

Design and Coordination Challenges

What needs to be confirmed at an early stage in construction?

Building services and finishes should be confirmed to freeze design.

Quality Control in Precast Manufacturing

What is the focus of the investigation regarding defective precast slabs?

Tracing the source and production batch.

Environmental Benefits of Precast Concrete

How do hollow units affect the dead load in construction?

They reduce the dead load, leading to savings in structural components such as foundations and columns.

Factors to Consider in Precast Construction Stages

How can maximizing space utilization benefit construction projects?

It can lead to cost savings and improved functionality.

Factors to Consider in Precast Construction Stages

What is assessed after financial feasibility in the Design & Decision Stage?

Technical feasibility (structural/non-structural).

Advantages of Precast Construction

What impact does the use of machinery have on productivity?

It increases productivity, for example, using a vibration table for compaction.

Factors to Consider in Precast Construction Stages

What materials are commonly used for air sealing?

Foam, caulk, and weatherstripping.

Modular Integrated Construction (MiC)

What is Modular Integrated Construction (MiC)?

A construction method where free-standing integrated modules are manufactured in a prefabrication factory and then transported to site for installation.

Joints in Precast Concrete Construction

What is a potential benefit of using wet joints?

Improved structural integrity and reduced risk of water infiltration.

Quality Control in Precast Manufacturing

What is the purpose of a vibration table in precast manufacturing?

To achieve better compaction of elements like slabs.

Design and Coordination Challenges

Why do toilet fixtures and finishes take a lot of time and labor?

Because they involve a lot of trades and works such as plumbing and drainage (P&D), gas supply, electricity, plastering, tiling, screeding, marble fixing, and painting.

Joints in Precast Concrete Construction

What are filled joints vulnerable to?

Movement and weather attack.

Transportation and Logistics in Precast Construction

What factors are considered in designing a tailor-made lifting beam?

Load capacity, dimensions, and specific project requirements.

Advantages of Precast Construction

What labor issue does precast construction help to avoid?

It helps avoid labor shortages affecting progress.

Types of Precast Elements

What is a traditional block wall?

A wall constructed using concrete blocks or masonry units.

Factors to Consider in Precast Construction Stages

Can prefabrication occur on-site or off-site?

Yes, it can occur both on-site and off-site.

Quality Control in Precast Manufacturing

What is one advantage of waterproofing toilet cubicles in a factory?

It results in better quality.

Advantages of Precast Construction

What is a benefit of non-structural prefabricated external walls in private development?

They could be exempted from Plot Ratio and Site Coverage calculation.

Factors to Consider in Precast Construction Stages

What is the minimum lead time a contractor needs to prepare for precast production?

Approximately 4 months.

Joints in Precast Concrete Construction

What are the characteristics of rubber gaskets?

Compressible, high elastic recovery, good resistance to weather attack, impermeable to water and moisture.

Types of Precast Elements

What type of structure is a precast balcony?

A cantilever structure.

Types of Precast Elements

What is a precast refuse chute?

A system designed for the efficient disposal of waste in buildings.

Joints in Precast Concrete Construction

What is a common issue with joints in precast units?

Cracks can easily develop at joints due to building movement.

Types of Precast Elements

What is the primary function of a precast refuse chute?

To facilitate the vertical transport of waste to a collection point.

Factors to Consider in Precast Construction Stages

What is a key difference in the usage of precast construction between public and private sectors?

Public projects often focus on large-scale infrastructure, while private projects may prioritize aesthetic and design flexibility.

Advantages of Precast Construction

How does a precast refuse chute benefit building design?

It optimizes space and improves waste management efficiency.

Advantages of Precast Construction

What are the advantages of using precast staircases?

They offer faster installation, consistent quality, and reduced on-site labor.

Types of Precast Elements

What material is typically used for precast refuse chutes?


Advantages of Precast Construction

What benefit does flexible layout design provide in semi-precast external walls?

It allows for variations in length and profile of the wall.

Advantages of Precast Construction

Why is casting precast facades horizontally beneficial?

It allows for better compaction and economy in formwork.

Factors to Consider in Precast Construction Stages

What are the benefits of using an On-Site Casting Yard?

Reduces transportation costs and allows for better coordination with the construction schedule.

Quality Control in Precast Manufacturing

When was the investigation into defective precast slabs conducted?

September 2016.

Joints in Precast Concrete Construction

What is a gasket joint?

A type of joint used to create a seal between two surfaces, often in precast concrete construction.

Transportation and Logistics in Precast Construction

What is a tailor-made lifting beam?

A customized lifting device designed to meet specific load requirements.

Design and Coordination Challenges

What angle is associated with the symmetrical shapes discussed?

45 degrees.

Types of Precast Elements

What is the first generation of infill panels?

Infill Panel.

Joints in Precast Concrete Construction

Why are structural joints required in precast beams and columns?

To ensure continuity of rebars.

Advantages of Precast Construction

What is a key benefit of using lightweight concrete wall panels?

They reduce the overall weight of the structure.

Transportation and Logistics in Precast Construction

Why are tailor-made lifting beams important?

They ensure safety and efficiency when handling precast elements.

Types of Precast Elements

What are some examples of prefabricated components?

Steel sections, door frames, curtain walls, plasterboard, drywall, cladding.

Joints in Precast Concrete Construction

What are the joining methods mentioned for precast elements?

Dry joints (bolt & nut, dowel or weld) and monolithic concrete.

Disadvantages of Precast Construction

What is a drawback of traditional timber formwork staircases regarding durability?

They are easily damaged due to worker traffic.

Disadvantages of Precast Construction

In what type of market is design flexibility especially important?

In volatile markets.

Quality Control in Precast Manufacturing

What is the primary purpose of a vibration table?

To achieve compaction in concrete and other materials.

Joints in Precast Concrete Construction

What is the significance of monolithic joints in construction?

They provide structural integrity and continuity in precast elements.

Types of Precast Elements

What is the significance of the number 84 in the context of conventional staircase formwork?

It may refer to a specific design or measurement standard.

Factors to Consider in Precast Construction Stages

What supports the Semi-Precast Slab?


Joints in Precast Concrete Construction

What type of joint is described as Z shaped?

Filled Joint.

Types of Precast Elements

What is a hollow precast floor slab?

A type of precast concrete element designed with hollow cores to reduce weight and material usage.

Factors to Consider in Precast Construction Stages

What is the purpose of offering different bedroom configurations?

To suit customers' needs.

Advantages of Precast Construction

What are the benefits of using hollow precast floor slabs?

They offer reduced weight, improved thermal insulation, and faster installation.

Design and Coordination Challenges

What type of seal is associated with the baffle?

Air seal.

Environmental Benefits of Precast Concrete

How does factory production compare to site production in terms of material wastage?

Factory production reduces wastage on materials.

Factors to Consider in Precast Construction Stages

What is a significant consideration for site storage during the assembly stage?

Site storage occupies large areas and requires careful site layouts.

Joints in Precast Concrete Construction

How does a filled joint contribute to the longevity of a structure?

By preventing water ingress and reducing the risk of corrosion and damage.

Joints in Precast Concrete Construction

What is a monolithic joint?

A joint that bonds with insitu concrete, providing better structural integrity and lower risk of cracks.

Transportation and Logistics in Precast Construction

What is a potential advantage of off-site production?

Cheaper labor costs in China.

Factors to Consider in Precast Construction Stages

What is crucial to do before the final fixing of precast units?

Align and plumb the units carefully.

Disadvantages of Precast Construction

What are the drawbacks of using precast piles?

Vibration and noise during installation.

Types of Precast Elements

What feature is included in the design of dry walls for electrical work?

Electrical conduits are already cast in and connected to protruded conduits from the slab.

Modular Integrated Construction (MiC)

In what type of construction is the Double Wall/Slab commonly used?

In Modular Integrated Construction (MiC) for residential and commercial buildings.

Factors to Consider in Precast Construction Stages

What is a key consideration when setting up an On-Site Casting Yard?

The availability of space and access to necessary materials and equipment.

Types of Precast Elements

Where is the Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre located?

Hong Kong.

Advantages of Precast Construction

Why are vertical elements cast horizontally in precast construction?

It allows for better compaction.

Factors to Consider in Precast Construction Stages

What factors influence the speed of construction in the factory production stage?

Delivery schedule, production rate, number of moulds, size of workforce, and quantity of concrete.

Quality Control in Precast Manufacturing

Why is a curing chamber important in precast concrete manufacturing?

It ensures proper hydration and strength development of the concrete.

Design and Coordination Challenges

Why is proper installation of flashing important?

To prevent water damage and ensure the longevity of the building.

Modular Integrated Construction (MiC)

What significant policy introduced the idea of MiC?

The Chief Executive’s 2018 Policy Address.

Advantages of Precast Construction

How does weather impact precast construction progress?

Progress is not affected by weather.

Joints in Precast Concrete Construction

What are monolithic joints?

Joints that are formed as a single continuous unit, typically on two sides and at the top.

Joints in Precast Concrete Construction

How can filled joints be applied to avoid weathering?

Applied flush or set-back.

Quality Control in Precast Manufacturing

How does the placement of top reinforcement bars affect concrete performance?

It enhances the load-bearing capacity and durability of the structure.

Joints in Precast Concrete Construction

Under what conditions do filled joints fail?

Under excessive compression or elongation.

Modular Integrated Construction (MiC)

Which PNAP sets out the requirements for MiC?

PNAP ADV-36 (2017).

Joints in Precast Concrete Construction

What is the working mechanism of a gasket joint?

Pressure exerted on the gaskets to provide a weathertight seal.

Factors to Consider in Precast Construction Stages

Why is site storage important for mounting frames?

Proper site storage ensures that mounting frames are protected and organized for efficient use during construction.

Factors to Consider in Precast Construction Stages

What can happen if a window frame is not fixed properly before concreting?

It may lead to misalignment, structural issues, or difficulties in window installation.

Joints in Precast Concrete Construction

What is a wet joint in precast construction?

A connection method where fresh concrete is applied to join precast elements.

Factors to Consider in Precast Construction Stages

What features are included in the GFA exemption?

Precast facade, utility platform, clubhouse facilities, etc.

Joints in Precast Concrete Construction

How can the waterproof performance of a drained joint be enhanced?

By adding additional compressive joint material.

Design and Coordination Challenges

Why is early decision-making important for developers?

To address the differences in construction details and ensure smooth coordination.

Joints in Precast Concrete Construction

What can result from an error in joint design or construction?

Water leakage, which can affect structural integrity and building stability.

Design and Coordination Challenges

Why is the contractor typically absent during the design stage?

The contractor cannot advise on buildability during this stage.

Joints in Precast Concrete Construction

What is lost form construction?

A method where forms are not removed after the concrete sets, often using wet joints.

Factors to Consider in Precast Construction Stages

What is a key consideration when designing hollow precast floor slabs?

Ensuring adequate load-bearing capacity and structural stability.

Transportation and Logistics in Precast Construction

What does RFID stand for?

Radio Frequency Identification.

Environmental Benefits of Precast Concrete

What can replace timber formwork in construction?

Precast concrete elements can replace timber formwork.

Advantages of Precast Construction

How does a production line in precast construction ensure smooth operation?

It is not affected by weather or delays of a particular trade.

Transportation and Logistics in Precast Construction

What must be guaranteed to maintain steady operation in precast construction?

A steady supply of precast components/elements.

Design and Coordination Challenges

What does the uniqueness of a project in private development refer to?

Different layout from flat to flat.

Types of Precast Elements

What materials are commonly used in prefabricated curtain wall panels?

Materials such as glass, aluminum, and concrete are commonly used.

Advantages of Precast Construction

What is one advantage of precast construction regarding formwork?

No need to erect and strike formwork on site.

Factors to Consider in Precast Construction Stages

What type of housing is mentioned as an example of repetitive design?

Public housing (Harmony block).

Factors to Consider in Precast Construction Stages

Where is prefabrication usually done?

In the factory.

Advantages of Precast Construction

How does precast construction affect the waiting time for concrete strength development?

There is no need to wait for the concrete to develop strength.

Joints in Precast Concrete Construction

What type of join is associated with the first generation infill panel?

Weak Join.

Quality Control in Precast Manufacturing

What material is commonly used for top reinforcement bars?


Disadvantages of Precast Construction

Why do developers need design flexibility in construction?

To adapt to changes in market demands, customer tastes, affordability, and government policy.

Quality Control in Precast Manufacturing

What is a key consideration when fixing top reinforcement bars?

Ensuring proper alignment and spacing.

Transportation and Logistics in Precast Construction

What type of crane is associated with powerful hoisting plants?

Heavy duty tower crane.

Transportation and Logistics in Precast Construction

What is a trial drive used for in the transportation stage?

To assess limitations on road width, height, corner turns, etc.

Types of Precast Elements

What is the primary use of a Semi-Precast Slab?

As permanent formwork.

Factors to Consider in Precast Construction Stages

What public concern led to the GFA exemption cap?

Concerns about 'inflated' floor area.

Factors to Consider in Precast Construction Stages

What document was issued in 2009 regarding building design?

"Building Design to Foster a Quality and Sustainable Built Environment."

Factors to Consider in Precast Construction Stages

What types of bedroom configurations are mentioned?

1, 2, and 3 Bedroom.

Joints in Precast Concrete Construction

What is the significance of a Bottom Dry Joint in construction?

It helps in maintaining structural integrity and preventing water ingress.

Advantages of Precast Construction

What are the advantages of precast construction?

Precast construction offers benefits such as faster construction times, improved quality control, and reduced labor costs.

Quality Control in Precast Manufacturing

What is a key benefit of using a vibration table in construction?

Improved strength and durability of the final product.

Disadvantages of Precast Construction

What are some disadvantages of precast construction?

Disadvantages include higher transportation costs, limited design flexibility, and potential issues with site integration.

Factors to Consider in Precast Construction Stages

Why is sufficient time important in precast construction?

To ensure proper coordination and approval processes are completed.

Types of Precast Elements

What is a precast staircase?

A staircase that is manufactured off-site and then transported to the construction site.

Modular Integrated Construction (MiC)

What is a key benefit of repetitive design in hotel development?

Economy of scale.

Factors to Consider in Precast Construction Stages

How does the timeline for precast construction differ in public versus private projects?

Public projects may have longer timelines due to regulatory approvals, while private projects can often move more quickly.

Advantages of Precast Construction

What is the advantage of fixing aluminum window frames before concreting in precast facades?

It provides better waterproof performance.

Advantages of Precast Construction

What is a key advantage of a production line in precast construction?

Better continuity of operation.

Transportation and Logistics in Precast Construction

What is a key consideration when transporting precast staircases?

Ensuring they are properly secured to prevent damage during transit.

Types of Precast Elements

Why is it called 'Lost Form'?

Because the precast unit is 'lost' after concrete is cast.

Factors to Consider in Precast Construction Stages

What is the construction sequence for a semi-precast external wall?

Fix precast Lost Form → install reinforcement/conduits → fix internal face wall formwork → concreting to wall.

Advantages of Precast Construction

What are the benefits of using prefabricated curtain wall panels?

They offer faster installation, improved quality control, and reduced construction waste.

Quality Control in Precast Manufacturing

Where is pre-tensioning typically carried out?

In the factory, as it is more difficult on site.

Types of Precast Elements

What is an example of a building that used prestressed concrete?

Cambridge House in Quarry Bay, which used U-shape semi-precast pre-tension beams.

Quality Control in Precast Manufacturing

What is the significance of tracing the production batch?

To identify the source of defects in precast slabs.

Quality Control in Precast Manufacturing

Why are structural precast elements not popular in Hong Kong?

Due to concerns about quality control and the lack of GFA exemption.

Advantages of Precast Construction

What type of labor is required for the installation of precast elements?

Semi-skilled labor.

Environmental Benefits of Precast Concrete

What is Joint Practice Note No. 2 related to?

It is a second package of incentives to promote green and innovative buildings.

Quality Control in Precast Manufacturing

How can products be marked for quality control in precast manufacturing?

Products can be clearly marked or equipped with RFID for easy location if a defect is found.

Factors to Consider in Precast Construction Stages

What occurs during the Factory Production Stage?

The precast elements are manufactured.

Advantages of Precast Construction

What is a significant issue with the skilled labor force in Hong Kong?

The aging skilled labor force.

Types of Precast Elements

What is a key characteristic of timber formwork?

It is reusable and can be easily shaped.

Quality Control in Precast Manufacturing

How does a vibration table aid in compaction?

By using vibrations to eliminate air pockets and ensure uniform density.

Types of Precast Elements

What precast element is typically used as a base layer in flooring systems?


Quality Control in Precast Manufacturing

What is the typical frequency range for vibration tables used in compaction?

Usually between 50 to 60 Hz.

Types of Precast Elements

What is a common application for traditional block walls?

Used in residential and commercial buildings for load-bearing and non-load-bearing walls.

Factors to Consider in Precast Construction Stages

What should be considered when storing mounting frames on-site?

Considerations include space availability, protection from weather, and accessibility for installation.

Joints in Precast Concrete Construction

What is a filled joint in construction?

A joint that is filled with a material to enhance structural integrity and prevent water infiltration.

Joints in Precast Concrete Construction

What does the inner part of the drained joint serve as?

An air barrier to reduce wind pressure difference (pressure equalization).

Joints in Precast Concrete Construction

What is the purpose of filling a joint?

To improve structural performance and seal against moisture and contaminants.

Factors to Consider in Precast Construction Stages

Why is it important to plan construction sequences?

To ensure efficiency and safety during the construction process.

Joints in Precast Concrete Construction

What materials are commonly used to fill joints?

Sealants, grouts, or other compatible materials.

Advantages of Precast Construction

What is a key advantage of the monolithic joint in semi-precast external walls?

It lowers the risk of water leakage and cracks.

Joints in Precast Concrete Construction

How is a monolithic joint formed in a precast balcony?

By pouring concrete with the slab.

Transportation and Logistics in Precast Construction

How should precast elements be stored?

Stacked and stored according to the installation sequence.

Joints in Precast Concrete Construction

What type of facades are commonly used in public housing?

Monolithic joints.

Transportation and Logistics in Precast Construction

What is a risk associated with off-site production?

Possibility of interrupted supply.

Advantages of Precast Construction

What structural role can semi-precast external walls serve?

They can act as structural walls.

Transportation and Logistics in Precast Construction

How does RFID contribute to product traceability?

By using radio waves to automatically identify and track tags attached to objects.

Transportation and Logistics in Precast Construction

What is a key benefit of using RFID in product logistics?

Improved accuracy in tracking and managing inventory.

Transportation and Logistics in Precast Construction

What is the role of a Guard House in a construction site?

To provide security and control access to the site.

Advantages of Precast Construction

What are the advantages of using precast concrete piles?

They offer high strength, durability, and can be installed quickly.

Joints in Precast Concrete Construction

What is a dry joint in precast concrete construction?

A joint that uses mechanical connectors or fasteners to connect precast elements without additional concrete or grout.

Transportation and Logistics in Precast Construction

What delivery method is suggested for urban sites regarding precast units?

Just-in-time delivery.

Transportation and Logistics in Precast Construction

What may need to be applied for during transportation?

Traffic permits.

Design and Coordination Challenges

What are some of the trades involved in constructing toilet cubicles?

Plumbing and drainage (P&D), gas supply, electricity, plastering, tiling, screeding, marble fixing, and painting.

Quality Control in Precast Manufacturing

How does a curing chamber affect the quality of precast elements?

It helps achieve desired strength and durability by providing consistent curing conditions.

Advantages of Precast Construction

What is a key advantage of precast staircases?

They are immediately available for transportation once fixed.

Types of Precast Elements

Which precast concrete element is commonly used for vertical circulation in buildings?


Joints in Precast Concrete Construction

What is a Bottom Dry Joint?

A type of joint in precast concrete construction that is designed to be dry and typically located at the bottom of precast elements.

Advantages of Precast Construction

What is one advantage of using traditional block walls?

They provide good structural integrity and durability.

Types of Precast Elements

What is a characteristic of semi-precast staircases?

They have permanent formwork with reinforcement already fixed.

Transportation and Logistics in Precast Construction

What does 'just-in-time delivery' refer to?

A strategy to improve business return by reducing in-process inventory and its associated carrying costs.

Joints in Precast Concrete Construction

What is the function of the outer part of the drained joint?

To stop water from passing through and drain it away with the aid of flashing.

Joints in Precast Concrete Construction

How does accurate dimensional control affect gasket joints?

It affects the pressure exerted on the gaskets.

Joints in Precast Concrete Construction

What can happen if a drained joint is not properly designed?

Water accumulation can lead to corrosion and structural failure.

Types of Precast Elements

Which precast element is often used as an outdoor extension of a building?


Quality Control in Precast Manufacturing

What is the purpose of wall reinforcement?

To provide structural support and stability to walls.

Types of Precast Elements

What type of precast element is used for interior partitioning?

Dry wall.

Design and Coordination Challenges

What are concealed conduits?

Pipes or channels embedded within walls to carry utilities without being visible.

Environmental Benefits of Precast Concrete

What is a benefit of good quality in precast construction?

It leads to minimum defective works and lower demand for future repairs and maintenance.

Factors to Consider in Precast Construction Stages

What is a key factor in determining construction sequences?

The type of materials and methods used in the project.

Advantages of Precast Construction

How do precast piles compare in cost to bored piles?

Cheaper than bored piles.

Transportation and Logistics in Precast Construction

What is the role of raking struts?

To provide temporary support to structures during construction.

Joints in Precast Concrete Construction

What was the issue with the old joint design in facades?

It led to water leakage.

Quality Control in Precast Manufacturing

What curing methods improve the quality of precast facades?

Autoclaving and steam curing.

Advantages of Precast Construction

What is the benefit of applying external finishes before installation?

It eliminates the need for scaffolding, making it cheaper and safer.

Transportation and Logistics in Precast Construction

What is the significance of the Tower Crane on a construction site?

To lift and move heavy materials and equipment vertically.

Design and Coordination Challenges

What factors influence the design of precast concrete piles?

Soil conditions, load requirements, and environmental factors.

Transportation and Logistics in Precast Construction

Which regulations govern road traffic during transportation?

Road Traffic (Traffic Control) Regulations and Road Traffic (Construction and Maintenance of Vehicles) Regulations.

Factors to Consider in Precast Construction Stages

How does precast concrete contribute to construction efficiency?

By allowing for simultaneous site preparation and component fabrication.

Modular Integrated Construction (MiC)

Can you give an example of modular construction?

Precast toilet.

Joints in Precast Concrete Construction

Where is the Bottom Dry Joint typically located?

At the bottom of precast elements.

Design and Coordination Challenges

What should be fixed on top of the sub-slab?

Concealed conduits and top layer reinforcement.

Environmental Benefits of Precast Concrete

How do traditional block walls contribute to energy efficiency?

They have good thermal mass, helping to regulate indoor temperatures.

Factors to Consider in Precast Construction Stages

What is the purpose of construction sequences?

To outline the order of operations in a construction project.

Joints in Precast Concrete Construction

What can cause a gasket joint to fail?

Minor deformation or unevenness leading to insufficient pressure.

Transportation and Logistics in Precast Construction

What is a key consideration during the Movement & Transportation Stage?

Preventing damage during storage or transportation, especially protecting edges and corners.

Joints in Precast Concrete Construction

How does a filled joint contribute to the longevity of a structure?

By preventing moisture damage and reducing the risk of corrosion.

Transportation and Logistics in Precast Construction

Where should precast elements be hoisted from?

Only at the designated lifting inserts, using specially-designed hoisting frames or beams.

Types of Precast Elements

What is the precast element used for deep foundations?


Advantages of Precast Construction

How are the joints in semi-precast external walls characterized?

They are invisible and fewer in number.

Factors to Consider in Precast Construction Stages

What safety measure is needed if the final balcony wall or railing is fixed in-situ?

A temporary railing is required for safety considerations.

Types of Precast Elements

How is a dry wall anchored?

By cartridge-fixed metal cleats to the ceiling and floor slab.

Factors to Consider in Precast Construction Stages

What equipment is important for lifting during the site assembly stage?

Tower crane lifting capacity.

Joints in Precast Concrete Construction

What is a key feature of the new joint design?

It includes a monolithic joint and a dry joint.

Joints in Precast Concrete Construction

How does a monolithic joint reduce water seepage risk?

It has joints on two sides and a top joint, creating a continuous structure.

Types of Precast Elements

What is the primary purpose of precast concrete piles?

To provide foundation support for buildings and other structures.

Joints in Precast Concrete Construction

What is a wet joint in precast concrete construction?

A joint where concrete or grout is poured on-site to connect precast elements.

Joints in Precast Concrete Construction

What mechanism does a filled joint in precast concrete rely on?

Adhesion of sealant.

Factors to Consider in Precast Construction Stages

What is the purpose of setting up a full-scale mock-up during the site assembly stage?

For demonstration and necessary tests, such as water tightness tests.

Factors to Consider in Precast Construction Stages

What is a key consideration when fixing a window frame before concreting?

Ensuring that the frame is level and securely anchored.

Joints in Precast Concrete Construction

What is the purpose of using a wet joint?

To ensure a strong bond between precast elements.

Factors to Consider in Precast Construction Stages

What must the building design pass to entitle the GFA exemption?

Assessment by HK-BEAM for accreditation.

Joints in Precast Concrete Construction

In which construction method is a wet joint commonly used?

In lost form construction.

Types of Precast Elements

In what types of construction are hollow precast floor slabs commonly used?

In residential, commercial, and industrial buildings.

Quality Control in Precast Manufacturing

What is a benefit of pre-tensioning in precast piles?

Stronger bending strength.

Design and Coordination Challenges

What procurement procedure is recommended for effective coordination?

Early award of window supplier/contractor.

Quality Control in Precast Manufacturing

How does the manufacturing process of precast staircases contribute to quality control?

Manufacturing in a controlled environment allows for better quality assurance and consistency.

Modular Integrated Construction (MiC)

What characterizes public housing design?

Standard and repetitive design.

Modular Integrated Construction (MiC)

How does the Double Wall/Slab design contribute to energy efficiency?

By providing better insulation, reducing energy consumption for heating and cooling.

Factors to Consider in Precast Construction Stages

In terms of funding, how do public and private precast projects typically differ?

Public projects are usually funded by government budgets, while private projects rely on private investment.

Transportation and Logistics in Precast Construction

What is the purpose of a Waste Water Treatment Plant on a construction site?

To treat and manage wastewater generated during construction.

Quality Control in Precast Manufacturing

What is a Concrete Curing Facility used for?

To ensure proper curing of concrete elements to achieve desired strength and durability.

Advantages of Precast Construction

What design benefits does prestressed concrete provide?

Thinner slabs and no or shallow beam designs.

Joints in Precast Concrete Construction

What are the four types of joints in precast concrete construction?

Filled Joint, Gasket Joint, Drained Joint, Monolithic Joint.

Joints in Precast Concrete Construction

What is the construction method for a filled joint in precast concrete?

Dry joint.

Joints in Precast Concrete Construction

What is a possible defect of a monolithic joint in precast concrete?

Poor workmanship.

Factors to Consider in Precast Construction Stages

Why is adequate temporary support and bracing necessary during the site assembly stage?

Because precast units are very heavy.

Environmental Benefits of Precast Concrete

How does precast construction impact noise and air pollution?

It is conducted away from domestic areas, reducing noise and air pollution.

Advantages of Precast Construction

What is a common advantage of using precast in public projects?

Enhanced durability and reduced maintenance costs over time.

Types of Precast Elements

What is another name for a semi-precast external wall?

Lost Form.

Environmental Benefits of Precast Concrete

What is a recycling benefit in precast construction?

Recycling materials such as reinforcement and formwork.

Environmental Benefits of Precast Concrete

Why is accurate ordering of materials important in precast construction?

It helps avoid over-ordering, which can cause wastage.

Transportation and Logistics in Precast Construction

What is the function of a Wheel Wash Machine?

To clean vehicle wheels before exiting the construction site to prevent soil and debris from being transported off-site.

Advantages of Precast Construction

What is the main advantage of prestressed concrete?

It fully utilizes the strength of materials (concrete and steel rebar).

Types of Precast Elements

What is the function of Steel Moulds Storage?

To store molds used for casting precast concrete elements.

Joints in Precast Concrete Construction

How do expansion joints function in precast concrete construction?

Expansion joints allow for movement due to thermal expansion and contraction, preventing cracks and structural damage.

Factors to Consider in Precast Construction Stages

What must be considered regarding the load capacity of a facade lifting beam?

It should be designed to handle the weight of the facade elements safely.

Joints in Precast Concrete Construction

What mechanisms do drained joints in precast concrete rely on?

Physical barrier (baffle) and cavity.

Joints in Precast Concrete Construction

What mechanism does a monolithic joint in precast concrete rely on?

In-situ concrete bonding.

Advantages of Precast Construction

What is one advantage of using precast elements like refuse chutes?

They can be manufactured off-site, reducing on-site construction time.

Factors to Consider in Precast Construction Stages

What might be a priority for private sector precast construction?

Customization and unique architectural designs.

Advantages of Precast Construction

Why are semi-precast external walls considered lighter?

They require a smaller crane and allow for longer panel sizes.

Advantages of Precast Construction

What materials are used in dry walls to reduce dead load?

Hollow or lightweight concrete.

Environmental Benefits of Precast Concrete

How do prefabricated curtain wall panels contribute to energy efficiency?

They can be designed with insulation and energy-efficient glazing to reduce energy consumption.

Joints in Precast Concrete Construction

What is the primary purpose of joints in precast concrete construction?

To connect different precast elements and ensure structural integrity.

Advantages of Precast Construction

How does reducing building height affect structural loads?

It results in less wind load on the structure.

Transportation and Logistics in Precast Construction

What is the purpose of RFID in logistics?

To trace the products and identify the source of defective products.

Design and Coordination Challenges

What design aspect is crucial for precast staircases?

They must be designed to fit precisely with other structural elements.

Advantages of Precast Construction

What installation advantage do semi-precast external walls offer regarding services?

Concealed service conduits can be installed in-situ, allowing for flexibility to change.

Joints in Precast Concrete Construction

What is the purpose of non-shrinkage grout in the joint design?

To fill up the gap in liquid form.

Transportation and Logistics in Precast Construction

What does 'S/C' stand for in the context of site offices?

Site Construction.

Transportation and Logistics in Precast Construction

What is a consideration for transportation in off-site production?

Possibility of transportation by sea.

Advantages of Precast Construction

What is a benefit of using precast partition walls in terms of surface finish?

They provide a good surface finish with no or thinner coat of plastering.

Joints in Precast Concrete Construction

What materials are used in the bottom dry joint?

Neoprene strip/joint filler and non-shrinkage grout.

Design and Coordination Challenges

What is a key challenge in the design of prefabricated curtain wall panels?

Ensuring proper integration with the building structure and other systems.

Joints in Precast Concrete Construction

What are the two main types of joints used in precast concrete construction?

Wet joints and dry joints.

Joints in Precast Concrete Construction

What role do sealants play in precast concrete joints?

Sealants are used to prevent water infiltration and ensure durability of the joints.

Factors to Consider in Precast Construction Stages

How does the design of a facade lifting beam affect construction efficiency?

A well-designed beam can streamline the lifting process and reduce time on site.

Joints in Precast Concrete Construction

Which type of joint in precast concrete construction has the highest reliability?

Monolithic Joint.

Environmental Benefits of Precast Concrete

What types of storage are mentioned for hazardous materials?

Chemical Waste Storage and Dangerous Goods Storage.

Transportation and Logistics in Precast Construction

How are precast concrete piles typically installed?

They are driven into the ground using a pile driver or similar equipment.

Joints in Precast Concrete Construction

What is a possible defect of a drained joint in precast concrete?

Workmanship issues in installing components like baffle, flashing, and air seal.

Transportation and Logistics in Precast Construction

What is the purpose of the Kitchen and Toilet Setting Out?

To establish designated areas for food preparation and sanitation for workers.

Joints in Precast Concrete Construction

Why are dry joints often preferred in precast concrete construction?

Because they allow for faster assembly and can be more easily disassembled if needed.

Factors to Consider in Precast Construction Stages

Why is the material choice important for facade lifting beams?

To ensure strength, durability, and resistance to environmental factors.

Joints in Precast Concrete Construction

What is a possible defect of a gasket joint in precast concrete?

Movement, poor dimensional control, or deformation affecting pressure.

Joints in Precast Concrete Construction

What is the significance of proper alignment in precast concrete joints?

Proper alignment ensures that the load is evenly distributed and the structural integrity is maintained.

Factors to Consider in Precast Construction Stages

What is the primary function of a facade lifting beam?

To support and lift facade elements during construction.

Factors to Consider in Precast Construction Stages

What safety measures should be implemented with facade lifting beams?

Proper rigging, load testing, and adherence to safety standards.

Joints in Precast Concrete Construction

What is the construction method for a gasket joint in precast concrete?

Dry joint.

Joints in Precast Concrete Construction

What is the construction method for a monolithic joint in precast concrete?

Wet joint.

Joints in Precast Concrete Construction

What is a possible defect of a filled joint in precast concrete?

Adhesion failure due to unclean surface or excess movement.

Joints in Precast Concrete Construction

Which type of joint in precast concrete construction is the fastest to construct?

Filled Joint and Gasket Joint.

Joints in Precast Concrete Construction

What is the construction method for a drained joint in precast concrete?

Dry joint.

Design and Coordination Challenges

How does private development differ from public housing in terms of design?

Different layout design from project to project.

Design and Coordination Challenges

What is the goal of having different layouts in private development?

To suit customers’ needs and affordability.

Types of Precast Elements

What is a prefabricated curtain wall panel?

A building facade system that is manufactured off-site and then assembled on-site.

Types of Precast Elements

What are precast concrete piles?

Structural elements made of concrete that are cast in a controlled environment and then driven into the ground to support structures.

Advantages of Precast Construction

How does prestressed concrete contribute to cost savings?

It saves materials, reduces foundation costs, and decreases building height.

Joints in Precast Concrete Construction

What mechanism does a gasket joint in precast concrete rely on?

Pressure exerted on gasket.

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