What challenges do firefighters face when responding to highrise fires?
Dysfunctional elevators, smoky stairwells, maze-like floors, and inadequate hose streams.
Why do firefighters frequently abandon elevator systems during emergencies?
Due to confusion caused by ever-evolving elevator systems.
Challenges Faced by Firefighters in Highrise Fires

What challenges do firefighters face when responding to highrise fires?

Dysfunctional elevators, smoky stairwells, maze-like floors, and inadequate hose streams.

Challenges Faced by Firefighters in Highrise Fires

Why do firefighters frequently abandon elevator systems during emergencies?

Due to confusion caused by ever-evolving elevator systems.

Complacency and Its Dangers in Highrise Firefighting

What is a primary danger in highrise firefighting?


Importance of Highrise Fire Training

Why are fire departments handicapped in highrise training?

They lack effective training resources and understanding of highrise systems.

Challenges Faced by Firefighters in Highrise Fires

What determines which floors are most threatened by smoke in a highrise fire?

The configuration of building systems, fire location, and the nature of stack effect.

Common Misconceptions in Highrise Firefighting

Why is the training guidance from older firefighters limited?

It is based on their personal experiences and traditional ideas, which may not be comprehensive.

Complacency and Its Dangers in Highrise Firefighting

What happens when firefighters become complacent about highrise fires?

They may believe they are experienced despite lacking real knowledge of true highrise emergencies.

Immediate Concerns During Highrise Fire Response

Why is it detrimental to completely kill power to a highrise building?

Because crucial systems like elevators, fire pumps, and smoke removal fans operate electrically.

Challenges Faced by Firefighters in Highrise Fires

How does the infrequency of highrise fires affect firefighter training?

Fire departments prioritize more frequent problems and neglect highrise training until it becomes an urgent issue.

Challenges Faced by Firefighters in Highrise Fires

What does the stack effect influence in emergency operations?

It influences how fire operations are conducted in highrise buildings.

Challenges Faced by Firefighters in Highrise Fires

How should highrise fires be approached according to firefighting principles?

Much like hazardous materials emergencies.

The Need for Prefire Planning and Knowledge of Building Systems

What is the best way for firefighters to gather information about a building during an emergency?

By having a good prefire plan.

Introduction to Highrise Firefighting

What is the initial dispatch for the company officer?

To check an automatic alarm at a downtown highrise building.

Immediate Concerns During Highrise Fire Response

What is a key consideration when dealing with highrise emergencies?

Determining the best method for getting individuals out of the building.

Immediate Concerns During Highrise Fire Response

What should firefighters do immediately regarding electrical power in a highrise?

Kill electrical power to the building immediately.

Challenges Faced by Firefighters in Highrise Fires

What are the leading causes of ineffective highrise training?

Infrequency of highrise fires, technology outpacing fire service knowledge, and lack of effective resource material.

Challenges Faced by Firefighters in Highrise Fires

What incident occurred on the 22nd floor of a 38-story building?

A fire was showing from windows, leading to the death of three firefighters.

The Need for Prefire Planning and Knowledge of Building Systems

Why is it important to gather information before attacking a highrise fire?

Because the wrong initial action can be worse than no action at all.

Importance of Highrise Fire Training

What is essential for a firefighter to effectively manage a highrise fire?

Knowledge of highrise systems and the correct terminology to communicate about those systems.

Immediate Concerns During Highrise Fire Response

What alarming sign does the officer witness upon arrival?

Fire rolling out of broken windows high up the building.

Importance of Highrise Fire Training

What is a significant limitation of firefighters self-training in highrises?

They often rely on either visiting buildings or advice from experienced firefighters, both of which have drawbacks.

Challenges Faced by Firefighters in Highrise Fires

What is considered one of the worst parts of a firefighter's job?

Fires in highrise buildings.

Importance of Highrise Fire Training

What do firefighters often have to interface with for smoke management?

Ventilation control panels.

Challenges Faced by Firefighters in Highrise Fires

What are some consequences of inadequate knowledge about highrise systems?

Firefighters may be at an extreme disadvantage and may have counter-productive responses in emergencies.

Challenges Faced by Firefighters in Highrise Fires

What does switching elevators to 'Bypass' mode do?

Locks them into everyday automatic mode, bypassing the alarm system and preventing firefighter's service mode.

Priorities in Highrise Firefighting Operations

What are the three priorities of highrise firefighting?

1) Rescue endangered people, 2) Protect exposures while confining the fire, 3) Extinguish the fire.

The Need for Prefire Planning and Knowledge of Building Systems

Why is familiarity with building systems essential for firefighters?

It is crucial for effective response and safety during highrise fire incidents.

Importance of Highrise Fire Training

How did the fire service respond to the lack of knowledge about PRYs after the incident?

PRY alerts and warnings were broadcasted, and more information was included in the NFPA Handbook.

Introduction to Highrise Firefighting

What time and day does the scenario take place?

5:30 on a cool Wednesday evening.

Challenges Faced by Firefighters in Highrise Fires

Why do most firefighters know little about highrise buildings?

Because highrise fires are infrequent, leading to a lack of training and knowledge.

Challenges Faced by Firefighters in Highrise Fires

Why is quick ventilation by opening roof hatches often not effective?

Most buildings lack hatches, and smoke may not rise to the top floors, making it a waste of resources.

Challenges Faced by Firefighters in Highrise Fires

Can firefighters supplement a building's fire pump by pumping into the standpipe system?

No, in the overwhelming majority of buildings, it is not possible due to system check valves.

Priorities in Highrise Firefighting Operations

Who should have the authority to call for additional alarms in a highrise fire?

The authority should not be limited to chief officers; it must be accessible to all firefighters.

Priorities in Highrise Firefighting Operations

What should be the immediate responsibility of firefighters in a highrise fire situation?

The immediate responsibility is the safety of building occupants.

Importance of Highrise Fire Training

What knowledge is required to effectively ask questions during highrise fire management?

A strong knowledge of highrise buildings and systems.

Immediate Concerns During Highrise Fire Response

Why is it important to avoid scurrying about in the building during a highrise emergency?

Because it hinders the ability to determine the best evacuation method.

Immediate Concerns During Highrise Fire Response

How should pump pressure be calculated when pumping into a standpipe system?

Calculate at a rate of 5 psi per floor plus the desired standpipe outlet pressure.

Importance of Highrise Fire Training

How does a building's ventilation system impact fire incidents?

It is extremely influential in the outcome of fire incidents.

Immediate Concerns During Highrise Fire Response

What are some major stumbling blocks when attacking highrise fires?

Attacking from the wrong stairwell, insufficient personnel, and using the wrong hose/nozzle combinations.

The Need for Prefire Planning and Knowledge of Building Systems

What can lead to the mismanagement of highrise fires?

SOPs based on faulty traditions and assumptions from larger departments.

Common Misconceptions in Highrise Firefighting

Where are the most endangered occupants during a fire in a highrise building?

It is often miscommunicated that they are on the fire floor or the top floor; the actual risk depends on various factors.

Priorities in Highrise Firefighting Operations

What is the first action you should take in a highrise fire situation?

Assume command and call for additional alarms immediately.

Challenges Faced by Firefighters in Highrise Fires

Is it responsible for firefighters to ride in the elevator with civilians during a fire?

No, it is considered irresponsible and poses safety risks.

The Need for Prefire Planning and Knowledge of Building Systems

Why is it vital for firefighters to understand building systems in highrises?

Because ventilation systems, elevators, and fire protection systems dramatically affect tactics and outcomes of highrise firefights.

Priorities in Highrise Firefighting Operations

What are the priorities of highrise firefighting?

First rescue, then confining the fire, and finally extinguishment.

Immediate Concerns During Highrise Fire Response

What should be the officer's immediate concerns upon arrival?

Safety of occupants, fire spread, and appropriate response actions.

Complacency and Its Dangers in Highrise Firefighting

What can cause complacency among firefighters in highrise districts?

Years of experience with nuisance calls and minor incidents can create a false sense of confidence about highrise emergencies.

Challenges Faced by Firefighters in Highrise Fires

What is the consequence of encountering a true highrise emergency unexpectedly?

Firefighters may experience acute stress, which can impair their ability to respond effectively.

Importance of Highrise Fire Training

What is a common issue with existing highrise firefighting publications?

They tend to avoid the critical issues of highrise systems and their responses to alarms.

Challenges Faced by Firefighters in Highrise Fires

What is the purpose of the firefighter service mode in elevators?

To prevent civilians and firefighters from being delivered to the fire floor by automatic elevators.

Challenges Faced by Firefighters in Highrise Fires

What tragic event highlighted the gap between technology and fire service knowledge?

In February 1991, Philadelphia firefighters faced severe challenges due to technological advancements.

Common Misconceptions in Highrise Firefighting

What is a common mistake firefighters make when responding to highrise fires?

Treating highrise fires like ordinary structure fires.

Common Misconceptions in Highrise Firefighting

What do most firefighters remain unaware of regarding standpipe outlet pressures?

That they can range from 40 psi to over 200 psi.

Importance of Highrise Fire Training

What does the book aim to achieve for firefighters and officers regarding highrise buildings?

To help them gain confidence and bridge the communication gap between the highrise community and the fire service.

Priorities in Highrise Firefighting Operations

According to the scenario, what is the officer's first action?

Assess the situation and determine a strategy.

Immediate Concerns During Highrise Fire Response

What is a significant threat to firefighters during highrise fires?

Running out of air and getting lost.

Immediate Concerns During Highrise Fire Response

What should be done with ventilation systems during a highrise fire?

Sometimes it's more effective to turn fans on rather than off to manage smoke migration.

Immediate Concerns During Highrise Fire Response

Why is self-evacuation a concern during a highrise fire?

Evacuees might walk into areas where glass is falling, posing a danger to themselves and firefighters.

Technological Advances and Their Impact on Firefighting

What are Pressure Regulating Valves (PRYs)?

Standpipe hose valves that limit discharge pressure regardless of intake pressure.

Importance of Highrise Fire Training

What do the first nine chapters of the book focus on?

Highrise systems.

Immediate Concerns During Highrise Fire Response

Should the officer ride in the elevator with the building engineer?

No, due to safety concerns during a fire.

The Need for Prefire Planning and Knowledge of Building Systems

What do firefighters need to know before visiting a highrise building?

How building systems work, possible configurations, and response to alarms.

Common Misconceptions in Highrise Firefighting

What is a common misconception about attacking highrise fires?

That speed is always the best tactic, which can lead to major missteps.

Challenges Faced by Firefighters in Highrise Fires

What are shunt trip devices?

Devices that can trap firefighters in elevators, which many are unfamiliar with.

Immediate Concerns During Highrise Fire Response

What is the first inclination of firefighters when responding to a highrise fire?

To rush to get water on the fire.

Challenges Faced by Firefighters in Highrise Fires

What happens after firefighters perform poorly at a high profile highrise fire?

There may be a burst of guideline revisions and talks of better training, but interest often fades over time.

Challenges Faced by Firefighters in Highrise Fires

Why do fire departments tend to focus on more pressing problems over highrise training?

Fire department leaders are often overwhelmed with issues and prioritize based on frequency and urgency.

Challenges Faced by Firefighters in Highrise Fires

What can cause firefighters to abandon their efforts during a highrise fire?

Running out of air, lack of hose, or encountering an intense fire.

The Role of Building Engineers in Fire Emergencies

How can firefighters educate highrise personnel about their emergency systems?

By providing pointers on making their buildings emergency responder-friendly.

The Role of Building Engineers in Fire Emergencies

Why is consulting building engineers often ineffective for firefighters?

Building engineers usually lack knowledge about emergency systems and how they respond.

Importance of Highrise Fire Training

What aspect of training for firefighters remains weak despite improvements in other areas?

Highrise firefighting training.

Immediate Concerns During Highrise Fire Response

What should be your immediate concerns when responding to a highrise fire?

Smoke will likely seek paths to the top of the building, and there may still be occupants inside. It's crucial to know about the smoke control systems, status of stairwells, and elevator systems.

Challenges Faced by Firefighters in Highrise Fires

What prevents firefighters from pumping into the system unless they exceed the building pump's pressure?

A one-way check valve.

Priorities in Highrise Firefighting Operations

Why is it problematic that fire departments have standard hose and nozzle packs?

Because each pack requires a narrow pressure range to operate effectively.

Introduction to Highrise Firefighting

How many stories does the building have?

Thirty-five stories.

Importance of Highrise Fire Training

What is a primary source of highrise training for many firefighters?

The advice of older, more experienced firefighters.

Immediate Concerns During Highrise Fire Response

Why are standardized charts for pumping into standpipe systems often invalid?

They can result in pressures too low to get water into the standpipe system and provide adequate fire streams.

Priorities in Highrise Firefighting Operations

Why are highrise fires considered high profile media events?

Poor performance can lead to public scrutiny and reputational damage for fire officers.

Challenges Faced by Firefighters in Highrise Fires

What can happen in a highrise lobby during an emergency?

There can be evacuation horns, smoke, and people in distress, which can overwhelm unprepared firefighters.

Challenges Faced by Firefighters in Highrise Fires

What often happens to firefighters involved in highrise fires, even if they perform well?

They may end up facing scrutiny in legal situations.

Immediate Concerns During Highrise Fire Response

What was the issue with the hose streams during the fire response?

Firefighters could only develop a drizzle of water from the nozzles.

Challenges Faced by Firefighters in Highrise Fires

Why is simultaneous supply to a system from both the building fire pump and a fire department pump impossible?

Because only the pump generating the most pressure on its check valve will move water into the system.

Immediate Concerns During Highrise Fire Response

What can rushing water to a highrise fire potentially do?

Make a bad situation infinitely worse.

Challenges Faced by Firefighters in Highrise Fires

What challenges do firefighters face when trying to extract information from building personnel during an emergency?

It can be difficult under emergency conditions, especially if they lack preparation.

Introduction to Highrise Firefighting

What is the fire officer's emotional state at the initial dispatch?

Upset because he thinks it's a nuisance call.

Challenges Faced by Firefighters in Highrise Fires

What problem did the PRYs pose during the fire at One Meridian Plaza?

They were set at too low a pressure to meet the requirements of the hoses and nozzles.

The Need for Prefire Planning and Knowledge of Building Systems

What significant issue affects hoseline operations in many buildings?

The prevalence of PRYs and varying standpipe outlet pressures.

Immediate Concerns During Highrise Fire Response

What does the security officer report?

There is a fire on the 19th floor.

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