What is a consumer defined as in the context of consumer behavior?
A decision-making unit (an individual or a household) who uses or consumes a commodity or service.
What is the primary focus of the theory of consumer behavior?
How a consumer decides on the basket of goods and services to maximize satisfaction.
Introduction to Consumer Behavior

What is a consumer defined as in the context of consumer behavior?

A decision-making unit (an individual or a household) who uses or consumes a commodity or service.

Introduction to Consumer Behavior

What is the primary focus of the theory of consumer behavior?

How a consumer decides on the basket of goods and services to maximize satisfaction.

Assumptions of Utility Theories

What are the key assumptions of the theory of consumer behavior?

The consumer has a limited income and is assumed to be rational.

Consumer Maximization Problem

How does a consumer decide to spend their income according to the theory?

By spending on goods and services that provide the highest possible satisfaction or utility.

Assumptions of Utility Theories

What information is a consumer assumed to have when making decisions?

Relevant information about their income, available commodities, and their prices.

Cardinal Utility Theory

What is cardinal utility?

A measure of utility that assigns a numerical value to the satisfaction derived from consuming goods and services.

Law of Diminishing Marginal Utility

What does the law of diminishing marginal utility state?

As a consumer consumes more of a good, the additional satisfaction (utility) gained from each additional unit decreases.

Assumptions of Utility Theories

What is the main objective of a rational consumer?

To maximize satisfaction or utility given income and market prices.

Assumptions of Utility Theories

What does the assumption of 'utility is ordinal' imply?

Utility cannot be measured absolutely; consumers can only rank their preferences.

Consumer Maximization Problem

What is the main objective of a consumer according to Cardinal Utility Theory?

To maximize satisfaction given limited budget or income.

Assumptions of Utility Theories

What is the role of commodity prices in consumer equilibrium?

They are assumed to be constant for the analysis.

Consumer Maximization Problem

What happens to welfare if MUx < Px?

Welfare can be increased by reducing the consumption of X.

Law of Diminishing Marginal Utility

What does the Law of Diminishing Marginal Utility state?

As the quantity consumed of a commodity increases, the utility derived from successive units decreases.

Consumer Maximization Problem

How should the individual allocate their income to maximize utility?

By purchasing the optimal quantities of goods X and Y based on their prices and marginal utilities.

Ordinal Utility Theory

What is ordinal utility?

A theory that ranks preferences without measuring the exact utility.

Assumptions of Utility Theories

Is the law of diminishing marginal utility an assumption of ordinal utility theory?


Consumer Equilibrium

What is the total expenditure on bread and injera at equilibrium?

2(3) + 4(4) = 22.

Consumer Equilibrium

What is the condition for consumer equilibrium when consuming multiple commodities?

The equality of the ratios of marginal utility of individual commodities to their prices must hold.

Assumptions of Utility Theories

What is one assumption of consumer equilibrium?

The consumer is rational and aims to maximize utility.

Law of Diminishing Marginal Utility

What is the significance of the law of diminishing marginal utility?

It states that as consumption increases, the additional satisfaction from each unit decreases.

Concept of Utility

What does utility represent in consumer behavior?

The power of a commodity to satisfy human wants.

Consumer Maximization Problem

What are the prices of goods X and Y?

Px = 2 and Py = 1.

Consumer Equilibrium

How can the consistency assumption be symbolically represented?

If bundle A > B, then B is not greater than A.

Concept of Utility

Is total utility the sum of all marginal utilities?


Consumer Equilibrium

What does Q* represent in consumer equilibrium?

Q* represents the quantity demanded at which marginal utility equals price (MU* = P*).

Consumer Maximization Problem

What is the Consumer Maximization Problem?

It involves how consumers allocate their budget to maximize utility.

Law of Diminishing Marginal Utility

What happens to marginal utility when consumption exceeds the saturation point?

Marginal utility becomes negative.

Law of Diminishing Marginal Utility

What does diminishing marginal utility mean?

The additional satisfaction from consuming more units decreases as consumption increases.

Consumer Equilibrium

What is the transitivity assumption in consumer choice?

If bundle A is preferred to B and B is preferred to C, then bundle A is preferred to C.

Consumer Maximization Problem

How many quantities of bread (X) should the individual purchase to maximize utility?

3 quantities.

Marginal Utility and Total Utility

What is the marginal utility when total utility reaches its maximum?


Cardinal Utility Theory

How does the cardinal utility approach define utility?

As measurable and quantifiable with a unit of measurement called 'utils'.

Consumer Equilibrium

What condition must be satisfied for utility maximization?

The marginal utility of one commodity divided by its price must equal the marginal utility of the other commodity divided by its price.

Law of Diminishing Marginal Utility

How does total utility change with increased consumption of bananas according to the example?

Total utility increases but at a decreasing rate.

Utility Schedule

What does the utility schedule for commodities X and Y indicate?

It shows the quantity and corresponding marginal utility for each commodity.

Marginal Utility and Total Utility

What is the marginal utility when 7 bananas are consumed?

0 utils.

Ordinal Utility Theory

What does ordinal utility theory focus on?

Ranking consumption bundles according to preferences rather than measuring utility absolutely.

Concept of Utility

What does the total utility of a consumer depend on?

The quantity of the commodity consumed.

Consumer Equilibrium

What is the consistency assumption in consumer choice?

If a consumer chooses bundle A over B in one period, they will not choose B over A in another period under the same conditions.

Marginal Utility and Total Utility

What is the total utility when 1 banana is consumed?

12 utils.

Law of Diminishing Marginal Utility

What is the Diminishing Marginal Rate of Substitution (DMRS)?

The rate at which a consumer is willing to substitute one commodity for another while maintaining the same level of satisfaction diminishes as consumption increases.

Cardinal Utility Theory

What is the unit of measurement for satisfaction in Cardinal Utility Theory?


Assumptions of Utility Theories

What does it mean if the marginal utility of money remains constant?

It implies that the utility derived from each additional unit of money does not change.

Cardinal Utility Theory

How does Cardinal Utility Theory view utility?

As measurable like weight, height, and temperature.

Concept of Utility

How does utility differ from usefulness?

Usefulness is a concern of the product, while utility is a concern of the consumer.

Consumer Maximization Problem

What happens if the Marginal Utility (MU) of good X is greater than its price?

The consumer can increase utility by purchasing more units of good X.

Consumer Maximization Problem

What is the consumers' budget equation?

PX * QX = Income/budget of the consumer.

Consumer Equilibrium

When does a consumer reach equilibrium under the cardinal utility approach?

When the marginal utility of the commodity equals its price.

Ordinal Utility Theory

Can consumers express utility in absolute terms according to ordinal utility theory?

No, they can only express utility in relative terms by ranking preferences.

Introduction to Consumer Behavior

What is the main focus of the theory of consumer behavior?

How consumers decide on the basket of goods and services to maximize their satisfaction/utility.

Consumer Equilibrium

How is consumer equilibrium achieved when consuming one commodity?

When the marginal utility of the commodity equals its market price.

Consumer Maximization Problem

At what point does total utility reach its maximum according to the provided data?

When the quantity consumed is 4, where total utility is 22.

Marginal Utility and Total Utility

What is the marginal utility when 2 bananas are consumed?

10 utils.

Ordinal Utility Theory

How can consumers rank their preferences according to ordinal utility theory?

By ordering various baskets of goods based on the satisfaction each provides.

Consumer Equilibrium

How can the transitivity assumption be symbolically represented?

If bundle A > B and B > C, then A > C.

Consumer Maximization Problem

What is the relationship between consumer income and budget?

Consumer income determines the budget, which shows the number of goods and services affordable.

Assumptions of Utility Theories

What does the assumption of 'Constant Marginal Utility of Money' imply?

The utility derived from each successive unit of money income remains constant.

Assumptions of Utility Theories

What are the main assumptions of the cardinal utility theory?

Utility can be measured in numerical terms, and consumers aim to maximize their total utility.

Consumer Maximization Problem

What is the condition for constrained utility maximization?

The ratio of the marginal utility to the price of each good should be equal.

Marginal Utility and Total Utility

What is the maximum total utility obtained from the consumption of these commodities?

The total utility is not explicitly provided in the text but can be calculated based on the utility table.

Consumer Equilibrium

What must be equal for utility to be maximized across multiple commodities?

The utility derived from spending an additional unit of money must be the same for all commodities.

Marginal Utility and Total Utility

What is the marginal utility when 3 bananas are consumed?

7 utils.

Marginal Utility and Total Utility

What does the graphical representation of total utility and marginal utility show?

The relationship between total utility and marginal utility.

Ordinal Utility Theory

When we rank the utility gained from the consumption of different commodities, we are measuring utility:

B. Ordinally.

Marginal Utility and Total Utility

How do you calculate the marginal utility of goods X and Y?

Marginal Utility (MU) is calculated by finding the change in Total Utility (TU) when one additional unit of the good is consumed.

Consumer Equilibrium

What happens if a consumer derives greater utility from one commodity?

They can increase satisfaction by spending more on that commodity and less on others until equilibrium is reached.

Consumer Equilibrium

At what quantity of bread does the consumer reach equilibrium?

2 quantities of bread.

Consumer Equilibrium

What indicates a consumer's equilibrium position?

When the last unit of currency spent on each commodity yields the same utility.

Cardinal Utility Theory

What is the highest satisfaction level (utils) a consumer can attain according to the theory?

37 utils.

Consumer Maximization Problem

What is the income of the individual in the consumer behavior scenario?

Birr 22.

Consumer Maximization Problem

What are the prices of bread (X) and injera (Y)?

Px = Birr 2 and Py = Birr 4.

Concept of Utility

What is the definition of utility?

Utility is the level of satisfaction or pleasure derived from the consumption of a good or service.

Concept of Utility

What does the relativity of utility imply?

The utility of a commodity is subjective to a person's needs and varies among different consumers.

Consumer Maximization Problem

How many quantities of injera (Y) should the individual purchase to maximize utility?

4 quantities.

Consumer Equilibrium

At what quantity of bananas does the total utility reach its saturation point?

7 quantities.

Law of Diminishing Marginal Utility

Does total utility increase as long as marginal utility is positive?


Consumer Equilibrium

What is the demand curve?

The demand curve is the graphical representation of the relationship between price and quantity demanded.

Concept of Utility

What are the two approaches to measuring utility?

Cardinal utility and ordinal utility.

Consumer Maximization Problem

What occurs if the Marginal Utility (MU) of good X is less than its price?

The consumer can increase utility by purchasing less of good X.

Cardinal Utility Theory

What does it mean for utility to be a cardinal concept?

It means the utility of each commodity is measurable.

Concept of Utility

How can the utility of drinking tea vary for the same consumer?

The utility may differ when drinking tea early in the morning compared to during lunch time.

Marginal Utility and Total Utility

What does MU represent in the context of consumer behavior?

MU represents marginal utility.

Assumptions of Utility Theories

Which assumption is common in Cardinal and Ordinal approaches?

B. Diminishing marginal utility.

Marginal Utility and Total Utility

What is marginal utility (MU)?

The additional utility obtained from consuming one more unit of a commodity.

Marginal Utility and Total Utility

What is the marginal utility when 5 units of a commodity are consumed according to the provided table?

0 utils.

Consumer Maximization Problem

What does a consumer budget represent?

The actual purchasing potential based on income and prices.

Consumer Maximization Problem

What is the formula for Total Utility (TU) in terms of Marginal Utility (MU)?

TU = ∑MUs = ∑MUx + ∑MUy.

Total Utility and Marginal Utility

What is the Total Utility (TU) calculated for goods X and Y?

TU = 40 utils.

Consumer Maximization Problem

What is the condition for increasing welfare when consuming commodity X?

If MUx > Px, the consumer can increase welfare by purchasing more units of X.

Comparison of Cardinal and Ordinal Utility Approaches

What are the two approaches for measuring utility?

Cardinal Utility and Ordinal Utility approaches.

Consumer Maximization Problem

What is the total income of the individual consuming goods X and Y?

Birr 10.

Concept of Utility

Can the utility of a product change based on time and place?

Yes, the utility can vary at different times and places for the same consumer.

Consumer Equilibrium

What condition indicates that a consumer is in equilibrium?

When Total Utility (TU) of good X equals the price of good X (TU_X = P_X).

Law of Diminishing Marginal Utility

What happens to total utility after consuming 7 bananas?

It begins to decrease, leading to dissatisfaction.

Law of Diminishing Marginal Utility

What does the law of diminishing marginal utility state?

As the amount consumed of a commodity increases, the marginal utility derived from additional units decreases.

Law of Diminishing Marginal Utility

What is the law of diminishing marginal utility?

The utility gained from successive units of a commodity diminishes.

Marginal Utility and Total Utility

How does total utility change as more bananas are consumed initially?

It initially increases.

Ordinal Utility Theory

Can consumers express utility in absolute terms according to the ordinal utility approach?

No, they can only express it in relative terms.

Cardinal Utility Theory

How is total utility (TU) mathematically represented?

TU = f(X1, X2, ..., Xn), where X represents the quantities of individual commodities.

Consumer Equilibrium

What condition must be met for a consumer's equilibrium?

The utility derived from spending an additional unit of money must be the same for all commodities.

Marginal Utility and Total Utility

If Beka's total utility increases from 10 to 12 utils by consuming an additional orange, what is the marginal utility of that orange?

2 utils.

Law of Diminishing Marginal Utility

What does a negative marginal utility indicate?

That consuming an additional unit of a commodity decreases total utility.

Ordinal Utility Theory

What does the ordinal utility approach argue about utility?

That utility has only ordinal value and can only be ordered and ranked.

Consumer Maximization Problem

What is the equation representing the consumer's equilibrium expenditure?

PxX + PyY = I.

Assumptions of Utility Theories

What are the assumptions of ordinal utility theory?

Consumers have consistent and transitive preferences.

Ordinal Utility Theory

Can the level of satisfaction from commodities be measured in monetary units in ordinal utility?


Law of Diminishing Marginal Utility

What happens to Marginal Utility when the Total Utility curve reaches its maximum point?

Marginal Utility becomes zero.

Marginal Utility and Total Utility

What is the total utility when 2 bananas are consumed?

22 utils.

Assumptions of Utility Theories

What is the assumption regarding consumer rationality in Cardinal Utility Theory?

The consumer is rational and aims to maximize satisfaction.

Consumer Maximization Problem

What is the consumer's budget equation?

Consumer’s Income = Expenditure on A + Expenditure on B + ... + Expenditure on N.

Marginal Utility and Total Utility

How is marginal utility (MU) calculated?

MU = ΔTU / ΔQ, where ΔTU is the change in total utility and ΔQ is the change in quantity consumed.

Total Utility

What is the total utility when 4 units of a commodity are consumed according to the provided table?

24 utils.

Consumer Equilibrium

What is the formula for consumer equilibrium in terms of marginal utility?

MU_bread / P_bread = 1.

Concept of Utility

Why might non-smokers derive no utility from cigarettes?

Because utility is subjective and varies based on individual needs and preferences.

Ordinal Utility Theory

Can consistency and transitivity be applied to a single commodity case?


Assumptions of Utility Theories

What is one common assumption for both cardinal and ordinal utility approaches?

Consumers aim to maximize their utility.

Consumer Maximization Problem

What quantities of goods X and Y should a consumer buy to maximize total utility based on the provided data?

The consumer should buy the combination of goods that maximizes the total utility without exceeding the budget.

Ordinal Utility Theory

What are the assumptions of ordinal utility theory?

Consumers can rank their preferences but do not assign numerical values to utility.

Law of Diminishing Marginal Utility

What is the relationship between marginal utility and price for quantities greater than 2?

Marginal utility of bread is less than the price, allowing the consumer to increase utility by reducing consumption.

Total Utility and Marginal Utility

How much total utility does the individual receive when maximizing utility?

The total utility is calculated based on the quantities of X and Y purchased.

Consumer Maximization Problem

What is required for a consumer to achieve a higher level of satisfaction?

The ability to compare the utility of various baskets of goods.

Concept of Utility

What is meant by the marginal rate of substitution?

It refers to the rate at which a consumer is willing to give up one good for another while maintaining the same level of utility.

Consumer Maximization Problem

Given the prices of goods X and Y, how much can a consumer spend if the price of good X is 1 and good Y is 3 with a budget of 10 birr?

The consumer can buy a combination of goods X and Y that does not exceed 10 birr.

Concept of Utility

What does total utility (TU) refer to?

The total amount of satisfaction a consumer gets from consuming specific quantities of a commodity at a particular time.

Law of Diminishing Marginal Utility

What happens to total utility as a consumer consumes more of a good?

Total utility increases until a saturation point is reached.

Consumer Maximization Problem

What is the consumer optimum under cardinal approaches?

The point at which a consumer maximizes their utility given their budget constraint.

Law of Diminishing Marginal Utility

What is the saturation point in the context of total utility?

The point after which a consumer cannot enjoy any greater satisfaction from consuming more of a commodity.

Marginal Utility and Total Utility

What does the marginal utility per Birr indicate?

It shows the additional utility gained from spending one more Birr on a commodity.

Ordinal Utility Theory

How is utility expressed in the ordinal utility approach?

In relative terms, by ranking different consumption bundles according to preferences.

Comparison of Cardinal and Ordinal Utility Approaches

Does ordinal utility attach figures to utility measurement while cardinal utility ranks market baskets?


Concept of Utility

Which statement is false about utility?

A. The utility of a product can be different at different places and time.

Law of Diminishing Marginal Utility

What principle describes the diminishing marginal rate of substitution?

As a consumer substitutes one good for another, the additional satisfaction (utility) gained from each additional unit of the substituted good decreases.

Law of Diminishing Marginal Utility

What is true if total utility is increasing at a decreasing rate?

C. Marginal utility is decreasing.

Consumer Maximization Problem

What is the price of bread in the example given?

2 Birr per unit.

Law of Diminishing Marginal Utility

What is the relationship between marginal utility and price for quantities less than 2?

Marginal utility of bread is higher than the price, allowing the consumer to increase utility by consuming more.

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