What is the purpose of a capital budget?
To list the investments that a company plans to undertake.
What is capital budgeting?
The process used to analyze alternate investments and decide which ones to accept.
Capital Budgeting Process

What is the purpose of a capital budget?

To list the investments that a company plans to undertake.

Capital Budgeting Process

What is capital budgeting?

The process used to analyze alternate investments and decide which ones to accept.

Forecasting Earnings

What is the title of the textbook example referenced?

Example 7.5.

Indirect Effects on Incremental Earnings

What are project externalities?

Indirect effects of the project that may affect the profits of other business activities of the firm.

Forecasting Earnings

What is the significance of Textbook Example 7.8?

It provides a detailed illustration of a specific concept or case study.

Forecasting Earnings

Who is the author of the referenced textbook example?

Cláudia Custódio.

Incremental Earnings

What does a spreadsheet typically include in an Incremental Earnings Forecast?

Projected revenues, costs, and net earnings associated with the project.

Forecasting Earnings

What is the significance of Example 7.6 in the textbook?

It illustrates a specific concept or case study relevant to the subject matter.

Forecasting Earnings

What is the title of the textbook example referenced?

Textbook Example 7.1.

Forecasting Earnings

What is the title of the textbook example referenced?

Textbook Example 7.3.

Tax Considerations in Earnings

What is the marginal corporate tax rate?

The tax rate on the marginal or incremental dollar of pre-tax income.

Incremental Earnings

Should sunk costs be included in incremental earnings analysis?

No, they should not be included.

Forecasting Earnings

What is the significance of Textbook Example 7.2?

It provides a detailed illustration of a specific concept or case study.

Revenue and Cost Estimates

What is the upfront cost for R&D?


Forecasting Earnings

Who is the author associated with Example 7.6?

Cláudia Custódio.

Indirect Effects on Incremental Earnings

In the HomeNet project example, what percentage of sales comes from customers who would have purchased an existing product?


Calculating Free Cash Flow and NPV

What is the formula for calculating Liquidation or Salvage Value?

Sale Price - Book Value.

Calculating Free Cash Flow and NPV

What is the After-Tax Cash Flow from Asset Sale formula?

Sale Price - (Capital Gain × Tax Rate).

Calculating Free Cash Flow and NPV

What is the term for the product of tax rate and depreciation?

Depreciation tax shield.

Calculating Free Cash Flow and NPV

What does the term 'PV' refer to in the NPV calculation?

Present Value.

Calculating Free Cash Flow and NPV

What does Net Working Capital represent?

The difference between a company's current assets and current liabilities.

Forecasting Earnings

Who is the author of the referenced textbook example?

Cláudia Custódio.

Tax Considerations in Earnings

What does a negative tax represent?

A tax credit.

Revenue and Cost Estimates

What happens to the average selling price over time?

The average selling price will vary.

Revenue and Cost Estimates

How many units does Linksys estimate to sell per year for HomeNet?

100,000 units/year.

Capital Expenditures and Depreciation

What is depreciation classified as?

A non-cash expense.

Calculating Free Cash Flow and NPV

What is the formula for calculating NPV?

NPV = Σ (FCF / (1 + r)^t) - Initial Investment.

Capital Expenditures and Depreciation

What factors determine the depreciation percentages in the MACRS table?

The asset's recovery period.

Capital Expenditures and Depreciation

What is the Modified Accelerated Cost Recovery System (MACRS)?

A method of depreciation that allows for accelerated depreciation schedules.

Capital Expenditures and Depreciation

Over how many years is the $7.5 million equipment depreciated?

5 years.

Calculating Free Cash Flow and NPV

What does 'Unlevered Net Income' refer to in the context of Free Cash Flow?

It refers to income before interest expenses are deducted.

Forecasting Earnings

What is the title of the textbook example referenced?

Textbook Example 7.1.

Incremental Earnings

What does HomeNet's Incremental Earnings Forecast include?

Cannibalization and lost rent.

Incremental Earnings

What is the significance of cannibalization in incremental earnings?

It refers to the loss of sales from existing products due to new product introductions.

Forecasting Earnings

What is the title of the textbook example referenced?

Textbook Example 7.8.

Forecasting Earnings

What is the primary focus of Textbook Example 7.4?

The content of the example is not provided.

Revenue and Cost Estimates

What is true about the average cost per unit over time?

The average cost per unit will change.

Tax Considerations in Earnings

What is the purpose of tax loss carrybacks?

To offset gains in previous years using current year losses.

Tax Considerations in Earnings

How do tax loss carryforwards benefit corporations?

By reducing taxable income in future years.

Calculating Free Cash Flow and NPV

What is Free Cash Flow?

The cash generated by a company after accounting for capital expenditures.

Calculating Free Cash Flow and NPV

In the Free Cash Flow formula, what does 'CapEx' stand for?

Capital Expenditures.

Forecasting Earnings

What is the title of the textbook example referenced?

Textbook Example 7.4.

Sunk Costs and Their Relevance

What are sunk costs?

Costs that have been or will be paid regardless of the investment decision.

Revenue and Cost Estimates

What is the cost of the feasibility study completed by Linksys?


Forecasting Earnings

Who is the author of the example referenced?

Cláudia Custódio.

Capital Expenditures and Depreciation

What are capital expenditures?

Actual cash outflows when an asset is purchased.

Forecasting Earnings

Who is the author of the referenced textbook example?

Cláudia Custódio.

Indirect Effects on Incremental Earnings

Why is opportunity cost important in project evaluation?

It helps assess the potential benefits lost from not using resources in their best alternative use.

Calculating Free Cash Flow and NPV

How are cash flows typically distributed throughout the year?

Cash flows are often spread throughout the year.

Indirect Effects on Incremental Earnings

Why must the reduction in sales of the existing wireless router be included in HomeNet's incremental earnings calculation?

Because it is a consequence of the decision to develop HomeNet.

Capital Expenditures and Depreciation

What is a method of depreciation that can impact free cash flow?

Accelerated Depreciation.

Calculating Free Cash Flow and NPV

What is Free Cash Flow?

The cash generated by a company after accounting for capital expenditures.

Incremental Earnings

What is cannibalization in the context of Free Cash Flow?

It refers to the loss of revenue from existing products due to new product introductions.

Calculating Free Cash Flow and NPV

What does free cash flow represent in relation to a project?

The incremental effect of a project on a firm's available cash.

Forecasting Earnings

What is the title of the textbook example referenced?

Example 7.6.

Forecasting Earnings

Who is the author of the referenced textbook example?

Cláudia Custódio.

Indirect Effects on Incremental Earnings

What is opportunity cost?

The value a resource could have provided in its best alternative use.

Incremental Earnings

Who is associated with HomeNet’s Incremental Earnings Forecast?

Cláudia Custódio.

Calculating Free Cash Flow and NPV

How are capital expenditures treated in calculating free cash flow?

They are included as cash outflows.

Capital Expenditures and Depreciation

What is the cash expense for new equipment mentioned?

$7.5 million.

Capital Expenditures and Depreciation

How is the cost of new equipment treated in earnings calculations?

It is not directly listed as an expense; instead, it is deducted as depreciation.

Calculating Free Cash Flow and NPV

What does FCF stand for in the context of NPV calculation?

Free Cash Flow.

Capital Expenditures and Depreciation

What is the significance of capital expenditures in Free Cash Flow calculations?

They represent the investments made in physical assets that affect cash flow.

Incremental Earnings

What does 'lost rent' refer to in Free Cash Flow calculations?

Revenue that could have been earned from property that is not utilized.

Forecasting Earnings

What is the title of the textbook example referenced?

Example 7.7.

Indirect Effects on Incremental Earnings

What does cannibalization refer to in a business context?

When sales of a new product displace sales of an existing product.

Forecasting Earnings

Who is the author of Textbook Example 7.5?

Cláudia Custódio.

Tax Considerations in Earnings

What is the formula for calculating Unlevered Net Income?

Unlevered Net Income = EBIT × (1 - τ) = (Revenues - Costs - Depreciation) × (1 - τ)

Tax Considerations in Earnings

What are tax carryforwards?

They allow corporations to take losses in the current year and offset them against gains in nearby years.

Calculating Free Cash Flow and NPV

What are other non-cash items that can affect free cash flow?


Calculating Free Cash Flow and NPV

Why do most projects require an investment in net working capital?

To support operational needs and manage liquidity.

Capital Expenditures and Depreciation

What method of depreciation is used for the new equipment?

Straight Line Depreciation.

Calculating Free Cash Flow and NPV

What is the significance of the discount factor in NPV calculation?

It adjusts future cash flows to their present value.

Calculating Free Cash Flow and NPV

What is the NPV of HomeNet based on the provided cash flows?

16,500 - (sum of discounted cash flows).

Calculating Free Cash Flow and NPV

Why is Free Cash Flow important for a company?

It indicates the company's ability to generate cash after investments, which can be used for expansion, dividends, or debt repayment.

Forecasting Earnings

Who is the author associated with the textbook example?

Cláudia Custódio.

Forecasting Earnings

Who is the author associated with Textbook Example 7.8?

Cláudia Custódio.

Forecasting Earnings

What is the main focus of Textbook Example 7.5?

The content of the example is not provided.

Incremental Earnings

What is the purpose of an Incremental Earnings Forecast?

To estimate the additional earnings generated by a specific project or investment.

Revenue and Cost Estimates

How do sales typically change over time?

Sales will change from year to year.

Forecasting Earnings

Who is the author associated with the textbook example?

Cláudia Custódio.

Tax Considerations in Earnings

What does EBIT stand for in the context of Unlevered Net Income?

Earnings Before Interest and Taxes.

Interest Expense in Capital Budgeting

Is interest expense included in capital budgeting decisions?

Typically, it is not included.

Calculating Free Cash Flow and NPV

What is the WACC used for calculating HomeNet's NPV?


Interest Expense in Capital Budgeting

What is the rationale for excluding interest expense in capital budgeting?

The project should be judged on its own, not on how it will be financed.

Calculating Free Cash Flow and NPV

What is the formula for calculating Free Cash Flow?

Free Cash Flow = (Revenues - Costs - Depreciation) × (1 - τ) - CapEx - ΔNWC.

Calculating Free Cash Flow and NPV

What does Terminal or Continuation Value represent in Free Cash Flow?

The market value of the free cash flow from the project at all future dates.

Forecasting Earnings

What is the primary focus of Textbook Example 7.2?

The content of the example is not provided.

Revenue and Cost Estimates

What is the estimated life of the HomeNet project?

Four years.

Tax Considerations in Earnings

What is the formula for calculating income tax based on EBIT?

Income Tax = EBIT × τc.

Forecasting Earnings

Who is the author associated with Textbook Example 7.3?

Cláudia Custódio.

Revenue and Cost Estimates

What is the per unit price for the HomeNet product?


Tax Considerations in Earnings

What does τ represent in the Unlevered Net Income formula?

The tax rate.

Incremental Earnings

What are incremental earnings?

The amount by which the firm’s earnings are expected to change as a result of the investment decision.

Calculating Free Cash Flow and NPV

How do you calculate Capital Gain?

Sale Price - (Purchase Price - Accumulated Depreciation).

Indirect Effects on Incremental Earnings

What is the relationship between HomeNet and Linksys wireless router sales?

HomeNet's availability reduces sales of the existing Linksys wireless router.

Calculating Free Cash Flow and NPV

How is the increase in net working capital defined?

NWC = Current Assets - Current Liabilities.

Calculating Free Cash Flow and NPV

What components are included in calculating net working capital?

Cash, Inventory, Receivables, and Payables.

Calculating Free Cash Flow and NPV

What does 'ΔNWC' represent in the Free Cash Flow calculation?

Change in Net Working Capital.

Sunk Costs and Their Relevance

What are past research and development expenditures considered in decision-making?

Sunk costs and therefore irrelevant.

Incremental Earnings

What is lost rent in the context of incremental earnings?

It refers to the income that could have been earned from property or assets that are no longer generating revenue.

Forecasting Earnings

What is the title of the textbook example referenced?

Textbook Example 7.7.

Indirect Effects on Incremental Earnings

In the HomeNet project example, what must be considered regarding space?

The opportunity cost of not using the space in an alternative way, such as renting it out.

Indirect Effects on Incremental Earnings

What are project externalities in the context of incremental earnings?

They are indirect effects on earnings resulting from a project's impact on existing products or services.

Revenue and Cost Estimates

What is the upfront cost for new equipment?


Tax Considerations in Earnings

What components are subtracted from Revenues to calculate EBIT?

Costs and Depreciation.

Calculating Free Cash Flow and NPV

How does depreciation affect the free cash flow estimate?

The estimate is adjusted for this non-cash expense.

Revenue and Cost Estimates

Where is the new equipment housed?

In the existing lab.

Capital Expenditures and Depreciation

How is annual depreciation calculated for the new equipment?

Annual Depreciation = $7.5 million ÷ 5 years = $1.5 million/year.

Revenue and Cost Estimates

What is the per unit cost?


Forecasting Earnings

Who is the author associated with the textbook example?

Cláudia Custódio.

Forecasting Earnings

Who is the author associated with the textbook example?

Cláudia Custódio.

Incremental Earnings

What should the decision to continue or abandon a project be based on?

Only on the incremental costs and benefits of the product going forward.

Forecasting Earnings

What is the significance of Textbook Example 7.3?

It illustrates a specific concept or case study relevant to the subject matter.

Forecasting Earnings

Who is the author of Textbook Example 7.2?

Cláudia Custódio.

Forecasting Earnings

Who is the author of the example referenced?

Cláudia Custódio.

Calculating Free Cash Flow and NPV

What is Net Working Capital (NWC)?

The difference between current assets and current liabilities.

Revenue and Cost Estimates

What is the expected life of the new equipment?

5 years.

Calculating Free Cash Flow and NPV

What does trade credit represent?

The difference between receivables and payables.

Calculating Free Cash Flow and NPV

What factors are included in the calculation of Free Cash Flow?

Earnings, capital expenditures, and depreciation.

Calculating Free Cash Flow and NPV

What is the relationship between Free Cash Flow and Earnings?

Free Cash Flow is derived from earnings but adjusted for non-cash items and capital expenditures.

Incremental Earnings

What is the significance of Table 7.1 in the context of Incremental Earnings Forecast?

It likely presents detailed projections and calculations for HomeNet's earnings.

Capital Expenditures and Depreciation

What does MACRS stand for?

Modified Accelerated Cost Recovery System.

Capital Expenditures and Depreciation

What is the purpose of the MACRS depreciation table?

To show the percentage of an asset's cost that may be depreciated each year based on its recovery period.

Forecasting Earnings

What does forecasting earnings involve?

Estimating future earnings based on various factors.

Revenue and Cost Estimates

What is the annual overhead cost?


Capital Expenditures and Depreciation

How does depreciation affect Free Cash Flow?

It reduces taxable income, thus impacting cash flow positively.

Forecasting Earnings

Who is the author of the referenced textbook example?

Cláudia Custódio.

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