What are the three categories of rights in Britain?
Civil rights, political rights, and social rights.
What do we mean by freedom and equality?
Freedom refers to the ability to act, speak, or think without hindrance or restraint, while equality means having the same rights and opportunities regardless of differences.
Rights and Responsibilities

What are the three categories of rights in Britain?

Civil rights, political rights, and social rights.

Freedom and Liberty

What do we mean by freedom and equality?

Freedom refers to the ability to act, speak, or think without hindrance or restraint, while equality means having the same rights and opportunities regardless of differences.

Freedom and Liberty

What type of freedom emphasizes the ability to act?

Freedom to rather than freedom from.

Freedom and Liberty

What does freedom from coercion by other people or the government mean?

It means individuals can act without being forced or restricted by external forces.

Rights and Responsibilities

How are property rights viewed in the context of liberty?

As inherent in an individual’s natural rights.

Freedom and Liberty

What is the primary goal of freedom?

For the sake of autonomy.

Concept of Equality

What is the weaker form of equality?

Formal equality before the law.

Freedom and Liberty

Is the absence of coercion sufficient for true freedom?

No, absence of coercion is not enough.

Concept of Equality

How is equality defined in the context of social policy?

The state of being equal, especially in status, rights, and opportunities.

Equity in Treatment

Can equity lead to equality?

Yes, it aims to achieve equality through fair treatment.

Concept of Equality

What does equality refer to in a moral context?

Equal worth, meaning each person has the same moral worth.

Rights and Responsibilities

What are important concepts related to social policy?

Freedom/liberty, equality, citizenship, and rights.

Rights and Responsibilities

What are the duties or obligations to the community?

Duties or obligations to the community include participating in civic activities, obeying laws, and contributing to the common good.

Rights and Responsibilities

What is the focus of Lecture 2 in the SHDH2308 course?

Basic concepts related to social policy.

Equality of Opportunity

What does equality of opportunity mean?

Social divisions such as race, ethnicity, gender, disability, and sexual orientation should not affect an individual's opportunity to succeed.

Freedom and Liberty

What does freedom/liberty refer to in social policy?

The state of being free within society from oppressive restrictions imposed by authority.

Rights and Responsibilities

What role do rights play in social policy?

Rights are the entitlements that individuals have within a society, influencing social justice and equality.

Citizenship and Community

What are the major elements of citizenship?

Membership of a community, rights, duties, and equality of status.

Equality of Opportunity

What is meant by a 'level playing field'?

A situation where a person's social and economic starting position does not affect their ability to succeed.

Theories of Rights

What does T.H. Marshall define as political rights?

The right to participate in the exercise of political power, either as a member of a body with political authority or as an elector.

Equality of Outcome

What is equality of outcome?

A principle that suggests individuals should have similar end results in terms of wealth, status, and opportunities.

Equality of Outcome

Do many people argue for absolute equality of outcome?

Few people argue for absolute equality of outcome, but there is support for greater equality.

Concept of Equality

What is the most basic minimalist form of equality?

Formal equality before the law.

Freedom and Liberty

What is liberty influenced by?

Classic liberal thought.

Theories of Rights

What are the rights necessary for individual freedom according to T.H. Marshall?

Liberty of the person, freedom of speech, thought and faith, the right to own property, to conclude valid contracts, and the right to justice.

Citizenship and Community

What is citizenship?

Citizenship is the status of being a member of a community, which includes rights, duties, and equality of status.

Freedom and Liberty

What does freedom from constraints and coercion imply?

It implies non-interference from other people.

Rights and Responsibilities

Who is responsible for protecting our rights and freedom?

The community and its governing bodies are responsible for protecting and guaranteeing our rights and freedom.

Citizenship and Community

What is the significance of citizenship in social policy?

It defines the relationship between individuals and the state, including rights and responsibilities.

Freedom and Liberty

What does maximum freedom of choice entail?

The ability to make choices without undue restrictions.

Freedom and Liberty

What is the difference between freedom and liberty?

Freedom often refers to the absence of constraints, while liberty encompasses the rights and privileges to act autonomously.

Equity in Treatment

What is meant by 'equity'?

People treated fairly but differently to achieve some equality at the end.

Concept of Equality

What is equality?

The state of being equal, especially in status, rights, and opportunities.

Freedom and Liberty

What is liberty?

The condition of being free to act according to one's own will.

Concept of Equality

What is the strong version of equality?

Equality of status, where each person regards themselves as fundamentally equal to others.

Equality of Opportunity

What factors should not affect an individual's opportunity to succeed?

Race, ethnicity, gender, disability, and sexual orientation.

Elements of Liberty

What are the three essential elements of liberty?

Freedom from coercion, property rights as natural rights, and maximum freedom of choice.

Theories of Rights

What is meant by 'rights'?

The whole range from the right to a modicum of economic welfare and security to the right to share fully in the social heritage and to live a civilized life according to societal standards.

Freedom and Liberty

What is freedom?

The state of being free from constraints and coercion.

Theories of Rights

Should rights be unconditional?

This is a debated topic; some argue that rights should be absolute, while others believe they may need limitations for the greater good.

Freedom and Liberty

What is the definition of freedom?

Freedom is the state of being free from coercion or imposition of someone else’s will without consent.

Concept of Equality

What is equality?

The state of being equal, especially in status, rights, and opportunities.

Equality of Opportunity

How can we achieve freedom and equality?

By implementing fair laws, promoting social justice, and ensuring equal access to resources and opportunities.

Concept of Equality

What does 'equality' refer to?

The state of being equal, especially in status, rights, and opportunities.

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