What courses vertically along the anterior scalene muscle between the subclavian artery and vein?
Phrenic nerve
Which nerve innervates the diaphragm?
Phrenic nerve (C3 – C5)
Phrenic Nerve Innervation

What courses vertically along the anterior scalene muscle between the subclavian artery and vein?

Phrenic nerve

Phrenic Nerve Innervation

Which nerve innervates the diaphragm?

Phrenic nerve (C3 – C5)

Sympathetic Trunk Anatomy

What connects the sympathetic trunk to adjacent thoracic spinal nerves?

White and gray rami.

Sympathetic Trunk Anatomy

How many paravertebral ganglia are typically found in the sympathetic trunk?

12 paravertebral ganglia.

Thoracic Splanchnic Nerves

What levels of the spinal cord form the greater thoracic splanchnic nerve?

The greater thoracic splanchnic nerve is formed from the levels T5 – T9.

Superior Mediastinum Structures


<p>D. 頭臂靜脈,主動脈弓,氣管,食道</p>

Sympathetic Trunk Anatomy

What do postganglionic sympathetic fibers innervate?

Blood vessels, sweat glands, and arrector pili muscles.

Thoracic Splanchnic Nerves

What does the T12 spinal nerve become?

T12 becomes the least splanchnic nerve, which ends in the renal plexus.

Sympathetic Trunk Anatomy

What types of fibers primarily compose the sympathetic trunk?

Ascending and descending preganglionic sympathetic fibers and visceral afferent fibers.

Thoracic Splanchnic Nerves

Which spinal nerves unite to form the lesser splanchnic nerve?

T10 – T11 unite to form the lesser splanchnic nerve, which ends in the aorticorenal ganglion.

Azygos System Overview

What veins unite to form the azygos vein?

The right ascending lumbar and subcostal veins unite to form the azygos vein.

Descending Aorta and Branches

Which paired arteries from the descending aorta supply the posterior regions of the diaphragm?

Paired superior phrenic arteries

Thoracic Duct and Lymphatic Drainage

Where does the thoracic duct begin?

At the cisterna chyli.

Hemiazygos Vein Pathway

Where does the hemiazygos vein ascend?

The hemiazygos vein ascends on the left side of the vertebral bodies.

Azygos System Overview

Where does the azygos vein converge?

The azygos vein converges with the superior vena cava (SVC).

Accessory Hemiazygos Vein Function

Which posterior intercostal veins does the accessory hemiazygos vein receive?

The accessory hemiazygos vein receives posterior intercostal veins 4 to 8.

Azygos System Overview

How does the azygos vein ascend into the thorax?

It ascends into the thorax through the aortic opening of the diaphragm.

Thoracic Duct and Lymphatic Drainage

What is the main lymphatic channel that receives lymph from the entire body, except for the right head and neck, upper limb, and upper thorax?

The thoracic duct.

Anterior Mediastinum Characteristics

What does the anterior mediastinum contain?

The anterior mediastinum contains fat, areolar tissue, and the inferior part of the thymus or its remnant.

Hemiazygos Vein Pathway

What does the hemiazygos vein join?

The hemiazygos vein joins the azygos vein.

Descending Aorta and Branches

What are the spinal levels at which the descending aorta is located?

T4 to T12

Azygos System Overview

Which veins does the azygos vein directly and indirectly connect with?

It directly connects with the posterior intercostal veins and indirectly with the left-sided hemiazygos and accessory hemiazygos veins.

Thoracic Duct and Lymphatic Drainage

Where does the thoracic duct ascend after passing through the diaphragm?

It ascends deep to the diaphragm by coursing through the aortic hiatus.

Hemiazygos Vein Pathway

What is the origin of the hemiazygos vein?

The hemiazygos vein is formed by the union of the left ascending lumbar vein and the left subcostal vein.

Descending Aorta and Branches

What paired arteries arise from the descending aorta to supply the area below the ribs?

Paired subcostal arteries

Azygos System Overview

At which vertebral level does the azygos vein arch over the right primary bronchus?

The azygos vein arches over the right primary bronchus at the TTP (T4-T5 vertebral level).

Accessory Hemiazygos Vein Function

Where does the accessory hemiazygos vein begin?

The accessory hemiazygos vein begins at the 4th intercostal space.

Descending Aorta and Branches

What type of arteries supply the bronchial region from the descending aorta?

Bronchial arteries

Accessory Hemiazygos Vein Function

What does the accessory hemiazygos vein join?

The accessory hemiazygos vein joins the azygos vein.

Hemiazygos Vein Pathway

Which posterior intercostal veins does the hemiazygos vein receive?

The hemiazygos vein receives the posterior intercostal veins 9 to 11.

Descending Aorta and Branches

What branches does the descending aorta provide to the middle third of the esophagus?

Multiple esophageal branches

Descending Aorta and Branches

Which arteries are associated with the descending aorta from the 3rd to the 11th intercostal spaces?

Posterior intercostal arteries

Hemiazygos Vein Pathway

With which vein does the hemiazygos vein often communicate?

The hemiazygos vein often communicates with the left renal vein.

Anterior Mediastinum Characteristics

What is the location of the anterior mediastinum?

The anterior mediastinum is located between the sternal angle, the deep sternal surface, the pericardial sac, and the diaphragm.

Thoracic Duct and Lymphatic Drainage

Where does the thoracic duct empty?

It empties into the junction of the left internal jugular vein and subclavian vein.

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