Which university is Dr. Albert Leung associated with?
Lingnan University.
What is described as the most powerful weapon to change the world?
Importance of Organizational Structure

Which university is Dr. Albert Leung associated with?

Lingnan University.

Importance of Organizational Structure

What is described as the most powerful weapon to change the world?


Importance of Organizational Structure

What is the mission of Yan Oi Tong?

Caring for the Aged and the Young, Promoting Education and Nurturing Talents.

Importance of Organizational Structure

What services does Yan Oi Tong provide?

Social, Educational, Medical, and Sports and Recreational Services.

Importance of Organizational Structure

Who does Yan Oi Tong aim to support?

The Disadvantaged and the Sick.

Importance of Organizational Structure

What is the core value of Yan Oi Tong in serving the community?

Serving the Community with Sincerity.

Importance of Organizational Structure

What is the focus of MHM 502?

Health & Social Services Management.

Importance of Organizational Structure

Who is the professor for MHM 502?

Dr. Albert Leung.

Importance of Organizational Structure

What does '組織結構' translate to in English?

Organizational Structure.

Importance of Organizational Structure

What academic qualifications does Dr. Albert Leung hold?

B. Sc., Ph.D., CMP.

Importance of Organizational Structure

What is the importance of taking breaks?

Taking breaks helps to reduce stress and improve productivity.

Importance of Organizational Structure

How can relaxation techniques benefit individuals?

They can enhance mental clarity and emotional well-being.

Specialization by Function and Division

How many functional divisions are mentioned in the aircraft factory chart?


Mechanistic vs. Organic Structures

What type of environment is the organic structure appropriate for?

Unstable conditions.

Designing Organizational Charts

How many departments are shown in the organization chart for the aircraft factory?

Six departments: design, production engineering, purchasing, inventory, production, and human resources.

Dividing Work Internally and Externally

What does 'dividing work internally' refer to?

The organization of tasks within a company using functions, divisions, matrices, and networks.

Mechanistic vs. Organic Structures

What can knowledge enable us to do regarding organizational structure?

Question assumptions in a structure and its context.

Importance of Organizational Structure

What are the tasks of organizational structure?

To provide tools for coordinating activities and achieving goals.

Designing Organizational Charts

What is the purpose of an organization chart?

To summarize how work is divided, supervised, and coordinated.

Links Between Structure, Strategy, and Performance

Why is understanding the relationship between strategies and structural types important?

It helps organizations align their structure with their strategic goals.

Designing Organizational Charts

What type of organizational structure has fewer levels of management?

Flat structure.

Links Between Structure, Strategy, and Performance

What are the two main strategies mentioned for organizational structure?

Cost leadership and differentiation.

Designing Organizational Charts

What does the organization chart illustrate in an aircraft factory?

The chain of command within the factory and the tasks of each department.

Mechanistic vs. Organic Structures

What are mechanistic and organic forms of organizational structure?

Mechanistic structures are rigid and hierarchical, while organic structures are flexible and adaptive.

Specialization by Function and Division

What is the benefit of the 'named-nurse' system?

It provides a single point of contact for patients, improving service delivery.

Centralization vs. Decentralization

What are centralized decisions?

Decisions made by top management with little input from lower levels.

Designing Organizational Charts

What does the second video cover?

Types of Organizational Structure in management.

Dividing Work Internally and Externally

What is one question managers ask regarding task division?

Should we divide a task into three and give each to one employee, or have them work as a team, responsible for the whole task?

Links Between Structure, Strategy, and Performance

What do managers often change when an organization is not performing well?

They change the structure.

Dividing Work Internally and Externally

What is a managerial consideration regarding employee supervision?

Should that employee report to supervisor A or supervisor B?

Links Between Structure, Strategy, and Performance

How does structure affect performance?

It clarifies expectations and enables monitoring.

Centralization vs. Decentralization

What is a sign of high levels of formality in an organization?

Strict adherence to rules and procedures.

Links Between Structure, Strategy, and Performance

How does a hospital's structure impact patient care?

It determines the flow of information and resources, affecting the quality of care.

Designing Organizational Charts

What does a named structure in nursing refer to?

A designated organizational framework that identifies specific nursing roles and hierarchies within a healthcare setting.

Mechanistic vs. Organic Structures

What is a key feature of organic structures?

Flexibility and adaptability.

Centralization vs. Decentralization

What decisions can people at different levels in the vertical hierarchy take?

Decisions vary based on the level of authority, with higher levels making more strategic decisions.

Designing Organizational Charts

What should you select for the chart in Activity 1?

A job you are familiar with.

Designing Organizational Charts

What should the chart in Activity 1 illustrate?

The structure of your area, including your position and the person(s) to whom you reported.

Importance of Organizational Structure

What did Brian Simpson reflect on regarding the growth of his business?

The need for a clear structure as the company expanded.

Mechanistic vs. Organic Structures

What format is used in the third video about organizational structure?

A cartoon.

Links Between Structure, Strategy, and Performance

What are the links between structure, strategy, and performance?

Structure influences how strategies are implemented and affects overall performance.

Designing Organizational Charts

What does a tall organizational chart indicate?

A tall organizational chart indicates many levels of hierarchy.

Designing Organizational Charts

What type of organizational structure is characterized by many levels of hierarchy?

Tall structure.

Dividing Work Internally and Externally

Why did Innocent Drinks outsource all manufacturing?

To save investment and to grow more quickly.

Centralization vs. Decentralization

What are the advantages of centralization?

Centralization can lead to consistent decision-making and streamlined processes.

Links Between Structure, Strategy, and Performance

What leads to high performance according to Burns and Stalker?

A fit between organizational structure and conditions.

Specialization by Function and Division

What is one advantage of the functional approach?

It allows people with common expertise to work together and follow a professional career path.

Importance of Organizational Structure

What is the focus of Figure 10.3?

The organization structure at Multi-Show Events.

Dividing Work Internally and Externally

How is GSK utilizing collaborative networks?

By sourcing more drugs through collaboration.

Designing Organizational Charts

What type of business is being discussed in relation to organizational structure?

A small business.

Specialization by Function and Division

How can a hospital's structure be described?

Typically hierarchical with specialized departments.

Centralization vs. Decentralization

What degree of centralization works best?

It depends on the specific organizational context and needs.

Links Between Structure, Strategy, and Performance

What type of structure supports a cost leadership strategy?

A mechanistic structure with defined tasks in an efficient functional structure.

Coordination Methods in Organizations

Which coordination method utilizes technology to share information?

Information systems.

Coordination Methods in Organizations

What is the key consideration when determining the best method of coordination?

The specific context and needs of the organization.

Mechanistic vs. Organic Structures

What are the two contrasting forms identified by Burns and Stalker?

Mechanistic and Organic.

Mechanistic vs. Organic Structures

What type of environment is the mechanistic structure appropriate for?

Stable conditions.

Specialization by Function and Division

What is a divisional structure?

A structure where the organization is arranged around products, services, or customers, giving authority to unit heads.

Dividing Work Internally and Externally

What does dividing work internally and externally involve?

Allocating tasks within the organization and outsourcing certain functions.

Designing Organizational Charts

How is work divided in an organization?

By defining responsibilities and expectations for divisions and departments.

Coordination Methods in Organizations

What is the purpose of coordinating work in an organization?

To ensure that different tasks and departments work together effectively.

Mechanistic vs. Organic Structures

How is a mechanistic structure characterized?

By rigid hierarchies and strict rules.

Strategies Supporting Organizational Structures

What strategic decision did Prudential make regarding its structure?

To split the group into two, one focused on the UK and the other on the USA and Asia.

Importance of Organizational Structure

How many employees did Multi-show Events initially have?

Two staff members.

Designing Organizational Charts

What aspect of organizational structure is not shown in the organization chart?

The informal structure, including patterns of work and communication.

Importance of Organizational Structure

Why is organizational structure important for small businesses?

It helps in defining roles, responsibilities, and communication pathways.

Specialization by Function and Division

Why did Brian Simpson decide to split sales and marketing from event delivery and production?

Because they were two distinct areas that required specialized focus.

Coordination Methods in Organizations

What is the role of rules and procedures in coordinating work?

They provide guidelines for tasks and processes.

Links Between Structure, Strategy, and Performance

How many Pixar films have entered the top fifty box office revenue list?

15 films.

Links Between Structure, Strategy, and Performance

What does Figure 10.1 illustrate?

Alternative structures and their impact on performance.

Dividing Work Internally and Externally

How do managers decide which team should perform a task?

They ask whether team A should do this task, or team B.

Designing Organizational Charts

What do organization charts provide?

A transient summary of tasks and who is responsible for them.

Importance of Organizational Structure

What are some effective ways to relax?

Meditation, deep breathing, and short walks.

Specialization by Function and Division

How do functions within a division typically operate?

They cooperate as they depend on satisfying the same customers.

Specialization by Function and Division

What is the 'named-nurse' system in hospitals?

A system where one nurse is responsible for identified patients, managing service delivery from various departments.

Designing Organizational Charts

What is a key advantage of a flat organizational structure?

Faster decision-making due to fewer management levels.

Designing Organizational Charts

What types of staff are included in the organization chart?

Direct staff such as operators and engineers.

Centralization vs. Decentralization

What factors influence the balance between centralization and decentralization?

Rational analysis, managers' career interests, and external forces like regulators' rules.

Designing Organizational Charts

What type of structure is recommended for differentiation?

Matrix or teams.

Centralization vs. Decentralization

What are decentralized decisions?

Decisions made at various levels of the organization, allowing for more local input.

Mechanistic vs. Organic Structures

Which structure is more suitable for stable environments?

Mechanistic structures.

Designing Organizational Charts

What are the two key components to include in your chart?

Your position and the person(s) you reported to.

Coordination Methods in Organizations

What method of coordination involves personal interaction between individuals?

Direct personal contact.

Importance of Organizational Structure

What is the focus of the video featuring Steve Jobs?

Organizational Structure.

Links Between Structure, Strategy, and Performance

What does the current structure of a company reflect?

Assumptions about how to divide and coordinate tasks.

Designing Organizational Charts

What does organizational structure define?

The responsibilities of divisions, departments, and people.

Dividing Work Internally and Externally

What is a network structure?

An organizational structure that relies on external partnerships and collaborations.

Span of Control in Management

What is the span of control?

The number of subordinates reporting to a supervisor.

Designing Organizational Charts

What does Figure 10.2 illustrate?

The structure within an aircraft factory.

Span of Control in Management

What happens to the span of control when managers supervise staff closely?

It results in a narrow span of control.

Importance of Organizational Structure

Why is it essential to incorporate breaks into a work routine?

To prevent burnout and maintain high performance levels.

Centralization vs. Decentralization

What are the disadvantages of centralization?

It can lead to slower decision-making and reduced responsiveness to local needs.

Centralization vs. Decentralization

What indicates low levels of formality in an organization?

Flexible policies and informal communication.

Designing Organizational Charts

What is a disadvantage of a tall organizational structure?

Slower communication and decision-making processes.

Designing Organizational Charts

Where will both divisions of Prudential be based?

In the UK, but regulated in their local markets.

Coordination Methods in Organizations

Which coordination method relies on a structured chain of command?


Links Between Structure, Strategy, and Performance

What can a well-defined organizational structure lead to in a small business?

Improved efficiency and clarity in operations.

Links Between Structure, Strategy, and Performance

What does differentiation need to foster relevant behavior?


Links Between Structure, Strategy, and Performance

Which company is cited as an example of a successful differentiation strategy?


Importance of Organizational Structure

How does a company's structure affect its performance?

It influences whether the company adds value to its resources.

Importance of Organizational Structure

What happens as a business grows?

Work is divided and parts are coordinated to create a structure.

Dividing Work Internally and Externally

What is outsourcing?

When managers delegate activities to external providers.

Centralization vs. Decentralization

What should be considered when evaluating a company's structure?

The alternatives available and the limitations of any structure.

Importance of Organizational Structure

What is a horizontal structure in organizations?

A structure that emphasizes collaboration and communication across different functions.

Mechanistic vs. Organic Structures

What are the two types of organizational structures discussed by Burns and Stalker?

Mechanistic and organic structures.

Dividing Work Internally and Externally

What are collaborative networks?

Independent organizations that agree to work together on parts of a larger task.

Specialization by Function and Division

What is a task structure in nursing?

A framework that defines specific roles and responsibilities for nurses to ensure efficient patient care.

Links Between Structure, Strategy, and Performance

What did Lawrence and Lorsch focus on in their later work?

Differences between units within the same organization.

Links Between Structure, Strategy, and Performance

How can structural types affect organizational performance?

Different structures can support or hinder the execution of strategies.

Designing Organizational Charts

What is a matrix structure?

An organizational structure that combines functional groups with divisional tasks.

Mechanistic vs. Organic Structures

In which type of structure is communication typically more fluid?

Organic structures.

Links Between Structure, Strategy, and Performance

What strategy do organizations using cost leadership focus on?

Increasing efficiency to keep costs low.

Mechanistic vs. Organic Structures

Which structure is better for dynamic and changing environments?

Organic structures.

Links Between Structure, Strategy, and Performance

What is the focus of organizations using a differentiation strategy?

Innovation and new products.

Strategies Supporting Organizational Structures

What was Pixar's first animated feature film?

Toy Story, released in 1995.

Links Between Structure, Strategy, and Performance

What type of structures are likely to be created when the strategy leans towards differentiation?

Divisional, team, or network structures.

Specialization by Function and Division

What is a functional structure in an organization?

A structure where staff are divided according to profession or function, such as finance or marketing.

Links Between Structure, Strategy, and Performance

What does Figure 10.8 illustrate?

The relationship between strategies and structural types.

Importance of Organizational Structure

What is the primary purpose of organizational structure in a hospital?

To ensure efficient coordination and delivery of healthcare services.

Links Between Structure, Strategy, and Performance

When was Prudential founded?

In 1848.

Dividing Work Internally and Externally

What are common departments found in a hospital's organizational structure?

Emergency, Surgery, Pediatrics, Radiology, and Administration.

Links Between Structure, Strategy, and Performance

Why do investors believe Prudential's share price is depressed?

Due to the mature UK market with low growth and expensive regulation.

Importance of Organizational Structure

What does a good structure help avoid?

Confusion and waste due to poor design.

Designing Organizational Charts

What is a divisional structure?

An organizational structure that groups activities based on products, customers, or geography.

Span of Control in Management

What does a wider span of control indicate about a supervisor's workload?

The supervisor has less to do.

Designing Organizational Charts

What is the first step in Activity 1?

Draw a structure.

Importance of Organizational Structure

What are the three types of horizontal structures mentioned?

Functional, Divisional, and Matrix.

Coordination Methods in Organizations

What method uses predefined criteria for inputs or outputs to coordinate work?

Standard inputs or outputs.

Links Between Structure, Strategy, and Performance

Who acquired Pixar Animation Studios in 2006?

The Walt Disney Company for $7.4 billion.

Strategies Supporting Organizational Structures

How many animated feature films had Pixar released by 2022?

26 animated feature films.

Dividing Work Internally and Externally

What are the four types of organizational structures mentioned?

Functions, divisions, matrices, and a network.

Dividing Work Internally and Externally

What is a matrix structure?

A type of organizational structure that combines functional and divisional approaches.

Links Between Structure, Strategy, and Performance

What percentage of Prudential's business is in growing Asian and US markets?

80 percent.

Centralization vs. Decentralization

What is centralization in organizational structure?

Centralization is when those at the center make most decisions.

Designing Organizational Charts

What does a flat organizational chart suggest?

A flat organizational chart suggests fewer levels of hierarchy and more employee autonomy.

Specialization by Function and Division

What does the hospital chart illustrate?

A functional structure at the senior level.

Links Between Structure, Strategy, and Performance

What can influence the choice of organizational structure?

The organization's strategies.

Span of Control in Management

What is the effect of allowing staff more responsibility on the span of control?

It leads to a wider span of control and a flatter structure.

Designing Organizational Charts

What type of structure is suggested for cost leadership?

A functional structure.

Mechanistic vs. Organic Structures

What role does hierarchy play in a hospital's organizational structure?

It establishes clear lines of authority and responsibility among staff.

Importance of Organizational Structure

How do task structures benefit nursing practice?

They enhance clarity in roles, improve communication, and streamline patient care processes.

Mechanistic vs. Organic Structures

Which company is cited as an example of supporting innovation through an organic structure?


Links Between Structure, Strategy, and Performance

What does cost leadership require in terms of organizational behavior?


Links Between Structure, Strategy, and Performance

How does a clear hierarchy benefit organizations using a cost leadership strategy?

It ensures people work to plan and facilitates vertical communication.

Designing Organizational Charts

What is a functional structure?

An organizational structure based on specialized functions, such as in an aircraft factory.

Designing Organizational Charts

What type of business structure is depicted in Figure 10.2?

The structure of a unit in a large business.

Designing Organizational Charts

What are two examples used for comparison in organizational structure?

Multi-show Events and an aircraft factory.

Strategies Supporting Organizational Structures

What is a key consideration in determining the best structure for an organization?

How it impacts performance.

Coordination Methods in Organizations

What is a method of coordinating work that involves overseeing tasks directly?

Direct supervision.

Span of Control in Management

In which structure is there typically a wider span of control?

Flat structure.

Coordination Methods in Organizations

What is the significance of named structures in healthcare?

They provide a clear understanding of the organizational hierarchy and facilitate better coordination among nursing staff.

Strategies Supporting Organizational Structures

What significant software does Pixar produce?

3D rendering software suite 'PRMan' that complies with RenderMan standards.

Links Between Structure, Strategy, and Performance

What type of structure supports a differentiation strategy?

An organic structure that enables easy flow of ideas.

Links Between Structure, Strategy, and Performance

What is the average box office revenue per Pixar film as of 2019?

$680 million.

Links Between Structure, Strategy, and Performance

What prompted Brian Simpson to consider introducing a structure in his business?

Growth in sales and increased complexity of services offered.

Importance of Organizational Structure

Where is Pixar Animation Studios located?

In Emeryville, California, USA.

Strategies Supporting Organizational Structures

What was the goal of creating specialized departments in Multi-show Events?

To provide better service to clients by allowing each area to focus on their own roles.

Importance of Organizational Structure

What was Steve Jobs' role in Pixar's history?

He acquired Lucasfilm's computer animation division in 1986 after leaving Apple.

Links Between Structure, Strategy, and Performance

Which Pixar film was the first to surpass $1 billion in box office revenue?

Toy Story 3 (2010).

Links Between Structure, Strategy, and Performance

What happens to organizational structure as the strategy shifts towards cost leadership?

Managers are more likely to create a functional structure.

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