How do global cuisines illustrate the concept of flows?
They show local cultures embracing foreign foods, like Filipinos consuming sushi.
What impact does cultural exchange have on identities?
It affects both local and global identities.
Definition and Examples of Flows

How do global cuisines illustrate the concept of flows?

They show local cultures embracing foreign foods, like Filipinos consuming sushi.

Impact of Globalization on Local and Global Identities

What impact does cultural exchange have on identities?

It affects both local and global identities.

Definition and Examples of Flows

What are flows in globalization?

The movement of people, goods, and information across borders.

Broad vs. Narrow Definitions

What does Ohmae's definition of globalization emphasize?

A 'borderless world' highlighting broad implications.

Metaphors of Globalization

How does the liquid metaphor describe contemporary globalization?

It symbolizes flexibility and ease of movement.

Broad vs. Narrow Definitions

How can definitions of globalization be categorized?

As broad and inclusive or narrow and exclusive.

Role of Technology in Globalization

What role do technological advancements play in globalization?

They are key facilitators of globalization.

Metaphors of Globalization

What does the solid metaphor in globalization represent?

Historical epochs with limited mobility and barriers to movement.

Definitions of Globalization

What are the main dimensions of globalization?

Economic, political, and cultural.

Political Globalization

What is a key example of political globalization?

The establishment of the United Nations.

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