What does Mr. Geek want explained to Mr. Pinky and Mr. Brain?
The proper use of the internet for office work to promote productivity.
What is the second concern outlined by Mr. Geek?
How to comply with environmental regulations of Fiji.
Internet Usage Training for Staff

What does Mr. Geek want explained to Mr. Pinky and Mr. Brain?

The proper use of the internet for office work to promote productivity.

Environmental Compliance in Fiji

What is the second concern outlined by Mr. Geek?

How to comply with environmental regulations of Fiji.

Workplace Ergonomics and Incident Reporting

What procedure does Mr. Geek want regarding workplace incidents?

A procedure on how to report an incident if it occurs at the workplace.

Office Resource Assessment

What has Mr. Geek hired to help with the office setup?

A consultant to redesign the office.

Legal Issues of Software Piracy

What legal issues does Mr. Geek want to understand regarding software?

The legal issues faced by using pirated software in terms of piracy, copyright, and information privacy.

Office Resource Assessment

Who is the new staff joining the office?

Mr. Geek.

Resource Efficiency Improvement

What is the first concern outlined by Mr. Geek for the project?

Identify current resources and how to conserve them.

Workplace Ergonomics and Incident Reporting

What ergonomic features does Mr. Geek want implemented in the workplace?

To ensure there are no injuries, including displaying signage.

Workplace Ergonomics and Incident Reporting

What template does Mr. Geek want produced?

An incident report template.

Office Resource Assessment

What is the main concern of Mr. Geek regarding the office setup?

He is not happy with the current setup.

Office Resource Assessment

What is Mr. Geek's role in the office?

He will lead the team.

Internet Service Provider Comparison

What documentation does Mr. Geek want regarding internet service providers?

A proper comparison documentation of which internet provider to use.

Resource Efficiency Improvement

What is the third concern outlined by Mr. Geek?

Seek opportunities to improve resource efficiency.

Computer Procurement Process

What is Mr. Geek's request regarding computer procurement?

He wants you to communicate with suppliers and purchase a good computer for him.

Cyber Security Challenges and Solutions

What concerns does Mr. Geek have regarding cyber security?

He wants to know the challenges faced while using the internet and how to avoid them.

Search Engines and Boolean Operators

What search-related task does Mr. Geek want you to outline?

How to use search engines to find environmental legislations for Fiji using Boolean operators.

Data Security Measures

What does Mr. Geek want to ensure about data in the office?

That the data is safe and secure in the office.

Study Smarter, Not Harder
Study Smarter, Not Harder