How does keto adaptation affect the accuracy of urine dipsticks?
As you become keto-adapted, more beta-hydroxybutyrate and less acetoacetate is produced, causing urine tests to underestimate your level of ketosis.
What is a key dietary consideration for strength trainees on a ketogenic diet?
Strength trainees should still aim to get all the benefits of a high fiber intake, which can be more important than ketosis for many people.
Measuring Ketosis: Methods and Tools

How does keto adaptation affect the accuracy of urine dipsticks?

As you become keto-adapted, more beta-hydroxybutyrate and less acetoacetate is produced, causing urine tests to underestimate your level of ketosis.

Implementing a Ketogenic Diet for Strength Trainees

What is a key dietary consideration for strength trainees on a ketogenic diet?

Strength trainees should still aim to get all the benefits of a high fiber intake, which can be more important than ketosis for many people.

Medium-Chain Triglycerides (MCTs) in Keto

What are medium-chain triglycerides (MCTs) and how are they absorbed?

MCTs are absorbed by intestinal cells and transported directly to the liver via the portal vein, bypassing the lymphatic system.

Medium-Chain Triglycerides (MCTs) in Keto

What happens to MCTs once they reach the liver?

In the liver, MCTs are converted to carbon dioxide, acetate, ketones, and long-chain fatty acids.

Cyclical Ketogenic Diet (CKD) Analysis

What faulty premises is the Cyclical Ketogenic Diet (CKD) based on?

The CKD is based on the faulty premises that carbohydrates are required for bodybuilding and that increasing insulin sensitivity has body composition benefits.

Cyclical Ketogenic Diet (CKD) Analysis

What is a Cyclical Ketogenic Diet (CKD)?

A variant of the ketogenic diet that allows for periodic carb consumption, marketed to provide keto benefits without giving up carbs.

Medium-Chain Triglycerides (MCTs) in Keto

Why are MCT oils sometimes implemented during ketogenic diets?

MCT oils are implemented to increase the level of ketosis, allowing for a higher carbohydrate intake while still achieving the desired level of ketosis.

Indications and Contraindications for Keto Dieting

Why might a ketogenic diet be suitable for contest preparation?

It can mitigate the decline in anabolic hormone production, improve body composition, suppress appetite, and provide mental stability. Additionally, it gives a leaner, dry look due to less water retention.

Ketogenic Diet Overview

How does fiber intake affect total carbohydrate intake on a ketogenic diet?

If highly fibrous foods are chosen, total carbohydrate intake could still total around 120 grams.

Implementing a Ketogenic Diet for Strength Trainees

List some recommended sources of carbohydrate intake for maximizing fiber on a ketogenic diet.

Avocado, coconut, cacao/sugar-free dark chocolate, green vegetables, cauliflower, mushrooms, and shirataki noodles.

Cyclical Ketogenic Diet (CKD) Analysis

How can the CKD affect binge eating and lifestyle sustainability?

The CKD can increase binge eating and prevent the adoption of a sustainable lifestyle.

Measuring Ketosis: Methods and Tools

What is a potential issue with using breath analyzers that are designed for alcohol checks?

They sometimes don’t distinguish between alcohol and acetone.

Measuring Ketosis: Methods and Tools

Why is the morning not a good time to measure ketosis?

Due to the 'dawn phenomenon', many people, especially those with insulin resistance, have naturally higher blood glucose and lower ketone levels in the morning.

Medium-Chain Triglycerides (MCTs) in Keto

Why can MCTs yield more ketone bodies per calorie than long-chain triglycerides?

Due to their rapid absorption and oxidation.

Measuring Ketosis: Methods and Tools

What causes the morning elevation in blood sugar?

The morning elevation in cortisol and other insulin-antagonistic hormones is responsible for this transient and normal elevation in blood sugar.

Measuring Ketosis: Methods and Tools

What should you do if you are not in nutritional ketosis after 3 days?

Decrease net carbohydrate intake by 10 grams.

Implementing a Ketogenic Diet for Strength Trainees

What does the body's conversion of amino acids to glucose suggest about your protein intake?

It suggests that your protein intake is excessive for the purpose of maximizing protein balance.

Measuring Ketosis: Methods and Tools

What is an alternative method to bloodwork for measuring ketosis?

Breath analysis.

Cyclical Ketogenic Diet (CKD) Analysis

What are some negative effects of the CKD on mental wellbeing and dietary restrictiveness?

The CKD can lead to a constant state of keto adaptation, resulting in few positive effects but many negative effects on mental wellbeing and dietary restrictiveness, including possible metabolic inflexibility and decreased protein balance.

Measuring Ketosis: Methods and Tools

What are urinary keto strips also known as?


Measuring Ketosis: Methods and Tools

When should you measure ketosis after starting a ketogenic diet?

Approximately 3 days into the diet.

Measuring Ketosis: Methods and Tools

Which brand is mentioned as a popular and good option for bloodwork ketosis measurement?

Precision Xtra.

Measuring Ketosis: Methods and Tools

What does a breath analyzer measure to determine ketosis?

The acetone in your breath.

Exogenous Ketones: Efficacy and Limitations

What common complaint is associated with exogenous ketone supplements during exercise?

Digestive discomfort.

Medium-Chain Triglycerides (MCTs) in Keto

What are the potential benefits of including coconut oil in a ketogenic diet?

It may suppress appetite and increase energy expenditure compared to other oils and butters.

Implementing a Ketogenic Diet for Strength Trainees

What practical challenge might trainees face when trying to bulk on a ketogenic diet?

The appetite suppressive effect and limited food choices make it difficult to achieve the required energy surplus.

Measuring Ketosis: Methods and Tools

What should you do to find your level of optimal ketosis?

Experiment with your net carbohydrate intake by titrating it up or down 10 g per week and observe any changes in how you feel and your physical performance.

Targeted Ketogenic Dieting (TKD) Strategy

What happens if a person transiently goes out of ketosis during a workout?

It is the best possible time for this, as appetite suppression and the potential mental benefits of ketosis aren’t very relevant during a workout.

Exogenous Ketones: Efficacy and Limitations

What is a major drawback of exogenous ketones for fat loss?

Many exogenous ketone supplements have hundreds of calories, which contradicts the goal of limiting energy intake.

Measuring Ketosis: Methods and Tools

Why are urine dipsticks considered to have poor accuracy in detecting nutritional ketosis?

In mild ketosis, they are barely more accurate than a coin flip to correctly identify ketosis and only measure the concentration of acetoacetate, which decreases as you become keto-adapted.

Implementing a Ketogenic Diet for Strength Trainees

Why might it be difficult to consume enough calories on a ketogenic diet beyond a certain point?

You have to fill in your calories with pure fat sources, which restricts you largely to oils and butters.

Measuring Ketosis: Methods and Tools

How often should you adjust your daily net carb intake to find your ketosis sweet spot?

Adjust by approximately 10 grams once per week.

Implementing a Ketogenic Diet for Strength Trainees

What are the three steps to determine daily macronutrient needs once the ketosis sweet spot is found?

1. Determine daily protein and calorie intakes. 2. Subtract total carbohydrate and protein intake from the daily calorie intake. 3. Fill in all remaining calories with fats.

Measuring Ketosis: Methods and Tools

What is considered the ideal method for measuring ketosis?

Direct bloodwork.

Psychological and Practical Considerations of Keto

Under what condition is a ketogenic diet strongly worth considering?

A ketogenic diet is strongly worth considering if diet compliance is not an issue or if hunger is the main compliance issue.

Medium-Chain Triglycerides (MCTs) in Keto

Why is coconut oil considered arguably a waste of calories in a ketogenic diet?

It's not as satiating as fibrous, protein-rich whole foods, most people don’t find it tasty, and it’s almost entirely devoid of micronutritional value.

Measuring Ketosis: Methods and Tools

What is a popular and good brand for measuring ketosis through breath analysis?


Indications and Contraindications for Keto Dieting

Why might a ketogenic diet be beneficial for competitive strength athletes restricted by their weight class?

By going into ketosis at least a week pre-contest, athletes can carry 1-4 pounds more muscle into the show due to lower water retention.

Measuring Ketosis: Methods and Tools

What do most urine dipsticks measure in the context of ketosis?

Most urine dipsticks measure the concentration of acetoacetate.

Measuring Ketosis: Methods and Tools

What is the primary use of urine keto strips despite their poor accuracy?

They provide a rough way to assess how low you must go in net carbs at the start of the diet.

Measuring Ketosis: Methods and Tools

Why is it recommended to measure ketosis 1-2 hours after a meal?

Food intake normally increases blood glucose levels and decreases the level of ketosis, so if you're still in ketosis after a meal, you'll likely be in ketosis throughout the rest of the day.

Targeted Ketogenic Dieting (TKD) Strategy

What is Targeted Ketogenic Dieting (TKD)?

A nutrient timing strategy where most carbs are consumed in the pre- and post-workout meals.

Exogenous Ketones: Efficacy and Limitations

What is the primary claim made about exogenous ketone supplements?

Exogenous ketone supplements are marketed as a way to achieve the benefits of ketosis without following a low-carbohydrate diet.

Implementing a Ketogenic Diet for Strength Trainees

What is a good starting point for net carbohydrate intake on a ketogenic diet for strength trainees?

Approximately 50 grams of net carbs a day on training days and 30 grams on rest days.

Exogenous Ketones: Efficacy and Limitations

How do exogenous ketones impact exercise performance?

Exogenous ketones cause a shift from glucose to fat oxidation, but this does not favorably affect performance and may even impair it.

Medium-Chain Triglycerides (MCTs) in Keto

Why might the coconut oil trade-off be negative in a whole food diet?

People eat substantially less food on a whole food diet, meaning you might consume more calories than you save later in the day if you eat ad libitum.

Medium-Chain Triglycerides (MCTs) in Keto

What is the thermic effect of MCTs compared to other fatty acids?

MCTs have a greater thermic effect than other fatty acids in most research.

Medium-Chain Triglycerides (MCTs) in Keto

What is a major problem associated with MCT oil consumption?

Nausea is a major problem associated with MCT oil consumption.

Medium-Chain Triglycerides (MCTs) in Keto

Why should one avoid consuming large numbers of calories from MCT oil in a ketogenic diet?

Consuming large numbers of calories to go into a metabolic state with the primary purpose of reducing energy intake largely defeats the purpose of a ketogenic diet.

Medium-Chain Triglycerides (MCTs) in Keto

What is the recommendation for most people regarding the use of MCT or coconut oil?

Most people are better off with pure intermittent fasting or whole foods rather than using MCT or coconut oil.

Medium-Chain Triglycerides (MCTs) in Keto

What percentage of coconut oil is composed of MCTs?

Approximately 60% of coconut oil is composed of MCTs.

Medium-Chain Triglycerides (MCTs) in Keto

Why are pure MCT oils popular in the paleo community?

Pure MCT oils are popular because they raise ketone levels substantially more than coconut oil and are more satiating.

Medium-Chain Triglycerides (MCTs) in Keto

What is the logical problem with the benefits of MCT oils?

The logical problem is that the benefits of increased energy expenditure and lower appetite come with the cost of increased energy intake from the oil itself.

Exogenous Ketones: Efficacy and Limitations

Why might people feel more awake and energetic after taking exogenous ketone supplements?

People might feel more awake and energetic after taking exogenous ketone supplements because the supplements often contain caffeine, which is well established to have this effect.

Implementing a Ketogenic Diet for Strength Trainees

Why is it important to consume a balanced fatty acid profile on a ketogenic diet?

Because fat intake is so high on a ketogenic diet, consuming a balanced fatty acid profile is particularly important to avoid issues like skyrocketing LDL cholesterol levels.

Ketogenic Diet Overview

What is ketosis?

Ketosis is a metabolic state where the body uses fat as its primary source of fuel instead of carbohydrates, producing ketones as a byproduct.

Exogenous Ketones: Efficacy and Limitations

Why do exogenous ketones not achieve the same metabolic state as a low-carbohydrate diet?

Because glucose is still available and keto-adaptation has not taken place.

Exogenous Ketones: Efficacy and Limitations

Do exogenous ketones affect body composition?

No, consuming exogenous ketones does not affect body composition, regardless of energy deficit or maintenance intake.

Medium-Chain Triglycerides (MCTs) in Keto

What are some potential side effects of using MCT oil to reduce keto flu symptoms?

Several participants experienced digestive side effects, such as abdominal pain.

Indications and Contraindications for Keto Dieting

What is a major contraindication for the ketogenic diet related to behavior?

Poor compliance.

Implementing a Ketogenic Diet for Strength Trainees

Why is it not advisable to restrict protein intake to bare minimum levels to go deeper into ketosis for strength trainees?

Restricting protein intake to bare minimum levels to go deeper into ketosis can interfere with maximizing protein balance, which is crucial for strength trainees. Deeper ketosis often doesn't confer any direct body recomposition improvement.

Indications and Contraindications for Keto Dieting

Why might specific populations be advised against trying a ketogenic diet?

Populations with certain medical conditions, such as pancreatitis, liver failure, or disorders of fat metabolism, might be advised against trying a ketogenic diet due to potential health risks.

Psychological and Practical Considerations of Keto

Why is the decision to use a keto diet largely a psychological and practical question?

Because the main cost and benefit of the keto diet are significant, and the average person is often incapable or unwilling to follow it.

Psychological and Practical Considerations of Keto

What are some benefits of the ketogenic diet besides appetite suppression?

Benefits include improved cognitive functioning and emotional stability.

Indications and Contraindications for Keto Dieting

Why might specific populations be recommended to try a ketogenic diet?

Specific populations might be recommended to try a ketogenic diet for benefits such as weight loss, improved blood sugar control, and enhanced mental clarity.

Body Recomposition and Ketosis

How can a ketogenic diet affect the performance of a given exercise protocol?

A ketogenic diet can affect exercise performance by potentially improving endurance due to increased fat oxidation, but it may impair high-intensity performance due to reduced glycogen stores.

Psychological and Practical Considerations of Keto

What is the main benefit of ketogenic diets?

The main benefit of ketogenic diets is appetite suppression.

Medium-Chain Triglycerides (MCTs) in Keto

Under what condition might consuming MCT oil with a high energy intake be worth it?

It might be worth it if the MCT oil is so appetite suppressing that your subsequent ad libitum energy intake is significantly reduced.

Exogenous Ketones: Efficacy and Limitations

What is the overall conclusion about exogenous ketone supplements based on the provided studies?

Exogenous ketone supplements seem to be a waste of calories and money that may even impair performance.

Exogenous Ketones: Efficacy and Limitations

Why might specific populations be advised against supplementing with MCTs or exogenous ketones?

Populations with gastrointestinal issues or those who experience adverse effects like nausea or diarrhea might be advised against supplementing with MCTs or exogenous ketones.

Psychological and Practical Considerations of Keto

What is the main downside of ketogenic diets?

The main downside of ketogenic diets is their dietary restrictiveness.

Indications and Contraindications for Keto Dieting

What are the main medical contraindications to the ketogenic diet?

Severe clinical problems, particularly disorders of fat or energy metabolism or failing organs, and sometimes pregnancy, surgeries, and breastfeeding.

Targeted Ketogenic Dieting (TKD) Strategy

Why is TKD effective in increasing carbohydrate intake during a ketogenic diet?

Because the carbohydrates consumed pre-workout are used as fuel and post-workout are stored as glycogen, potentially increasing anaerobic exercise performance without taking the individual out of ketosis.

Implementing a Ketogenic Diet for Strength Trainees

What are two methods to find your keto sweet spot?

By tapering carbohydrates down or by going all-in and then increasing net carbohydrate intake.

Medium-Chain Triglycerides (MCTs) in Keto

Why is it generally not a good idea to make medium-chain fatty acids your primary fat source?

All medium-chain fatty acids are saturated, which can have negative health implications.

Exogenous Ketones: Efficacy and Limitations

How might exogenous ketones impair high-intensity exercise performance?

Ketones decrease blood glucose levels and may impair glycolysis, leaving the body unable to meet the energetic demands of high-intensity exercise without keto adaptation.

Indications and Contraindications for Keto Dieting

What are the main indications for considering a ketogenic diet?

Low carb tolerance.

Medium-Chain Triglycerides (MCTs) in Keto

Why might specific populations supplement with MCTs or exogenous ketones?

Specific populations might supplement with MCTs or exogenous ketones to quickly increase ketone levels, enhance energy, and support cognitive function.

Implementing a Ketogenic Diet for Strength Trainees

How can you create a ketogenic diet for specific populations?

Creating a ketogenic diet for specific populations involves tailoring macronutrient ratios, selecting appropriate foods, and considering individual health conditions and goals.

Medium-Chain Triglycerides (MCTs) in Keto

Why does it not make sense to consume something solely because it is thermogenic?

Because the thermic effect of food is only a fraction of its energy content, leading to a net energy intake.

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