What is the importance of honesty in professional competence?
To be honest about one's competence and seek help when necessary, while being impartial in professional advice.
What does downloading information from any source constitute?
Honesty and Impartiality

What is the importance of honesty in professional competence?

To be honest about one's competence and seek help when necessary, while being impartial in professional advice.

Honesty and Impartiality

What does downloading information from any source constitute?


Computer Usage Policies and Guidelines

What is the policy regarding personal use of the company E-mail system?

It may be used for reasonable personal use, provided it does not interfere with normal business activities or breach any company policy.

Computer Usage Policies and Guidelines

Why is it important to identify users by their username?

Identifying users by their username is crucial for accountability and access control; a password further secures this identification by verifying the user's identity.

Quality Assurance and Error Management

What is the primary focus of traditional system administration management?

Device monitoring and micro-management.

Ethical Responsibilities of Administrators

What is the minimum list for HTTP logs?

Date and time of connection, IP source address, operation (e.g., GET command), and path of the operation.

Computer Usage Policies and Guidelines

What type of browser may users seek access with?

An approved browser installed by the system administrator.

Privacy Concerns in Open Networks

What should users be aware of regarding information found on the World Wide Web?

There is no guarantee that any information found is accurate, legal, or factual.

Continuous Education and Skill Enhancement

How can professionals enhance their skills?

By continuing education through training, study, and sharing information with peers.

Social Responsibility in Computing

What is the role of social responsibility in computing?

To understand social and legal issues in computing and promote ethical policies and laws.

Harassment and Abuse in Cyberspace

What issues can harassment touch upon?

Gender, beliefs, sexual persuasion, and other attributes used to target a group.

Quality Assurance and Error Management

How should mistakes be handled in a professional setting?

By being honest about them and attempting to correct them where possible.

Social Responsibility in Computing

How has the perception of computer usage changed among users over generations?

Users have grown up thinking their computer activities are private, which is problematic in a networked community.

Privacy Concerns in Open Networks

What type of data do police forces in the EU want access to from ISPs?

They want access to surveillance data, IP addresses, email message IDs, and more.

Honesty and Impartiality

What constitutes copyright infringement?

Copying a copyrighted work without the consent of the copyright owner.

Quality Assurance and Error Management

What precautions should be taken when opening E-mail attachments?

Users should not open attachments from unknown or unexpected sources to prevent the spread of viruses.

System Integrity

Who is responsible for selecting and maintaining computer equipment?

The system administrator.

Computer Usage Policies and Guidelines

Who manages user accounts on the network?

System administrators.

Continuous Education and Skill Enhancement

What is a key characteristic of an adaptable system?

The ability to change original assumptions when they fail.

Privacy Concerns in Open Networks

What does the UK Data Protection Act 1998 govern?

The use of personal data.

Conflict of Interest in Network Usage

What is the significance of responsibility for actions and inactions?

It highlights the ethical line individuals walk in positions of responsibility and the interconnectedness of societal responsibilities.

Computer Usage Policies and Guidelines

Why is a fixed policy for dismissing employees useful?

It helps avoid harmful lawsuits by ensuring fair treatment and clear procedures.

Ethical Responsibilities of Administrators

What is the ethical consideration regarding the timing of fixing problems in systems?

It raises the question of whether it is ethical to wait before fixing a problem under certain circumstances.

Computer Usage Policies and Guidelines

What does international copyright law prevent?

Unlawful exploitation of the protected work.

Privacy Concerns in Open Networks

What do companies that engage in data mining do?

Find out behavioral information from computer log files.

Quality Assurance and Error Management

What risks should a computer usage policy address?

The risks of using insecure operating systems.

Ethical Responsibilities of Administrators

What is a key reason for individuals to adhere to policy guidelines?

To protect their interests and reduce the risk of legal liability.

Computer Usage Policies and Guidelines

What is a distributed account?

An account that can be accessed from multiple locations or systems.

Quality Assurance and Error Management

Why do local administrators feel the need to scan public resources?

To detect transgressions of policy or law.

Privacy Concerns in Open Networks

What does Richard Stallman say about government surveillance?

He states that when the government records where you go, who you talk with, and what you read, privacy has been essentially abolished.

Computer Usage Policies and Guidelines

What may result from violating the computer usage policy?

Disciplinary action, including dismissal and legal action.

Ethical Responsibilities of Administrators

What is the role of management in system administration according to Principle 29?

To secure conditions necessary for a system’s components to function, not to control every detail.

Computer Usage Policies and Guidelines

What is a computer usage policy?

A computer usage policy outlines acceptable use of technology resources and is essential for maintaining security and compliance within an organization.

Honesty and Impartiality

What should users refer to before downloading materials from information sites?

The legal terms and conditions expressed by those sites.

Privacy Concerns in Open Networks

Can the company monitor individual web use?

Yes, the company may monitor individual use, including visits to specific web sites.

Continuous Education and Skill Enhancement

What standard defines structured information models in organizations?

The X.500 standard.

Computer Usage Policies and Guidelines

What actions may managers not request from system administrators?

Any action that could result in a breach of company policies.

Privacy Concerns in Open Networks

What rights does the company reserve regarding data stored on the network?

The right to view any data stored on the network.

Computer Usage Policies and Guidelines

What does copyright protect?

An author's interest in their work.

Privacy Concerns in Open Networks

What rights do data subjects have under the UK Data Protection Act?

Their rights must be processed in accordance with the Act.

Privacy Concerns in Open Networks

What do some software manufacturers include that invades user privacy?

Spy-software that monitors user behavior.

Computer Usage Policies and Guidelines

Under what condition can the company access a user's email?

If it has reasonable grounds to do so.

Cooperation Among Professionals

What is a potential practical advantage of the Unix model?

Granular control over file permissions and user access.

Computer Usage Policies and Guidelines

What is meant by an account policy?

A set of rules governing the management and use of user accounts.

Quality Assurance and Error Management

What considerations should be taken into account in designing a login environment?

User experience, security, and accessibility.

Cooperation Among Professionals

What is essential for understanding human-computer systems?

The ability to see relationships between seemingly distinct parts of a system.

Computer Usage Policies and Guidelines

Who is authorized to download software?

Only an authorized system administrator.

Continuous Education and Skill Enhancement

What does Principle 28 (Adaptability) highlight about systems?

An adaptable system can cope with the unexpected and contribute to predictability in change or recovery from failure.

Harassment and Abuse in Cyberspace

What behaviors can be regarded as harassment in computer usage?

Harassment can include sending threatening messages, cyberbullying, or unwanted communication through digital platforms.

System Integrity

What actions are users prohibited from regarding software and hardware?

Connecting unauthorized equipment, using unapproved software, or altering settings.

Ethical Responsibilities of Administrators

What implications does user behavior have for organizations providing network access?

Organizations are responsible for their users' behavior on the network.

Cooperation Among Professionals

What is essential for the parts of a system to work together effectively?

Certain freedom for the parts to fulfill their roles without constant interference.

Harassment and Abuse in Cyberspace

Is spam mail considered harassment or freedom of speech?

This is a debated issue, as dealing with spam incurs costs in time and resources.

Ethical Responsibilities of Administrators

What are the responsibilities of users to their organization?

To comply with the organization's guidelines and policies.

Ethical Responsibilities of Administrators

What is the ethical dilemma regarding the use of process list commands in operating systems?

It questions whether it is ethical to monitor what other users are doing.

Social Responsibility in Computing

How did the events of September 11, 2001, influence government surveillance policies?

They provided a strong argument for increased surveillance in the name of anti-terrorism.

Quality Assurance and Error Management

Why is it not advisable to log onto a computer with root or Administrator privileges unless necessary?

It increases the risk of accidental changes or security breaches.

Quality Assurance and Error Management

What is meant by a user quota?

A limit set on the amount of resources a user can consume.

Quality Assurance and Error Management

What should be analyzed regarding support services at an organization?

The availability of support services, potential improvements, and cost estimation for enhancements.

Privacy Concerns in Open Networks

What should users be aware of regarding E-mail privacy?

Normal E-mail carries the same level of privacy as a postcard.

Quality Assurance and Error Management

What can lead to false assumptions and systemic errors of management?

Ignoring the dependencies within a system.

Privacy Concerns in Open Networks

What is included in the minimum list of network access logs?

Date and time of connection, user-id and password, assigned IP address, and number of bytes transmitted and received.

Quality Assurance and Error Management

What happens if a system is fundamentally flawed?

No amount of management will make it work.

Computer Usage Policies and Guidelines

Is the use of the company network private?

No, the company retains the right to monitor network use.

Ethical Responsibilities of Administrators

Who is responsible for maintaining confidentiality of data?

Every individual using a computer.

System Integrity

Who is authorized to perform installations and upgrades?

An authorized system administrator.

Privacy Concerns in Open Networks

What is one principle of data protection under the UK Data Protection Act?

Personal data shall be processed fairly and lawfully.

Privacy Concerns in Open Networks

What is a potential risk of digital cameras connected to computers?

Anyone can potentially watch you.

Quality Assurance and Error Management

What can Information Technology Policy Documents help organizations avoid?

Real money in lawsuits.

Computer Usage Policies and Guidelines

What is meant by a user shell?

A user shell is an interface that allows users to interact with the operating system.

Privacy Concerns in Open Networks

What was the FBI's alleged tool for obtaining encryption keys?

A Trojan horse called Magic-Lantern.

Privacy Concerns in Open Networks

What concerns arise from the monitoring of large quantities of data by governments?

It raises issues about privacy invasion and potential misuse of personal information.

Cooperation Among Professionals

What is meant by 'support services'?

Services provided to assist users in resolving issues and improving their experience.

Quality Assurance and Error Management

What are the pros and cons of the use of disk quotas?

Pros: Prevents resource hogging; Cons: Can limit user productivity.

Quality Assurance and Error Management

What factors should be critically reviewed in the terminal room layout?

Lighting, seating, temperature, and potential redesign for better work conditions.

Quality Assurance and Error Management

What is meant by garbage collection of user files?

Garbage collection of user files refers to the process of identifying and removing unnecessary or unused files to free up storage space.

Computer Usage Policies and Guidelines

What is the recommendation regarding chain or junk E-mail?

Users must not participate in chain or junk E-mail activities (spam) and should avoid mass E-mailing whenever possible.

Ethical Responsibilities of Administrators

How does the Internet affect users' perception of distance to other cultures?

The Internet reduces the logical distance, making users feel closer to different customs and policies.

Quality Assurance and Error Management

What are some key themes in system management discussed in the text?

Resource management, scheduling, and strategy.

Computer Usage Policies and Guidelines

What should managers be aware of when assessing user requests?

Potential risks associated with downloading files from the Internet or accessing additional areas of the network.

Privacy Concerns in Open Networks

What must users not connect to unauthorized computers?

Digital cameras or audio input devices.

Privacy Concerns in Open Networks

What must personal data be in relation to its processing purpose?

Adequate, relevant, and not excessive.

Computer Usage Policies and Guidelines

What is important for both the organization and the former employee after dismissal?

Having a clear procedure to protect against potential issues and accusations.

Quality Assurance and Error Management

How can human failures be mitigated?

By adherence to quality assurance schemes, such as ISO 9000.

Computer Usage Policies and Guidelines

What special considerations are required for distributed accounts?

Security, access control, and synchronization across different systems.

Cooperation Among Professionals

What mechanisms are available for users to share files on Windows computers?

Shared folders, network shares, and file permissions.

Ethical Responsibilities of Administrators

What is included in the minimum list for POP or IMAP logs?

Date and time of connection, IP address of client, user-id, and identifying information of E-mail retrieved.

Quality Assurance and Error Management

What often leads to failures and security violations in systems?

Neglect of interrelationships within such systems.

Computer Usage Policies and Guidelines

What legal recognition does E-mail have?

E-mail is legally recognized as publishing and is easily recirculated.

Cooperation Among Professionals

How should professionals cooperate with each other?

By supporting fellow computing professionals and acknowledging community responsibility.

Privacy Concerns in Open Networks

What optional information might be collected by ISPs?

User’s credit card number or bank account for subscription payment.

Computer Usage Policies and Guidelines

What must users do with files created on mobile devices?

Transfer their data to the appropriate area on the network as soon as possible.

Privacy Concerns in Open Networks

How is personal data legally defined?

Data that relate to a living individual who can be identified from those data.

Computer Usage Policies and Guidelines

What is the responsibility of users regarding their passwords?

Users must not reveal their passwords to anyone and should safeguard them.

Computer Usage Policies and Guidelines

What can happen to personal files stored on the network?

They can be deleted at any time.

Computer Usage Policies and Guidelines

Why is it important for organizations to have a computer usage policy?

To ensure users comply with guidelines of behavior that reflect on the organization.

Ethical Responsibilities of Administrators

What ethical issues arise from pinging infrastructure machines in a conflict zone?

It raises concerns about privacy and information warfare.

Ethical Responsibilities of Administrators

What is the dilemma of user surveillance in society?

To catch criminals, innocent individuals often become scrutinized.

Cooperation Among Professionals

What mechanisms exist for users to share files in Unix?

File permissions, symbolic links, and shared directories.

Ethical Responsibilities of Administrators

What is the significance of making ethical choices habitual?

It addresses the idea that human beings are creatures of habit, and law and policy enforcement should encourage ethical behavior.

Cooperation Among Professionals

What does Principle 27 (System interaction) emphasize?

Systems involve layers of interacting components that interdepend on one another.

Computer Usage Policies and Guidelines

What does 'the network' refer to in the computer usage policy?

The company computer and telephone network, including all hardware and software.

Quality Assurance and Error Management

How were computer systems traditionally organized?

By inspired local ingenuity or through inflexible prescriptions dictated by vendors.

Harassment and Abuse in Cyberspace

What is a potential problem for those responsible for users regarding libelous materials?

Liability for libelous materials due to users not obeying policies.

Computer Usage Policies and Guidelines

What precautions must users take to prevent unauthorized access to the network?

Users must not leave equipment unattended while logged on and must safeguard their passwords.

Harassment and Abuse in Cyberspace

What is the Realtime Black Hole List (RBL)?

A database of known E-mail abusers created by an Internet vigilante group.

Harassment and Abuse in Cyberspace

How are organizations held accountable for harassment in cyberspace?

Organizations are responsible for their users, similar to how countries are responsible for their citizens.

Computer Usage Policies and Guidelines

What are some actions included in the checklist for security after an employee's dismissal?

Change combination locks, change door keys, surrender laptops and mobile devices, remove authentication privileges, and remove pending jobs that could be logic bombs.

Privacy Concerns in Open Networks

What is a form of surveillance used by research organizations on the Internet?

Mapping out the Internet using programs like ping and traceroute.

Computer Usage Policies and Guidelines

What does it mean that passwords are not stored in 'clear text'?

Passwords are stored in an encrypted or hashed format to enhance security.

Quality Assurance and Error Management

What is the justification for the argument 'simplest is best'?

Simplicity reduces the likelihood of errors and enhances usability.

Ethical Responsibilities of Administrators

What additional information should companies retain for users who insert web pages?

Date, time, IP address, and UserID.

System Integrity

What is the primary responsibility regarding system integrity?

To ensure the integrity of the systems using appropriate means such as maintenance and preventing unauthorized access.

Ethical Responsibilities of Administrators

In which areas do ethics play a role in computer management?

Ethics play a role in data privacy, user consent, software licensing, and responsible use of technology.

Privacy Concerns in Open Networks

What is the minimum list of data for email servers according to Member States?

Date and time of connection and IP address of the sending computer.

Computer Usage Policies and Guidelines

What is the policy on accessing the World Wide Web?

Access is provided for business purposes, with limited personal use allowed as long as it does not interfere with normal business practice.

Cooperation Among Professionals

What is one way to bind together an organization?

Through a structured information model, such as a database of personnel, assets, and services.

Privacy Concerns in Open Networks

What impact has E-mail had on cultural barriers?

It has removed virtually every cultural barrier for communication.

Privacy Concerns in Open Networks

What technology allows for high-level accuracy in identifying individuals?

Face recognition technology.

Social Responsibility in Computing

Why do we need a computer usage policy from a client's viewpoint?

To be perceived as competent and professional in conducting business electronically.

Cooperation Among Professionals

What are the main elements of user support?

Helpdesk, documentation, training, and troubleshooting.

Ethical Responsibilities of Administrators

What information is required in the FTP log's minimum list?

Date and time of connection, IP source address, user-id and password, path and filename of data object uploaded or downloaded.

Privacy Concerns in Open Networks

What decision did the EU Parliament make regarding data retention?

They decided to allow data retention by Internet service providers without evidence, contrary to the EU Directive on data protection.

Social Responsibility in Computing

What are the main health risks associated with computer use?

Main health risks include eye strain, repetitive strain injuries, and poor posture-related issues.

Ethical Responsibilities of Administrators

What is a key consideration for users when interacting on the Internet?

Users should consider the larger issues where greater values are at stake.

Continuous Education and Skill Enhancement

What role do standardizing bodies like IETF and ISO play?

They attempt to design models for the management of systems.

Harassment and Abuse in Cyberspace

What is preferred over vigilante groups for dealing with harassment?

Law enforcement sanctioned by society.

Computer Usage Policies and Guidelines

What should an IT policy include regarding breaches?

Instructions on how users will be dealt with when they breach policy, including varying degrees of tolerance.

Computer Usage Policies and Guidelines

Does copyright exist without registration?

Yes, copyright exists as soon as the work is created.

Computer Usage Policies and Guidelines

What is the company's policy regarding electronic messages created and stored on the network?

They are the property of the company and are not private.

Privacy Concerns in Open Networks

What legislative actions have some governments taken regarding surveillance?

They have pushed for greater powers for conducting surveillance and cracking personal encryption.

Cooperation Among Professionals

What are active and passive users?

Active users engage regularly with the system, while passive users use it infrequently.

Ethical Responsibilities of Administrators

What optional information can be included in HTTP logs?

'Last visited page' and response codes.

Quality Assurance and Error Management

What is the company's stance on liability for personal transactions?

The company will not accept liability for any personal transaction.

Computer Usage Policies and Guidelines

What types of material are prohibited on the company network?

Fraudulent, harassing, offensive, profane, obscene, intimidating, defamatory, misleading, or otherwise unlawful material.

Ethical Responsibilities of Administrators

What is the responsibility of system administrators in conflicts arising from cultural differences?

System administrators must mediate conflicts and avoid escalation that could lead to information warfare.

Quality Assurance and Error Management

What is a key consideration in managing systems according to the text?

Handling interoperability between the parts of a system.

Privacy Concerns in Open Networks

What challenge does the information age present regarding privacy?

Carving out a quiet space for private thoughts.

Harassment and Abuse in Cyberspace

What constitutes harassment in the context of public resources like the Internet?

Abuse of a public resource may be viewed as harassment if it infringes on others' personal freedoms.

Quality Assurance and Error Management

What is the principle regarding human failure in systems?

All systems fail eventually, but they should fail predictably, with checklists and guidelines to protect the system.

Privacy Concerns in Open Networks

How can mobile technologies potentially infringe on user privacy?

They can trace and map out a user's motion based on their location relative to transmitters.

Cooperation Among Professionals

What is the nine-step approach to user support?

A structured method for addressing user issues effectively.

Social Responsibility in Computing

What is a potential issue with users' attitudes towards their computers in a network community?

The belief that their actions are private can lead to irresponsible behavior in a shared network environment.

Honesty and Impartiality

What should users avoid when sending E-mails?

Users should avoid breaching copyright or compromising confidentiality, and should not write anything libelous, harassing, discriminatory, or unlawful.

Quality Assurance and Error Management

What must any electronic commercial transaction adhere to?

Standard ordering policy.

Continuous Education and Skill Enhancement

What has the emphasis in system management shifted towards recently?

Regulation rather than direct management of devices.

Privacy Concerns in Open Networks

What routine maintenance activities might breach user privacy?

Activities like monitoring user activity, logging keystrokes, or accessing personal files without consent can be regarded as breaches of privacy.

Ethical Responsibilities of Administrators

What is the ethical responsibility of a professional?

To lead by example and maintain high ethical standards in all duties.

Ethical Responsibilities of Administrators

What ethical dilemmas do system administrators face regarding unsafe systems?

They must consider if they are responsible for deploying unsafe systems and whether they can know everything about system safety.

Computer Usage Policies and Guidelines

What must be done to prevent a dismissed employee from changing data?

Remove access to all disparate systems and authentication mechanisms.

Privacy Concerns in Open Networks

What do license agreements often allow software manufacturers to do?

Do almost anything to your computer.

Computer Usage Policies and Guidelines

What should a computer usage policy address in case of a security breach?

What all parties should do.

Cooperation Among Professionals

What are the limitations of the Unix model for file sharing?

Complex permission settings and potential security risks.

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