What must members evaluate once a threat has been identified according to APES 110?
Members need to evaluate the threat to determine whether it is at an acceptable level, which is defined as the level at which a reasonable and informed third party would likely conclude that the member complies with the fundamental principles.
What factors must be considered when evaluating a threat according to paragraph 120.8 A1?
Both qualitative and quantitative factors must be considered when evaluating a threat or the combined impact of threats.
Threats to Compliance with Ethical Principles

What must members evaluate once a threat has been identified according to APES 110?

Members need to evaluate the threat to determine whether it is at an acceptable level, which is defined as the level at which a reasonable and informed third party would likely conclude that the member complies with the fundamental principles.

Threats to Compliance with Ethical Principles

What factors must be considered when evaluating a threat according to paragraph 120.8 A1?

Both qualitative and quantitative factors must be considered when evaluating a threat or the combined impact of threats.

Public Interest in Accounting Ethics

What is the primary duty of an accountant according to the text?

The accountant’s primary duty is to the public, not to the client or employer.

Fundamental Principles of Professional Accountants

What does objectivity mean in the context of accounting?

Objectivity refers to the state of being true and impartial, free from individual feelings or interpretations that may impair professional judgement.

Threats to Compliance with Ethical Principles

What is a related party transaction and why can it compromise objectivity?

A related party transaction occurs when an organization deals with parties that cannot be seen as independent, which can lead to a lack of objectivity and potential conflicts of interest.

Threats to Compliance with Ethical Principles

What should an accountant do if a threat is other than clearly insignificant?

The accountant should consider and apply safeguards to reduce the threat to an acceptable level.

Professional Competence and Due Care

What is the importance of due diligence and appropriate supervision for accountants?

Due diligence and appropriate supervision are critical to the work of accountants, especially during busy times, to prevent errors that may occur due to overlooked details in favor of meeting deadlines.

Fundamental Principles of Professional Accountants

How did Scott London breach ethical and professional duties?

London's conduct was an egregious violation of his ethical and professional duties by illegally providing confidential information to a friend for personal gain.

Professional Competence and Due Care

Who can members consult to confirm information and conclusions when addressing ethical issues?

Members can consult others within the firm, those charged with governance, a professional body, a regulatory body, or legal counsel.

APES 110 Code of Ethics Overview

What is the Compiled APES 110 Code of Ethics for Professional Accountants?

It is a code that includes amendments made to the ethical standards for professional accountants over time, incorporating the IESBA Code.

Conceptual Framework for Ethical Decision Making

What does the APESB Code of Ethics provide guidance on?

It provides guidance for resolving conflicts of interest and other ethical situations that may arise.

Threats to Compliance with Ethical Principles

What threat is faced by a member or family member over a disagreement about accounting principles?


Public Interest in Accounting Ethics

How does IFAC define 'public interest'?

IFAC defines public interest as ‘the sum of the benefits that citizens receive from the services provided by the accountancy profession, incorporating the effects of all regulatory measures designed to ensure the quality and provision of such services’.

Confidentiality and Professional Behaviour

What is the duty of confidentiality for professional accountants?

Professional accountants must respect the confidentiality of information acquired through professional relationships and should not disclose it without proper authority, unless legally required.

Threats to Compliance with Ethical Principles

What are the three options for addressing identified threats?

(a) Eliminating the circumstances creating the threats, (b) Applying safeguards to reduce the threats, or (c) Declining or ending the specific professional activity.

Threats to Compliance with Ethical Principles

What is a potential issue with a rules-based code of ethics?

A rules-based code can become too prescriptive and voluminous, causing ethical decision making to focus on rule adherence rather than protecting fundamental principles.

Fundamental Principles of Professional Accountants

What obligations do CPA Australia members have regarding the APESB Code of Ethics?

They must comply with the APESB Code of Ethics, including when providing professional services in an honorary capacity.

Fundamental Principles of Professional Accountants

What does integrity in accounting require according to the APESB Code of Ethics?

Integrity requires strength of character, the courage to pursue one’s convictions, and the obligation to be straightforward and honest in professional and business relationships.

Threats to Compliance with Ethical Principles

What ethical concern arises when a member is informed that a planned promotion will not occur unless they agree with inappropriate accounting treatment?

This creates an intimidation threat, pressuring the member to compromise their ethical standards.

Public Interest in Accounting Ethics

What is the overriding responsibility that underpins all professional duties and obligations?

Safeguarding the public interest is the overriding responsibility that underpins all professional duties and obligations.

Confidentiality and Professional Behaviour

Under what circumstances can confidential information be disclosed?

Confidential information can be disclosed when required by law, permitted by law with client authorization, or when there is a professional duty or right to disclose.

Public Interest in Accounting Ethics

What was Scott London charged with on April 11, 2013?

Scott London was charged by the FBI with insider trading.

Threats to Compliance with Ethical Principles

What is defined as actions that effectively reduce threats to compliance with fundamental principles?

A safeguard.

Fundamental Principles of Professional Accountants

What are the five fundamental principles introduced in Part 1 of the Code?

The principles deal with the fundamentals of ethical behaviour expected of members, irrespective of where they practice.

NOCLAR Requirements

What are the NOCLAR requirements?

NOCLAR allows members to report actual or suspected non-compliance with laws and regulations by a client or employer when such disclosure is in the public interest.

Threats to Compliance with Ethical Principles

What is the primary category of threat when a member holds a financial interest in the employing organization?


Professional Competence and Due Care

What is required of a member in terms of diligence?

A member is required to ensure they act diligently and in accordance with professional standards that apply to their work.

Public Interest in Accounting Ethics

What should a member do if they believe a document's content is materially false?

A member should not associate themselves with documents where the member believes the content is materially false.

Professional Competence and Due Care

What must members inform clients or employers about?

A member shall make clients or employers aware of any limitations of the services a member is providing.

Threats to Compliance with Ethical Principles

What are some forms of guidance relevant to evaluating the threat level?

Forms of guidance include corporate governance requirements, educational and training requirements, effective complaint systems, a duty to report breaches of ethics, and professional or regulatory monitoring procedures.

Threats to Compliance with Ethical Principles

What must members do when they identify a threat that may compromise compliance with fundamental principles?

Members need to evaluate and respond to the threat by eliminating it or reducing it to an acceptable level.

Threats to Compliance with Ethical Principles

What should accountants do if they cannot implement appropriate safeguards against identified threats?

They should either decline or discontinue the specific professional service involved, or consider resigning from the client or employer.

Conceptual Framework for Ethical Decision Making

What is the third step in applying the conceptual framework for ethical decision making?

Addressing threats that have been evaluated as not being at an acceptable level.

Public Interest in Accounting Ethics

What was the consequence of Scott London's actions?

London was banned by the SEC from auditing public companies, sentenced to 14 months in jail, and ordered to pay a $100,000 fine.

Threats to Compliance with Ethical Principles

What does the Code refer to in the context of addressing threats?

The process of eliminating them or reducing them to an acceptable level.

Professional Competence and Due Care

What does diligence entail for accountants?

Diligence involves acting in accordance with assignment requirements, carefully, thoroughly, and on a timely basis.

Independence Standards in Assurance Services

What is the role of the International Ethics Standards Board for Accountants (IESBA)?

IESBA develops and issues the International Code of Ethics for Professional Accountants, including International Independence Standards.

Threats to Compliance with Ethical Principles

What considerations should members in business take into account when evaluating threats?

Members in business should consider the nature and scope of the professional activity, the client and its operating environment, and the work environment within the employing organization.

Public Interest in Accounting Ethics

What should members do if they believe unethical behavior has occurred within their organization?

Seek legal advice if they believe unethical behavior has occurred, or will continue to occur, within their employing organization.

Professional Behaviour

What responsibilities do accountants have towards their profession and colleagues?

Accountants must promote the good reputation of the profession and their colleagues by avoiding exaggerated claims and disparaging references.

Conceptual Framework for Ethical Decision Making

What are the three steps members are encouraged to apply in the conceptual framework?

Identify threats, assess if the threat is at an acceptable level, and eliminate or reduce the threat if necessary.

Fundamental Principles of Professional Accountants

What are the three obligations founded on the principle of objectivity for accountants?

Accountants should be impartial, honest, and free from conflicts of interest.

Conceptual Framework for Ethical Decision Making

What is the significance of the terms 'shall', 'may', and 'might' in the Code?

These terms indicate the difference in interpretation and application of clauses within the Code.

Hierarchy of Ethical Pronouncements

What is the significance of the hierarchy of ethical pronouncements issued by APESB?

The hierarchy illustrates that the Code of Ethics is at its apex, supported by standards covering specific topics and guidance notes.

Threats to Compliance with Ethical Principles

What threat is posed when an individual attempts to influence a member's decision-making process?


Threats to Compliance with Ethical Principles

What threat is associated with a member having a long association with individuals influencing business decisions?


Threats to Compliance with Ethical Principles

How does having a Close or Immediate Family member who is a Director or Officer of the client affect a member's ethical stance?

This creates a familiarity threat, which may impair the member's objectivity.

Threats to Compliance with Ethical Principles

What is the concern when an individual considered as an appropriate reviewer has a close relationship with someone who performed the work?

This creates a self-review threat, as the reviewer may lack objectivity.

Public Interest in Accounting Ethics

What is a distinguishing feature of a profession according to the text?

A distinguishing feature of a profession is its commitment to promote and preserve the public interest even if it comes at the expense of its members’ and its own self-interest.

Public Interest in Accounting Ethics

Who are the stakeholders that accountants have a duty to?

Accountants have a duty to clients, employers, shareholders, and the accounting community.

Professional Behaviour

What must a professional accountant do to maintain professional behavior?

A professional accountant must comply with laws and regulations, act in the public interest, and avoid conduct that could discredit the profession.

Fundamental Principles of Professional Accountants

What are the fundamental principles of the Code of Ethics?

The fundamental principles form the foundation of the Code of Ethics and are to be applied by all members irrespective of the context in which they work.

Public Interest in Accounting Ethics

What does serving the public interest encompass?

It encompasses the pursuit of excellence for the benefit of others, including integrity, objectivity, independence, confidentiality, adherence to technical and professional standards, competence and due care, and ethical behaviour.

APES 110 Code of Ethics Overview

What is the purpose of the Guide to the Code?

The Guide highlights how the Code of Ethics should be read and used, ensuring members understand the rationale underlying the Code.

Conceptual Framework for Ethical Decision Making

What are the three steps in the conceptual framework for addressing threats to fundamental principles?

1. Identify threats to compliance with the fundamental principles; 2. Evaluate the threats identified; 3. Address the threats by eliminating or reducing them to an Acceptable Level.

Threats to Compliance with Ethical Principles

What is one relevant safeguard an accountant can use to mitigate threats?

Consultation with superiors within the employing organization or with a relevant professional body.

Fundamental Principles of Professional Accountants

Why are the fundamental principles important for professional accountants?

They are regarded as the minimum standard of ethical behaviour and are used as ethical outcomes in resolving ethical and professional dilemmas.

Threats to Compliance with Ethical Principles

What is the definition of the intimidation threat category?

The intimidation threat is when a Member is deterred from acting objectively due to actual or perceived pressures, including undue influence.

Public Interest in Accounting Ethics

What responsibilities do professional accountants have to society?

Responsibilities include providing sound financial and business reporting, facilitating comparability of financial reporting, applying high standards of ethical behavior, specifying educational requirements, and contributing to sound corporate governance.

Conceptual Framework for Ethical Decision Making

What should members document when applying the conceptual framework to ethical issues?

Members are encouraged to document the substance of issues, processes, and outcomes.

Conceptual Framework for Ethical Decision Making

What does the conceptual framework approach rely on?

The conceptual framework approach relies on the application of key principles for decision making.

Public Interest in Accounting Ethics

What does the APESB Code of Ethics express?

It expresses the distinguishing mark of the accounting profession, which is the responsibility to act in the public interest.

Threats to Compliance with Ethical Principles

What factors should be considered when categorizing threats according to APES 110?

The context in which activities have taken place, including any relationships and interests.

Threats to Compliance with Ethical Principles

What threat arises when a member determines the appropriate accounting treatment after performing a feasibility study?


Threats to Compliance with Ethical Principles

What does the advocacy threat category involve?

The advocacy threat involves a Member promoting a client’s or employing organisation’s position to the point that the Member’s objectivity is compromised.

Threats to Compliance with Ethical Principles

What is a potential breach of principle regarding reckless statements?

It may be a breach of a principle if a member associates themselves with statements or information that was provided recklessly.

Threats to Compliance with Ethical Principles

What considerations should members in public practice take into account when evaluating threats?

Members in public practice should consider the firm and its operating environment, including leadership's promotion of compliance with fundamental principles and policies that monitor compliance.

Conceptual Framework for Ethical Decision Making

What are the first two steps in dealing with threats to fundamental principles?

Identification and evaluation.

Public Interest in Accounting Ethics

What is the significance of Michael Woodford's actions as described in Example 2.8?

Michael Woodford demonstrated moral courage by blowing the whistle on a USD1.7 billion fraud, despite facing personal hardship and risking his life.

Threats to Compliance with Ethical Principles

What should members do if they cannot eliminate the circumstances that gave rise to a threat?

Decline to engage in or end a particular professional activity.

Professional Competence and Due Care

What are the two distinct obligations of professional competence and due care?

The first obligation is to maintain professional knowledge and skill, and the second is to act diligently in accordance with applicable technical and professional standards.

Threats to Compliance with Ethical Principles

What should an accountant consider if the threat cannot be mitigated to an acceptable level?

The accountant should consider discontinuing their service for the employer.

Professional Competence and Due Care

Why is an inquiring mind important and what does it involve?

An inquiring mind is important as it involves questioning and critically evaluating information to ensure sound professional judgement.

Threats to Compliance with Ethical Principles

What does the self-interest threat category refer to?

The self-interest threat refers to a financial or other interest that inappropriately influences a Member’s judgement or behaviour.

Public Interest in Accounting Ethics

What must members not mislead clients about?

Members shall not mislead clients or potential clients with claims that misrepresent their actual qualifications or experience.

Public Interest in Accounting Ethics

What should a member do with false or misleading information?

A member shall disassociate themselves from information that is false, provided recklessly or omits information that might otherwise lead a reader to interpret a situation differently if a full and clear account of a situation was presented.

Threats to Compliance with Ethical Principles

What situation poses an intimidation threat for a member in public practice?

A Member being threatened with dismissal from a client engagement or the Firm because of a disagreement about a professional matter.

Threats to Compliance with Ethical Principles

What ethical issue arises when a member lobbies in favor of legislation on behalf of a client?

This creates an advocacy threat, as the member may prioritize the client's interests over ethical considerations.

Threats to Compliance with Ethical Principles

What ethical issue arises when a member discovers a significant error in a previous Professional Service performed by their Firm?

This creates a self-review threat, as the member may struggle to objectively evaluate the prior work.

Conceptual Framework for Ethical Decision Making

What is the nature of the process of identifying and addressing threats according to the conceptual framework?

It is a continuing process rather than a one-off task, requiring ongoing monitoring and re-evaluation as new information arises.

APES 110 Code of Ethics Overview

How is the APESB Code of Ethics structured?

The Code is divided into four parts: compliance requirements, application for members in business, application for members in public practice, and independence standards for assurance services.

Fundamental Principles of Professional Accountants

What mindset must members have when applying the conceptual framework to ethical issues?

Members must have an inquiring mind, exercise professional judgement, and use the reasonable and informed third party test.

Professional Competence and Due Care

How can accountants maintain their professional competence after acquiring CPA status?

Accountants maintain professional competence by keeping up to date with relevant technical, professional, business, and technology-related developments.

NOCLAR Requirements

When did the NOCLAR requirements become effective?

The NOCLAR requirements became effective on 1 January 2018.

Fundamental Principles of Professional Accountants

What should accountants avoid according to the integrity principle?

Accountants shall not knowingly be associated with information that contains materially false or misleading statements, is provided recklessly, or omits required information that would be misleading.

Threats to Compliance with Ethical Principles

What are the five categories of threat defined in APES 110?

The five categories of threat are self-interest, self-review, advocacy, familiarity, and intimidation.

Fundamental Principles of Professional Accountants

What principle deals with implicit fair dealing and truthfulness?

This fundamental principle deals with implicit fair dealing and truthfulness.

Threats to Compliance with Ethical Principles

What is the self-review threat category?

The self-review threat occurs when a Member does not appropriately evaluate the results of a previous judgement or activity that they relied on for a current judgement.

Confidentiality and Professional Behaviour

What must a member be conscious of regarding client information?

A member needs to be conscious about inadvertent disclosure of client information.

Confidentiality and Professional Behaviour

When can information acquired from an engagement be disclosed?

Information acquired as a result of working on an engagement shall not be disclosed unless there is a legal or professional duty to do so.

Public Interest in Accounting Ethics

What should members avoid in the publication of information?

Members should not be involved with the publication of information where the presentation of information omits or obscures the true substance of a situation.

Public Interest in Accounting Ethics

What duty do members have regarding quality reviews and inquiries?

Members have a professional duty or right to disclose information where not prohibited by law to comply with quality reviews conducted by CPA Australia or responding to an inquiry or investigation by CPA Australia.

Threats to Compliance with Ethical Principles

What ethical concern arises when a member promotes the interests of a client?

This creates an advocacy threat, potentially compromising the member's objectivity.

Threats to Compliance with Ethical Principles

What threat does a member face when having a close business relationship with a client?

This creates a familiarity threat, which may impair the member's objectivity.

Fundamental Principles of Professional Accountants

What are the five fundamental principles of professional accountants?

Integrity, objectivity, professional competence and due care, confidentiality, and professional behaviour.

Threats to Compliance with Ethical Principles

What threat is present when a member has the opportunity to manipulate information in a prospectus?


Public Interest in Accounting Ethics

What constitutes conduct discrediting the profession?

Conduct that a reasonable and informed third party would be likely to conclude adversely affects the good reputation of the profession is conduct that is or may be defined as conduct discrediting the profession.

Threats to Compliance with Ethical Principles

What is the ethical concern when a director or officer of the client has recently served as the Engagement Partner?

This creates a self-review threat due to the potential for bias in the engagement.

Threats to Compliance with Ethical Principles

What threat does a member face when acting as an advocate on behalf of a client?

This creates an advocacy threat, compromising the member's objectivity.

Threats to Compliance with Ethical Principles

What is the ethical implication of a member having a Direct Financial Interest in a client?

This creates a self-interest threat, which can impair the member's objectivity.

Threats to Compliance with Ethical Principles

What threat is indicated when a member is responsible for financial reporting while a close family member makes decisions affecting it?


Threats to Compliance with Ethical Principles

What threat is posed when a member is offered a gift or special treatment from a supplier?


Threats to Compliance with Ethical Principles

What threat arises from an Audit Team member having a long association with the Audit Client?

This creates a familiarity threat, potentially impairing objectivity.

Public Interest in Accounting Ethics

Does the reasonable and informed third party need to be a member of a professional accounting body?

No, the reasonable and informed third party does not need to be a member of a professional accounting body.

Fundamental Principles of Professional Accountants

What conditions need to be met to ensure the exercise of professional judgement results in valid conclusions?

Conditions include having sufficient relevant information, applying appropriate professional standards, and maintaining objectivity.

Threats to Compliance with Ethical Principles

What is the familiarity threat category?

The familiarity threat arises when a Member has a long or close relationship with a client or employing organisation, leading to excessive sympathy towards their interests.

Public Interest in Accounting Ethics

What should members avoid to maintain the profession's integrity?

Members shall avoid conduct that they know may discredit the profession.

Threats to Compliance with Ethical Principles

What is a circumstance that creates a self-interest threat for a member participating in incentive compensation arrangements?

A Member participating in incentive compensation arrangements offered by the employing organisation.

Confidentiality and Professional Behaviour

Can a member share information after ending a relationship with a client?

Ending a relationship between a client or employing organisation does not mean that a member is free to share information with other parties or on social media.

Threats to Compliance with Ethical Principles

When should a member not undertake a professional engagement?

A member shall not undertake a professional engagement if there is a situation or relationship that may unduly influence the member’s exercise of professional judgement if they were to engage in that activity.

Confidentiality and Professional Behaviour

How should information from professional relationships be used?

Information acquired as a result of professional and business relationships shall not be used for the personal advantage of the member or the advantage of a third party.

Threats to Compliance with Ethical Principles

What is the ethical issue when a member accepts a significant gift from a client?

This creates a self-interest threat, especially if the acceptance of the gift is threatened to be made public.

Threats to Compliance with Ethical Principles

What threat does a member face when feeling pressured to agree with a client's judgment due to the client's expertise?

This creates an intimidation threat, as the member may feel compelled to compromise their professional judgment.

Fundamental Principles of Professional Accountants

What obligation do members have regarding their professional judgement?

Members are obliged to ensure their professional judgement is not compromised due to undue influence by others.

Threats to Compliance with Ethical Principles

How does having access to corporate assets for personal use affect a member's ethical compliance?

A Member having access to corporate assets for personal use creates a self-interest threat.

Professional Competence and Due Care

What responsibility do members have regarding supervision and training?

A member shall take necessary measures to ensure people working under their authority are properly supervised and trained.

Threats to Compliance with Ethical Principles

What is the concern when a member issues an assurance report on financial systems after implementing them?

This creates a self-review threat, as the member may lack objectivity in evaluating their own work.

Confidentiality and Professional Behaviour

What is required before sharing certain kinds of information?

Proper authorisation shall be obtained before certain kinds of information are shared with parties that are not involved in an engagement within a company or professional practice.

Public Interest in Accounting Ethics

What should members avoid regarding references to others' work?

Disparaging references or unsubstantiated comparisons to the work of others shall not be made by a member.

Threats to Compliance with Ethical Principles

What ethical issue is presented when a member quotes a low fee to obtain a new engagement?

If the fee is so low that it might be difficult to perform the Professional Service in accordance with applicable technical and professional standards, it creates a self-interest threat.

Threats to Compliance with Ethical Principles

What is the ethical implication of a member having prepared the original data used in an Assurance Engagement?

This creates a self-review threat, as the member may not be objective in evaluating their own work.

Threats to Compliance with Ethical Principles

What threat does a member face when having access to confidential information that might be used for personal gain?

This creates a self-interest threat, compromising the member's integrity.

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