What is the primary goal of Community Policing?
Fostering community well-being.
What is often the most effective community policing strategy in dangerous neighborhoods?
Strict and targeted enforcement as a first priority.
Community Policing Goals and Strategies

What is the primary goal of Community Policing?

Fostering community well-being.

Community Policing Goals and Strategies

What is often the most effective community policing strategy in dangerous neighborhoods?

Strict and targeted enforcement as a first priority.

Mobilization and Engagement in Community Policing

What is a key aspect of community policing according to the Mobilization and Engagement Model?

Transforming the relationship between police and the community.

Mobilization and Engagement in Community Policing

What is a key approach to reshaping communities with high police response?

Utilizing a web of organizations.

Mobilization and Engagement in Community Policing

What should police focus on if social disorder is more of a problem than crime?

Identifying key community players.

Social Determinants of Community Safety

How can police use crime analysis data in relation to community well-being?

To alert other agencies when social determinants of health are at issue.

Community Policing Goals and Strategies

What edition of 'Transforming Community Policing' is referenced?

2nd Edition.

Social Disorder and Calls for Service

What is a key characteristic of neighborhoods with high levels of victimization?

They often have the largest number of repeat calls for service (CFS).

Community Policing Goals and Strategies

What is the third tactical choice in community policing?

Determine if targeted enforcement should be used.

Social Control and Its Impact on Policing

How does social control shape community values?

Through mechanisms like peer pressure.

Mobilization and Engagement in Community Policing

What is the role of community leaders in addressing social disorder?

To help identify and mobilize community resources.

Social Control and Its Impact on Policing

How does 'social control' relate to policing in communities with varying response needs?

Social control mechanisms differ in effectiveness based on the frequency of police response and community engagement.

Community Capacity Building

What is the significance of social and economic development in communities?

It addresses the need for improving community well-being.

Social Disorder and Calls for Service

What are examples of non-chargeable calls for service?

Matters of social disorder.

Community Capacity Building

What initiative can be organized to promote local agriculture and community engagement?

Community gardens.

Social Disorder and Calls for Service

What are some causes of crime mentioned in the text?

Domestic violence and poor parenting.

Community Policing Goals and Strategies

What is a key strategy in community policing?

Targeted enforcement, good intelligence, and reliable data.

Community Cohesion and Well-Being

What are durable relations?

Relationships that are strong, lasting, and endure through pressures and changes in life, family, and neighborhood.

Community Policing Goals and Strategies

What is the significance of copyright in community policing literature?

It protects the intellectual property and ensures the content is used appropriately.

Community Cohesion and Well-Being

What are the 8 categories of the Canadian Index of Well-being?

1) Community vitality; 2) Democratic engagement; 3) Education; 4) Environment; 5) Healthy populations; 6) Leisure and culture; 7) Living standards; 8) Time use.

Community Policing Goals and Strategies

What is the first priority for effective community policing?

Crime suppression and enforcement.

Community Cohesion and Well-Being

What are some characteristics of community well-being?

Average income levels, employment rates, and family conditions.

Community Policing Goals and Strategies

How can police insight into the community be used?

To forward community policing goals.

Community Cohesion and Well-Being

What does a feeling of membership contribute to in a community?

It contributes to a sense of belonging.

Community Capacity Building

How does onsite daycare contribute to community capacity-building?

It allows parents to have opportunities to do other things.

Community Policing Goals and Strategies

What is the first strategic goal in designing community policing for a neighborhood?

Consult with crime and other data analysts to assess crime and social disorder in the neighborhood.

Community Cohesion and Well-Being

Are some communities healthier than others according to the text?

Yes, some communities are healthier than others.

Social Disorder and Calls for Service

What characterizes neighborhoods where police rarely respond?

Fewer illegal activities and least social disorder.

Community Cohesion and Well-Being

What is the impact of community influence on policing?

It shapes police strategies and responses to community needs.

Social Control and Its Impact on Policing

What are the three strongest sources of social control?

Family, friends, and neighbors.

Social Disorder and Calls for Service

What percentage of calls for service involve non-chargeable offenses?

70 – 80%.

Community Cohesion and Well-Being

How do communities influence crime rates?

Communities can either deter or facilitate crime through social cohesion and collective efficacy.

Community Cohesion and Well-Being

What is collective efficacy?

The shared belief in a community's ability to maintain social order and control behavior.

Social Capital and Police Relations

What is social capital?

Positive relationships between people that enable them to work together for a common goal.

Community Cohesion and Well-Being

What role does fulfillment of personal needs play in community belonging?

It ensures that individuals feel valued and supported within the community.

Social Disorder and Calls for Service

What does 'Recidivism' mean?

The tendency of a convicted criminal to reoffend.

Community Capacity Building

What are examples of a community's tangible resources?

Physical assets like parks, buildings, and infrastructure.

Influence of Social Determinants on Community Safety

What are 'Criminogenic factors'?

Conditions or influences that increase the likelihood of criminal behavior.

Definition of Community in Policing

What defines a community?

People who share common values and work together to resolve neighborhood problems.

Mobilization and Engagement in Community Policing

What is the focus of the Mobilization and Engagement Model of Community Policing?

It emphasizes the active involvement of community members in policing efforts.

Community Cohesion and Well-Being

What is community cohesion?

Strong and positive relationships between people from different backgrounds, working together to tackle community problems.

Community Policing Goals and Strategies

What should be determined regarding enforcement actions in community policing?

Whether police should take charge or liaise with community partners.

Community Cohesion and Well-Being

What is the goal of community policing in neighborhoods with social disorder?

Creating community where it does not exist.

Social Disorder and Calls for Service

How do social determinants of health relate to social disorder?

They can drive social disorder to high levels when access to essential resources is unequal.

Community Cohesion and Well-Being

Who are considered key individuals or groups within the community?

Community leaders, groups, and organizations.

Social Disorder and Calls for Service

What is the trend in crime rates despite the increase in calls for service?

Crime rates continue to decline.

Social Disorder and Calls for Service

What is the primary focus of Chapter 1 in 'Communities, Crime, and Social Disorder'?

The relationship between communities and crime, as well as the impact of social disorder.

Social Disorder and Calls for Service

What is the impact of social disorder on community relationships?

It drives people apart.

Mobilization and Engagement in Community Policing

What characterizes the amber zone in the Mobilization and Engagement Model?

Neighborhoods that request many CFS and have repeat calls, but where there are some people and organizations that share common values.

Community Capacity Building

What is a key benefit of bringing social and human service agencies together?

To provide services under one location.

Community Capacity Building

What support can be provided for high school students through community capacity-building?

Peer mentoring.

Social Control and Its Impact on Policing

What is meant by 'Social control'?

Mechanisms, strategies, and institutions that regulate individual behavior in society.

Community Capacity Building

What is community capacity-building?

The identification, strengthening, and linking of a neighborhood’s tangible and intangible resources.

Definition of Community in Policing

What is the definition of a community?

A social unit of any size that shares common values; a group of people connected by durable relationships.

Community Capacity Building

What are examples of a community's intangible resources?

Community trust, social networks, and shared values.

Community Cohesion and Well-Being

What is the focus of 'Building Community' in the context of community policing?

To enhance relationships and collaboration between police and community members.

Community Capacity Building

How does the concept of Community Policing evolve?

It is always changing, adapting, and transforming over time to meet different needs.

Community Policing Goals and Strategies

How does community influence policing?

Communities can impact policing strategies and effectiveness through their values and relationships.

Role of Police in Different Neighborhoods

What is the role of police in community safety?

To respond to crises 24/7/365 and help neighborhoods become safer and healthier.

Mobilization and Engagement in Community Policing

What edition of 'Transforming Community Policing' discusses the Mobilization and Engagement Model?

The 2nd Edition.

Social Disorder and Calls for Service

What happens in an 'unsafe neighborhood' regarding police response?

Police have to respond often to various incidents.

Social Disorder and Calls for Service

What is a key factor in determining which neighborhood receives more 'Calls for Service'?

The level of social disorder and community engagement.

Social Control and Its Impact on Policing

How is victimization defined in the context of community policing?

As ill-treatment like bullying, oppression, discrimination, abuse, and harassment by others.

Community Policing Goals and Strategies

How can police help reduce victimization and harm?

By using community policing tools.

Community Cohesion and Well-Being

What is the significance of police presence in peaceful neighborhoods?

It helps maintain safety and community well-being.

Mobilization and Engagement in Community Policing

How can a police service implement community policing in areas with little to no community?

By fostering relationships and building trust with residents and local organizations.

Social Control and Its Impact on Policing

What is social control in the context of community?

The ways in which people influence each other’s thoughts, values, feelings, and behavior in their neighborhood.

Community Policing Goals and Strategies

What should be considered if policing alone is not enough for community safety?

Exploring additional community resources and strategies.

Social Capital and Police Relations

What does procedural justice refer to?

Fairness or perceived fairness in procedures.

Community Cohesion and Well-Being

What is the Sense of Community Index used for?

It is applied in schools, workplaces, and various communities.

Social Control and Its Impact on Policing

What is a common misconception about front-line Community Frontline Services (CFS)?

Most front-line CFS do not deal with crime.

Mobilization and Engagement in Community Policing

What are examples of publicly funded agencies that can help reshape a community?

Child and Family Services (CAS), health agencies, and schools.

Social Control and Its Impact on Policing

What is recidivism?

Reoffending that occurs after the completion of treatment or sanctions for previous criminal behavior.

Community Policing Goals and Strategies

What is community policing often perceived as?

Not a magic bullet.

Community Policing Goals and Strategies

What should be defined after assessing crime and social disorder?

Community policing goals.

Community Cohesion and Well-Being

What are the two scenarios described by Jane Jacobs regarding city neighborhoods?

A successful city neighborhood (aware of problems) vs an unsuccessful city neighborhood (overwhelmed by its defects and problems).

Influence of Social Determinants on Community Safety

What are social determinants of health?

Protective factors such as access to income, education, employment, quality housing, and health services that influence health outcomes.

Social Capital and Police Relations

What is the importance of police legitimacy in community relations?

It helps establish social capital by ensuring that neighbors value what the police do and how they do it.

Social Disorder and Calls for Service

What is not the first priority for police when addressing social disorder?


Social Disorder and Calls for Service

What is a common feature of neighborhoods classified as 'red zones'?

High crime and social disorganization.

Community Capacity Building

What is a community-based organization?

A group of community members dedicated to community service, often a non-profit organization that raises funds for its activities.

Community Policing Goals and Strategies

What is the influence of community characteristics on policing?

Communities that are aware of their problems can influence policing positively.

Definition of Community in Policing

What does the term 'community' refer to in 'community policing'?

It refers to the collective group of individuals living in a specific area who interact and share common interests.

Community Policing Goals and Strategies

How do police work through challenges in establishing social capital?

By focusing on police legitimacy and procedural justice.

Mobilization and Engagement in Community Policing

What does community policing aim to ensure in neighborhoods with effective practices?

That the practices already in place feel effectively connected to the police.

Social Disorder and Calls for Service

What is well-being highly correlated with?

It is a predictor of crime and social disorder.

Community Policing Goals and Strategies

What role does community policing play in reshaping community life?

It fosters collaboration between police and community members to improve safety and quality of life.

Mobilization and Engagement in Community Policing

Who are the main parties that need to be mobilized in reshaping community life?

Community members, local organizations, and law enforcement agencies.

Social Disorder and Calls for Service

What role does social disorder play in crime?

Social disorder can lead to increased crime rates by undermining community stability and safety.

Social Disorder and Calls for Service

What is a consequence of increased calls for service related to social disorder?

Increased costs of policing.

Community Cohesion and Well-Being

What are the four elements required for a 'sense of belonging' in a community?

1) A feeling of membership; 2) The ability to influence others and be influenced; 3) Fulfillment of personal needs; 4) A shared emotional connection with other members.

Social Control and Its Impact on Policing

What factors contribute to social disorder in communities?

Factors include poverty, lack of social cohesion, and inadequate community resources.

Social Disorder and Calls for Service

What can create opportunities for crime according to the text?

Leaving valuables unattended.

Social Capital and Police Relations

What is the relationship between social capital and calls for service (CFS)?

Less social capital leads to insufficient positive relationships, resulting in more CFS requiring police response; more social capital leads to respect and cooperation, resulting in fewer CFS.

Community Capacity Building

What does 'Community capacity-building' involve?

Enhancing the skills, resources, and abilities of a community to address its own needs.

Social Capital and Police Relations

What is 'Police legitimacy'?

The belief that the police have the right to exercise authority and that their actions are justified.

Social Disorder and Calls for Service

What characterizes an unsuccessful city neighborhood?

It is overwhelmed by its defects and problems.

Social Disorder and Calls for Service

What is referred to as a 'green zone' in community policing?

Neighborhoods with the least social disorder.

Community Cohesion and Well-Being

What do people in neighborhoods with police rarely responding share?

Common values for a safe and secure neighborhood.

Community Cohesion and Well-Being

How do people generally feel about their communities in relation to well-being?

They feel safe and connected.

Mobilization and Engagement in Community Policing

What year was the Mobilization and Engagement Model of Community Policing introduced by the Ontario government?


Social Control and Its Impact on Policing

What does the 'Green zone' signify in community assessment?

Yes, indicating a safe and positive environment.

Mobilization and Engagement in Community Policing

What does the blue zone indicate in the Mobilization and Engagement Model?

Neighborhoods with more people and organizations that share common values and work together to deal with threats to safety, requesting fewer CFS.

Social Disorder and Calls for Service

What are criminogenic factors?

Community or personal characteristics that signal the probability of crime or social disorder.

Community Cohesion and Well-Being

What is the significance of a shared emotional connection in a community?

It strengthens bonds and enhances community solidarity.

Definition of Community in Policing

What is the definition of 'Community' in the context of policing?

A group of individuals who share common interests and goals, often working together to enhance safety and well-being.

Influence of Social Determinants on Community Safety

What are 'Social determinants of health'?

Conditions in which people are born, grow, live, work, and age that affect health outcomes.

Social Disorder and Calls for Service

How is 'community' defined in relation to crime and social disorder?

It encompasses the social networks and relationships that influence crime rates and the perception of safety.

Community Capacity Building

What is the primary focus of community-based organizations?

To provide community service and support community activities.

Social Control and Its Impact on Policing

What does the 'Red zone' signify in community assessment?

No, indicating an unsafe or negative environment.

Community Cohesion and Well-Being

Why is the ability to influence others important in a community?

It fosters mutual respect and collaboration among members.

Social Disorder and Calls for Service

Do criminogenic factors always predict criminal behavior?

No, their presence does not always predict criminal behavior or social disorder.

Social Disorder and Calls for Service

What does 'Victimization' refer to?

The process of being harmed or made to suffer by crime.

Community Capacity Building

What is a 'Community-based organization'?

An organization that operates at a local level to provide services and support to the community.

Role of Police in Different Neighborhoods

What advantage do police officers gain from knowing the people in their neighborhood?

They gain valuable insight into the community, both positive and negative.

Social Disorder and Calls for Service

What defines social disorder?

A condition where behavior and activities lack sufficient control or order, deviating from what is considered comfortable, reasonable, or safe.

Community Cohesion and Well-Being

What are the key qualities of a community?

Mutual trust, durable relationships, and equal opportunities for achievement.

Community Capacity Building

What is one benefit of community capacity-building related to housing?

Improving housing values.

Social Capital and Police Relations

How can police support or strengthen social capital in neighborhoods?

Through various activities and roles that foster community engagement and trust.

Mobilization and Engagement in Community Policing

What is represented by the green zone in the Mobilization and Engagement Model?

Neighborhoods that benefit from strong community ties and programs, where police rarely have to respond to CFS.

Mobilization and Engagement in Community Policing

What is one of the fundamental jobs of community policing officers?

To create social capital in red/amber zones.

Community Cohesion and Well-Being

What does 'Community cohesion' refer to?

The bonds that bring community members together, fostering a sense of belonging.

Role of Police in Different Neighborhoods

What types of municipal agencies can engage in reshaping community life?

Public works, police, and social assistance agencies.

Mobilization and Engagement in Community Policing

What does the red zone represent in the Mobilization and Engagement Model?

Neighborhoods that produce many calls for service (CFS) and have few semblances of community.

Community Capacity Building

How does community capacity-building enhance recreational opportunities?

By creating playgrounds and recreational facilities.

Social Capital and Police Relations

How does increasing social capital in neighborhoods affect police roles?

It reflects a changing understanding of police roles by emphasizing community cooperation and reducing the need for police responses.

Community Capacity Building

What type of programs can be created for children after school?

After-school programs.

Community Cohesion and Well-Being

What are 'Durable relations'?

Long-lasting relationships that contribute to community stability and trust.

Social Capital and Police Relations

What is 'Procedural justice'?

The idea that the processes involved in legal decision-making should be fair and transparent.

Social Disorder and Calls for Service

What is 'Social disorder'?

A breakdown of social norms and values, often leading to crime and unrest.

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