How is the root tip drawn upwards after entering the root canal?
By hand or with a needle holder.
What type of grip should be used with an elevator?
Full grip with a finger guard to prevent slipping.
Extraction of Root Tips and Intraradicular Bone

How is the root tip drawn upwards after entering the root canal?

By hand or with a needle holder.

General Rules for Using Elevators

What type of grip should be used with an elevator?

Full grip with a finger guard to prevent slipping.

Techniques for Tooth Luxation

What is the primary function of elevators in tooth extraction?

To loosen the tooth or root from the bony socket prior to placement of the extraction forceps.

Techniques for Tooth Luxation

What action is used for the extraction of single rooted teeth with a destroyed crown?

Screwdriver action.

Extraction of Root Tips and Intraradicular Bone

What is the technique for extracting root tips?

Using elevators.

General Rules for Using Elevators

What is used as a fulcrum during the luxation of a tooth?

The alveolar ridge, not the adjacent tooth.

Wedge, Lever, and Screwdriver Actions in Elevation

When should the screwdriver action be used?

After the tooth has been considerably mobilized.

General Rules for Using Elevators

What should be taken care of during the use of elevators?

Surrounding vital structures.

Application Techniques for Elevators

What type of elevator is used to remove intraradicular bone?

A straight elevator with Cryer.

Basic Instrumentation for Exodontia

What types of forceps are used in soft tissue procedures?

Toothed forceps and non-toothed forceps.

Techniques for Tooth Luxation

What does the diagrammatic illustration show regarding the mandibular second premolar?

Luxation of the root tip using an Apexo elevator.

Operator Positioning During Local Anesthesia

What position should the patient be in during the extraction procedure?

Supine or semi-supine.

Steps of Simple Tooth Extraction

What should be done after extracting the tooth from the socket?

Squeeze the socket and apply pressure gauze.

Application Techniques for Elevators

What is the recommended angle for applying the elevator in the periodontal space?

45° or 90° to the long axis of the tooth.

General Rules for Using Elevators

What can happen if the adjacent tooth is used as a fulcrum during extraction?

It creates great tension around the tooth, risking injury to surrounding tissues.

Basic Instrumentation for Exodontia

What is a rongeur used for?

To remove bone or tissue.

General Rules for Using Elevators

What should not be used as a fulcrum when using elevators?

The buccal or lingual plate of bone.

General Rules for Using Elevators

What is the recommended hand for reflection, guard, and support during elevation?

The left hand.

Basic Instrumentation for Exodontia

What is the purpose of mosquito forceps?

To clamp small blood vessels.

Basic Instrumentation for Exodontia

What is the function of a periosteal elevator?

To detach the periosteum from the bone.

Wedge, Lever, and Screwdriver Actions in Elevation

What is the Lever Effect in tooth extraction?

Works on lever and fulcrum principle, forcing the tooth/root along the line of withdrawal.

Techniques for Tooth Luxation

How is extraction accomplished when using a straight elevator?

By sectioning the roots.

Types of Elevators Used in Exodontia

Name one type of elevator used in exodontia.

Straight elevators (Couplands).

Application Techniques for Elevators

In which directions can the elevator be applied during extraction?

Mesially, distally, and buccally (only for lower 2&3 molars).

General Rules for Using Elevators

Where should elevators be placed during use?

Between the tooth and bone.

General Rules for Using Elevators

What are the risks of using excessive force with an elevator?

Crown fracture and loosening adjacent teeth.

Basic Instrumentation for Exodontia

What are the sizes of straight elevators used in hard tissue procedures?

Small (3 mm), medium (4 mm), and large (5 mm).

Basic Instrumentation for Exodontia

What is the difference between Coupland and straight elevators?

Coupland elevators have a specific design for root extraction, while straight elevators are more general-purpose.

Basic Instrumentation for Exodontia

What type of scissors are commonly used in soft tissue procedures?

Iris scissors.

General Rules for Using Elevators

What should be placed between the finger and the lingual side during extraction?

Gauze, for protection from injury in case the elevator slips.

Techniques for Tooth Luxation

What is the purpose of using a straight or curved elevator during extraction?

To luxate the tooth.

Operator Positioning During Local Anesthesia

How should the operator position themselves when administering local anesthesia in Quadrant 3?

Behind the patient.

Basic Instrumentation for Exodontia

What is the purpose of a bone file?

To smooth and contour bone surfaces.

Extraction of Root Tips and Intraradicular Bone

What is the focus when removing the tip of the distal root of a maxillary molar?

Using appropriate elevator techniques.

Wedge, Lever, and Screwdriver Actions in Elevation

What is the Wedge Effect in tooth elevation?

Wedge elevator is placed between tooth and bone at the neck of the tooth, then rotated with a slight twisting, quarter-turn movement.

Techniques for Tooth Luxation

What should you observe for when using a wedge elevator?

Observe for tooth movement.

Steps of Simple Tooth Extraction

What is the first step in the process of simple tooth extraction?

Give local anaesthesia.

Techniques for Tooth Luxation

What technique is used for removing the tip of a mesial root of a mandibular molar?

Removal of intraradicular bone and luxation using a double-angled (Apexo) elevator.

General Rules for Using Elevators

What should elevators rest on during use?

Bone (as a fulcrum point) and not adjacent teeth.

Basic Instrumentation for Exodontia

What is the most commonly used scalpel blade in soft tissue procedures?

Blade #15.

Application Techniques for Elevators

At what angle should the straight elevator be positioned on the distal surface of the root?

Either perpendicular or at an angle of 45°.

Types of Elevators Used in Exodontia

What is a characteristic of the blade of a straight elevator?

It has one convex side inserted toward the bone and one concave side inserted toward the root surface.

Extraction of Root Tips and Intraradicular Bone

What instrument is used for the removal of a root tip?

An endodontic file.

General Rules for Using Elevators

What is the positioning of the elevator and fingers of the left hand used for?

For separation of molar roots.

Wedge, Lever, and Screwdriver Actions in Elevation

What action is used for Cryer elevators?

Screwdriver action.

Detaching Gingival Tissues

What instrument is used to detach the gingiva during tooth extraction?

Periosteal elevator (MOLT).

Wedge, Lever, and Screwdriver Actions in Elevation

What is the fulcrum in the Lever Effect?

Crestal bone or adjacent tooth.

Techniques for Tooth Luxation

What motion is applied when using the periosteal elevator to detach soft tissue?

Rocking motion (stabbing motion).

Detaching Gingival Tissues

What is the purpose of the broader rounded end of the periosteal elevator?

To reflect mucoperiosteum away from the bone.

Techniques for Tooth Luxation

How should the elevator be applied in the periodontal space?

Parallel to the long axis of the tooth.

General Rules for Using Elevators

What are the three actions used in elevation techniques?

Wedge, Lever, and Screwdriver (wheel & axle).

General Rules for Using Elevators

What is a general rule for using elevators regarding grip?

Use a palm grip and finger guard.

Detaching Gingival Tissues

What is the function of the sharp pointed end of the periosteal elevator?

To cut gingival attachment at the cervical region.

Operator Positioning During Local Anesthesia

What is the preferred position for a patient who is faint during extraction?

Lying in a supine position.

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