What is the course code for Dr. Kolar's class?
MGMT 465.
How does human capital contribute to a company's success?
By applying collective skills, knowledge, and abilities to create value.
Course Assessment Structure

What is the course code for Dr. Kolar's class?

MGMT 465.

Role of HR in Strategic Compensation

How does human capital contribute to a company's success?

By applying collective skills, knowledge, and abilities to create value.

Building Blocks of Strategic Compensation Systems

What components are included in extrinsic compensation?

Core compensation, adjustments to core compensation, legally required employee benefits, and discretionary employee benefits.

Strategic Compensation Overview

What is Strategic Compensation?

The design and implementation of compensation systems to reinforce HR strategies and competitive business strategies.

Strategic Compensation Overview

What are the objectives of Strategic Compensation?

To align compensation systems with HR strategies and competitive business strategies.

Base Pay Adjustments and Types

How does merit pay determine employee compensation?

By differences in job performance.

Base Pay Adjustments and Types

What does COLA stand for in base pay adjustments?

Cost of Living Adjustment.

Competitive Business Strategy

What is the primary focus of jobs that align with a Lowest Cost Strategy?

Quantity of output.

Compensation Strategy Alignment

How can companies enhance employee engagement through compensation?

By implementing profit-sharing plans that align employee interests with company success.

Merit Pay and Incentive Programs

What is an innovative way to recognize employee achievements?

Creating a peer recognition program where employees can nominate each other for rewards.

Course Assessment Structure

What percentage of the course assessment is based on in-class written exercises and participation?


Role of HR in Strategic Compensation

What is human capital?

Sets of collective skills, knowledge, and abilities that employees can apply to create value for their employers.

Role of HR in Strategic Compensation

What mindset should HR and compensation professionals adopt?

They need to think like the chief executive officer (CEO).

Competitive Business Strategy

When is a differentiation strategy effective?

When jobs require highly creative behaviors.

Attendance and Participation Policies

How many absences are students allowed during the term?

4 absences.

Building Blocks of Strategic Compensation Systems

What are legally required employee benefits?

Benefits mandated by law, such as Social Security and unemployment insurance.

Attendance and Participation Policies

What is the consequence of arriving over 15 minutes late?

You will not be allowed to sign the attendance sheet.

Role of HR in Strategic Compensation

What is the purpose of using multiple HR practices?

To reinforce competitive business strategy.

Competitive Business Strategy

What type of work approaches does a differentiation strategy support?

Novel work approaches.

Attendance and Participation Policies

What happens if a student exceeds 4 absences?

Point reductions in the attendance/participation portion of the course assessment.

Building Blocks of Strategic Compensation Systems

What is core compensation?

The base salary or wage paid to employees.

Strategic Compensation Overview

How can companies use flexible work arrangements as a form of compensation?

By allowing remote work or flexible hours to improve work-life balance.

Building Blocks of Strategic Compensation Systems

What are non-monetary rewards?

Recognition, career development opportunities, and work-life balance initiatives.

Base Pay Adjustments and Types

How does an employee's effort influence base pay?

Higher effort can justify higher compensation as a compensable factor.

Competitive Business Strategy

What does a differentiation strategy emphasize?

Offering unique goods or services to the public.

Course Assessment Structure

During which semester is the course MGMT 465 offered?

Fall 2024.

Merit Pay and Incentive Programs

What effect do incentive programs have on employee entitlement?

They reduce employee entitlement.

Competitive Business Strategy

What characteristic of jobs involves a differentiation strategy?

Involvement in risk-taking.

Attendance and Participation Policies

What is the grade percentage for 4 or fewer absences?


Compensation Strategy Alignment

Why is it important to align compensation practices with business strategy?

Aligning compensation practices with business strategy ensures that the organization can effectively attract, motivate, and retain employees who contribute to its success.

Merit Pay and Incentive Programs

What is a creative way to reward employees for their contributions?

Offering personalized experiences, such as travel vouchers or event tickets.

Person-focused pay or competency-based pay

What is pay-for-knowledge?

A compensation strategy that rewards employees for acquiring new skills or knowledge.

Intrinsic vs. Extrinsic Compensation

What is intrinsic compensation?

The psychological mind-sets that result from performing jobs.

Merit Pay and Incentive Programs

How can compensation professionals leverage human capital?

By implementing well-designed merit pay and incentive programs.

Base Pay Adjustments and Types

What is the basis for COLA increases?

Changes in prices as indexed by the consumer price index (CPI).

Building Blocks of Strategic Compensation Systems

What is the primary focus of the discussed strategic compensation systems?

Extrinsic compensation.

Base Pay Adjustments and Types

What is a Cost-of-Living Adjustment (COLA)?

An adjustment made to base pay to keep up with inflation and changes in the cost of living.

Competitive Business Strategy

What is the focus of a lowest cost strategy?

Being the lowest cost producer/seller of goods or services.

Competitive Business Strategy

What type of jobs is a Lowest Cost Strategy effective for?

Jobs that include predictable behaviors.

Base Pay Adjustments and Types

Who primarily benefits from skill-based pay?

Employees who perform physical work, as their pay increases with the mastery of new skills.

Competitive Business Strategy

What time frame is associated with jobs under a differentiation strategy?

A longer time frame.

Role of HR in Strategic Compensation

What is the role of compensation practices in achieving strategic objectives?

Compensation practices serve as a tool to motivate employees and align their performance with the organization's strategic objectives.

Building Blocks of Strategic Compensation Systems

What are discretionary employee benefits?

Benefits offered by employers that are not required by law, such as health insurance and retirement plans.

Person-focused pay or competency-based pay

What is skill-based pay?

A compensation system that pays employees based on the skills they possess.

Strategic Compensation Overview

What is the third question related to the implementation of compensation practices?

Does the implementation of compensation practices effectively direct employee behavior to enhance job performance?

Base Pay Adjustments and Types

What do pay-for-knowledge plans reward?

They reward managerial, service, or professional workers for successfully learning specific curricula.

Strategic Compensation Overview

How does Strategic Compensation benefit an organization?

By ensuring that compensation systems support overall business objectives.

Building Blocks of Strategic Compensation Systems

What are the main building blocks of strategic compensation systems?

Extrinsic compensation and intrinsic compensation.

Base Pay Adjustments and Types

What is seniority pay?

A type of compensation that increases with an employee's length of service.

Base Pay Adjustments and Types

What is incentive pay?

Incentive pay rewards employees for partially or completely attaining a predetermined work objective.

Merit Pay and Incentive Programs

What is the purpose of merit pay and incentive programs?

To reinforce excellent job performance.

Competitive Business Strategy

What is a characteristic of jobs suitable for a Lowest Cost Strategy?

They have a short-term focus.

Merit Pay and Incentive Programs

What are key pay programs mentioned for employee development?

Pay-for-knowledge and skill-based pay programs.

Merit Pay and Incentive Programs

What is merit pay?

Compensation based on an employee's performance and contributions.

Building Blocks of Strategic Compensation Systems

What are the key components of a strategic compensation system?

Base pay, variable pay, benefits, and non-monetary rewards.

Competitive Business Strategy

What is the typical time span for implementing a competitive business strategy?

Multiple years.

Strategic Compensation Overview

What is the focus of the course taught by Dr. Deanna Kolar?


Strategic Compensation Overview

What is the first question compensation professionals should answer to provide a strategic contribution?

Does compensation strategy fit well with the objectives of company competitive business and HR strategies?

Intrinsic vs. Extrinsic Compensation

What does extrinsic compensation include?

Both monetary and nonmonetary rewards.

Base Pay Adjustments and Types

What does seniority pay reward employees for?

Length of service in performing their jobs.

Compensation Strategy Alignment

How do strategic decisions influence compensation practices?

Strategic decisions shape the goals and objectives of an organization, which in turn dictate the compensation practices to attract and retain talent aligned with those goals.

Attendance and Participation Policies

What is the grade percentage for more than 8 absences?


Competitive Business Strategy

What types of capital are considered in competitive business strategy?

Financial capital, equipment capital, and human capital.

Building Blocks of Strategic Compensation Systems

What type of compensation can foster a sense of community among employees?

Team-building retreats or group activities funded by the company.

Intrinsic vs. Extrinsic Compensation

What does compensation represent?

The rewards employees receive for performing their jobs.

Strategic Compensation Overview

What does capital refer to in the context of value creation?

Factors that enable companies to generate income, higher stock prices, economic value, and reputation.

Course Assessment Structure

What is the weight of the three online quizzes in the overall course assessment?


Course Assessment Structure

How much does the group project contribute to the course assessment?


Role of HR in Strategic Compensation

How can HR and compensation professionals assist the CEO and CFO?

By providing an understanding of how employees combine with business processes to affect shareholder value.

Building Blocks of Strategic Compensation Systems

How does base pay function in a strategic compensation system?

It provides a stable income for employees and reflects their skills and experience.

Strategic Compensation Overview

What is the second question regarding compensation practices?

Does the choice and design of compensation practices fit well to support compensation strategy?

Competitive Business Strategy

What type of activity is required for jobs under a Lowest Cost Strategy?

Autonomous activity.

Merit Pay and Incentive Programs

What is the purpose of pay-for-knowledge and skill-based pay programs?

To equip employees with the necessary knowledge and skills for new workplace technology.

Merit Pay and Incentive Programs

What is incentive pay?

Compensation designed to motivate employees to achieve specific performance goals.

Intrinsic vs. Extrinsic Compensation

How can companies use educational opportunities as a form of compensation?

By offering tuition reimbursement or funding for professional development courses.

Base Pay Adjustments and Types

What is an example of a compensable factor related to an employee's capabilities?

An employee’s skill level.

Attendance and Participation Policies

What grade percentage is assigned for 5 to 8 absences?


Competitive Business Strategy

What does competitive business strategy involve?

The planned use of company resources.

Compensation Strategy Alignment

What is person-focused pay?

Compensation based on an employee's skills, knowledge, or competencies rather than their job position.

Building Blocks of Strategic Compensation Systems

What role does variable pay play in compensation systems?

It incentivizes performance and aligns employee goals with organizational objectives.

Building Blocks of Strategic Compensation Systems

How does the structure of a compensation system impact employee motivation?

A well-structured system aligns rewards with performance, enhancing motivation.

Base Pay Adjustments and Types

What role does an employee's level of responsibility play in base pay?

Higher levels of responsibility typically lead to higher base pay.

Merit Pay and Incentive Programs

What is a unique form of compensation that encourages employee wellness?

Wellness programs that offer gym memberships or health incentives.

Compensation Strategy Alignment

What can happen if compensation practices are not aligned with strategic decisions?

Misalignment can lead to decreased employee motivation, higher turnover rates, and ultimately hinder the organization's ability to achieve its strategic goals.

Base Pay Adjustments and Types

What is base pay?

The initial rate of compensation an employee receives, typically expressed as an hourly wage or annual salary.

Building Blocks of Strategic Compensation Systems

Why are benefits important in a strategic compensation system?

They enhance employee satisfaction and retention by providing additional value.

Base Pay Adjustments and Types

What are compensable factors?

Factors that determine the amount of compensation an employee receives, including skill level, effort, responsibility, and working conditions.

Base Pay Adjustments and Types

How do working conditions affect base pay?

Severe or hazardous working conditions may warrant higher compensation.

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