What is the time of flight for the projectile?
Time of flight = (2 * initial speed * sin(angle)) / g.
What will hard work in engineering physics lead to?
Grasping knowledge of engineering physics and developing critical thinking skills.
Projectile Motion

What is the time of flight for the projectile?

Time of flight = (2 * initial speed * sin(angle)) / g.

Applications of Motion Concepts

What will hard work in engineering physics lead to?

Grasping knowledge of engineering physics and developing critical thinking skills.

Uniform Circular Motion

What is true about the acceleration in uniform circular motion?

It is constant in magnitude but continuously changing in direction.

Relative Motion

Where are the two observers located in the context of relative motion?

At points O and O'.

Relative Motion

What is the restriction on the relative velocity between observers S and S'?

It must be constant in both magnitude and direction.

Projectile Motion

What is the calculated range R for the given values?

23.3 m

Motion with Constant Acceleration

What is the value of the z-component of acceleration in constant acceleration motion?

a_z = constant.

Relative Motion

How is the position of particle P indicated according to system S?

By the vector ๐’“ ๐‘ท๐‘บ.

Uniform Circular Motion

What is the calculated speed of the Moon?

1018 m/s.

Uniform Circular Motion

What is the formula for average acceleration in uniform circular motion?

a = โˆ†v / โˆ†t = 2v sin(ฮธ/2) / r.

Acceleration in Circular Motion

What are the components of instantaneous acceleration?

๐’‚๐’™ = ๐’…๐’—๐’™ / ๐’…๐’•, ๐’‚๐’š = ๐’…๐’—๐’š / ๐’…๐’•, ๐’‚๐’› = ๐’…๐’—๐’› / ๐’…๐’•

Projectile Motion

What is the initial speed of the soccer ball?

15.5 m/s.

Uniform Circular Motion

In which direction is the acceleration vector directed in uniform circular motion?

Radially inward.

Applications of Motion Concepts

What is the passing score for the assessment?


Projectile Motion

What is the goal of the contestant in the projectile motion problem?

To drop a package on a target.

Motion with Constant Acceleration

What is the value of the y-component of acceleration in constant acceleration motion?

a_y = constant.

Projectile Motion

What formula is used to find the time of fall in projectile motion?

y = (vโ‚€ sin โˆ…โ‚€)t - (1/2)gtยฒ.

Applications of Motion Concepts

What score did Test 2 receive?


Projectile Motion

What is the maximum range for a given initial speed?

The maximum range occurs at an angle of 45 degrees.

Projectile Motion

What angle does the soccer player kick the ball?

36 degrees from the horizontal.

Position, Velocity, and Acceleration

How is average velocity defined?

Average velocity is given by ๐’— = โˆ†๐’“ / โˆ†๐’•.

Relative Motion

What does the notation ๐’…๐’“ ๐‘ท๐‘บ ๐’…๐’• represent?

It represents the rate of change of position of P as measured by S over time.

Projectile Motion

What is the vertical component of velocity at the highest point in projectile motion?

v_y = 0.

Projectile Motion

What is the horizontal component of acceleration in projectile motion?

๐’‚ ๐’™ = 0.

Relative Motion

What is the angle of the plane's direction with respect to the ground?

16.8ยฐ north of east.

Motion with Constant Acceleration

What is the scalar equation for the x-component of velocity?

๐’—โ‚“ = ๐’—โ‚“โ‚€ + ๐’‚โ‚“๐‘ก

Motion with Constant Acceleration

What is the equation for position with constant acceleration?

๐’“ = ๐’“โ‚€ + ๐’—โ‚€๐‘ก + rac{1}{2}๐’‚๐‘กยฒ

Uniform Circular Motion

Where is the velocity vector directed in uniform circular motion?

Always tangent to the circle in the direction of motion.

Projectile Motion

What type of motion is ideal for a baseball or golf ball?

Projectile motion.

Motion with Constant Acceleration

What angle does the slope make with the horizontal?

10 degrees.

Projectile Motion

What angle of sight ฮฑ should the package be released to strike the target?

The specific angle is not provided in the text; it requires calculation based on the given parameters.

Projectile Motion

What is the formula for the range R in projectile motion?

R = (vโ‚€ยฒ / g) * sin(2ฮธโ‚€)

Relative Motion

In which dimensions is the motion considered for simplicity?

In two dimensions, specifically the xy plane and x'y' plane.

Relative Motion

What is the equation for relative motion?

๐’— ๐‘ท๐‘บ = ๐’— ๐‘ท๐‘บโ€ฒ + ๐’— ๐‘บ โ€ฒ ๐‘†.

Relative Motion

What does the vector ๐’“ ๐’” โ€ฒ ๐’” represent?

The position of the S' system with respect to the S system.

Relative Motion

Under what condition do all observers conclude that a particle moves with constant velocity?

If they are in frames of reference that move at constant velocity with respect to the first observer.

Projectile Motion

What is the calculated time of fall for the package?

6.78 seconds.

Uniform Circular Motion

What is the value of gravitational acceleration (g) at the altitude of the satellite?

9.2 m/sยฒ.

Relative Motion

What is the significance of the equation ๐’‚ ๐‘ท๐‘บ = ๐’‚ ๐‘ท๐‘บโ€ฒ?

It indicates that the acceleration of P measured by the two observers is identical.

Uniform Circular Motion

What is the radius of the Earth used in the calculation?

6370 km.

Acceleration in Circular Motion

Does the separation of components of acceleration affect each other?

No, for example, ๐’‚๐’™ has no effect on ๐’—๐’š and ๐’—๐’›.

Projectile Motion

How do you find the time at which the ball reaches the highest point of its trajectory?

Use the formula t1 = (initial speed * sin(angle)) / g, where g is the acceleration due to gravity.

Acceleration in Circular Motion

What does โˆ†๐’— represent?

A vector having both direction and magnitude.

Projectile Motion

What is the formula to find the maximum height of the projectile?

Maximum height = (initial speed^2 * (sin(angle))^2) / (2 * g).

Uniform Circular Motion

What does the average change in velocity depend on in uniform circular motion?

It depends on the angle ฮธ and the radius r.

Uniform Circular Motion

Why is the centripetal acceleration equal to g in this context?

Because the satellite is in free fall towards the Earth while moving in a circular path.

Motion with Constant Acceleration

What is an example of motion with constant acceleration?

2-D projectile motion.

Motion with Constant Acceleration

What is the value of constant acceleration in projectile motion?

g (acceleration due to gravity), directed downward.

Uniform Circular Motion

What defines uniform circular motion?

A particle moves at constant speed in a circular path.

Applications of Motion Concepts

What score did Assignment 2 receive?


Projectile Motion

What is the angle of projection for the package?

0 degrees.

Applications of Motion Concepts

What score did Test 1 receive?


Projectile Motion

How can the time tโ‚‚ at which the ball returns to the ground be found?

Using the equation y = (vโ‚€ sin ฮธโ‚€)t - (1/2)gtยฒ.

Uniform Circular Motion

What is the altitude of the Earth satellite in the problem?

210 km.

Motion with Constant Acceleration

What is the height (y) of the skier at t = 7.94 s?

17.0 m.

Relative Motion

What is the airspeed of the airplane?

215 km/h.

Relative Motion

What is the significance of Eq. C in motion concepts?

Eq. C is often called the Galilean form of the law of transformation of velocities.

Uniform Circular Motion

What is the formula for the arc length traversed during a time interval โˆ†t in uniform circular motion?

Arc length P1P2 = rฮธ = vโˆ†t.

Motion with Constant Acceleration

How far from the western edge does the skier leave the bottom of the slope?

17.0 m.

Uniform Circular Motion

What is the magnitude of the Moon's centripetal acceleration toward the Earth?

0.000271 m/sยฒ.

Projectile Motion

What form does the trajectory equation of a projectile take?

๐‘ฆ = ๐‘๐‘ฅ โˆ’ ๐‘๐‘ฅยฒ, indicating a parabolic trajectory.

Acceleration in Circular Motion

Can a change in the direction of velocity produce acceleration?

Yes, even if the magnitude of the velocity does not change.

Projectile Motion

What remains constant throughout the flight in projectile motion?

The horizontal component of the velocity vector.

Uniform Circular Motion

How do the magnitudes of v1 and v2 compare?

They have the same magnitude v (constant speed).

Projectile Motion

What is the calculated horizontal velocity (v_x) in this scenario?

12.5 m/s

Projectile Motion

What is the formula to calculate the maximum height (y_max) in projectile motion?

y_max = (v_{0} sin โˆ…_{0}) t - (1/2) g tยฒ.

Projectile Motion

What is the horizontal velocity of the plane in the projectile motion problem?

155 km/h.

Acceleration in Circular Motion

What are the components of acceleration in the x-direction?

a_x = 6t.

Motion with Constant Acceleration

What is the value of the x-component of acceleration in constant acceleration motion?

a_x = constant.

Projectile Motion

What is the formula for calculating the horizontal distance traveled by a projectile?

๐’™ = (๐’—โ‚€ cos โˆ…โ‚€) ๐’•

Projectile Motion

What is the formula for the range R of a projectile?

R = (2 * vโ‚€ยฒ * sin(ฮธโ‚€) * cos(ฮธโ‚€)) / g = (vโ‚€ยฒ * sin(2ฮธโ‚€)) / g.

Position, Velocity, and Acceleration

How can instantaneous velocity be expressed in terms of its components?

๐’— = ๐’—๐’™๐ข + ๐’—๐’š๐ฃ + ๐’—๐’›๐ค.

Projectile Motion

How is the angle of sight (ฮฑ) calculated in projectile motion?

ฮฑ = tanโปยน(๐’™/๐’š).

Uniform Circular Motion

How is the speed of the Moon calculated?

v = 2ฯ€r / T.

Relative Motion

What does the equation ๐’…๐’— ๐‘ท๐‘บ / ๐’…๐’• = ๐’…๐’— ๐‘ท๐‘บโ€ฒ / ๐’…๐’• + ๐’…๐’— ๐‘บ โ€ฒ ๐‘† / ๐’…๐’• represent?

The relationship between the velocities of different observers over time.

Projectile Motion

Does the time of fall depend on the speed of the plane?

No, it does not depend on the speed of the plane.

Relative Motion

What does the derivative form of Eq. B represent?

It represents the relationship between the rates of change of positions of P, S, and Sโ€™ over time.

Projectile Motion

How is the magnitude of the resultant velocity vector at any instant calculated?

๐’— = โˆš(๐’— ๐’™ยฒ + ๐’— ๐’šยฒ).

Uniform Circular Motion

What is the speed of the Earth satellite calculated in the problem?

7780 m/s.

Projectile Motion

How do you calculate the range of the projectile?

Range = (initial speed^2 * sin(2 * angle)) / g.

Projectile Motion

What is the initial vertical velocity (v_{y0}) given in the problem?

15.5 m/s.

Uniform Circular Motion

What is the difference between v1 and v2 in uniform circular motion?

Their directions are different.

Motion with Constant Acceleration

What is the acceleration in the y-direction (๐’‚๐’š) for motion with constant acceleration?

๐’‚๐’š = 0.54 m/sยฒ.

Projectile Motion

How is the direction of the final velocity determined?

Using tan(ฮธ) = v_y / v_x

Uniform Circular Motion

What is the name given to the inward-directed acceleration in uniform circular motion?

Radial or centripetal acceleration.

Relative Motion

What is the relationship between observers S and S' in relative motion?

They have their own reference frames with attached Cartesian coordinate systems.

Projectile Motion

Is there a horizontal component of acceleration in projectile motion?

No, there is no horizontal component of acceleration.

Projectile Motion

What is the initial horizontal velocity of the package?

155 km/h.

Relative Motion

Does the restriction on relative velocity include the motion of particle P?

No, it does not include the motion of particle P being observed by S and S'.

Motion with Constant Acceleration

What is the length of the frictionless slope?

125 m.

Relative Motion

What must the pilot do to ensure the plane's velocity with respect to the ground points east?

Head into the wind.

Relative Motion

What is the relationship expressed in Eq. C regarding the velocity of P?

The velocity of P as measured by S is equal to the velocity of P as measured by Sโ€™ plus the relative velocity of Sโ€™ with respect to S.

Relative Motion

How is the position of particle P indicated according to system S'?

By the vector ๐’“ ๐‘ท๐‘บโ€ฒ.

Relative Motion

What is the relationship between the velocities of the plane with respect to the ground and the air?

๐’— ๐‘ท๐‘ฎ = ๐’— ๐‘ท๐‘จ + ๐’— ๐‘จ๐‘ฎ.

Relative Motion

What is the speed of the wind affecting the airplane?

65 km/h (blowing due north).

Uniform Circular Motion

What are P1 and P2 in the context of uniform circular motion?

They are the positions of the particle at times t1 and t2 respectively.

Uniform Circular Motion

What does the limit of instantaneous acceleration approach?

a = vยฒ / r.

Uniform Circular Motion

Where does the change in velocity โˆ†v point in uniform circular motion?

Toward the center of the circle.

Position, Velocity, and Acceleration

What does the time interval โˆ†๐’• represent?

The difference between two time points, โˆ†๐’• = ๐’•โ‚‚ - ๐’•โ‚.

Uniform Circular Motion

How long does the satellite take to complete one orbit?

1.48 hours.

Projectile Motion

How long does it take to reach the maximum height in this projectile motion?

0.93 seconds.

Motion with Constant Acceleration

What is the equation for average velocity in terms of initial and final velocities?

๐’“ = ๐’“โ‚€ + rac{1}{2}(๐’—โ‚€ + ๐’—)๐‘ก

Projectile Motion

Why is the final speed equal to the initial speed in projectile motion?

Because energy is conserved in the absence of air resistance.

Uniform Circular Motion

How does the direction of velocity change in uniform circular motion?

It changes continuously.

Position, Velocity, and Acceleration

What happens to the vector โˆ†๐’“ as the interval โˆ†๐’• is reduced?

It approaches the actual path and becomes tangent to the path in the limit โˆ†๐’• โ†’ 0.

Motion with Constant Acceleration

What happens to the components of acceleration in constant acceleration motion?

The components of acceleration do not vary.

Uniform Circular Motion

How do velocity and acceleration behave in uniform circular motion?

Both are constant in magnitude but change their directions continuously.

Uniform Circular Motion

What is the radius of the Moon's orbit around the Earth?

3.82 x 10^8 m.

Motion with Constant Acceleration

What is the negative solution for time when solving the skier's motion equation?

-18.5 seconds.

Projectile Motion

What are the values of tโ‚ and tโ‚‚ in the given problem?

tโ‚ = 0.93 s and tโ‚‚ = 1.86 s.

Projectile Motion

What does the vertical velocity component represent in projectile motion?

It represents that of free fall.

Relative Motion

How is the magnitude of the ground velocity (ground speed) calculated?

๐’— ๐‘ท๐‘ฎ = โˆš(๐’— ๐‘ท๐‘จยฒ + ๐’— ๐‘จ๐‘ฎยฒ).

Uniform Circular Motion

What formula relates centripetal acceleration to speed and radius?

a = vยฒ/r.

Uniform Circular Motion

What is the relationship between t1 and t2 in uniform circular motion?

t2 = t1 + ฮ”t.

Position, Velocity, and Acceleration

What is the position of the particle at t = 3 s?

x(3) = 3^3 - 32(3) = -75 m and y(3) = 5(3^2) + 12 = 63 m.

Relative Motion

If the pilot wishes to fly due east, what must be the heading?

The compass must read approximately 28.5 degrees south of east.

Uniform Circular Motion

What does the velocity vector at P2 represent?

It is a vector tangent to the curve at P2, denoted as v2.

Projectile Motion

How does the horizontal velocity component behave throughout the flight?

It retains its initial value.

Projectile Motion

How is the final velocity (v) calculated when the ball strikes the ground?

v = โˆš(v_xยฒ + v_yยฒ)

Projectile Motion

What is the direction of the final velocity in this scenario?

36ยฐ clockwise from the x-axis.

Uniform Circular Motion

Is there a fixed relation between the directions of acceleration and velocity in uniform circular motion?

No, there is no fixed relation in general.

Position, Velocity, and Acceleration

What does the average velocity approach as โˆ†๐’• approaches 0?

The instantaneous velocity.

Applications of Motion Concepts

What score did Assignment 1 receive?


Projectile Motion

What is the definition of the horizontal range R of a projectile?

The distance along the horizontal where the projectile returns to the level from which it was launched.

Motion with Constant Acceleration

What is the equation used to determine the position of the skier at the bottom of the slope?

x = 9t + 0.85tยฒ.

Motion with Constant Acceleration

What is the downhill component of velocity when the skier pushes off?

9.0 m/s.

Acceleration in Circular Motion

What does the acceleration vector's direction relate to?

It has no particular relationship to the direction of either position or velocity vectors.

Acceleration in Circular Motion

What is the formula for average acceleration?

๐’‚ = โˆ†๐’— / โˆ†๐’•

Position, Velocity, and Acceleration

How is the position of a particle in three dimensions represented?

By the vector ๐’“ = ๐’™๐ข + ๐’š๐ฃ + ๐’›๐ค in Cartesian coordinates.

Acceleration in Circular Motion

How is instantaneous acceleration defined?

๐’‚ = lim (โˆ†๐’• โ†’ 0) โˆ†๐’— / โˆ†๐’• = ๐’…๐’— / ๐’…๐’•

Projectile Motion

What observation can be drawn from tโ‚ and tโ‚‚?

tโ‚‚ is double tโ‚, indicating the time of ascent and descent are equal in projectile motion.

Position, Velocity, and Acceleration

What does the vector โˆ†๐’“ represent?

The displacement (change in position) of the particle during the time interval โˆ†๐’•.

Projectile Motion

What does the variable g represent in the range formula?

The acceleration due to gravity.

Position, Velocity, and Acceleration

What is the relationship between average velocity and displacement?

Average velocity ๐’— has the same direction as the displacement vector โˆ†๐’“.

Projectile Motion

What are the components of the initial velocity vector at t = 0?

๐’— ๐’™๐ŸŽ = ๐’— ๐ŸŽ ๐’„๐’๐’” โˆ… ๐ŸŽ and ๐’— ๐’š๐ŸŽ = ๐’— ๐ŸŽ ๐’”๐’Š๐’ โˆ… ๐ŸŽ.

Uniform Circular Motion

What is the relationship between arc length, radius, and angular displacement in uniform circular motion?

Arc length = radius ร— angular displacement (s = rฮธ).

Position, Velocity, and Acceleration

How do you calculate the velocity of the particle?

Velocity is the derivative of position with respect to time: v(t) = dx/dt and v(t) = dy/dt.

Position, Velocity, and Acceleration

What is the velocity of the particle at t = 3 s?

v_x(3) = 3^2 - 32 = -23 m/s and v_y(3) = 10(3) = 30 m/s.

Projectile Motion

How do you find the velocity when the ball strikes the ground?

Use the formula for final velocity: v = sqrt(initial speed^2 + 2 * g * maximum height).

Projectile Motion

What is the acceleration due to gravity (g) used in the calculations?

9.8 m/sยฒ.

Uniform Circular Motion

What remains constant in uniform circular motion?

The magnitude of velocity (v).

Projectile Motion

At what elevation is the plane flying in the projectile motion problem?

225 m.

Applications of Motion Concepts

What are the components of the assessment?

Assignment 1, Assignment 2, Test 1, Test 2.

Acceleration in Circular Motion

What is the expression for acceleration in the y-direction?

a_y = 10.

Position, Velocity, and Acceleration

What is true about the vector ๐œ— in relation to the path of the particle?

The vector ๐œ— is tangent to the path of the particle at every point in the motion.

Position, Velocity, and Acceleration

What is the formula for instantaneous velocity?

๐’— = ๐’…๐’“/๐’…๐’•.

Projectile Motion

At t = 6.78s, what is the horizontal distance traveled by the package?

๐’™ = 0.292 km or 292 m.

Motion with Constant Acceleration

What is the time it takes for the skier to reach the bottom of the slope?

7.94 seconds.

Uniform Circular Motion

Can you give examples of uniform circular motion?

Earth satellites, points on spinning rotors, phonograph records, and computer discs.

Projectile Motion

What happens when you set y = 0 and x = 0 in the projectile motion equation?

It allows you to derive the range of the projectile.

Relative Motion

What does Eq. B state about the position of P?

The position of P as measured by S is equal to the position of P as measured by Sโ€™ plus the position of Sโ€™ as measured by S.

Uniform Circular Motion

How do humans participate in uniform circular motion?

We participate due to the rotation of the Earth.

Motion with Constant Acceleration

What is the width of the slope?

25 m.

Position, Velocity, and Acceleration

Under what condition can two vectors be considered equal?

Their corresponding components must be equal.

Projectile Motion

What is the equation for the vertical velocity component in projectile motion?

๐’— ๐’š = ๐’— ๐’š๐ŸŽ + ๐’‚ ๐’š ๐’• = ๐’— ๐ŸŽ ๐’”๐’Š๐’ โˆ… ๐ŸŽ โˆ’ ๐’ˆ๐’•.

Projectile Motion

What is the equation for the x-coordinate of a particle's position in projectile motion?

๐‘ฅ = ๐‘ฅโ‚€ + ๐‘ฃโ‚“โ‚€๐‘ก + ยฝ๐‘Žโ‚“๐‘กยฒ = (๐‘ฃโ‚€ cos โˆ…โ‚€)๐‘ก

Projectile Motion

What is the calculated angle of sight (ฮฑ) in this problem?

ฮฑ = 52.0ยฐ.

Motion with Constant Acceleration

What is the width of the slope that the skier must clear?

25 m.

Relative Motion

What is the pilot's ground speed when heading into the wind?

205 km/h.

Projectile Motion

What is the equation for the y-coordinate of a particle's position in projectile motion?

๐‘ฆ = ๐‘ฆโ‚€ + ๐‘ฃแตงโ‚€๐‘ก + ยฝ๐‘Žแตง๐‘กยฒ = (๐‘ฃโ‚€ sin โˆ…โ‚€)๐‘ก โˆ’ ยฝ๐‘”๐‘กยฒ

Uniform Circular Motion

How is instantaneous acceleration defined in uniform circular motion?

a = lim (โˆ†t โ†’ 0) โˆ†v / โˆ†t = vยฒ / r lim (โˆ†t โ†’ 0) sin(ฮธ/2) / (ฮธ/2).

Uniform Circular Motion

What does the change in velocity from P1 to P2 represent?

โˆ†v = v2 - v1.

Relative Motion

How do you calculate the velocity of the plane with respect to the ground?

By using vector addition of the airplane's velocity and the wind's velocity.

Relative Motion

What are the values used to calculate the ground speed of the plane?

๐’— ๐‘ท๐‘จ = 215 km/h and ๐’— ๐‘จ๐‘ฎ = 65 km/h.

Uniform Circular Motion

What is a key characteristic of uniform circular motion regarding acceleration?

There need not be any motion in the direction of an acceleration.

Motion with Constant Acceleration

What characterizes motion with constant acceleration?

The acceleration vector does not vary in magnitude or direction.

Position, Velocity, and Acceleration

What is the formula for instantaneous velocity?

๐œ— = lim โˆ†๐’• โ†’ 0 (โˆ†๐’“ / โˆ†๐’•) = ๐’…๐’“ / ๐’…๐’•.

Motion with Constant Acceleration

What is the lateral acceleration experienced by the skier?

0.54 m/sยฒ.

Acceleration in Circular Motion

What is the total acceleration at t = 3?

a = 18i + 10j in units of m/sยฒ.

Uniform Circular Motion

What is the period of the Moon's revolution around the Earth?

27.3 days.

Position, Velocity, and Acceleration

What are the scalar equations corresponding to the components of instantaneous velocity?

๐’—๐’™ = ๐’…๐’™/๐’…๐’•, ๐’—๐’š = ๐’…๐’š/๐’…๐’•, ๐’—๐’› = ๐’…๐’›/๐’…๐’•.

Projectile Motion

What values are used to calculate the angle of sight in this scenario?

๐’™ = 292 m and ๐’š = 225 m.

Relative Motion

What is the formula used to calculate the pilot's ground speed?

๐’— ๐‘ท๐‘ฎ = ๐’— ๐‘ท๐‘จยฒ โˆ’ ๐’— ๐‘จ๐‘ฎยฒ.

Motion with Constant Acceleration

What is the formula for gravitational acceleration along a slope?

g * sin(ฮธ).

Uniform Circular Motion

What formula is used to calculate the centripetal acceleration of the Moon?

a = vยฒ / r.

Relative Motion

What angle must the pilot head into the wind?

17.6 degrees.

Position, Velocity, and Acceleration

What are the equations for the x and y coordinates of the particle?

x(t) = t^3 - 32t and y(t) = 5t^2 + 12.

Relative Motion

What is the calculated ground speed of the plane?

225 km/h.

Projectile Motion

What constants are involved in the trajectory equation of a projectile?

๐‘ฃโ‚€ (initial velocity), โˆ…โ‚€ (launch angle), and ๐‘” (acceleration due to gravity).

Projectile Motion

What does the horizontal component of velocity equal during projectile motion?

๐’— ๐’™ = ๐’— ๐’™๐ŸŽ + ๐’‚ ๐’™ ๐’• = ๐’— ๐ŸŽ ๐’„๐’๐’” โˆ… ๐ŸŽ.

Motion with Constant Acceleration

What is the initial velocity in the x-direction (๐’—๐’™๐ŸŽ) at t = 0?

๐’—๐’™๐ŸŽ = 9.0 m/s.

Projectile Motion

What is the trajectory equation of a projectile after eliminating time (t)?

๐‘ฆ = tan โˆ…โ‚€ ๐‘ฅ โˆ’ (๐‘” / (2(๐‘ฃโ‚€ cos โˆ…โ‚€)ยฒ)) ๐‘ฅยฒ

Relative Motion

What does the note indicate about the relationship between ground speed and air speed when heading into the wind?

The ground speed is less than the air speed.

Uniform Circular Motion

In uniform circular motion, what is the direction of the acceleration vector?

Always radially inward toward the center of the circle.

Projectile Motion

What does the velocity vector represent in relation to the particle's path?

The velocity vector is tangent to the path of the particle at every point.

Uniform Circular Motion

How is the change in velocity represented in the context of uniform circular motion?

By drawing โˆ†v from the midpoint of the arc P1P2.

Projectile Motion

What is the formula for the vertical component of velocity in projectile motion?

v_y = v_0 sin(ฮธ_0) - g t

Motion with Constant Acceleration

What is the equation for velocity in the x-direction (๐’—๐’™) over time?

๐’—๐’™ = ๐’—๐’™๐ŸŽ + ๐’‚๐’™๐’• = 9.0 + 1.7t.

Motion with Constant Acceleration

What is the equation for position in the y-direction (๐’š) over time?

๐’š = ๐’š๐ŸŽ + ๐’—๐’š๐ŸŽ๐’• + 1/2 ๐’‚๐’š๐’•ยฒ = 0 + 0 + 0.27tยฒ.

Projectile Motion

What is the relationship between the angle โˆ… and the velocity components?

tan โˆ… = ๐’— ๐’š / ๐’— ๐’™.

Uniform Circular Motion

What does the velocity vector at P1 represent?

It is a vector tangent to the curve at P1, denoted as v1.

Motion with Constant Acceleration

What is the initial position of a particle at t = 0?

๐’“โ‚€ = ๐’™โ‚€๐ข + ๐’šโ‚€๐ฃ + ๐’›โ‚€๐ค

Motion with Constant Acceleration

What is the initial velocity of a particle?

๐’— = ๐’—โ‚“โ‚€๐ข + ๐’—แตงโ‚€๐ฃ + ๐’—๐“โ‚€๐ค

Projectile Motion

What is the formula for the horizontal component of velocity in projectile motion?

v_x = v_0 cos(ฮธ_0)

Projectile Motion

What angle (โˆ…_0) is used in the projectile motion calculation?

36 degrees.

Motion with Constant Acceleration

What is the vector equation for velocity with constant acceleration?

๐’— = ๐’—โ‚€ + ๐’‚๐‘ก

Motion with Constant Acceleration

What is the equation for velocity in the y-direction (๐’—๐’š) over time?

๐’—๐’š = ๐’—๐’š๐ŸŽ + ๐’‚๐’š๐’• = 0 + 0.54t.

Relative Motion

What is the resultant velocity of the plane with respect to the ground?

Approximately 230 km/h at an angle northeast.

Projectile Motion

What is the formula for vertical velocity in projectile motion?

v_y = v_{y0} + a_y t.

Relative Motion

How is the angle with respect to the ground calculated?

ฮฑ = tanโปยน(๐’— ๐‘จ๐‘ฎ / ๐’— ๐‘ท๐‘จ).

Motion with Constant Acceleration

What is the acceleration in the x-direction (๐’‚๐’™) for motion with constant acceleration?

๐’‚๐’™ = ๐’ˆ๐’”๐’Š๐’ 10ยฐ = 1.7 m/sยฒ.

Position, Velocity, and Acceleration

What is the acceleration of the particle at t = 3 s?

a_x(3) = 2(3) = 6 m/sยฒ and a_y(3) = 10 m/sยฒ.

Projectile Motion

What is the final speed of the ball when it strikes the ground?

15.5 m/s

Position, Velocity, and Acceleration

How do you calculate the acceleration of the particle?

Acceleration is the derivative of velocity with respect to time: a(t) = dv/dt.

Projectile Motion

What is the calculated vertical velocity (v_y) when the ball strikes the ground?

-9.1 m/s

Projectile Motion

What is the maximum height reached in this projectile motion?

4.2 meters.

Motion with Constant Acceleration

What is the equation relating initial and final velocities with acceleration?

๐’—ยฒ = ๐’—โ‚€ยฒ + 2๐’‚(๐’“ - ๐’“โ‚€)

Motion with Constant Acceleration

What is the equation for position when considering final velocity?

๐’“ = ๐’“โ‚€ + ๐’—๐‘ก - rac{1}{2}๐’‚๐‘กยฒ

Motion with Constant Acceleration

What is the equation for position in the x-direction (๐’™) over time?

๐’™ = ๐’™๐ŸŽ + ๐’—๐’™๐ŸŽ๐’• + 1/2 ๐’‚๐’™๐’•ยฒ = 0 + 9t + 0.85tยฒ.

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