What is the relationship between Human Resource Management and Management?
Human Resource Management is a critical component of overall management, focusing on the effective use of human resources.
What is the role of a Human Resource Manager in an organization?
To manage employee relations, recruitment, training, and development to align with organizational goals.
Basics of Human Resource Management

What is the relationship between Human Resource Management and Management?

Human Resource Management is a critical component of overall management, focusing on the effective use of human resources.

Role of Human Resource Manager in Organizations

What is the role of a Human Resource Manager in an organization?

To manage employee relations, recruitment, training, and development to align with organizational goals.

Strategic Human Resource Management (SHRM)

What does Strategic Human Resource Management mean?

It refers to aligning human resource practices with strategic business objectives.

Trends in Human Resource Management

What are some current trends in Human Resource Management?

Trends include increased focus on employee engagement, diversity and inclusion, and the use of technology in HR processes.

Competencies of the New Human Resource Manager

What defines the New Human Resource Manager?

The New Human Resource Manager is characterized by a strategic mindset, adaptability, and a focus on data-driven decision-making.

Basics of Human Resource Management

What is the primary focus of Human Resource Management (HRM)?

To manage and develop an organization's workforce.

Role of Human Resource Manager in Organizations

How does HRM relate to overall management in an organization?

HRM is a critical function that supports and aligns with the organization's strategic goals.

HR Metrics and Measuring HR's Contribution

What is the HR Scorecard?

A tool that shows the quantitative standards or metrics used to measure HR activities.

Trends in Human Resource Management

What does 'war for talent' refer to?

The competition among organizations to attract and retain skilled employees.

Evolution from Personnel Management to Human Resource Management

What is the primary focus of Personnel Management?

Managing employee relations and administrative tasks.

Human Resource Management Functions

What is necessary to ensure that all processes meet quality requirements?

Identifying the need for corrective measures.

Evolution from Personnel Management to Human Resource Management

What was the first form of people management?

Industrial welfare.

HR Metrics and Measuring HR's Contribution

How is the turnover rate calculated?

[Number of separations during month ÷ Average number of employees during month] × 100.

HR Metrics and Measuring HR's Contribution

What are the components of turnover costs?

Cost to terminate, cost per hire, vacancy cost, and learning curve loss.

Human Resource Management Functions

What does onboarding involve in HRM?

Integrating new employees into the organization and its culture.

Basics of Human Resource Management

What is the purpose of Value Chain Analysis (VCA)?

To understand how a business creates customer value by examining the contributions of different activities.

Basics of Human Resource Management

What are primary activities in a business context?

Activities that are directly involved in creating and delivering a product or service.

Human Resource Management Functions

What task involves organizing workforce availability?

Developing and generating employee schedules.

Human Resource Management Functions

What is a common feature of HR organizational charts?

They often depict various HR functions such as recruitment, training, and employee relations.

Human Resource Management Functions

What is one key responsibility in protecting employees at work?

Ensuring health and safety conditions.

Evolution from Personnel Management to Human Resource Management

What was the focus of Human Resource Management from 1900 to the 1940s?

Welfare and administration.

HR Metrics and Measuring HR's Contribution

What does the HR Scorecard measure in relation to employee behaviors?

It measures the employee behaviors resulting from HR activities.

Human Resource Management Functions

What is a key responsibility in ensuring team alignment?

Communicating and making sure that everyone understood departmental and functional goals.

Human Resource Management Functions

What is one key responsibility of a team leader?

Reviewing and assessing their team.

Strategic Human Resource Management (SHRM)

How does a Human Resource Manager contribute to organizational strategy?

By aligning HR practices with the organization's goals and ensuring that the workforce is capable of meeting those objectives.

HR Metrics and Measuring HR's Contribution

What is the formula for calculating Human Capital ROI?

Revenue − (Operating Expense − [Compensation cost + Benefit cost]) ÷ (Compensation cost + Benefit cost).

HR Metrics and Measuring HR's Contribution

How is 'Time to fill' calculated?

Total days elapsed to fill requisitions ÷ Number hired.

Role of Human Resource Manager in Organizations

What is a key responsibility of HR managers in relation to upper management?

To facilitate effective communication and collaboration.

Evolution from Personnel Management to Human Resource Management

How does Human Resource Management differ from Personnel Management?

HRM focuses on strategic planning and aligning workforce with organizational goals.

Strategic Human Resource Management (SHRM)

What is the definition of a company's strategy?

A long-term plan to balance internal strengths and weaknesses with external opportunities and threats for competitive advantage.

Human Resource Management Functions

What is the primary function of the HR Department in a large company?

To manage employee relations, recruitment, training, and compliance with labor laws.

Trends in Human Resource Management

What type of jobs were created due to the rise of e-commerce?

New jobs in e-commerce.

Human Resource Management Functions

What is a critical aspect of financial oversight in HR?

Controlling budgets.

Evolution from Personnel Management to Human Resource Management

What increased during the 1st World War due to government initiatives?

Personnel development.

Human Resource Management Functions

What is a common personnel mistake related to hiring?

Hiring the wrong person for the job.

Basics of Human Resource Management

What is typically included in an HR Department organizational chart?

Positions such as HR Manager, Recruiters, Training and Development Specialists, and Payroll Administrators.

Basics of Human Resource Management

What does the value chain describe in a business context?

A chain of activities that transform inputs into outputs that customers value.

Strategic Human Resource Management (SHRM)

How does close communication with managers impact HR functions?

It enhances decision-making and strategic planning.

HR Metrics and Measuring HR's Contribution

What is descriptive analytics in HR?

It consists of observations and reports to gain initial insight into the workplace.

Economic Environment Impact on HRM

How can HR departments assist during tough economic times?

By managing layoffs and ensuring the process is handled accurately and with respect.

Human Resource Management Functions

What practice helps guarantee work rotation and coverage gaps?

Cross-training staff.

HR Metrics and Measuring HR's Contribution

How do you calculate the workers’ compensation cost per employee?

Total WC cost for the year ÷ Average number of employees.

Human Resource Management Functions

What is the purpose of an organizational chart in a Human Resources Department?

To visually represent the structure and hierarchy of the department.

Role of Human Resource Manager in Organizations

What is the primary role of a Human Resource Manager in an organization?

To manage and oversee the human resources functions, including recruitment, training, and employee relations.

HR Metrics and Measuring HR's Contribution

What does diagnostic analytics aim to achieve?

It seeks to understand why issues occur and what the causes are.

Importance of Human Resource Management

How can an organizational chart benefit HR management?

It helps clarify reporting relationships and improves communication.

Strategic Human Resource Management (SHRM)

What is the strategic role of human resource management?

To align HR practices with organizational goals and enhance overall performance.

Evolution from Personnel Management to Human Resource Management

How has the role of the Human Resource Manager evolved?

From administrative tasks to strategic partnership in organizations.

Human Resource Management Functions

What is important for managing production efficiency?

Coming up with deadlines for production goals.

Human Resource Management Functions

What role does human resource management play in primary activities?

HRM ensures that the right talent is in place to execute primary activities effectively.

Human Resource Management Functions

What can result from hiring mistakes?

High turnover.

Strategic Human Resource Management (SHRM)

How does effective HRM contribute to management decision-making?

By providing insights on workforce capabilities and needs, HRM informs strategic planning.

HR Metrics and Measuring HR's Contribution

Which type of HR analytics relies on the other three forms?

Prescriptive analytics.

Evolution from Personnel Management to Human Resource Management

What legislation was passed in 1878 concerning work hours?

Regulated the hours of work for children and women to a 60-hour week.

People Analytics

How do people analytics leaders support HR?

By enabling HR to develop data-driven insights for talent decisions.

Trends in Human Resource Management

What invention contributed to the trend of distance working?

The internet.

Human Resource Management Functions

What is involved in analyzing current human resources policies?

Evaluating existing policies and methods to improve HR practices.

Evolution from Personnel Management to Human Resource Management

What significant development in labor relations began with the first trade union conference?

The start of collective bargaining.

Role of Human Resource Manager in Organizations

Why is communication with middle and upper managers important?

It ensures alignment of goals and strategies within the organization.

Basics of Human Resource Management

From what perspective does Value Chain Analysis examine business activities?

From a process point of view.

Human Resource Management Functions

What is one key responsibility in guiding workflow within an organization?

Allocating duties and delegating roles.

Evolution from Personnel Management to Human Resource Management

What role does strategic planning play in Human Resource Management?

It ensures that HR practices support the overall business strategy.

Human Resource Management Functions

How do organizations achieve efficiency?

By solving problems and overcoming challenges.

Competencies of the New Human Resource Manager

What is a key characteristic of the New Human Resource Manager?

They must adapt to changing organizational needs.

Trends in Human Resource Management

What traditional areas saw job losses due to the internet's growth?

Traditional areas like shops.

Importance of Human Resource Management

Who is responsible for conducting performance appraisals?

Human Resource Management (HRM).

HR Metrics and Measuring HR's Contribution

What is the purpose of prescriptive analytics?

It prescribes actions to fix issues based on the causes identified.

HR Metrics and Measuring HR's Contribution

How do you calculate Health Care Costs per Employee?

Total cost of health care ÷ Total Employees.

Strategic Human Resource Management (SHRM)

How does the HR Department contribute to strategic planning in a large company?

By aligning HR strategies with business objectives and workforce planning.

Competencies of the New Human Resource Manager

What organizational skill is essential for HR professionals?


Importance of Human Resource Management

What is required to maintain a good work atmosphere?

Human Resource Management (HRM).

Trends in Human Resource Management

What types of contracts increased in the workforce during the 1990s?

Part-time and temporary contracts.

Human Resource Management Functions

What is a wasteful practice in the hiring process?

Conducting useless interviews.

Evolution from Personnel Management to Human Resource Management

How does Human Resource Management differ from Personnel Management?

HRM focuses on strategic planning and aligning workforce with organizational goals.

Importance of Human Resource Management

What is necessary for the training and development of employees?

Good Human Resource Management (HRM).

Human Resource Management Functions

What can undermine a department's effectiveness?

A lack of training.

Evolution from Personnel Management to Human Resource Management

What is the preferred structure in HRM?

Largely integrated into line management.

HR Metrics and Measuring HR's Contribution

What does the Training Investment Factor measure?

Total training cost ÷ Headcount.

Evolution from Personnel Management to Human Resource Management

What significant shift occurred in HRM from the mid-1970s to the late 1990s?

The integration of HRM and Strategic Human Resource Management (SHRM).

Trends in Human Resource Management

What societal change occurred in the year 2000 due to the growth of the internet?

A move to a 24/7 society.

Human Resource Management Functions

What should a team leader do to understand team dynamics?

Observing team members' work habits.

Importance of Human Resource Management

What is one of the primary responsibilities of Human Resource Management (HRM)?


Importance of Human Resource Management

What do top management want to see from HR managers?

How HR plans will make the company more valuable.

Human Resource Management Functions

Can you name some examples of support activities?

Examples include human resources, technology development, and procurement.

Strategic Human Resource Management (SHRM)

Why is SHRM important for organizations?

It helps organizations achieve their objectives by effectively managing their workforce.

Importance of Human Resource Management

What is the importance of effective communication for a Human Resource Manager?

It is crucial for resolving conflicts, facilitating employee engagement, and ensuring clarity in policies.

Evolution from Personnel Management to Human Resource Management

What was the primary focus of personnel management during World War II?

Recruitment and selection, later on training, morale, motivation, discipline, health and safety, joint consultation, and wage policies.

Human Resource Management Functions

What role does human resources play as a support activity?

Human resources manage recruitment, training, and employee relations.

Importance of Human Resource Management

What is the importance of having a clear HR Department organizational chart?

It clarifies roles, responsibilities, and reporting structures within the HR team.

Competencies of the New Human Resource Manager

What problem-solving skill is necessary for HR managers?


Importance of Human Resource Management

What does employee satisfaction depend on?

Good Human Resource Management (HRM).

Evolution from Personnel Management to Human Resource Management

What was established in 1921 related to personnel selection?

The national institute of psychologists.

Human Resource Management Functions

What perception can lead to dissatisfaction among employees?

Thinking their salaries are unfair and inequitable relative to others.

Trends in Human Resource Management

How are workforce patterns changing in relation to traditional recruitment practices?

Workforce and patterns of work are becoming diverse, making traditional recruitment practices useless.

Strategic Human Resource Management (SHRM)

What is a key activity for planning strategic human resources initiatives?

Developing a company's approach to human resources policies.

People Analytics

What experience does people analytics aim to promote?

Positive employee experience.

Human Resource Management Functions

What is succession planning?

Preparing for future leadership needs within the organization.

Strategic Human Resource Management (SHRM)

What does strategic Human Resources Management involve?

Aligning HR strategies with business goals.

Competencies of the New Human Resource Manager

What became a focus in personnel management due to health and safety concerns?

The need for specialists.

Importance of Human Resource Management

How does HRM affect corporate image?

HRM helps to maintain and increase corporate image.

Importance of Human Resource Management

Why are diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging important in the workplace?

They foster a more inclusive and productive work environment.

Human Resource Management Functions

What is the role of diversity management in HR?

To create an inclusive workplace that values different backgrounds.

Human Resource Management Functions

What is the function of compliance in HRM?

To ensure adherence to labor laws and regulations.

Evolution from Personnel Management to Human Resource Management

What additional elements were included in HRM from the 1940s to the mid-1970s?

Welfare, administration, staffing, and training.

HR Metrics and Measuring HR's Contribution

What organizational outcomes does the HR Scorecard assess?

It measures the strategically relevant organizational outcomes of employee behaviors.

Human Resource Management Functions

What can HR managers gain from communicating with middle managers?

Insights into employee needs and organizational challenges.

Human Resource Management Functions

What does an HR organizational chart typically include?

Roles, responsibilities, and relationships among HR staff.

Role of Human Resource Manager in Organizations

What role does the HR Manager play in a large company?

Oversees the HR department and ensures alignment with organizational goals.

Strategic Human Resource Management (SHRM)

How do primary activities contribute to a company's competitive advantage?

By enhancing efficiency and effectiveness in delivering value to customers.

HR Metrics and Measuring HR's Contribution

What components are included in calculating Cost per Hire?

Advertising, agency fees, employee referrals, travel costs, relocation costs, and recruiter pay and benefits.

Trends in Human Resource Management

How is employee engagement viewed in current HR trends?

As a critical factor for organizational success.

Strategic Human Resource Management (SHRM)

What is one of the primary responsibilities of the New Human Resource Manager?

To align HR strategies with business goals.

Importance of Human Resource Management

What does employees' performance improvement depend on?

Human Resource Management (HRM).

Trends in Human Resource Management

What trend emerged in the 1990s regarding employee work arrangements?

Employers sought increasingly flexible arrangements.

People Analytics

What is the primary purpose of people analytics?

To collect and apply talent data to improve critical talent and business outcomes.

Trends in Human Resource Management

What is the significance of data analytics in HR trends?

It helps in making informed decisions regarding talent management.

Trends in Human Resource Management

What is a significant trend affecting New Human Resource Managers?

The integration of technology in HR processes.

Role of Human Resource Manager in Organizations

How does a strategic HR business partner assist HR managers?

By collaborating with them to implement policies or strategies within their departments.

Evolution from Personnel Management to Human Resource Management

What type of commitment is associated with HRM?

Commitment to the psychological contract.

Trends in Human Resource Management

What became very important in the 1970s regarding personnel management?

Industrial relations.

Evolution from Personnel Management to Human Resource Management

What type of control is emphasized in Personnel Management?

External control.

Human Resource Management Functions

What is the purpose of a performance management system?

To assess and improve employee performance.

Competencies of the New Human Resource Manager

What compliance knowledge is necessary for HR managers?

Knowledge of compliance with laws and regulations.

Importance of Human Resource Management

What is the significance of upskilling and reskilling in the workplace?

To adapt to changing job requirements and enhance employee capabilities.

Human Resource Management Functions

What are key stakeholders in HR planning?

Individuals or groups that have an interest in HR outcomes.

Evolution from Personnel Management to Human Resource Management

What is the approach of Personnel Management towards employee motivation?

It often relies on traditional methods like pay and benefits.

Human Resource Management Functions

What is the role of HRM in diversity and inclusion?

To create a diverse workforce and foster an inclusive workplace.

Economic Environment Impact on HRM

What happens to HR departments during high economic growth?

They often need to recruit extra staff and face challenges in finding the right individuals for certain positions.

Evolution from Personnel Management to Human Resource Management

What is the focus of HRM from 2000 onwards?

Strategic Human Resource Management (SHRM) into the future.

Basics of Human Resource Management

Can you name some examples of primary activities?

Inbound logistics, operations, outbound logistics, marketing and sales, and service.

Evolution from Personnel Management to Human Resource Management

What is a key characteristic of Human Resource Management?

It emphasizes employee development and engagement.

Human Resource Management Functions

What is essential for maintaining organizational order?

Establishing and overseeing standards of procedures.

Human Resource Management Functions

How can a team leader evaluate individual contributions?

By assessing the performance of team members.

Human Resource Management Functions

In what way do Human Resource Managers support employee development?

By providing training and development opportunities to enhance skills and career growth.

Competencies of the New Human Resource Manager

Why is communication important for HR professionals?

To help employees understand the rules and expectations.

Human Resource Management Functions

What process involves defining roles and responsibilities within an organization?

Job design.

Evolution from Personnel Management to Human Resource Management

Which factories were encouraged to have welfare workers during WWI?

Weapons system factories.

HR Metrics and Measuring HR's Contribution

What skill is increasingly important for New Human Resource Managers?

Data analysis and HR metrics.

Human Resource Management Functions

What was established during World War II to manage personnel functions?

A personnel department with trained staff.

Human Resource Management Functions

Why is technology development considered a support activity?

It helps improve processes and systems that support primary activities.

Trends in Human Resource Management

How are remote work policies influencing HR trends?

They are becoming more flexible and accommodating to employee needs.

Competencies of the New Human Resource Manager

What ethical quality should HR professionals possess?

Ethics and integrity.

Human Resource Management Functions

What does a reward and remuneration system aim to achieve?

To motivate and retain employees.

Competencies of the New Human Resource Manager

What analytical skill is important for HR professionals?

Data analysis.

Evolution from Personnel Management to Human Resource Management

What is a key characteristic of Human Resource Management?

It is proactive and strategic, focusing on long-term workforce planning.

Importance of Human Resource Management

How does HRM contribute to cost savings?

HRM helps with cost savings.

Human Resource Management Functions

What aspect of HRM focuses on maintaining positive relationships between employees and management?

Employee relations.

Evolution from Personnel Management to Human Resource Management

What type of employee relations does HRM promote?

Organic, devolved, and flexible roles.

Economic Environment Impact on HRM

How do economic trends impact HR practices?

They influence workforce planning, talent acquisition, and employee retention strategies.

Human Resource Management Functions

What is the purpose of training and development in HRM?

To enhance employees' skills and knowledge for better performance.

Human Resource Management Functions

What is talent management in HRM?

Identifying, developing, and retaining skilled employees.

Role of Human Resource Manager in Organizations

How are HR managers involved in company strategy today?

They partner with top managers in designing and implementing strategies.

HR Metrics and Measuring HR's Contribution

How is the Absence Rate calculated?

[(Number of days absent in month) ÷ (Average number of employees during month) × (number of workdays)] × 100.

Role of Human Resource Manager in Organizations

What is one key responsibility of a Human Resource Manager?

To develop and implement policies that promote a positive workplace culture.

HR Metrics and Measuring HR's Contribution

How is predictive analytics used in HR?

It predicts ways of improving situations and attempts to implement them.

Human Resource Management Functions

What is a key component of the Human Resources Management Model?

Human Resources career development plan.

Importance of Human Resource Management

How does the 'war for talent' impact company performance?

It influences the ability to attract and retain skilled employees, which directly affects productivity and competitiveness.

Human Resource Management Functions

What is an important aspect of team development?

Offering coaching and feedback opportunities for team members.

Evolution from Personnel Management to Human Resource Management

What is a key characteristic of Human Resource Management (HRM)?

Long term, proactive, strategic, and integrated.

Human Resource Management Functions

What is essential for attracting the right talent to an organization?

Recruitment and selection.

Importance of Human Resource Management

What is one benefit of high performance HRM related to job applications?

It generates more job applicants.

Strategic Human Resource Management (SHRM)

What is a key component of SHRM?

Integrating HR strategies with business strategies.

Human Resource Management Functions

How does high performance HRM improve candidate selection?

It screens candidates more effectively.

People Analytics

What outcomes can be improved through people analytics?

Critical talent and business outcomes.

Evolution from Personnel Management to Human Resource Management

What types of studies did the national institute of psychologists publish results on?

Selection tests, interviewing techniques, and training methods.

Human Resource Management Functions

What system evaluates employee performance and provides feedback?

Performance management system.

Human Resource Management Functions

What authority did personnel managers gain in the 1970s?

The authority to negotiate deals about pay and other collective issues.

Trends in Human Resource Management

What role does technology play in Human Resource Management?

It enhances efficiency and data-driven decision-making.

Strategic Human Resource Management (SHRM)

What is the significance of a strategic business plan in HR?

It guides HR policies and practices to support organizational goals.

Evolution from Personnel Management to Human Resource Management

What type of trust is associated with Personnel Management?

Collective, low trust.

Importance of Human Resource Management

How does Human Resource Management view employees?

As valuable assets and partners in achieving organizational success.

Importance of Human Resource Management

What is the approach of Human Resource Management towards employee motivation?

It incorporates intrinsic motivators and employee engagement strategies.

Human Resource Management Functions

What does workforce planning entail in HRM?

Forecasting future HR needs and aligning them with organizational goals.

Human Resource Management Functions

What is the role of HRM in employee engagement?

To foster a motivated and committed workforce through various initiatives.

Human Resource Management Functions

What are support activities in an organization?

Activities that assist primary functions and help improve efficiency and effectiveness.

Competencies of the New Human Resource Manager

What is a vital competency for HR professionals regarding employment?

HR knowledge, including awareness of employment trends and labor laws.

Evolution from Personnel Management to Human Resource Management

What shift occurred in the perception of employees from Personnel Management to HRM?

Employees are viewed as valuable assets rather than just resources.

Importance of Human Resource Management

What role does HRM play in achieving organizational effectiveness?

HRM ensures that the right people are in the right roles, enhancing productivity and morale.

Trends in Human Resource Management

What potential did the internet create for employees?

Increased potential to work from home.

Strategic Human Resource Management (SHRM)

What is the role of a strategic HR business partner?

To develop and direct effective HR agendas using their knowledge and skills.

Evolution from Personnel Management to Human Resource Management

What significant legislation was passed in 1833 regarding factory management?

The factories act stated that there should be male factory inspectors.

Importance of Human Resource Management

Why is understanding primary activities important for HR managers?

It helps align HR strategies with business goals and improve overall performance.

Evolution from Personnel Management to Human Resource Management

What is the primary focus of Personnel Management?

Managing employee relations and administrative tasks.

Strategic Human Resource Management (SHRM)

Why is talent management considered strategic?

Because it ensures that the organization has the right people in the right roles to achieve its objectives.

Role of Human Resource Manager in Organizations

How did consultation between management and the workforce change during World War II?

It spread, leading to personnel departments being responsible for organization and administration.

Human Resource Management Functions

What system is used to determine employee compensation and benefits?

Reward & remuneration systems.

Evolution from Personnel Management to Human Resource Management

What is a key characteristic of Personnel Management?

It is often reactive and administrative in nature.

Importance of Human Resource Management

What role does HRM play in conflict resolution?

HRM works on conflict resolution.

Evolution from Personnel Management to Human Resource Management

What happened in 1913 regarding industrial welfare workers?

A conference organized by Seebohm Rowntree was held due to the growth in the number of welfare workers.

HR Metrics and Measuring HR's Contribution

What are other terms used for people analytics?

Talent analytics or HR analytics.

Evolution from Personnel Management to Human Resource Management

What is the role of training in Personnel Management?

Training is often limited to compliance and basic skills.

Strategic Human Resource Management (SHRM)

What outcomes are desired from strategic organization planning?

Business achievements, performance, productivity, cost effectiveness, and profitability.

Human Resource Management Functions

How does performance management function in HRM?

By assessing and improving employee performance through feedback and evaluations.

Human Resource Management Functions

What does succession planning involve in HRM?

Preparing for future leadership needs by identifying and developing potential leaders.

Economic Environment Impact on HRM

What role does the HR department play in safeguarding an organization's bottom line?

By driving operational efficiency and providing non-financial employee benefits to keep employees motivated and happy.

Trends in Human Resource Management

What is a key focus in the trends of Human Resource Management?

Adapting to technological advancements and digital transformation.

Strategic Human Resource Management (SHRM)

What does Strategic Human Resource Management (SHRM) refer to?

The alignment of human resource practices with the strategic goals of an organization.

Human Resource Management Functions

What might be a key role in an HR organizational chart?

HR Manager or Director.

Evolution from Personnel Management to Human Resource Management

What became compulsory in explosive factories in 1916?

Having a welfare worker.

Human Resource Management Functions

How do support activities contribute to an organization?

They enhance the performance of primary activities and overall organizational effectiveness.

Trends in Human Resource Management

What role does diversity and inclusion play in modern HR trends?

It is increasingly prioritized to enhance workplace culture and performance.

HR Metrics and Measuring HR's Contribution

What is the formula for HR Expense Factor?

HR expense ÷ Total operating expense.

Human Resource Management Functions

What issue can arise if employees are not motivated?

They may not do their best.

Evolution from Personnel Management to Human Resource Management

What did the armed forces focus on regarding personnel during WWI?

Testing abilities and IQ, along with research in human factors at work.

Human Resource Management Functions

What aspect of HRM focuses on creating an inclusive workplace?

Diversity management planning.

Human Resource Management Functions

What is a key component of Human Resource career development?

Job design and recruitment.

Importance of Human Resource Management

What is a key outcome of effective human resource management?

Improved organizational performance and employee engagement.

Human Resource Management Functions

What type of training does high performance HRM provide?

More and better training.

People Analytics

What processes can be enhanced by using people analytics?

Workforce processes.

Strategic Human Resource Management (SHRM)

How does high performance HRM link compensation to employee performance?

By linking pay more explicitly to performance.

Strategic Human Resource Management (SHRM)

What type of meetings might a strategic HR business partner hold?

Meetings with colleagues to discuss long-term goals and how to accomplish them.

Importance of Human Resource Management

What aspect of financial management does HRM assist with?

Budget control.

Importance of Human Resource Management

Why is HRM required for running a sustainable business?

HRM is essential for sustaining business operations.

Human Resource Management Functions

What percentage of employees receive regular performance appraisals in high performance HRM?

Higher percentages of employees receive regular performance appraisals.

Human Resource Management Functions

What role does compensation and benefits play in HRM?

To provide fair remuneration and benefits to employees, ensuring job satisfaction.

Human Resource Management Functions

How does HRM handle conflict resolution?

By mediating disputes and facilitating communication between parties.

Strategic Human Resource Management (SHRM)

How does SHRM differ from traditional HR management?

SHRM focuses on long-term goals and strategic alignment, while traditional HR management often emphasizes administrative tasks.

Strategic Human Resource Management (SHRM)

What is one key responsibility of a strategic HR business partner?

Developing strategic human resources policies.

Evolution from Personnel Management to Human Resource Management

How does Personnel Management typically operate?

Short term, reactive, ad hoc, and marginal.

Trends in Human Resource Management

What is asynchronous work?

A practice where team members do not need to be online simultaneously, allowing individuals to maximize productivity.

Evolution from Personnel Management to Human Resource Management

When was the first trade union conference held?

In 1868.

Trends in Human Resource Management

What is the key to successful asynchronous work?

Creating processes that allow employees to work autonomously and providing them with trust.

Role of Human Resource Manager in Organizations

What role did the personnel manager take on during industrial relations negotiations?

Spokesman for the organization in discussions with trade unions.

Human Resource Management Functions

What serious issue can arise from poor personnel management?

Committing unfair labor practices.

Importance of Human Resource Management

What kind of work environment does high performance HRM aim to provide?

A safer work environment.

Importance of Human Resource Management

What is the outcome of high performance HRM in terms of applicant quality?

It produces more qualified applicants per position.

Human Resource Management Functions

What is the training approach for new employees in high performance HRM?

It provides more hours of training for new employees.

Evolution from Personnel Management to Human Resource Management

What is a characteristic of control systems in HRM?


Human Resource Management Functions

What is the primary function of Human Resource Management (HRM)?

To manage the organization's workforce effectively.

Human Resource Management Functions

How does HRM contribute to organizational culture?

By promoting values, behaviors, and practices that shape the work environment.

HR Metrics and Measuring HR's Contribution

What does people analytics focus on?

Studying all people processes, functions, challenges, and opportunities at work to achieve sustainable business success.

Human Resource Management Functions

What planning process prepares employees for future roles within the organization?

Career & succession planning.

Evolution from Personnel Management to Human Resource Management

Which management approach emphasizes employee development?

Human Resource Management.

Evolution from Personnel Management to Human Resource Management

What evaluation criteria does HRM focus on?

Maximum utilization (human asset accounting).

Importance of Human Resource Management

How did employment legislation impact the personnel function?

It increased the role of the personnel function as a specialist advisor to ensure legal compliance.

Evolution from Personnel Management to Human Resource Management

What was the original name of the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development?

Welfare workers association.

Trends in Human Resource Management

What are some modern work models mentioned?

Distributed, Remote, and Hybrid Work Models.

Human Resource Management Functions

How does high performance HRM affect hiring practices?

More employees are hired based on validated selection tests.

Trends in Human Resource Management

What role does AI and automation play in modern workplaces?

They enhance efficiency and can transform various HR functions.

Human Resource Management Functions

What does recruitment in HRM involve?

Attracting and selecting candidates for job positions.

Human Resource Management Functions

What is the significance of employee relations in HRM?

To maintain positive relationships between employees and management.

Human Resource Management Functions

What is the importance of HR metrics in HRM?

To measure HR effectiveness and inform decision-making.

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