What will be discussed next week regarding the literature review?
The importance of literature review.
What is an even bigger dream for researchers?
To solve a problem that no one even knew they had.
Importance of Literature Review

What will be discussed next week regarding the literature review?

The importance of literature review.

Learning to Work with Problems

What is an even bigger dream for researchers?

To solve a problem that no one even knew they had.

Research Design and Execution

What is the second key element in designing a research plan?

Concrete method for execution.

Learning to Work with Problems

What should be reread carefully for the home exercise?

Today’s PowerPoint slides.

Understanding Social Research

What is the first step in the scientific process of understanding?

Make observations carefully and deliberately.

Importance of Literature Review

What should researchers explore to find their focus?

Subjects or social issues that excite them.

Importance of Literature Review

What are some examples of issues that can ignite passion in research?

Global economy, climate change, sustainable development.

Quantitative vs Qualitative Research

How do qualitative researchers view quantitative research?

As being overly concerned with numbers, untheoretical, and uncritical.

Research Design and Execution

What should you consider from your sources during research?

Questions suggested by your sources/literature.

Understanding Social Research

What is the title of the course?

ITS1007 Methods of Inquiry.

Understanding Social Research

What can be observed in social research?

Observable aspects of social reality.

Research Design and Execution

Which questions should be emphasized when finding a research topic?

How and why.

Research Design and Execution

What is the third key element to consider in the research planning process?

Way to make a conclusion.

Learning to Work with Problems

What is required to share in next week's session?

One academic subject/area of interest and a related social phenomenon/issue.

Approaches of Social Inquiry

What is the induction approach in social research?

It involves developing general principles from specific observations.

Understanding Social Research

What do social scientists typically explain?

Human aggregates rather than individual cases.

Qualitative vs Quantitative Research

What was the original purpose of qualitative research methods?

Developed for the study of literature.

Textbook and Recommended Readings

What is the call number for the 2016 edition of the textbook?

[LC] H62 .B2 2016.

Research Design and Execution

What should you consider once you have a research topic in mind?

How the research might be organized.

Research Design and Execution

What classic questions can help in finding a research topic?

The 5W1H questions: who, what, when, where, how, and why.

Methodology vs Method

What does methodology indicate in a study?

Your understanding of some basic elements of the study.

Research Design and Execution

What type of data is needed to answer research questions?

Empirical data.

Learning to Work with Problems

What is a key skill in law, politics, and international diplomacy?

The ability to recognize and articulate problems convincingly.

Understanding Social Research

What should be avoided to ensure accurate understanding in science?

Overgeneralization and illogical reasoning.

Learning to Work with Problems

What is the ultimate goal of effective problem identification?

To convince others that the problem can be solved by you.

Research Design and Execution

How should you categorize your topic during research?

By asking how your topic is categorized.

Research Design and Execution

What type of questions highlight areas needing further investigation?

Questions that other researchers asked but haven't answered.

Assessment Criteria and Weighting

What is the weighting for peer reviews in the assessment?


Methodology vs Method

What are methods in the context of research?

Tools and activities used during executions.

Importance of Literature Review

What are considered invaluable resources in conducting original research?

Your own knowledge, experience, and social contacts.

Research Design and Execution

What is the second key element in designing a research plan?

Concrete method for execution.

Quantitative vs Qualitative Research

What is the nature of every observation at the outset?

Every observation is qualitative.

Research Design and Execution

What is the purpose of using the 5W1H questions in research?

To guide the exploration and formulation of a research topic.

Methodology vs Method

What is the main focus of ethnography?

Exploring the social world or culture, shared beliefs, and behaviors.

Understanding Social Research

What do social scientists seek in social life?

Regularities or patterns.

Understanding Social Research

How do books contribute to understanding?

By offering knowledge from expert systems.

Qualitative vs Quantitative Research

What are qualitative research methods primarily concerned with?

Meaning and interpretation.

Research Design and Execution

What is the goal when thinking about research organization?

To consider your research design and execution.

Learning to Work with Problems

What is the first task for the home exercise?

Go through the readings for this and next week.

Learning to Work with Problems

Why is problem identification important in business, government, and NGOs?

It is a highly valued skill that helps recognize and articulate problems effectively.

Methodology vs Method

What does phenomenology focus on?

Describing the 'lived experience' of a particular phenomenon.

Understanding Social Research

What is one way people take knowledge for granted?

By accepting beliefs, myths, or laws without questioning them.

Quantitative vs Qualitative Research

What is a disadvantage of qualitative data?

It relies on subjective interpretation and mutual understanding.

Approaches of Social Inquiry

How is research work conducted in social inquiry?

Through the exploration of relationships between general principles and observations using deduction and induction.

Course Objectives and Research Planning

What will you learn to identify in this course?

Suitable methods for your topic in humanities and social science.

Assessment Criteria and Weighting

What is the weighting for quizzes in the assessment?


Textbook and Recommended Readings

What is the call number for the 2021 edition of the textbook?

[LC] H62 .B33 2021.

Understanding Social Research

What is the focus of social research?

Topics and research questions related to human beings and society.

Quantitative vs Qualitative Research

How does the choice of research method affect analysis?

It determines how you are going to analyze the information in later stages.

Research Design and Execution

What should a research topic be led by?

A research question.

Importance of Literature Review

What role do social contacts play in research?

They can serve as valuable resources for gathering information.

Quantitative vs Qualitative Research

What type of information does quantitative research rely on?

Numerical information or quantities.

Understanding Social Research

How does personal experience contribute to understanding?

Through learning by trial and error.

Quantitative vs Qualitative Research

In what type of studies is quantitative research applicable?

A wide range of empirical studies.

Research Design and Execution

What kind of questions can help explore possibilities in research?

Speculative questions like 'what if?'.

Course Objectives and Research Planning

What is one of the goals related to project ideas?

To develop a project idea into a workable research plan.

Textbook and Recommended Readings

How can students access a reserved copy of the textbook?

Through the University Library 'Course Reading Service' for 4 hours each time.

Methodology vs Method

When is methodology typically analyzed?

During the initial stage of research.

Research Design and Execution

What is the first step in conducting research?

Identifying a research topic.

Learning to Work with Problems

What should researchers practice to prepare for solving unknown problems?

Mental habits that go beyond just accumulating and reporting facts.

Approaches of Social Inquiry

What is the relationship between general principles and observations in social inquiry?

General principles guide the development of hypotheses, while observations can lead to the formulation of general principles.

Methodology vs Method

What are the two methodological issues mentioned in the text?

"How to collect useful information and transfer them into data" and "How to analyze the data."

Approaches of Social Inquiry

What is suggested regarding the debate between quantitative and qualitative approaches?

There should be more debate across and between these two ways of thinking.

Understanding Social Research

What role does school play in the process of understanding?

It provides learning from authorities.

Course Objectives and Research Planning

What is the primary objective of the course?

To help you start planning your own research project.

Course Objectives and Research Planning

What basic knowledge will the course provide for future studies?

Basic approaches that can take you further in future studies.

Textbook and Recommended Readings

Where can students purchase a copy of the textbook?

From the University Bookstore.

Understanding Social Research

What should you do if you feel a research-related itch?

Start scratching it, meaning pursue your curiosity.

Research Design and Execution

What is the first key element to consider when moving from an idea to a plan?

Identifying your research question.

Methodology vs Method

What is the impact of dichotomization of research approaches?

It is harmful to the understanding of methods of research and analysis.

Methodology vs Method

What is the second key element in designing a research plan?

Concrete method for execution.

Importance of Literature Review

How does good research reflect personal attributes?

It usually reflects your interests and beliefs.

Methodology vs Method

What does the phrase 'Many paths lead to Rome' imply in research?

It suggests that different methods can be used to explore the same or similar research topics.

Research Design and Execution

What is the first step in the research process?

Ask about the history of your topic.

Importance of Literature Review

Why is it important to feel passionate about research topics?

It allows you to find out more about the topics to work on.

Understanding Social Research

What is scientific discovery in the context of understanding?

Learning through a systematic framework.

Textbook and Recommended Readings

What is the publisher of 'The Practice of Social Research'?

Cengage Learning.

Learning to Work with Problems

Why can choosing a research topic be frustrating?

There are many choices but limited time to decide.

Methodology vs Method

How do methods and methodology differ?

Methods are practical tools, while methodology is the theoretical framework behind those tools.

Importance of Literature Review

How can personal experience aid in research?

It can provide easier access to information about the topic.

Research Design and Execution

Why do most researchers consider dichotomization important?

Because it affects the whole research design and execution.

Research Design and Execution

What courses should you consider the importance of a research topic and question?

Global Challenges and Guided Study courses.

Understanding Social Research

How does social theory differ from philosophy or belief?

Social theory focuses on explaining social reality rather than prescribing how it should be.

Methodology vs Method

How does participatory methodology view participants?

As active researchers.

Textbook and Recommended Readings

What years are acceptable for the edition of 'The Practice of Social Research'?

2013, 2016, or 2021.

Understanding Social Research

What often initiates the research process?

A small mental itch that a researcher wants to scratch.

Research Design and Execution

What is the first key element to consider when moving from an idea to a plan?

Identifying your research question.

Research Design and Execution

What is the primary purpose of research planning?

To formulate questions about social reality.

Understanding Social Research

How does science protect against mistakes in day-to-day inquiry?

By making careful observations, avoiding overgeneralization, and avoiding illogical reasoning.

Understanding Social Research

What is the primary aim of social theory?

To discuss and explain social reality.

Approaches of Social Inquiry

What is the deduction approach in social research?

It involves developing expectations of hypotheses based on general principles.

Methodology vs Method

What are some examples of research methods?

Survey, interview, focus group, and experiment.

Methodology vs Method

What does grounded theory assume?

A blank slate and uses an inductive approach to develop a new theory.

Assessment Criteria and Weighting

What percentage of the assessment is allocated to the oral presentation of the research proposal?


Learning to Work with Problems

What do experienced researchers often dream of?

Finding new problems to solve.

Understanding Social Research

What are the two important sources of agreed-on knowledge?

Tradition and authority.

Importance of Literature Review

What drives the best research?


Methodology vs Method

What is the main difference between methodology and method?

Methodology refers to the overarching strategy and rationale of the research, while method refers to the specific techniques used to collect data.

Quantitative vs Qualitative Research

How is the distinction between quantitative and qualitative research described?

As an artificial one.

Quantitative vs Qualitative Research

What do quantitative researchers use to generate conclusions?


Methodology vs Method

Can the same research topic be approached with different methods?

Yes, different methods can be applied to the same or similar research topics.

Understanding Social Research

What is the significance of word-of-mouth in understanding?

It allows learning from other people's experiences.

Assessment Criteria and Weighting

How much does the written research proposal contribute to the overall assessment?


Qualitative vs Quantitative Research

What criticism do qualitative methods face from supporters of quantitative methods?

Lack of objectivity.

Quantitative vs Qualitative Research

What is a key factor in determining the type of information you will obtain in research?

The choice between quantitative and qualitative methods.

Research Design and Execution

What is the first key element to consider when moving from an idea to a plan?

Identifying your research question.

Understanding Social Research

What are the implications of social research?

Implications for social life, public policy, and human civilization.

Research Design and Execution

What is the third key element to consider in the research planning process?

Way to make a conclusion.

Quantitative vs Qualitative Research

How does quantification benefit our observations?

It makes observations more explicit and easier to aggregate, compare, and summarize.

Learning to Work with Problems

How long will each person share their topic next week?

3 minutes.

Research Design and Execution

What type of questions should you ask regarding the structure of your topic?

Questions about its structure and composition.

Assessment Criteria and Weighting

What percentage of the assessment is based on class/tutorial participation?


Textbook and Recommended Readings

Who is the author of 'The Practice of Social Research'?

Earl R. Babbie.

Methodology vs Method

What does methodology refer to in research?

Analysis of methods and the rationale for the research approach.

Understanding Social Research

Who is the instructor for the course?

Dr. Nick Zhang.

Understanding Social Research

Which school offers the course?

School of Communication.

Quantitative vs Qualitative Research

What is the origin of quantitative research methods?

Developed in the natural sciences and now used widely in social research.

Research Design and Execution

What is the third key element to consider in the research planning process?

Way to make a conclusion.

Learning to Work with Problems

What must one do after recognizing a problem?

Articulate it in a way that convinces others to care and believe it can be solved.

Quantitative vs Qualitative Research

What is a potential drawback of using quantitative numbers?

There can be a loss in richness of meaning.

Qualitative vs Quantitative Research

How do qualitative methods investigate media and cultural texts?

Through focus groups and interviews.

Qualitative vs Quantitative Research

What types of analysis are included in qualitative research?

Narrative analysis and genre analysis.

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Study Smarter, Not Harder