What is software?
A program made to accomplish a particular task.
What does a programmer do?
Writes instructions that become computer programs.
Definition of Software

What is software?

A program made to accomplish a particular task.

Definition of Software

What does a programmer do?

Writes instructions that become computer programs.

Types of Software

What are the two main categories of software?

System Software and Application Software.

System Software Functions

What is the role of system software?

Starts the computer, keeps it running, and performs elementary tasks.

System Software Functions

What does BIOS stand for?

Basic Input / Output System.

System Software Functions

What is the function of the BIOS during the booting process?

Performs a power-on self-test (POST) to ensure critical hardware is functioning.

System Software Functions

What happens if the POST discovers a problem?

An error message appears or a beep sound is heard.

Application Software Categories

What is another name for application software?

End-user program.

Operating Systems Overview

What types of devices can operating systems be optimized for?

From supercomputers to smartphones.

Software Copyright and Licensing

What is software piracy?

Infringement of software copyrights by copying, distributing, or using software without a license.

Application Software Categories

What is general purpose software?

Software used by many people for a variety of tasks.

System Utilities and Their Importance

What are system utilities?

Programs that work with the operating system to keep it running smoothly.

Device Drivers Explained

How does a device driver function with the operating system?

It works with the OS to ensure the device operates correctly.

Programming Languages and Compilers

What is the role of a compiler?

To convert source code into machine code if there are no errors.

Software Copyright and Licensing

What is Shareware?

Copyrighted software that can be used for free for a limited time, after which a registration fee is required.

Factors to Consider When Buying a Computer

What is the significance of warranties when buying a computer?

They provide after-sales support for repairs or replacements.

Application Software Categories

What is custom software?

Software designed and developed for a specific user and purpose.

Operating Systems Overview

What is a platform in the context of operating systems?

A type of computer hardware compatible with a certain operating system.

Software Copyright and Licensing

What is Commercial Software?

Copyrighted software that needs to be purchased to obtain a license key for installation.

Factors to Consider When Buying a Computer

What components should be considered regarding a computer's performance?

Processors, including CPU and graphic cards.

Software Copyright and Licensing

What is one restriction commonly found in EULAs?

They forbid changing or reverse-engineering the software.

Software Copyright and Licensing

What is plagiarism?

The use of others' work without giving credit and acting like it belongs to us.

Application Software Categories

What is application software designed to do?

Accomplish a range of coordinated functions, tasks, or activities that benefit the user.

Programming Languages and Compilers

What are examples of programming languages?

Java, C++, Visual Basic, Python, and Ruby.

Software Copyright and Licensing

What is antivirus software designed to do?

Detect and remove computer viruses.

Factors to Consider When Buying a Computer

Why is brand important when purchasing a computer?

Some brands offer attractive packages like warranties and software.

Operating Systems Overview

What is an operating system?

A set of programs that manages and controls the resources of a computer.

Software Copyright and Licensing

What can software licenses be copied for?

Only for backup needs.

Programming Languages and Compilers

How does an interpreter work?

Translates source code line by line.

Software Copyright and Licensing

What is Open-Source software?

Software free from copyright, allowing anyone to use, modify, and sell it.

Software Copyright and Licensing

What happens if you press cancel on a EULA?

You cannot download the software.

Software Copyright and Licensing

What is a site license?

A license that allows an organization to create multiple copies of software for internal use.

Software Copyright and Licensing

What is the main difference between a software license and a site license?

A software license is for individual use, while a site license allows multiple copies for an organization.

Device Drivers Explained

What is a device driver?

A type of system software used to control a particular hardware.

Factors to Consider When Buying a Computer

What should you consider regarding storage when buying a computer?

Different options for the hard drive based on intended use.

Programming Languages and Compilers

What is a programming language?

A formal language used to communicate instructions to a computer.

Software Copyright and Licensing

Do software copyrights require registration?

No, they are granted automatically to the creator without the need for registration.

System Utilities and Their Importance

What are some examples of system utilities?

Anti-virus, backup and restore, data compression, disk cleaners, file managers.

Software Copyright and Licensing

What should you do when citing a reference?

Modify and outline the ideas of others' work used, and quote important information using the same wording as the author.

Factors to Consider When Buying a Computer

What size options should you consider when buying a computer?

A notebook for portability or a desktop for home/office use.

Software Copyright and Licensing

What is an End-User License Agreement (EULA)?

A contract that must be accepted to install software, which often goes unread by users.

Operating Systems Overview

What are the main functions of an operating system?

Provides user interface, communicates with hardware, runs and manages programs, and controls file storage.

Software Copyright and Licensing

What are software copyrights?

Legal rights granted to the owner of the software to control its use, distribution, and modification.

Software Copyright and Licensing

What is a computer virus?

A malicious program that duplicates itself and can harm other programs.

Software Copyright and Licensing

What constitutes copyright infringement?

Violating the exclusive rights granted to a copyright holder without permission.

Factors to Consider When Buying a Computer

What is the first factor to consider when buying a computer?

The purpose or task you want to perform on the PC.

Factors to Consider When Buying a Computer

What is a common operating system bundled with PCs?

Windows Home Edition.

Factors to Consider When Buying a Computer

How does RAM memory affect a computer?

It affects multitasking efficiency and speed of operation.

Software Copyright and Licensing

What does a software license declare regarding responsibility?

The software is not responsible if it messes up your computer.

Operating Systems Overview

Which operating system does the Samsung platform use?

Android operating system.

System Software Functions

What does the BIOS do if no problems are found during POST?

Looks for the operating system to complete the boot process.

Device Drivers Explained

What is the role of the manufacturer in relation to device drivers?

The manufacturer writes the driver software for a particular operating system.

Software Copyright and Licensing

What is Fair Use in copyright?

Using copyrighted work with permission from the copyright owner or under specific conditions.

Software Copyright and Licensing

What types of content can plagiarism apply to?

Academic papers, blog posts, social media posts, and presentations.

Software Copyright and Licensing

What is Freeware?

Copyrighted software available for free use but with restrictions on modification and redistribution.

Software Copyright and Licensing

Is uploading copyrighted music legal?

No, uploading or downloading copyrighted music is considered unlawful infringement.

Factors to Consider When Buying a Computer

Why is price an important factor in purchasing a computer?

It determines how much money you can invest in a PC.

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