Who provides the recommendations for the prevention of varicella in the United States?
The National Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP).
What year was the report on neonatal haemostasis by Schmidt B and Andrew M published?
Neonatal Varicella Exposure and Prophylaxis

Who provides the recommendations for the prevention of varicella in the United States?

The National Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP).

Neonatal Sepsis and Its Management

What year was the report on neonatal haemostasis by Schmidt B and Andrew M published?


Neonatal Sepsis and Its Management

What is the subject of Chapter 23?

Exchange transfusion.

Neonatal Varicella Exposure and Prophylaxis

Which guideline is accredited by NICE regarding chickenpox in pregnancy?

The guideline by the Royal College of Obstetrics and Gynaecology from January 2015.

Neonatal Sepsis and Its Management

What is the title of Chapter 27 in the NEONATOLOGY textbook?

Patent Ductus Arteriosus in the Preterm.

Asthma Diagnosis and Management in Children

How is alertness affected in life-threatening asthma exacerbations?

The patient is drowsy, confused, or in a coma.

Neonatal Sepsis and Its Management

Who authored 'Management of neonatal thrombosis'?

Saxonhouse MA.

Asthma Diagnosis and Management in Children

What are the three issues that need to be assessed during each follow-up visit for asthma?

Assessment of asthma control, compliance to asthma therapy, and asthma education.

Asthma Diagnosis and Management in Children

How does an infant with moderate asthma exacerbation behave during feeding?

Experiences feeding difficulties.

Neonatal Hypoglycemia

What are the recommendations from the Pediatric Endocrine Society for managing persistent hypoglycemia in neonates?

Recommendations include evaluation and management of persistent hypoglycemia in neonates, infants, and children.

Asthma Diagnosis and Management in Children

What are the recommended follow-up intervals for patients with high-risk asthma?

At least every 3 months.

Asthma Diagnosis and Management in Children

Which controller medication combination is recommended in Step 4 for asthma management in children aged 6 years and older?

Medium/high dose ICS + LABA (Long-acting beta 2-agonist).

Asthma Diagnosis and Management in Children

What pulse rate is expected in severe asthma exacerbations for children over 5 years?

Over 120 beats per minute.

Asthma Diagnosis and Management in Children

What criteria can indicate the need for hospital admission in an asthma patient?

Failure to respond to standard home treatment, failure to respond to nebulised β₂-agonists, relapse within 4 hours of nebulised β₂-agonists, and severe acute asthma.

Asthma Diagnosis and Management in Children

What constitutes 'Well Controlled' asthma in the past 4 weeks for children aged 6 years or older?

None of daytime asthma symptoms > 2 times/week, nocturnal symptoms or night waking due to asthma, reliever needed for symptoms > 2 times/week, or any activity limitation due to asthma.

Neonatal Varicella Exposure and Prophylaxis

How long should signs or symptoms be observed post-exposure when VZIG is used?

For 28 days post exposure.

Asthma Diagnosis and Management in Children

What is the next step if asthma symptoms are not well-controlled on double low dose ICS in children aged 5 years and younger?

Continue controller and refer for specialist assessment.

Clinical Features of Congenital Syphilis

What are some clinical features of congenital syphilis?

Non-immune hydrops, IUGR, jaundice, hepatosplenomegaly, rhinitis, skin rash, pseudoparalysis of extremity.

Asthma Diagnosis and Management in Children

When should the treatment be reviewed for stepping down?

Every 3 months, and if control has been sustained for at least 4-6 months, consider gradual treatment reduction.

Asthma Diagnosis and Management in Children

What is the recommendation for hydration during an acute exacerbation of asthma?

Give maintenance fluids.

Asthma Diagnosis and Management in Children

What approach can be helpful in diagnosing asthma in young children?

A probability-based approach based on the pattern of symptoms during and between viral respiratory infections may be helpful in the diagnosis.

Asthma Diagnosis and Management in Children

What is the dosage for Montelukast in 10 mg tablet form?

1 tablet ON

Neonatal Varicella Exposure and Prophylaxis

What are the key sources for guidelines on the prevention of varicella in neonates?

CDC MMWR Vol 61/No.12 (2012), ACIP Recommendations in MMWR (2007), Journal of Hospital Infection (2003), Health Journal (2010), Royal College of Obstetrics and Gynaecology (2015), and the Red Book by the American Academy of Pediatrics (2012).

Asthma Diagnosis and Management in Children

What is the initial step in the management of acute asthma?

The initial assessment.

Asthma Diagnosis and Management in Children

What factors are included in the assessment of asthma control during follow-up visits?

Interval symptoms, frequency and severity of acute exacerbation, morbidity secondary to asthma, quality of life, and PEFR or FEV1 monitoring.

Asthma Diagnosis and Management in Children

Which additional treatments might be considered in Step 5 of asthma management for children aged 6 years and older?

Add-on treatment such as tiotropium (for patients >12 years), anti-IgE, and anti-IL5.

Neonatal Hypoglycemia

What do Arya VB, Flanagan SE, and Kumaran A et al. focus on in their 2013 study?

Clinical and molecular characterization of hyperinsulinaemic hypoglycaemia in infants born small-for-gestational-age.

Neonatal Sepsis and Its Management

What medication does the Cochrane database review in relation to asymptomatic patent ductus arteriosus in preterm infants?


Asthma Diagnosis and Management in Children

What is the preferred controller choice for Step 3 in asthma management for children aged 6 years and older?

Medium dose ICS (Inhaled corticosteroids).

Neonatal Varicella Exposure and Prophylaxis

Is VZIG recommended for healthy full-term infants exposed to varicella postnatally?

No, VZIG is not recommended for healthy full-term infants exposed postnatally.

Asthma Diagnosis and Management in Children

What are the key features of asthma?

Chronic airway inflammation, increased airway responsiveness, recurrent episodes of wheezing, breathlessness, chest tightness, and coughing particularly at night or early morning.

Asthma Diagnosis and Management in Children

What is the maximum daily dosage of Terbutaline when using a metered dose inhaler?

4000 mcg/daily

Asthma Diagnosis and Management in Children

What are some important points to note in the clinical history of an asthma patient?

Current symptoms, pattern of symptoms, precipitating factors, present treatment, previous hospital admission, typical exacerbations, home/school environment, impact on lifestyle, history of atopy, response to prior treatment, prolonged URTI symptoms, and family history.

Asthma Diagnosis and Management in Children

What are other controller options if daily low dose ICS is ineffective for children aged 5 years and younger?

Leukotriene receptor antagonist (LTRA) or intermittent ICS.

Asthma Diagnosis and Management in Children

Does the absence of physical signs exclude asthma?

No, the absence of physical signs does not exclude asthma.

Asthma Diagnosis and Management in Children

How many exacerbations per year indicate a moderate probability of asthma?

More than 3 per year, or severe episodes.

Asthma Diagnosis and Management in Children

What interval symptoms are associated with a high probability of asthma?

Cough and/or wheeze during play, laughing, or exercise.

Neonatal Sepsis and Its Management

What is the focus of the study by Thureen P, Melara D, and Fennessey P in 2003?

The effect of low versus high intravenous amino acid intake on very low birth weight infants in the early neonatal period.

Asthma Diagnosis and Management in Children

What aspects should be checked for compliance to asthma therapy?

Frequency and technique.

Asthma Diagnosis and Management in Children

What is the reliever medication for asthma management in all children aged 6 years and older?

As-needed short-acting beta 2-agonist.

Neonatal Sepsis and Its Management

What is the main concern discussed by Isaacs D concerning antibiotic use in neonatal units?

Reducing antibiotic resistance in neonatal units.

Asthma Diagnosis and Management in Children

What initial steps are important in the management of acute asthma?

Diagnosis by symptoms, identifying triggers, and assessing severity based on respiratory rate, color, respiratory effort, and conscious level.

Asthma Diagnosis and Management in Children

What can be added in Step 4 of asthma management besides medium/high dose ICS + LABA?

Low dose ICS + LTRA (or + theophylline).

Asthma Diagnosis and Management in Children

At what step of asthma management is referral to a paediatric respiratory physician recommended for children aged 6 years and older?

Step 5.

Asthma Diagnosis and Management in Children

How is asthma-related airflow obstruction characterized?

It is widespread but variable and often reversible either spontaneously or with treatment.

Asthma Diagnosis and Management in Children

What are common environmental allergens that should be avoided in asthma prevention?

House dust mites, animal dander, insects like cockroach, mould, pollen.

Maternal Treatment and Its Impact on Infants

What are the criteria for considering a mother as having 'not completed treatment' for syphilis?

No or inadequate treatment, treatment with non-penicillin regime, treatment completed less than 30 days before delivery, no documented 4-fold decrease in VDRL titre, high likelihood of reinfection.

Asthma Diagnosis and Management in Children

What are the initial treatments for a mild exacerbation of bronchial asthma in children?

Nebulised Salbutamol or MDI Salbutamol + spacer (4-6 puffs for <6 yrs, 8-12 puffs for >6 yrs), Oral Prednisolone 1 mg/kg/day (max 30-40 mg) for 3-5 days.

Asthma Diagnosis and Management in Children

When should a diagnostic trial for asthma be given for children aged 5 years and younger?

For children with a symptom pattern not consistent with asthma but wheezing episodes occur frequently, e.g., every 6-8 weeks, give a diagnostic trial for 3 months.

Asthma Diagnosis and Management in Children

What is the dosage of Theophylline in oral syrup form for chronic asthma?

5 mg/kg/dose TDS/QID

Neonatal Varicella Exposure and Prophylaxis

What is the risk of neonatal varicella when maternal infection occurs within 7 days before and 7 days after delivery?

17-30% of neonates develop varicella with lesions appearing 5-10 days of life, and mortality can be as high as 20%.

Neonatal Sepsis and Its Management

What is the focus of Chapter 26 in the NEONATOLOGY textbook?

Vascular Spasm and Thrombosis.

Asthma Diagnosis and Management in Children

What is the recommended action for high probability of asthma in children?

Treat for asthma with a trial of low to moderate dose ICS for 3 months and assess response.

Asthma Diagnosis and Management in Children

What is the preferred controller choice for asthma management in children aged 6 years and older at Step 1?

Low dose ICS (Inhaled corticosteroids).

Neonatal Sepsis and Its Management

Which hospital's protocol book contains information on Patent ductus arteriosus?

Royal Prince Alfred Hospital.

Asthma Diagnosis and Management in Children

What are key indications for referral of children under 5 years old with respiratory issues?

Failure to thrive, neonatal or very early onset of symptoms, vomiting with respiratory symptoms, continuous wheezing, failure to respond to controller medications, no associations of symptoms with typical triggers, focal or cardiovascular signs or finger clubbing, hypoxaemia outside context of viral illness.

Neonatal Sepsis and Its Management

What is discussed in Chapter 24?

Prolonged neonatal jaundice.

Neonatal Varicella Exposure and Prophylaxis

What does the use of VZIG following exposure to varicella not necessarily prevent?

It does not necessarily prevent varicella and may prolong the incubation period by more than one week.

Asthma Diagnosis and Management in Children

What does a PEFR of less than 60% indicate in asthma exacerbations?

Severe asthma exacerbation.

Asthma Diagnosis and Management in Children

What is the dosage of Salbutamol for chronic asthma when using a metered dose inhaler?

200 mcg/dose QID/PRN

Neonatal Sepsis and Its Management

What did Bhat et al. study in 2006?

The effect of prone and supine positions on sleep, apneas, and arousal in preterm infants.

Maternal Treatment and Its Impact on Infants

What is the definition of a mother who has completed syphilis treatment?

Mother had received adequate penicillin regime, treatment completed more than 30 days prior to delivery with no possibility of reinfection, and documented 4-fold decrease in VDRL/RPR titre or VDRL/RPR titre remained low and stable (VDRL < 1:2; RPR < 1:4).

Asthma Diagnosis and Management in Children

What is the high dosage range of Fluticasone Propionate when using a dry powder inhaler?

>500 mcg/day

Congenital Syphilis Diagnosis and Management

What is the recommended upper limit of normal values for CSF analysis in 'non-traumatic tap'?

5 WBCs/mm³ and protein of 40 mg/dL.

Asthma Diagnosis and Management in Children

Describe moderate persistent asthma in children 6 years and older.

Daytime symptoms daily, nocturnal symptoms more than once a week, exercise-induced symptoms, exacerbations more than twice a month affecting sleep and activity, PEFR/FEV1 between 60-80%.

Asthma Diagnosis and Management in Children

What should be done if a child aged 5 years and younger with asthma is not well-controlled on low dose ICS?

Consider step 2: double low dose ICS or low dose ICS with LTRA.

Asthma Diagnosis and Management in Children

What is the probability of asthma if the duration of symptoms during URTI is less than 10 days?


Neonatal Varicella Exposure and Prophylaxis

Which document reviews varicella-zoster virus infections in pregnant women and neonates?

Health Journal (2010) by Sauerbrei A.

Neonatal Varicella Exposure and Prophylaxis

According to a review in the Health Journal, who are the two populations at risk for varicella-zoster virus infections?

Pregnant women and neonates.

Asthma Diagnosis and Management in Children

What is indicative of a low probability of asthma between exacerbations?

No symptoms.

Neonatal Sepsis and Its Management

What does the AAP Subcommittee on hyperbilirubinemia's Clinical Practice Guideline address?

Management of hyperbilirubinemia in the newborn infant 35 or more weeks of gestation.

Asthma Diagnosis and Management in Children

What is the respiratory rate like in severe asthma exacerbations?

Markedly increased.

Asthma Diagnosis and Management in Children

What kind of wheeze is present in life-threatening asthma exacerbations?

Silent chest.

Asthma Diagnosis and Management in Children

How is asthma assessment conducted after the initiation of treatment?

Based on levels of control and risk factors for poor outcomes, including low lung function.

Neonatal Sepsis and Its Management

What do the NICE clinical guidelines cover?

Neonatal jaundice.

Neonatal Varicella Exposure and Prophylaxis

What should parents do if a skin lesion appears within 3 weeks of postnatal varicella exposure in their infant?

They should bring the infant back early for treatment with acyclovir.

Asthma Diagnosis and Management in Children

What SpO2 reading indicates potential cyanosis and a life-threatening asthma exacerbation?

Less than 92%.

Asthma Diagnosis and Management in Children

What is the preferred treatment option if asthma symptoms are not well-controlled with low dose ICS in children 5 years and younger?

Double ‘low dose’ ICS.

Asthma Diagnosis and Management in Children

What are some measures to avoid house dust mite allergens?

Damp dusting, frequent laundering of bedding with hot water, encasing pillow/mattresses with plastic/vinyl covers, removing carpets from bedrooms, and frequent vacuuming.

Asthma Diagnosis and Management in Children

Which reliever should be used as-needed for all children aged 5 years and younger with asthma?

Short-acting beta 2-agonist.

Neonatal Varicella Exposure and Prophylaxis

Which antiviral medication was successfully used as prophylaxis for varicella exposure in a neonatal medical center?

Oral acyclovir.

Asthma Diagnosis and Management in Children

What characterizes mild breathlessness in acute asthma exacerbations?

Breathless when walking.

Neonatal Sepsis and Its Management

What did Aschner JL and Poland RL discuss regarding sodium bicarbonate therapy in 2008?

They described sodium bicarbonate as basically useless therapy.

Asthma Diagnosis and Management in Children

What should be covered in asthma education during follow-up visits?

Understanding asthma in childhood, reemphasizing compliance to therapy, and providing a written asthma action plan.

Asthma Diagnosis and Management in Children

What are the other controller options to consider at Step 2 of asthma management for children aged 6 years and older?

Leukotriene receptor antagonist (LTRA) and low dose theophylline (not for children <12 years).

Neonatal Sepsis and Its Management

What newer approaches are discussed by Mishra UK and colleagues for diagnosing early onset neonatal sepsis?

Newer diagnostic approaches involve various advanced methods for early onset neonatal sepsis.

Asthma Diagnosis and Management in Children

When is a chest X-ray useful in the initial assessment of acute asthma?

When complications like pneumothorax, pneumonia, or lung collapse are suspected.

Asthma Diagnosis and Management in Children

What are the levels of asthma control according to GINA 2018?

Well Controlled, Partly Controlled, Uncontrolled.

Neonatal Sepsis and Its Management

What has the American Academy of Pediatrics' Committee on Fetus and Newborn issued guidelines about?

Apnea, Sudden Infant Death Syndrome, and Home Monitoring.

Asthma Diagnosis and Management in Children

What indicates reversible and variable airflow limitation in asthma?

A >20% improvement in PEFR (Peak Expiratory Flow Rate) or a >12% improvement in FEV1 (Forced Expiratory Volume in 1 second) in response to a bronchodilator.

Asthma Diagnosis and Management in Children

What physical signs may indicate chronic asthma?

Harrison’s sulci, hyperinflated chest, eczema/dry skin, hypertrophied turbinates.

Asthma Diagnosis and Management in Children

When is it suggested to consider stepping up asthma treatment?

Assess the patient after 1 month of initiation of treatment and consider step-up if control is not adequate after addressing factors such as inhaler technique and adherence.

Asthma Diagnosis and Management in Children

For how long should close monitoring be conducted during an acute asthma exacerbation?

At least 4 hours.

Asthma Diagnosis and Management in Children

What should be considered for children aged 5 years and younger with infrequent viral wheezing and few interval symptoms?

As-needed short-acting beta 2-agonist.

Asthma Diagnosis and Management in Children

What is the dosage for the combination agent Salmeterol/Fluticasone using a dry powder inhaler?

Medium: 50/100 1 puff BD

Maternal Treatment and Its Impact on Infants

Why are tetracycline, doxycycline, and erythromycin not preferred for treating syphilis?

These antibiotics do not have an established and well-evaluated high rate of success like injection penicillin, and their penetration into CSF is poor.

Neonatal Varicella Exposure and Prophylaxis

Which neonates should receive VZIG after varicella exposure?

All babies born at <28 weeks gestation or who weighed <1000g at birth irrespective of maternal history, all preterm babies born at ≥28 weeks gestation whose mothers have not had chickenpox or whose status is unknown, infants with significant non-maternal exposure to VZV within the first 7 days of their life if the mother has never had varicella infection, and all immunocompromised patients.

Maternal Treatment and Its Impact on Infants

What should be done if a baby has a normal physical examination but the mother did not complete syphilis treatment?

No treatment is required if the baby's VDRL titre is ≤ 4 fold of maternal titre, but there is an option to give a single dose of IM Benzathine Penicillin G 50,000u/kg if there is a risk of defaulting follow-up.

Management of Perinatally Acquired Varicella

How should neonates with varicella lesions be managed in terms of isolation?

They should be isolated from other infants but not from their mothers.

Neonatal Sepsis and Its Management

What is the focus of the NHS Encephalopathy Guideline by Ashford and St. Peters NHS Foundation Trust?

Neonatal Encephalopathy.

Neonatal Sepsis and Its Management

What therapy does Monagle P et al. discuss in relation to children?

Antithrombin therapy.

Asthma Diagnosis and Management in Children

What features suggest asthma in children younger than 5 during sleep?

Recurrent wheezing during sleep.

Neonatal Sepsis and Its Management

What did Steiner et al. study in 2007 concerning neonatal exchange transfusions?

A decline in the frequency of neonatal exchange transfusions and its effect on exchange-related morbidity and mortality.

Neonatal Varicella Exposure and Prophylaxis

What precaution should be taken for staff before commencing work in neonatal, oncology, and ICU wards?

Staff should preferably be screened and vaccinated for varicella.

Asthma Diagnosis and Management in Children

What SpO2 levels are typical in moderate asthma exacerbations?


Asthma Diagnosis and Management in Children

What should be addressed during each visit for asthma assessment?

Treatment issues (inhaler technique, adherence, and side-effects) and co-morbidities (rhinosinusitis, gastro-oesophageal reflux disease, obesity, obstructive sleep apnoea syndrome, depression, anxiety).

Neonatal Sepsis and Its Management

What is the focus of Chapter 25?

Apnea in the newborn.

Neonatal Varicella Exposure and Prophylaxis

What is the purpose of administering post-exposure VZIG to non-immune pregnant staff?

To prevent complications in the mother and may reduce the risk of fetal varicella syndrome.

Asthma Diagnosis and Management in Children

How much Ipratropium Bromide should be administered via metered dose inhaler?

40-60 mcg/dose TDS/QID/PRN

Asthma Diagnosis and Management in Children

What is the low dosage range of Beclomethasone Diproprionate when using a metered dose inhaler?

100-200 mcg/day

Asthma Diagnosis and Management in Children

What parameters should be monitored during the management of an acute exacerbation of asthma?

Pulse, color, PEFR, ABG, and O2 saturation.

Asthma Diagnosis and Management in Children

What additional treatments are recommended for moderate exacerbations of bronchial asthma in children?

Nebulised Salbutamol ± Ipratopium Bromide (3 doses at 20 min intervals), Oral Prednisolone 1 mg/kg/day for 3-5 days, Oxygen 8L/min by face mask.

Asthma Diagnosis and Management in Children

Why is it difficult to diagnose asthma in children aged 0-2 years old?

Because episodic wheeze and cough are common in children without asthma, especially in this age group.

Follow-up Protocols for Congenital Syphilis

What follow-up is advised for infants with abnormal initial CSF evaluations?

Repeat lumbar puncture in 6 months. If CSF VDRL test is reactive or CSF indices are abnormal and cannot be attributed to other illness, re-treat for possible neurosyphilis. If CSF is improving, continue monitoring with follow-up serology.

Asthma Diagnosis and Management in Children

What are the recommended delivery devices for asthma medication for children under 5 years old?

Oral medication and MDI (Meter Dose Inhaler) with spacer and mask.

Management of Perinatally Acquired Varicella

What should be done if Zoster immunoglobulin is not available for infants exposed to varicella?

Give IV Immunoglobulin 400 mg/kg and IV Acyclovir 15 mg/kg/dose over 1 hour every 8 hours for 5 days.

Management of Perinatally Acquired Varicella

What is the treatment if vesicles develop in a neonate exposed to varicella?

Give Acyclovir 15 mg/kg/dose over 1 hour every 8 hours for 7-10 days.

Congenital Syphilis Diagnosis and Management

What is the main focus of Hamrick SE and Hansmann G's 2010 Pediatrics article?

The Patent Ductus Arteriosus of the preterm infant.

Neonatal Varicella Exposure and Prophylaxis

What immunization advice is given for family members of neonates exposed to varicella?

Recommend immunization of family members who are not immune.

Neonatal Sepsis and Its Management

What study discusses the value of a scoring system for hypoxic ischaemic encephalopathy?

The study by Thompson CM, Puterman AS, Linley LL, et al. in Acta Paediatr 1997.

Congenital Syphilis Diagnosis and Management

What is discussed in Walsh-Sukys et al.'s 2000 Pediatrics article regarding neonatal care before the use of nitric oxide?

Practice variation and outcomes for persistent pulmonary hypertension of the newborn.

Congenital Syphilis Diagnosis and Management

What topic is covered in Palafox et al.'s article in the Journal of Clinical and Experimental Ophthalmology 2011?

Ophthalmia Neonatorum.

Neonatal Sepsis and Its Management

Which organization published guidance on neonatal jaundice in London?

The National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence (NICE) through Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists (2010).

Asthma Diagnosis and Management in Children

What family history suggests a higher probability of asthma?

Presence of family history of asthma or atopy.

Neonatal Sepsis and Its Management

In which publication did Narang, Gathwala, and Kumar analyze 551 cases of neonatal jaundice?

Indian Pediatr, 1997.

Neonatal Varicella Exposure and Prophylaxis

What should be done for non-immune pregnant staff exposed to varicella?

They should receive post-exposure VZIG up to 10 days post initial exposure.

Guidelines for Neonatal Transport

What benefits of surfactant therapy in neonates were observed by Horbar JD and colleagues in 1993?

Decreasing mortality associated with the introduction of surfactant therapy in neonates weighing 601 to 1300 grams at birth.

Asthma Diagnosis and Management in Children

What is the prevalence of asthma among school-age children according to ISAAC?


Asthma Diagnosis and Management in Children

What is the management strategy for mild asthma attacks?

They can usually be treated at home if the patient is prepared and has a personal asthma action plan.

Asthma Diagnosis and Management in Children

What is the preferred initial treatment for children aged 5 years and younger with asthma?

Daily low dose ICS (Inhaled Corticosteroids).

Asthma Diagnosis and Management in Children

What is a commonest trigger for asthma in children?

Respiratory tract infections.

Asthma Diagnosis and Management in Children

What are the clinical parameters for intermittent asthma in children 6 years and older?

Daytime symptoms less than once a week, nocturnal symptoms less than once a month, no exercise-induced symptoms, brief exacerbations not affecting sleep and activity, normal lung function.

Asthma Diagnosis and Management in Children

What defines mild persistent asthma in children 6 years and older?

Daytime symptoms more than once a week, nocturnal symptoms more than twice a month, exercise-induced symptoms, exacerbations more than once a month affecting sleep and activity, PEFR/FEV1 greater than 80%.

Asthma Diagnosis and Management in Children

What should be included in the discharge plan for children after an acute asthma exacerbation?

Improved long-term treatment and asthma action plan, short course of oral steroid (3-5 days), regular bronchodilators every 4-6 hours for a few days then as needed (PRN), early review in 2-4 weeks.

Asthma Diagnosis and Management in Children

What are the treatments for severe or life-threatening asthma exacerbations in children?

Nebulised Salbutamol + Ipratopium Bromide (3 doses at 20 min intervals or continuously), Oxygen 8L/min by face mask, IV Corticosteroid, IV Salbutamol continuous infusion 1-5 mcg/kg/min ± loading dose 15 mcg/kg over 10 minutes (max 250 mcg), ± SC Terbutaline/Adrenaline, ± IV Magnesium sulphate 50% bolus 0.1 mL/kg (50 mg/kg) over 20 mins (max 2g=4ml), Consider HDU/ICU admission, ± IV Aminophylline, ± Mechanical Ventilation.

Asthma Diagnosis and Management in Children

What is the observation protocol after administering the last dose of medication for severe asthma exacerbations?

Observe for 60 minutes after the last dose.

Assessment of Varicella Exposure in Neonates

What defines close contact with an index case of varicella in a neonatal setting?

Close contact is defined as maternal/neonatal contact, contact between healthcare professionals or family members and the patient, contact in the same room for 15 minutes or more, or face-to-face conversation.

Management of Perinatally Acquired Varicella

What additional treatment is recommended for infants born to mothers who develop varicella between 5 days before and 2 days after delivery?

Add IV acyclovir 15 mg/kg/dose over 1 hour every 8 hours for 5 days.

Asthma Diagnosis and Management in Children

Why might an individual patient's asthma classification change over time?

Because the divisions are arbitrary and the groupings may merge. An individual patient's classification may change from time to time, and there are patients with infrequent but severe or life-threatening attacks with completely normal lung function and no symptoms between episodes.

Asthma Diagnosis and Management in Children

What is the equivalent dosage of Salbutamol MDI to nebulizer for children over 6 years old?

12 x 100 mcg puff equals 5.0 mg Salbutamol nebulizer.

Congenital Syphilis Diagnosis and Management

What treatment for patent ductus arteriosus in preterm neonates is analyzed in a 2015 systematic review and meta-analysis by Terrin G and colleagues?


Follow-up Protocols for Congenital Syphilis

What follow-up is needed if a congenital syphilis baby has persistent or increasing VDRL/RPR titres?

Repeat VDRL/RPR every 3 months. If titres are persistent or increase by 6-12 months, re-treatment and lumbar puncture may be indicated.

Follow-up Protocols for Congenital Syphilis

What follow-up is required for babies whose VDRL titre is non-reactive or ≤ 4 fold of maternal titre?

Repeat VDRL/RPR every 3 months. If the baby's VDRL remains or becomes reactive by 6 months, treatment is recommended.

Congenital Syphilis Diagnosis and Management

What aspect of neonatal care is reviewed by PS Mallika and colleagues in the Malaysian Family Physician 2008?

Neonatal Conjunctivitis.

Neonatal Sepsis and Its Management

Which publication discusses the management of hyperbilirubinemia in newborn infants 35 or more weeks of gestation?

The publication in Pediatrics (2004).

Neonatal Sepsis and Its Management

What was the focus of Kuschel C and colleagues' randomized trial?

Enteral feeding volumes in infants born before 30 weeks.

Neonatal Sepsis and Its Management

Who reviewed 'The treatment of patent ductus arteriosus in preterm infants' in 2000?

Knight D.

Asthma Diagnosis and Management in Children

What should be assessed during each visit for patients with high-risk asthma?

Lung function, asthma action plan and medication supply, psychosocial issues, and referral to a paediatrician or respiratory specialist.

Neonatal Sepsis and Its Management

What did Winfield and MacFaul study in 1978?

Prolonged jaundice in breast and bottle-fed babies.

Guidelines for Neonatal Transport

What were the effects of surfactant on morbidity and resource use, as noted by Schwartz RM and colleagues?

Surfactant reduced morbidity, mortality, and resource use in newborn infants weighing 500-1500 grams.

Asthma Diagnosis and Management in Children

What signifies a poor respiratory effort in life-threatening asthma exacerbations?

Paradoxical thoraco-abdominal movement.

Asthma Diagnosis and Management in Children

What activities should not be limited despite being recognized triggers for asthma?

Exercise. Taking a β₂-agonist prior to strenuous exercise and optimizing treatment are usually helpful.

Asthma Diagnosis and Management in Children

What is the oral dosage of Prednisolone for chronic asthma?

1-2 mg/kg/day

Asthma Diagnosis and Management in Children

List some signs of acute asthma exacerbation.

Tachypnoea, wheeze, rhonchi, hyperinflated chest, use of accessory muscles, cyanosis, drowsiness, tachycardia.

Asthma Diagnosis and Management in Children

What is the low dosage of Ciclesonide for chronic asthma when using a metered dose inhaler?

80 mcg/day

Follow-up Protocols for Congenital Syphilis

What is the follow-up protocol for sero-reactive infants for congenital syphilis?

Careful follow-up examination and serologic testing (VDRL/RPR) every 2-3 months until the test becomes non-reactive or the titre has decreased 4-fold; VDRL/RPR titre should decline by age 3 months and be non-reactive by age 6 months if the infant was not infected or was infected but adequately treated.

Asthma Diagnosis and Management in Children

What is the caution associated with the use of Aminophylline in acute asthma exacerbations?

It is debated due to potential toxicity and should be used with caution in a controlled environment like an ICU.

Assessment of Varicella Exposure in Neonates

Who could be the index case for varicella exposure in a neonatal setting?

The index case could be the healthcare professional, a family member, or a patient.

Asthma Diagnosis and Management in Children

Why should chest physiotherapy be avoided in managing acute asthma exacerbations?

It may increase patient discomfort.

Assessment of Varicella Exposure in Neonates

What instructions should be given to parents of neonates exposed to varicella before sending them home?

Warn parents to look out for new vesicles or signs of the baby being unwell for 28 days after exposure and bring the infant to the nearest hospital if such symptoms occur.

Management of Perinatally Acquired Varicella

Should women with varicella at the time of delivery breast-feed their newborns?

No, they should be isolated from their newborns and breast-feeding is contraindicated. The newborn can receive expressed breast milk until the mother’s lesions have crusted.

Neonatal Varicella Exposure and Prophylaxis

Do infants whose mothers develop Zoster before or after delivery need VZIG?

No, they have maternal antibodies and do not need VZIG.

Congenital Syphilis Diagnosis and Management

What approach does Abman SH recommend for treating neonatal pulmonary hypertension?

A physiologic approach.

Congenital Syphilis Diagnosis and Management

What is the focus of Finer and Barrington's 2006 Cochrane review?

The use of nitric oxide for respiratory failure in infants born at or near term.

Neonatal Sepsis and Its Management

What is a source for pharmacological treatment guidelines for neonatal seizures?

The systematic review by Slaughter LA, Patel AD, Slaughter JL in Journal of Child Neurology (2013).

Guidelines for Neonatal Transport

What is a key focus of Chapter 9 in the provided text?

Principles of Transport of a Sick Newborn.

Guidelines for Neonatal Transport

Which study highlighted the unsatisfactory aspect of transportation for sick neonates in 1972?

Chance GW, O’Brien MJ, Swyer PR: Transportation of sick neonates 1972: An unsatisfactory aspect of medical care. Can Med Assoc J 109:847-852, 1973.

Guidelines for Neonatal Transport

What topic is covered by Lupton BA and Pendray MR in the 2004 publication?

Regionalized neonatal emergency transport.

Guidelines for Neonatal Transport

What is Murray NA and Roberts IA's 2004 publication about?

Neonatal transfusion practice.

Neonatal Sepsis and Its Management

What was the focus of Porcelli PJ and Sisk PM's study on extremely low birth weight infants?

Increased parenteral amino acid administration during early postnatal life.

Asthma Diagnosis and Management in Children

How is asthma diagnosed in children younger than 5 years old?

Asthma diagnosis in young children is largely based on symptoms patterns combined with a careful clinical history and physical findings. Positive family history or history of atopy may be predictive.

Follow-up Protocols for Congenital Syphilis

What should be done if VDRL/RPR titre are stable or increase after 6-12 months in an infant?

The child should be evaluated and treated with a 10-day course of parenteral Penicillin G.

Asthma Diagnosis and Management in Children

What does the PEFR stand for in asthma management?

Peak Expiratory Flow Rate.

Congenital Syphilis Diagnosis and Management

Why should VDRL/RPR tests be conducted on venous blood samples instead of umbilical cord blood?

Umbilical cord blood may be contaminated with maternal blood, yielding a false-positive result.

Neonatal Varicella Exposure and Prophylaxis

What should be given within 96 hours to neonates exposed to varicella?

VZIG (Varicella Zoster Immune Globulin) should be given within 96 hours.

Asthma Diagnosis and Management in Children

How effective is prednisolone in the first year of life for asthma?

Its efficacy is poor.

Assessment of Varicella Exposure in Neonates

What actions should be taken for hospital staff exposed to varicella?

Screen exposed, susceptible hospital staff for skin lesions, fever, headache, and systemic symptoms. They should be placed on sick leave immediately if any symptoms or lesions arise and possibly reassigned to less susceptible areas during the incubation period.

Congenital Syphilis Diagnosis and Management

When is no evaluation recommended for a baby under congenital syphilis management?

If the baby has a non-reactive VDRL titre and normal physical examination.

Congenital Syphilis Diagnosis and Management

What should be done if more than one day of therapy is missed in congenital syphilis treatment?

The entire course of therapy should be restarted.

Congenital Syphilis Diagnosis and Management

What management is necessary for infants whose mothers completed syphilis treatment?

Perform FBC, CSF for VDRL, cell count, and protein, and other tests as clinically indicated (long bone XR, CXR, LFT, neuroimaging, eye and hearing assessment).

Neonatal Sepsis and Its Management

What does Cross JH's study focus on in regard to neonatal seizures?

Differential diagnosis of epileptic seizures in infancy including the neonatal period.

Congenital Syphilis Diagnosis and Management

What guidelines are provided by Workowski and Bolan in the MMWR Recomm Rep 2015?

Sexually Transmitted Diseases Treatment Guidelines, 2015.

Guidelines for Neonatal Transport

Who authored the book 'Pediatric Transport Medicine' published in 1995?

McCloskey K and Orr R.

Guidelines for Neonatal Transport

What did Pierro A's 2002 publication discuss regarding surgical neonates?

Metabolism and nutritional support.

Neonatal Sepsis and Its Management

What did Paisley JE and colleagues compare in their study on parenteral amino acid intakes?

Safety and efficacy of low vs high parenteral amino acid intakes in extremely low birth weight neonates.

Neonatal Sepsis and Its Management

What did Hulzebos CV and Sauer PJ discuss in their 2007 paper?

Energy requirements for neonates.

Asthma Diagnosis and Management in Children

What is the recommended dosage of Sodium Cromoglycate when using a dry powder inhaler?

20 mg QID

Asthma Diagnosis and Management in Children

What are the clinical parameters for severe persistent asthma in children 6 years and older?

Daytime symptoms daily, daily nocturnal symptoms, daily exercise-induced symptoms, exacerbations more than twice a month affecting sleep and activity, PEFR/FEV1 less than 60%.

Asthma Diagnosis and Management in Children

When should IV Magnesium Sulphate be considered in asthma management?

As an adjunct treatment in severe exacerbations unresponsive to initial treatment.

Asthma Diagnosis and Management in Children

What does the FEV1 represent in asthma management?

Forced Expiratory Volume in 1 Second.

Neonatal Varicella Exposure and Prophylaxis

What should be done if an infant more than 60 days old or has received a blood transfusion is exposed to varicella?

Counsel the parents to observe for varicella lesions so the baby can be treated early.

Follow-up Protocols for Congenital Syphilis

What is the follow-up protocol for a baby whose mother had a false positive VDRL test?

Repeat VDRL/RPR at 3 months to rule out serologically negative incubation congenital syphilis.

Neonatal Sepsis and Its Management

What is one strategy for surfactant prophylaxis in very premature infants?

A multicenter randomized controlled trial as studied by Kendig JW, Ryan RM, and Sinkin RA et al.

Neonatal Sepsis and Its Management

What does the 2016 Malaysian National Neonatal Registry database provide information on?

Neonatal Encephalopathy.

Neonatal Sepsis and Its Management

What book authored by Volpe JJ focuses on neurology of the newborn?

Neurology of the Newborn, 5th Edition.

Congenital Syphilis Diagnosis and Management

What disease is the main focus of Fransen and Klauss's 1988 International Ophthalmology article?

Neonatal ophthalmia in the developing world.

Neonatal Sepsis and Its Management

What population is at risk according to Engle WA, Tomashek KM, and Wallman C?

Late-Preterm infants.

Neonatal Sepsis and Its Management

What does Tyson JE and Kennedy KA's Cochrane Review aim to promote and prevent in parenterally fed neonates?

Promote feeding tolerance and prevent morbidity.

Neonatal Sepsis and Its Management

What recent advances are discussed by Lin PW, Nasr TR, and Stoll BJ?

Scientific advances in the pathophysiology and prevention of Necrotizing Enterocolitis.

Neonatal Sepsis and Its Management

What are the nutritional needs discussed by Rigo J and Jacques Senterre for premature infants?

Current issues in nutritional needs of premature infants.

Neonatal Sepsis and Its Management

What is a key focus of Chapter 12 in the provided text?

Late Preterm Infants.

Asthma Diagnosis and Management in Children

What should be checked if a child with asthma aged 5 years and younger is not well-controlled on double ICS?

First check diagnosis, inhaler skills, adherence, and exposures.

Asthma Diagnosis and Management in Children

What should be the course of action if there is no improvement after treating a mild asthma exacerbation?

Review after 20 minutes and if no improvement, then treat as moderate exacerbation.

Asthma Diagnosis and Management in Children

Which delivery devices are recommended for asthma medication in children aged 5-8 years?

MDI with spacer and mask.

Asthma Diagnosis and Management in Children

What should an asthma action plan include upon discharge?

How to recognize worsening asthma, how to treat worsening asthma, and how and when to seek medical attention.

Management of Perinatally Acquired Varicella

How should neonates with varicella infection be managed in a hospital setting?

Isolate the patient and treat symptomatic patients with acyclovir. Susceptible patients exposed to the virus should also be isolated.

Assessment of Varicella Exposure in Neonates

Why might incubators not provide effective isolation for neonates exposed to varicella?

Incubators are not positive pressure airflow and are frequently opened for nursing purposes, which may not provide effective isolation.

Neonatal Sepsis and Its Management

What guideline does the Royal Hospital For Women Sydney have for neonates ≥ 35 weeks gestation?

Cooling for Hypoxic-Ischaemic Encephalopathy (HIE).

Neonatal Sepsis and Its Management

Which article discusses metabolic and monogenic causes of seizures in neonates?

The article by Van Hove JL, Lohr NJ in Molecular Genetics and Metabolism (2011).

Neonatal Sepsis and Its Management

Which book provides an atlas of Amplitude-Integrated EEGs in the newborn?

The Atlas by Hellström-Westas, de Vries, Rosen, 2nd edition.

Congenital Syphilis Diagnosis and Management

What does the 2015 Northern Territory guidelines by Gray et al. address?

Investigations and treatment of infants at risk of congenital syphilis.

Guidelines for Neonatal Transport

What did the study by Chance et al. in 1978 focus on in terms of neonatal transport?

A controlled study of skilled assistance in neonatal transport.

Guidelines for Neonatal Transport

What are the key contents of Insoft RM's work?

Essentials of neonatal transport.

Guidelines for Neonatal Transport

What does the S.T.A.B.L.E Program guidelines cover?

Guidelines for the care of sick infants.

Neonatal Sepsis and Its Management

What did Collins JW Jr and colleagues investigate in their controlled trial?

The effect of insulin infusion and parenteral nutrition in extremely low birth-weight infants with glucose intolerance.

Neonatal Varicella Exposure and Prophylaxis

What is the prognosis for neonates if maternal varicella occurs 7-21 days before delivery?

Lesions typically appear in the first 4 days of life and the prognosis is good with no associated mortality.

Asthma Diagnosis and Management in Children

When are antibiotics indicated in the management of acute asthma exacerbations?

Only if a bacterial infection is suspected.

Asthma Diagnosis and Management in Children

What delivery devices are recommended for children over 8 years old for asthma medication?

MDI with spacer and mask, MDI with spacer and mouthpiece, and dry powder inhaler.

Asthma Diagnosis and Management in Children

What is the equivalent dosage of Salbutamol MDI to nebulizer for children under 6 years old?

6 x 100 mcg puff equals 2.5 mg Salbutamol nebulizer.

Assessment of Varicella Exposure in Neonates

How is VZV transmitted in hospitals where there is no direct contact with the index case?

Airborne transmission of VZV has been demonstrated.

Congenital Syphilis Diagnosis and Management

According to Richards et al., what is effective in closing a clinically significant PDA in ELBW infants?

A second course of ibuprofen.

Congenital Syphilis Diagnosis and Management

What did Keszler and Abubakar study regarding tidal volume in neonatal care in their 2004 Pediatric Pulmonology article?

Volume Guarantee and the Stability of Tidal Volume and Incidence of Hypocarbia.

Neonatal Sepsis and Its Management

What does the Management of Neonatal Jaundice 2nd Edition guideline cover?

Clinical practice guidelines for neonatal jaundice.

Neonatal Sepsis and Its Management

What did the Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews compare in Premji S. & Chessel L.'s study?

Continuous nasogastric milk feeding versus intermittent bolus milk feeding for premature infants less than 1500 grams.

Neonatal Sepsis and Its Management

What relationship did Malcolm G and colleagues find significant in their 1991 study?

Absent or reversed end diastolic flow velocity in the umbilical artery and necrotising enterocolitis.

Guidelines for Neonatal Transport

What issue was highlighted by Verheij GH et al. in their study on umbilical catheters?

Poor accuracy of currently used methods to determine umbilical catheter insertion length.

Neonatal Sepsis and Its Management

What outcomes are discussed by Chyi LJ et al. in their 2008 study on late preterm infants?

School outcomes and special needs for infants born at 32 to 36 weeks gestation.

Management of Perinatally Acquired Varicella

What prophylaxis should infants born to mothers who develop varicella between 7 days before and 7 days after delivery receive?

Varicella Zoster immunoglobulin (VZIG) 125 IU i/m as soon as possible after delivery or within 96 hours of initial exposure.

Asthma Diagnosis and Management in Children

Which medications should be avoided during an acute asthma exacerbation?

Sedatives and mucolytics.

Assessment of Varicella Exposure in Neonates

How long should at-risk neonates be monitored after varicella exposure?

Monitor at-risk patients up to 28 days post initial exposure, until the end of the incubation period.

Congenital Syphilis Diagnosis and Management

What initial steps should be taken if a baby has a non-reactive VDRL titre and normal physical examination?

Perform FBC and CSF for VDRL, cell count, and protein.

Congenital Syphilis Diagnosis and Management

What are the treatment options if CSF is abnormal in congenital syphilis infants?

IV C.Pen 50,000u/kg/dose BD for the first 7 days then TDS for a total of 14 days, or IM Procaine Penicillin G 50,000u/kg/dose daily for 10-14 days.

Congenital Syphilis Diagnosis and Management

What did Ng, Taddio, and Ohlsson review in their 2003 Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews article?

Intravenous midazolam infusion for sedation of infants in the neonatal intensive care unit.

Congenital Syphilis Diagnosis and Management

What treatment does Shah and Ohlsson's 2011 Cochrane review discuss for pulmonary hypertension in neonates?


Congenital Syphilis Diagnosis and Management

Which guidelines are summarized in the MMWR Recomm Rep 2010 related to neonatal care?

Sexually Transmitted Diseases Treatment Guidelines, 2010.

Neonatal Sepsis and Its Management

What feeding strategies were compared in the study by Schandler RJ and colleagues?

Gastrointestinal priming and tube feeding method for premature infants.

Neonatal Sepsis and Its Management

What topics are covered in Chapter 14 of the provided text?

Total Parenteral Nutrition for Neonates.

Neonatal Sepsis and Its Management

What is the focus of Loftin RW et al.'s 2010 review?

Late preterm birth.

Follow-up Protocols for Congenital Syphilis

What should be done for babies with abnormal CSF indices in congenital syphilis?

Repeat CSF VDRL at 6 months. If reactive or abnormal, re-treatment may be required.

Neonatal Sepsis and Its Management

What are risk factors for EEG seizures in neonates treated with hypothermia discussed by Glass HC, Wusthoff CJ, Shellhaas RA, et al.?

They are discussed in their multicenter cohort study published in Neurology (2014).

Neonatal Sepsis and Its Management

What study by Garfinkle J and Shevell MI focuses on prognostic factors for neonatal seizures?

The study in European Journal of Paediatric Neurology (2011).

Guidelines for Neonatal Transport

Which book by Hatch, Sumner, and Hellmann focuses on anesthesia and intensive care for surgical neonates?

The Surgical Neonate: Anaesthesia and Intensive Care, Edward Arnold, 1995.

Neonatal Sepsis and Its Management

What did McDonnell M and colleagues study in relation to umbilical artery waveforms?

Neonatal outcome after pregnancy complicated by abnormal velocity waveforms in the umbilical artery.

Guidelines for Neonatal Transport

What is a significant topic in Fairchild et al.'s 2010 study?

Therapeutic hypothermia on neonatal transport.

Neonatal Sepsis and Its Management

What effect did Spear ML and colleagues study in premature infants receiving intravenous fat emulsions?

Effect of heparin dose and infusion rate on lipid clearance and bilirubin binding.

Neonatal Sepsis and Its Management

What nutrition strategy was discussed by Ziegler EE and colleagues?

Aggressive nutrition of the very low birthweight infant.

Guidelines for Neonatal Transport

What risk factors were studied by Vilela PC et al. in 2001 regarding newborns with gastroschisis?

Risk factors for adverse outcomes in a Brazilian hospital.

Guidelines for Neonatal Transport

What did Barrington KJ's research focus on in terms of neonatal care?

Effects of the position of the umbilical artery catheter tip.

Neonatal Sepsis and Its Management

What does Whyte RK's publication address in terms of late preterm infants?

Safe discharge practices.

Neonatal Sepsis and Its Management

What guidelines are provided by Dutta S. & Singh B. for very low birth weight infants?

Guidelines for feeding very low birth weight infants.

Neonatal Sepsis and Its Management

What issue is addressed by Dusick AM and colleagues in their 2003 study?

Growth failure in preterm infants and if they can catch up.

Neonatal Sepsis and Its Management

What policy was implemented by Royal Prince Alfred Hospital in 2012 regarding late preterm infants?

Policy No: RPAH_PD2012_052.

Study Smarter, Not Harder
Study Smarter, Not Harder