What is the minimum compressive strength required by ADA for amalgam at 1 hour?
80 MPa.
What does undertrituration result in?
Undertrituration results in a grainy, crumbly mix.
Properties and Quality Measures of Amalgam

What is the minimum compressive strength required by ADA for amalgam at 1 hour?

80 MPa.

Dentist-Controlled Variables in Amalgam Manipulation

What does undertrituration result in?

Undertrituration results in a grainy, crumbly mix.

Composition and Reaction of Amalgam Alloys

What is the role of zinc in amalgam?

Zinc acts as a deoxidizer and O2 scavenger, minimizing the formation of oxides during melting. Without zinc, amalgam becomes more brittle and less plastic during condensation.

Manufacturing Processes of Amalgam Powder

How is lathe-cut irregular powder produced?

Metal ingredients are heated, poured into a mold to form an ingot, which is then homogenized and cut into specific dimensions.

Properties and Quality Measures of Amalgam

What are the advantages of spherical amalgam compared to lathe-cut?

Spherical amalgam is more plastic, requires less mercury, and has better properties due to lower mercury content.

Composition and Reaction of Amalgam Alloys

What is the significance of eliminating the y2 phase in amalgam composition?

Elimination of the y2 phase is essential for improving the properties of the amalgam.

Composition and Reaction of Amalgam Alloys

What happens when Ag and Sn are triturated with Hg?

Ag & Sn dissolve in Hg, forming phases β (Ag-Sn), y (Ag3Sn), and ε (Cu3Sn)

Creep and Its Clinical Implications

What is the significance of η crystals in dental amalgam?

η crystals are found as meshes of rod crystals at surfaces of alloy particles and dispersed in the matrix, reducing creep and preventing gamma 2 formation.

Strength and Contraction of Amalgam

Why should the design of an amalgam restoration include a supporting structure?

To prevent bending or pulling in tension that could compromise the restoration.

Strength and Contraction of Amalgam

What is the role of pressure during the condensation of amalgam?

Sufficient pressure is needed to prevent voids and adapt the material to the walls of the cavity.

Properties and Quality Measures of Amalgam

What is the effect of porosity on the compressive strength of set amalgams?

Voids and porosity may reduce compressive strength.

Strength and Contraction of Amalgam

What can lead to microleakage in modern amalgams?

Microleakage can occur when contraction exceeds 50 microns.

Dentist-Controlled Variables in Amalgam Manipulation

What should the surface of amalgam look like after each increment during the procedure?

The surface should be shiny after each increment.

Strength and Contraction of Amalgam

How long should low-Cu amalgam restorations be left undisturbed?

Low-Cu amalgam restorations should be left undisturbed for at least 24 hours.

Composition and Reaction of Amalgam Alloys

What occurs during the setting and hardening of amalgam?

Liquid mercury is consumed in the formation of new solid phases.

Definition and Process of Amalgamation

What are some uses of amalgam?

Direct, permanent posterior restorations, large foundation restorations, and cores for crown or fixed partial denture restorations.

Manufacturing Processes of Amalgam Powder

What is the process of creating amalgam powders?

Made by melting desired elements together, then liquid metal is atomized into fine spherical droplets sprayed under high pressure of an inert gas, followed by heat treatment and acid washing.

Finishing Techniques and Their Importance

What should be done during the final carve regarding the matrix band?

The matrix band should be removed during the final carve.

Types of Amalgam and Their Composition

How do high-Cu single composition alloys differ from admixed alloys?

High-Cu single composition alloys have each particle with the same chemical composition, unlike admixed alloys which contain different phases.

Properties and Quality Measures of Amalgam

What are the advantages of using amalgam?

Easy to insert, not overly technique sensitive, maintains anatomical form, adequate resistance to fracture, prevents marginal leakage, can be used in stress-bearing areas, and has a relatively long life.

Properties and Quality Measures of Amalgam

What is the significance of the y-phase in low copper amalgams?

The y-phase is the strongest, while the y2-phase is the weakest and least stable in a corrosive environment.

Properties and Quality Measures of Amalgam

What is the benefit of finishing amalgam restorations?

Finishing decreases tarnish and corrosion.

Manufacturing Processes of Amalgam Powder

What are the two types of alloy powder manufacturing mentioned?

Lathe-cut and atomized (spherical) powder.

Composition and Reaction of Amalgam Alloys

What are high-Cu admixed alloys composed of?

High-Cu admixed alloys consist of two phases admixed together, containing more than 6% copper by weight, with spherical silver copper (Ag-Cu) eutectic alloy particles added to lathe-cut low-copper amalgam alloy particles.

Strength and Contraction of Amalgam

What role do Ag-Cu particles play in high-Cu admixed alloys?

Ag-Cu particles act as strong fillers that strengthen the amalgam matrix.

Corrosion and Its Effects on Amalgam

What is tarnish in the context of amalgam?

Tarnish is the result of silver sulfide forming on the surface and does not affect the mechanical properties of amalgam.

Corrosion and Its Effects on Amalgam

What is the effect of moisture contamination on amalgam?

Moisture contamination leads to excessive absorption.

Composition and Reaction of Amalgam Alloys

Why is it important to remove mercury-rich material from the surface during carving?

It is important to ensure sufficient mercury at the surface to diffuse into the next increment.

Types of Amalgam and Their Composition

How does particle size affect the surface of amalgam?

Finer particles result in a smoother surface, while lathe-cut particles require nearly 50% or more mercury compared to spherical alloys.

Definition and Process of Amalgamation

What occurs when the solubility of metal in mercury is exceeded?

Crystals of mercury-containing compounds precipitate within the mercury.

Definition and Process of Amalgamation

What is the effect of decreasing liquid mercury content in amalgam?

As the content of liquid mercury decreases, the mixture hardens.

Types of Amalgam and Their Composition

What are the main types of amalgam?

The main types are conventional low-copper amalgam and high copper amalgam.

Types of Amalgam and Their Composition

What is the composition of 'Dispersalloy' amalgam?

'Dispersalloy' consists of 69% silver, 18% tin, 12% copper, and 1% zinc, with mixing proportions of 50% alloy and 50% mercury.

Corrosion and Its Effects on Amalgam

Which phase is the most corrodible in low Cu amalgam?

The most corrodible phase is Sn 7-8 Hg (y2).

Strength and Contraction of Amalgam

What is the risk of carving too deep into amalgam?

Carving too deep makes it susceptible to fracture under direct occlusal loading.

Dentist-Controlled Variables in Amalgam Manipulation

What factors influence the manipulation of amalgam alloys?

Heat treatment of the alloy, size, shape & method of production of the alloy particles, surface treatment of the particles, and supplied form.

Dentist-Controlled Variables in Amalgam Manipulation

What are the characteristics of condensation for lathe-cut alloys?

Lathe-cut alloys require small condensers and high force during condensation.

Dentist-Controlled Variables in Amalgam Manipulation

How do spherical alloys differ in condensation technique?

Spherical alloys use large condensers, are less sensitive to the amount of force, and involve vertical/lateral motion with vibratory action.

Corrosion and Its Effects on Amalgam

What is the effect of larger particles on the finished surface of amalgam?

Larger particles may be pulled out during carving, producing a rough surface that is more susceptible to corrosion.

Creep and Its Clinical Implications

What is the role of epsilon (Cu3Sn) in dental amalgam?

Epsilon develops crystals on the surface of gamma particles in the form of η (Cu6Sn5), which reduces creep and prevents gamma 2 formation.

Corrosion and Its Effects on Amalgam

What are the most common corrosion products of amalgam?

The most common corrosion products are oxides and chlorides of tin.

Creep and Its Clinical Implications

How does higher creep affect amalgam restorations?

It leads to greater marginal deterioration.

Dentist-Controlled Variables in Amalgam Manipulation

What are the effects of overtrituration?

Overtrituration results in a hot mix that sticks to the capsule, decreases working/setting time, and causes a slight increase in setting contraction.

Dentist-Controlled Variables in Amalgam Manipulation

What factors are controlled by the dentist in the quality of dental amalgam?

Alloy selection, mercury:alloy ratio, trituration procedures, condensation technique, marginal integrity, anatomy, final finish

Properties and Quality Measures of Amalgam

How does the particle treatment affect amalgam properties?

Acid washed amalgam powders tend to be more reactive, and stress-relief processes like annealing can enhance the properties of the amalgam.

Properties and Quality Measures of Amalgam

What are some disadvantages of amalgam?

Brittle, subject to corrosion and galvanic action, may demonstrate marginal breakdown, does not help retain weakened tooth structure, and has regulatory concerns regarding disposal.

Definition and Process of Amalgamation

What is a eutectic in the context of amalgam alloys?

A eutectic is an alloy in which elements are completely soluble in liquid solution but separate into distinct areas upon solidification.

Finishing Techniques and Their Importance

How does the method of condensation differ between spherical and lathe-cut amalgams?

Spherical amalgam uses a large tip condenser, while mechanical condensers with high condensing force are more useful for lathe-cut alloys.

Dentist-Controlled Variables in Amalgam Manipulation

What is trituration in the context of amalgam manipulation?

Trituration is the mixing of amalgam alloy particles with mercury in a triturator.

Corrosion and Its Effects on Amalgam

What are the most common corrosion products of amalgam?

Oxides and chlorides of Sn.

Composition and Reaction of Amalgam Alloys

What is the composition of low copper (conventional) amalgam alloy?

At least 65% by weight Ag, 29% Sn, and <6% Cu, available in lathe-cut or spherical particles.

Composition and Reaction of Amalgam Alloys

What is the relationship between mercury content and the strength of amalgam?

The strength of an amalgam is a function of the volume fractions of unconsumed alloy particles and mercury-containing phases.

Properties and Quality Measures of Amalgam

What are the measures of amalgam quality?

The measures of amalgam quality include dimensional change, compressive strength, and creep.

Composition and Reaction of Amalgam Alloys

What are the major components of dental amalgam?


Properties and Quality Measures of Amalgam

What is the significance of particle size in amalgam?

Smaller particles increase surface area per unit volume, requiring less mercury to form acceptable amalgam, and contribute to more rapid hardening and greater early strength.

Finishing Techniques and Their Importance

What is the purpose of burnishing after carving amalgam?

Burnishing is done to enhance the finish and integrity of the restoration.

Types of Amalgam and Their Composition

What is the final structure of high-Cu single composition alloys composed of?

The final structure consists of the y phase, Ag-Cu particles, ε particles, y1 matrix, and η reaction layers.

Dentist-Controlled Variables in Amalgam Manipulation

What are the benefits of polishing amalgam?

Polishing increases smoothness, decreases plaque retention, and reduces corrosion.

Creep and Its Clinical Implications

What is the effect of y2 phase on the creep rate of low-Cu amalgams?

The presence of y2 increases the creep rate.

Composition and Reaction of Amalgam Alloys

What is the significance of the phases in amalgam alloys?

Each phase is given a Greek symbol based on the amount of Tin (Sn) they contain, and amalgam alloys have a narrow range of compositions.

Composition and Reaction of Amalgam Alloys

What are the major components in amalgams?

Silver and Tin, with Copper added to harden and strengthen the silver-tin alloy.

Definition and Process of Amalgamation

What is amalgam?

Amalgam is an alloy containing mercury, formed by mixing liquid mercury with one or more metals/alloys.

Properties and Quality Measures of Amalgam

What issues arise with zinc-containing alloys?

Zinc-containing alloys can have problems with moisture contamination.

Strength and Contraction of Amalgam

What is the most favorable strength characteristic of amalgam?

Resistance to compression forces.

Dentist-Controlled Variables in Amalgam Manipulation

How does trituration affect the strength of amalgam?

Either undertrituration or overtrituration decreases strength.

Strength and Contraction of Amalgam

When can high-Cu unicompositional amalgams with high early strengths be finished?

They can be finished at the first appointment.

Composition and Reaction of Amalgam Alloys

What phases are found in each single-composition alloy particle?

B phase (Ag-Sn), Y phase (Ag3Sn), e phase (Cu3Sn)

Composition and Reaction of Amalgam Alloys

What factors are controlled by the manufacturer in the quality of dental amalgam?

Alloy composition, Gamma sphere (y) – Ag3Sn with epsilon coating (ε) – Cu3Sn

Dentist-Controlled Variables in Amalgam Manipulation

What is the purpose of burnishing in amalgam manipulation?

Burnishing removes excess mercury, improves margin adaptation, and can enhance smoothness.

Strength and Contraction of Amalgam

Why is the mercury/alloy ratio important in amalgam preparation?

Sufficient mercury must be present to provide a coherent and plastic mass after trituration, while also being low enough to maintain an acceptable mercury content.

Creep and Its Clinical Implications

What is the effect of delaying condensation of amalgam?

Delaying condensation permits the amalgam to set partially, making it impossible to remove mercury effectively and reducing plasticity, leading to poor adaptation to cavity walls.

Composition and Reaction of Amalgam Alloys

What occurs during the amalgamation process?

During amalgamation, mercury dissolves the surface of alloy particles, forming a composite plastic mass.

Types of Amalgam and Their Composition

What do amalgam capsules contain?

Amalgam capsules contain powdered amalgam alloy and liquid mercury in separate compartments.

Properties and Quality Measures of Amalgam

What happens if amalgam is condensed in the presence of moisture?

It can cause abnormal expansion.

Composition and Reaction of Amalgam Alloys

What is the composition of the silver-copper eutectic alloy?

The silver-copper eutectic alloy is composed of 71.9% by weight silver and 28.1% by weight copper.

Composition and Reaction of Amalgam Alloys

What is the ADA requirement for amalgam composition?

Amalgam must be predominantly silver and tin, with zinc content specified as Zn >0.01% for zinc-containing and Zn < 0.01% for non-zinc.

Definition and Process of Amalgamation

What happens when metal particles are mixed with mercury?

The outer portion of the metal particles dissolves into mercury while mercury diffuses into the metal particles.

Strength and Contraction of Amalgam

What is the maximum allowable dimensional change for amalgam between 5 minutes and 24 hours after trituration?

Amalgam should neither contract nor expand more than 20 microns/cm.

Creep and Its Clinical Implications

What happens if amalgam is overmixed?

Overmixed amalgam becomes soupy and sticky, decreases working time, and slightly increases contraction.

Manufacturing Processes of Amalgam Powder

What is the function of an amalgamator?

An amalgamator mixes powdered and liquid components to achieve a pliable mass, with speeds varying upward of 3000rpm.

Manufacturing Processes of Amalgam Powder

What type of amalgam requires greater condensation pressure to minimize porosity?

Lathe-cut alloys.

Definition and Process of Amalgamation

What happens during the amalgamation process?

The main reaction occurs between Ag3Sn and mercury, resulting in a stronger amalgam with a greater number of unconsumed Ag-Sn particles in the final structure.

Properties and Quality Measures of Amalgam

What is the significance of eliminating y2 in high-Cu single composition alloys?

The elimination of y2 depends on the percentage of copper-containing particles, and it is replaced by the η phase.

Strength and Contraction of Amalgam

What clinical issue can arise from insufficient trituration and condensation of amalgam?

Excessive expansion can occur, leading to intense pain and potential wedging against cavity walls.

Corrosion and Its Effects on Amalgam

What effect does the presence of free mercury have when gold restoration is placed next to amalgam?

Free mercury can contaminate and weaken the gold restoration, leading to galvanic corrosion.

Creep and Its Clinical Implications

What is creep in the context of amalgam?

Time-dependent strain or deformation produced by stress.

Strength and Contraction of Amalgam

What is delayed or secondary expansion in zinc-containing amalgam caused by?

It is caused by hydrogen produced from contamination by moisture during trituration or condensation.

Composition and Reaction of Amalgam Alloys

What are the main reactions in low-copper alloys?

The main reactions produce alloy phases Ag2Hg3 (y1) and Sn7Hg (y2), with Ag and Sn dissolving into mercury during trituration.

Composition and Reaction of Amalgam Alloys

What happens when Sn diffuses to the surface of Ag-Cu particles in high-Cu single composition alloys?

When Sn diffuses to the surface of Ag-Cu particles, it reacts with Cu to form Cu6Sn5 (η) around the unconsumed Ag-Cu particles.

Properties and Quality Measures of Amalgam

What is Gamma 1 (y1) in dental amalgam?

Gamma 1 (y1) – Ag2Hg3 crystals grow binding together partially dissolved gamma alloy particles Ag3Sn.

Composition and Reaction of Amalgam Alloys

What distinguishes high-copper amalgam alloy from low copper amalgam?

High-copper amalgam contains 6-60% by weight Cu, making mechanical cutting harder, and is mostly provided in spherical form produced by atomization.

Dentist-Controlled Variables in Amalgam Manipulation

What is the recommended technique for early finishing of amalgam?

Early finishing involves using a prophy cup with pumice after the initial set to provide initial smoothness, especially recommended for spherical amalgams.

Composition and Reaction of Amalgam Alloys

What happens if there is inadequate mercury in the amalgam mix?

It results in a dry granular mix, rough pitted surface, and corrosion.

Creep and Its Clinical Implications

How do single composition high-Cu amalgams affect creep rate?

They have η rods that limit the deformation of the y1 phase and no y2, resulting in decreased creep rate.

Types of Amalgam and Their Composition

What is the composition of 'Tytin' amalgam?

'Tytin' consists of 59% silver, 28% copper, and 13% tin, with mixing proportions of 57.7% alloy and 42.5% mercury.

Strength and Contraction of Amalgam

What causes contraction in amalgam during the setting process?

Contraction results as particles dissolve and the y1 phase grows, with lower Hg:alloy ratios and higher condensation pressure contributing.

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