How does a microkernel enhance security?
By running less code in kernel mode.
What are the two types of movement between levels of storage hierarchy?
Explicit and implicit.
Operating System Structures and Architectures

How does a microkernel enhance security?

By running less code in kernel mode.

Storage Structures and Hierarchies

What are the two types of movement between levels of storage hierarchy?

Explicit and implicit.

Operating System Structures and Architectures

What is the title of the book referenced?

Operating System Concepts – 10th Edition

Interrupt Handling and I/O Management

What are the two methods for handling I/O?

1. Control returns to user program only upon I/O completion. 2. Control returns to user program without waiting for I/O completion.

Components of Computer Systems

What are the two types of designs mentioned for multi-chip and multicore systems?

Multi-chip and multicore designs.

Operating System Structures and Architectures

What is the bottom layer in the layered approach?

Layer 0, which is the hardware.

Operating System Structures and Architectures

Which operating system is an example of a more complex structure?


Storage Structures and Hierarchies

What is the focus of the chapter titled 'Storage - Device Hierarchy'?

It discusses the organization and structure of storage devices in computer systems.

Components of Computer Systems

Who are the authors of the book?

Silberschatz, Galvin, and Gagne.

Operating System Structures and Architectures

What is the focus of the book?

Computer System Architecture

Memory Management Techniques

In a NUMA system, how does memory access differ from Uniform Memory Access systems?

In NUMA, some memory accesses are faster than others, while in UMA, all memory accesses are uniform in speed.

Operating System Services and System Calls

How does the system call interface work?

It maintains a table indexed by system call numbers and invokes the intended system call in the OS kernel.

Operating System Structures and Architectures

How do you configure the Linux kernel?

Using the command 'make menuconfig'.

Operating System Services and System Calls

What is the primary focus of Chapter 2 in 'Operating System Concepts'?

Operating System Services.

Memory Management Techniques

What does NUMA stand for?

Non-Uniform Memory Access.

Components of Computer Systems

What allows for concurrent execution in a computer system?

The presence of multiple CPUs and device controllers.

Interrupt Handling and I/O Management

How does the operating system determine the type of interrupt that has occurred?

It uses separate segments of code to identify the interrupt type.

Components of Computer Systems

What does a chassis containing multiple separate systems refer to?

A physical enclosure that houses multiple independent computing systems.

Operating System Structures and Architectures

What are the two separable parts of the UNIX operating system?

Systems programs and the kernel.

Operating System Structures and Architectures

What does a layered operating system structure provide?

An abstraction.

Interrupt Handling and I/O Management

How does the device controller operate in Direct Memory Access?

It transfers blocks of data from buffer storage directly to main memory without CPU intervention.

Memory Management Techniques

What does a multiprogrammed system allow?

Multiple processes to reside in memory at the same time.

Operating System Structures and Architectures

What edition of 'Operating System Concepts' is referenced?

10th Edition.

Operating System Structures and Architectures

Who are the authors of 'Operating System Concepts'?

Silberschatz, Galvin, and Gagne.

Operating System Structures and Architectures

What are loadable kernel modules (LKMs)?

Components that can be loaded into the kernel as needed.

Operating System Services and System Calls

What is the purpose of a system call sequence in file operations?

To perform actions such as copying the contents of one file to another file.

Components of Computer Systems

Who are the authors of the book?

Silberschatz, Galvin, and Gagne.

Memory Management Techniques

What is the primary focus of the memory layout in a multiprogrammed system?

To efficiently manage memory for multiple processes running simultaneously.

Definition and Goals of Operating Systems

What edition of 'Operating System Concepts' is referenced?

10th Edition.

Operating System Functions and User Perspectives

What is caching?

An important principle where information in use is copied from slower to faster storage temporarily.

Operating System Structures and Architectures

What are the main functions of a microkernel?

To manage low-level address space, process, and communication, while other services run in user space.

Interrupt Handling and I/O Management

How many interrupts are generated per block in Direct Memory Access?

Only one interrupt is generated per block, rather than one interrupt per byte.

Definition and Goals of Operating Systems

What limitation did the original UNIX operating system have?

Limited by hardware functionality.

Operating System Functions and User Perspectives

What is the main topic of the provided text?

Parameter Passing via Table.

Operating System Structures and Architectures

What is a characteristic of a general-purpose operating system?

It is a very large program.

Operating System Structures and Architectures

What is the early version of the Macintosh Finder?

The Macintosh Finder (1985).

Operating System Services and System Calls

What is typically associated with each system call?

A number.

Components of Computer Systems

What is the architecture commonly associated with modern computers?

Von Neumann architecture.

Interrupt Handling and I/O Management

What does an interrupt do in an operating system?

Transfers control to the interrupt service routine through the interrupt vector.

Operating System Services and System Calls

How do programs typically access system calls?

Via a high-level Application Programming Interface (API) rather than direct system call use.

Operating System Functions and User Perspectives

What does the kernel do after loading?

Starts system daemons, which are services provided outside of the kernel.

Operating System Services and System Calls

What are the three most common APIs mentioned for system calls?

Win32 API for Windows, POSIX API for POSIX-based systems, and Java API for the Java virtual machine (JVM).

Operating System Structures and Architectures

Which operating systems implement loadable kernel modules?

Linux, Solaris, etc.

Operating System Structures and Architectures

What is the role of the bootstrap loader?

It locates the kernel, loads it into memory, and starts it.

File System Management

What type of storage media is used for backing up files?

Stable (non-volatile) storage media.

Interrupt Handling and I/O Management

What does the operating system do to preserve the state of the CPU during an interrupt?

It stores the registers and the program counter.

Interrupt Handling and I/O Management

In the first method of I/O handling, when does control return to the user program?

Only upon I/O completion.

Operating System Functions and User Perspectives

What is the purpose of a timer in an operating system?

To prevent infinite loops or process hogging resources.

Operating System Functions and User Perspectives

Why are applications often specific to an operating system?

Because apps compiled on one system are usually not executable on other operating systems.

Operating System Services and System Calls

What is the purpose of a Standard API in operating systems?

To provide a set of functions for application developers to interact with the operating system.

Operating System Structures and Architectures

What is the structure of Windows operating system?

Mostly monolithic, with a microkernel for different subsystem personalities.

Operating System Functions and User Perspectives

What does GUI stand for?

Graphical User Interface.

Operating System Functions and User Perspectives

How can applications be made to run on multiple operating systems?

By using interpreted languages like Python or Ruby, or by using a VM like Java.

Operating System Functions and User Perspectives

What does a loader do?

It loads the executable file into memory for execution.

Operating System Structures and Architectures

What are kernel extensions in Mac OS X?

Dynamically loadable modules.

Operating System Structures and Architectures

Where is the bootstrap loader typically stored?


Operating System Functions and User Perspectives

Why are applications often specific to certain operating systems?

Because of differences in system calls and services.

Operating System Functions and User Perspectives

What do users generally want from an operating system?

Convenience, ease of use, and good performance.

Operating System Structures and Architectures

What is a potential disadvantage of microkernel systems?

They may have performance overhead due to increased communication between user space and kernel space.

Operating System Functions and User Perspectives

What does CLI stand for?

Command Line Interface.

Operating System Services and System Calls

What environment do operating systems provide?

An environment for execution of programs and services to programs and users.

Process Management and Multiprogramming

What does process management allow in terms of process states?

Suspending and resuming processes.

Operating System Services and System Calls

What is often required in addition to the identity of a desired system call?

More information, such as the exact type and amount of information, which varies according to the OS and call.

Definition and Goals of Operating Systems

How does an Operating System contribute to user experience?

By making the computer system convenient to use.

Operating System Functions and User Perspectives

What are the characteristics of mobile devices regarding operating systems?

They are resource-poor and optimized for usability and battery life.

Definition and Goals of Operating Systems

What is a good approximation of what an operating system includes?

"Everything a vendor ships when you order an operating system."

Operating System Functions and User Perspectives

What type of user interfaces do mobile devices typically use?

Touch screens and voice recognition.

Components of Computer Systems

What is the title of the book referenced?

Operating System Concepts – 10th Edition.

Operating System Structures and Architectures

How is the traditional UNIX system structure described?

Beyond simple but not fully layered.

Operating System Structures and Architectures

What is a characteristic of most modern operating systems?

They are hybrid systems that combine multiple approaches.

Operating System Services and System Calls

What is a system call?

A programming interface to the services provided by the operating system.

Operating System Services and System Calls

What does API stand for in the context of operating systems?

Application Programming Interface.

Operating System Services and System Calls

What are the main services provided by an operating system?

Operating System Services.

Operating System Structures and Architectures

How are core components of LKMs structured?

Each core component is separate and communicates over known interfaces.

Operating System Services and System Calls

What does API stand for in the context of operating systems?

Application Programming Interface.

Operating System Structures and Architectures

How do LKMs compare to traditional layers in operating systems?

They are similar to layers but offer more flexibility.

Definition and Goals of Operating Systems

What edition of 'Operating System Concepts' is referenced?

10th Edition.

Interrupt Handling and I/O Management

What must the interrupt architecture save?

The address of the interrupted instruction.

Operating System Structures and Architectures

How does a microkernel differ from a monolithic kernel?

A microkernel has a smaller code base and runs most services in user space, while a monolithic kernel includes many services in kernel space.

Storage Structures and Hierarchies

What is the primary purpose of mass-storage management?

To store data that does not fit in main memory or must be kept for a long period.

Operating System Functions and User Perspectives

What happens if the information is found in the cache?

The information is used directly from the cache, which is faster.

Storage Structures and Hierarchies

What is the primary characteristic of main memory?

It is the only large storage media that the CPU can access directly.

Operating System Functions and User Perspectives

What occurs if the information is not found in the cache?

The data is copied to the cache and then used from there.

Operating System Functions and User Perspectives

What activities are involved in operating system mass-storage management?

Mounting and unmounting, free-space management, storage allocation, disk scheduling, partitioning, and protection.

Operating System Functions and User Perspectives

Which operating system is known for its GUI with a command shell?

Microsoft Windows.

Operating System Structures and Architectures

What does the bootstrap program load after initialization?

The operating system kernel.

Definition and Goals of Operating Systems

Is there a universally accepted definition of an operating system?

No, there is no universally accepted definition.

Operating System Functions and User Perspectives

Where can a CLI be implemented?

In the kernel or by a systems program.

Operating System Functions and User Perspectives

What tools can be used for monitoring operating system performance?

Tools include performance monitors, resource usage analyzers, and logging utilities.

Operating System Services and System Calls

What are the types of user interfaces mentioned?

Command-Line Interface (CLI), Graphics User Interface (GUI), touch-screen, and Batch.

Operating System Functions and User Perspectives

What are some optional GUI interfaces available for Unix and Linux?


Operating System Functions and User Perspectives

What is User Mode?

A restricted mode where applications run with limited privileges to protect system integrity.

Operating System Services and System Calls

What does protection in system calls refer to?

Controlling access to resources, getting and setting permissions, and managing user access.

Operating System Functions and User Perspectives

What is the Bourne Shell?

A command interpreter for Unix operating systems.

Operating System Structures and Architectures

What is the layered approach in operating systems?

The operating system is divided into a number of layers, each built on top of lower layers.

Components of Computer Systems

What is the title of the book referenced?

Operating System Concepts – 10th Edition.

Operating System Services and System Calls

What are the categories of system programs?

File manipulation, status information, programming language support, program loading and execution, communications, background services, application programs.

Operating System Structures and Architectures

How do Linux and Solaris kernels operate?

They are monolithic but also modular for dynamic loading of functionality.

Operating System Services and System Calls

How do most users perceive the operating system?

Through system programs, not the actual system calls.

Operating System Structures and Architectures

What does the kernel of UNIX consist of?

Everything below the system-call interface and above the physical hardware.

Definition and Goals of Operating Systems

Who are the authors of 'Operating System Concepts'?

Silberschatz, Galvin, and Gagne.

Operating System Services and System Calls

What must the caller know about system calls?

The caller needs to obey the API and understand the expected outcome, but not the implementation details.

Components of Computer Systems

What are the four main components of a computer system?

Hardware, Operating System, Application Programs, Users.

Operating System Services and System Calls

What does POSIX stand for?

Portable Operating System Interface.

Operating System Services and System Calls

How does the operating system relate to system calls?

The operating system provides the interface through which system calls are made to access hardware and system resources.

Operating System Services and System Calls

What are the services provided by an operating system?

Services include managing hardware resources, providing user interfaces, and facilitating application execution.

Operating System Services and System Calls

What is the role of logging in an operating system?

To keep track of which users use how much and what kinds of computer resources.

Process Management and Multiprogramming

What are some problems that can occur with processes?

Infinite loops, processes modifying each other, or issues with the operating system.

Operating System Services and System Calls

How can communication occur between processes in an operating system?

Via shared memory or through message passing (packets moved by the OS).

Operating System Structures and Architectures

What are the different strategies for designing operating systems?

Monolithic, layered, microkernel, modular, and hybrid strategies.

Interrupt Handling and I/O Management

What happens when an interrupt occurs during the I/O cycle?

The CPU stops its current task and executes the interrupt service routine.

Operating System Services and System Calls

What does device management in system calls involve?

Requesting and releasing devices, reading and writing data, and managing device attributes.

Operating System Structures and Architectures

What is a potential drawback of SMP?

Increased complexity in managing shared resources.

Memory Management Techniques

What is the primary role of memory management?

To determine what is in memory and when.

Operating System Functions and User Perspectives

What are shells in the context of CLI?

Different flavors of command line interpreters.

Operating System Services and System Calls

How can debugging facilities benefit users and programmers?

They can greatly enhance their abilities to efficiently use the system.

Operating System Services and System Calls

What must the system be able to do for program execution?

Load a program into memory and run it, ending execution normally or abnormally.

Operating System Structures and Architectures

What is the design structure of Linux?

Monolithic plus modular design.

Operating System Services and System Calls

What is a system call?

A mechanism that allows user-level processes to request services from the operating system.

Operating System Structures and Architectures

What edition of 'Operating System Concepts' is referenced?

10th Edition.

Operating System Structures and Architectures

What is the highest layer in the layered approach?

Layer N, which is the user interface.

Interrupt Handling and I/O Management

In the second method of I/O handling, when does control return to the user program?

Without waiting for I/O completion.

Operating System Functions and User Perspectives

What is the primary role of a linker?

To combine multiple object files into a single executable file.

Interrupt Handling and I/O Management

What is contained in the interrupt vector?

Addresses of all the service routines.

Operating System Structures and Architectures

What happens when power is initialized on a system?

Execution starts at a fixed memory location.

Operating System Functions and User Perspectives

Where is caching performed?

At many levels in a computer, including hardware, operating system, and software.

Operating System Structures and Architectures

What is Symmetric Multiprocessing (SMP)?

A computer architecture where two or more identical processors are connected to a single shared main memory.

Operating System Functions and User Perspectives

What devices are typically used with a GUI?

Mouse, keyboard, and monitor.

Operating System Structures and Architectures

What is a key characteristic of Symmetric Multiprocessing?

All processors share the same memory and I/O resources.

Operating System Structures and Architectures

What is the purpose of the bootstrap program?

It is loaded at power-up or reboot to initialize all aspects of the system.

Interrupt Handling and I/O Management

How is an operating system described in relation to interrupts?

It is interrupt driven.

Interrupt Handling and I/O Management

How does the interrupt-driven I/O cycle improve system efficiency?

By enabling multitasking and reducing CPU idle time during I/O operations.

Operating System Services and System Calls

What are some functions of file management system calls?

Creating, deleting, opening, closing, reading, writing, and repositioning files.

Definition and Goals of Operating Systems

What is one of the goals of an Operating System?

To execute user programs and make solving user problems easier.

Interrupt Handling and I/O Management

What can execute concurrently in a computer system?

I/O devices and the CPU.

Operating System Functions and User Perspectives

What are important design problems related to caching?

Cache management, cache size, and replacement policy.

Operating System Functions and User Perspectives

Why is user authentication important in an operating system?

To ensure security from outsiders and control access to information.

Process Management and Multiprogramming

How is a job selected for execution in a multiprogramming system?

Through job scheduling.

Process Management and Multiprogramming

How do processes communicate with each other in an operating system?

Through mechanisms for process communication.

Operating System Services and System Calls

What happens if there are more parameters than available registers?

Parameters can be stored in a block or table in memory, with the address of the block passed as a parameter in a register.

Interrupt Handling and I/O Management

What is the purpose of an operating system device driver?

To manage a particular type of device controller.

Operating System Functions and User Perspectives

What happens to the mode bit when kernel code is executing?

The mode bit is set to 'kernel'.

Operating System Functions and User Perspectives

How is the mode bit reset to 'user' after a system call?

The return from the system call resets it to user mode.

Definition and Goals of Operating Systems

Which organization started the free software movement?

Free Software Foundation (FSF).

File System Management

What is the purpose of access control in file systems?

To determine who can access what.

Components of Computer Systems

What do CPUs and devices compete for in a computer system?

Memory cycles.

Components of Computer Systems

What is a dual-core design?

A system that contains multiple cores on a single chip.

Operating System Structures and Architectures

What is an example of a simple structure operating system?


Operating System Functions and User Perspectives

What are the benefits of hybrid operating systems?

They address performance, security, and usability needs.

Interrupt Handling and I/O Management

What is Direct Memory Access (DMA) used for?

For high-speed I/O devices able to transmit information at close to memory speeds.

Storage Structures and Hierarchies

What is the title of the book referenced?

Operating System Concepts – 10th Edition.

Operating System Functions and User Perspectives

What does the operating system do with the timer's counter?

It sets the counter using a privileged instruction.

Storage Structures and Hierarchies

Who are the authors of the book?

Silberschatz, Galvin, and Gagne.

Operating System Services and System Calls

What are the mechanisms through which applications interact with the operating system?

System Calls.

Memory Management Techniques

Why is memory layout important in operating systems?

It helps optimize resource utilization and process execution.

Operating System Functions and User Perspectives

What is the purpose of resource allocation in an operating system?

To allocate resources to multiple users or jobs running concurrently.

Memory Management Techniques

What is a key characteristic of memory management in multiprogrammed systems?

Dynamic allocation and deallocation of memory.

Operating System Functions and User Perspectives

What is a method for compiling applications to run on different operating systems?

Using a standard language like C and compiling separately on each operating system.

Components of Computer Systems

What is the role of the operating system in a computer system?

Controls and coordinates the use of hardware among various applications and users.

Operating System Services and System Calls

How are system calls used in operating systems?

System calls provide the interface between a running program and the operating system.

Storage Structures and Hierarchies

How is the disk surface of an HDD organized?

Logically divided into tracks, which are subdivided into sectors.

Operating System Functions and User Perspectives

What is the purpose of dual-mode operation in an operating system?

To protect the OS and other system components.

Storage Structures and Hierarchies

What role does the disk controller play in HDDs?

It determines the logical interaction between the device and the computer.

Memory Management Techniques

What is swapping in operating systems?

Moving processes in and out of memory to run when they don't fit.

Operating System Services and System Calls

Can you name an example of a system call in Windows?

CreateFile, which is used to create or open a file.

Operating System Structures and Architectures

What happens after the bootstrap program loads the operating system kernel?

It starts the execution of the operating system.

Storage Structures and Hierarchies

What does disk scheduling refer to in mass-storage management?

The process of determining the order in which disk I/O requests are processed.

File System Management

What does the OS provide in terms of information storage?

A uniform, logical view of information storage.

Definition and Goals of Operating Systems

What is the kernel in the context of an operating system?

The one program running at all times on the computer, part of the operating system.

Operating System Structures and Architectures

What is one benefit of using a microkernel?

Easier to extend the microkernel.

File System Management

What controls each medium in file system management?

A device, such as a disk drive or tape drive.

Operating System Services and System Calls

What is the primary focus of the text?

A view of operating system services.

Memory Management Techniques

What is a key characteristic of a Non-Uniform Memory Access system?

Memory access times vary depending on the memory location relative to the processor.

Components of Computer Systems

What is the main focus of the referenced section?

Overview of Computer System Structure.

Operating System Structures and Architectures

What programming approach do many modern operating systems use for LKMs?

An object-oriented approach.

Operating System Functions and User Perspectives

How does the timer function in an operating system?

It interrupts the computer after a set time period.

Operating System Structures and Architectures

What principle does the layered approach utilize?

Modularity, where each layer uses functions and services of only lower-level layers.

Components of Computer Systems

What is the main focus of the referenced book?

Operating systems and their concepts.

Operating System Structures and Architectures

What is an example of a microkernel operating system?


Process Management and Multiprogramming

What is multitasking in operating systems?

A logical extension of batch systems where the CPU switches jobs frequently, allowing user interaction with each job.

Storage Structures and Hierarchies

What is the focus area of the referenced content?

Storage Structure.

Operating System Services and System Calls

What hides most details of the OS interface from the programmer?

The API (Application Programming Interface).

Operating System Functions and User Perspectives

How does the linker handle external references?

By resolving symbols and addresses between different object files.

Operating System Functions and User Perspectives

What do icons in a GUI represent?

Files, programs, actions, etc.

Process Management and Multiprogramming

What is the main purpose of multiprogramming in a batch system?

To keep the CPU always busy by organizing jobs.

Process Management and Multiprogramming

What is one of the key activities of process management in an operating system?

Creating and deleting both user and system processes.

Components of Computer Systems

What are some examples of application programs?

Word processors, compilers, web browsers, database systems, video games.

Operating System Structures and Architectures

What is involved in building and booting an operating system?

The process of creating the OS and initializing it on hardware.

Operating System Services and System Calls

Why is error detection important for an operating system?

The OS needs to be constantly aware of possible errors that may occur in hardware, I/O devices, or user programs.

Storage Structures and Hierarchies

Is main memory typically volatile or nonvolatile?

Typically volatile.

Storage Structures and Hierarchies

What are Non-volatile memory (NVM) devices known for?

Being faster than hard disks and nonvolatile.

Operating System Services and System Calls

What is included in information maintenance system calls?

Getting and setting time or date, and accessing system data.

Operating System Functions and User Perspectives

What is Kernel Mode?

A mode where the operating system has full access to all hardware and can execute any CPU instruction.

Process Management and Multiprogramming

What happens when a job has to wait for I/O in a multiprogramming system?

The operating system switches to another job.

Memory Management Techniques

What are the activities involved in memory management?

Keeping track of memory usage, deciding what to move in/out of memory, and allocating/deallocating memory space.

Definition and Goals of Operating Systems

What are free and open-source operating systems?

Operating systems made available in source-code format rather than just binary closed-source and proprietary.

Operating System Services and System Calls

What is the significance of file-system manipulation in operating systems?

Programs need to read, write, create, delete, search, and manage files and directories.

Operating System Functions and User Perspectives

What are privileged instructions?

Instructions that can only be executed in kernel mode.

Components of Computer Systems

What is the basic operation of a computer system?

One or more CPUs and device controllers connect through a common bus providing access to shared memory.

Operating System Structures and Architectures

Who are the authors of the book?

Silberschatz, Galvin, and Gagne

Operating System Services and System Calls

What do system programs provide for program development and execution?

A convenient environment.

Operating System Structures and Architectures

What is the structure of the original UNIX operating system?

Monolithic Structure.

Operating System Services and System Calls

In which programming languages are system calls typically written?

High-level languages like C or C++.

Operating System Functions and User Perspectives

What is the purpose of the bootstrap program in an operating system?

To initialize the system and load the kernel.

Operating System Services and System Calls

What does the system call interface return?

The status of the system call and any return values.

Operating System Services and System Calls

What is the purpose of system calls?

They are the interface between the operating system and the user programs.

Operating System Functions and User Perspectives

What functions does the UNIX kernel provide?

File system, CPU scheduling, memory management, and other operating-system functions.

Operating System Services and System Calls

What is a system call?

A mechanism that allows user-level applications to request services from the operating system.

Operating System Structures and Architectures

What do linkers and loaders do in the context of operating systems?

They manage the process of combining and loading programs into memory.

Process Management and Multiprogramming

What is the desired response time for interactive computing?

Less than 1 second.

Operating System Services and System Calls

What manages the system call interface?

The run-time support library, which includes a set of functions built into libraries with the compiler.

Process Management and Multiprogramming

What is a process in the context of multitasking?

A program that is executing in memory.

Operating System Structures and Architectures

In SMP, how do processors communicate?

Through shared memory.

Operating System Structures and Architectures

What modern system replaces BIOS?

Unified Extensible Firmware Interface (UEFI).

Storage Structures and Hierarchies

What type of access does main memory provide?

Random access.

Operating System Structures and Architectures

What is a common bootstrap loader that allows kernel selection?


Components of Computer Systems

Who are considered users in a computer system?

People, machines, and other computers.

Operating System Services and System Calls

What is the purpose of operating system debugging?

To identify and fix issues within the operating system.

Operating System Services and System Calls

What should the OS do when it detects an error?

Take appropriate action to ensure correct and consistent computing.

Operating System Structures and Architectures

What boot states can boot loaders frequently allow?

Various boot states, such as single user mode.

Memory Management Techniques

How does memory management optimize system performance?

By optimizing CPU utilization and computer response to users.

Operating System Functions and User Perspectives

What is an advantage of having commands as names of programs in CLI?

Adding new features doesn’t require shell modification.

Interrupt Handling and I/O Management

What happens after I/O starts in a user program?

Control returns to the user program only upon I/O completion.

Operating System Structures and Architectures

Why is a microkernel considered more reliable?

Because less code is running in kernel mode.

Memory Management Techniques

What decisions does memory management make regarding processes?

Which processes (or parts thereof) and data to move into and out of memory.

Operating System Structures and Architectures

What makes microkernels easier to port to new architectures?

Their modular design.

Interrupt Handling and I/O Management

What is the purpose of separate segments of code in interrupt handling?

To determine what action should be taken for each type of interrupt.

Operating System Functions and User Perspectives

What is the relationship between users and the operating system?

User and Operating System - Interface.

Operating System Structures and Architectures

What is a microkernel?

A minimalistic kernel that provides only the essential services needed for the operating system.

Operating System Functions and User Perspectives

What happens when the timer's counter reaches zero?

An interrupt is generated.

Operating System Functions and User Perspectives

What is a key feature of a GUI?

User-friendly desktop metaphor interface.

Operating System Functions and User Perspectives

When is the timer set up in relation to process scheduling?

Before scheduling a process to regain control or terminate a program that exceeds its allotted time.

Interrupt Handling and I/O Management

What is a hardware interrupt?

An interrupt triggered by one of the devices.

Operating System Functions and User Perspectives

What types of resources are typically allocated by an operating system?

CPU cycles, main memory, file storage, and I/O devices.

Interrupt Handling and I/O Management

What is the purpose of the interrupt-driven I/O cycle?

To allow the CPU to perform other tasks while waiting for I/O operations to complete.

Storage Structures and Hierarchies

How can main memory be viewed in relation to secondary storage?

As a cache for secondary storage.

Definition and Goals of Operating Systems

What is an Operating System?

A program that acts as an intermediary between a user of a computer and the computer hardware.

Operating System Functions and User Perspectives

What is the role of an operating system in shared computers like mainframes?

To keep all users happy by efficiently allocating resources and managing execution of user programs.

Operating System Structures and Architectures

What is the advantage of Symmetric Multiprocessing?

Improved performance and reliability through parallel processing.

Memory Management Techniques

What is required to execute a program?

All (or part) of the instructions and data must be in memory.

Operating System Functions and User Perspectives

What are the two modes in dual-mode operation?

User mode and kernel mode.

Process Management and Multiprogramming

What mechanism does the operating system provide for coordinating processes?

Mechanisms for process synchronization.

Operating System Functions and User Perspectives

What type of kernel does Apple Mac OS X use?

UNIX kernel.

Operating System Services and System Calls

Can you name an example of a system call in Unix?

fork, which is used to create a new process.

Storage Structures and Hierarchies

What is the role of free-space management in mass-storage management?

To keep track of available storage space on the disk.

File System Management

What is abstracted to create a logical storage unit in file system management?

Physical properties are abstracted to a logical storage unit called a file.

Operating System Services and System Calls

What may a running program require that involves I/O?

I/O operations, which may involve a file or an I/O device.

Definition and Goals of Operating Systems

What are application programs?

All programs not associated with the operating system.

Definition and Goals of Operating Systems

What additional software do today's operating systems include for application developers?

Middleware, which provides additional services such as databases, multimedia, and graphics.

Definition and Goals of Operating Systems

What is the GNU Public License (GPL)?

A 'copyleft' license associated with the Free Software Foundation.

Components of Computer Systems

What does 'economy of scale' refer to in multiprocessor systems?

The cost advantages gained by using multiple processors.

Operating System Functions and User Perspectives

Is VirtualBox open source?

Yes, it is open source and free on many platforms.

Operating System Services and System Calls

What is an example of a system call sequence?

Copying the contents of one file to another file.

Operating System Functions and User Perspectives

What do different operating systems provide that affects application compatibility?

Each operating system provides its own unique system calls and file formats.

Storage Structures and Hierarchies

What is the storage hierarchy?

A system organized based on speed, cost, and volatility.

Operating System Structures and Architectures

What components make up Apple Mac OS X?

Aqua UI, Cocoa programming environment, Mach microkernel, and BSD Unix parts.

Definition and Goals of Operating Systems

Who are the authors of 'Operating System Concepts'?

Silberschatz, Galvin, and Gagne.

Operating System Services and System Calls

What is the purpose of the printf() function in C?

To output formatted text to the standard output.

Components of Computer Systems

What does the hardware component of a computer system provide?

Basic computing resources such as CPU, memory, and I/O devices.

Operating System Services and System Calls

What system call is invoked by the printf() library call?

The write() system call.

Operating System Structures and Architectures

What is the two-step boot process?

The boot block at a fixed location is loaded by ROM code, which then loads the bootstrap loader from disk.

Operating System Structures and Architectures

What aspects are considered in the design and implementation of an operating system?

Efficiency, usability, and resource management.

Operating System Structures and Architectures

Where is the bootstrap program typically stored?

In ROM or EPROM, generally known as firmware.

Operating System Services and System Calls

What is a system call?

A mechanism that allows user-level processes to request services from the operating system.

Operating System Services and System Calls

In the context of C programming, what is a library call?

A function provided by a library that can be used in a program.

Operating System Structures and Architectures

What is the process for booting an operating system?

The process involves loading the kernel into memory and initializing system components.

Operating System Services and System Calls

What is a common feature of almost all operating systems?

A user interface (UI).

Interrupt Handling and I/O Management

What is the role of a device controller?

In charge of a particular device type.

Definition and Goals of Operating Systems

What is a key efficiency goal of an Operating System?

To use the computer hardware in an efficient manner.

Interrupt Handling and I/O Management

What does each device controller have to manage data?

A local buffer.

Operating System Services and System Calls

What is the purpose of system calls in operating systems?

To provide an interface for user applications to interact with the hardware and system resources.

Storage Structures and Hierarchies

What does partitioning mean in the context of mass-storage management?

Dividing the disk into separate sections for better organization and management.

Interrupt Handling and I/O Management

What does the wait instruction do during I/O operations?

It idles the CPU until the next interrupt.

File System Management

What are some varying properties of storage media?

Access speed, capacity, data-transfer rate, and access method (sequential or random).

Process Management and Multiprogramming

What resources does a process need to accomplish its task?

CPU, memory, I/O, files, and initialization data.

Definition and Goals of Operating Systems

How do free software and open-source software differ?

They are two different ideas championed by different groups of people.

Operating System Functions and User Perspectives

What is a Virtual Machine Manager (VMM)?

Software like VMware Player or VirtualBox used to run guest operating systems for exploration.

Interrupt Handling and I/O Management

What types of interrupts does the kernel handle?

Hardware interrupts and software interrupts.

Storage Structures and Hierarchies

What are the key factors in organizing storage systems?

Speed, cost, and volatility.

Operating System Functions and User Perspectives

What is the Application Binary Interface (ABI)?

The ABI is the architecture equivalent of API, defining how different components of binary code can interface for a given operating system on a specific architecture.

Storage Structures and Hierarchies

What is caching in the context of storage systems?

Copying information into a faster storage system.

Storage Structures and Hierarchies

What are Hard Disk Drives (HDD) made of?

Rigid metal or glass platters covered with magnetic recording material.

Operating System Services and System Calls

What is a type of system call related to managing processes?

Process control, which includes creating, terminating, and executing processes.

Operating System Services and System Calls

What does the write() system call do?

It writes data to a file descriptor.

Process Management and Multiprogramming

What happens when several jobs are ready to run at the same time?

CPU scheduling is required.

Operating System Functions and User Perspectives

How does the size of the cache compare to the storage being cached?

The cache is smaller than the storage being cached.

Operating System Functions and User Perspectives

What is the difference between protection and security in an operating system?

Protection involves controlling access to resources, while security involves defending the system from unauthorized access attempts.

Operating System Structures and Architectures

What is an example of a microkernel?


Operating System Functions and User Perspectives

What happens during the transition to Kernel Mode?

The CPU switches to a more privileged mode, allowing access to protected resources.

Operating System Structures and Architectures

Which operating system's kernel is partly based on Mach?

Mac OS X kernel (Darwin).

Operating System Functions and User Perspectives

What does the mode bit do in dual-mode operation?

It distinguishes between user code and kernel code execution.

Operating System Structures and Architectures

What is the purpose of kernel modules in a Linux kernel?

Kernel modules allow for extending the functionality of the kernel without rebooting the system.

Process Management and Multiprogramming

What does the operating system provide to handle situations where processes cannot proceed?

Mechanisms for deadlock handling.

Definition and Goals of Operating Systems

What are system programs?

Programs that ship with the operating system but are not part of the kernel.

Storage Structures and Hierarchies

What is the significance of protection in mass-storage management?

To ensure data integrity and prevent unauthorized access.

Interrupt Handling and I/O Management

What is the process of I/O in relation to device controllers?

I/O is from the device to the local buffer of the controller.

Components of Computer Systems

What are multiprocessor systems also known as?

Parallel systems or tightly-coupled systems.

Interrupt Handling and I/O Management

What does the device-status table contain?

Entries for each I/O device indicating its type, address, and state.

Components of Computer Systems

What is asymmetric multiprocessing?

A type of multiprocessor system where each processor is assigned a specific task.

Operating System Functions and User Perspectives

What is checked first when accessing information in caching?

Faster storage (cache) is checked first to determine if the information is there.

Operating System Structures and Architectures

What is one advantage of using a microkernel architecture?

Increased system stability and security due to reduced kernel size and complexity.

Operating System Services and System Calls

What is one function of operating system services related to user communication?

Processes may exchange information on the same computer or between computers over a network.

Operating System Functions and User Perspectives

What is the difference between a linker and a loader?

The linker prepares the executable file, while the loader loads it into memory.

Operating System Functions and User Perspectives

What is the transition from User to Kernel Mode?

It is the process that allows a program to request services from the operating system.

Process Management and Multiprogramming

Why can't a single user always keep the CPU and I/O devices busy?

Because a single user may not have enough tasks to utilize both effectively.

Operating System Functions and User Perspectives

Why is the transition from User to Kernel Mode necessary?

To ensure that user applications do not have direct access to hardware and critical system resources.

Operating System Functions and User Perspectives

How do users of dedicated systems like workstations utilize resources?

They have dedicated resources but frequently use shared resources from servers.

Operating System Functions and User Perspectives

What is the name of the GUI interface used in Apple Mac OS X?


Interrupt Handling and I/O Management

What is an interrupt service routine?

A special function that handles the interrupt and manages the I/O operation.

Operating System Services and System Calls

What is the simplest method for passing parameters to the OS?

Passing the parameters in registers.

Storage Structures and Hierarchies

What trends are observed with Non-volatile memory (NVM) devices?

They are becoming more popular as capacity and performance increase, and prices drop.

Operating System Services and System Calls

What are communication-related system calls?

Creating and deleting communication connections, sending and receiving messages.

Operating System Functions and User Perspectives

What is a characteristic of embedded computers in devices and automobiles?

They run primarily without user intervention and often have little or no user interface.

Memory Management Techniques

What does memory management keep track of?

Which parts of memory are currently being used and by whom.

Components of Computer Systems

What type of processor do most computer systems use?

A single general-purpose processor.

Components of Computer Systems

What are special-purpose processors?

Processors designed for specific tasks, often used alongside general-purpose processors.

Process Management and Multiprogramming

What happens during process termination?

Reclaiming any reusable resources is required.

Interrupt Handling and I/O Management

How does the OS determine device status?

By indexing into the I/O device table.

Components of Computer Systems

What is symmetric multiprocessing?

A type of multiprocessor system where each processor performs all tasks.

Interrupt Handling and I/O Management

What is a trap or exception?

A software-generated interrupt caused by an error or a user request.

Interrupt Handling and I/O Management

What is a software interrupt?

An exception or trap, such as a software error or a request for an operating system service.

Storage Structures and Hierarchies

Why is proper management of mass storage important?

It is central to the entire speed of computer operation.

Operating System Functions and User Perspectives

Where was the GUI invented?

At Xerox PARC.

Operating System Functions and User Perspectives

What does protection in an operating system ensure?

That all access to system resources is controlled.

Operating System Structures and Architectures

What is a microkernel?

A microkernel moves as much functionality as possible from the kernel into user space.

Operating System Functions and User Perspectives

What is the primary function of a CLI?

To fetch a command from the user and execute it.

Process Management and Multiprogramming

What does multiprogramming do with jobs in the system?

It keeps a subset of total jobs in memory for execution.

Operating System Structures and Architectures

What does the kernel do after it is loaded?

The system is then running.

Memory Management Techniques

What does virtual memory allow in operating systems?

Execution of processes that are not completely in memory.

Storage Structures and Hierarchies

What form does main memory usually take?

Dynamic Random-access Memory (DRAM).

Operating System Structures and Architectures

How do user modules communicate in a microkernel architecture?

Through message passing.

Storage Structures and Hierarchies

What is secondary storage?

An extension of main memory that provides large nonvolatile storage capacity.

Operating System Functions and User Perspectives

How does a GUI differ from a CLI?

A GUI uses graphical elements for user interaction, while a CLI allows direct command entry.

Operating System Functions and User Perspectives

What is commonly pre-installed on purchased computers?

An operating system.

Process Management and Multiprogramming

What distinguishes a program from a process?

A program is a passive entity, while a process is an active entity.

Interrupt Handling and I/O Management

How many I/O requests can be outstanding at a time?

At most one I/O request is outstanding at a time.

Process Management and Multiprogramming

What is a single-threaded process?

A process with one program counter specifying the location of the next instruction to execute.

Operating System Structures and Architectures

What command is used to compile kernel modules in Linux?

'make modules'.

Operating System Functions and User Perspectives

What happens to the mode bit when a user is running code?

The mode bit is set to 'user'.

Operating System Services and System Calls

Which operating systems use the block method for passing parameters?

Linux and Solaris.

Interrupt Handling and I/O Management

How does the CPU interact with local buffers?

By moving data from/to main memory to/from local buffers.

Operating System Structures and Architectures

What are the steps to generate an operating system from scratch?

Write source code, configure, compile, install, and boot the operating system.

Operating System Structures and Architectures

What is the first step in building and booting Linux?

Download the Linux source code from

File System Management

What are some activities performed by the OS in file system management?

Creating and deleting files and directories, manipulating files and directories, mapping files onto secondary storage, and backing up files.

Interrupt Handling and I/O Management

What does the OS modify in the device-status table?

It includes interrupt information for the device.

Operating System Structures and Architectures

What is the primary purpose of operating systems?

To run on a class of systems with a variety of peripherals.

Process Management and Multiprogramming

What is a process in the context of operating systems?

A process is a program in execution and a unit of work within the system.

Operating System Structures and Architectures

What is a detriment of microkernels?

Performance overhead of user space to kernel space communication.

File System Management

How are files usually organized in a file system?

Into directories.

Components of Computer Systems

What is one advantage of multiprocessor systems?

Increased throughput.

Components of Computer Systems

What is meant by 'graceful degradation' in multiprocessor systems?

The ability to maintain functionality even when some components fail.

Operating System Services and System Calls

How are parameters passed using the stack method?

Parameters are pushed onto the stack by the program and popped off the stack by the operating system.

Interrupt Handling and I/O Management

What is a wait loop in the context of I/O?

Contention for memory access while waiting for I/O completion.

Interrupt Handling and I/O Management

How does a device controller inform the CPU that it has finished its operation?

By causing an interrupt.

Operating System Structures and Architectures

What command is used to compile the Linux kernel?


Process Management and Multiprogramming

What is concurrency in operating systems?

Concurrency is achieved by multiplexing the CPUs among the processes/threads.

Definition and Goals of Operating Systems

What movement do free and open-source operating systems counter?

The copy protection and Digital Rights Management (DRM) movement.

Operating System Services and System Calls

What is a key advantage of the block and stack methods for passing parameters?

They do not limit the number or length of parameters being passed.

Operating System Services and System Calls

What is a system call in relation to I/O?

A request to the OS to allow the user to wait for I/O completion.

Process Management and Multiprogramming

How does a multi-threaded process differ from a single-threaded process?

A multi-threaded process has one program counter per thread.

Operating System Structures and Architectures

What command is used to install the new kernel on the system?

'make install'.

Definition and Goals of Operating Systems

Can you name examples of free and open-source operating systems?

GNU/Linux and BSD UNIX (including the core of Mac OS X).

Operating System Structures and Architectures

How are kernel modules installed into vmlinuz?

Using the command 'make modules_install'.

Operating System Structures and Architectures

What does the 'make' command produce when compiling the kernel?

vmlinuz, the kernel image.

Process Management and Multiprogramming

What types of processes typically run concurrently in a system?

Some user processes and some operating system processes.

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