What is the focus of the study conducted by Nancy L. Mary?
Leadership in human service organizations.
What percentage of respondents rated their leaders at a higher level than themselves?
Transformational Leadership in Human Services

What is the focus of the study conducted by Nancy L. Mary?

Leadership in human service organizations.

Correlation Between Leadership Style and Effectiveness

What percentage of respondents rated their leaders at a higher level than themselves?


Social Work Leadership Definitions and Characteristics

What has increased in the 21st century regarding social work?

Interest in social work leadership.

Social Work Leadership Definitions and Characteristics

What percentage of leaders had a social work background?


Leadership Styles: Transformational vs. Transactional

How were leaders perceived in terms of their leadership style?

More transformational than transactional.

Social Work Leadership Definitions and Characteristics

What are the key characteristics that social work leaders should embody?

They should serve as role models for the values of the profession.

Democratic vs. Authoritarian Organizational Structures

What type of organizational structure was correlated with successful leadership outcomes?

Democratic organization.

Correlation Between Leadership Style and Effectiveness

What hypothesis was made about transformational leadership in the study?

There is a positive relationship between transformational leadership and positive leadership outcomes.

Leadership Styles: Transformational vs. Transactional

How does a bureaucratic organization affect the perception of leadership style?

The more bureaucratic the organization, the less its leadership is perceived to be transformational.

Empowerment and Vision in Leadership

What is the importance of visualizing the future in social work leadership?

It helps in guiding the direction and goals of the leadership.

Correlation Between Leadership Style and Effectiveness

What were the satisfaction ratings for different educational levels of raters?

BA x = 3.7, MSW/MA x = 2.7, PhD x = 2.5.

Recommendations for Future Research in Social Work Leadership

What percentage of respondents rated leaders in the field of education?


Social Work Leadership Definitions and Characteristics

How is social work leadership defined according to NASW and professional educators?

As the communication of vision, guided by the NASW Code of Ethics, to create proactive processes that empower individuals, families, groups, organizations, and communities.

Research Methodology and Sample Characteristics

What was the response rate limitation of the study?


Multifactor Leadership Questionnaire (MLQ-5R)

What instrument was used to measure leadership style and effectiveness?

MLQ Form 5x-Short.

Transformational Leadership in Human Services

What is the focus of transformational leadership?

Transformational leadership is concerned with the development and transformation of both leaders and followers.

Transformational Leadership in Human Services

What leadership style did respondents predominantly perceive?

Transformational style of leadership.

Multifactor Leadership Questionnaire (MLQ-5R)

What was the correlation between transformational leadership factors and effectiveness?

Charisma had a correlation of .74, Idealized Influence .65, Inspirational Motivation .58, Intellectual Stimulation .66, and Individual Consideration .75.

Multifactor Leadership Questionnaire (MLQ-5R)

What does the MLQ 5X-Short Form assess?

It asks respondents to choose a leader above, below, or at the same organizational level as themselves.

Transformational Leadership in Human Services

What does Intellectual Stimulation encourage in followers?

It challenges followers to be creative, innovative, and to question the norm.

Democratic vs. Authoritarian Organizational Structures

What was the average age of the respondents in the study?

48 years.

Correlation Between Leadership Style and Effectiveness

How did lower-level employees rate their leaders compared to those at the same or higher levels?

Lower-level employees rated their leaders significantly higher, with mean scores of 3.39, 3.27, and 3.31 for effectiveness, effort, and satisfaction, respectively.

Research Methodology and Sample Characteristics

What was the aim of the open-ended instruction given to respondents?

To gain a range of responses on the MLQ regarding positive leadership outcomes.

Correlation Between Leadership Style and Effectiveness

How does contingent reward relate to positive outcomes?

Using contingent reward is strongly related to positive outcomes.

Leadership Styles: Transformational vs. Transactional

What does the laissez-faire approach to leadership measure?

One factor in the MLQ Form 5x-Short.

Leadership Styles: Transformational vs. Transactional

What does Bass's 1990 article discuss regarding leadership?

The transition from transactional to transformational learning and sharing the vision.

Recommendations for Future Research in Social Work Leadership

What could be a potential focus for future studies on leadership?

Limiting the study to public child welfare and measuring constructs of bureaucracy.

Correlation Between Leadership Style and Effectiveness

What types of leadership were tested in Gellis's study with clinical social workers?

Transactional and transformational leadership.

Multifactor Leadership Questionnaire (MLQ-5R)

What tool was used to assess the leadership style of leaders in the study?

MLQ-5R (Multifactor Leadership Questionnaire).

Leadership Styles: Transformational vs. Transactional

What transactional leadership style is highly correlated with positive leadership outcomes?

Contingent reward.

Leadership Styles: Transformational vs. Transactional

Which transactional leadership styles were negatively associated with positive leadership outcomes?

Management by exception and laissez-faire.

Transformational Leadership in Human Services

What are the five key characteristics of charismatic leaders according to House?

1) Strong role models, 2) Competence, 3) Ideological goals, 4) High expectations, 5) Motives of power, self-esteem, and affiliation.

Leadership Styles: Transformational vs. Transactional

What is the transformational approach in leadership?

An approach that has emerged since the early 1980s, focusing on influencing and empowering others.

Impact of Organizational Characteristics on Leadership

Did age and gender of raters affect leader outcomes?

No, age and gender were found unrelated to leader outcomes.

Leadership Styles: Transformational vs. Transactional

What does the Laissez-Faire leadership style represent?

The absence of leadership, characterized by a 'hands-off' approach.

Transformational Leadership in Human Services

What four transformational factors were correlated with positive leadership outcomes?

Idealized influence, individual consideration, intellectual stimulation, and inspirational motivation.

Social Work Leadership Definitions and Characteristics

What does the 1985 work by Bennis and Nanus focus on?

Strategies for effective leadership.

Research Methodology and Sample Characteristics

What was the response rate of the study conducted?


Transformational Leadership in Human Services

Who initiated the transformational approach to leadership?

James MacGregor Burns in his book 'Leadership' (1978).

Multifactor Leadership Questionnaire (MLQ-5R)

How many subscales does the MLQ Form 5x-Short have?

12 subscales.

Research Methodology and Sample Characteristics

What does the diversity of the sample in the study suggest?

The sample may not represent the range of members effectively.

Leadership Styles: Transformational vs. Transactional

What is the Contingent Reward Factor in transactional leadership?

Leaders and followers exchange things, resulting in subordinate compliance, where leaders reward followers for completing tasks.

Correlation Between Leadership Style and Effectiveness

How did the laissez-faire approach correlate with outcome measures in the Gilles study?

Negative correlations of -52, -69, and -66.

Multifactor Leadership Questionnaire (MLQ-5R)

What tool can be used for a more qualitative measure of leadership styles?

The Multifactor Leadership Questionnaire (MLQ).

Correlation Between Leadership Style and Effectiveness

What does the study indicate about transformational leadership in social service leaders?

It is related to perceived positive leadership outcomes.

Recommendations for Future Research in Social Work Leadership

What is a critical area for further study in social work leadership?

The relationship among social work leaders with different roles in different settings.

Correlation Between Leadership Style and Effectiveness

What was found about raters with higher levels of education?

They were more critical of their leaders.

Impact of Organizational Characteristics on Leadership

What organizational characteristics were briefly explored in the study?

The ratings of leaders in child welfare, mental health, and educational organizations.

Research Methodology and Sample Characteristics

What demographic information were respondents asked to provide?

Educational background of the leader, age, gender, educational level of the respondent, and characteristics of the organization.

Transformational Leadership in Human Services

What does Northouse's 2001 book cover?

Theories and practices of leadership.

Multifactor Leadership Questionnaire (MLQ-5R)

What is the purpose of the Multifactor Leadership Questionnaire (MLQ)?

To operationalize leadership behaviors.

Correlation Between Leadership Style and Effectiveness

What significant relationship did Kays (1993) find regarding transformational leadership?

A positive relationship with job satisfaction, commitment, and leader effectiveness.

Leadership Styles: Transformational vs. Transactional

What are the two contrasting leadership styles mentioned in the study?

Transformational vs. transactional or laissez-faire.

Empowerment and Vision in Leadership

What should social work students examine regarding leadership styles?

The 'goodness-of-fit' with their own style and data on effectiveness.

Recommendations for Future Research in Social Work Leadership

What is suggested for future research regarding social work professors?

A deliberate examination of social work professors' ratings of other faculty.

Correlation Between Leadership Style and Effectiveness

What hypothesis is proposed regarding human service employees' sympathy?

They may be more sympathetic to those below them than to their peers or those in higher authority.

Multifactor Leadership Questionnaire (MLQ-5R)

What was the reliability range for the MLQ 5x-Short items?

.74 to .94.

Impact of Organizational Characteristics on Leadership

What is needed for a better understanding of leadership outcomes?

A closer look at the kind of organization in which leadership is demonstrated.

Multifactor Leadership Questionnaire (MLQ-5R)

What was the mean score for the effectiveness outcome factor?


Correlation Between Leadership Style and Effectiveness

What were the outcomes correlated with transformational leadership in Gellis's study?

Effectiveness, satisfaction, and extra effort.

Recommendations for Future Research in Social Work Leadership

What research question was posed in the study regarding social workers?

How do social workers perceive leaders in formal positions of authority regarding their leadership style and effectiveness?

Correlation Between Leadership Style and Effectiveness

What was identified as the least effective leadership style in both studies?

The laissez-faire approach.

Empowerment and Vision in Leadership

What approach does social work leadership emphasize?

An empowerment approach to influence individuals and systems.

Research Methodology and Sample Characteristics

What was the total sample size for the study?

835 social workers.

Democratic vs. Authoritarian Organizational Structures

What was the range of scores for other organizational styles?

1.0 to 2.5.

Leadership Styles: Transformational vs. Transactional

What are the five subscales that measure transformational leadership?

Idealized influence, charisma, inspirational motivation, intellectual stimulation, and individual consideration.

Empowerment and Vision in Leadership

What principles are consistent with a transformational approach according to the 2000 study?

Participatory leadership, empowerment, proaction, and vision.

Correlation Between Leadership Style and Effectiveness

Was there a difference in perceived leader effectiveness between private and public organizations?

No, there was no difference.

Multifactor Leadership Questionnaire (MLQ-5R)

What was the mean score for the transformational style factor 'Charisma'?


Correlation Between Leadership Style and Effectiveness

What did recent meta-analyses confirm about transformational leadership?

It has a stronger positive relationship with leader effectiveness compared to transactional and laissez-faire leadership.

Impact of Organizational Characteristics on Leadership

What percentage of agencies were private nonprofit?

Two-thirds (108).

Impact of Organizational Characteristics on Leadership

What was the most common field among the agencies?

Mental health, education, and child welfare.

Correlation Between Leadership Style and Effectiveness

How did respondents rate their leaders' overall satisfaction?

54% rated them between 3.0-4.0.

Democratic vs. Authoritarian Organizational Structures

Which organizational style had the highest mean scores in the outcome variables?


Research Methodology and Sample Characteristics

What was the primary method of measuring organizational style in the study?

One question.

Impact of Organizational Characteristics on Leadership

Which fields had the lowest leadership outcome means?

Child welfare, education, and mental health.

Social Work Leadership Definitions and Characteristics

Why is the prospect of leadership challenging for social work students?

They are increasingly being asked to take positions of leadership in human service organizations.

Transformational Leadership in Human Services

What is the focus of Bass's 1998 work on transformational leadership?

The industrial, military, and educational impact of transformational leadership.

Impact of Organizational Characteristics on Leadership

What was the finding regarding ratings of leaders in public vs. private agencies?

No difference was found in the ratings.

Correlation Between Leadership Style and Effectiveness

What is a key theme in Gellis's 2001 research?

Social work perceptions of transformational and transactional leadership in healthcare.

Leadership Styles: Transformational vs. Transactional

What did Kuhnert and Lewis analyze in their 1987 study?

The constructive and developmental aspects of transactional and transformational leadership.

Transformational Leadership in Human Services

Which leadership style was most often attributed to leaders in the study?

Transformational leadership style.

Correlation Between Leadership Style and Effectiveness

What was the effectiveness rating given to leaders by respondents?

Fairly often (x = 2.7).

Transformational Leadership in Human Services

What are the two groups of leadership theories identified by Northouse?

One group focuses on leader or follower characteristics, and the other on the interaction between leaders and followers.

Research Methodology and Sample Characteristics

What initial method is suggested for exploring perceptions of leadership?

Open-ended questions in an interview format.

Leadership Styles: Transformational vs. Transactional

What leadership style is preferred in social work leadership?

A participatory leadership style.

Transformational Leadership in Human Services

What is the primary focus of transformational leadership according to Bass and Avolio's model?

The development of the fullest potential of individuals and their motivation toward the greater good within a value-based framework.

Multifactor Leadership Questionnaire (MLQ-5R)

What is the Multifactor Leadership Questionnaire (MLQ)?

A measure of leader behaviors used to assess leadership styles.

Correlation Between Leadership Style and Effectiveness

What is the correlation between negative reinforcement patterns and positive outcomes?

Managing by intervening with negative reinforcement patterns is not correlated with positive outcomes.

Multifactor Leadership Questionnaire (MLQ-5R)

What was the correlation for transactional leadership factors like Contingent Reward?

Contingent Reward had a correlation of .75, while Management by Exception (Active) had a correlation of .03.

Social Work Leadership Definitions and Characteristics

What themes are important to social work leadership according to Bargal and Schmid?

Vision and transformational leadership.

Leadership Styles: Transformational vs. Transactional

What is the distinction between assigned and emergent leaders according to Northouse?

Assigned leaders have formal titles, while emergent leaders influence others regardless of their formal title.

Democratic vs. Authoritarian Organizational Structures

What organizational styles were hypothesized to relate to transformational leadership?

Democratic vs. autocratic organizational style.

Research Methodology and Sample Characteristics

What type of studies should be pursued to understand employee perceptions of leadership?

Qualitative studies specific to an organizational setting.

Correlation Between Leadership Style and Effectiveness

What were the three outcome variables measured in the study?

Effectiveness, extra effort, and satisfaction.

Leadership Styles: Transformational vs. Transactional

What is the laissez-faire leadership style?

A hands-off approach where the leader makes little attempt to help followers satisfy their needs.

Leadership Styles: Transformational vs. Transactional

How does the transactional leader operate?

By rewarding efforts through contingencies or intervening when something goes wrong.

Transformational Leadership in Human Services

What are the five factors of transformational leadership as defined by Bass and Avolio?

Charisma, idealized influence, inspirational motivation, intellectual stimulation, and individualized consideration.

Impact of Organizational Characteristics on Leadership

What relationship was hypothesized between effective leaders and organizational style?

A relationship was hypothesized between effective leaders and an overall 'democratic' organizational style.

Correlation Between Leadership Style and Effectiveness

What outcomes are measured that correlate with transformational leadership style?

Perceived effectiveness of the leader, satisfaction with the leader, and perception of 'extra effort' inspired by the leader.

Multifactor Leadership Questionnaire (MLQ-5R)

What is the purpose of the Multifactor Leadership Questionnaire (MLQ)?

To assess different leadership styles, including transformational and transactional leadership.

Multifactor Leadership Questionnaire (MLQ-5R)

What was the mean score for the laissez-faire style factor?


Correlation Between Leadership Style and Effectiveness

What is the significance of Lowe, Kroeck, and Sivasubramaniam's 1996 meta-analysis?

It reviews the effectiveness correlates of transformational and transactional leadership.

Correlation Between Leadership Style and Effectiveness

What does Kotter argue about the focus of management versus leadership?

Management seeks order and stability, while leadership seeks adaptive and constructive change.

Correlation Between Leadership Style and Effectiveness

What trend was noted regarding the educational level of raters and their satisfaction with leaders?

Higher educational levels of raters correlated with lower satisfaction ratings of their chosen leaders.

Correlation Between Leadership Style and Effectiveness

What is the relationship between transformational leadership style and positive leader outcomes?

There is a strong relationship; transformational leadership correlates strongly with leadership success.

Recommendations for Future Research in Social Work Leadership

What was the primary purpose of the study discussed in the text?

To examine social workers’ views of their leaders in human service organizations.

Leadership Styles: Transformational vs. Transactional

What are the two kinds of Management by Exception in transactional leadership?

Active and Passive.

Multifactor Leadership Questionnaire (MLQ-5R)

What was the correlation for Laissez-Faire leadership?

Laissez-Faire had negative correlations: -0.22 for effectiveness, -0.30 for extra effort, and -0.33 for satisfaction.

Democratic vs. Authoritarian Organizational Structures

What organizational style was correlated with successful leadership outcomes?

Democratic organizational style.

Research Methodology and Sample Characteristics

Which two organizations provided the membership lists for the study?

National Network for Social Work Managers and Association of Community Organizations (ACOSA).

Correlation Between Leadership Style and Effectiveness

What were the mean scores for effectiveness, extra effort, and satisfaction in democratic agencies?

Effectiveness x = 3.1, extra effort x = 3.0, satisfaction x = 3.1.

Correlation Between Leadership Style and Effectiveness

What distinction is made between leadership and management?

Leadership involves influencing others and creating visions for change, while management focuses on accomplishing activities and managing routines.

Impact of Organizational Characteristics on Leadership

How did the educational background of leaders affect their ratings?

Leaders with a social work background were not rated differently than those with degrees in business or other areas.

Impact of Organizational Characteristics on Leadership

What is essential for the education of social work students regarding leadership?

Continued examination of how they meet challenges and how their environments impact service delivery.

Transformational Leadership in Human Services

What does the Charisma factor in transformational leadership entail?

Leaders have high moral standards and a vision for the organization.

Impact of Organizational Characteristics on Leadership

What is the main contribution of Hasenfeld and Schmid's 1989 work?

An administrative perspective on the life cycle of human service organizations.

Leadership Styles: Transformational vs. Transactional

What are the three subscales that measure transactional leadership style?

Contingent reward, management by exception (active), and management by exception (passive).

Correlation Between Leadership Style and Effectiveness

What is the relationship between laissez-faire leadership and positive outcomes?

There is a significant negative relationship between a laissez-faire approach and positive leader outcomes.

Transformational Leadership in Human Services

How do leaders demonstrate Idealized Influence in transformational leadership?

By being strong ethical role models that followers want to emulate.

Transformational Leadership in Human Services

What is the role of Inspirational Motivation in transformational leadership?

Leaders motivate followers to have high expectations and commit to the organization.

Transformational Leadership in Human Services

What is the purpose of Individualized Consideration in transformational leadership?

To provide a supportive climate that assists followers in being fully actualized.

Study Smarter, Not Harder
Study Smarter, Not Harder