Which local statistic measures the variation in intensity in local thresholding?
Standard deviation.
What is partitioning in image processing?
It is the process of splitting an image into parts.
Local vs. Global Thresholding

Which local statistic measures the variation in intensity in local thresholding?

Standard deviation.

Segmentation and Region Growing

What is partitioning in image processing?

It is the process of splitting an image into parts.

Local vs. Global Thresholding

Which local statistic is used to assess the average intensity in local thresholding?


Global vs. Local Thresholding

What is the main goal of improving global thresholding?

To choose a threshold automatically and using a rigorous mathematical basis.

Entropy-based Thresholding

What type of distribution do we expect in regions for high entropy?

Uniform distribution.

Threshold Selection Challenges

How can bias in threshold selection be avoided?

By employing approximately equal populations in the dark and light regions of the intensity histogram.

Threshold Selection Challenges

What is an alternative to thresholding when images become too complex?

Edge detection.

Histogram Analysis and Concavity

What is a histogram in the context of image processing?

A graph of the distribution of image intensities.

Entropy-based Thresholding

What is the goal of entropy-based thresholding?

To pick a threshold that maximizes each region's entropy.

Entropy-based Thresholding

What is entropy in the context of thresholding?

A measure of disorder or lack of predictability in a system.

Multiple Thresholds and Their Applications

What is the method for finding multiple thresholds in the Global Valley approach?

Pick the n deepest valleys.

Histogram Analysis and Concavity

What can histogram analysis help identify?

The point between the two main distributions: Target and Background.

Entropy-based Thresholding

What is the goal of entropy-based thresholding?

To maximize the entropy of two or more regions.

Entropy-based Thresholding

What does maximizing total entropy involve in entropy-based thresholding?

Maximizing the sum of the entropies of the regions, H_k = H_A + H_B.

Entropy-based Thresholding

When is entropy considered high in histogram distributions?

When the intensity distribution is even and wide.

Maximum Likelihood Thresholding

What is the advantage of having prior knowledge in Maximum Likelihood Thresholding?

It makes threshold determination easier.

Entropy-based Thresholding

When is entropy considered low in histogram distributions?

When the distribution is narrowly distributed or spiky.

Local vs. Global Thresholding

What is the main focus of local thresholding methods?

Analyzing intensities in the neighborhood of each pixel.

Threshold Selection Challenges

What should be done when variations in illumination are present?

Work within small neighborhoods.

Global vs. Local Thresholding

What is a more thorough approach to global threshold selection?

Making an initial guess and then optimizing it.

Histogram Analysis and Concavity

What is a key advantage of Histogram Concavity Analysis?

It works well when there is one clearly dominant peak.

Segmentation and Region Growing

What is the primary goal of segmentation in image processing?

Identifying which pixels contain objects of interest and differentiating them from the image background.

Histogram Analysis and Concavity

What is a potential danger of Histogram Concavity Analysis?

It becomes biased when the 'corner' is not clear.

Multiple Thresholds and Their Applications

What is a characteristic of methods adapted to multiple thresholds?

They are more computationally expensive.

Threshold Selection Challenges

Which threshold selection method might be more accurate?

Finding the minimum valley point between peaks.

Segmentation and Region Growing

Is it common to achieve ideal segmentation in real-world scenarios?

No, it is not likely, but it can occur in controlled environments.

Local vs. Global Thresholding

What are the extreme values considered in local thresholding?

Max and Min.

Threshold Selection Challenges

What is done to each part after partitioning an image?

Each part is thresholded separately.

Global vs. Local Thresholding

What will be analyzed instead of separating peaks in distribution?


Variance-based Thresholding (Otsu's Method)

What is the relationship between total variance and within-class and between-class variance in variance-based thresholding?

Total variance (σ_T²) equals the sum of between-class variance (σ_B²) and within-class variance (σ_W²).

Global Valley Approach to Thresholding

What is the first step in the Global Valley Approach to Thresholding?

Smooth the histogram to remove noise.

Local vs. Global Thresholding

What is commonly computed to determine the optimum local thresholding level?

Local statistics such as mean, standard deviation, and max/min.

Adaptive Thresholding Techniques

How does adaptive thresholding differ from global thresholding?

Adaptive thresholding varies the threshold value over the whole image.

Global vs. Local Thresholding

What does the optimization process involve in global threshold selection?

Refining an initial guess to improve threshold accuracy.

Threshold Selection Challenges

How can intensity bias be reduced in threshold selection?

By analyzing pixels near edges.

Global Valley Approach to Thresholding

What is the formula used in the Global Valley Approach to Thresholding?

F = max { 1/2 [ h_i - h_k ] > 0 + ( [ h_j - h_k ] > 0 ) }

Maximum Likelihood Thresholding

How is each region modeled in Maximum Likelihood Thresholding?

As a Gaussian distribution using mean, standard deviation, and variance.

Threshold Selection Challenges

What is the primary challenge in threshold selection?

Determining the optimal threshold value that separates different classes in an image.

Multiple Thresholds and Their Applications

In grain contaminant segmentation, what are the three main components?

Background, Grain, and Contaminant.

Global vs. Local Thresholding

What method was previously used in global thresholding?

Separating peaks in distribution.

Global Valley Approach to Thresholding

What is the solution proposed by the Global Valley Approach?

Swap from arithmetic mean to geometric mean.

Segmentation and Region Growing

What is the ideal characteristic of target regions in segmentation?

They should have uniform intensity unique from the backgrounds and other targets.

Variance-based Thresholding (Otsu's Method)

Why is it preferable to maximize between-class variance?

Because it is easier to calculate than within-class variance.

Multiple Thresholds and Their Applications

What is one method mentioned that can be adapted to multiple thresholds?

Global valley.

Global Valley Approach to Thresholding

How is the geometric mean calculated?

By multiplying values and taking the nth root.

Threshold Selection Challenges

What is preferred in practice for selecting a threshold level?

An automated method of locating the suitable threshold.

Adaptive Thresholding Techniques

What does adaptive thresholding address?

It addresses the issue that a global threshold value may not always be optimal.

Entropy-based Thresholding

How does the shape of a distribution affect its entropy?

Wide and even distributions have high entropy, while spikey distributions have low entropy.

Maximum Likelihood Thresholding

What type of data is commonly used to model regions in Maximum Likelihood Thresholding?

Training data.

Local vs. Global Thresholding

What is a key factor in the success of local thresholding methods?

The size of the window.

Threshold Selection Challenges

How was the threshold level previously chosen?

By eye and experimentation, using trial and error.

Segmentation and Region Growing

What is the initial step in the Region Growing technique?

Segmenting a small portion of the region first.

Histogram Analysis and Concavity

What is a workaround for the bias in Histogram Concavity Analysis?

Modeling the histogram distribution.

Global vs. Local Thresholding

Can thresholding be extended beyond two labels?

Yes, it can be extended to three or more labels.

Segmentation and Region Growing

What is a disadvantage of the Region Growing method?

It requires identifying a starting point.

Segmentation and Region Growing

Can ideal segmentation occasionally happen in the real world?

Yes, sometimes we even get lucky in the real world.

Multiple Thresholds and Their Applications

What is the main difference between single and multiple thresholds in image processing?

Single thresholds classify pixels into two categories, while multiple thresholds can classify pixels into several categories.

Entropy-based Thresholding

What does entropy-based thresholding divide an image into?

Two classes, A and B.

Threshold Selection Challenges

What is a challenge when finding a suitable threshold in real-world images?

The valley may be too broad to locate a minimum.

Multiple Thresholds and Their Applications

What is the purpose of multiple thresholds in image processing?

To segment an image into multiple regions based on different intensity levels.

Threshold Selection Challenges

What happens if a clear valley is not present in the histogram?

It makes finding a suitable threshold difficult.

Variance-based Thresholding (Otsu's Method)

What does the term 𝜇₀ represent in the variance-based thresholding formula?

It represents the mean of the first class.

Variance-based Thresholding (Otsu's Method)

What is N in the context of variance-based thresholding?

The total number of pixels.

Variance-based Thresholding (Otsu's Method)

What does the term 𝜇ₜ represent in the variance-based thresholding formula?

It represents the overall mean.

Global Valley Approach to Thresholding

What does the Global Valley Approach to Thresholding define as depth?

The average height difference between a point and its max peaks.

Variance-based Thresholding (Otsu's Method)

What happens when you maximize between-class variance in variance-based thresholding?

It minimizes within-class variance.

Threshold Selection Challenges

Why is analyzing pixels near edges effective for reducing bias?

Edges separate the target from the background, ensuring a roughly equal number of each class of pixel.

Segmentation and Region Growing

What kind of criterion could be used in region growing?

Criteria could include color similarity, intensity, or texture.

Threshold Selection Challenges

What will be examined further in Chapter 5?

Edge detection.

Variance-based Thresholding (Otsu's Method)

What is used as the threshold in variance-based thresholding?

The k that maximizes between-class variance.

Threshold Selection Challenges

What is the formula to find a dark crack in a white eggshell?

T = mean – k(max - mean), where T is the threshold.

Variance-based Thresholding (Otsu's Method)

Which method is known for maximizing variance in thresholding?

Variance (Otsu) method.

Adaptive Thresholding Techniques

What does adaptive thresholding take into account?

Local variations in illumination and contrast in an image.

Variance-based Thresholding (Otsu's Method)

What is the main advantage of using Otsu's Threshold?

It automatically calculates the threshold without requiring prior knowledge of the image.

Multiple Thresholds and Their Applications

How does Otsu's method work?

It maximizes the variance between different classes of pixels.

Segmentation and Region Growing

How does thresholding affect image analysis?

It simplifies the image data, making it easier to analyze and process.

Global Valley Approach to Thresholding

What condition must be satisfied in the Global Valley Approach to Thresholding?

The differences between histogram values must be non-negative.

Multiple Thresholds and Their Applications

In what scenario would you prefer multiple thresholds over a single threshold?

When the image contains multiple objects or regions that need to be distinguished.

Multiple Thresholds and Their Applications

What is the outcome of applying Otsu's method?

A set of thresholds that can be used for effective image segmentation.

Variance-based Thresholding (Otsu's Method)

How does the simplified formula for between-class variance look?

𝜎𝐵² = (Σ𝑖=1𝑘 𝑝𝑖)(Σ𝑖=𝑘+1𝐿 𝑝𝑖)(𝜇₁ - 𝜇₀)².

Global Valley Approach to Thresholding

What is the problem addressed by the Global Valley Approach to Thresholding?

Erroneous 'depth' at ends of histograms.

Global Valley Approach to Thresholding

What is the goal of the Global Valley Approach?

To define a more mathematically rigorous definition of the target.

Global Valley Approach to Thresholding

How is the arithmetic mean calculated?

By summing values and dividing by the total number of values (n).

Segmentation and Region Growing

What is a common challenge in selecting criteria for region growing?

Balancing sensitivity to noise while maintaining accurate region boundaries.

Local vs. Global Thresholding

What is a consequence of using a window size that is too small?

You can detect false positives in the background.

Threshold Selection Challenges

What should be done if the crack alters the mean intensity?

Lower k to compensate.

Variance-based Thresholding (Otsu's Method)

What does variance measure in the context of image thresholding?

It measures how much a distribution spreads from its mean.

Variance-based Thresholding (Otsu's Method)

How does Otsu's method determine the optimal threshold?

By maximizing the variance between classes.

Variance-based Thresholding (Otsu's Method)

What does L represent in variance-based thresholding?

The number of grey levels.

Segmentation and Region Growing

How does the region-growing process continue?

By adding neighboring pixels that meet certain criteria.

Variance-based Thresholding (Otsu's Method)

What does n_i signify?

The total number of pixels with intensity i.

Maximum Likelihood Thresholding

Why is the extreme solution in Maximum Likelihood Thresholding discarded?

It is mathematically unlikely to belong to either distribution.

Global vs. Local Thresholding

What is the limitation of finding an optimal threshold on the first try?

It may not yield the best results.

Segmentation and Region Growing

What is the main focus of region growing in image processing?

To segment an image into regions based on predefined criteria.

Histogram Analysis and Concavity

What is the purpose of the Convex Hull operation in histogram analysis?

It turns any shape convex, eliminating concave dips.

Global Valley Approach to Thresholding

In the Global Valley Approach, what do you find for each potential threshold point k?

The max peak to its left (lower intensity, i) and the max peak to its right (higher intensity, j).

Global vs. Local Thresholding

What is the first step in Basic Global Thresholding?

Select an initial estimate for the global threshold, T.

Variance-based Thresholding (Otsu's Method)

How does Otsu's method determine the optimal threshold?

By maximizing the variance between two classes of pixels.

Multiple Thresholds and Their Applications

What is Otsu's method used for?

To determine optimal thresholds for image segmentation.

Maximum Likelihood Thresholding

What is the equation for Maximum Likelihood Thresholding?

𝑥²₁/𝜎₀² - 1/𝜎₁² - 2𝑥(𝜇₀/𝜎₀² - 𝜇₁/𝜎₁²) + (𝜇₀²/𝜎₀² - 𝜇₁²/𝜎₁²) + 2log(P₁/𝜎₀ P₀/𝜎₁) = 0.

Threshold Selection Challenges

What is a key consideration when choosing a thresholding method?

The specific characteristics of the image and the desired outcome.

Global vs. Local Thresholding

What are the two main types of thresholding?

Global thresholding and local thresholding.

Maximum Likelihood Thresholding

What does the term 'Maximum Likelihood Thresholding' refer to?

A statistical method for determining the optimal threshold for classification.

Variance-based Thresholding (Otsu's Method)

What methods provide a more thorough approach to thresholding?

Variance-based, entropy-based, and maximum likelihood methods.

Global Valley Approach to Thresholding

What is the focus of the Global Valley Approach to Thresholding?

Identifying a minimum between distributions.

Global Valley Approach to Thresholding

What is the target of the Global Valley Approach to Thresholding?

The histogram’s global valley point, which is the deepest point relative to its surrounding peaks.

Histogram Analysis and Concavity

What is measured to analyze the smoothed histogram?

The normal distance between hull points and the real curve.

Segmentation and Region Growing

How does the choice of criterion affect region growing?

It determines how regions are formed and can impact the quality of segmentation.

Segmentation and Region Growing

What technique might be used to identify a starting point in Region Growing?


Threshold Selection Challenges

What issue arises from having multiple minima in a histogram?

It complicates the identification of an optimal threshold.

Entropy-based Thresholding

What is the formula for calculating entropy H_B for class B?

H_B = -Σ (p_i * ln(p_i)) for i = k + 1 to L.

Maximum Likelihood Thresholding

What does the Maximum Likelihood method aim to achieve in thresholding?

It aims to maximize the probability of the observed data given the threshold.

Entropy-based Thresholding

What does the variable 'k' represent in entropy-based thresholding?

The threshold value that separates classes A and B.

Threshold Selection Challenges

What is a complication of having multiple peaks in a histogram?

It can lead to confusion in determining the optimal threshold.

Segmentation and Region Growing

When does the region-growing process stop?

When no neighboring pixels match the criteria.

Variance-based Thresholding (Otsu's Method)

What does μ represent in variance-based thresholding?

Mean intensity.

Segmentation and Region Growing

What are the main concepts discussed in the topic highlights?

Segmentation, region-growing, and thresholding concepts.

Multiple Thresholds and Their Applications

What is the possibility of modeling images with multilevel thresholding?

It allows for more complex segmentation of images.

Threshold Selection Challenges

What are the two threshold selection methods compared in Problem 4.2?

a) Finding the minimum valley point between peaks, b) Finding the mean of the two-peak positions.

Variance-based Thresholding (Otsu's Method)

What is the formula for variance-based thresholding?

σ_B² = (Σ (i=1 to k) p_i)(Σ (i=k+1 to L) p_i)(μ_1 - μ_0)².

Threshold Selection Challenges

What corrections could improve threshold selection?

Taking account of the magnitudes of the peaks.

Variance-based Thresholding (Otsu's Method)

What is Otsu's Threshold used for?

It is used for image segmentation by determining an optimal threshold value.

Global vs. Local Thresholding

What are the four methods discussed for global thresholding?

Basic global, Variance (Otsu), Entropy, Maximum likelihood.

Variance-based Thresholding (Otsu's Method)

What algorithm is based on the concept of variance-based thresholding?

Otsu’s Threshold Algorithm.

Segmentation and Region Growing

What type of objects can region-growing methods help segment?

Dark objects from a bright background.

Global Valley Approach to Thresholding

What do the variables ℎ𝑖, ℎ𝑗, and ℎ𝑘 represent in the Global Valley Approach?

They represent histogram values at different points.

Variance-based Thresholding (Otsu's Method)

In which type of images is Otsu's Threshold particularly effective?

In bimodal images where there are two distinct peaks in the histogram.

Entropy-based Thresholding

What is the significance of 'p_i' in the entropy formulas?

It represents the probability of the intensity level i.

Segmentation and Region Growing

What criteria might be used to add neighboring pixels in region-growing?

Intensity, among others.

Variance-based Thresholding (Otsu's Method)

What does the term 𝜇₁ represent in the variance-based thresholding formula?

It represents the mean of the second class.

Maximum Likelihood Thresholding

How many mathematical solutions are there in Maximum Likelihood Thresholding?

Two solutions.

Threshold Selection Challenges

What issues can arise from shadows or glints in images?

They can complicate the thresholding process.

Global vs. Local Thresholding

What is thresholding in image processing?

Binarizing an image into two labels: target and background.

Segmentation and Region Growing

What is an advantage of Region Growing?

It allows for adaptable and nuanced criteria based on intensity, similarity, statistics, etc.

Multiple Thresholds and Their Applications

Which method is associated with variance in the context of multiple thresholds?

Variance-based methods.

Global vs. Local Thresholding

What do you do after selecting the initial threshold T?

Segment the image using T.

Threshold Selection Challenges

What value of k should be used if the crack is narrow and does not alter the mean?


Global vs. Local Thresholding

How is the new threshold value T calculated?

T = 1/2 (m1 + m2).

Threshold Selection Challenges

How can noise affect threshold selection?

Noise can obscure optimum minima.

Variance-based Thresholding (Otsu's Method)

What is the formula for calculating the between-class variance?

𝜎𝐵² = (Σ𝑖=1𝑘 𝑝𝑖)𝜇₀ - 𝜇ₜ² + (Σ𝑖=𝑘+1𝐿 𝑝𝑖)𝜇₁ - 𝜇ₜ².

Variance-based Thresholding (Otsu's Method)

What does the variable i represent?

A given grey level.

Maximum Likelihood Thresholding

What characterizes the second solution in Maximum Likelihood Thresholding?

It is at one extreme end of the distribution.

Variance-based Thresholding (Otsu's Method)

What does σ_i equal in the context of variance-based thresholding?


Adaptive Thresholding Techniques

What can local adaptive thresholding algorithms achieve?

They can better handle variations in illumination and improve segmentation.

Variance-based Thresholding (Otsu's Method)

What is the goal of iterating over all k in variance-based thresholding?

To determine which k maximizes between-class variance.

Global Valley Approach to Thresholding

What does the Global Valley Approach to Thresholding focus on?

Finding the maximum value of a specific function related to histogram differences.

Entropy-based Thresholding

What is the formula for calculating entropy H_A for class A?

H_A = -Σ (p_i * ln(p_i)) for i = 1 to k.

Segmentation and Region Growing

What is the primary role of thresholding in computer vision?

To segment images by converting grayscale images into binary images.

Histogram Analysis and Concavity

How does histogram analysis assist in threshold selection?

By providing a visual representation of pixel intensity distribution, helping to identify potential thresholds.

Multiple Thresholds and Their Applications

What is a key advantage of using multiple thresholds in image processing?

It allows for better differentiation between various objects in an image.

Maximum Likelihood Thresholding

What simplification occurs if we assume 𝜎₀ = 𝜎₁ in Maximum Likelihood Thresholding?

It simplifies to one solution: 𝑥 = 1/2(𝜇₀ + 𝜇₁) + 𝜎(𝜇₀ - 𝜇₁)ln(P₁/P₀).

Maximum Likelihood Thresholding

What does Maximum Likelihood Thresholding simplify to?

𝑥²/𝜎₀² - 1/𝜎₁² - 2𝑥(𝜇₀/𝜎₀² - 𝜇₁/𝜎₁²) + (𝜇₀²/𝜎₀² - 𝜇₁²/𝜎₁²) + 2log(P₁/𝜎₀ P₀/𝜎₁) = 0.

Variance-based Thresholding (Otsu's Method)

What is the proposed threshold denoted by?


Maximum Likelihood Thresholding

What is the formula for the Gaussian distribution used in Maximum Likelihood Thresholding?

𝑝(𝑥) = (1 / (2𝜋𝜎²)) * exp(-((𝑥 - 𝜇)² / (2𝜎²))).

Local vs. Global Thresholding

What happens if the window size is too big in local thresholding?

You encounter the same problems as global thresholds.

Segmentation and Region Growing

What is the primary goal of region-growing methods?

To segment a region from a starting point.

Multiple Thresholds and Their Applications

What is the advantage of using multiple thresholds?

It allows for more detailed segmentation of an image by distinguishing between various classes.

Segmentation and Region Growing

What assumption is made about the darkest pixel in region-growing methods?

It is considered to be part of the target region.

Variance-based Thresholding (Otsu's Method)

What does 𝜎 𝑊 ² represent?

Within class variance: the variance of each class.

Threshold Selection Challenges

What effect does a significantly larger peak have on threshold selection?

It can bias the position of the minimum.

Variance-based Thresholding (Otsu's Method)

What is indicated by 𝜎 𝐵 ²?

Between class variance: how far the distributions are from each other.

Global vs. Local Thresholding

What is local thresholding?

A method that applies different threshold values to different regions of the image.

Variance-based Thresholding (Otsu's Method)

What is the condition for p_i in variance-based thresholding?

p_i must be greater than or equal to 0 and the sum of p_i must equal 1.

Global vs. Local Thresholding

What are the limitations of global thresholding?

It may not effectively handle variations in lighting and shadows.

Histogram Analysis and Concavity

How is the threshold determined in histogram concavity analysis?

By using the point of the longest distance from the hull to the real curve.

Global vs. Local Thresholding

What are the two main types of thresholding?

Global thresholding and local thresholding.

Variance-based Thresholding (Otsu's Method)

What is Otsu's Method used for?

To find the optimal threshold by maximizing the variance between classes.

Local vs. Global Thresholding

When does local thresholding work well?

When the target size and distribution are known.

Variance-based Thresholding (Otsu's Method)

What are the two classes of pixels in Otsu's Thresholding?

Foreground and background pixels.

Entropy-based Thresholding

What is the main advantage of using the Entropy method in thresholding?

It focuses on the information content of the image.

Global vs. Local Thresholding

When do you stop repeating the steps in Basic Global Thresholding?

When the difference between values of T in successive iterations is smaller than a predefined value, ΔT.

Threshold Selection Challenges

What does FIGURE 4.4 illustrate regarding the intensity profile of an egg?

It shows the intensity profile in the vicinity of a crack, local maximum, and local mean intensity.

Segmentation and Region Growing

What is a common application of thresholding in computer vision?

Object detection and recognition.

Maximum Likelihood Thresholding

What is the threshold value when P₀ = P₁?

𝑥 = 1/2(𝜇₀ + 𝜇₁).

Global vs. Local Thresholding

What is global thresholding?

A method that applies a single threshold value to the entire image.

Maximum Likelihood Thresholding

What does one of the solutions in Maximum Likelihood Thresholding do?

Separates the two distributions.

Threshold Selection Challenges

What is a significant challenge in image processing?

The problem of threshold selection.

Global vs. Local Thresholding

What is computed for the pixels in each region during the thresholding process?

The average (mean) intensity values m1 and m2.

Variance-based Thresholding (Otsu's Method)

What method is commonly used for determining a single threshold?

Otsu's method.

Global Valley Approach to Thresholding

What is the mathematical expression used in the Global Valley Approach?

𝐾 = max { 2 [ ℎ𝑖 − ℎ𝑘 ] ≥ 0 ∗ ( [ ℎ𝑗 − ℎ𝑘 ] ≥ 0 ) }

Variance-based Thresholding (Otsu's Method)

What does 𝜎𝐵² represent in variance-based thresholding?

It represents the between-class variance.

Variance-based Thresholding (Otsu's Method)

What is the total variance of the image denoted as?

𝜎 𝑇 ² (Total variance of the image, constant).

Threshold Selection Challenges

What does Eq. (4.2) provide in the context of detecting eggshell cracks?

A useful estimator T of the thresholding level.

Multiple Thresholds and Their Applications

What type of images benefit most from Otsu's method?

Images with bimodal histograms.

Variance-based Thresholding (Otsu's Method)

What is the goal regarding within class variance (𝜎 𝑊 ²) during segmentation?

It should be minimized to ensure self-similar regions.

Variance-based Thresholding (Otsu's Method)

What should be maximized to ensure distinct segmented regions?

Between class variance (𝜎 𝐵 ²).

Variance-based Thresholding (Otsu's Method)

How is p_i calculated?

p_i = n_i / N, where p_i ≥ 0.

Maximum Likelihood Thresholding

What can be done with the extreme solution in Maximum Likelihood Thresholding?

It can be kept if a third class is desired.

Global Valley Approach to Thresholding

What is the value of the global valley transformation?

It helps in identifying optimal thresholds in images.

Global vs. Local Thresholding

How can thresholds be found in unimodal distributions?

By analyzing the distribution's characteristics to identify a suitable threshold.

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