What does the term 'OCR text' refer to in the context of this document?
Text generated from uncorrected Optical Character Recognition.
What citation format is used in the Bluebook style for this article?
Eden H. B. Chua, Separation of Powers after the Malaysian National Security Council Act 2016, 47 JMCL 43 (December 2020).
OCR Text Generation

What does the term 'OCR text' refer to in the context of this document?

Text generated from uncorrected Optical Character Recognition.

Citation Formats

What citation format is used in the Bluebook style for this article?

Eden H. B. Chua, Separation of Powers after the Malaysian National Security Council Act 2016, 47 JMCL 43 (December 2020).

Legal Citations

What is the volume and issue number of the journal where the article appears?

Volume 47, Issue 2.

Citation Formats

What is the significance of consulting a citation format's style manual?

To ensure proper citation formatting.

Citation Formats

What does the APA 7th edition citation for the article look like?

Chua, Eden H. B. (2020). Separation of powers after the Malaysian National Security Council Act 2016. Journal of Malaysian and Comparative Law, 47(2), 43-60.

Legal Citations

What is the title of the article by Eden H. B. Chua?

Separation of Powers after the Malaysian National Security Council Act 2016.

Legal Citations

In which journal was the article published?

Journal of Malaysian and Comparative Law.

Copyright Information

What should users do if they want to use the article beyond the scope of their license?

Obtain permission as per the Copyright Information.

Legal Citations

What year was the article published?


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