What is polyandry?
Polyandry occurs when females mate with multiple males within a given breeding period.
What is life history in ecology?
Life history refers to how an organism allocates its time and energy between growth and reproduction.
Mating Systems: Monogamy, Polygamy, and Promiscuity

What is polyandry?

Polyandry occurs when females mate with multiple males within a given breeding period.

Life Histories in Ecology

What is life history in ecology?

Life history refers to how an organism allocates its time and energy between growth and reproduction.

Reproductive Strategies: Semelparity vs Iteroparity

What are the two general models of reproductive strategies?

One model involves organisms with low survival rates investing early in reproduction, while the other involves those with higher survival rates investing in growth and delayed reproduction.

Bluegill Sunfish Reproductive Behaviors

What are sneaker males in bluegill sunfish?

Sneaker males mature earlier and invest more in reproduction than growth, sneaking fertilizations while parental males are courting females.

Mating Systems: Monogamy, Polygamy, and Promiscuity

What is monogamy in ecological terms?

Monogamy refers to having one mate, which can be for life or for a specific breeding bout.

Reproductive Strategies: Semelparity vs Iteroparity

What is iteroparity?

Iteroparity is when an organism has multiple reproductive events over time, such as birds mating every spring.

Bluegill Sunfish Reproductive Behaviors

What do female mimic males do in bluegill sunfish?

Female mimic males behave like females to sneak fertilizations while parental males are distracted by courting actual females.

Mating Systems: Monogamy, Polygamy, and Promiscuity

What is polygyny?

Polygyny is a mating system where one male mates with multiple females within a breeding bout.

Parental Care in Organisms

What is parental care in ecology?

Parental care is any resource offered to the young after fertilization, including brooding, provisioning food, and ensuring safety.

Bluegill Sunfish Reproductive Behaviors

What are parental males in bluegill sunfish?

Parental males are those that allocate energy toward growth initially, mature later, build nests, and provide care for their offspring.

Evolutionary Trade-offs

How can organisms trade off between survival and reproduction?

Organisms can choose to reproduce more and not survive as long, or survive longer and reproduce more slowly.

Reproductive Strategies: Semelparity vs Iteroparity

What is semelparity?

Semelparity is when an organism has a single massive reproductive event, such as annual plants or Pacific salmon.

Parental Care in Organisms

How do parental males recognize their fertilized eggs?

Parental males can recognize their eggs through chemical cues and may eat eggs that are not fertilized by them.

Mating Systems: Monogamy, Polygamy, and Promiscuity

How is promiscuity defined in mating systems?

Promiscuity involves individuals having multiple random mates within a given period of time.

Alternative Reproductive Tactics

What are alternative reproductive tactics?

Alternative reproductive tactics are different behaviors within the same species and sex that individuals use to gain access to mates.

Frequency Dependent Selection

What is frequency dependent selection?

Frequency dependent selection is a process where the success of a reproductive tactic depends on its frequency in the population.

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