What is the definition of psychology?
The scientific study of behavior and mental processes.
What does the historical perspective of psychology encompass?
The evolution of psychological thought and theories over time.
Definition of Psychology

What is the definition of psychology?

The scientific study of behavior and mental processes.

Historical Perspectives in Psychology

What does the historical perspective of psychology encompass?

The evolution of psychological thought and theories over time.

Contemporary Approaches to Psychology

What are contemporary approaches to psychology?

Modern frameworks and methods used to understand psychological phenomena.

Critical Thinking and Skepticism

What is suggested to analyze the representation of psychology in literature?

Evaluate if any perspectives are over- or underrepresented in popular psychology books.

Historical Perspectives in Psychology

What was a key method used in structuralism?


Historical Perspectives in Psychology

Which philosophers debated the nature of thought and behavior?

Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle.

Historical Perspectives in Psychology

What problem arises from disagreement in introspective conclusions?

It is difficult to determine who is right when different individuals have conflicting insights.

Impact of Psychology on Health and Wellness

What emotion was identified as a reason for decreased well-being after passive Facebook use?

Feelings of envy.

Impact of Psychology on Health and Wellness

How do adolescent girls respond to Facebook use according to the research?

They benefit from active use but are vulnerable to the emotional toll of passive use.

Critical Thinking and Skepticism

What is a key aspect of thinking like a psychologist?

Opening your mind and imagination to wonder why things are the way they are.

Active Reading Techniques

What should you do with each heading while reading?

Write it down in the form of a question.

Definition of Psychology

Is psychology a solution for all problems?

No, psychology is not a panacea capable of solving all troubles.

Positive Psychology

What is a sign of a lively discipline in psychology?

Healthy debate and controversy.

Evolutionary Psychology

What role do genes play in natural selection?

They are responsible for heredity and characteristics that can be passed down through generations.

Active Reading Techniques

Why do some students struggle with paying attention while reading?

They may have relied on listening to teachers instead of reading, leading to the belief that reading is not important.

Active Reading Techniques

What research method is suggested to improve attention and retention while reading?


Historical Perspectives in Psychology

What is structuralism in psychology?

An approach focused on identifying the structures of the human mind.

Historical Perspectives in Psychology

What did ancient myths attribute important events to?

The pleasure or displeasure of the gods.

Active Reading Techniques

What is the main purpose of the active reading technique?

To encourage attention during reading and ensure understanding of the material.

Definition of Psychology

What are the three key terms in the definition of psychology?

Science, behaviour, and mental processes.

Definition of Psychology

What is the definition of psychology?

The science of human behavior.

Contemporary Approaches to Psychology

What is acquired savant syndrome?

A condition where brain injury leads to extraordinary abilities or talents.

Role of Psychologists

What does the field of psychology encompass?

Various areas of specialization.

Scientific Method in Psychology

What is the basis for psychologists' conclusions?

Research and the evidence it provides.

Evolutionary Psychology

What does variation refer to in evolutionary theory?

The differences in characteristics among individuals of a species.

Role of Psychologists

What do clinical psychologists specialize in?

Studying and treating psychological disorders.

Positive Psychology

What is a potential negative side of forgiveness?

It might enable an abusive spouse to continue harmful behavior.

Active Reading Techniques

What distinguishes active reading from traditional studying methods?

Active reading provides clarity on what you know and don’t know before a test.

Active Reading Techniques

What does goal-directed studying involve?

Studying until you can answer all questions out loud without looking at the answers.

Contemporary Approaches to Psychology

What is the 'Critical Controversy' feature in the book about?

It surveys areas of debate in psychology, such as the impact of social media on well-being.

Historical Perspectives in Psychology

How has psychology advanced as a field?

Through controversies and deep, reflective thinking by psychologists.

Role of Psychologists

What other areas can psychologists study besides mental illness?

Happiness, intelligence, and sensory processes.

Impact of Psychology on Health and Wellness

What effect does time spent on Facebook have on psychological well-being?

Time spent on Facebook can predict drops in psychological well-being later.

Active Reading Techniques

What is the importance of meta-learning?

It enables you to fully benefit from all the information you read and learn throughout your life.

Definition of Psychology

What are examples of observable behavior in infants?

A baby's interactions with its mother and the infant's crying.

Impact of Psychology on Health and Wellness

What makes for a good job, marriage, or life according to psychologists?

These questions can be explored through scientific research and evidence.

Critical Thinking and Skepticism

What does being open to evidence mean in scientific thinking?

Thinking objectively.

Critical Thinking and Skepticism

What is critical thinking?

The process of reflecting deeply and actively, asking questions, and evaluating evidence.

Active Reading Techniques

How should you study for tests using the active reading technique?

By quizzing yourself with the questions and ensuring you can answer them out loud without looking.

Active Reading Techniques

What is the significance of writing down answers to questions?

It serves as evidence of understanding and aids in systematic studying.

Impact of Psychology on Health and Wellness

What negative mental health outcomes are associated with increased social media engagement?

Increased depression, anxiety, and loneliness.

Historical Perspectives in Psychology

What is the nature of debate in psychology?

Psychologists often have differing opinions, leading to controversy and deeper understanding.

Definition of Psychology

What is the main goal of the textbook 'The Science of Psychology'?

To provide a high standard of empirical scientific credibility while being enjoyable to read.

Active Reading Techniques

What is the benefit of pretending to be interested while asking questions?

It can still help you focus and retain information.

Active Reading Techniques

What common issue do students face while reading?

They often read without remembering what they just read.

Evolutionary Psychology

What are the four key points of evolutionary theory?

Variation, competition, selective advantage, and inheritance.

Historical Perspectives in Psychology

What are the roots of psychology primarily based in?

The natural sciences of biology and physiology.

Historical Perspectives in Psychology

What are some key questions that psychology seeks to answer?

How do we learn? What is memory? Why does one person flourish while another struggles?

Active Reading Techniques

What does asking a question out loud help prioritize?

The importance of the task at hand.

Definition of Psychology

How might psychologists assess mental processes?

By observing behaviours like licking lips, crying, and verbal recall.

Historical Perspectives in Psychology

What is the 'stream of consciousness' according to James?

A natural flow of thought composed of changing thoughts, ideas, perceptions, and memories.

Definition of Psychology

What kind of studies might researchers conduct regarding helping behaviour?

Observational studies to count how many times helping occurs in particular circumstances.

Scientific Method in Psychology

Why do some people not consider psychology a 'true' science?

Due to Freud's lack of empirical scientific methods.

Definition of Psychology

What is the broader definition of psychology that should be shared with others?

Psychology is the scientific study of behavior and mental processes.

Positive Psychology

What is the importance of addressing all sides of human experience in psychology?

To be a truly general science of human behavior.

Active Reading Techniques

Why might an answer come to mind later after struggling to recall it?

The brain prioritizes tasks and retrieves information when it is more relaxed and less occupied.

Critical Thinking and Skepticism

What is the significance of the Amish community's willingness to forgive?

It raises questions about the scientific understanding of the human ability to forgive even seemingly unforgivable acts.

Active Reading Techniques

Why is meta-learning discussed early in the text?

Because of its importance and practical utility in learning.

Definition of Psychology

What is the formal definition of psychology?

Psychology is the scientific study of behaviour and mental processes.

Critical Thinking and Skepticism

What are the four core attitudes of the scientific approach in psychology?

Critical thinking, skepticism, objectivity, and curiosity.

Contemporary Approaches to Psychology

What condition did Jason Padgett develop after his mugging?

He developed acquired savant syndrome, seeing mathematical formulas in geometrical shapes.

Critical Thinking and Skepticism

What does objectivity in scientific thinking entail?

Seeing things as they really are, not as we would like them to be.

Contemporary Approaches to Psychology

What did Derek Amato become after his concussion?

A musical prodigy.

Evolutionary Psychology

What does evolutionary theory imply about human characteristics?

They are partly suited to survival in past environments.

Evolutionary Psychology

How did Darwin develop his theory of evolution?

By observing the tremendous variety of natural phenomena in the world.

Positive Psychology

What criticism do some psychologists have regarding positive psychology?

They argue that human weaknesses are more important to study for treatment and well-being.

Impact of Psychology on Health and Wellness

Why do people tend to post about highly positive aspects of their lives on social media?

To present an idealized version of their lives and seek validation.

Impact of Psychology on Health and Wellness

What opportunities does the textbook provide for readers?

To learn, apply, and fundamentally change their view of the world using psychological concepts.

Contemporary Approaches to Psychology

What distinguishes active Facebook use from passive use?

Active use involves engaging in interactions, while passive use involves consuming information without interaction.

Definition of Psychology

What does psychology seek to understand?

The truths of human life in all its dimensions, including both best and worst experiences.

Role of Psychologists

What is the significance of specialization in psychology?

It allows psychologists to focus on specific areas of interest and expertise.

Active Reading Techniques

What should you do if you cannot answer a question out loud?

Re-read the material until you can answer it.

Definition of Psychology

What are the goals of psychological science?

To describe, predict, and explain behaviour.

Evolutionary Psychology

Why does competition arise in a species?

Because a species can produce more individuals than can survive given limited resources.

Critical Thinking and Skepticism

What does skepticism involve?

Challenging whether a supposed fact is really true and questioning widely accepted beliefs.

Historical Perspectives in Psychology

What did Freud believe about human behavior?

It is caused by dark, unpleasant, unconscious impulses.

Historical Perspectives in Psychology

How did Freud's clinical practice influence his views?

He based his ideas on patients struggling with psychological problems.

Active Reading Techniques

What should you do after reading a section?

Answer the question you wrote down in your own words.

Impact of Psychology on Health and Wellness

Why is it important to be aware of the potential dangers of social media?

To make informed decisions about how and whether to participate in social media.

Role of Psychologists

What teaching styles are reflected in the textbook?

Interactive engagement, humor, and interesting examples.

Contemporary Approaches to Psychology

What do some experts believe about hidden genius abilities?

They believe that such abilities may lie dormant in everyone, waiting for the right injury to be released.

Active Reading Techniques

How do students often signal to themselves that reading is not a priority?

By counting the number of pages before reading to estimate completion time.

Historical Perspectives in Psychology

What significant event in psychology occurred in December 1879?

Wundt and his students performed an experiment at the University of Leipzig.

Scientific Method in Psychology

How did Wundt's method of introspection make his research scientific?

Through systematic, detailed self-reports in a controlled laboratory setting.

Critical Thinking and Skepticism

What should you do to understand your perceptions of psychology?

Visit a major book retailer's website and read descriptions of popular psychology books.

Historical Perspectives in Psychology

What replaced myths as a way to explain events?


Historical Perspectives in Psychology

In which period did Western philosophy come of age?

In ancient Greece during the fifth and fourth centuries BCE.

Definition of Psychology

How do psychologists study behaviour?

By using systematic methods to observe and draw conclusions.

Evolutionary Psychology

What is selective advantage?

The benefit some individuals have due to their characteristics that improve their chances of survival.

Evolutionary Psychology

How is inheritance related to evolutionary theory?

It refers to the tendency for offspring to inherit traits from their parents.

Historical Perspectives in Psychology

What did William James believe about the mind?

He saw the mind as flexible and fluid, characterized by constant change.

Definition of Psychology

What might psychologists be interested in changing?

Helping behaviour, by devising strategies to increase it.

Active Reading Techniques

What should you do if you can't answer the question after reading?

Go back and read the section again until you can answer.

Evolutionary Psychology

Who proposed the theory of natural selection?

Charles Darwin.

Impact of Psychology on Health and Wellness

Does online support on Facebook translate to real-life support?

Evidence suggests it does not; social sharing on Facebook may not lead to feeling supported in real life.

Active Reading Techniques

What negative perception do some students have about reading for class?

They view it as a chore and want to complete it as quickly as possible.

Historical Perspectives in Psychology

Who is considered the father of modern psychology?

Wilhelm Wundt.

Scientific Method in Psychology

What does introspection involve?

Looking inside our own minds and focusing on our thoughts.

Evolutionary Psychology

What is the main mechanism of change in species according to evolutionary theory?

Random genetic mutation.

Impact of Psychology on Health and Wellness

How does psychology affect health and wellness?

It provides insights into mental health, coping strategies, and overall well-being.

Historical Perspectives in Psychology

What did René Descartes argue about the mind and body?

That they were completely separate.

Historical Perspectives in Psychology

What did William James criticize about structuralism?

He believed it lacked the objective rigor required for scientific advancement.

Historical Perspectives in Psychology

Who is a prominent figure often associated with psychology's focus on mental illness?

Sigmund Freud.

Positive Psychology

What does positive psychology emphasize?

Human strengths.

Impact of Psychology on Health and Wellness

What factors are connected to decreases in well-being related to social media use?

Increases in fear of missing out and social comparisons.

Impact of Psychology on Health and Wellness

What is suggested as a way to make the most of social media?

Engaging actively with others.

Evolutionary Psychology

What is the principle of natural selection?

An evolutionary process where organisms better adapted to their environment survive and reproduce.

Active Reading Techniques

What should you do after answering the question in your own words?

Write that answer down beneath the heading question.

Positive Psychology

What practical applications does the textbook suggest psychology can help with?

Improving relationships, managing stress, enhancing memory, and achieving personal goals.

Historical Perspectives in Psychology

Why is a psychology degree often a Bachelor of Arts rather than a Bachelor of Science?

Because many psychology programs focus on theories like Freud's, which are not always supported by empirical evidence.

Scientific Method in Psychology

What concept did Wundt's experiment introduce to psychology?

The idea that mental processes could be measured and inferred through behavior.

Impact of Psychology on Health and Wellness

How can psychological findings impact human health?

By understanding and applying them to positively influence health and wellness.

Critical Thinking and Skepticism

What should you consider after reading the chapter on psychology?

How well popular psychology books represent the approaches discussed in the text.

Active Reading Techniques

What is the benefit of turning headings into questions?

It primes your attention and helps prioritize awareness while reading.

Definition of Psychology

What is behaviour in the context of psychology?

Everything we do that can be directly observed.

Definition of Psychology

What are mental processes?

Thoughts, feelings, and motives that cannot be directly observed.

Contemporary Approaches to Psychology

What language did Ben McMahon speak fluently after waking from a coma?

Fluent Mandarin.

Scientific Method in Psychology

What is the significance of anecdotal evidence in psychology?

It represents rare occurrences that are difficult to study empirically.

Impact of Psychology on Health and Wellness

What is phantom limb syndrome?

A condition where amputees experience chronic pain or itching in their missing limb.

Positive Psychology

What has traditional psychology focused on too much, according to some critics?

The negative aspects of human experience.

Active Reading Techniques

What can distract readers from understanding the material?

Daydreaming or mind-wandering.

Contemporary Approaches to Psychology

What kind of content do people typically post on Facebook?

People tend to post extremely positive things about themselves and their lives.

Impact of Psychology on Health and Wellness

What is forgiveness according to the text?

The act of letting go of anger and resentment toward someone who has harmed us.

Role of Psychologists

What are some key activities that psychologists engage in?

Research, teaching, and therapeutic practice.

Historical Perspectives in Psychology

What has psychology sought to answer for thousands of years?

Questions about human behavior and thought.

Role of Psychologists

What do psychologists do?

They study, assess, and treat mental health issues and behaviors.

Historical Perspectives in Psychology

What is a limitation of the introspection method?

It is difficult to apply to certain groups, such as animals or infants.

Scientific Method in Psychology

What method do scientists apply to learn about the world?

The empirical method.

Critical Thinking and Skepticism

Why is critical thinking important in psychology?

It reduces the likelihood that conclusions will be based on unreliable personal beliefs, opinions, biases, and emotions.

Historical Perspectives in Psychology

What does functionalism emphasize in psychology?

The functions and purposes of the mind and behavior in adaptation to the environment.

Critical Thinking and Skepticism

What is pseudoscience?

Information that is couched in scientific terminology but is not supported by sound scientific research.

Critical Thinking and Skepticism

How can one identify pseudoscience?

By observing how readily proponents accept evidence to the contrary; refusal to accept contradictory evidence may indicate pseudoscience.

Critical Thinking and Skepticism

What is an example of pseudoscience?


Scientific Method in Psychology

What method does psychology use to answer questions?

The empirical scientific method.

Impact of Psychology on Health and Wellness

What role does Facebook play after distressing life events?

It provides a place for people to seek support after events like romantic breakups and health crises.

Positive Psychology

What does the emergence of positive psychology signify?

A shift towards understanding the best qualities of humanity.

Active Reading Techniques

What is a common experience when reading for pleasure compared to reading for class?

When reading for pleasure, people are less likely to forget what they have read.

Scientific Method in Psychology

What was the focus of Wundt's experiment?

Measuring the time lag between hearing a sound and pressing a telegraph key.

Historical Perspectives in Psychology

Where did Wundt establish the first psychology laboratory?

At the University of Leipzig.

Definition of Psychology

What question is posed after discussing meta-learning?

What is psychology?

Active Reading Techniques

How does active reading help in studying?

It allows you to know what you understand and what you need to study further.

Scientific Method in Psychology

What does the empirical method involve?

Observation of events, collection of data, and logical reasoning.

Active Reading Techniques

What is a proven way to focus your attention on a task?

Ask yourself a question out loud.

Historical Perspectives in Psychology

How does functionalism differ from structuralism?

Functionalism focuses on the 'why' of thoughts, while structuralism focuses on the 'what' of the mind.

Historical Perspectives in Psychology

Who is often regarded as the founding father of modern psychology?

Wilhelm Wundt.

Positive Psychology

What is one goal of positive psychology?

To understand how and why things go right in life.

Scientific Method in Psychology

What methods did Freud use that are not representative of empirical science?

Introspection and case study analysis.

Impact of Psychology on Health and Wellness

How did psychologists help reduce phantom limb pain?

By using a mirror box to create the illusion of a whole limb.

Active Reading Techniques

How should you approach each heading until you finish the chapter?

Repeat the process of questioning and answering for every heading.

Active Reading Techniques

What is required for understanding while reading?

Active engagement and processing of the material.

Active Reading Techniques

What can affect our attention, memory, and comprehension according to the text?

Levels of awareness below conscious awareness.

Scientific Method in Psychology

How do psychologists approach life's big questions?

As scientists, testing assumptions and relying on objective evidence.

Definition of Psychology

What is an example of a mental process that is not observable?

The feelings underlying a baby's crying.

Evolutionary Psychology

What happens to adaptive genetic changes in a species?

They become more common if they help members compete for food, survive, and reproduce.

Historical Perspectives in Psychology

Why is introspection not effective for certain psychological subjects?

Because subjects like divorce and sexual fantasies are not readily served by introspection.

Impact of Psychology on Health and Wellness

What was the main finding of the first study regarding passive Facebook use?

Participants reported lower emotional well-being nine hours later after engaging in 10 minutes of passive Facebook use.

Historical Perspectives in Psychology

What perspective did William James advocate for in psychology?


Historical Perspectives in Psychology

What was the key question for psychology according to William James?

Not what the mind is, but what it is for (its purposes or functions).

Positive Psychology

What are some key topics researched in positive psychology?

Hope, optimism, happiness, and gratitude.

Definition of Psychology

What misconception about psychologists do people often have?

That they only study mental illness.

Critical Thinking and Skepticism

What should critical thinkers do when encountering new information?

Reflect on how it relates to their life experiences and assumptions about others.

Active Reading Techniques

What is active reading?

Paying attention while reading and understanding the material before moving on.

Evolutionary Psychology

What happens to characteristics that aid survival and reproduction over generations?

They become more prevalent in the population.

Impact of Psychology on Health and Wellness

What negative feelings can arise from passive Facebook use?

Feelings of envy, inferiority, shame, and anxiety can result from passively scrolling through others' positive portrayals.

Positive Psychology

How did the Amish community respond to the tragedy in October 2006?

They focused on forgiveness rather than hatred and revenge.

Role of Psychologists

Why is curiosity important for scientists?

It drives them to notice things and ask questions about the world.

Active Reading Techniques

What is the SQ3R method?

A technique that stands for Survey, Question, Read, Recite, Review to improve reading comprehension.

Definition of Psychology

What does psychology encompass?

Every aspect of human behavior across various academic disciplines.

Historical Perspectives in Psychology

What core question does functionalism address?

Why is human thought adaptive and how does it help in survival?

Contemporary Approaches to Psychology

How does this textbook differ from traditional textbooks?

It aims to be interesting and engaging, starting with a section in the body of the text rather than a preface.

Definition of Psychology

What is the essence of psychology according to the text?

An effort to understand all human behavior and reverse engineer the human brain.

Scientific Method in Psychology

How is memory related to attention?

Memory goes where attention flows; if we don’t pay attention, we don’t remember.

Scientific Method in Psychology

What is a key distinction about science mentioned in the text?

Science is defined by how something is studied, not by what is studied.

Contemporary Approaches to Psychology

What aspect of human behavior are psychologists researching in relation to forgiveness?

The relationship between religious commitment and forgiveness, as well as cognitive skills required for forgiveness.

Impact of Psychology on Health and Wellness

What is emphasized about the use of psychology in daily life?

It can help individuals become better partners, parents, and manage various aspects of life effectively.

Impact of Psychology on Health and Wellness

What did researchers find in their studies on Facebook use?

They found that active engagement on Facebook is linked to better psychological outcomes compared to passive use.

Scientific Method in Psychology

What method did Wundt use for studying mental processes?


Impact of Psychology on Health and Wellness

What is a particularly distressing type of passive Facebook use?

Scrolling through the profile of one’s ex-romantic partner.

Positive Psychology

What did the Amish community do for the murderer’s family?

They established a fund for the murderer’s family.

Study Smarter, Not Harder
Study Smarter, Not Harder