What are the three main components of a computer?
Hardware, Software, and Liveware.
What is hardware?
The physical, tangible components of a computer system that you can touch and see.
Components of a Computer System

What are the three main components of a computer?

Hardware, Software, and Liveware.

Definition and Role of Hardware

What is hardware?

The physical, tangible components of a computer system that you can touch and see.

Definition and Role of Hardware

What is an expansion card?

A printed circuit board that can be inserted into an expansion slot on a computer's motherboard to add functionality or features.

Functionality of a Computer System

What is the first step in the function of a computer system?

Data and instructions are fed to the computer via an input device and go to the Primary Memory.

Liveware (Humanware) in Computing

What does liveware (humanware) represent in a computer system?

The human element, including users, administrators, programmers, and anyone involved in the operation and maintenance of the computer.

Partitioning Schemes: MBR vs GPT

What limitation does GPT overcome compared to MBR?

GPT overcomes the limitations of MBR, particularly in disk capacity.

Partitioning Schemes: MBR vs GPT

What addressing does GPT use?

GPT uses 64-bit addressing.

Liveware (Humanware) in Computing

What do programmers/developers do?

They write and develop software applications and programs.

Definition and Role of Hardware

What is the purpose of expansion cards?

To enable a computer to expand beyond its basic capabilities and support various peripherals or specialized functions.

Types of Computer Memory

What important commands are stored in ROM?

BIOS (Basic Input Output System).

Types of Computer Memory

What types of data are held in RAM?

Data coming from input devices and data sent to output devices.

Definition and Role of Hardware

How many heads are there for each platter in a hard disk drive?

Two heads, one on the top and one on the bottom.

Types of Software

What is software?

Instructions and data that tell the hardware how to perform specific tasks.

History of Computer Hardware Development

Who assisted Howard Aiken in the development of MARK 1?

His companions and IBM Company.

Types of Software

What is firmware?

Software embedded in hardware components, such as the BIOS/UEFI in the motherboard.

Types of Computer Memory

What is primary memory?

The memory that can be directly accessed by the Central Processing Unit.

Types of Computer Memory

What happens to data stored in RAM when the computer is switched off?

The data is deleted.

Partitioning Schemes: MBR vs GPT

What standard is GPT part of?

GPT is part of the UEFI (Unified Extensible Firmware Interface) standard.

BIOS and System Startup Process

What does POST stand for?

Power On Self Test.

BIOS and System Startup Process

What does the BIOS do during the POST?

Initiates a series of diagnostic tests on essential hardware components.

BIOS and System Startup Process

What essential hardware components are checked during POST?

Processor, memory, storage devices, and other peripherals.

Definition and Role of Hardware

What is CMOS in the context of a computer motherboard?

A small amount of non-volatile memory that stores the system's configuration settings.

Partitioning Schemes: MBR vs GPT

What features does GPT include to improve data reliability?

GPT includes redundancy and backup of the partition table.

Secondary Storage Devices

What types of devices can Secondary Memory include?

Internal storage devices and external portable secondary storage devices.

Types of Software

What is the purpose of an Operating System (OS)?

It manages hardware resources and provides a user interface.

Partitioning Schemes: MBR vs GPT

What is the default partitioning scheme for modern computers?

GPT is the default partitioning scheme for modern computers.

Types of Computer Memory

What is Random Access Memory (RAM)?

A type of primary memory that temporarily stores data.

Partitioning Schemes: MBR vs GPT

What is GPT in the context of partitioning schemes?

GPT stands for GUID Partition Table, a modern and advanced partitioning scheme.

Definition and Role of Hardware

What is a platter in a hard disk drive?

A metallic, aluminum or ceramic disk where data can be stored on both sides using magnetic media.

Functionality of a Computer System

Where is the data and information sent for long-term storage?

To the Secondary Storage Device.

Definition and Role of Hardware

What is the role of the head in a hard disk drive?

It reads the magnetic data on the platter and writes data onto the platter.

Types of Computer Memory

What does RAM provide in a computer system?

Temporary storage for data and program code, allowing for quick access by the CPU.

Secondary Storage Devices

What is Secondary Memory also known as?

External Storage.

Secondary Storage Devices

Why is Secondary Memory classified as non-volatile?

It does not erase when electricity is not available.

Types of Software

What are application software?

Programs designed to perform specific tasks, such as word processors and web browsers.

Types of Computer Memory

Why is RAM referred to as volatile memory?

Because it loses its data when the power is turned off.

Definition and Role of Hardware

What is the function of the spindle in a hard disk drive?

It holds the platter and rotates it.

Types of Computer Memory

What is a key difference between RAM and ROM?

RAM has both read and write facilities, while ROM does not.

Types of Computer Memory

What happens if the required data is not available in Cache Memory?

Data is fetched from RAM for processing.

Partitioning Schemes: MBR vs GPT

Is GPT required for systems using UEFI for booting?

Yes, GPT is required for systems that use UEFI for booting.

Types of Computer Memory

What type of memory is Read Only Memory (ROM)?

Non-volatile memory.

History of Computer Hardware Development

Who is known as the father of computing?

Charles Babbage.

Types of Computer Memory

Where is ROM typically connected in a computer?

To the motherboards.

Functionality of a Computer System

What role does the Control Unit play in a computer system?

It sends control signals to all the devices attached to the computer system.

Functionality of a Computer System

Why is the CPU referred to as the brain of the computer?

Because it functions according to the given commands.

Functionality of a Computer System

What are the three main components of the CPU?

The specific components are not listed, but they are essential for CPU functionality.

History of Computer Hardware Development

What was the first mathematical machine invented?

The Adding Machine by Blaise Pascal in 1642.

History of Computer Hardware Development

What did Joseph Jacquard invent?

A mechanical loom using a Punch Card System.

Partitioning Schemes: MBR vs GPT

What addressing scheme does MBR use?

A 32-bit addressing scheme, allowing for a maximum of 2 terabytes of storage space.

BIOS and System Startup Process

What is the role of BIOS in a computer?

It is a fundamental component of firmware that plays a crucial role in the system's startup process and provides a low-level interface between hardware components and the operating system.

Functionality of a Computer System

What happens to the data after it is processed by the CPU?

The processed data is stored in the Primary Memory as information and sent to the output device.

Definition and Role of Hardware

What is the role of the Central Processing Unit (CPU)?

It performs calculations and executes instructions, often referred to as the brain of the computer.

Secondary Storage Devices

What are storage devices and their purpose?

Devices like HDD and SSD that store data permanently, allowing the CPU to retrieve information when needed.

Definition and Role of Hardware

What is the function of the motherboard?

It is the main circuit board that connects all components, facilitating communication between them.

Definition and Role of Hardware

How is CMOS memory powered?

By a small onboard battery, even when the computer is turned off.

Definition and Role of Hardware

What is the function of the IDE connector in a hard disk drive?

It transmits data to the platter.

Partitioning Schemes: MBR vs GPT

What are GPT and MBR?

Two different partitioning schemes used on computer storage devices.

Liveware (Humanware) in Computing

Who are end users?

People who use the computer for various tasks and applications.

Liveware (Humanware) in Computing

What is the role of system administrators?

Individuals responsible for managing and maintaining computer systems within an organization.

Partitioning Schemes: MBR vs GPT

What is the maximum disk capacity supported by GPT?

GPT allows for significantly larger disk capacities, well beyond 2 terabytes.

Partitioning Schemes: MBR vs GPT

How many primary partitions does GPT support?

GPT supports up to 128 primary partitions.

Components of a Computer System

What does computer hardware refer to?

The physical components that make up a computer system.

Definition and Role of Hardware

What types of parameters are stored in CMOS memory?

System date and time, boot order of devices, hardware settings, and passwords.

History of Computer Hardware Development

Who improved Pascal's Adding Machine and what additional functions did it perform?

Gottfried Wilhelm Von Leibnitz improved it to perform multiplication and division.

Partitioning Schemes: MBR vs GPT

What is a key limitation of MBR?

Supports only up to four primary partitions or three primary partitions with one extended partition.

Partitioning Schemes: MBR vs GPT

What is the role of the master boot code in MBR?

Responsible for locating the active partition and initiating the boot process.

Types of Computer Memory

What is Cache Memory also known as?

CPU Memory.

Types of Computer Memory

What is the primary function of Cache Memory?

Acts as a mediator between CPU and Primary Memory.

Functionality of a Computer System

What does the CPU manage?

The operating system and application software.

Definition and Role of Hardware

What does the actuator arm do in a hard disk drive?

It moves the head, enabling reading and writing data anywhere on the platter.

Definition and Role of Hardware

What is the purpose of the power connector in a hard disk drive?

It connects the hard disk to power, which is needed for its function.

History of Computer Hardware Development

What ancient device was invented around 5000 years ago for adding numbers?

The Abacus.

BIOS and System Startup Process

What does BIOS stand for?

Basic Input/Output System.

BIOS and System Startup Process

Where is the BIOS stored?

On a small memory chip on the computer's motherboard.

History of Computer Hardware Development

What machine did Charles Babbage start to develop?

The Analytical Engine.

History of Computer Hardware Development

What concept did the Analytical Engine utilize?

The Punch Card System.

Functionality of a Computer System

What are the main concepts behind the Analytical Engine?

Input, process, output, and store.

History of Computer Hardware Development

Who is considered the first programmer?

Madam Ada Augusta Lovelace.

History of Computer Hardware Development

What machine did Howard Aiken invent in 1944?

The Automatic Sequence Control Calculator, also known as MARK 1.

History of Computer Hardware Development

Where was the MARK 1 developed?

At Harvard University.

Definition and Role of Hardware

What is the actuator in a hard disk drive?

An electronic device that moves the arm connected to it, operated by a motor.

Liveware (Humanware) in Computing

What is the role of IT professionals?

Experts who handle the technical aspects of information technology, including networking, security, and support.

Functionality of a Computer System

What does the flow of data and instructions indicate in a computer system?

It is indicated by a dotted line, while control signals are indicated by a solid line.

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