What is the basic unit of matter that makes up elements?
What type of substance is made of two elements always combined in the same proportion by mass, with properties different from either component, and can only be separated chemically?
Elements, Compounds, Homogeneous, and Heterogenous Mixtures

What is the basic unit of matter that makes up elements?


Pure Substances and Mixtures

What type of substance is made of two elements always combined in the same proportion by mass, with properties different from either component, and can only be separated chemically?


Solutions and Concentration

What are the two types of qualitative solutions?

Dilute (low amount of solute) and concentrated (high amount of solute).

Solutions and Concentration

What type of solution is formed when 90g of sugar is dissolved in 300 mL of water at 20C?

B. Saturated

Techniques for Separating Mixtures

What is the technique commonly used for solid-liquid mixtures where the mixture is poured into filter paper?


Solutions and Concentration

What is the relationship between particle size and solubility?

Solubility is faster when solute particles have more surface area and are more exposed to the solvent.

Solutions and Concentration

What is the mass of NaHCO3 when the mass of water is 118g and the % mass of NaHCO3 is 3.40%?

The mass of NaHCO3 is 4.15 g.

Solutions and Concentration

How is molarity calculated?

Molarity is calculated as moles of solute divided by liters of solution, expressed as M = moles of solute/liters of solution.

Branches of Chemistry

What are some applications of Analytical Chemistry?

Applications include pharmaceuticals, environmental monitoring, forensics, ensuring quality and safety of products, and food nutrients.

Mathematical Skills in Chemistry

What is the first step in unit conversion?

Determine the given and the desired unit.

Solutions and Concentration

How does temperature affect the solubility of solids and gases?

Solids dissolve faster in higher-temperature liquids, while gases dissolve faster in lower-temperature solvents.

Techniques for Separating Mixtures

What method would you use to separate sand from the remaining mixture after removing the iron?

You can use filtration to separate the sand from the mixture, as sand is a solid that will remain on the filter paper while the liquid passes through.

Pure Substances and Mixtures

Is air from a city on a humid day containing nitrogen, oxygen, water vapor, and traces of other gases a mixture or a pure substance?

a) Mixture

Pure Substances and Mixtures

What type of mixture has medium-sized particles that stay dispersed and do not settle, and is composed of multiple phases?


Scientific Investigation and Method

Which student has the most accurate results?

Student A, with a mean of 184.7 C, is closest to the accepted value of 185 C.

Branches of Chemistry

What is the main focus of biochemistry?

The chemical processes within living organisms

Solutions and Concentration

What is an example of a gaseous solution?

Air (gas in gas solution).

Applications of Different Chemistry Branches

What are some applications of environmental chemistry?

Applications include pollution monitoring and control, waste management and recycling, water treatment and purification, soil remediation, air quality management, climate change research, and sustainable agriculture practices.

Solutions and Concentration

What is the percent by volume of ethanol in a solution containing 45.00 mL of ethanol and 125.0 mL of water?

The percent by volume of ethanol is 26.47%.

Solutions and Concentration

If a 0.50 M aqueous solution contains 1.25 moles of hydrochloric acid, how do you find the liters of solution?

You can find the liters of solution by cross-multiplying: 0.50M = 1.25 moles/x.

Mathematical Skills in Chemistry

What is measurement?

The process of comparing a quantity with a chosen standard, obtained using tools and devices.

Mathematical Skills in Chemistry

What are fundamental units?

Fundamental units are the basic building blocks of measurement that do not depend on other units, representing core physical quantities.

Scientific Investigation and Method

What does the observation step in the scientific method involve?

Observing changes in the environment and using measuring instruments to obtain more accurate details.

Pure Substances and Mixtures

What is the base unit for mass?

The base unit for mass is kilograms, symbolized as 'kg'.

Elements, Compounds, Homogeneous, and Heterogenous Mixtures

Can elements be broken down into smaller substances by physical or chemical means?

No, they cannot be broken down.

Pure Substances and Mixtures

Is a glass of saltwater that leaves behind solid salt crystals upon evaporation a mixture or a pure substance?

a) Mixture

Mathematical Skills in Chemistry

What are significant figures?

Significant figures include all certain digits plus one estimated digit.

States and Phase Changes of Matter

What happens to the particles in ice when it turns into water on a hot day?

The ice absorbs energy, causing the particles to break apart from their fixed positions.

Mathematical Skills in Chemistry

Are zeros to the left of the first nonzero digit significant?

No, they are not significant and are called 'placeholder zeroes'.

Branches of Chemistry

Which field applies the study of organic compounds in agriculture?

Organic Chemistry.

Mathematical Skills in Chemistry

What are the components of a measured value?

Numerical Quantity, Unit of Measurement, Name of Substance Measured.

Mathematical Skills in Chemistry

What is the average weight of an African elephant in standard notation?

5600 kg

Mathematical Skills in Chemistry

What is the estimated mass of the sun in standard notation?

1.99 x 10^30 kg

Mathematical Skills in Chemistry

How many significant figures are in the number 0.0745?

There are 3 significant figures.

Mathematical Skills in Chemistry

Give examples of derived units.

Examples of derived units include Velocity, Acceleration, Force, and Pressure.

Scientific Investigation and Method

What is a hypothesis?

A tentative, testable statement or prediction about observations, which can be accepted or rejected.

Introduction to Chemistry

What is chemistry defined as?

Chemistry is the study of matter, which is anything that takes up space.

Applications of Different Chemistry Branches

What role does chemistry play in Physical Science?

It involves the structure of matter and the energy and work produced from interactions between components of matter.

Applications of Different Chemistry Branches

What are some applications of thermochemistry?

Applications include energy production and conversion, chemical reaction optimization, heat of reaction, and refineries.

Applications of Different Chemistry Branches

What are some applications of biochemistry?

Applications of biochemistry include medicine and drug development, biotechnology and genetic engineering, agriculture and crop improvement, nutritional science, environmental conservation, and molecular biology and genetics.

Branches of Chemistry

Environmental chemistry primarily deals with the effects of which activities?

Human activities on the environment

Solutions and Concentration

How do you calculate the percent by volume of a solute in a solution?

Percent by volume = (volume of solute / (volume of solute + volume of solvent)) x 100.

Solutions and Concentration

What is the molarity of a solution containing 0.03 moles of glucose in 1.5L?

The molarity is 0.02 M.

Branches of Chemistry

What is the focus of Organic Chemistry?

Organic Chemistry focuses on chemical substances that contain carbon and hydrogen (C-H) bonds, studying their structure, properties, reactions, and synthesis.

Mathematical Skills in Chemistry

How do you convert 7g to kg?

7g [1kg/10^3g] = 0.007 kg.

Mathematical Skills in Chemistry

How do you convert 924 cm to m?

924 cm [1m/10^2 cm] = 9.24 m.

Scientific Investigation and Method

What is the independent variable in the experiment with grape juice and white soap?

Grape Juice: This is the independent variable because it is the factor that is intentionally changed or manipulated in the experiment to observe its effect on the color of the soap.

Solutions and Concentration

What is a solution?

A solution is a homogeneous mixture composed of two or more substances, having a uniform composition and appearance throughout the sample.

Pure Substances and Mixtures

What type of substance has the same composition and appearance throughout, exists in a single phase, and cannot be separated into its components physically?

Homogeneous mixture

Solutions and Concentration

What is a solid solution with hydrogen in palladium classified as?

Gas in solid solution.

Solutions and Concentration

What is the molality of a solution that contains 0.034 mol of sodium sulfate (Na2SO4) dissolved in 1,000g of water?

Molality = 0.034 moles / 1 kg = 0.034 m.

Techniques for Separating Mixtures

What is evaporation commonly used for?

Evaporation is commonly used for solid-liquid mixtures.

Pure Substances and Mixtures

What is the nature of a substance synthesized from sodium and chlorine that has identical properties throughout?

It is a pure substance because it cannot be separated physically and has consistent properties.

Techniques for Separating Mixtures

When is evaporation typically done?

Evaporation is done if you want to recover one component.

Branches of Chemistry

What type of materials does polymer chemistry focus on?

Chainlike molecules and plastics

States and Phase Changes of Matter

What happens when solid iodine is heated in a vacuum at low pressure?

Sublimation is happening because low pressure lets the solid skip the liquid phase.

Branches of Chemistry

Physical chemistry combines principles of which two sciences?

Biology and Physics.

Pure Substances and Mixtures

What are the properties of pure substances?

They can be an element or a compound, are chemically combined, have the same properties throughout a given sample, and have a definite and unchanging chemical composition.

Techniques for Separating Mixtures

What principle does magnetic separation employ?

Magnetic separation employs the difference in magnetic properties.

Mathematical Skills in Chemistry

How many significant figures are in the number 4.80002?

There are 6 significant figures.

Scientific Investigation and Method

Why is the soap brand considered a controlled variable in the soap and grape juice experiment?

Keeping the soap brand constant ensures that the chemical composition and characteristics remain the same, preventing variability in the results.

Pure Substances and Mixtures

What is the base unit for amount of substance?

The base unit for amount of substance is moles, symbolized as 'mol'.

Solutions and Concentration

How many moles of potassium nitrate (KNO₃) would be dissolved in 2.0 kg of water if the molal concentration of the solution is 1.5 m?

6 moles of KNO₃

Mathematical Skills in Chemistry

How do you isolate x in the equation 0.50M (x) = 1.25 moles?

x = 1.25 moles / 0.50 mol/L, which gives x = 2.5 L of solution.

Branches of Chemistry

What is biochemistry?

Biochemistry is the branch of science that explores the chemical processes within and related to living organisms, focusing on molecular mechanisms that govern biological functions.

Pure Substances and Mixtures

What are the two types of Heterogeneous Mixtures?

Suspension and colloid.

Pure Substances and Mixtures

What type of element can be stretched into thin wires and is a good conductor of electricity?

b) Metal

Pure Substances and Mixtures

What type of substance is brittle, does not conduct electricity, and does not reflect much light?

b) Nonmetal

Branches of Chemistry

What is industrial chemistry?

Industrial chemistry focuses on the chemical properties in the industry, particularly large-scale production and manufacturing of chemicals and materials.

Mathematical Skills in Chemistry

Are trailing zeros to the right of the decimal point significant?

Yes, they are significant.

States and Phase Changes of Matter

Why does carbon dioxide gas become solid dry ice without turning into a liquid?

Deposition happens because the gas cools too quickly to form a liquid.

Scientific Investigation and Method

What is the first step in the scientific method?


Techniques for Separating Mixtures

What technique would you apply to separate food coloring from the salt after removing the salt?

You can use chromatography to separate the food coloring from the solution, as it allows for the separation of different components based on their movement through a stationary phase.

Pure Substances and Mixtures

What is the base unit for length?

The base unit for length is meters, symbolized as 'm'.

Mathematical Skills in Chemistry

Express the average cell size of Saccharomyces cerevisiae (0.0000067 meters) in scientific notation.

6.7 x 10^-6

States and Phase Changes of Matter

What is deposition in the context of phase changes?

Deposition is when gas particles instantly change to solid without going through the liquid state due to abrupt changes in temperature and pressure.

Pure Substances and Mixtures

What property allows metals to be stretched into thin wires?


Solutions and Concentration

What is the percent by mass of NaCl in a solution containing 3.60 grams of NaCl per 100.0 grams of water?

% mass = 3.47%

Solutions and Concentration

How does pressure affect the solubility of gases compared to solids and liquids?

A small change in pressure won’t affect the solubility of solids and liquids, but greater pressure increases the solubility of gases in a solvent.

Solutions and Concentration

How many moles of calcium chloride (CaCl2) would be dissolved in 0.250 kg of water if the molal concentration of the solution is 0.500 mole/kg?

x = 0.500 mol/kg * 0.250 kg, which gives x = 0.125 mole of CaCl2.

Branches of Chemistry

What does environmental chemistry study?

Environmental chemistry is concerned with matter and the environment, focusing on the effects of human activities on air, water, soil, and ecosystems.

States and Phase Changes of Matter

What conditions likely caused snow to disappear without melting into water, and what phase change is happening?

Low pressure and low temperature; sublimation.

Mathematical Skills in Chemistry

Are zeros between nonzero digits significant?

Yes, zeros between nonzero digits are significant.

Branches of Chemistry

Inorganic chemistry includes the study of which of the following?

Coordination compounds.

Branches of Chemistry

List some applications of Organic Chemistry.

Applications include pharmaceuticals, biotechnology, agriculture, environmental science, forensic science, and plastics.

Branches of Chemistry

What does Inorganic Chemistry study?

Inorganic Chemistry studies chemical substances that do not contain carbon-carbon bonds, including metals, minerals, salts, and coordination compounds.

Mathematical Skills in Chemistry

What does a positive exponent indicate in scientific notation?

The decimal moves to the left.

States and Phase Changes of Matter

What defines a liquid state of matter?

A liquid has no definite shape, has a definite volume, has less compact particles, flows, and has low density relative to solids.

States and Phase Changes of Matter

What occurs during the freezing phase change?

During freezing, as heat leaves, particles move slowly, strengthening their attraction and forming orderly arrangements.

Mathematical Skills in Chemistry

What are counting numbers in mathematical skills in chemistry?

These are numbers greater than zero used in physically counting objects.

Techniques for Separating Mixtures

What are homogeneous mixtures usually called?


Branches of Chemistry

What type of element is bromine, which does not conduct electricity and has very little luster?


Mathematical Skills in Chemistry

What is the unit for molality?

The unit for molality is moles/kg, represented as small m.

Mathematical Skills in Chemistry

What is the diameter of a typical virus, such as the influenza virus, in scientific notation?

1.2 x 10^-7 meters

Solutions and Concentration

What are the components of a solution?

A solution is composed of a solute and a solvent and can be described qualitatively (diluted and concentrated) and quantitatively (unsaturated, saturated, supersaturated).

Scientific Investigation and Method

Which student has a precise but not accurate result?

Student B, with a mean of 186.8 C, shows consistency in measurements but is not close to the accepted value.

Mathematical Skills in Chemistry

What is dimensional analysis?

Dimensional analysis is the study of the relationships between different physical quantities by identifying their base dimensions and units of measurement.

Solutions and Concentration

What does 'like dissolves like' refer to in solubility?

It refers to the principle that polar solvents dissolve polar solutes.

Techniques for Separating Mixtures

How would you separate iron filings from a mixture containing sand, water, dissolved salt, and food coloring?

You can use a magnet to attract and remove the iron filings from the mixture, as iron is magnetic.

Solutions and Concentration

What is the molality of a solution that contains 0.25 mol of glucose (C₆H₁₂O₆) dissolved in 0.500 kg of water?

Molality = Moles of solute / Mass of solvent (kg) = 0.25 moles / 0.500 kg = 0.50 m

Branches of Chemistry

What are some applications of Inorganic Chemistry?

Applications include materials science, energy storage and conversion, metallurgy, electronics and semiconductors, environmental chemistry, and mining.

Scientific Investigation and Method

What is involved in the 'Asking Questions' step of the scientific method?

Developing questions or problems that can be solved through experimentation.

Scientific Investigation and Method

What is the dependent variable in the experiment with grape juice and white soap?

Change in the Color of the Soap Water: This is the dependent variable because it is the outcome being measured in response to the addition of grape juice.

Mathematical Skills in Chemistry

Express 4800 in scientific notation.

4.8 x 10^3

Mathematical Skills in Chemistry

Express the average cell size of Escherichia coli (0.0000025 meters) in scientific notation.

2.5 x 10^-6

Mathematical Skills in Chemistry

Express the average diameter of a red blood cell (0.0000075 meters) in scientific notation.

7.5 x 10^-6

Solutions and Concentration

What type of solution is salt in water?

Solid in liquid solution.

Branches of Chemistry

What does analytical chemistry primarily study?

The structure and composition of compounds and mixtures.

Mathematical Skills in Chemistry

Which digits are considered significant?

All nonzero digits are significant.

Branches of Chemistry

What does Analytical Chemistry study?

Analytical Chemistry studies the properties of chemical substances and the structure and composition of compounds and mixtures, involving techniques to analyze substances and determine their composition, structure, and properties.

Scientific Investigation and Method

Which student has neither a precise nor accurate result?

Student C, with a mean of 181.6 C, lacks both consistency and proximity to the accepted value.

Mathematical Skills in Chemistry

What is the average weight of a blue whale in standard notation?

130000 kg

Solutions and Concentration

What is the molarity of a solution that has a volume of 3.5 L and contains 1.75 moles of sulfuric acid (H₂SO₄)?

Molarity = Moles of solute / Volume of solution (L) = 1.75 moles / 3.5 L = 0.50 M

Techniques for Separating Mixtures

When is distillation typically done?

Distillation is done if you want to recover both components.

Techniques for Separating Mixtures

How can you recover salt from the water after separating the sand?

You can use evaporation to recover the salt from the water by heating the solution until the water evaporates, leaving the salt behind.

Mathematical Skills in Chemistry

What does a negative exponent indicate in scientific notation?

The decimal moves to the right.

States and Phase Changes of Matter

What are the properties of a gaseous state of matter?

A gas has an indefinite shape and volume, is highly compressible, has particles that are far apart, has low density, and conforms to the shape of the container.

Scientific Investigation and Method

What are the key components of testing a hypothesis?

A carefully planned experiment that includes a thorough procedure, a detailed list of materials, measurable outcomes, and at least 3 trials.

Solutions and Concentration

What is the molality of a solution that contains 0.85 mol of ammonium chloride (NH₄Cl) dissolved in 0.750 kg of water?

Molality = 1.13 m

Chemical Reactions and Energy Changes

What is thermochemistry?

Thermochemistry is the branch of chemistry that studies the relationships between chemical reactions and changes in energy, particularly heat.

Solutions and Concentration

What type of solution is formed when 10g of salt is dissolved in 100 mL of water at 20C?

A. Unsaturated

Applications of Different Chemistry Branches

Which of the following is an application of analytical chemistry?

Environmental Monitoring.

Branches of Chemistry

Organic chemistry focuses on substances that contain which type of bonds?

Carbon-carbon bonds.

Mathematical Skills in Chemistry

Convert 1.9 x 10^-2 to standard notation.


Techniques for Separating Mixtures

What is chromatography?

Chromatography is the separation of a mixture by passing it through a solution or suspension, involving two components: the stationary phase (which does not move) and the mobile phase (which moves).

Techniques for Separating Mixtures

What principle does distillation employ?

Distillation employs the differences in boiling point of the components.

Pure Substances and Mixtures

What category does a material belong to if it can be hammered into thin sheets but shows poor electrical conductivity?

c) Metalloid

Techniques for Separating Mixtures

What is magnetic separation commonly used for?

Magnetic separation is commonly used for solid-solid mixtures.

Mathematical Skills in Chemistry

How many significant figures are in the number 1.920?

There are 4 significant figures.

Pure Substances and Mixtures

What is the base unit for time?

The base unit for time is seconds, symbolized as 's'.

Scientific Investigation and Method

What controlled variable ensures that color change is only due to grape juice in the soap experiment?

Kind of Fruit: This variable needs to be kept the same to ensure that any color change is only because of grape juice and not other fruit juices.

Scientific Investigation and Method

What should be included when drawing conclusions?

Conclusions based on observations that answer the inquiry question, stating whether the hypothesis is true or false, along with recommendations for further study.

Scientific Investigation and Method

What controlled variable is important to maintain in the salt and ice melting experiment?

Temperature: This variable must be kept constant to ensure that any change in melting time is due to the amount of salt and not temperature variations.

Applications of Different Chemistry Branches

How does chemistry relate to Earth Science?

Chemistry in Earth Science involves the interaction of atoms that formed the universe and the changes in matter in our atmosphere, land, and water.

Pure Substances and Mixtures

What are the characteristics of mixtures?

Mixtures consist of two or more pure substances that are physically combined, have inconsistent properties throughout a sample, possess an indefinite and changing composition, can be physically separated, and can be either homogenous or heterogeneous.

Pure Substances and Mixtures

What describes a shiny metal found in nature that cannot be broken down into simpler substances?

It is a pure substance because it shows consistent chemical behavior and cannot be separated physically.

Mathematical Skills in Chemistry

Convert 4.57 x 10^-5 to standard notation.


Mathematical Skills in Chemistry

Convert 9.12 x 10^4 to standard notation.


Solutions and Concentration

What is solubility?

The maximum amount of substance that dissolves in a given amount of solvent.

Solutions and Concentration

How many liters of solution does a 2.0 M aqueous solution containing 0.80 moles of potassium hydroxide (KOH) have?

Volume of solution = Moles of solute / Molarity = 0.80 moles / 2.0 M = 0.40 L

Pure Substances and Mixtures

What is a sample consisting of nickel and cobalt that is uniform throughout and has excellent conductivity?

a) Homogeneous mixture

Mathematical Skills in Chemistry

What is scientific notation?

It is a way of expressing numbers that are too big or too small to be conveniently written in decimal form, expressed as any number between 1 and 10 multiplied by 10 raised to an exponent.

Pure Substances and Mixtures

What type of mixture has large particles that settle at the bottom and can be separated by filtering?


Scientific Investigation and Method

What does accuracy refer to in measurements?

Accuracy refers to how close a measurement is to the true or correct value.

States and Phase Changes of Matter

What are the classifications of matter?

States: Solid, Liquid, Gas; Composition: Pure substance and Mixture.

Scientific Investigation and Method

What is the independent variable in the experiment regarding salt and ice melting time?

Amount of salt in ice: This is the independent variable as it is the factor being changed to observe its effect on the melting time of ice.

Scientific Investigation and Method

What is the dependent variable in the experiment regarding salt and ice melting time?

Time the ice melts: This is the dependent variable as it is the outcome being measured in response to the amount of salt added.

Branches of Chemistry

What is the metric unit of measurement?

The metric unit of measurement is a system commonly used in science and many countries, which evolved into the International System of Units.

Pure Substances and Mixtures

Give an example of a nonmetal.

Bromine, Neon, or Sulfur.

Techniques for Separating Mixtures

Can components of heterogeneous mixtures be separated physically?

Yes, components can be separated physically.

Introduction to Chemistry

Why is chemistry considered a central science?

Because it is applicable to any branch of science due to the omnipresence of matter.

Elements, Compounds, Homogeneous, and Heterogenous Mixtures

How many known elements are there?

118 known elements

Mathematical Skills in Chemistry

What is a conversion in measurements?

Conversion is the ratio of equivalent values of quantities having different units.

Solutions and Concentration

What does a quantitative solution involve?

Specific numerical measurements of solute concentration.

Techniques for Separating Mixtures

What principle does evaporation employ?

Evaporation employs the differences in boiling point of the components.

Applications of Different Chemistry Branches

Which of the following is an application of industrial chemistry?

Chemical manufacturing

States and Phase Changes of Matter

Why do droplets form on the windows of a car after running the air conditioner on a humid day?

The air inside the car is cooler than the dew point, causing the water vapor to turn into liquid.

Solutions and Concentration

If 18.0 mL of methanol is used to make a solution that is 15% methanol by volume, how do you find the volume of the solution produced?

Volume of solution = (volume of methanol / % methanol by volume) x 100.

Mathematical Skills in Chemistry

Do trailing zeros in numbers without a decimal point count as significant?

They may or may not be significant.

Mathematical Skills in Chemistry

How many significant figures are in the number 4.99?

There are 3 significant figures.

Mathematical Skills in Chemistry

What are derived units?

Derived units are formed by combining fundamental units according to algebraic relationships between physical quantities and can be expressed as products or quotients of these base units.

Scientific Investigation and Method

What does conducting research entail?

Gathering information about your inquiry or problem through reliable sources.

Solutions and Concentration

What is a solvent?

A solvent is the component used to dissolve the solute in a solution, typically present in larger amounts.

Scientific Investigation and Method

How can data be recorded and analyzed?

Using tables and spreadsheets for easy recording, and presenting results in graphs or charts, which can be analyzed via equations or statistical tools.

States and Phase Changes of Matter

What is evaporation?

Evaporation occurs when the liquid phase changes to the gas phase at a temperature above the boiling point at a given pressure.

States and Phase Changes of Matter

What happens during condensation?

Condensation occurs when gas (water vapor) turns into a liquid state.

Pure Substances and Mixtures

In what forms can nonmetals exist?

Solid, liquid, or gaseous form.

Techniques for Separating Mixtures

What is a characteristic of homogeneous mixtures?

They exist in a single phase and have visibly indistinguishable parts.

Applications of Different Chemistry Branches

How is chemistry connected to Biology?

All living organisms are made up of matter, and their bodily functions involve chemical processes.

Solutions and Concentration

How many grams of sodium bicarbonate must be added to 118 grams of water to prepare a 3.40% by mass baking soda solution?

4.14 grams of NaHCO₃

Pure Substances and Mixtures

When you open a soda can and observe consistent flavor, color, and sugar concentration, is it a mixture or a pure substance?

a) Mixture

Solutions and Concentration

What type of solution is formed when 200g of matcha is dissolved in 40 mL of water at 20C?

F. Supersaturated

Solutions and Concentration

What is a supersaturated solution?

A solution that contains an excess amount of solute dissolved by heating.

Pure Substances and Mixtures

What type of substance is produced from a chemical reaction between two elements that cannot be separated physically?

b) Compound

Scientific Investigation and Method

What is Scientific Investigation?

A systematic approach to solving problems or studying phenomena and communicating the results to the scientific community.

Scientific Investigation and Method

What is the Scientific Method?

An organized process used by scientists to do research and verify the work of others.

Mathematical Skills in Chemistry

How is scientific notation expressed mathematically?

A x 10^n, where A is a number equal to or greater than 1 but less than 10, and n is the number of places the decimal point has been moved.

States and Phase Changes of Matter

What are the characteristics of a solid state of matter?

A solid has a definite shape or volume, is hard to compress, has compact particles, has high density, and might not conform to the shape of the container.

Mathematical Skills in Chemistry

How do you convert scientific notation to standard notation when the exponent is positive?

You move the decimal point to the right.

Pure Substances and Mixtures

What is the base unit for temperature?

The base unit for temperature is kelvin, symbolized as 'K'.

Scientific Investigation and Method

What is an independent variable?

The factor or condition that is manipulated or changed in an experiment to observe its effect on the dependent variable.

Pure Substances and Mixtures

What is a common property of nonmetals?

They are brittle and have poor thermal and electrical conductivity.

Techniques for Separating Mixtures

What defines heterogeneous mixtures?

They are non-uniform and exist in two or more phases with visibly distinguishable parts.

Mathematical Skills in Chemistry

What method can be used for unit conversion?

Dimensional analysis or factor label method.

Solutions and Concentration

What is the molarity of a solution containing 0.10 moles of sodium chloride (NaCl) dissolved in 0.25 liters of water?

Molarity = Moles of solute / Volume of solution (L) = 0.10 moles / 0.25 L = 0.40 M

Techniques for Separating Mixtures

What is distillation commonly used for?

Distillation is commonly used for solid-liquid mixtures and liquid-liquid mixtures.

Applications of Different Chemistry Branches

What are some applications of industrial chemistry?

Applications include chemical manufacturing (e.g., fertilizers, plastics), pharmaceuticals production, food and beverage production, coatings and adhesives manufacturing, and renewable energy production (e.g., biofuels).

Branches of Chemistry

What is polymer chemistry?

Polymer chemistry is the study of plastics and other chainlike molecules that consist of many smaller molecules linked together, encompassing synthesis, characterization, and processing of polymers.

Applications of Different Chemistry Branches

What are some applications of polymer chemistry?

Applications include plastics and packaging materials, textiles and fibers, coatings and paints, biomedical devices and materials, and rubber and elastomers.

Branches of Chemistry

What is the focus of Physical Chemistry?

Physical Chemistry interprets chemical processes in terms of physical properties of matter, combining principles of physics and chemistry to study behavior at molecular and atomic levels.

Solutions and Concentration

What is a solute?

A solute is the component that is dissolved in a solution, typically present in lesser amounts.

States and Phase Changes of Matter

What happens during the melting phase change?

During melting, solid particles absorb energy, increasing temperature and causing the particles to vibrate strongly, weakening their attraction to each other.

States and Phase Changes of Matter

What is sublimation in terms of phase changes?

Sublimation is when solid particles instantly loosen up to form gases due to abrupt changes in temperature and pressure.

Scientific Investigation and Method

How should results be communicated?

Through a written or oral report that includes title, researchers, abstract, introduction, objectives, procedure, data, results, and conclusions.

Mathematical Skills in Chemistry

What are defined numbers in mathematical skills in chemistry?

Defined numbers involve a relationship between units and measurements, such as 1 foot = 12 inches.

Pure Substances and Mixtures

What is a metalloid?

An element that has physical and chemical properties of both metal and nonmetal.

Scientific Investigation and Method

What does precision mean in measurements?

Precision means how close a group of measurements are to each other.

States and Phase Changes of Matter

What is matter defined as?

Matter is defined as anything that has mass and takes up space.

Mathematical Skills in Chemistry

How many significant figures are in the number 0.07230?

There are 4 significant figures.

Solutions and Concentration

What are the phases of a solution?

The phases of a solution can be solid, liquid, or gas.

Scientific Investigation and Method

What is an experimental variable?

Any factor, trait, or condition that can exist in a given experiment.

Pure Substances and Mixtures

Give an example of a metal.

Nickel, Silver, or Cobalt.

Chemical Reactions and Energy Changes

How are the names of most compounds derived?

From the names of the elements that compose them.

Branches of Chemistry

What are some applications of Physical Chemistry?

Applications include chemical reaction mechanisms, material design and nanotechnology, energy storage and conversion, and environmental chemistry.

Mathematical Skills in Chemistry

How do you convert scientific notation to standard notation when the exponent is negative?

You move the decimal point to the left.

Scientific Investigation and Method

What is a controlled variable?

A factor in an experiment that is kept constant to ensure that any observed changes in the dependent variable are solely due to the manipulation of the independent variable.

Chemical Reactions and Energy Changes

What is an example of a compound formation?

Sodium (solid) + Chlorine (gas) = Sodium Chloride (solid).

Pure Substances and Mixtures

What is a characteristic of metals regarding their state at room temperature?

Most metals are solid at room temperature, except for mercury (Hg).

Branches of Chemistry

What are key features of the metric system?

Key features include decimalization, a system of prefixes, and a standard in terms of an invariable physical measurement.

Chemical Reactions and Energy Changes

What is a key property of compounds regarding their constituent elements?

They can be separated into their constituent elements and/or compounds through chemical reactions.

Pure Substances and Mixtures

What does electrical conductivity measure in metals?

It measures the ease at which an electric charge or heat can pass through a metal.

Pure Substances and Mixtures

What property allows metals to be hammered or rolled into thin sheets?


Mathematical Skills in Chemistry

What does uncertainty in measurements refer to?

It refers to the fact that all measurements are not exact to a certain degree, and different measuring tools may yield different numerical values for the same object.

Chemical Reactions and Energy Changes

What is the particulate nature of compounds?

Compounds are made up of molecules.

Pure Substances and Mixtures

What is the base unit for electric current?

The base unit for electric current is amperes, symbolized as 'A'.

Pure Substances and Mixtures

What is the base unit for luminous intensity?

The base unit for luminous intensity is candelas, symbolized as 'cd'.

Pure Substances and Mixtures

What defines a nonmetal?

An element that does not have the properties of a metal.

Chemical Reactions and Energy Changes

What law do compounds follow regarding their composition?

The Law of Definite Proportions.

Scientific Investigation and Method

What is a dependent variable?

The outcome or response that is measured in an experiment, changing in response to the manipulation of the independent variable.

Solutions and Concentration

If 18.0 mL of methanol is used to make an aqueous solution that is 15% methanol by volume, how many mililiters of solution is produced?

120 mL

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Study Smarter, Not Harder